Литиевый аккумулятор для телефона

Большинство мобильных устройств, которые вас окружают, комплектуются литий-ионными аккумуляторами: это касается смартфонов, планшетов, ноутбуков, наушников и других гаджетов — так сложилось исторически. Тем не менее, в технических характеристиках современных девайсов все чаще появляется упоминание использования альтернативы — литий-полимерных элементов питания. Неужели они лучше? Забегая вперед, стоит отметить, что принимать решение о приобретении нового устройства, ориентируясь лишь на тип аккумулятора, который в нем используется, не стоит. Но понимать, в чем разница между литий-ионными и литий-полимерными источниками питания, все-таки нужно.

Как работают литий-ионные аккумуляторы в смартфонах

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

Удивительно, но литий-ионные аккумуляторы придумали больше сотни лет тому назад — еще в 1912 году. Тем не менее, они стали популярными только в начале 90-х — это произошло после того, как компания Sony, которая в то время считалась технологическим пионером, начала использовать их в 1991 году. С тех пор на них перешли и другие производители — сначала их начали использовать в музыкальных плеерах и портативных камерах, а потом в мобильных телефонах и, конечно же, смартфонах. Для сегодняшнего ритма инноваций удивительно, что от разработки технологии до ее массового внедрения прошло около 80 лет.

Почему литий-ионные аккумуляторы оказались настолько успешными? Это, в большей степени, связано с высокой плотностью хранения энергии, которая до них не была доступна, сравнительно невысокой стоимостью производства, а также отсутствием пресловутого эффекта памяти, которым грешили предшественники.

Литий-ионные аккумуляторы изготовлены из пары положительно и отрицательно заряженных электродов, которые разделены жидким химическим электролитом: этиленкарбонатом или диэтилкарбонатом. Из-за химического состава подобные элементы питания обычно выполнены в форме одного параллелепипеда или нескольких, соединенных между собой. Обычно у них твердый пластиковый корпус.

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

Эффективная емкость литий-ионных аккумуляторов, а вместе с ним и мощность отдачи, уменьшаются с каждым циклом перезарядки — да что там говорить, они вообще могут разряжаться сами по себе. Более того, пусть это случается не так часто, химический электролит может стать нестабильным при экстремальных температурах или разгерметизации — это может привести к возгоранию и даже взрыву. Чтобы избежать негативных последствий, в конструкции литий-ионных аккумуляторов часто используют специальные цифровые контроллеры — они, в том числе, защищают их от перегрева, опуская мощность.

Как работают литий-полимерные аккумуляторы в смартфонах

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

Технология производства литий-полимерных аккумуляторов заметно более новая, чем литий-ионных, — ее разработали в 70-х годах, и в смартфоны она вообще попала сравнительно недавно. К примеру, Samsung начали массово использовать ее лишь с выходом Galaxy S20, но в Galaxy Note 20 вернулись к литий-ионным элементам питания.

Литий-полимерные аккумуляторы используют аналогичные положительно и отрицательно заряженные электроды, но в качестве электролита не применяется жидкость: ее заменяет пористый химический или гелеобразный электролит (ранее также использовалось сухое твердое вещество, но от него в итоге отказались). В результате подобные элементы питания могут быть выполнены в куда более широком числе вариантов с точки зрения формы — не только в виде одного параллелепипеда или нескольких, соединенных между собой. Более того, конструкция литий-полимерных аккумуляторов отличается большей надежностью и безопасностью — вероятность утечки и возгорания в данном случае заметно ниже, поэтому элементы могут быть упакованы не только в твердый корпус.

Конечно, у данной технологии также есть заметные недостатки. Начать нужно с того, что затраты на производство при использовании другого типа электролита значительно увеличивается. Он также сокращает жизненный цикл аккумулятора и не дает ему возможность накапливать так же много энергии.

💡 Интересный факт: некоторые производители называют литий-полимерными аккумуляторами литий-ионные полимерные аккумуляторы. В этом случае имеется ввиду корпус — вместо традиционного для литий-ионных элементов питания твердого пластикового в данном случае используется мягкий полимерный.

Чем литий-ионные аккумуляторы отличаются от литий-полимерных

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

Наиболее очевидное конструктивное различие между настоящими литий-ионными и литий-полимерными аккумуляторами заключается именно в типе электролита, который размещается между положительно и отрицательно заряженными электродами. В первом случае используется жидкое вещество, во втором — пористый химический или гелеобразный материал. Последний сегодня все чаще используется в современных ноутбуках и некоторых электромобилях. Тем не менее, из-за высокой стоимости его распространение, несмотря на некоторые очевидные преимущества, все же достаточно сильно ограничено.

Чем литий-ионные аккумуляторы лучше литий-полимерных

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

1️⃣ Высокая плотность хранения энергии. Несмотря на то, что сегодня многие ругают литий-ионные аккумуляторы из-за недостаточно большой емкости, плотность хранения энергии у них все же выше, чем у литий-полимерных источников питания. При одинаковом размере число мА·ч будет выше у традиционных батарей.

2️⃣ Отсутствие эффекта памяти. За счет этого литий-ионные аккумуляторы можно заряжать и разряжать в более свободном режиме. В это же время литий-полимерные не обязательно, но лучше всего наполнять энергией до 100%, а потом разряжать практически в ноль и лишь после этого снова подключать зарядку.

3️⃣ Более длительный срок использования. Эффективная емкость литий-ионных аккумуляторов обычно существенно (приблизительно до 80%) сокращается уже после 500–1000 циклов перезарядки. Это — не самый лучший показатель, но литий-полимерные после такого опыта будут чувствовать себя еще хуже.

4️⃣ Заметно более низкая стоимость. Эксперты называют основной проблемой для массового внедрения литий-полимерных аккумуляторов высокую стоимость — именно поэтому они используются только в технике из флагманского ценового сегмента. Сила литий-ионных источников питания в распространенности.

Чем литий-полимерные аккумуляторы лучше литий-ионных

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

1️⃣ Увеличенная безопасность использования. Литий-полимерные аккумуляторы более устойчивы к вызовам окружающего их пространства — если случится разгерметизация, они не загорятся и не взорвутся. Литий-ионные аккумуляторы сами по себе нестабильные: если барьер, который разделяет положительный и отрицательный электроды, будет нарушен, произойдет опасная химическая реакция. Из-за распространенности литий-ионные аккумуляторы могут выпускаться неизвестными производителями без соблюдения правил и норм — такие будут особенно опасны. В этом плане литий-полимерным элементам питания можно доверять куда больше.

2️⃣ Гибкость и разнообразие форм. Чаще всего в качестве электролита в литий-полимерных аккумуляторах применяется гелеобразное вещество. Это дает возможность не ограничиваться формой параллелепипеда или другой конкретной и использовать любую — часто это бывает очень кстати.

Подводя итоги: какие аккумуляторы сегодня предпочтительнее

Литий-ионные против литий-полимерных: чем отличаются аккумуляторы в современных смартфонах

Несмотря на некоторые различия, которые можно найти между литий-ионными и литий-полимерными аккумуляторами, тип источника питания все же сложно назвать решающим фактором при выборе гаджета. В вопросе автономности куда важнее обращать внимание на емкость батареи, а также энергоэффективность чипсета и других компонентов девайса. Тем более, некоторые производители называют литий-полимерными литий-ионные полимерные аккумуляторы, что также может ввести в заблуждение. Если вы озабочены временем автономной работы, лучше всего изучайте реальные отзывы от пользователей.

Аккумулятор — одно из самых слабых мест в смартфоне на сегодняшний день. Сколько бы ни увеличивали его емкость, ее всегда мало, а программные надстройки лишь немного увеличивают его автономность, но после обновления операционной системы на новую версию фактически улетучиваются. Не все знают, но единственной альтернативой литий-ионных батарей, активно использующихся прямо сейчас, являются литий-полимерные аккумуляторы. И да, вы с ними абсолютно точно уже встречались в своей жизни. Но в чем разница? Какой тип аккумулятора лучше для телефона? Попробуем разобраться в этом в нашей статье.

Литий-ионный против литий-полимерного. Какой аккумулятор лучше. Литий-ионная батарея против литий-полимерной. Какая лучше? Фото.

Литий-ионная батарея против литий-полимерной. Какая лучше?


Что такое литий-ионный аккумулятор

Литий-ионные аккумуляторы состоят из двух отрицательно заряженных электродов, разделенных жидким электролитом. Это значит, что изготовить аккумулятор можно лишь в форме параллелепипеда. Благодаря своей конструкции и невысокой стоимости производства такие аккумуляторы и стали популярными в наше время, хотя придуманы были более 100 лет назад. Кроме того, в литий-ионных батареях нет эффекта памяти, который встречался в других аккумуляторах. Но есть и недостатки, известные всем пользователям.

Что такое литий-ионный аккумулятор. Кстати, иногда встречается обозначение «литий-ионный полимерный» аккумулятор — у них используется мягкая упаковка. Фото.

Кстати, иногда встречается обозначение «литий-ионный полимерный» аккумулятор — у них используется мягкая упаковка

  • Емкость литий-ионных аккумуляторов уменьшается с каждым циклом перезарядки.
  • Аккумуляторы могут разряжаться сами по себе.
  • Химический состав аккумулятора может стать нестабильным при экстремальных температурах.

Кроме того, аккумулятор может взорваться от перегрева. Чтобы этого не произошло, используется контроллер, который защищает аккумулятор на зарядке.

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Что такое литий полимерный аккумулятор

В литий-полимерных аккумуляторах используются положительно и отрицательно заряженные электроды, но в качестве электролита не применяют жидкость. Вместо нее используется пористый химический или гелеобразный электролит. Такой состав позволяет исполнять аккумулятор в разных формах, что дает простор для фантазии производителям.

Что такое литий полимерный аккумулятор. Не соврал: в Sony Ericsson и вправду были литий-полимерные батареи. Фото.

Не соврал: в Sony Ericsson и вправду были литий-полимерные батареи

Считается, что в смартфонах литий-полимерные аккумуляторы начали использовать совсем недавно, например, в Samsung Galaxy Note 10+. Но все забывают, что съёмные аккумуляторы в Sony Ericsson (например, в W200 и K750) были именно литий-полимерными. В отличие от литий-ионных батарей, литий-полимерные не обязательно упаковываются в твердый корпус: батареи вышеуказанных мобильников имели мягкую упаковку. У таких батарей есть свои преимущества.

  • Они медленно разряжаются.
  • Их можно создавать очень тонкими.
  • Высоким напряжением.
  • Невыраженный эффект памяти.

Правда, делать такие аккумуляторы несколько дороже из-за электролита внутри. Он, в свою очередь, снижает жизненный цикл батареи, и не дает накапливать много энергии. Кроме того, литий-полимерные батареи проще протыкать при вздутии: мнения по этому поводу разнятся, так как это процесс сопряжен с выходом ядовитого газа, вредного для здоровья, но мастера по ремонту смартфонов не гнушаются этим.

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Какой тип аккумулятора лучше для смартфона

Какой тип аккумулятора лучше для смартфона. И все же: какая батарея лучше? Фото.

И все же: какая батарея лучше?

Понятное дело, что от нас выбор батарей для смартфона не зависит. Зато мы можем выделить основные плюсы обоих видов.

