Ван пис телефон улитка

Дэн Дэн Муси — это улитки, обычно, со встроенными в их панцири телефонами или другими аппаратами.

О них

Они имеют способность взаимодействовать друг с другом телепатически, посредством радиоволн. Люди в мире One Piece воспользовались этой их особенностью и присоединили к ним цифронабиратели и приемники. Таким образом, Дэн Дэн Муси занял место телефонов и других подобных машин в мире One Piece. Они классифицируются как существа типа «B», «Малые животные».[1]

Дикий Дэн Дэн Муси вернулся к гномам

Чтобы проинформировать людей о том, что кто-то им звонит Дэн Дэн Муси издает звук «пулюпулюпулю». Тем самым Дэн Дэн Муси походит на старомодный телефон. Когда человек говорит через Дэн Дэн Муси, то Дэн Дэн Муси открывает рот, показывает эмоции и иногда даже какие-то особенности лица. Например, когда кто-то кричит, то Дэн Дэн Муси будет кричать так же. Обычно, когда кто-то подходит к Дэн Дэн Муси, то они активны, но как только трубку вешают, Дэн Дэн Муси ложатся спать. Несмотря на то, что они действуют как машины, на самом деле они животные. Воспитывая их, люди обычно дают им еду, а Дэн Дэн Муси совсем не возражают, когда их используют и приручают.[2] Тем не менее, они не работают в условиях экстремального холода.[3] Они также не работают, если животные сами больны. Когда кто-то посылает сигнал SOS, Дэн Дэн Муси не звонит нормально, а громко плачет. Если у Дэн Дэн Муси удалить их приемники, то они становятся дикими улитками.[4]

Типы Дэн Дэн Муси

Дэн Дэн Муси могут выглядеть так как хочет их хозяин, поэтому их вид может быть самым непредсказуемым. Например на Дэн Дэн Муси дозорных есть их символ на лице или на раковине улитки. Также эти улитки могут передавать мимику собеседника с которым говорит хозяин Дэн Дэн Муси. Но не смотря на всё это есть категории по которым их можно распределить.

Обычный Дэн Дэн Муси

Обычный Дэн Дэн Муси

Наиболее распространенный тип Дэн Дэн Муси. Они слишком большие, чтобы носить их с собой, но их диапазон сигнала гораздо дальше чем у Детского Дэн Дэн Муси. С их помощью можно делать междугородные звонки и многие из них достаточно велики, чтобы ловить сигнал во всем мире.[5]

Детский Дэн Дэн Муси

Детский Дэн Дэн Муси.

Детский Дэн Дэн Муси (子電伝虫 Ko Den-den Mushi?) достаточно маленький и портативный, чтобы уместиться на ладони.[6] Он удобен для поддерживания связи с товарищами, которые находятся в одном районе, но они не способны к межостровным звонкам.[2] Также они могут быть использованы в качестве колонки, с помощью которой можно передавать голоса пользователя по всей области.[7]

Чёрный Дэн Дэн Муси

Черный Дэн Дэн Муси

Чёрный Дэн Дэн Муси (黒電伝虫 Kuro Den-den Mushi?),это один из видов Дэн Дэн Муси, которым обычно пользуются дозорные для перехвата и подслушивания звонков между пиратами или другими злоумышленниками.[8] Они сохраняют свой маленький размер в течении всей жизни.[2] Их способность к перехвату может быть заблокирована их коллегой Белым Дэн Дэн Муси.[9]

Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси

Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси.

Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси (ゴールデン電伝虫 Gōruden Den-den Mushi?) это Дэн Дэн Муси, который может использовать лишь адмирал Дозора. Он предназначен для Вызова Пяти. Этот Дэн Дэн Муси обычно неподвижен и, кажется, что он полностью сделан из золота.[10]

Это очень редкий тип Дэн Дэн Муси. После нажатия на кнопку на его спине, посылается сигнал к Серебряному Дэн Дэн Муси, оповещая дозорных о начале Вызова Пяти.

До сих пор, нам дважды показали использования Вызова Пяти: Спандайном на острове Охара и двадцать лет спустя, Спандамом от имени адмирала Аокидзи. Спандайн использовал Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси намеренно, а Спандам же нажал на кнопку случайно, перепутав его с Детским Дэн Дэн Муси.

Серебряный Дэн Дэн Муси

Серебряный Дэн Дэн Муси.

Серебряный Дэн Дэн Муси (シルバー電伝虫 Shirubā Den-den Mushi?) представляет собой особый вид Дэн Дэн Муси, который используется в качестве сигнализации, предупреждающей о начале Вызова Пяти. Он показан как пожилая улитка с белой бородой и усами. Он имеет оболочку,которая, кажется, сделана из чистого серебра и похожа дизайном на Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси. Как правило, улитка ведет себя спокойно, но когда она получает сигнал о Вызове Пяти, то испускает громкий вибрирующий звук, оповещая дозорных.[11]

Дэн Дэн Муси Наблюдения

Дэн Дэн Муси для мелкой слежки.

Большой Дэн Дэн Муси Наблюдения.

Дэн Дэн Муси Наблюдения (監視電伝虫 Kanshi Den-den Mushi?) является одним из видов Дэн Дэн Муси, который действует как видеокамера.Этот Дэн Дэн Муси бывает двух размеров. Небольшого размера сделан для мелкой слежки, который устанавливается в определенных местах. Все маленькие Дэн Дэн Муси связаны с большим Дэн Дэн Муси наблюдения, который подключен к машине для произведения видео о происходящем на мониторы.[12]

Видео Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден Ден Муси Трансляции

Большой видео Дэн Дэн Муси на Сабаоди.

Видео Дэн Дэн Муси (映像電伝虫 Eizō Den-den Mushi?) похож на визуальный Дэн Дэн Муси. Тут так же два Дэн Дэн Муси связанны между собой. Маленький Дэн Дэн Муси (который , кажется больше чем Дэн Дэн Муси для мелкой слежки) использую в качестве камеры, в то время как большой Дэн Дэн Муси ловит сигнал и передает изображение на большой экран. Желательно чтобы эти Дэн Дэн Муси находились не сильно далеко друг от друга (например на соседних островах), иначе они потеряют связь друг с другом.[13]

Самоходный Видео Дэн Дэн Муси

Самоходный Видео Дэн Дэн Муси Сики.

Сики имеет вариант визуального Дэн Дэн Муси называется Самоходный Видео Дэн Дэн Муси (自走式映像転送電伝虫 Jisō-shiki Eizō Tensō Den-den Mushi?).Как следует из названия, они способны двигаться и осматриваться. Его размеры близки к оригинальному Видео Дэн Дэн Муси, но все же отличаются.

Белый Дэн Дэн Муси

Белый Дэн Дэн Муси.

Белый Дэн Дэн Муси (白電伝虫 Shiro Den-den Mushi?) защищает звонки от возможного перехвата и прослушки звонка. Для этого он должен быть подключен к  Дэн Дэн Муси, который собираются использовать. То есть он полная противоположность Черному Дэн Дэн Муси. Они очень редки. Один из них был впервые показан используемым Монки Д. Драгоном, чтобы общаться с Эмпорио Иванковым.[9]

Камера Дэн Дэн Муси

Камера Дэн Дэн Муси

Это один из видов Дэн Дэн Муси, который способен делать фотографии. Впервые был показан,когда Коала фотографировала судна в торговом подземном порту на Дресс Розе.[14]

Вопросы перевода и дубляжа

Название происходит из японского «Dendenmushi (でんでんむし)», что означает улитка. Ода просто использует различные кандзи с одинаковым произношением, чтобы создать совершенно новое имя. 电 / でん / Ден означает электрический, 伝 / でん /Ден относится к связи и 虫 / むし / Муси означат улитка. Японское слово телефон «电话 / でんわ / Denwa» так же начинается с кандзи 电.

В английской версии их называют Улитка транспортер, Telesnails (сочетание англ. telephone-телефон и snail-улитка) и Snail-o-Phones.


