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Выгода 151 руб.
Выгода 514 руб.
Выгода 196 руб.
Выгода 179 руб.
Выгода 1005 руб.
Водонепроницаемый универсальный чехол с кантами для смартфона, телефона, документов, денег, непромокаемый герметичный со шнурком, съемки под водой, активного отдыха и путешествий защитой от воды, снега, царапин, Жёлтый, Belgros
В МАГАЗИНЕще цены и похожие товары
Выгода 745 руб.
Выгода 476 руб.
Выгода 447 руб.
Выгода 357 руб.
Выгода 1514 руб.
Выгода 166 руб.
Выгода 1235 руб.
Выгода 284 руб.
Выгода 1039 руб.
Выгода 888 руб.
Выгода 1615 руб.
Выгода 620 руб.
Выгода 1037 руб.
2 страница из 18
Цена: 166 руб.
SOVAWINФлуоресцентные водонепроницаемые чехлы мобильный телефон для iPhone 6S, чехол для плавания, сумка для дайвингаЧехлы для телефонов LG G4 SOVAWIN из китая
Магазин Phone Digital Tech
Цена: 166 руб.
Старая цена: 177 руб.
TSCEFTGYПортативная сумка для экшн-камеры, водонепроницаемый чехол для Go pro Xiaomi Yi 4K Gopro Hero 7 Black 6 5 4 3 + SJCAM Sj4000 EKEN H9, аксессуарыАксессуары для экшн-камер TSCEFTGY с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин lingling 3C
Цена: 390 руб.
BITINGLYВодонепроницаемый чехол для Samsung Galaxy A51, противоударный IP68 Водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона Samsung A51 A 51, чехлы для дайвингаЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A51 BITINGLY
Официальный магазин BITINGLY
Цена: 206 руб.
ANKNDOВодонепроницаемый чехол ANKNDO для смартфона до 6,5″, защита IPX8, цвет черный/белый/зеленый/голубойЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A7 ANKNDO с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин ANKNDO OfficialFlagship
Цена: 2805 руб.
Love MeiЧехол-накладка для Samsung Galaxy A50, водонепроницаемый, противоударный, металлический, алюминиевыйЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A50 Love Mei из китая
Магазин Beeles
Цена: 218 руб.
ANKNDOВодонепроницаемый чехол для телефона ANKNDO, прозрачный, для подводного плаванияЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A7 ANKNDO
Магазин ANKNDO OfficialFlagship
Цена: 131 руб.
Старая цена: 187 руб.
PrumyaЧехол для iPhone 12, 11, 13 Pro Max, X, XS Max, XR, 7, 8, 6, 6S PlusБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Prumya с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин Prumya Personalized phone cases
Цена: 672 руб.
HERECASEРоскошный тяжелый ударопрочный водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона Samsung S21 S20 Ultra S10 S8 S9 Plus Note8 9 для Galaxy Note10 Pro металлический чехолЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy S10 HERECASE с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин HereCase ZX phone Accessories
Цена: 217 руб.
Старая цена: 268 руб.
DYSTEСпортивный чехол на руку для бега для LG g6, водонепроницаемый чехол, сумка, чехол для телефона для LG g7 g4 v30 g6 g5, чехол для бега, чехол sЧехлы для телефонов LG G6 DYSTE из китая
Магазин ShenZhen DYSTE188 3C
Цена: 224 руб.
Старая цена: 373 руб.
FLOVEMEВодонепроницаемый чехол FLOVEME для смартфонов iPhone XS MAX XR 7, чехол-сумка для телефона, подводный поясной чехол для Xiaomi HuaweiЧехлы для телефонов LG V10 FLOVEME с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин Floveme Franchised
Цена: 100 руб.
MAERKNONУниверсальный Водонепроницаемый Чехол для iPhone 11 X XS MAX 8 7 6 s 5 Plus, чехол, сумка, чехлы для телефона, водонепроницаемый чехол для телефонаЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy Note 5 MAERKNON
Магазин Charger& Cable
Цена: 186 руб.
Старая цена: 218 руб.
HdoorLinkЧехол водонепроницаемый FONKEN IPX8 для смартфонаЧехлы для телефонов HTC HdoorLink
Магазин HdoorLink
Цена: 191 руб.
FONKENВодонепроницаемый чехол FONKEN IPX8, прозрачная сухая сумка для плавания на море, чехол для iphone 11 12 pro max, чехол мобильный телефонБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone FONKEN купить
Магазин FONKEN Franchised
Цена: 884 руб.
LeanonusВодонепроницаемый чехол P30 Pro для Huawei P20 Pro, водонепроницаемый чехол IP68 ДЛЯ Huawei P30 P20 Lite Mate 20 Pro, чехол для дайвингаЧехлы для телефонов Huawei P20 Pro Leanonus с АлиЭкспресс
Официальный магазин leanonus
Цена: 659 руб.
Старая цена: 942 руб.