  • Несмотря на то, что современных литий-ионных аккумуляторов многим из нас не хватает, они все равно обладают большей емкостью при сравнительно одинаковых размерах корпуса.
  • У литий-ионных батарей нет эффекта памяти, тогда как литий-полимерные все же рекомендуется время от времени заряжать полностью, а потом разряжать до нуля.
  • Литий-полимерные аккумуляторы быстрее теряют максимальную емкость: мобильники с такими батареями разряжались очень быстро и со временем их приходилось подзаряжать по нескольку раз в день. И снова литий-ионные батареи лучше.
  • Литий-ионные аккумуляторы намного дешевле в производстве, несмотря на недостатки. Поэтому литий-полимерные батареи используют только в редких случаях, например, когда цена устройства настолько высокая, что стоимость батареи не играет роли.

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Но не всё так однозначно. У литий-полимерных батарей есть свои преимущества. Так, они не взрываются при разгерметизации из-за особенностей своей структуры, а еще они намного устойчивее к механическим повреждениям. Кроме того, процент брака и подделок литий-полимерных батарей намного ниже — здесь на руку играет их эксклюзивность. Поэтому вероятность того, что в ваш телефон установят в сервисе некачественную подделку, собранную на коленке, почти нулевая.

Какой тип аккумулятора лучше для смартфона. Защищенный смартфон — отличный пример устройства, в котором установлена литий-полимерная батарея. Фото.

Защищенный смартфон — отличный пример устройства, в котором установлена литий-полимерная батарея

Как уже говорилось выше, литий-полимерные батареи выносливее литий-ионных, поэтому и встречаются чаще всего в защищенных противоударных смартфонах, которые с большой долей вероятности будут использовать в условиях экстремальных температур. Яркий пример — Blackview BV8800. В этом смартфоне все для того, чтобы в него установить литий-полимерную батарею: и размер устройства, и вес, и назначение телефона.

❗️ Присоединяйтесь к нашему чату в Телеграм

Несмотря на различия, принципиальной разницы в типе батареи нет: что одни, что другие являются расходным материалом и рано или поздно выйдут из строя. Лучше обратить внимание на другие характеристики — о них, кстати, мы написали в нашей статье.

Литий-ионные аккумуляторы (Li-ion) на сегодняшней день являются одни из самых распространенных. Фотоаппараты, смартфоны, видеокамеры, электроинструменты – это лишь небольшая часть списка предметов, в которых используется этот источник питания. Это один из самых новых типов аккумуляторов (первый был выпущен в 1991 году), а в 2019 году за его изобретение трем ученым дали Нобелевскую премию.

Хотя литий-ионные аккумуляторы относятся к самым распространенным, их нельзя назвать идеальным, у них есть не только плюсы, но и минусы. Другое дело, что альтернатив нет, что и обуславливает их повсеместное использование. В нашей статье мы подробно разберем их устройство, плюсы, минусы, особенности работы и другие важные нюансы.

Принцип работы и устройство

Ниже на схеме можно посмотреть устройство литий-ионного аккумулятора. У него есть два типа электродов: катоды на алюминиевой фольге и аноды на медной, которые разделены пористым сепаратором, который, в свою очередь, пропитан электролитом. Заряд переносит ион лития, которые может внедряться в кристаллические решетки иных материалов, образовывая химические связи.

Если говорить простым языком, то при подаче напряжения на электроды, ионы лития переходят из литиевого катода в угольный, что сопровождается химической реакцией, а при подаче нагрузки (то есть, при зарядке), происходит обратный процесс.

К сожалению, при зарядке отрицательный электрод восстанавливается не до конца, кроме того, продукты окисления постепенно скапливаются, поэтому Li-ion АКБ постепенно теряет свою емкость и сделать с этим ничего нельзя. Особенно ярко это видно на примере смартфонов, которые в самом начале эксплуатации могут работать 10 часов в активном режиме, а через год-два это значение может очень существенно сократиться. На практике считается, что при снижении емкости на 30-35%, жизненный цикл литий-ионного аккумулятора завершается и его нужно менять.

Устройство литий-ионного аккумулятора подразумевает использование платы, которая контролирует зарядку (это необходимо). Впрочем, о зарядке мы еще поговорим отдельно: там особый процесс. Также отметим, что в качестве катодных материалов сегодня используют разные соединения: литий-феррофосфат, литий-марганцевая шпинель, кобальт лития.

Устройство и схема литий-ионного аккумулятора


К ключевым преимуществам относят следующие параметры:

  • Очень высокая энергоплотность (соотношения количества мАч и объема);
  • Высокий ток при работе;
  • Нет необходимости в обслуживании;
  • Саморазряд очень низкий;
  • Готовность к эксплуатации в любой момент;
  • Нет эффекта памяти;
  • Возможность создавать аккумуляторы любых размеров и форм;
  • Диапазон рабочих температур очень широкий.

Каждое из преимуществ обуславливает применение литий-ионных аккумуляторов в той или иной сфере. Например, высокая энергетическая плотность делает их фактически безальтернативным источником энергии для компактных устройств.


Список недостатков литий-ионных аккумуляторов короче, но и здесь есть достаточно важные моменты. Отметим, что некоторые особенности мы будем подробно разбирать в следующем разделе, так как они очень важны.

  • Дорогие (относительно других АКБ);
  • При высоких температурах работа ухудшается, при низких снижается емкость, хотя диапазон все же широк;
  • Срок службы зависит от времени использования;
  • Опасность взрыва или возгорания;
  • Не самое большое количество циклов зарядки и разрядки;
  • Недопустимы механические повреждения;
  • Требуют строгого соблюдения правил зарядки и иных требований к эксплуатации.

Особенности литий-ионных аккумуляторов.

Некоторые плюсы и минусы, а также особенности литий-ионных аккумуляторов стоит разобрать отдельно. В первую очередь те, которые оказывают существенное влияние на эксплуатацию и срок жизни АКБ.

Опасность взрыва и возгорания

Считается, что это одна из ключевых проблем. Именно поэтому их запрещено провозить в багаже на самолетах. Тем не менее, в данный момент опасность преувеличена (хотя, в случае с авиацией, лучше перестраховаться и здесь запрет имеет смысл). Часто взрывались литий-ионные аккумуляторы первого поколения, где анод был из лития. После циклов зарядки и разрядки на нем образовывались дендриты, которые приводили к замыканию, которое и вызывало возгорание или взрыв. Материал анода заменили на графит и от этого недостатка избавились.

Сегодня такое происходит редко, но в СМИ можно часто увидеть новости, о взрыве смартфонов и т.д. Причин может быть много, но чаще всего это механические повреждения, АКБ низкого качества, короткие замыкания внутри аккумулятора (полностью от этой проблемы не избавились). В настоящее время самым опасным компонентом является электролит, который способен разлагаться на воспламеняющиеся материалы при повышении температуры.

В принципе, если используется качественный литий-ионный аккумулятор, соблюдаются все правила эксплуатации, то вероятность взрыва или возгорания крайне низка. Это примерно как пострадать от удара молнии: никто не застрахован, но происходит это очень редко.

Отдельно расскажем про тушение. В ходе горения происходят не совсем традиционные химические реакции, поэтому литий-ионный аккумулятор может гореть даже без кислорода. Кроме того, при контакте с водой литий может образовывать водород. Если небольшой аккумулятор можно затушить водой, то в случае с крупными (например, в электромобилях) это будет неэффективным способом тушения.

Литиевый аккумулятор в автомобиле

Эффект памяти

К преимуществам литий-ионных аккумуляторов традиционно относят отсутствие эффекта памяти, особенно в сравнении с никель-кадмиевыми АКБ. Тем не менее, последние исследования показали, что это ошибка, однако эффект является настолько незначительным, что его можно не учитывать.

Все дело в ионах лития, которые теряют свои свойства при неполной зарядке. Часть из них остается на катоде, они переходят в пограничное состояние. То есть, они фактически подошли к барьеру освобождения, но не преодолели его. Поэтому при зарядке, когда свободные ионы пытаются вернуться на свое место, они встречаются с теми, которые находятся в пограничном состоянии и тем самым процесс становится более сложным, а структура электрода изменяется. Существуют определенные предложения, как избавиться от этого эффекта, но, повторим, он носит незначительный характер.

Зарядка литий-ионного аккумулятора и разряд

Выше мы писали, что в данных АКБ используется контроллер, который автоматически регулирует зарядку. Это является критически важным, ведь при повышении напряжения аккумулятор может деградировать. Обычная зарядка происходит следующим образом:

  • На первом этапе используется небольшой ток напряжением до 2,9 В (при сильном разряде);
  • Номинальный ток, напряжение до 4,2 В;
  • На финальном этапе напряжение также 4,2 В, но ток минимальный.

В принципе, рядовому пользователю знать этого не нужно, контролеры и зарядные устройства поддерживают данные режимы автоматически. Данная схема является стандартной и в современных устройствах обеспечивается в автоматическом режиме.

Относительно глубокого разряда есть вполне четкое мнение: его допускать нельзя. В идеале, батарею не нужно доводить до разряда ниже 20%, это существенно продлит срок ее службы. Простой пример: если литий-ионный аккумулятор регулярно разряжается на 100%, то его количество циклов разряда и заряда будет около 500, а если лишь на 10%, то 4500 и выше. То есть, разница будет в 9 раз.

Здесь многое зависит от типа устройства, в котором используется АКБ. Разумеется, для смартфона или электроинструмента зарядка на уровне даже 70-80% емкости батареи выглядит невозможной, это попросту затруднит эксплуатацию. Но допускать разряд ниже 20% стоит только в крайнем случае, это действительно очень существенно продлевает срок жизни аккумулятора.

Компактный литий-ионный аккумулятор


Данный тип аккумуляторов подвержен процессу старения, это достаточно серьезный недостаток. С этой точки зрения нет никакого смысла покупать батареи «про запас» и хранить их длительное время, но при этом не использовать. Поэтому если вы покупаете литий-ионный аккумулятор отдельно, стоит обратить пристальное внимание на дату его изготовления. Подавляющее большинство не могут служить более пяти лет (усредненное значение).

Кроме того, условия хранения также оказывают существенное воздействие на время хранения. Оптимальные условия: 40% заряд, температура от 0 до +10 градусов по Цельсию. А под сроком хранения до 5 лет подразумевается снижение емкость до уровня 80% от номинальной.

Оригинальные и не оригинальные

Литий-ионные аккумуляторы производят многие компании и каждый видел картину, когда АКБ от производителя устройства стоит значительно дороже, чем аналог. При этом емкость может быть одинаковой. Стоит ли экономить? Вопрос сложный, который зависит от того, в каком именно устройстве используется аккумулятор.

Разберем на примере смартфонов. Выше мы писали, что при заряде используется контроллер, но в случае со смартфонами, он находится не в АКБ, а в самом телефоне. То есть, все функции, которые должны обеспечивать эффективную работу, делегированы в само устройство. Это сделано сознательно, подобный подход как раз и создает не оригинальным АКБ изначально худшие условия.

Но есть устройства (например, электроинструмент, часть ноутбуков), где данная проблема не является актуальной и там никакой разницы вы не заметите. Поэтому мнение о том, что «дешевые китайские литий-ионные аккумуляторы плохие» — отчасти миф. Да, встречается продукция низкого качества, но зачастую снижение характеристик обусловлено факторами, на которые производитель АКБ повлиять никак не может.