  • В одном из SBS фанат просил у Оды извиниться перед Дэн Дэн 

    Дикая улитка без всяких приспособлений

    Муси за то, что Санджи сломал приемник. На что Ода ответил, что Дэн Дэн Муси изначально рождаются без приемника и кнопки. Люди в мире One Piece придумали это устройство для улиток, чтобы использовать их способности для связи с друг другом. Так что, если устройство сломается это никак не отразится на самих улитках.
  • Скайпия это единственное место, где Дэн Дэн Муси не используют или недоступны для использования. Тем не менее в Белом-Белом море есть их остатки — Ракуши, которые жители регулярно используют.
  • Другой признак того, что Дэн Дэн Муси это живые существа, был показан в арке Маринфорде, когда Багги и часть его команды были заморожены Аокидзи и разморожены Акаину. Однако камера не была разморожена, но когда Дэн Дэн Муси попал в морскую воду, он стал обычной дикой улиткой. Возможно это произошло из-за содержания соли в океане. После этого он испугался команды Багги и спрятался в свою раковину. Затем он начал плакать от радости, потому что Багги его защитил, говоря, что улитка выполняла очень сложную работу и заслужила перерыв.[15]


  1. One Piece Data Blue.pngOne Piece Blue: Grand Data File
    , классификация Дэн Дэн Муси.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 One Piece SBS.pngSBS One Piece Манга — Том 19, вопрос фаната: «Дэн Дэн Муси» — это животные или машины?
  3. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 55
    Глава 536 и Эпизод 437, информация об устойчивости к холоду Дэн Дэн Муси.
  4. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга — Том 71
    Глава 711, Дэн Дэн Муси был отпущен гномами на свободу.
  5. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 11
    Глава 94 и Эпизод 43, the Den Den Mushi is introduced in the series.
  6. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 19
    Глава 173 и Эпизод 108, a Baby Den Den Mushi is used by Sanji.
  7. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 56
    Глава 550 и Эпизод 459, Sengoku using a Baby Den Den Mushi to announce Ace’s heritage.
  8. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 11
    Глава 94 и Эпизод 43, the Marines overhear a conversation picked up by a Black Den Den Mushi.
  9. 9,0 9,1 One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга — Том 60
    Глава 593, a rare White Den Den Mushi is shown for the first time.
  10. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40
    Глава 386 и Эпизод 272, a Golden Den Den Mushi is shown.
  11. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 42
    Глава 409 и Эпизод 294, the Silver Den Den Mushi is shown.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 526 and Episodes 423423, Surveillance Den Den Mushi are used by Impel Down to monitor the prison walls.
  13. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга — Том 57
    Глава 562, a Visual Den Den Mushi is seen used by the escapees of Impel Down
  14. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Манга — Том 75
    Глава 747.
  15. One Piece Anime Emblem.pngOne Piece Аниме — Эпизод 479, a Den Den Mushi becomes dehydrated due to salt.

Внешние ссылки

  • Улитка (жизненная форма) — статья в Википедии об улитках в целом.
  • Телефон — статья в Википедии о телефоне.

Навигация по сайту

  • Den Den Mushi
  • Gallery
For the chapter of the same name, see Chapter 127.

Den Den Mushi are a species of telepathic snail that are used for vocal and/or visual communication throughout the world.

They are classified as type «B» creatures, being «Small Friendly».[2]


A wild Den Den Mushi.

Den Den Mushi have the mysterious ability to telepathically communicate with each other over vast distances, apparently through electronic signals; they can also perfectly mimic human speech, even imitating the sound of people’s voices. For generations, people have taken advantage of these abilities by attaching dials, receivers, and other accessories that convert the creatures into long-distance communicators.

Much like a real world telephone, when a certain number is dialed, the snail will launch a telepathic link with whichever snail’s mechanism corresponds to that number. The signal is not infallible, but a well-kept specimen can reach across entire oceans.[3][4] More elaborate mechanisms can even allow them to transmit and duplicate documents and photographs, akin to a real world fax machine.

Overall, Den Den Mushi do not mind being used and tamed, as the arrangement gives them access to plenty of food.[5] Their accessories are also not injurious — or even especially difficult — to remove, and may be done so at any time to return them to the wild.[6][7]


A Den Den Mushi with standard accessories.

The standard Den Den Mushi is roughly the size of a regular house cat (albeit a bit taller), with the dialing mechanism and receiver built into its shell (or, in rarer cases, a completely separate device «plugged» into the back of its head). Specimens vary widely in color and shell patterns, and are often customized to signify their owners. The Marines, for instance, stamp their emblem on the shells of their Den Den Mushi.

Due to their size, Den Den Mushi are typically left stationary on desks and the like. However, many have improvised methods to carry them and their accompanying accessories in times of necessity.[8][9]


On receiving a signal, a Den Den Mushi will make a purururu (プルルル?) sound, rendered identically to the real-life Japanese onomatopoeia for old-fashioned phone-rings. However, the anime (which renders the sound closer to purupuru) indicates that the snails are actually pronouncing these «rings» phonetically (and very dryly), rather than making any noise akin to a genuine ring. Similarly, it will make a gacha (ガチャ?) (click in the English dub) sound when the receiver is removed or replaced.

Den Den Mushi appear to have a separate signal for S.O.S. calls, which cause them to weep and cry loudly when they receive it.[10] However, the recipient of the call doesn’t get any information about the situation unless they actually pick up and talk to the person sending the signal.

Trafalgar Law and Caesar Clown talking through Law’s Den Den Mushi.

During active use, a Den Den Mushi will relay not only the speaker’s words and emotions (laughter, screams, etc.), but also distinctive facial traits and even injuries.[11][12] Depending on its mood, it can choose to disguise itself or mimic the traits of anyone close to it, either the one speaking or its owner.[13] It is also possible for two specimens to converse with each other using a third party.[14] Furthermore, they do not just pick up signals from each other, as they can also receive warning signals from Territorial Sea Slugs.[15] They are also capable of relaying nearby sounds, such as gunshots or broken glass.

Den Den Mushi are very lethargic by nature, usually sleeping whenever not in use (and in some cases falling asleep mere seconds after a call ends).[16] They also do not appear to be sapient enough to understand any of the words they relay. In extreme situations, however, they are capable of emotions such as fear and gratitude.[17]

When Oda was asked if the Den Den Mushi have a silent mode and if they can change their ring tone, he confirmed Den Den Mushi do have a «silent» mode. This is normally activated with a simple «shh» and a head nod. However, as they are living creatures they have to be trained to access this ability. The resulting volume depends on the effectiveness of their training and their diet.[18]

Habitat and Distribution

A Den Den Mushi returned to the wild by a dwarf.

Not much has been detailed about the natural range of Den Den Mushi, but they appear capable of surviving anywhere ordinary snails might (indeed, it remains unknown if there are «ordinary» snails lacking their abilities). Specimens have inhabited grasslands and forests as far into the New World as Dressrosa, and even the highly isolated «phantom island» of Zou.

At least some breeds of Den Den Mushi seem to be amphibious, as Fukaboshi was seen using one underwater.[19] However, they (or, at least, the mechanisms linked to their telepathy) are universally unsuited to extreme cold.[20]

In terms of human distribution, Den Den Mushi do not appear to be nearly as universal as real-life telephones. While fairly ubiquitous on Marine bases and ships, few have been seen in the possession of civilians outside the news media. Where pirates and other rogues are concerned, they tend to grow more common as one approaches the New World; the Straw Hat Pirates were not known to own one until they acquired the Thousand Sunny at Water 7, but around the Sabaody Archipelago, even small-timer Duval owned one with a specified number.[21]


There also exist many biological variants, with abilities not found in standard Den Den Mushi. These are usually much rarer and much more sought-after, and constitute a vital part of both legitimate news media and Underworld espionage.

Audio-Based Variants

Baby Den Den Mushi

Baby Den Den Mushi.

A Baby Den Den Mushi (子電伝虫 Ko Den-den Mushi?) is a smaller version of the standard breed, able to fit in one hand or even be worn like a wristwatch; correspondingly, it is favored by many for portable communication.[22] However, its signal is weaker than that of a standard snail, and cannot be used for inter-island calls.[5]

They can also be used as speakers to broadcast the user’s voice throughout the area.[23]

(It is unknown whether they constitute a separate, deliberately small breed — akin to micropigs — or are simply juveniles of the standard breed, expected to grow into the «proper» size over time.)

Black Den Den Mushi

Black Den Den Mushi.

The Black Den Den Mushi (黒電伝虫 Kuro Den-den Mushi?) is a breed that enjoys «eavesdropping» on the signals of other snails rather than openly communicating, allowing one to listen in on other peoples calls.[5] It can also memorize anything it intercepts, to be repeated at a later time.

For these reasons, Black Den Den Mushi are most commonly used by the Marines to «wiretap» calls between pirates or other outlaws.[24]

White Den Den Mushi

White Den Den Mushi.