HERECASEПротивоударные чехлы для телефонов iPhone 13, 12, 11 Pro, XR, XS Max, 8, 7, 6 Plus, 5s SE, водонепроницаемые слои, гибридный полный защитный чехол, чехол для телефонаБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone HERECASE
Магазин hengerxinRb1 Accessories
Цена: 1014 руб.
ShellboxВодонепроницаемый чехол Shellbox IP68 ДЛЯ Huawei Mate 360 Pro, Mate 30 Pro, P30 ProЧехлы для телефонов Huawei Mate 20 Pro Shellbox с АлиЭкспресс
Официальный магазин shellbox
Цена: 1563 руб.
Love MeiМощный чехол LOVE MEI для телефона Samsung Galaxy A51 A52 A53 A71, металлический бронированный противоударный грязеотталкивающий водонепроницаемый чехол для Galaxy A41Чехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A51 Love Mei из китая
Официальный магазин Iovemei
Цена: 72 руб.
WakewoСумки для смартфонов WAKEWO, водонепроницаемые, со шнурком, компактный чехол для наушников, длинная сумка для селфиВодонепроницаемые чехлы для телефонов Wakewo с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин strength
Цена: 408 руб.
LeanonusЧехол Redpeppe для Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, водонепроницаемый чехол для плавания и дайвинга для Samsung A51, S8, S9, S10, Note 10, S20, Note 20 Plus, чехлыЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy S10 Leanonus купить
Официальный магазин leanonus
Цена: 374 руб.
Старая цена: 467 руб.
LeanonusЧехол-накладка для Huawei P30, P30 Pro, P20 Pro, P20 Lite, Mate 20 Pro, водонепроницаемый, IP68Чехлы для телефонов Huawei P20 Pro Leanonus из китая
Магазин Harry’s Unique
Цена: 98 руб.
Старая цена: 163 руб.
MusselsВодонепроницаемый чехол для iPhone 12 Mini, 11/12 pro MAX, X, XS MAX, se, 8/7/6/6 s PlusБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Mussels
Магазин Cohai Accessories Life
Цена: 99 руб.
MAERKNONУниверсальный Водонепроницаемый Чехол для iPhone 11, X, XS MAX, 8, 7, 6 s, 5 Plus, чехол для телефона, водонепроницаемый чехолЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy Note 5 MAERKNON
Магазин Charger& Cable
Цена: 408 руб.
LeanonusВодонепроницаемый чехол для телефонов Huawei P40, P30, P20, герметичный, для дайвинга, ручка для чехлаЧехлы для телефонов Huawei P20 Pro Leanonus
Магазин Harry’s Unique
Цена: 342 руб.
UGREENUGREEN IPX8 водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона сумка для iPhone 13 12 Pro Max защитный чехол для телефона Samsung Xiaomi универсальная сумка для плаванияЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy S8 UGREEN
Официальный магазин Ugreen
Цена: 550 руб.
Старая цена: 687 руб.
WOGESHISB360 Броня защитный чехол для телефона для Samsung Galaxy S20 FE S20 очень S10 Примечание 10 плюс 5G чехлы водонепроницаемый противоударный чехол-накладкаЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy S10 WOGESHISB из китая
Магазин Here Have A
Цена: 184 руб.
ANMONEВодонепроницаемый чехол ANMONE для телефона, прозрачный, для подводного плавания, походов, фотографийЧехлы для телефонов Xiaomi Redmi ANMONE из китая
Магазин ANMONE OfficalFlagship
Цена: 194 руб.
Старая цена: 249 руб.
VeeHooDayУниверсальная водонепроницаемая сумка для подводного плавания KenXinDa KXD D26 / Schok Freedom Turbo XL Volt SV55Водонепроницаемые чехлы для телефонов VeeHooDay
Магазин VeeHooDays’ Professional
Цена: 1904 руб.
HERECASEВодонепроницаемый чехол для iPhone 11 Pro X XR XS MAX 6 6S 7 8 Plus 15m Чехлы для телефона для дайвинга для Galaxy Note 8 9 10 S8 S9 s9 plusБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone HERECASE купить
Цена: 1040 руб.
SeonstaiВодонепроницаемый чехол A21 для Samsung Galaxy A21 A51, прозрачный Пыленепроницаемый Чехол для дайвинга для Galaxy Note 20 Ultra A01, чехлы для телефонов, оболочка, чехолЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A51 Seonstai
Цена: 1587 руб.
Старая цена: 1984 руб.
KCRTEKЧехол-накладка для Huawei P40, P30, с защитой от грязи и ударовЧехлы для телефонов Huawei KCRTEK из китая
Цена: 1339 руб.
Старая цена: 1487 руб.
VoidWalkerСумка с креплением на поясной ремень из водонепроницаемого материала для IPhone12 Pro футляр из натуральной кожи мобильный телефон чехлы для Huawei 6,7 дюймов сенсорный экран телефона чехол-КобураЧехлы для телефонов Huawei VoidWalker
Магазин VoidWalker Laptop Bag
Цена: 2480 руб.