Температура использования

Для большинства литий-ионных аккумуляторов температура эксплуатации находится в диапазоне от – 20 до +50 градусов. Перегрев и переохлаждение не допускаются. Зарядка при низкой температуре также недопустима. Также, при падении температуры, снижается емкость. При отрицательной температуре батарея может потерять до 50% емкости, то есть, разрядится в два раза быстрее.

Существуют аккумуляторы с внутренним подогревом (если подразумевается эксплуатация при очень низких температурах), также некоторые устройства сами могут служить в роли обогревателя при работе, что несколько расширяет диапазон значений. Самая лучшая температура для работы литий-ионных аккумуляторов +20 градусов. Изменения как в плюс, так и в минус, негативно сказываются на емкости и ресурсе.

Литий-ионные батарейки


Характеристики могут зависеть от типа аккумулятора, химического состава его компонентов и варьироваться в определенных пределах.

  • Энергоемкость: от 110 до 280 Втч/кг;
  • Количество циклов заряда и разряда при емкости 80%: 600-700;
  • Значение внутреннего сопротивления: от 4 до 15 мОм/Ач;
  • Напряжение одного элемента: от 2,5 В до 4,2 В;
  • Саморазряд: зависит от температуры и степени заряда. При 100% заряде и оптимальной температуре – около 1,5% в месяц;
  • Скорость быстрой зарядки: около 60 минут.

Это диапазоны основных значений. Могут быть определенные отличия у аккумуляторов различных форм-факторов, например, напряжение 1,5 В (АА и ААА), но здесь речь идет о стабилизированном выходном напряжении, которое не зависит от напряжения в самих ячейках.

Восстановление аккумулятора

Ситуаций, когда литий-ионный аккумулятор может потребовать восстановление может быть две:

  1. Аккумулятор работает, однако разряжается очень быстро;
  2. Он полностью разряжен, но зарядка не работает.

В первом случае речь идет про естественную потерю емкости, и поделать с этим ничего нельзя. Даже в теории не существует способа вернуть номинальную емкость у литиевого аккумулятора. Во втором случае кое-что сделать можно, в интернете можно найти очень подробные инструкции по восстановлению в данном случае.

Чаще всего это происходит из-за глубокой разрядки, длительного не использования аккумулятора (когда он разряжен) или после воздействия очень низких температур. Проблема здесь в зарядных устройствах, которым кажется, что на аккумуляторе недопустимо низкое напряжение и поэтому они препятствуют подачи тока. Это сделано не просто так, цель – безопасность. Просто тут зарядное устройство ошибочно «думает», что внутри произошло замыкание или другие неполадки, а при таких ситуациях заряжать его попросту опасно. То есть, это вопрос безопасности.

При данной неполадке восстановление аккумулятора заключается в обмане зарядного устройства. Например, можно взять другую зарядку, которая не такая «умная». Однако, в этом случае нужно ограничивать максимальный ток. Здесь мы не будем писать длинные и подробные инструкции, их вы легко найдете сами, мы лишь отметили, что восстановление литий-ионного аккумулятора возможно.

Частые вопросы

В заключительной части мы разберем самые частые вопросы про литиевые аккумуляторы и дадим на них подробные ответы.

Есть ли альтернатива у литий-ионных аккумуляторов?

В настоящее время – нет. Можно сказать, что данная технология – апогей развития химических аккумуляторов. Теоретически (да и практические) альтернативы есть, но у них либо слишком высокая цена, либо низкий ток, либо внушительные размеры. Очевидно, что пока не произойдет прорыва в технологиях, вменяемой альтернативы не будет.

Можно ли заменить другие типы аккумуляторов на литиевые?

Да, это возможно и не требует специальных знаний и большого опыта. Чаще всего замену делают в электроинструментах, где меняют никель-кадмиевые на литий-ионные. Последние стоят дороже, зато их характеристики лучше. Чаще всего делают переделку шуруповертов и других подобных электроинструментов с питанием от АКБ.

Как утилизировать?

Литиевые аккумуляторы чаще всего просто выкидывают, особенно если говорить о совсем небольших, отдавать которые на переработку никому даже в голову не приходит. Кроме того, в России очень мало предприятий, которые занимаются данным типом аккумуляторов. Конечно, выкидывать их не правильно, но, к сожалению, зачастую другого выбора просто нет.

Кадмиевые аккумуляторы лучше литиевых? Или наоборот?

Данный вопрос не совсем корректный. Без уточнения характеристик, которые имеют значение, ответить на него невозможно. Где-то будет лучше один тип, где-то совсем другой. У всех есть свои плюсы и минусы, поэтому нельзя сказать, какой из них лучше.

Правда ли то, что китайские литий-ионные аккумуляторы плохие?

Откроем секрет: большинство литиевых АКБ производят в Китае. В данном случае вопрос не в месте производства, а в контроле качества. Те, которые стоят значительно дешевле аналогов, очевидно, будут иметь худшие характеристики, поэтому от экономии толку не будет. Есть определенная цена, которая обусловлена производственными затратами, ее снижение автоматически снижает характеристики.

«Lithium-ion» redirects here. For the metal element, see Lithium.

Lithium-ion battery

Nokia Battery.jpg

A 3.6v Li-ion battery from a Nokia 3310 mobile phone

Specific energy 100–265 Wh/kg (0.360–0.954 MJ/kg)[1][2]
Energy density 250–693 Wh/L (0.90–2.49 MJ/L)[3][4]
Specific power c. 250–340 W/kg[1]
Charge/discharge efficiency 80–90%[5]
Energy/consumer-price 7.6 Wh/US$ (US$132/kWh)[6]
Self-discharge rate 0.35% to 2.5% per month depending on state of charge[7]
Cycle durability 400–1,200 cycles
Nominal cell voltage 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.85 V, LiFePO4 3.2 V, Li4Ti5O12 2.3 V

A lithium-ion or Li-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery which uses the reversible reduction of lithium ions to store energy. It is the predominant battery type used in portable consumer electronics and electric vehicles. It also sees significant use for grid-scale energy storage and military and aerospace applications. Compared to other rechargeable battery technologies, Li-ion batteries have high energy densities, low self-discharge, and no memory effect (although a small memory effect reported in LFP cells has been traced to poorly made cells).[9]

Chemistry, performance, cost and safety characteristics vary across types of lithium-ion batteries. Most commercial Li-ion cells use intercalation compounds as the active materials. The anode or positive electrode is usually graphite, although silicon-carbon is also being increasingly used. Cells can be manufactured to prioritize either energy or power density.[10] Handheld electronics mostly use lithium polymer batteries (with a polymer gel as electrolyte), a lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO
) cathode material, and a graphite anode, which together offer a high energy density.[11][12] Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO
), lithium manganese oxide (LiMn
spinel, or Li
-based lithium rich layered materials, LMR-NMC), and lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (LiNiMnCoO
or NMC) may offer longer lives and may have better rate capability. NMC and its derivatives are widely used in the electrification of transport, one of the main technologies (combined with renewable energy) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles.[13][14]

M. Stanley Whittingham discovered the concept of intercalation electrodes in the 1970s and created the first rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which was based on a titanium disulfide cathode and a lithium-aluminum anode, although it suffered from safety issues and was never commercialized.[15] John Goodenough expanded on this work in 1980 by using lithium cobalt oxide as a cathode.[16] The first prototype of the modern Li-ion battery, which uses a carbonaceous anode rather than lithium metal, was developed by Akira Yoshino in 1985, which was commercialized by a Sony and Asahi Kasei team led by Yoshio Nishi in 1991.[17]

Lithium-ion batteries can be a safety hazard if not properly engineered and manufactured since cells have flammable electrolytes and if damaged or incorrectly charged, can lead to explosions and fires. Much development has made progress in manufacturing safe lithium-ion batteries.[18] Lithium ion all solid state batteries are being developed to eliminate the flammable electrolyte. Improperly recycled batteries can create toxic waste, especially from toxic metals and are at risk of fire. Moreover, both lithium and other key strategic minerals used in batteries have significant issues at extraction, with lithium being water intensive in often arid regions and other minerals often being conflict minerals such as cobalt. Both environmental issues have encouraged some researchers to improve mineral efficiency and alternatives such as iron-air batteries.

Research areas for lithium-ion batteries include extending lifetime, increasing energy density, improving safety, reducing cost, and increasing charging speed,[19][20] among others. Research has been under way in the area of non-flammable electrolytes as a pathway to increased safety based on the flammability and volatility of the organic solvents used in the typical electrolyte. Strategies include aqueous lithium-ion batteries, ceramic solid electrolytes, polymer electrolytes, ionic liquids, and heavily fluorinated systems.[21][22][23][24]


Research on rechargeable Li-ion batteries dates to the 1960s; one of the earliest examples is a CuF
/Li battery developed by NASA in 1965. The breakthrough that produced the earliest form of the modern Li-ion battery was made by British chemist M. Stanley Whittingham in 1974, who first used titanium disulfide (TiS
) as a cathode material, which has a layered structure that can take in lithium ions without significant changes to its crystal structure. Exxon tried to commercialize this battery in the late 1970s, but found the synthesis expensive and complex, as TiS
is sensitive to moisture and releases toxic H
gas on contact with water. More prohibitively, the batteries were also prone to spontaneously catch fire due to the presence of metallic lithium in the cells. For this, and other reasons, Exxon discontinued development of Whittingham’s lithium-titanium disulfide battery.[25]

In 1980 working in separate groups Ned A. Godshall et al.,[26][27][28] and, shortly thereafter, Koichi Mizushima and John B. Goodenough, after testing a range of alternative materials, replaced TiS
with lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO
, or LCO), which has a similar layered structure but offers a higher voltage and is much more stable in air. This material would later be used in the first commercial Li-ion battery, although it did not, on its own, resolve the persistent issue of flammability.[25] The same year, Rachid Yazami demonstrated the reversible electrochemical intercalation of lithium in graphite,[29][30] and invented the lithium graphite electrode (anode).[31][32]

These early attempts to develop rechargeable Li-ion batteries used lithium metal anodes, which were ultimately abandoned due to safety concerns, as lithium metal is unstable and prone to dendrite formation, which can cause short-circuiting. The eventual solution was to use an intercalation anode, similar to that used for the cathode, which prevents the formation of lithium metal during battery charging. A variety of anode materials were studied; in 1987, Akira Yoshino patented what would become the first commercial lithium-ion battery using an anode of «soft carbon» (a charcoal-like material) along with Goodenough’s previously reported LCO cathode and a carbonate ester-based electrolyte. In 1991, using Yoshino’s design, Sony began producing and selling the world’s first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The following year, a joint venture between Toshiba and Asashi Kasei Co. also released their lithium-ion battery.[25]

Significant improvements in energy density were achieved in the 1990s by replacing the soft carbon anode first with hard carbon and later with graphite, a concept originally proposed by Jürgen Otto Besenhard in 1974 but considered unfeasible due to unresolved incompatibilities with the electrolytes then in use.[25][33][34]

In 2012 John B. Goodenough, Rachid Yazami and Akira Yoshino received the 2012 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies for developing the lithium-ion battery; Goodenough, Whittingham, and Yoshino were awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry «for the development of lithium-ion batteries».

In 2010, global lithium-ion battery production capacity was 20 gigawatt-hours.[35] By 2016, it was 28 GWh, with 16.4 GWh in China.[36] Global production capacity was 767 GWh in 2020, with China accounting for 75%.[37] Production in 2021 is estimated by various sources to be between 200 and 600 GWh, and predictions for 2023 range from 400 to 1,100 GWh.[38]


Cylindrical Panasonic 18650 lithium-ion cell before closing.