The White Den Den Mushi (白電伝虫 Shiro Den-den Mushi?) can produce signals that neutralize the Black Den Den Mushi’s eavesdropping abilities; as such, they can be attached to any standard Den Den Mushi to encrypt the user’s calls. Setting one up is time constraining, and not ideal for emergency calls. The Revolutionary Army use these types of Den Den Mushi so that Marines cannot eavesdrop on conversations.[25]

This breed is apparently very rare; the only known specimen is possessed by the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon.[26]

Horned Den Den Mushi

A Horned Den Den Mushi in the anime.

The Horned Den Den Mushi (ツノ電伝虫 Tsuno Den-den Mushi?) can jam radio transmissions from other nearby Den Den Mushi. The range and period of a transmission jamming caused by this type are unknown.

This species was first used by a member of the Fire Tank Pirates before Sanji and Pudding’s wedding as part of the Retrieval Team-Fire Tank Alliance’s plan to take down Big Mom.[27] After the Whole Cake Chateau collapsed, Mont-d’Or was able to communicate through a Den Den Mushi from Sweet City to the rest of Totto Land, alluding to the jamming disablement.[28]

Visual-Based Variants

Visual Den Den Mushi

The Visual Den Den Mushi (映像電伝虫 Eizō Den-den Mushi?) are a type of Den Den Mushi that transmit images instead of sounds.

A Cameko recording and transmitting the Summit War of Marineford.

The Cameko (カメコ Kameko?)[29] is able to store images and videos, as well as transmit them as signals to its counterpart, the Proko.

It is a younger Visual Den Den Mushi.

While taking a photo, it creates flashes of light with its eyes in order to perform flash photography.[30]

A Proko projecting signals it received.

The Proko (プロコ Puroko?)[29] is able to receive signals from Cameko, as well as project and broadcast what the Cameko sees onto a bigger video screen.

It is an older Visual Den Den Mushi. It is very large, roughly the size of an elephant.[citation needed]

They are able to broadcast their frequencies between two relatively close locations.[31]

Projector Den Den Mushi

A Projector Den Den Mushi.

A Projector Den Den Mushi is able to view an image with one eye and project said image at a larger scale using its other eye.

One is used by Brannew during his briefing regarding the Four Emperors’ bounties.[32]

Surveillance Den Den Mushi

The Surveillance Den Den Mushi (監視電伝虫 Kanshi Den-den Mushi?) is a Visual Den Den Mushi assigned to the task of surveillance.

A number of Cameko are mounted in specific locations around the designated area. They are all connected to a singular Proko, which is connected to a machine which produces video feeds to a set of monitors. Each screen displays the vision of a different Cameko.

In the event that the Cameko spots something wrong, it will send a signal to the Proko, which will cause its red eyes to begin flashing in an alternating manner, and make a buzzing noise to alert the people watching the monitors.[33]

Small Surveillance Den Den Mushi.png

Cameko Surveillance Den Den Mushi.

Giant Surveillance Den Den Mushi.png

Proko Surveillance Den Den Mushi.

Self-Propelled Visual Den Den Mushi

Shiki’s surveillance Den Den Mushi.

The Self-Propelled Visual Den Den Mushi (自走式映像転送電伝虫 Jisō-shiki Eizō Tensō Den-den Mushi?) is a type of Visual Den Den Mushi that, as the name implies, move around on their own, as opposed to the standard Den Den Mushi that just sits in place.

They also appear to be close to the same size as the Proko and have attachments that allow them to project what they can see to a monitor.[34]

New Model Livestream Den Den Mushi

Livestream Den Den Mushi.

The new model Livestream Den Den Mushi is a type of visual Den Den Mushi that is introduced in One Piece Film: Red. Uta used this Den Den Mushi to livestream herself singing and dancing all around the world. It was developed personally by Vegapunk[35], and considered part of the SSG’s research. All the prototypes were lost.[35] Unlike normal Den Den Mushi’s, the new model has a conical spiral shell rather than the usual type.

Special Variants

Golden Den Den Mushi

Golden Den Den Mushi.

The Golden Den Den Mushi (ゴールデン電伝虫 Gōruden Den-den Mushi?) is an extremely rare breed whose only ability is to send a signal to its Silver counterpart; as a result, its only «accessory» is a single button on the top of its shell, which immediately transmits the signal when pressed.

It is about the size of a Baby Den Den Mushi, apparently made of solid gold, and completely immobile.[36] Only one function has been ascribed to it: to order the World Government’s dreaded Buster Call assault.

According to Spandam, permission to use a Golden Den Den Mushi can only be granted by Marines of Admiral rank or higher.[36] Two specimens have been witnessed thus far, both used by Cipher Pol agents:

  • Spandine, as director of CP9, used one during the Ohara Incident. His was reportedly granted by then-Admiral Sengoku.[37]
  • Spandam himself, as director of CP9, accidentally used one (having mistaken it for his personal Baby Den Den Mushi) during the Straw Hat Pirates’ invasion of Enies Lobby.[38] His was reportedly granted by then-Admiral Aokiji.[36]

Silver Den Den Mushi

Silver Den Den Mushi.

The Silver Den Den Mushi (シルバー電伝虫 Shirubā Den-den Mushi?) is a breed that serves as the receiving line for its Golden counterpart, generating a loud vibrating alarm sound upon receiving the signal. It is about the size of a standard specimen, and apparently possesses a solid silver shell.[39]

The specimens receiving both Spandine’s and Spandam’s Buster Call orders were visibly aged, with white mustaches and beards; it is unknown if this is inherent to the breed, or simply an indication that they have been used much longer than regular Den Den Mushi (or, possibly, that only one specimen exists and is linked to every Golden Den Den Mushi in active service).

Translation and Dub Issues

Den Den Mushi are derived from the term でんでんむし (Dendenmushi?), an old Tokyo folk-name for snails.[40] While preserving the pronunciation and corresponding hiragana, Oda coupled them with new kanji:

  • でん (Den?), meaning electric (a common component in the words for most electric appliances, telephones (電話でんわ Denwa?) included)
  • でん (Den?), meaning communication
  • むし (Mushi?), meaning insect (the only kanji reflecting the original meaning, snails traditionally being lumped in with insects and most other garden pests)

Most English translations, professional or otherwise, do not attempt any kind of similar pun, and variously call the creatures Transponder Snails, Telesnails, or Snail-o-Phones (or Shock Bugs, in the case of the English localization for One Piece: Unlimited Adventure).

In the 4Kids-dubbed anime, these creatures do not always assume the voices of their users. They also make a generic phone ringing sound effect.