HainaВодонепроницаемый чехол для телефона 20 шт./лот со светящимся подводным чехлом, чехол для телефона Samsung Galaxy S6 S7 edge Note 7Чехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Haina из китая
Магазин Redu
Цена: 19638 руб.
SzaichgsiЧехлы для телефонов SZAICHGSI, водонепроницаемые, для занятий спортом, фитнесом, на запястье, 100 штБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Szaichgsi из китая
Продавец H&N Mobile Phone Accessories
Цена: 296 руб.
Старая цена: 311 руб.
HKNRВодонепроницаемый плавательный мобильный телефон чехлы сенсорный экран для Sony Xperia Z5 премиум-класса, Z5 Ultra, Xperia X Performance,Z4V Z2A,Ulefone будущееЧехлы для телефонов Ulefone X HKNR купить
Продавец Elife Kimi
Цена: 296 руб.
Старая цена: 311 руб.
HKNRВодонепроницаемый плавательный мобильный телефон чехол полное покрытие сенсорный экран Экран для P10 P9 P8 P7,Enjoy 6 6s,Enjoy 5 5s, Коврики 9 Porsche дизайнЧехлы для телефонов Huawei HKNR из китая
Продавец Elife Kimi
Цена: 135 руб.
Старая цена: 142 руб.
HERECASEСумки для плавания, водонепроницаемая сумка со светящимся подводным чехлом, чехол для телефона iphone 6, 6s, 7, универсальный, все модели, 3,5-6 дюймовБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone HERECASE
Магазин hengerxinRb1 Accessories
Цена: 6170 руб.
Cyliliya100 шт Водонепроницаемый чехол для мобильного телефона водостойкие подводные чехлы для Iphone флуоресцентные края сухие сумки с ремешком для iphoneБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Cyliliya из китая
Магазин Shop4234049
Цена: 11841 руб.
WEYFION100 шт., водонепроницаемая сумка для iphone, Samsung мобильный телефон, с ремешком на шеюБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone WEYFION
Магазин Shenzhen Far Eastern Accessory
Цена: 1587 руб.
Старая цена: 1984 руб.
KCRTEKВодонепроницаемый чехол Love Mei для Samsung Galaxy A21 (us), мощный металлический чехол, противоударный, грязеотталкивающий, водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона (США)Чехлы для телефонов Samsung KCRTEK
Магазин LC LoveCase
Цена: 1148 руб.
AntonTreeВодонепроницаемый чехол для Galaxy A21, чехол для Samsung Galaxy A21, A11, A01, водонепроницаемый чехол для плавания со встроенным защитным экраном, защитный чехол, чехлыЧехлы для телефонов Samsung AntonTree
Магазин Antontree Gadgets
Цена: 1394 руб.
Старая цена: 1532 руб.
Winangelove20 шт., настенное зарядное устройство с Micro USB для Samsung S3 s4 S2Водонепроницаемые чехлы для телефонов Winangelove
Магазин компании Ella Electronics
Цена: 296 руб.
Старая цена: 311 руб.
HKNRВодонепроницаемый плавательный мобильный телефон чехлы сенсорный Экран для телефона Wiko Highway Pure 4G, для Wiko Rainbow lenny, ЖК-дисплея ZTE Blade V8 Axon 7 Max,Ulefone GeminiЧехлы для телефонов Ulefone Gemini HKNR
Продавец Elife Kimi
Цена: 368 руб.
DYSTEСпортивный чехол для Huawei p9 lite, honor 8, 4c, 7 lite, y3 ii, p8, водонепроницаемый чехол с карманом на пояс для бега, для тренажерного зала, бега, тренировокЧехлы для телефонов Huawei DYSTE с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин Golden Rose
Цена: 2805 руб.
Love MeiДля Samsung Galaxy A50S роскошный Doom Водонепроницаемый защитный противоударный металлический алюминиевый чехол для телефона Чехлы для Samsung Galaxy S50sЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A50s Love Mei из китая
Магазин Beeles
Цена: 311 руб.
Go2linKЧехлы для iPhone X XR XS Max, Водонепроницаемый Мягкий Силиконовый противоударный пылезащитный чехол для iPhone 8 7 6 PlusБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Go2linK
Официальный магазин Go2linK
Цена: 1701 руб.
Старая цена: 2126 руб.
KCRTEKLove Mei Мощная защита от ударов защита от грязи Водонепроницаемость металлический бронированный чехол телефонные чехлы для Samsung A71 A51 A70 A70S A52 A32 5G чехолЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy A71 KCRTEK из китая
Магазин LC LoveCase
Цена: 172 руб.
Старая цена: 230 руб.
HengnekerЧехлы для телефонов из поликарбоната для xiaomi Redmi Note 7, матовый чехол, полная защита, ультратонкий жесткий водонепроницаемый чехол для xiaomi Redmi note 7, чехолЧехлы для телефонов Xiaomi Redmi 7 Hengneker
Магазин Hengneker
Цена: 199 руб.