Lithium-ion battery monitoring electronics (over-charge and deep-discharge protection)

An 18650 size lithium ion cell, with an alkaline AA for scale. 18650 are used for example in notebooks or EVs

Generally, the negative electrode of a conventional lithium-ion cell is graphite made from carbon. The positive electrode is typically a metal oxide. The electrolyte is a lithium salt in an organic solvent.[39] The anode (negative electrode) and cathode (positive electrode) are prevented from shorting by a separator.[40] The anode and cathode are separated from external electronics with a piece of metal called a current collector.[41] The electrochemical roles of the electrodes reverse between anode and cathode, depending on the direction of current flow through the cell.

The most common commercially used anode is graphite, which in its fully lithiated state of LiC6 correlates to a maximal capacity of 1339 C/g (372 mAh/g).[42] The cathode is generally one of three materials: a layered oxide (such as lithium cobalt oxide), a polyanion (such as lithium iron phosphate) or a spinel (such as lithium manganese oxide).[43] More experimental materials include graphene-containing electrodes, although these remain far from commercially viable due to their high cost.[44]

Lithium reacts vigorously with water to form lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen gas. Thus, a non-aqueous electrolyte is typically used, and a sealed container rigidly excludes moisture from the battery pack. The non-aqueous electrolyte is typically a mixture of organic carbonates such as ethylene carbonate and propylene carbonate containing complexes of lithium ions.[45] Ethylene carbonate is essential for making solid electrolyte interphase on the carbon anode, but since it is solid at room temperature, a propylene carbonate solvent is added.

The electrolyte salt is almost always lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF
), which combines good ionic conductivity with chemical and electrochemical stability. Hexafluorophosphate is essential for passivating the aluminum current collector used for the cathode. A titanium tab is ultrasonically welded to the aluminum current collector.
Other salts like lithium perchlorate (LiClO
), lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF
), and lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiC
) are frequently used in research in tab-less coin cells, but are not usable in larger format cells,[46] often because they are not compatible with the aluminum current collector. Copper (with a spot-welded nickel tab) is used as the anode current collector.

Current collector design and surface treatments may take various forms: foil, mesh, foam (dealloyed), etched (wholly or selectively), and coated (with various materials) to improve electrical characteristics.[41]

Depending on materials choices, the voltage, energy density, life, and safety of a lithium-ion cell can change dramatically. Current effort has been exploring the use of novel architectures using nanotechnology to improve performance. Areas of interest include nano-scale electrode materials and alternative electrode structures.[47]

The increasing demand for batteries has led vendors and academics to focus on improving the energy density, operating temperature, safety, durability, charging time, output power, elimination of cobalt requirements,[48][49] and cost of lithium-ion battery technology.


The reactants in the electrochemical reactions in a lithium-ion cell are materials of anode and cathode, both of which are compounds containing lithium atoms. During discharge, an oxidation half-reaction at the anode produces positively charged lithium ions and negatively charged electrons. The oxidation half-reaction may also produce uncharged material that remains at the anode. Lithium ions move through the electrolyte, electrons move through the external circuit, and then they recombine at the cathode (together with the cathode material) in a reduction half-reaction. The electrolyte and external circuit provide conductive media for lithium ions and electrons, respectively, but do not partake in the electrochemical reaction. During discharge, electrons flow from the negative electrode (anode) towards the positive electrode (cathode) through the external circuit. The reactions during discharge lower the chemical potential of the cell, so discharging transfers energy from the cell to wherever the electric current dissipates its energy, mostly in the external circuit. During charging these reactions and transports go in the opposite direction: electrons move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through the external circuit. To charge the cell the external circuit has to provide electric energy. This energy is then stored as chemical energy in the cell (with some loss, e. g. due to coulombic efficiency lower than 1).

Both electrodes allow lithium ions to move in and out of their structures with a process called insertion (intercalation) or extraction (deintercalation), respectively.

As the lithium ions «rock» back and forth between the two electrodes, these batteries are also known as «rocking-chair batteries» or «swing batteries» (a term given by some European industries).[50][51]

The following equations exemplify the chemistry.

The positive electrode (cathode) half-reaction in the lithium-doped cobalt oxide substrate is[52][53]

{displaystyle {ce {CoO2 + Li+ + e- <=> LiCoO2}}}

The negative electrode (anode) half-reaction for the graphite is

{displaystyle {ce {LiC6 <=> C6 + Li+ + e^-}}}

The full reaction (left to right: discharging, right to left: charging) being

{displaystyle {ce {LiC6 + CoO2 <=> C6 + LiCoO2}}}

The overall reaction has its limits. Overdischarging supersaturates lithium cobalt oxide, leading to the production of lithium oxide,[54] possibly by the following irreversible reaction:

{displaystyle {ce {Li+ + e^- + LiCoO2 -> Li2O + CoO}}}

Overcharging up to 5.2 volts leads to the synthesis of cobalt (IV) oxide, as evidenced by x-ray diffraction:[55]

{displaystyle {ce {LiCoO2 -> Li+ + CoO2 + e^-}}}

In a lithium-ion cell, the lithium ions are transported to and from the positive or negative electrodes by oxidizing the transition metal, cobalt (Co), in Li
from Co3+
to Co4+
during charge, and reducing from Co4+
to Co3+
during discharge. The cobalt electrode reaction is only reversible for x < 0.5 (x in mole units), limiting the depth of discharge allowable. This chemistry was used in the Li-ion cells developed by Sony in 1990.[56]

The cell’s energy is equal to the voltage times the charge. Each gram of lithium represents Faraday’s constant/6.941, or 13,901 coulombs. At 3 V, this gives 41.7 kJ per gram of lithium, or 11.6 kWh per kilogram of lithium. This is a bit more than the heat of combustion of gasoline but does not consider the other materials that go into a lithium battery and that make lithium batteries many times heavier per unit of energy.

The cell voltages given in the Electrochemistry section are larger than the potential at which aqueous solutions will electrolyze.

Liquid electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries consist of lithium salts, such as LiPF
, LiBF
or LiClO
in an organic solvent, such as ethylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, and diethyl carbonate.[57] A liquid electrolyte acts as a conductive pathway for the movement of cations passing from the negative to the positive electrodes during discharge. Typical conductivities of liquid electrolyte at room temperature (20 °C (68 °F)) are in the range of 10 mS/cm, increasing by approximately 30–40% at 40 °C (104 °F) and decreasing slightly at 0 °C (32 °F).[58] The combination of linear and cyclic carbonates (e.g., ethylene carbonate (EC) and dimethyl carbonate (DMC)) offers high conductivity and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)-forming ability. Organic solvents easily decompose on the negative electrodes during charge. When appropriate organic solvents are used as the electrolyte, the solvent decomposes on initial charging and forms a solid layer called the solid electrolyte interphase,[59] which is electrically insulating, yet provides significant ionic conductivity. The interphase prevents further decomposition of the electrolyte after the second charge. For example, ethylene carbonate is decomposed at a relatively high voltage, 0.7 V vs. lithium, and forms a dense and stable interface.[60] Composite electrolytes based on POE (poly(oxyethylene)) provide a relatively stable interface.[61][62] It can be either solid (high molecular weight) and be applied in dry Li-polymer cells, or liquid (low molecular weight) and be applied in regular Li-ion cells. Room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) are another approach to limiting the flammability and volatility of organic electrolytes.[63]

Recent advances in battery technology involve using a solid as the electrolyte material. The most promising of these are ceramics.[64] Solid ceramic electrolytes are mostly lithium metal oxides, which allow lithium-ion transport through the solid more readily due to the intrinsic lithium. The main benefit of solid electrolytes is that there is no risk of leaks, which is a serious safety issue for batteries with liquid electrolytes.[65] Solid ceramic electrolytes can be further broken down into two main categories: ceramic and glassy. Ceramic solid electrolytes are highly ordered compounds with crystal structures that usually have ion transport channels.[66] Common ceramic electrolytes are lithium super ion conductors (LISICON) and perovskites. Glassy solid electrolytes are amorphous atomic structures made up of similar elements to ceramic solid electrolytes but have higher conductivities overall due to higher conductivity at grain boundaries.[67] Both glassy and ceramic electrolytes can be made more ionically conductive by substituting sulfur for oxygen. The larger radius of sulfur and its higher ability to be polarized allow higher conductivity of lithium. This contributes to conductivities of solid electrolytes are nearing parity with their liquid counterparts, with most on the order of 0.1 mS/cm and the best at 10 mS/cm.[68] An efficient and economic way to tune targeted electrolytes properties is by adding a third component in small concentrations, known as an additive.[69] By adding the additive in small amounts, the bulk properties of the electrolyte system will not be affected whilst the targeted property can be significantly improved. The numerous additives that have been tested can be divided into the following three distinct categories: (1) those used for SEI chemistry modifications; (2) those used for enhancing the ion conduction properties; (3) those used for improving the safety of the cell (e.g. prevent overcharging).[citation needed]

Charging and discharging[edit]

During discharge, lithium ions (Li+
) carry the current within the battery cell from the negative to the positive electrode, through the non-aqueous electrolyte and separator diaphragm.[70]

During charging, an external electrical power source (the charging circuit) applies an over-voltage (a higher voltage than the battery produces, of the same polarity), forcing a charging current to flow within each cell from the positive to the negative electrode, i.e., in the reverse direction of a discharge current under normal conditions. The lithium ions then migrate from the positive to the negative electrode, where they become embedded in the porous electrode material in a process known as intercalation.

Energy losses arising from electrical contact resistance at interfaces between electrode layers and at contacts with current collectors can be as high as 20% of the entire energy flow of batteries under typical operating conditions.[71]

The charging procedures for single Li-ion cells, and complete Li-ion batteries, are slightly different:

  • A single Li-ion cell is charged in two stages:[72][73][74][unreliable source?]
  1. Constant current (CC)
  2. Constant voltage (CV)
  • A Li-ion battery (a set of Li-ion cells in series) is charged in three stages:
  1. Constant current
  2. Balance (only required when cell groups become unbalanced during use)
  3. Constant voltage

During the constant current phase, the charger applies a constant current to the battery at a steadily increasing voltage, until the top-of-charge voltage limit per cell is reached.

During the balance phase, the charger/battery reduces the charging current (or cycles the charging on and off to reduce the average current) while the state of charge of individual cells is brought to the same level by a balancing circuit, until the battery is balanced. Balancing typically occurs whenever one or more cells reach their top-of-charge voltage before the other(s), as it is generally inaccurate to do so at other stages of the charge cycle. This is most commonly done by passive balancing, which dissipates excess charge via resistors connected momentarily across the cell(s) to be balanced. Active balancing is less common, more expensive, but more efficient, returning excess energy to other cells (or the entire pack) through the means of a DC-DC converter or other circuitry. Some fast chargers skip this stage. Some chargers accomplish the balance by charging each cell independently. This is often performed by the battery protection circuit/battery management system (BPC or BMS) and not the charger (which typically provides only the bulk charge current, and does not interact with the pack at the cell-group level), e.g., e-bike and hoverboard chargers. In this method, the BPC/BMS will request a lower charge current (such as EV batteries), or will shut-off the charging input (typical in portable electronics) through the use of transistor circuitry while balancing is in effect (to prevent over-charging cells). Balancing most often occurs during the constant voltage stage of charging, switching between charge modes until complete. The pack is usually fully-charged only when balancing is complete, as even a single cell group lower in charge than the rest will limit the entire battery’s usable capacity to that of its own. Balancing can last hours or even days, depending on the magnitude of imbalance in the battery.