  • Den Den Mushi, for the most part, serve the same functions that telephones, fax machines, and cameras do in the real world.
  • Some isolated areas do not have access, or choose not to use Den Den Mushi:
    • Skypiea is the only location seen where they seem completely absent or unavailable for use. However, Dials, the remains of particular shellfish that live in the White-White Sea, are used constantly by the natives.[41]
    • The Tontatta Kingdom’s dwarves release their snails back to the wild.
    • Mokomo Dukedom do not have the knowledge on how to turn the wild snails on Zou into communication devices.[42]
    • Wano Country uses Smart Tanishi (スマートタニシ Sumāto Tanishi?, literally meaning «Smart River Snail»).
  • Notably, during the Summit War of Marineford, Buggy and the escaped prisoners from Impel Down thawed out a Den Den Mushi that had been frozen in Aokiji’s ice by dipping it in seawater that had been made boiling hot by Akainu’s magma, which resulted in the snail getting shriveled up by the salt water. However, Fukaboshi was seen using a Den Den Mushi deep in the ocean without any ill effects to the snail.[43]
  • When the Straw Hat Pirates took control of the Ryugu Palace during the Fish-Man Island Arc, the guards stationed at the kingdoms gate had not received any communication from the palace and theorized that the snail might be sick. This means that Den Den Mushi are capable of getting sick and that an illness could interfere with their ability to communicate.
  • Regular Den Den Mushi living in the wild appear in both One Piece: Unlimited Adventure and Unlimited Cruise as catchable bugs, used for creating items.
    • In One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, they are said to communicate with one another using radio waves. During Spandam’s Special attack he uses a Den Den Mushi to call an artillery strike.
  • It is yet unknown whether all snails naturally possess telepathic abilities, or if Den Den Mushi are a distinct species. At the very least, they do not require special breeding to be converted into communicators; Franky indicated that he could easily do so with the wild specimens of Zou.[42]
  • In the 1850s, the Frenchman Jacques Toussaint Benoit built a contraption known as the Pasilalinic-sympathetic compass also known as «snail telegraph» based on the hypothesis that mating snails form a permanent telepathic link and can be used to send and receive long distance telegrams.
  • Chapter 587’s Cover Page depicts Dragon and Ivankov apparently breeding an entire garden of Den Den Mushi by watering them; it remains unknown if this is a canonical means of raising the creatures.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 94 (p. 16-17) and Episode 43, The Den Den Mushi is introduced in the series.
  2. One Piece Blue: Grand Data File (p. 93), Classification of Den Den Mushi.
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 395 (p. 4-8) and Episode 277, The Five Elders (located in Mary Geoise on the Red Line) communicate with Professor Clover (located in Ohara on the West Blue) with what appear to be standard Den Den Mushi.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 802 and Episode 747, The Barto Club, sailing across the New World, uses their Den Den Mushi to contact Bartolomeo’s grandmother all the way back in the East Blue.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 19 (p. 146), Den Den Mushi are confirmed to be animals.
  6. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 41 (p. 66), In response to a fan’s concern over Sanji breaking a Den Den Mushi’s receiver in Chapter 367, Oda explains that the accessory is wholly separate from the animal, and breaking the former does nothing to the latter.
  7. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 711 (p. 8) and Episode 641, A Den Den Mushi is returned to the wild by the dwarves.
  8. One Piece Anime — Episode 197, A Marine infantryman brings a Den Den Mushi long-range set to Vice Admiral Jonathan, carrying the actual snail in hands and the phone set on a shoulder strap.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 33 Chapter 313 (p. 11) and Episode 209, Itomimizu carries an entire Den Den Mushi—sans phone receiver—in a shoulder bag while using it.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 655 (p. 4) and Episode 579, Den Den Mushi receiving an S.O.S.
  11. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 746 (p. 14) and Episode 681, Robin knows Zoro called before he has said anything, as the Den Den Mushi has assumed his distinctive eye-scar.
  12. One Piece Anime — Episode 623, Law’s Den Den Mushi adopts Caesar Clown’s eye color and even missing teeth.
  13. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 95 (p. 112).
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 729 (p. 10-12) and Episode 661, Luffy and Franky talk through the Den Den Mushi on the Sunny.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 884 (p. 16-17) and Episode 858, Praline distracts the Territorial Sea Slugs.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 127 (p. 18) and Episode 77, A Den Den Mushi goes to sleep when the call gets hung up.
  17. One Piece Anime — Episode 479, Having undergone considerable abuse during the Summit War of Marineford, Buggy’s personally stolen Den Den Mushi cringes in fear when Buggy tries to use it for more self-publicity. However, it instantly becomes grateful and cooperative when Buggy commends it for all its hard work so far.
  18. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 (p. 116), Oda explains about the silent mode.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 643 (p. 16) and Episode 563, Fukaboshi uses a Den Den Mushi underwater.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 55 Chapter 536 (p. 6) and Episode 437, Impel Down staff note that Den Den Mushi are inoperable in Level Five’s subzero temperatures.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 496 (p. 7) and Episode 390, Duval shares his Den Den Mushi number with the ambivalent Straw Hats.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 19 Chapter 173 (p. 18-19) and Episode 108, A Baby Den Den Mushi appears.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 550 (p. 14-19) and Episode 459, Sengoku using a Baby Den Den Mushi to announce Ace’s heritage
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 128 (p. 4) and Episode 79, Smoker has a Black Den Den Mushi play back an intercepted Baroque Works call for Tashigi.
  25. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1060 (p. 11), Sabo did not set up a White Den Den Mushi due to time constraints.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 593 (p. 10) and Episode 510, The rare White Den Den Mushi is shown for the first time, being used by Dragon as he communicates with Ivankov.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 861 (p. 8) and Episode 831, The Horned Den Den Mushi appears.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 874 (p. 16) and Episode 831, The Big Mom Pirates surround the Sanji Retrieval Team.
  29. 29.0 29.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 76 (p. 80), Oda explains about the Proko and Cameko types.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 747 (p. 3) and Episode 682, Koala uses a Cameko.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 57 Chapter 562 (p. 12-13) and Episode 471, Buggy broadcasts himself via Den Den Mushi.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 957 (p. 13) and Episode 958.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 526 (p. 6,13-14) and Episodes 422–423, Surveillance Den Den Mushi are used by Impel Down to monitor the prison walls.
  34. One Piece Movie — One Piece Film: Strong World, The Self-Propelled Visual Den Den Mushi appears.
  35. 35.0 35.1 Volume 4000000000 «RED».
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 40 Chapter 386 (p. 2-3) and Episode 272, Spandam shows off «his» Golden Den Den Mushi to Funkfreed.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 395 (p. 9-11) and Episode 277, Spandine triggers the Buster Call.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 409 (p. 5-8) and Episode 294, Spandam accidentally triggers the Buster Call.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 395 (p. 11) and Episode 277, The Silver Den Den Mushi sounds the alarm.
  40. Etymology here. Note that snails are more commonly rendered as 蝸牛 (Kagyū?) or カタツムリ (Katatsumuri?) in modern Japan, especially in scientific contexts.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 26 Chapter 240 (p. 10-13) and Episode 154, Conis explains where the Skypieans gather the shells from.
  42. 42.0 42.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 822 (p. 5) and Episode 776, The NPMS alliance talks about their ways of communication.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 643 (p. 16-19) and Episode 563.

External Links

  • Snail – Wikipedia article on snails in general
  • Communication — Wikipedia article on vocal communication
  • Visual communication — Wikipedia article on visual communication

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[v · e · ?]

Animal Species

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Den Den Mushi: Baby Den Den Mushi  •  Black Den Den Mushi  •  Golden Den Den Mushi  •  Silver Den Den Mushi  •  Surveillance Den Den Mushi  •  Visual Den Den Mushi
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  • Den Den Mushi
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For the chapter of the same name, see Chapter 127.

Den Den Mushi are a species of telepathic snail that are used for vocal and/or visual communication throughout the world.

They are classified as type «B» creatures, being «Small Friendly».[2]


A wild Den Den Mushi.

Den Den Mushi have the mysterious ability to telepathically communicate with each other over vast distances, apparently through electronic signals; they can also perfectly mimic human speech, even imitating the sound of people’s voices. For generations, people have taken advantage of these abilities by attaching dials, receivers, and other accessories that convert the creatures into long-distance communicators.

Much like a real world telephone, when a certain number is dialed, the snail will launch a telepathic link with whichever snail’s mechanism corresponds to that number. The signal is not infallible, but a well-kept specimen can reach across entire oceans.[3][4] More elaborate mechanisms can even allow them to transmit and duplicate documents and photographs, akin to a real world fax machine.

Overall, Den Den Mushi do not mind being used and tamed, as the arrangement gives them access to plenty of food.[5] Their accessories are also not injurious — or even especially difficult — to remove, and may be done so at any time to return them to the wild.[6][7]


A Den Den Mushi with standard accessories.

The standard Den Den Mushi is roughly the size of a regular house cat (albeit a bit taller), with the dialing mechanism and receiver built into its shell (or, in rarer cases, a completely separate device «plugged» into the back of its head). Specimens vary widely in color and shell patterns, and are often customized to signify their owners. The Marines, for instance, stamp their emblem on the shells of their Den Den Mushi.

Due to their size, Den Den Mushi are typically left stationary on desks and the like. However, many have improvised methods to carry them and their accompanying accessories in times of necessity.[8][9]


On receiving a signal, a Den Den Mushi will make a purururu (プルルル?) sound, rendered identically to the real-life Japanese onomatopoeia for old-fashioned phone-rings. However, the anime (which renders the sound closer to purupuru) indicates that the snails are actually pronouncing these «rings» phonetically (and very dryly), rather than making any noise akin to a genuine ring. Similarly, it will make a gacha (ガチャ?) (click in the English dub) sound when the receiver is removed or replaced.

Den Den Mushi appear to have a separate signal for S.O.S. calls, which cause them to weep and cry loudly when they receive it.[10] However, the recipient of the call doesn’t get any information about the situation unless they actually pick up and talk to the person sending the signal.

Trafalgar Law and Caesar Clown talking through Law’s Den Den Mushi.

During active use, a Den Den Mushi will relay not only the speaker’s words and emotions (laughter, screams, etc.), but also distinctive facial traits and even injuries.[11][12] Depending on its mood, it can choose to disguise itself or mimic the traits of anyone close to it, either the one speaking or its owner.[13] It is also possible for two specimens to converse with each other using a third party.[14] Furthermore, they do not just pick up signals from each other, as they can also receive warning signals from Territorial Sea Slugs.[15] They are also capable of relaying nearby sounds, such as gunshots or broken glass.