Старая цена: 266 руб.
HengnekerЧехол для Xiaomi Redmi Note 8, жесткие матовые защитные чехлы из поликарбоната с полным покрытием для телефонов Xiaomi Redmi note 8, водонепроницаемая задняя крышкаЧехлы для телефонов Xiaomi Redmi 8 Hengneker
Магазин Hengneker
Цена: 1178 руб.
Старая цена: 1869 руб.
IMATCHОригинал Imatch ежедневно водонепроницаемый чехол для Xiaomi Mi Pocophone X2 Роскошный Металлический силиконовый чехол 360 полная защита чехлы для телефоновЧехлы для телефонов Xiaomi IMATCH
Магазин LC LoveCase
Цена: 3134 руб.
Love MeiЧехлы для Sony Xperia 10 II роскошный Doom Armor Duty водонепроницаемый ударопрочный металлический алюминиевый чехол для телефона Sony Xperia 10 IIЧехлы для телефонов Sony Love Mei
Магазин Beeles
Цена: 125 руб.
LPLEAУниверсальный Водонепроницаемый Чехол для телефона IPX8, водонепроницаемый чехол-сумка для плавания, чехлы для Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max, Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro, чехолЧехлы для телефонов Apple iPhone 12 Pro LPLEA
Магазин LPLEA
Цена: 501 руб.
R-JUSTВодонепроницаемые чехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy S20, S10, S9, S8 Plus, Note 20 Ultra, S7 Edge, защитный чехол с Поплавковым ремешкомЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy S10 R-JUST
Магазин R-JUST
Цена: 142 руб.
Старая цена: 156 руб.
KISSCASEВодонепроницаемый чехол KISS для Oneplus 7 Pro 7 6T 6 люминесцентный мешочек, чехол для телефона, чехол для подводной съемки Umidigi A5 ProЧехлы для телефонов UMIDIGI A5 Pro KISSCASE из китая
Официальный магазин KISSCASE
Цена: 270 руб.
Старая цена: 415 руб.
FLOVEMEFLOVEME 6,2 «универсальная водонепроницаемая сумка IPX8 для подводного плавания водонепроницаемый чехол для телефона Samsung S8 S9 для iPhone X 8 7 5SЧехлы для телефонов Xiaomi Redmi 9 FLOVEME
Магазин FLOVEME Official Flagship
Цена: 111 руб.
BuyinCoinsПрозрачная Герметичная сумка для плавания, универсальная водонепроницаемая сумка для дайвинга, серфинга, мобильный телефон нашейных чехлов для хранения на пляжеВодонепроницаемые чехлы для телефонов BuyinCoins
Магазин DigitalWorld
Цена: 141 руб.
AcgiceaУниверсальный Водонепроницаемый Чехол для iPhone 11, X, XS MAX, 8, 7, 6 s, 5 Plus, чехол для телефона, водонепроницаемый чехолЧехлы для телефонов Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Acgicea с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин factorydirect phone accessories
Цена: 189 руб.
QvizzВодонепроницаемый чехол для телефона iPhone 11 Pro X XR XS Max 8 7 6S 6 Plus 5, мягкий чехол из ТПУ для плавания, чехлы для Galaxy S9 PlusБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Qvizz с АлиЭкспресс
Магазин Qvizz Global
Цена: 480 руб.
Старая цена: 685 руб.
SeonstaiЧехол-накладка для iPhone 12, 11, 13 Pro Max, 12mini, XR, XS Max, SE, водонепроницаемый, противоударныйБеспроводные зарядки для Iphone Seonstai с АлиЭкспресс
Цена: 471 руб.
Старая цена: 554 руб.
LeanonusВодонепроницаемый чехол S20 FE, Встроенный протектор экрана, водонепроницаемые подводные пылезащитные Чехлы для Samsung Galaxy S21 FE S20 FE, чехол
Официальный магазин leanonus
Цена: 62 руб.
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Магазин Ali Digital Dropshipping
There are few things that can ruin a vacation faster than hearing your phone plunk into a pool, puddle, or other watery form of electronic doom. Luckily, there are now oodles of options for affordable waterproof pouches that not only keep your phone dry and protected but also afloat. We spent hours testing nine of the best waterproof phone pouches at our lab in Brooklyn. We like the CaliCase Universal Waterproof Floating Case the best, but we found that many of the options are excellent.
Here’s our list of the best waterproof cases for a variety of phone sizes.
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Easy to close
Works well dry or wet
Super buoyant
CaliCase claims to have the «world’s best» floating waterproof phone pouches. Based on our tests, they definitely have a strong argument behind that lofty claim. The Universal Waterproof Floating Case, which employs two layers of PVC-based plastic, checked all the boxes we were looking for in a waterproof phone pouch. Not only did the waterproofing hold up against all testing, but it also allowed the phone to work perfectly when the case was both wet and dry. The testers loved how easy the seal was to open and close. One tester also noted that it was incredibly buoyant, even pushing back on them when they tried to hold it submerged in our testing fish aquarium. But with that buoyancy came the one nitpick our testers had: The case was so padded that it was one of the bulkiest tested.