During the constant voltage phase, the charger applies a voltage equal to the maximum cell voltage times the number of cells in series to the battery, as the current gradually declines towards 0, until the current is below a set threshold of about 3% of initial constant charge current.

Periodic topping charge about once per 500 hours. Top charging is recommended to be initiated when voltage goes below 4.05 V/cell.[dubious – discuss]

Failure to follow current and voltage limitations can result in an explosion.[75][76]

Charging temperature limits for Li-ion are stricter than the operating limits. Lithium-ion chemistry performs well at elevated temperatures but prolonged exposure to heat reduces battery life. Li‑ion batteries offer good charging performance at cooler temperatures and may even allow «fast-charging» within a temperature range of 5 to 45 °C (41 to 113 °F).[77][better source needed] Charging should be performed within this temperature range. At temperatures from 0 to 5 °C charging is possible, but the charge current should be reduced. During a low-temperature charge, the slight temperature rise above ambient due to the internal cell resistance is beneficial. High temperatures during charging may lead to battery degradation and charging at temperatures above 45 °C will degrade battery performance, whereas at lower temperatures the internal resistance of the battery may increase, resulting in slower charging and thus longer charging times.[77][better source needed] Consumer-grade lithium-ion batteries should not be charged at temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F). Although a battery pack[78] may appear to be charging normally, electroplating of metallic lithium can occur at the negative electrode during a subfreezing charge, and may not be removable even by repeated cycling. Most devices equipped with Li-ion batteries do not allow charging outside of 0–45 °C for safety reasons, except for mobile phones that may allow some degree of charging when they detect an emergency call in progress.[79]

A lithium-ion battery from a laptop computer (176 kJ)

Batteries gradually self-discharge even if not connected and delivering current. Li-ion rechargeable batteries have a self-discharge rate typically stated by manufacturers to be 1.5–2% per month.[80][81]

The rate increases with temperature and state of charge. A 2004 study found that for most cycling conditions self-discharge was primarily time-dependent; however, after several months of stand on open circuit or float charge, state-of-charge dependent losses became significant. The self-discharge rate did not increase monotonically with state-of-charge, but dropped somewhat at intermediate states of charge.[82] Self-discharge rates may increase as batteries age.[83] In 1999, self-discharge per month was measured at 8% at 21 °C, 15% at 40 °C, 31% at 60 °C.[84] By 2007, monthly self-discharge rate was estimated at 2% to 3%,[85] and 2[7]–3% by 2016.[86]

By comparison, the self-discharge rate for NiMH batteries dropped, as of 2017, from up to 30% per month for previously common cells[87] to about 0.08–0.33% per month for low self-discharge NiMH batteries,[88] and is about 10% per month in NiCd batteries.[citation needed]


Cathode materials are generally constructed from LiCoO
or LiMn
. The cobalt-based material develops a pseudo tetrahedral structure that allows for two-dimensional lithium-ion diffusion.[89] The cobalt-based cathodes are ideal due to their high theoretical specific heat capacity, high volumetric capacity, low self-discharge, high discharge voltage, and good cycling performance. Limitations include the high cost of the material, and low thermal stability.[90] The manganese-based materials adopt a cubic crystal lattice system, which allows for three-dimensional lithium-ion diffusion.[89] Manganese cathodes are attractive because manganese is cheaper and because it could theoretically be used to make a more efficient, longer-lasting battery if its limitations could be overcome. Limitations include the tendency for manganese to dissolve into the electrolyte during cycling leading to poor cycling stability for the cathode.[90] Cobalt-based cathodes are the most common, however other materials are being researched with the goal of lowering costs and improving cell life.[91]

As of 2017, LiFePO
is a candidate for large-scale production of lithium-ion batteries such as electric vehicle applications due to its low cost, excellent safety, and high cycle durability. For example, Sony Fortelion batteries have retained 74% of their capacity after 8000 cycles with 100% discharge.[92] A carbon conductive agent is required to overcome its low electrical conductivity.[93]

It is worth mentioning so-called «lithium-rich» cathodes, that can be produced from traditional NCM layered cathode materials upon cycling them to voltages/charges higher than those corresponding to Li:M=1. Under such conditions a new semi-reversible redox transition at a higher voltage with ca. 0.4-0.8 electrons/metal site charge appears. This transition involves non-binding electron orbitals centered mostly on O atoms. Despite significant initial interest, this phenomenon did not result in marketable products because of a fast structural degradation (O2 evolution and lattice rearrangements) of such «lithium-rich» phases.[94]

Positive electrode

Technology Company Target application Benefit
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide
NMC, LiNixMnyCozO2
Imara Corporation, Nissan Motor,[95][96] Microvast Inc., LG Chem,[97] Northvolt[98] Electric vehicles, power tools, grid energy storage good specific energy and specific power density
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide
Panasonic,[97] Saft Groupe S.A.[99] Samsung[100] Electric vehicles High specific energy, good life span
Lithium Manganese Oxide
LMO, LiMn2O4
LG Chem,[101] NEC, Samsung,[102] Hitachi,[103] Nissan/AESC,[104] EnerDel[105] Hybrid electric vehicle, cell phone, laptop
Lithium Iron Phosphate
University of Texas/Hydro-Québec,[106] Phostech Lithium Inc., Valence Technology, A123Systems/MIT[107][108] Segway Personal Transporter, power tools, aviation products, automotive hybrid systems, PHEV conversions moderate density (2 A·h outputs 70 amperes) High safety compared to Cobalt / Manganese systems. Operating temperature >60 °C (140 °F)
Lithium Cobalt Oxide
Sony first commercial production[109][56] broad use, laptop High specific energy


Negative electrode materials are traditionally constructed from graphite and other carbon materials, although newer silicon-based materials are being increasingly used (see Nanowire battery). In 2016, 89% of lithium-ion batteries contained graphite (43% artificial and 46% natural), 7% contained amorphous carbon (either soft carbon or hard carbon), 2% contained lithium titanate (LTO) and 2% contained silicon or tin-based materials.[110]

These materials are used because they are abundant, electrically conducting and can intercalate lithium ions to store electrical charge with modest volume expansion (~10%).[111] Graphite is the dominant material because of its low intercalation voltage and excellent performance. Various alternative materials with higher capacities have been proposed, but they usually have higher voltages, which reduces low energy density.[112] Low voltage is the key requirement for anodes; otherwise, the excess capacity is useless in terms of energy density.

Negative electrode

Technology Density Durability Company Target application Comments
Graphite Weight: 260 Wh/kg Tesla The dominant negative electrode material used in lithium ion batteries, limited to a capacity of 372 mAh/g.[42] Low cost and good energy density. Graphite anodes can accommodate one lithium atom for every six carbon atoms. Charging rate is governed by the shape of the long, thin graphene sheets. While charging, the lithium ions must travel to the outer edges of the graphene sheet before coming to rest (intercalating) between the sheets. The circuitous route takes so long that they encounter congestion around those edges.[113]
Lithium Titanate
LTO, Li4Ti5O12
Toshiba, Altairnano Automotive (Phoenix Motorcars), electrical grid (PJM Interconnection Regional Transmission Organization control area,[114] United States Department of Defense[115]), bus (Proterra) Improved output, charging time, durability (safety, operating temperature −50–70 °C (−58–158 °F)).[116]
Hard Carbon Energ2[117] Home electronics Greater storage capacity.
Tin/Cobalt Alloy Sony Consumer electronics (Sony Nexelion battery) Larger capacity than a cell with graphite (3.5 Ah 18650-type cell).
Silicon/Carbon Volumetric: 730 Wh/L
Weight: 450 Wh/kg
Amprius[118] Smartphones, providing 5000 mAh capacity Uses < 10% with Silicon nanowires combined with graphite and binders. Energy density: ~74 mAh/g.

Another approach used carbon-coated 15 nm thick crystal silicon flakes. The tested half-cell achieved 1200 mAh/g over 800 cycles.[119]

As graphite is limited to a maximum capacity of 372 mAh/g[42] much research has been dedicated to the development of materials that exhibit higher theoretical capacities, and overcoming the technical challenges that presently encumber their implementation. The extensive 2007 Review Article by Kasavajjula et al.[120]
summarizes early research on silicon-based anodes for lithium-ion secondary cells. In particular, Hong Li et al.[121] showed in 2000 that the electrochemical insertion of lithium ions in silicon nanoparticles and silicon nanowires leads to the formation of an amorphous Li-Si alloy. The same year, Bo Gao and his doctoral advisor, Professor Otto Zhou described the cycling of electrochemical cells with anodes comprising silicon nanowires, with a reversible capacity ranging from at least approximately 900 to 1500 mAh/g.[122]

To improve stability of the lithium anode, several approaches of installing a protective layer have been suggested.[123] Silicon is beginning to be looked at as an anode material because it can accommodate significantly more lithium ions, storing up to 10 times the electric charge, however this alloying between lithium and silicon results in significant volume expansion (ca. 400%),[111] which causes catastrophic failure for the cell.[124] Silicon has been used as an anode material but the insertion and extraction of {displaystyle {ce {scriptstyle Li+}}} can create cracks in the material. These cracks expose the Si surface to an electrolyte, causing decomposition and the formation of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on the new Si surface (crumpled graphene encapsulated Si nanoparticles). This SEI will continue to grow thicker, deplete the available {displaystyle {ce {scriptstyle Li+}}}, and degrade the capacity and cycling stability of the anode.


Electrolyte alternatives have also played a significant role, for example the lithium polymer battery. Polymer electrolytes are promising for minimizing the dendrite formation of lithium. Polymers are supposed to prevent short circuits and maintain conductivity.[123]

The ions in the electrolyte diffuse because there are small changes in the electrolyte concentration. Linear diffusion is only considered here. The change in concentration c, as a function of time t and distance x, is

{displaystyle {frac {partial c}{partial t}}={frac {D}{varepsilon }}{frac {partial ^{2}c}{partial x^{2}}}.}

In this equation, D is the diffusion coefficient for the lithium ion. It has a value of 7.5×10−10 m2/s in the LiPF
electrolyte. The value for ε, the porosity of the electrolyte, is 0.724.[125]



Li-ion cells (as distinct from entire batteries) are available in various shapes, which can generally be divided into four groups:[126]

  • Small cylindrical (solid body without terminals, such as those used in most e-bikes and most electric vehicle battery and older laptop batteries); there a several standard lithium-ion cylinder sizes.
  • Large cylindrical (solid body with large threaded terminals)
  • Flat or pouch (soft, flat body, such as those used in cell phones and newer laptops; these are lithium-ion polymer batteries.[127]
  • Rigid plastic case with large threaded terminals (such as electric vehicle traction packs)

Cells with a cylindrical shape are made in a characteristic «swiss roll» manner (known as a «jelly roll» in the US), which means it is a single long «sandwich» of the positive electrode, separator, negative electrode, and separator rolled into a single spool. The shape of the jelly roll in cylindrical cells can be approximated by an Archimedean spiral. One advantage of cylindrical cells compared to cells with stacked electrodes is the faster production speed. One disadvantage of cylindrical cells can be a large radial temperature gradient inside the cells developing at high discharge currents.