Den Den Mushi are very lethargic by nature, usually sleeping whenever not in use (and in some cases falling asleep mere seconds after a call ends).[16] They also do not appear to be sapient enough to understand any of the words they relay. In extreme situations, however, they are capable of emotions such as fear and gratitude.[17]

When Oda was asked if the Den Den Mushi have a silent mode and if they can change their ring tone, he confirmed Den Den Mushi do have a «silent» mode. This is normally activated with a simple «shh» and a head nod. However, as they are living creatures they have to be trained to access this ability. The resulting volume depends on the effectiveness of their training and their diet.[18]

Habitat and Distribution

A Den Den Mushi returned to the wild by a dwarf.

Not much has been detailed about the natural range of Den Den Mushi, but they appear capable of surviving anywhere ordinary snails might (indeed, it remains unknown if there are «ordinary» snails lacking their abilities). Specimens have inhabited grasslands and forests as far into the New World as Dressrosa, and even the highly isolated «phantom island» of Zou.

At least some breeds of Den Den Mushi seem to be amphibious, as Fukaboshi was seen using one underwater.[19] However, they (or, at least, the mechanisms linked to their telepathy) are universally unsuited to extreme cold.[20]

In terms of human distribution, Den Den Mushi do not appear to be nearly as universal as real-life telephones. While fairly ubiquitous on Marine bases and ships, few have been seen in the possession of civilians outside the news media. Where pirates and other rogues are concerned, they tend to grow more common as one approaches the New World; the Straw Hat Pirates were not known to own one until they acquired the Thousand Sunny at Water 7, but around the Sabaody Archipelago, even small-timer Duval owned one with a specified number.[21]


There also exist many biological variants, with abilities not found in standard Den Den Mushi. These are usually much rarer and much more sought-after, and constitute a vital part of both legitimate news media and Underworld espionage.

Audio-Based Variants

Baby Den Den Mushi

Baby Den Den Mushi.

A Baby Den Den Mushi (子電伝虫 Ko Den-den Mushi?) is a smaller version of the standard breed, able to fit in one hand or even be worn like a wristwatch; correspondingly, it is favored by many for portable communication.[22] However, its signal is weaker than that of a standard snail, and cannot be used for inter-island calls.[5]

They can also be used as speakers to broadcast the user’s voice throughout the area.[23]

(It is unknown whether they constitute a separate, deliberately small breed — akin to micropigs — or are simply juveniles of the standard breed, expected to grow into the «proper» size over time.)

Black Den Den Mushi

Black Den Den Mushi.

The Black Den Den Mushi (黒電伝虫 Kuro Den-den Mushi?) is a breed that enjoys «eavesdropping» on the signals of other snails rather than openly communicating, allowing one to listen in on other peoples calls.[5] It can also memorize anything it intercepts, to be repeated at a later time.

For these reasons, Black Den Den Mushi are most commonly used by the Marines to «wiretap» calls between pirates or other outlaws.[24]

White Den Den Mushi

White Den Den Mushi.

The White Den Den Mushi (白電伝虫 Shiro Den-den Mushi?) can produce signals that neutralize the Black Den Den Mushi’s eavesdropping abilities; as such, they can be attached to any standard Den Den Mushi to encrypt the user’s calls. Setting one up is time constraining, and not ideal for emergency calls. The Revolutionary Army use these types of Den Den Mushi so that Marines cannot eavesdrop on conversations.[25]

This breed is apparently very rare; the only known specimen is possessed by the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon.[26]

Horned Den Den Mushi

A Horned Den Den Mushi in the anime.

The Horned Den Den Mushi (ツノ電伝虫 Tsuno Den-den Mushi?) can jam radio transmissions from other nearby Den Den Mushi. The range and period of a transmission jamming caused by this type are unknown.

This species was first used by a member of the Fire Tank Pirates before Sanji and Pudding’s wedding as part of the Retrieval Team-Fire Tank Alliance’s plan to take down Big Mom.[27] After the Whole Cake Chateau collapsed, Mont-d’Or was able to communicate through a Den Den Mushi from Sweet City to the rest of Totto Land, alluding to the jamming disablement.[28]

Visual-Based Variants

Visual Den Den Mushi

The Visual Den Den Mushi (映像電伝虫 Eizō Den-den Mushi?) are a type of Den Den Mushi that transmit images instead of sounds.

A Cameko recording and transmitting the Summit War of Marineford.

The Cameko (カメコ Kameko?)[29] is able to store images and videos, as well as transmit them as signals to its counterpart, the Proko.

It is a younger Visual Den Den Mushi.

While taking a photo, it creates flashes of light with its eyes in order to perform flash photography.[30]

A Proko projecting signals it received.

The Proko (プロコ Puroko?)[29] is able to receive signals from Cameko, as well as project and broadcast what the Cameko sees onto a bigger video screen.

It is an older Visual Den Den Mushi. It is very large, roughly the size of an elephant.[citation needed]

They are able to broadcast their frequencies between two relatively close locations.[31]

Projector Den Den Mushi

A Projector Den Den Mushi.

A Projector Den Den Mushi is able to view an image with one eye and project said image at a larger scale using its other eye.

One is used by Brannew during his briefing regarding the Four Emperors’ bounties.[32]

Surveillance Den Den Mushi

The Surveillance Den Den Mushi (監視電伝虫 Kanshi Den-den Mushi?) is a Visual Den Den Mushi assigned to the task of surveillance.

A number of Cameko are mounted in specific locations around the designated area. They are all connected to a singular Proko, which is connected to a machine which produces video feeds to a set of monitors. Each screen displays the vision of a different Cameko.

In the event that the Cameko spots something wrong, it will send a signal to the Proko, which will cause its red eyes to begin flashing in an alternating manner, and make a buzzing noise to alert the people watching the monitors.[33]

Small Surveillance Den Den Mushi.png

Cameko Surveillance Den Den Mushi.

Giant Surveillance Den Den Mushi.png

Proko Surveillance Den Den Mushi.

Self-Propelled Visual Den Den Mushi

Shiki’s surveillance Den Den Mushi.

The Self-Propelled Visual Den Den Mushi (自走式映像転送電伝虫 Jisō-shiki Eizō Tensō Den-den Mushi?) is a type of Visual Den Den Mushi that, as the name implies, move around on their own, as opposed to the standard Den Den Mushi that just sits in place.

They also appear to be close to the same size as the Proko and have attachments that allow them to project what they can see to a monitor.[34]

New Model Livestream Den Den Mushi

Livestream Den Den Mushi.

The new model Livestream Den Den Mushi is a type of visual Den Den Mushi that is introduced in One Piece Film: Red. Uta used this Den Den Mushi to livestream herself singing and dancing all around the world. It was developed personally by Vegapunk[35], and considered part of the SSG’s research. All the prototypes were lost.[35] Unlike normal Den Den Mushi’s, the new model has a conical spiral shell rather than the usual type.

Special Variants

Golden Den Den Mushi

Golden Den Den Mushi.

The Golden Den Den Mushi (ゴールデン電伝虫 Gōruden Den-den Mushi?) is an extremely rare breed whose only ability is to send a signal to its Silver counterpart; as a result, its only «accessory» is a single button on the top of its shell, which immediately transmits the signal when pressed.

It is about the size of a Baby Den Den Mushi, apparently made of solid gold, and completely immobile.[36] Only one function has been ascribed to it: to order the World Government’s dreaded Buster Call assault.

According to Spandam, permission to use a Golden Den Den Mushi can only be granted by Marines of Admiral rank or higher.[36] Two specimens have been witnessed thus far, both used by Cipher Pol agents:

  • Spandine, as director of CP9, used one during the Ohara Incident. His was reportedly granted by then-Admiral Sengoku.[37]
  • Spandam himself, as director of CP9, accidentally used one (having mistaken it for his personal Baby Den Den Mushi) during the Straw Hat Pirates’ invasion of Enies Lobby.[38] His was reportedly granted by then-Admiral Aokiji.[36]

Silver Den Den Mushi

Silver Den Den Mushi.

The Silver Den Den Mushi (シルバー電伝虫 Shirubā Den-den Mushi?) is a breed that serves as the receiving line for its Golden counterpart, generating a loud vibrating alarm sound upon receiving the signal. It is about the size of a standard specimen, and apparently possesses a solid silver shell.[39]

The specimens receiving both Spandine’s and Spandam’s Buster Call orders were visibly aged, with white mustaches and beards; it is unknown if this is inherent to the breed, or simply an indication that they have been used much longer than regular Den Den Mushi (or, possibly, that only one specimen exists and is linked to every Golden Den Den Mushi in active service).