Still, the CaliCase pouch is solid and comes with some nice perks like a size that fits basically all phones, 15 different color patterns, an adjustable lanyard, carabiner, and cleaning cloth.
Price at time of publish: $30
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Phone is easy to use whether pouch is wet or dry
Comes with detachable lanyard
Seals with two clasps
What We Don’t Like
Phone not usable while submerged
Tougher to open and close than others
Our budget pick is the JOTO Universal Waterproof Pouch, which comes in 14 different colors, fits most phones, and claims to be not only waterproof, but snowproof, dustproof, and scratch-resistant. Our testers liked that it comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard. They also liked how easy the phone was to use whether the pouch was wet or dry; however, the phone did not work while submerged. And while having the double clasps to seal the pouch brings some peace of mind, it did not bring ease of opening and closing as our testers said this was one of the tougher cases to open and close. The pouch also did not float on top of the water.
Price at time of publish: $20
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Two clasps for sealing
Phone worked well inside the pouch while wet and dry
Adjustable detachable lanyard included
What We Don’t Like
Does not float
Not usable while submerged
Don’t let the price fool you. This waterproof phone pouch from Yosh is meager in price yet scored at the top across multiple categories in our testing. The Universal Waterproof Phone Pouch from Yosh comes with an adjustable and detachable lanyard and features two clasps on each side to seal a phone within the case. Our testers noted how well phones worked while inside the pouch, but also noted phones did not work while submerged. And while the phone stayed totally dry during our testing, water did collect a bit inside the clasps, which the phone has to pass through as it’s taken out. That put a few droplets of water on the phone when taking it out after being submerged, but it was nothing serious or damaging.
Price at time of publish: $8
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Comes with armband
Very buoyant
Easy to open and close and use when not submerged
What We Don’t Like
Doesn’t work while submerged
Armband is big
Vansky uses a premium-grade TPU material to create its Floatable Waterproof Phone Case. And while this waterproof pouch could certainly be used outside of fitness pursuits, we put it in this category because it comes with an armband and headphone attachment. And at just 3.2 ounces, it’s relatively light to take on athletic missions. The pouch uses a prong latch closure, which our testers found very easy to open and close, especially compared to other prong closures. They were also impressed by the pouch’s buoyancy as the pouch pushed back while being held underwater.
There were a couple of nitpicks. First, while the armband is a nice feature and one that sets this pouch apart from others, one tester reported the armband being so big that they had to wrap it all the way and were still worried it would slip down the arm while being active. And, like a few others in this roundup, while the pouch worked well outside of the water even if wet, it did not allow for touchscreen usage underneath the water.
Price at time of publish: $N/A
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard
Easy to latch and use
Very waterproof
What We Don’t Like
Does not float
With a capacity to hold phones up to 7 inches diagonally measured, the Universal Waterproof Phone Case made it particularly easy to remove larger phones like many Samsung—models. Hiearcool’s phone case has a waterproof certification to 100 feet below the surface, and while we were not able to sink it that far, we were impressed with its waterproofness while fully submerging it. Testers also liked that it comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard and how easy it was to slide phones into the pouch and latch the top closed. Hiearcool’s pouch did not float on the surface of the water, but our testers noted how easy it was to use the phone while it was inside the pouch.
Price at time of publish: $16
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Two layers of defense/protection
Floats to the top of water
Phone works well inside the pouch whether it’s wet or dry
What We Don’t Like
Does not lay flat on water
Let’s be honest with ourselves. It’s one thing to have a waterproof phone pouch for sitting poolside or even kayaking through a calm harbor. It’s entirely different to have a waterproof phone pouch for whitewater kayaking, rafting, or tubing. Simply put: The latter needs a bit more protection and float than the former. For those planning on taking their phones on adventurous—and potentially treacherous—water outings, we recommend the AquaVault Waterproof Floating Phone Case.
Our testers were impressed with this case’s two layers of protection, which includes a Velcro fold-over top and Ziploc-style closure that’s rolled down over itself. When we submerged it, the phone stayed totally dry and floated back to the top of the water, albeit only vertically (we couldn’t get it to lie flat on the surface). Testers also loved how well the phone worked inside the case whether it was dry or wet.
Price at time of publish: $35
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Works for all iPhone models
Easy to use when it’s wet or dry
What We Don’t Like
Does not float to the top
Feels flimsy (but still performed fine)
At first, we were a bit skeptical of the Universal Phone Case from ProCase. It feels … flimsy. But the case held up across all tests, and we were impressed with its lightness and waterproofing. Along with the certified waterproofing to a depth of 100 feet, ProCase says its phone case is also snow- and dirtproof. Our testers liked how easy it was to use a phone inside the case when the case was both wet and dry. And while it didn’t float to the top, our testers also appreciated the prong-style closure. We’re always down for an adjustable and detachable lanyard, which this phone case includes.