The absence of a case gives pouch cells the highest gravimetric energy density; however, for many practical applications they still require an external means of containment to prevent expansion when their state of charge (SOC) level is high,[128] and for general structural stability of the battery pack of which they are part. Both rigid plastic and pouch-style cells are sometimes referred to as prismatic cells due to their rectangular shapes.[129] Battery technology analyst Mark Ellis of Munro & Associates sees three basic Li-ion battery types used in modern (~2020) electric vehicle batteries at scale: cylindrical cells (e.g., Tesla), prismatic pouch (e.g., from LG), and prismatic can cells (e.g., from LG, Samsung, Panasonic, and others). Each form factor has characteristic advantages and disadvantages for EV use.[12]

Since 2011, several research groups have announced demonstrations of lithium-ion flow batteries that suspend the cathode or anode material in an aqueous or organic solution.[130][131]

In 2014, Panasonic created the smallest Li-ion cell. It is pin shaped. It has a diameter of 3.5mm and a weight of 0.6g.[132] A coin cell form factor resembling that of ordinary lithium batteries is available since as early as 2006 for LiCoO2 cells, usually designated with a «LiR» prefix.[133][134]


A battery (also called a battery pack) consists of multiple connected lithium-ion cells. Battery packs for large consumer electronics like laptop computers also contain temperature sensors, voltage regulator circuits, voltage taps, and charge-state monitors. These components minimize safety risks like overheating and short circuiting.[135] To power larger devices, such as electric cars, connecting many small batteries in a parallel circuit is more effective[136] and more efficient than connecting a single large battery.[137][better source needed]


The vast majority of commercial Li-ion batteries are used in consumer electronics and electric vehicles.[138] Such devices include:

  • Portable devices: these include mobile phones and smartphones, laptops and tablets, digital cameras and camcorders, electronic cigarettes, handheld game consoles and torches (flashlights).
  • Power tools: Li-ion batteries are used in tools such as cordless drills, sanders, saws, and a variety of garden equipment including whipper-snippers and hedge trimmers.[139]
  • Electric vehicles: electric vehicle batteries are used in electric cars,[140] hybrid vehicles, electric motorcycles and scooters, electric bicycles, personal transporters and advanced electric wheelchairs. Also radio-controlled models, model aircraft, aircraft,[141][142][143] and the Mars Curiosity rover.

More niche uses include backup power in telecommunications applications.[144] Lithium-ion batteries are also frequently discussed as a potential option for grid energy storage,[145] although they are not yet cost-competitive at scale.[146]


Specific energy density 100 to 250 W·h/kg (360 to 900 kJ/kg)[147]
Volumetric energy density 250 to 680 W·h/L (900 to 2230 J/cm3)[2][148]
Specific power density 300 to 1500 W/kg (at 20 seconds and 285 W·h/L)[1][failed verification]

Because lithium-ion batteries can have a variety of positive and negative electrode materials, the energy density and voltage vary accordingly.

The open-circuit voltage is higher than in aqueous batteries (such as lead–acid, nickel–metal hydride and nickel-cadmium).[149][failed verification] Internal resistance increases with both cycling and age,[150] although this depends strongly on the voltage and temperature the batteries are stored at.[151] Rising internal resistance causes the voltage at the terminals to drop under load, which reduces the maximum current draw. Eventually, increasing resistance will leave the battery in a state such that it can no longer support the normal discharge currents requested of it without unacceptable voltage drop or overheating.

Batteries with a lithium iron phosphate positive and graphite negative electrodes have a nominal open-circuit voltage of 3.2 V and a typical charging voltage of 3.6 V. Lithium nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) oxide positives with graphite negatives have a 3.7 V nominal voltage with a 4.2 V maximum while charging. The charging procedure is performed at constant voltage with current-limiting circuitry (i.e., charging with constant current until a voltage of 4.2 V is reached in the cell and continuing with a constant voltage applied until the current drops close to zero). Typically, the charge is terminated at 3% of the initial charge current. In the past, lithium-ion batteries could not be fast-charged and needed at least two hours to fully charge. Current-generation cells can be fully charged in 45 minutes or less. In 2015 researchers demonstrated a small 600 mAh capacity battery charged to 68 percent capacity in two minutes and a 3,000 mAh battery charged to 48 percent capacity in five minutes. The latter battery has an energy density of 620 W·h/L. The device employed heteroatoms bonded to graphite molecules in the anode.[152]

Performance of manufactured batteries has improved over time. For example, from 1991 to 2005 the energy capacity per price of lithium ion batteries improved more than ten-fold, from 0.3 W·h per dollar to over 3 W·h per dollar.[153] In the period from 2011 to 2017, progress has averaged 7.5% annually.[154]
Overall, between 1991 and 2018, prices for all types of lithium-ion cells (in dollars per kWh) fell approximately 97%.[155] Over the same time period, energy density more than tripled.[155]
Efforts to increase energy density contributed significantly to cost reduction.[156]

Differently sized cells with similar chemistry can also have different energy densities. The 21700 cell has 50% more energy than the 18650 cell, and the bigger size reduces heat transfer to its surroundings.[148]


Life of a lithium-ion battery is typically defined as the number of full charge-discharge cycles to reach a failure threshold in terms of capacity loss or impedance rise. Manufacturers’ datasheet typically uses the word «cycle life» to specify lifespan in terms of the number of cycles to reach 80% of the rated battery capacity.[157] Simple storing lithium-ion batteries in the charged state also reduces their capacity (the amount of cyclable Li+) and increases the cell resistance (primarily due to the continuous growth of the solid electrolyte interface on the anode. Calendar life is used to represent the whole life cycle of battery involving both the cycle and inactive storage operations. Battery cycle life is affected by many different stress factors including temperature, discharge current, charge current, and state of charge ranges (depth of discharge).[158][159] Batteries are not fully charged and discharged in real applications such as smartphones, laptops and electric cars and hence defining battery life via full discharge cycles can be misleading. To avoid this confusion, researchers sometimes use cumulative discharge[158] defined as the total amount of charge (Ah) delivered by the battery during its entire life or equivalent full cycles,[159] which represents the summation of the partial cycles as fractions of a full charge-discharge cycle. Battery degradation during storage is affected by temperature and battery state of charge (SOC) and a combination of full charge (100% SOC) and high temperature (usually > 50 °C) can result in sharp capacity drop and gas generation.[160] Multiplying the battery cumulative discharge by the rated nominal Voltage gives the total energy delivered over the life of the battery. From this one can calculate the cost per kWh of the energy (including the cost of charging).

Over their lifespan batteries degrade gradually leading to reduced capacity (and, in some cases, lower operating cell voltage) due to a variety of chemical and mechanical changes to the electrodes.[161]

Several degradation processes occur in lithium-ion batteries, some during cycling, some during storage, and some all the time:[162][163][161] Degradation is strongly temperature-dependent: degradation at room temperature is minimal but increases for batteries stored or used in hot or cold environments.[164] High charge levels also hasten capacity loss.[165] Some of the most prominent mechanisms include:[166]

(1) Reduction of the organic carbonate electrolyte at the anode, which results in the growth of Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI), where Li+ ions get irreversibly trapped, i.e. loss of lithium inventory. This shows as increased ohmic impedance and reduced Ah charge. At constant temperature the SEI film thickness (and therefore, the SEI resistance and the lost in cyclable Li+) increases as a square root of the time spent in the charged state. The number of cycles is not a useful metrics in characterizing this main degradation pathway. Under high temperatures or in the presence of a mechanical damage the electrolyte reduction can proceed explosively.

(2) Lithium metal plating also results in the loss of lithium inventory (cyclable Ah charge), as well as internal short-circuiting and ignition of a battery. Once Li plating commences during cycling, it results in larger slopes of capacity loss per cycle and resistance increase per cycle.

(3) Loss of the (negative or positive) electroactive materials due to dissolution (e.g. of Mn(3+) species), cracking, exfoliation, detachment or even simple regular volume change during cycling. It shows up as both charge and power fade (increased resistance). Both positive and negative electrode materials are subject to fracturing due to the volumetric strain of repeated (de)lithiation cycles.

(4) Structural degradation of cathode materials, such as Li+/Ni2+ cation mixing in nickel-rich materials. This manifests as “electrode saturation», loss of cyclable Ah charge and as a «voltage fade».

(5) Other material degradations. Negative copper current collector is particularly prone to corrosion/dissolution at low cell voltages. PVDF binder also degrades, causing the detachment of the electroactive materials, and the loss of cyclable Ah charge.

Overview of the correlation between operational stress factors (the causes for degradation), the corresponding aging mechanisms, aging mode, and their effect on Lithium-ion batteries aging.

These are shown in the figure on the right. A change from one main degradation mechanism to another appears as a knee (slope change) in the capacity vs. cycle number plot.[166]

A more detailed description of some of these mechanisms is provided below:
(1) The negative (anode) SEI layer, a passivation coating formed by electrolyte (such as ethylenecarbonate) reduction products, is essential for providing Li+ ion conduction, while preventing electron transfer (and, thus, further solvent reduction). Under typical operating conditions, the negative SEI layer reaches a fixed thickness after the first few charges (formation cycles), allowing the device to operate for years. However, at elevated temperatures or due to mechanical detachment of the negative SEI, this exothermic electrolyte reduction can proceed violently and lead to an explosion via several reactions.[162] Lithium-ion batteries are prone to capacity fading over hundreds[167] to thousands of cycles. Formation of the SEI consumes lithium ions, reducing the overall charge and discharge efficiency of the electrode material.[168] as a decomposition product, various SEI-forming additives can be added to the electrolyte to promote the formation of a more stable SEI that remains selective for lithium ions to pass through while blocking electrons.[169] Cycling cells at high temperature or at fast rates can promote the degradation of Li-ion batteries due in part to the degradation of the SEI or lithium plating.[170] Charging Li-ion batteries beyond 80% can drastically accelerate battery degradation.[171][172][173][174][175]

Depending on the electrolyte and additives,[176] common components of the SEI layer that forms on the anode include a mixture of lithium oxide, lithium fluoride and semicarbonates (e.g., lithium alkyl carbonates). At elevated temperatures, alkyl carbonates in the electrolyte decompose into insoluble species such as Li
 that increases the film thickness. This increases cell impedance and reduces cycling capacity.[164] Gases formed by electrolyte decomposition can increase the cell’s internal pressure and are a potential safety issue in demanding environments such as mobile devices.[162] Below 25 °C, plating of metallic Lithium on the anodes and subsequent reaction with the electrolyte is leading to loss of cyclable Lithium.[164] Extended storage can trigger an incremental increase in film thickness and capacity loss.[162] Charging at greater than 4.2 V can initiate Li+ plating on the anode, producing irreversible capacity loss.