Translation and Dub Issues

Den Den Mushi are derived from the term でんでんむし (Dendenmushi?), an old Tokyo folk-name for snails.[40] While preserving the pronunciation and corresponding hiragana, Oda coupled them with new kanji:

  • でん (Den?), meaning electric (a common component in the words for most electric appliances, telephones (電話でんわ Denwa?) included)
  • でん (Den?), meaning communication
  • むし (Mushi?), meaning insect (the only kanji reflecting the original meaning, snails traditionally being lumped in with insects and most other garden pests)

Most English translations, professional or otherwise, do not attempt any kind of similar pun, and variously call the creatures Transponder Snails, Telesnails, or Snail-o-Phones (or Shock Bugs, in the case of the English localization for One Piece: Unlimited Adventure).

In the 4Kids-dubbed anime, these creatures do not always assume the voices of their users. They also make a generic phone ringing sound effect.


  • Den Den Mushi, for the most part, serve the same functions that telephones, fax machines, and cameras do in the real world.
  • Some isolated areas do not have access, or choose not to use Den Den Mushi:
    • Skypiea is the only location seen where they seem completely absent or unavailable for use. However, Dials, the remains of particular shellfish that live in the White-White Sea, are used constantly by the natives.[41]
    • The Tontatta Kingdom’s dwarves release their snails back to the wild.
    • Mokomo Dukedom do not have the knowledge on how to turn the wild snails on Zou into communication devices.[42]
    • Wano Country uses Smart Tanishi (スマートタニシ Sumāto Tanishi?, literally meaning «Smart River Snail»).
  • Notably, during the Summit War of Marineford, Buggy and the escaped prisoners from Impel Down thawed out a Den Den Mushi that had been frozen in Aokiji’s ice by dipping it in seawater that had been made boiling hot by Akainu’s magma, which resulted in the snail getting shriveled up by the salt water. However, Fukaboshi was seen using a Den Den Mushi deep in the ocean without any ill effects to the snail.[43]
  • When the Straw Hat Pirates took control of the Ryugu Palace during the Fish-Man Island Arc, the guards stationed at the kingdoms gate had not received any communication from the palace and theorized that the snail might be sick. This means that Den Den Mushi are capable of getting sick and that an illness could interfere with their ability to communicate.
  • Regular Den Den Mushi living in the wild appear in both One Piece: Unlimited Adventure and Unlimited Cruise as catchable bugs, used for creating items.
    • In One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, they are said to communicate with one another using radio waves. During Spandam’s Special attack he uses a Den Den Mushi to call an artillery strike.
  • It is yet unknown whether all snails naturally possess telepathic abilities, or if Den Den Mushi are a distinct species. At the very least, they do not require special breeding to be converted into communicators; Franky indicated that he could easily do so with the wild specimens of Zou.[42]
  • In the 1850s, the Frenchman Jacques Toussaint Benoit built a contraption known as the Pasilalinic-sympathetic compass also known as «snail telegraph» based on the hypothesis that mating snails form a permanent telepathic link and can be used to send and receive long distance telegrams.
  • Chapter 587’s Cover Page depicts Dragon and Ivankov apparently breeding an entire garden of Den Den Mushi by watering them; it remains unknown if this is a canonical means of raising the creatures.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 11 Chapter 94 (p. 16-17) and Episode 43, The Den Den Mushi is introduced in the series.
  2. One Piece Blue: Grand Data File (p. 93), Classification of Den Den Mushi.
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 395 (p. 4-8) and Episode 277, The Five Elders (located in Mary Geoise on the Red Line) communicate with Professor Clover (located in Ohara on the West Blue) with what appear to be standard Den Den Mushi.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 802 and Episode 747, The Barto Club, sailing across the New World, uses their Den Den Mushi to contact Bartolomeo’s grandmother all the way back in the East Blue.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 19 (p. 146), Den Den Mushi are confirmed to be animals.
  6. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 41 (p. 66), In response to a fan’s concern over Sanji breaking a Den Den Mushi’s receiver in Chapter 367, Oda explains that the accessory is wholly separate from the animal, and breaking the former does nothing to the latter.
  7. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 711 (p. 8) and Episode 641, A Den Den Mushi is returned to the wild by the dwarves.
  8. One Piece Anime — Episode 197, A Marine infantryman brings a Den Den Mushi long-range set to Vice Admiral Jonathan, carrying the actual snail in hands and the phone set on a shoulder strap.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 33 Chapter 313 (p. 11) and Episode 209, Itomimizu carries an entire Den Den Mushi—sans phone receiver—in a shoulder bag while using it.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 655 (p. 4) and Episode 579, Den Den Mushi receiving an S.O.S.
  11. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 746 (p. 14) and Episode 681, Robin knows Zoro called before he has said anything, as the Den Den Mushi has assumed his distinctive eye-scar.
  12. One Piece Anime — Episode 623, Law’s Den Den Mushi adopts Caesar Clown’s eye color and even missing teeth.
  13. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 95 (p. 112).
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 729 (p. 10-12) and Episode 661, Luffy and Franky talk through the Den Den Mushi on the Sunny.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 88 Chapter 884 (p. 16-17) and Episode 858, Praline distracts the Territorial Sea Slugs.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 127 (p. 18) and Episode 77, A Den Den Mushi goes to sleep when the call gets hung up.
  17. One Piece Anime — Episode 479, Having undergone considerable abuse during the Summit War of Marineford, Buggy’s personally stolen Den Den Mushi cringes in fear when Buggy tries to use it for more self-publicity. However, it instantly becomes grateful and cooperative when Buggy commends it for all its hard work so far.
  18. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 86 (p. 116), Oda explains about the silent mode.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 643 (p. 16) and Episode 563, Fukaboshi uses a Den Den Mushi underwater.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 55 Chapter 536 (p. 6) and Episode 437, Impel Down staff note that Den Den Mushi are inoperable in Level Five’s subzero temperatures.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 496 (p. 7) and Episode 390, Duval shares his Den Den Mushi number with the ambivalent Straw Hats.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 19 Chapter 173 (p. 18-19) and Episode 108, A Baby Den Den Mushi appears.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 56 Chapter 550 (p. 14-19) and Episode 459, Sengoku using a Baby Den Den Mushi to announce Ace’s heritage
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 128 (p. 4) and Episode 79, Smoker has a Black Den Den Mushi play back an intercepted Baroque Works call for Tashigi.
  25. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1060 (p. 11), Sabo did not set up a White Den Den Mushi due to time constraints.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 593 (p. 10) and Episode 510, The rare White Den Den Mushi is shown for the first time, being used by Dragon as he communicates with Ivankov.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 861 (p. 8) and Episode 831, The Horned Den Den Mushi appears.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 874 (p. 16) and Episode 831, The Big Mom Pirates surround the Sanji Retrieval Team.
  29. 29.0 29.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 76 (p. 80), Oda explains about the Proko and Cameko types.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 747 (p. 3) and Episode 682, Koala uses a Cameko.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 57 Chapter 562 (p. 12-13) and Episode 471, Buggy broadcasts himself via Den Den Mushi.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 957 (p. 13) and Episode 958.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 54 Chapter 526 (p. 6,13-14) and Episodes 422–423, Surveillance Den Den Mushi are used by Impel Down to monitor the prison walls.
  34. One Piece Movie — One Piece Film: Strong World, The Self-Propelled Visual Den Den Mushi appears.
  35. 35.0 35.1 Volume 4000000000 «RED».
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 40 Chapter 386 (p. 2-3) and Episode 272, Spandam shows off «his» Golden Den Den Mushi to Funkfreed.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 395 (p. 9-11) and Episode 277, Spandine triggers the Buster Call.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 42 Chapter 409 (p. 5-8) and Episode 294, Spandam accidentally triggers the Buster Call.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 395 (p. 11) and Episode 277, The Silver Den Den Mushi sounds the alarm.
  40. Etymology here. Note that snails are more commonly rendered as 蝸牛 (Kagyū?) or カタツムリ (Katatsumuri?) in modern Japan, especially in scientific contexts.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 26 Chapter 240 (p. 10-13) and Episode 154, Conis explains where the Skypieans gather the shells from.
  42. 42.0 42.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 822 (p. 5) and Episode 776, The NPMS alliance talks about their ways of communication.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 643 (p. 16-19) and Episode 563.

External Links

  • Snail – Wikipedia article on snails in general
  • Communication — Wikipedia article on vocal communication
  • Visual communication — Wikipedia article on visual communication

Site Navigation

[v · e · ?]