Price at time of publish: $14
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Seals with two clasps
Easy to use while it’s wet or dry
What We Don’t Like
Does not float
Does not work while submerged
This waterproof-certified phone pouch from FRiEQ scored well across all categories of our testing. Like a few others on the roundup, it comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard and seals with two clasps (one on each side). But we also loved how flexible this case was—ideal for underwater movements like swimming. Phones worked well inside the pouch but when it was dry and wet, but they did not work while submerged in our testing tank. Careful while using this swimming as it’s another one that does not float.
Price at time of publish: $6
Other Options We Tested
MoKo Floating Waterproof Phone Pouch: While this pouch performed mostly fine, it performed slightly less impressively than the others we tested. It works fine if you use carefully and correctly, but if you use carelessly, you might have an issue.
Final Verdict
CaliCase’s Universal Waterproof Floating Case (view at Amazon) scored perfectly across our four testing categories. Our one qualm? It is definitely on the more expensive side compared to others on this roundup. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, we suggest the JOTO Universal Pouch (view at Amazon) or the YOSH Universal Waterproof Phone Pouch (view at Amazon).
Product Selection
Products in this roundup were selected by TripSavvy editors and writers after thorough and thoughtful research. We selected some of the most reviewed and purchased phone cases on Amazon. We also made an effort to select and test products that had different styles and price-points. It’s worth noting that the waterproof phone pouch game doesn’t have a ton of players, and we tried to cover most of the major ones.
How We Tested
All products were tested in Dotdash Meredith’s testing lab in Brooklyn, New York. Multiple TripSavvy editors placed test phones into phone pouches and tested the functionality when dry. Phones and cases were then submerged in a fish aquarium to test how well they performed while submerged. We also tested how well the phone cases floated in the tank. Then phone cases were removed from the water and before removing the phones, we tested how well the touchscreens worked while cases were wet. We then removed the phones from the cases to see if any water made it to the phones. Phone cases were scored on waterproofing, ease of use, phone usability, and durability.
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
What To Look for in Waterproof Phone Pouches
Be sure to check the size of the case before you commit—and not just the dimensions. Each of these cases has thousands of reviews on Amazon. Get into those reviews a bit and make sure your phone will not only fit but fit comfortably. While most of these cases are inexpensive and it’s relatively easy to return products on Amazon, save yourself the time and headache and do the upfront research.
The primary feature of these cases is waterproofing. But other things to consider are whether or not both sides are clear and if it floats. The latter is particularly important because a waterproof case won’t do you too much good if you can’t find your phone after it falls overboard. We also appreciate having detachable and adjustable lanyards.
Waterproofing Certification
The key here is to look for a product that is waterproof, not simply water resistant. The former means that it can withstand continuous submersion, so you can rest easy knowing that it’s going to be able to handle a full day of water activities. And you shouldn’t go wrong with a waterproof certification that goes down to 100 feet beneath the surface of the water, which most of these cases in the roundup have.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a pouch if my phone is waterproof?
Waterproof phones are able to withstand splashes of water or being dropped in a puddle but are not made for plunges into the water, especially for long periods of time. A waterproof pouch can help protect your phone from water damage. Many pouches have floating capabilities, so if you drop your phone into a lake or pool, it will not sink.
Can phones be used while in a waterproof pouch?
Most waterproof pouches are made with a transparent, heavy-duty polythermal plastic that allows you to see your phone’s screen and to use its touch screen function. While most functions will still work in the pouch, there are some functions, like fingerprint locks, that you will not be able to use. We’ve noted how each phone case included in this roundup performs when dry, wet, and submerged.
Why Trust TripSavvy
Nathan Allen is the outdoor gear editor for TripSavvy. While he still misses flip phones, he appreciates the evolution of smartphones. Nathan went through a three-month span in his mid-20s when he dropped three different phones in various forms of water (yes, one was a toilet), ruining each phone. He’s tested waterproof phone cases while rafting Rocky Mountain rivers and paddleboarding High Sierra alpine lakes. He’s now had the same iPhone for more than two years—a record for him—and is concerned he’s now jinxed himself.
Author Justine Harrington covers topics spanning travel, food & drink, lifestyle, culture, social advocacy, and the outdoors. Justine has been writing about all things Texas for TripSavvy since August 2018.
Jamie Hergenrader, Editorial Director, Travel Commerce, went to our Brooklyn lab and conducted multiple rounds of waterproof phone pouch testing.
There are few things that can ruin a vacation faster than hearing your phone plunk into a pool, puddle, or other watery form of electronic doom. Luckily, there are now oodles of options for affordable waterproof pouches that not only keep your phone dry and protected but also afloat. We spent hours testing nine of the best waterproof phone pouches at our lab in Brooklyn. We like the CaliCase Universal Waterproof Floating Case the best, but we found that many of the options are excellent.
Here’s our list of the best waterproof cases for a variety of phone sizes.