Electrolyte degradation mechanisms include hydrolysis and thermal decomposition.[162] At concentrations as low as 10 ppm, water begins catalyzing a host of degradation products that can affect the electrolyte, anode and cathode.[162] LiPF
participates in an equilibrium reaction with LiF and PF
. Under typical conditions, the equilibrium lies far to the left. However the presence of water generates substantial LiF, an insoluble, electrically insulating product. LiF binds to the anode surface, increasing film thickness.[162] LiPF
hydrolysis yields PF
, a strong Lewis acid that reacts with electron-rich species, such as water. PF
reacts with water to form hydrofluoric acid (HF) and phosphorus oxyfluoride. Phosphorus oxyfluoride in turn reacts to form additional HF and difluorohydroxy phosphoric acid. HF converts the rigid SEI film into a fragile one. On the cathode, the carbonate solvent can then diffuse onto the cathode oxide over time, releasing heat and potentially causing thermal runaway.[162] Decomposition of electrolyte salts and interactions between the salts and solvent start at as low as 70 °C. Significant decomposition occurs at higher temperatures. At 85 °C transesterification products, such as dimethyl-2,5-dioxahexane carboxylate (DMDOHC) are formed from EC reacting with DMC.[162]

Batteries generate heat when being charged or discharged, especially at high currents. Large battery packs, such as those used in electric vehicles, are generally equipped with thermal management systems that maintain a temperature between 15 °C (59 °F) and 35 °C (95 °F).[177] Pouch and cylindrical cell temperatures depend linearly on the discharge current.[178] Poor internal ventilation may increase temperatures. For large batteries consisting of multiple cells, non-uniform temperatures can lead to non-uniform and accelerated degradation.[179] In contrast, the calendar life of LiFePO
cells is not affected by high charge states.[180][181]

Positive SEI layer in lithium-ion batteries is much less understood than the negative SEI. It is believed to have a low-ionic conductivity and shows up as an increased interfacial resistance of the cathode during cycling and calendar aging.[162]<ref[163]/>[161]

(2) The randomness of the metallic lithium embedded in the anode during intercalation results in dendrites formation. Over time the dendrites can accumulate and pierce the separator, causing a short circuit leading to heat, fire or explosion. This process is referred to as thermal runaway.[162] Lithium plating is the most serious concern, when Li-ion batteries are charged at cold temperatures.

(3) Certain manganese containing cathodes can degrade by the Hunter degradation mechanism resulting in manganese dissolution and reduction on the anode.[162] By the Hunter mechanism for LiMn
, hydrofluoric acid catalyzes the loss of manganese through disproportionation of a surface trivalent manganese to form a tetravalent manganese and a soluble divalent manganese:[162]

2Mn3+ → Mn2++ Mn4+

Material loss of the spinel results in capacity fade. Temperatures as low as 50 °C initiate Mn2+ deposition on the anode as metallic manganese with the same effects as lithium and copper plating.[164] Cycling over the theoretical max and min voltage plateaus destroys the crystal lattice via Jahn-Teller distortion, which occurs when Mn4+ is reduced to Mn3+ during discharge.[162] Storage of a battery charged to greater than 3.6 V initiates electrolyte oxidation by the cathode and induces SEI layer formation on the cathode. As with the anode, excessive SEI formation forms an insulator resulting in capacity fade and uneven current distribution.[162] Storage at less than 2 V results in the slow degradation of LiCoO
and LiMn
cathodes, the release of oxygen and irreversible capacity loss.[162]

(4) Cation mixing is the main reason for the capacity decline of the Ni-rich cathode materials. As the Ni content in the NCM layered material increases the capacity will increase, which is the result of two-electron of Ni2+/Ni4+ redox reaction (please note, that Mn remains electrochemically inactive in the 4+ state) but, increasing the Ni content results in a significant degree of mixing of Ni2+ and Li+ cations due to the closeness of their ionic radius (Li+ =0.076 nm and Ni2+ =0.069 nm). During charge/discharge cycling, the Li+ in the cathode cannot be easily be extracted and the existence of Ni2+ in the Li layer blocks the diffusion of Li+, resulting in both capacity loss and increased ohmic resistance.[182]

(5) Discharging below 2 V can also result in the dissolution of the copper anode current collector and, thus, in catastrophic internal short-circuiting on recharge.

The IEEE standard 1188–1996 recommends replacing Lithium-ion batteries in an electric vehicle, when their charge capacity drops to 80% of the nominal value.[183] In what follows, we shall use the 20% capacity loss as a comparison point between different studies. We shall note, nevertheless, that the linear model of degradation (the constant % of charge loss per cycle or per calendar time) is not always applicable, and that a “knee point”, observed as a change of the slope, and related to the change of the main degradation mechanism, is often observed.[184]

Most studies of lithium-ion battery aging have been done at elevated (50-60 °C) temperatures in order to complete the experiments sooner. Under these storage conditions, fully charged nickel-cobalt-aluminum and lithium-iron phosphate cells loose ca. 20% of their cyclable charge in 1-2 year. It is believed, that the aforementioned anode aging is the most important degradation pathways in these cases. On the other hand, manganese-based cathodes show a (ca. 20-50%) faster degradation under these conditions, probably due to the additional mechanism of Mn ion dissolution.[163] At 25 °C the degradation of lithium-ion batteries seems to follow the same pathway(s) as the degradation at 50 °C, but with half the speed.<ref[163] In other words, based on the limited extrapolated experimental data, lithium-ion batteries are expected to lose irreversibly ca. 20% of their cyclable charge in 3–5 years or 1000-2000 cycles at 25 °C.[166] Lithium-ion batteries with titanate anodes do not suffer from SEI growth, and last longer (>5000 cycles) than graphite anodes. However, in complete cells other degradation mechanisms (i.e. the dissolution of Mn3+ and the Ni3+/Li+ place exchange, decomposition of PVDF binder and particle detachment) show up after 1000–2000 days, and the use titanate anode does not improve full cell durability in practice.


Fire hazard[edit]

Lithium-ion batteries can be a safety hazard since they contain a flammable electrolyte and may become pressurized if they become damaged. A battery cell charged too quickly could cause a short circuit, leading to explosions and fires.[185] A Li-ion battery fire can be started due to (1) thermal abuse, e.g. poor cooling or external fire, (2) electrical abuse, e.g. overcharge or external short circuit, (3) mechanical abuse, e.g. penetration or crash, or (4) internal short circuit, e.g. due to manufacturing flaws or aging.[186][187] Because of these risks, testing standards are more stringent than those for acid-electrolyte batteries, requiring both a broader range of test conditions and additional battery-specific tests, and there are shipping limitations imposed by safety regulators.[75][188][189] There have been battery-related recalls by some companies, including the 2016 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall for battery fires.[190][191]

Lithium-ion batteries have a flammable liquid electrolyte.[192] A faulty battery can cause a serious fire.[185] Faulty chargers can affect the safety of the battery because they can destroy the battery’s protection circuit. While charging at temperatures below 0 °C, the negative electrode of the cells gets plated with pure lithium, which can compromise the safety of the whole pack.

Short-circuiting a battery will cause the cell to overheat and possibly to catch fire.[193] Smoke from thermal runaway in a Li-ion battery is both flammable and toxic.[194] The fire energy content (electrical + chemical) of cobalt-oxide cells is about 100 to 150 kJ/(A·h), most of it chemical.[73][unreliable source?][195]

Around 2010, large lithium-ion batteries were introduced in place of other chemistries to power systems on some aircraft; as of January 2014, there had been at least four serious lithium-ion battery fires, or smoke, on the Boeing 787 passenger aircraft, introduced in 2011, which did not cause crashes but had the potential to do so.[196][197] UPS Airlines Flight 6 crashed in Dubai after its payload of batteries spontaneously ignited.

To reduce fire hazards, research projects are intended to develop non-flammable electrolytes.

Damaging and overloading[edit]

If a lithium-ion battery is damaged, crushed, or is subjected to a higher electrical load without having overcharge protection, then problems may arise. External short circuit can trigger a battery explosion.[198]

If overheated or overcharged, Li-ion batteries may suffer thermal runaway and cell rupture.[199][200] In extreme cases this can lead to leakage, explosion or fire. To reduce these risks, many lithium-ion cells (and battery packs) contain fail-safe circuitry that disconnects the battery when its voltage is outside the safe range of 3–4.2 V per cell,[56][87] or when overcharged or discharged. Lithium battery packs, whether constructed by a vendor or the end-user, without effective battery management circuits are susceptible to these issues. Poorly designed or implemented battery management circuits also may cause problems; it is difficult to be certain that any particular battery management circuitry is properly implemented.

Voltage limits[edit]

Lithium-ion cells are susceptible to stress by voltage ranges outside of safe ones between 2.5 and 3.65/4.1/4.2 or 4.35V (depending on the components of the cell). Exceeding this voltage range results in premature aging and in safety risks due to the reactive components in the cells.[201] When stored for long periods the small current draw of the protection circuitry may drain the battery below its shutoff voltage; normal chargers may then be useless since the battery management system (BMS) may retain a record of this battery (or charger) «failure». Many types of lithium-ion cells cannot be charged safely below 0 °C,[202] as this can result in plating of lithium on the anode of the cell, which may cause complications such as internal short-circuit paths.[citation needed]

Other safety features are required[by whom?] in each cell:[56]

  • Shut-down separator (for overheating)
  • Tear-away tab (for internal pressure relief)
  • Vent (pressure relief in case of severe outgassing)
  • Thermal interrupt (overcurrent/overcharging/environmental exposure)

These features are required because the negative electrode produces heat during use, while the positive electrode may produce oxygen. However, these additional devices occupy space inside the cells, add points of failure, and may irreversibly disable the cell when activated. Further, these features increase costs compared to nickel metal hydride batteries, which require only a hydrogen/oxygen recombination device and a back-up pressure valve.[87] Contaminants inside the cells can defeat these safety devices. Also, these features can not be applied to all kinds of cells, e.g., prismatic high current cells cannot be equipped with a vent or thermal interrupt. High current cells must not produce excessive heat or oxygen, lest there be a failure, possibly violent. Instead, they must be equipped with internal thermal fuses which act before the anode and cathode reach their thermal limits.[citation needed]

Replacing the lithium cobalt oxide positive electrode material in lithium-ion batteries with a lithium metal phosphate such as lithium iron phosphate (LFP) improves cycle counts, shelf life and safety, but lowers capacity. As of 2006, these safer lithium-ion batteries were mainly used in electric cars and other large-capacity battery applications, where safety is critical.[203]


  • In October 2004, Kyocera Wireless recalled approximately 1 million mobile phone batteries to identify counterfeits.[204]
  • In December 2005, Dell recalled approximately 22,000 laptop computer batteries, and 4.1 million in August 2006.[205]
  • In 2006, approximately 10 million Sony batteries used in Dell, Sony, Apple, Lenovo, Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, Fujitsu and Sharp laptops were recalled. The batteries were found to be susceptible to internal contamination by metal particles during manufacture. Under some circumstances, these particles could pierce the separator, causing a dangerous short circuit.[206]
  • In March 2007, computer manufacturer Lenovo recalled approximately 205,000 batteries at risk of explosion.
  • In August 2007, mobile phone manufacturer Nokia recalled over 46 million batteries at risk of overheating and exploding.[207] One such incident occurred in the Philippines involving a Nokia N91, which used the BL-5C battery.[208]
  • In September 2016, Samsung recalled approximately 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 phones after 35 confirmed fires.[191] The recall was due to a manufacturing design fault in Samsung’s batteries which caused internal positive and negative poles to touch.[209]

Transport restrictions[edit]

Transport Class 9A:Lithium batteries

IATA estimates that over a billion lithium metal and lithium-ion cells are flown each year.[195] Some kinds of lithium batteries may be prohibited aboard aircraft because of the fire hazard.[210][211] Some postal administrations restrict air shipping (including EMS) of lithium and lithium-ion batteries, either separately or installed in equipment.