Animal Species

Four Blues
East Blue: Pinky
North Blue: Blue Gorillas  •  Surume
South Blue: Blue-Finned Elephant Tuna  •  Super Sparrow  •  Puzzle Scorpion  •  Manticores  •  Gryphons
West Blue: Island Whales (Laboon)  •  Basilisk
Grand Line
General: Royal Squid  •  Sea Beast  •  Kappa Whale
Island Specific: Dinosaurs (Brontosaurus)   •  Kestia  •  Goldfish (Island Eater)   •  Giant Dolphin  •  Hiking Bear  •  Lapahn  •  Reindeer (Tony Tony Chopper)  •  White Walkie (Robson)  •  Snow Birds  •  Yasa Camel (Matsuge)  •  Bananawani  •  Moving Crab (Hasami)  •  Super Spot-Billed Duck (Karoo  •  Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops)  •  Kung-Fu Dugongs  •  Sandora Catfish  •  Sandora Lizard  •  Sea Cat  •  Warusagi Birds  •  Desert Strawberry  •  Giant Gecko   •  South Bird  •  Sumo Frog (Yokozuna)  •  Yagara Bulls  •  Rabuka Bulls  •  King Bulls (Sodom  •  Gomorrah)  •  Humandrills
White Seas: Sky Fish  •  Sky Shark  •  Sky Lamprey  •  Sky Dot Bird (Pierre)  •  South Bird  •  Cloud Fox (Su)  •  Cloud Wolf  •  Giant Snake (Kashigami  •  Nola)  •  Speedy Shrimp  •  Super-Express Speedy Shrimp  •  Three-length Bird (Fuza)  •  Octopus Balloon
Global and Other Animals
Sea Kings: Lord of the Coast  •  Master of the Waters ?
Den Den Mushi: Baby Den Den Mushi  •  Black Den Den Mushi  •  Golden Den Den Mushi  •  Silver Den Den Mushi  •  Surveillance Den Den Mushi  •  Visual Den Den Mushi
Calm Belt: Snake Weapon (Salome)  •  Yuda  •  Sphinx (Tama)  •  Wolf Unit
Unknown Origin: Dragon (Dragon Number Thirteen)  •  Panda Shark  •  Flying Fish  •  Sea Lion
Merveille: Scarlet  •  Fat Lion  •  Land Gator  •  Mori Dako  •  Don Kamakiriri  •  Terror Guma  •  Guntai Ari  •  Baku Zame  •  Screen Buffalo  •  Billy  •  Shimatori  •  Zarley Davidson  •  Black Brothers  •  Boxer Penguin  •  Big Tree  •  Tsujigiri Itachi  •  Kung-Fu Dot  •  Batta GT-7000  •  Hippo Iron  •  Monkey Trooper  •  Boss  •  Agehaguera  •  Batch Fly  •  Cowball  •  Del Kong  •  Erimakitokageps  •  Ettousaurus  •  Groggysaurus  •  Hammer Isoginchaku  •  Ikahula  •  Jura Chou  •  Kaen Kabuto  •  Kill Rabi  •  King Umi Mukade  •  Kubinagaryu  •  Mammoth Dense  •  Maou Game  •  Meteor Ibex  •  Miyama Emperor  •  Shogun Jishi  •  Spider Tank  •  Toramata  •  Oh Imomushi  •  Dasoku  •  Giragon  •  Seiuchi Mountain  •  Golden Bat
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Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях сотовой связи, камер наблюдение, видеокамер, фотокамер и т.д.

Этот вещь очень важен в мире Ван Пис. :blush:

И так начнём)

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Дэн Дэн Муси — это улитки, обычно, со встроенными в их панцири телефонами или другими аппаратами.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Немного о них.

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Они имеют способность взаимодействовать друг с другом телепатически, посредством радиоволн. Люди в мире One Piece воспользовались этой их особенностью и присоединили к ним цифронабиратели и приемники. Таким образом, Дэн Дэн Муси занял место телефонов и других подобных машин в мире One Piece. Они классифицируются как существа типа «B», «Малые животные».

One Piece — Den Den Mushi Ringtone [HD]

Чтобы проинформировать людей о том, что кто-то им звонит Дэн Дэн Муси издает звук «пулюпулюпулю». Тем самым Дэн Дэн Муси походит на старомодный телефон. Когда человек говорит через Дэн Дэн Муси, то Дэн Дэн Муси открывает рот, показывает эмоции и иногда даже какие-то особенности лица. Например, когда кто-то кричит, то Дэн Дэн Муси будет кричать так же. Обычно, когда кто-то подходит к Дэн Дэн Муси, то они активны, но как только трубку вешают, Дэн Дэн Муси ложатся спать. Несмотря на то, что они действуют как машины, на самом деле они животные. Воспитывая их, люди обычно дают им еду, а Дэн Дэн Муси совсем не возражают, когда их используют и приручают. Тем не менее, они не работают в условиях экстремального холода. Они также не работают, если животные сами больны. Когда кто-то посылает сигнал SOS, Дэн Дэн Муси не звонит нормально, а громко плачет. Если у Дэн Дэн Муси удалить их приемники, то они становятся дикими улитками.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Типы Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Дэн Дэн Муси могут выглядеть так как хочет их хозяин, поэтому их вид может быть самым непредсказуемым. Например на Дэн Дэн Муси дозорных есть их символ на лице или на раковине улитки. Также эти улитки могут передавать мимику собеседника с которым говорит хозяин Дэн Дэн Муси. Но не смотря на всё это есть категории по которым их можно распределить.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Обычный Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Наиболее распространенный тип Дэн Дэн Муси. Они слишком большие, чтобы носить их с собой, но их диапазон сигнала гораздо дальше чем у Детского Дэн Дэн Муси. С их помощью можно делать междугородные звонки и многие из них достаточно велики, чтобы ловить сигнал во всем мире.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Детский Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Детский Дэн Дэн Муси (子電伝虫, Ko Den-den Mushi?) достаточно маленький и портативный, чтобы уместиться на ладони. Он удобен для поддерживания связи с товарищами, которые находятся в одном районе, но они не способны к межостровным звонкам. Также они могут быть использованы в качестве колонки, с помощью которой можно передавать голоса пользователя по всей области.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Чёрный Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Чёрный Дэн Дэн Муси (黒電伝虫, Kuro Den-den Mushi?),это один из видов Дэн Дэн Муси, которым обычно пользуются дозорные для перехвата и подслушивания звонков между пиратами или другими злоумышленниками. Они сохраняют свой маленький размер в течении всей жизни. Их способность к перехвату может быть заблокирована их коллегой Белым Дэн Дэн Муси.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси (ゴールデン電伝虫, Gōruden Den-den Mushi?) это Дэн Дэн Муси, который может использовать лишь адмирал Дозора. Он предназначен для Вызова Пяти. Этот Дэн Дэн Муси обычно неподвижен и, кажется, что он полностью сделан из золота.

Это очень редкий тип Дэн Дэн Муси. После нажатия на кнопку на его спине, посылается сигнал к Серебряному Дэн Дэн Муси, оповещая дозорных о начале Вызова Пяти.

До сих пор, нам дважды показали использования Вызова Пяти: Спандайном на острове Охара и двадцать лет спустя, Спандамом от имени адмирала Аокидзи. Спандайн использовал Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси намеренно, а Спандам же нажал на кнопку случайно, перепутав его с Детским Дэн Дэн Муси.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Серебряный Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Серебряный Дэн Дэн Муси (シルバー電伝虫, Shirubā Den-den Mushi?) представляет собой особый вид Дэн Дэн Муси, который используется в качестве сигнализации, предупреждающей о начале Вызова Пяти. Он показан как пожилая улитка с белой бородой и усами. Он имеет оболочку,которая, кажется, сделана из чистого серебра и похожа дизайном на Золотой Дэн Дэн Муси. Как правило, улитка ведет себя спокойно, но когда она получает сигнал о Вызове Пяти, то испускает громкий вибрирующий звук, оповещая дозорных.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Дэн Дэн Муси Наблюдения

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

маленькая Дэн Дэн Муси наблюдение.

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Большая Дэн Дэн Муси наблюдение.

Большой Дэн Дэн Муси Наблюдения.

Дэн Дэн Муси Наблюдения (監視電伝虫, Kanshi Den-den Mushi?) является одним из видов Дэн Дэн Муси, который действует как видеокамера. Этот Дэн Дэн Муси бывает двух размеров. Небольшого размера сделан для мелкой слежки, который устанавливается в определенных местах. Все маленькие Дэн Дэн Муси связаны с большим Дэн Дэн Муси наблюдения, который подключен к машине для произведения видео о происходящем на мониторы.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Видео Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

маленький видео Дэн Дэн Муси.