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Easy to close
Works well dry or wet
Super buoyant
CaliCase claims to have the «world’s best» floating waterproof phone pouches. Based on our tests, they definitely have a strong argument behind that lofty claim. The Universal Waterproof Floating Case, which employs two layers of PVC-based plastic, checked all the boxes we were looking for in a waterproof phone pouch. Not only did the waterproofing hold up against all testing, but it also allowed the phone to work perfectly when the case was both wet and dry. The testers loved how easy the seal was to open and close. One tester also noted that it was incredibly buoyant, even pushing back on them when they tried to hold it submerged in our testing fish aquarium. But with that buoyancy came the one nitpick our testers had: The case was so padded that it was one of the bulkiest tested.
Still, the CaliCase pouch is solid and comes with some nice perks like a size that fits basically all phones, 15 different color patterns, an adjustable lanyard, carabiner, and cleaning cloth.
Price at time of publish: $30
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Phone is easy to use whether pouch is wet or dry
Comes with detachable lanyard
Seals with two clasps
What We Don’t Like
Phone not usable while submerged
Tougher to open and close than others
Our budget pick is the JOTO Universal Waterproof Pouch, which comes in 14 different colors, fits most phones, and claims to be not only waterproof, but snowproof, dustproof, and scratch-resistant. Our testers liked that it comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard. They also liked how easy the phone was to use whether the pouch was wet or dry; however, the phone did not work while submerged. And while having the double clasps to seal the pouch brings some peace of mind, it did not bring ease of opening and closing as our testers said this was one of the tougher cases to open and close. The pouch also did not float on top of the water.
Price at time of publish: $20
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Two clasps for sealing
Phone worked well inside the pouch while wet and dry
Adjustable detachable lanyard included
What We Don’t Like
Does not float
Not usable while submerged
Don’t let the price fool you. This waterproof phone pouch from Yosh is meager in price yet scored at the top across multiple categories in our testing. The Universal Waterproof Phone Pouch from Yosh comes with an adjustable and detachable lanyard and features two clasps on each side to seal a phone within the case. Our testers noted how well phones worked while inside the pouch, but also noted phones did not work while submerged. And while the phone stayed totally dry during our testing, water did collect a bit inside the clasps, which the phone has to pass through as it’s taken out. That put a few droplets of water on the phone when taking it out after being submerged, but it was nothing serious or damaging.
Price at time of publish: $8
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Comes with armband
Very buoyant
Easy to open and close and use when not submerged
What We Don’t Like
Doesn’t work while submerged
Armband is big
Vansky uses a premium-grade TPU material to create its Floatable Waterproof Phone Case. And while this waterproof pouch could certainly be used outside of fitness pursuits, we put it in this category because it comes with an armband and headphone attachment. And at just 3.2 ounces, it’s relatively light to take on athletic missions. The pouch uses a prong latch closure, which our testers found very easy to open and close, especially compared to other prong closures. They were also impressed by the pouch’s buoyancy as the pouch pushed back while being held underwater.
There were a couple of nitpicks. First, while the armband is a nice feature and one that sets this pouch apart from others, one tester reported the armband being so big that they had to wrap it all the way and were still worried it would slip down the arm while being active. And, like a few others in this roundup, while the pouch worked well outside of the water even if wet, it did not allow for touchscreen usage underneath the water.
Price at time of publish: $N/A
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard
Easy to latch and use
Very waterproof
What We Don’t Like
Does not float
With a capacity to hold phones up to 7 inches diagonally measured, the Universal Waterproof Phone Case made it particularly easy to remove larger phones like many Samsung—models. Hiearcool’s phone case has a waterproof certification to 100 feet below the surface, and while we were not able to sink it that far, we were impressed with its waterproofness while fully submerging it. Testers also liked that it comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard and how easy it was to slide phones into the pouch and latch the top closed. Hiearcool’s pouch did not float on the surface of the water, but our testers noted how easy it was to use the phone while it was inside the pouch.
Price at time of publish: $16
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Two layers of defense/protection
Floats to the top of water
Phone works well inside the pouch whether it’s wet or dry
What We Don’t Like
Does not lay flat on water
Let’s be honest with ourselves. It’s one thing to have a waterproof phone pouch for sitting poolside or even kayaking through a calm harbor. It’s entirely different to have a waterproof phone pouch for whitewater kayaking, rafting, or tubing. Simply put: The latter needs a bit more protection and float than the former. For those planning on taking their phones on adventurous—and potentially treacherous—water outings, we recommend the AquaVault Waterproof Floating Phone Case.
Our testers were impressed with this case’s two layers of protection, which includes a Velcro fold-over top and Ziploc-style closure that’s rolled down over itself. When we submerged it, the phone stayed totally dry and floated back to the top of the water, albeit only vertically (we couldn’t get it to lie flat on the surface). Testers also loved how well the phone worked inside the case whether it was dry or wet.