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

большой видео Дэн Дэн Муси.

Большой видео Дэн Дэн Муси на Сабаоди.

Видео Дэн Дэн Муси (映像電伝虫, Eizō Den-den Mushi?) похож на визуальный Дэн Дэн Муси. Тут так же два Дэн Дэн Муси связанны между собой. Маленький Дэн Дэн Муси (который , кажется больше чем Дэн Дэн Муси для мелкой слежки) использую в качестве камеры, в то время как большой Дэн Дэн Муси ловит сигнал и передает изображение на большой экран. Желательно чтобы эти Дэн Дэн Муси находились не сильно далеко друг от друга (например на соседних островах), иначе они потеряют связь друг с другом.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Самоходный Видео Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Сики имеет вариант визуального Дэн Дэн Муси называется Самоходный Видео Дэн Дэн Муси (自走式映像転送電伝虫, Jisō-shiki Eizō Tensō Den-den Mushi?).Как следует из названия, они способны двигаться и осматриваться. Его размеры близки к оригинальному Видео Дэн Дэн Муси, но все же отличаются.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Белый Дэн Дэн Муси.

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Белый Дэн Дэн Муси (白電伝虫, Shiro Den-den Mushi?) защищает звонки от возможного перехвата и прослушки звонка. Для этого он должен быть подключен к Дэн Дэн Муси, который собираются использовать. То есть он полная противоположность Черному Дэн Дэн Муси. Они очень редки. Один из них был впервые показан используемым Монки Д. Драгоном, чтобы общаться с Эмпорио Иванковым.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Камера Дэн Дэн Муси

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Это один из видов Дэн Дэн Муси, который способен делать фотографии. Впервые был показан,когда Коала фотографировала судна в торговом подземном порту на Дресс Розе.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Прочая информация

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

В одном из SBS фанат просил у Оды извиниться перед Дэн Дэн Муси за то, что Санджи сломал приемник. На что Ода ответил, что Дэн Дэн Муси изначально рождаются без приемника и кнопки. Люди в мире One Piece придумали это устройство для улиток, чтобы использовать их способности для связи с друг другом. Так что, если устройство сломается это никак не отразится на самих улитках.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Скайпия это единственное место, где Дэн Дэн Муси не используют или недоступны для использования. Тем не менее в Белом-Белом море есть их остатки — Ракуши, которые жители регулярно используют.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

смотреть до конца :joy: :joy:

Другой признак того, что Дэн Дэн Муси это живые существа, был показан в арке Маринфорде, когда Багги и часть его команды были заморожены Аокидзи и разморожены Акаину. Однако камера не была разморожена, но когда Дэн Дэн Муси попал в морскую воду, он стал обычной дикой улиткой. Возможно это произошло из-за содержания соли в океане. После этого он испугался команды Багги и спрятался в свою раковину. Затем он начал плакать от радости, потому что Багги его защитил, говоря, что улитка выполняла очень сложную работу и заслужила перерыв.

:snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

Конец!! всем спасибо за внимание)) :blush:

Ден ден муши.-[C][IMG=1WD] [IC]Всем привет)). Сегодня, речь пойдет о Ден Ден муши, которых в мире Ван Пис используют в целях

Den Den Mushi are transponder snails of varying appearances, used for communication, video making, and many other information devices.











The Hound Den Den Mushi (猟犬電伝虫, Ryōken Den-den Mushi?) is a custom variant of the Den Den Mushi, created by Pars Luna. It works on two different «modes», Yap (吼え声, Hoegoe?) and Yip (拝聞, Haibun?). When on the Yap setting, the Den Den Mushi intakes all audio at all times and transmits it to all Hound Den Den Mushis on the Yip setting. Those on the Yip setting are unable to transmit audio outwards, only able to receive audio.



The Purple Den Den Mushi (紫電伝虫, Shi Den-den Mushi?) is a purple variant of the Den Den Mushi, created by Rena Argo. Specifically, it was manufactured in order to send a proper help signal towards another. It works by recording a five-minute video, with audio, and then sending it to another of its type, securing enough information for the receiver to devise a plan and act.


The Crimson Den Den Mushi (紅蓮電伝虫, Guren Den-den Mushi?) is a crimson variant of the Den Den Mushi, created by Umori Kenshiro and Pars Luna. Given to the leaders of the Purgatory Pirate Alliance, it transmits video and audio amongst them in order for discussion purposes. The crimson shell of the Den Den Mushi is able to project the video above itself, allowing for better communication between the leaders. They are used in conjunction with receivers that prevent the private channel to be tapped into.



An Azure Den Den Mushi (紺碧電伝虫, Konpeki Den-den Mushi?) is a deep blue version of the Den Den Mushi, devised by members of the World Government and tied to the place known as the «Internet». Its main goal is to print images of criminals, their bounty posters, and upload them for anyone to be able to access.



The Platinum Den Den Mushi (プラチナム電伝虫, Purachinamu Den-den Mushi?) is an advanced version of a Den Den Mushi, being completely technological in appearance and structure, and allows for someone to browse through DenDenTube and the so-called «Internet». It is said to have been made in a collaboration between some of the world’s greatest minds. More rumors elaborate that it was created through several transponder snails.




An Emerald Den Den Mushi (エメラルド電伝虫, Emerarudo Den-den Mushi?) is a green transponder snail, created by Kenway Veno for Aoshin, supposedly the only of its kind. Extremely potent, it is capable of broadcasting whatever it sees and hears to the world at large.


The Pink Den Den Mushi (ピンク電伝虫, Pinku Den-den Mushi?) is a salmon-colored Den Den Mushi, manufactured by the agents of CP-0. With its use, they can track any kind of equipment branded with the World Government mark from a fairly long distance. That is done by inputting the serial number of the product in question.




  • So far, all the special variants have their names spelled out in Katakana.


Den Den Mushi are transponder snails of varying appearances, used for communication, video making, and many other information devices.











The Hound Den Den Mushi (猟犬電伝虫, Ryōken Den-den Mushi?) is a custom variant of the Den Den Mushi, created by Pars Luna. It works on two different «modes», Yap (吼え声, Hoegoe?) and Yip (拝聞, Haibun?). When on the Yap setting, the Den Den Mushi intakes all audio at all times and transmits it to all Hound Den Den Mushis on the Yip setting. Those on the Yip setting are unable to transmit audio outwards, only able to receive audio.



The Purple Den Den Mushi (紫電伝虫, Shi Den-den Mushi?) is a purple variant of the Den Den Mushi, created by Rena Argo. Specifically, it was manufactured in order to send a proper help signal towards another. It works by recording a five-minute video, with audio, and then sending it to another of its type, securing enough information for the receiver to devise a plan and act.


The Crimson Den Den Mushi (紅蓮電伝虫, Guren Den-den Mushi?) is a crimson variant of the Den Den Mushi, created by Umori Kenshiro and Pars Luna. Given to the leaders of the Purgatory Pirate Alliance, it transmits video and audio amongst them in order for discussion purposes. The crimson shell of the Den Den Mushi is able to project the video above itself, allowing for better communication between the leaders. They are used in conjunction with receivers that prevent the private channel to be tapped into.



An Azure Den Den Mushi (紺碧電伝虫, Konpeki Den-den Mushi?) is a deep blue version of the Den Den Mushi, devised by members of the World Government and tied to the place known as the «Internet». Its main goal is to print images of criminals, their bounty posters, and upload them for anyone to be able to access.



The Platinum Den Den Mushi (プラチナム電伝虫, Purachinamu Den-den Mushi?) is an advanced version of a Den Den Mushi, being completely technological in appearance and structure, and allows for someone to browse through DenDenTube and the so-called «Internet». It is said to have been made in a collaboration between some of the world’s greatest minds. More rumors elaborate that it was created through several transponder snails.




An Emerald Den Den Mushi (エメラルド電伝虫, Emerarudo Den-den Mushi?) is a green transponder snail, created by Kenway Veno for Aoshin, supposedly the only of its kind. Extremely potent, it is capable of broadcasting whatever it sees and hears to the world at large.


The Pink Den Den Mushi (ピンク電伝虫, Pinku Den-den Mushi?) is a salmon-colored Den Den Mushi, manufactured by the agents of CP-0. With its use, they can track any kind of equipment branded with the World Government mark from a fairly long distance. That is done by inputting the serial number of the product in question.




  • So far, all the special variants have their names spelled out in Katakana.


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  • Ван клик мани телефон горячей
  • Ван клик мани номер телефона
  • Ван кафе артем телефон
  • Ван гоги пермь ресторан телефон