Price at time of publish: $35
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Works for all iPhone models
Easy to use when it’s wet or dry
What We Don’t Like
Does not float to the top
Feels flimsy (but still performed fine)
At first, we were a bit skeptical of the Universal Phone Case from ProCase. It feels … flimsy. But the case held up across all tests, and we were impressed with its lightness and waterproofing. Along with the certified waterproofing to a depth of 100 feet, ProCase says its phone case is also snow- and dirtproof. Our testers liked how easy it was to use a phone inside the case when the case was both wet and dry. And while it didn’t float to the top, our testers also appreciated the prong-style closure. We’re always down for an adjustable and detachable lanyard, which this phone case includes.
Price at time of publish: $14
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
Our Ratings
Ease of Use
Phone Usability
What We Like
Seals with two clasps
Easy to use while it’s wet or dry
What We Don’t Like
Does not float
Does not work while submerged
This waterproof-certified phone pouch from FRiEQ scored well across all categories of our testing. Like a few others on the roundup, it comes with an adjustable detachable lanyard and seals with two clasps (one on each side). But we also loved how flexible this case was—ideal for underwater movements like swimming. Phones worked well inside the pouch but when it was dry and wet, but they did not work while submerged in our testing tank. Careful while using this swimming as it’s another one that does not float.
Price at time of publish: $6
Other Options We Tested
MoKo Floating Waterproof Phone Pouch: While this pouch performed mostly fine, it performed slightly less impressively than the others we tested. It works fine if you use carefully and correctly, but if you use carelessly, you might have an issue.
Final Verdict
CaliCase’s Universal Waterproof Floating Case (view at Amazon) scored perfectly across our four testing categories. Our one qualm? It is definitely on the more expensive side compared to others on this roundup. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, we suggest the JOTO Universal Pouch (view at Amazon) or the YOSH Universal Waterproof Phone Pouch (view at Amazon).
Product Selection
Products in this roundup were selected by TripSavvy editors and writers after thorough and thoughtful research. We selected some of the most reviewed and purchased phone cases on Amazon. We also made an effort to select and test products that had different styles and price-points. It’s worth noting that the waterproof phone pouch game doesn’t have a ton of players, and we tried to cover most of the major ones.
How We Tested
All products were tested in Dotdash Meredith’s testing lab in Brooklyn, New York. Multiple TripSavvy editors placed test phones into phone pouches and tested the functionality when dry. Phones and cases were then submerged in a fish aquarium to test how well they performed while submerged. We also tested how well the phone cases floated in the tank. Then phone cases were removed from the water and before removing the phones, we tested how well the touchscreens worked while cases were wet. We then removed the phones from the cases to see if any water made it to the phones. Phone cases were scored on waterproofing, ease of use, phone usability, and durability.
TripSavvy/Tamara Staples
What To Look for in Waterproof Phone Pouches
Be sure to check the size of the case before you commit—and not just the dimensions. Each of these cases has thousands of reviews on Amazon. Get into those reviews a bit and make sure your phone will not only fit but fit comfortably. While most of these cases are inexpensive and it’s relatively easy to return products on Amazon, save yourself the time and headache and do the upfront research.
The primary feature of these cases is waterproofing. But other things to consider are whether or not both sides are clear and if it floats. The latter is particularly important because a waterproof case won’t do you too much good if you can’t find your phone after it falls overboard. We also appreciate having detachable and adjustable lanyards.
Waterproofing Certification
The key here is to look for a product that is waterproof, not simply water resistant. The former means that it can withstand continuous submersion, so you can rest easy knowing that it’s going to be able to handle a full day of water activities. And you shouldn’t go wrong with a waterproof certification that goes down to 100 feet beneath the surface of the water, which most of these cases in the roundup have.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a pouch if my phone is waterproof?
Waterproof phones are able to withstand splashes of water or being dropped in a puddle but are not made for plunges into the water, especially for long periods of time. A waterproof pouch can help protect your phone from water damage. Many pouches have floating capabilities, so if you drop your phone into a lake or pool, it will not sink.
Can phones be used while in a waterproof pouch?
Most waterproof pouches are made with a transparent, heavy-duty polythermal plastic that allows you to see your phone’s screen and to use its touch screen function. While most functions will still work in the pouch, there are some functions, like fingerprint locks, that you will not be able to use. We’ve noted how each phone case included in this roundup performs when dry, wet, and submerged.
Why Trust TripSavvy
Nathan Allen is the outdoor gear editor for TripSavvy. While he still misses flip phones, he appreciates the evolution of smartphones. Nathan went through a three-month span in his mid-20s when he dropped three different phones in various forms of water (yes, one was a toilet), ruining each phone. He’s tested waterproof phone cases while rafting Rocky Mountain rivers and paddleboarding High Sierra alpine lakes. He’s now had the same iPhone for more than two years—a record for him—and is concerned he’s now jinxed himself.
Author Justine Harrington covers topics spanning travel, food & drink, lifestyle, culture, social advocacy, and the outdoors. Justine has been writing about all things Texas for TripSavvy since August 2018.
Jamie Hergenrader, Editorial Director, Travel Commerce, went to our Brooklyn lab and conducted multiple rounds of waterproof phone pouch testing.