Environmental impact[edit]

Extraction of lithium, nickel, and cobalt, manufacture of solvents, and mining byproducts present significant environmental and health hazards.[212][213][214]
Lithium extraction can be fatal to aquatic life due to water pollution.[215] It is known to cause surface water contamination, drinking water contamination, respiratory problems, ecosystem degradation and landscape damage.[212] It also leads to unsustainable water consumption in arid regions (1.9 million liters per ton of lithium).[212] Massive byproduct generation of lithium extraction also presents unsolved problems, such as large amounts of magnesium and lime waste.[216]

Lithium mining takes place in North and South America, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and China.[217]

Cobalt for Li-ion batteries is largely mined in the Congo (see also Mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Manufacturing a kg of Li-ion battery takes about 67 megajoule (MJ) of energy.[218][219] The global warming potential of lithium-ion batteries manufacturing strongly depends on the energy source used in mining and manufacturing operations, and is difficult to estimate, but one 2019 study estimated 73 kg CO2e/kWh.[220] Effective recycling can reduce the carbon footprint of the production significantly.[221]

Solid waste and recycling[edit]

Li-ion battery elements including iron, copper, nickel and cobalt are considered safe for incinerators and landfills.[222][citation needed] These metals can be recycled,[223][224] usually by burning away the other materials,[225] but mining generally remains cheaper than recycling;[226] recycling may cost $3/kg,[227] and in 2019 less than 5% of lithium ion batteries were being recycled.[228] Since 2018, the recycling yield was increased significantly, and recovering lithium, manganese, aluminum, the organic solvents of the electrolyte, and graphite is possible at industrial scales.[229] The most expensive metal involved in the construction of the cell is cobalt. Lithium is less expensive than other metals used and is rarely recycled,[225] but recycling could prevent a future shortage.[223]

Accumulation of battery waste presents technical challenges and health hazards.[230] Since the environmental impact of electric cars is heavily affected by the production of lithium-ion batteries, the development of efficient ways to repurpose waste is crucial.[228] Recycling is a multi-step process, starting with the storage of batteries before disposal, followed by manual testing, disassembling, and finally the chemical separation of battery components. Re-use of the battery is preferred over complete recycling as there is less embodied energy in the process. As these batteries are a lot more reactive than classical vehicle waste like tire rubber, there are significant risks to stockpiling used batteries.[231]

Pyrometallurgical recovery[edit]

The pyrometallurgical method uses a high-temperature furnace to reduce the components of the metal oxides in the battery to an alloy of Co, Cu, Fe, and Ni. This is the most common and commercially established method of recycling and can be combined with other similar batteries to increase smelting efficiency and improve thermodynamics. The metal current collectors aid the smelting process, allowing whole cells or modules to be melted at once.[232] The product of this method is a collection of metallic alloy, slag, and gas. At high temperatures, the polymers used to hold the battery cells together burn off and the metal alloy can be separated through a hydrometallurgical process into its separate components. The slag can be further refined or used in the cement industry. The process is relatively risk-free and the exothermic reaction from polymer combustion reduces the required input energy. However, in the process, the plastics, electrolytes, and lithium salts will be lost.[233]

Hydrometallurgical metals reclamation[edit]

This method involves the use of aqueous solutions to remove the desired metals from the cathode. The most common reagent is sulfuric acid.[234] Factors that affect the leaching rate include the concentration of the acid, time, temperature, solid-to-liquid-ratio, and reducing agent.[235] It is experimentally proven that H2O2 acts as a reducing agent to speed up the rate of leaching through the reaction:[citation needed]

2LiCoO2(s) + 3H2SO4 + H2O2 → 2CoSO4(aq) + Li2SO4 + 4H2O + O2

Once leached, the metals can be extracted through precipitation reactions controlled by changing the pH level of the solution. Cobalt, the most expensive metal, can then be recovered in the form of sulfate, oxalate, hydroxide, or carbonate. [75] More recently recycling methods experiment with the direct reproduction of the cathode from the leached metals. In these procedures, concentrations of the various leached metals are premeasured to match the target cathode and then the cathodes are directly synthesized.[236]

The main issues with this method, however, is that a large volume of solvent is required and the high cost of neutralization. Although it’s easy to shred up the battery, mixing the cathode and anode at the beginning complicates the process, so they will also need to be separated. Unfortunately, the current design of batteries makes the process extremely complex and it is difficult to separate the metals in a closed-loop battery system. Shredding and dissolving may occur at different locations.[237]

Direct recycling[edit]

Direct recycling is the removal of the cathode or anode from the electrode, reconditioned, and then reused in a new battery. Mixed metal-oxides can be added to the new electrode with very little change to the crystal morphology. The process generally involves the addition of new lithium to replenish the loss of lithium in the cathode due to degradation from cycling. Cathode strips are obtained from the dismantled batteries, then soaked in NMP, and undergo sonication to remove excess deposits. It is treated hydrothermally with a solution containing LiOH/Li2SO4 before annealing.[238]

This method is extremely cost-effective for noncobalt-based batteries as the raw materials do not make up the bulk of the cost. Direct recycling avoids the time-consuming and expensive purification steps, which is great for low-cost cathodes such as LiMn2O4 and LiFePO4. For these cheaper cathodes, most of the cost, embedded energy, and carbon footprint is associated with the manufacturing rather than the raw material.[239] It is experimentally shown that direct recycling can reproduce similar properties to pristine graphite.

The drawback of the method lies in the condition of the retired battery. In the case where the battery is relatively healthy, direct recycling can cheaply restore its properties. However, for batteries where the state of charge is low, direct recycling may not be worth the investment. The process must also be tailored to the specific cathode composition, and therefore the process must be configured to one type of battery at a time.[240] Lastly, in a time with rapidly developing battery technology, the design of a battery today may no longer be desirable a decade from now, rendering direct recycling ineffective.

Human rights impact[edit]

Extraction of raw materials for lithium ion batteries may present dangers to local people, especially land-based indigenous populations.

Cobalt sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo is often mined by workers using hand tools with few safety precautions, resulting in frequent injuries and deaths.[241] Pollution from these mines has exposed people to toxic chemicals that health officials believe to cause birth defects and breathing difficulties.[242] Human rights activists have alleged, and investigative journalism reported confirmation,[243][244] that child labor is used in these mines.[245][246]

A study of relationships between lithium extraction companies and indigenous peoples in Argentina indicated that the state may not have protected indigenous peoples’ right to free prior and informed consent, and that extraction companies generally controlled community access to information and set the terms for discussion of the projects and benefit sharing.[247]

Development of the Thacker Pass lithium mine in Nevada, USA has met with protests and lawsuits from several indigenous tribes who have said they were not provided free prior and informed consent and that the project threatens cultural and sacred sites.[248] Links between resource extraction and missing and murdered indigenous women have also prompted local communities to express concerns that the project will create risks to indigenous women.[249] Protestors have been occupying the site of the proposed mine since January, 2021.[250][251]


Researchers are actively working to improve the power density, safety, cycle durability (battery life), recharge time, cost, flexibility, and other characteristics, as well as research methods and uses, of these batteries.

See also[edit]

  • Borate oxalate
  • Comparison of commercial battery types
  • European Battery Alliance
  • Nanowire battery
  • Solid-state battery
  • Thin-film lithium-ion battery
  • Blade battery
  • Flow battery
  • VRLA battery


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  • Andrea, Davide (2010). Battery Management Systems for Large Lithium-Ion Battery Packs. Artech House. p. 234. ISBN 978-1608071043. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  • Winter, M; Brodd, RJ (2004). «What Are Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Supercapacitors?». Chemical Reviews. 104 (10): 4245–4269. doi:10.1021/cr020730k. PMID 15669155.

External links[edit]

  • Lithium-ion Battery at the Encyclopædia Britannica.
  • List of World’s Largest Lithium-ion Battery Factories (2020).
  • Energy Storage Safety at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
  • New More Efficient Lithium-ion Batteries The New York Times. September 2021.
  • NREL Innovation Improves Safety of Electric Vehicle Batteries, NREL, October 2015.
  • Degradation Mechanisms and Lifetime Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries, NREL, July 2015.
  • Impact of Temperature Extremes on Large Format Li-ion Batteries for Vehicle Applications, NREL, March 2013.

«Lithium-ion» redirects here. For the metal element, see Lithium.

Lithium-ion battery

Nokia Battery.jpg

A 3.6v Li-ion battery from a Nokia 3310 mobile phone

Specific energy 100–265 Wh/kg (0.360–0.954 MJ/kg)[1][2]
Energy density 250–693 Wh/L (0.90–2.49 MJ/L)[3][4]
Specific power c. 250–340 W/kg[1]
Charge/discharge efficiency 80–90%[5]
Energy/consumer-price 7.6 Wh/US$ (US$132/kWh)[6]
Self-discharge rate 0.35% to 2.5% per month depending on state of charge[7]
Cycle durability 400–1,200 cycles
Nominal cell voltage 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.85 V, LiFePO4 3.2 V, Li4Ti5O12 2.3 V

A lithium-ion or Li-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery which uses the reversible reduction of lithium ions to store energy. It is the predominant battery type used in portable consumer electronics and electric vehicles. It also sees significant use for grid-scale energy storage and military and aerospace applications. Compared to other rechargeable battery technologies, Li-ion batteries have high energy densities, low self-discharge, and no memory effect (although a small memory effect reported in LFP cells has been traced to poorly made cells).[9]

Chemistry, performance, cost and safety characteristics vary across types of lithium-ion batteries. Most commercial Li-ion cells use intercalation compounds as the active materials. The anode or positive electrode is usually graphite, although silicon-carbon is also being increasingly used. Cells can be manufactured to prioritize either energy or power density.[10] Handheld electronics mostly use lithium polymer batteries (with a polymer gel as electrolyte), a lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO
) cathode material, and a graphite anode, which together offer a high energy density.[11][12] Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO
), lithium manganese oxide (LiMn
spinel, or Li
-based lithium rich layered materials, LMR-NMC), and lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (LiNiMnCoO
or NMC) may offer longer lives and may have better rate capability. NMC and its derivatives are widely used in the electrification of transport, one of the main technologies (combined with renewable energy) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles.[13][14]

M. Stanley Whittingham discovered the concept of intercalation electrodes in the 1970s and created the first rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which was based on a titanium disulfide cathode and a lithium-aluminum anode, although it suffered from safety issues and was never commercialized.[15] John Goodenough expanded on this work in 1980 by using lithium cobalt oxide as a cathode.[16] The first prototype of the modern Li-ion battery, which uses a carbonaceous anode rather than lithium metal, was developed by Akira Yoshino in 1985, which was commercialized by a Sony and Asahi Kasei team led by Yoshio Nishi in 1991.[17]

Lithium-ion batteries can be a safety hazard if not properly engineered and manufactured since cells have flammable electrolytes and if damaged or incorrectly charged, can lead to explosions and fires. Much development has made progress in manufacturing safe lithium-ion batteries.[18] Lithium ion all solid state batteries are being developed to eliminate the flammable electrolyte. Improperly recycled batteries can create toxic waste, especially from toxic metals and are at risk of fire. Moreover, both lithium and other key strategic minerals used in batteries have significant issues at extraction, with lithium being water intensive in often arid regions and other minerals often being conflict minerals such as cobalt. Both environmental issues have encouraged some researchers to improve mineral efficiency and alternatives such as iron-air batteries.

Research areas for lithium-ion batteries include extending lifetime, increasing energy density, improving safety, reducing cost, and increasing charging speed,[19][20] among others. Research has been under way in the area of non-flammable electrolytes as a pathway to increased safety based on the flammability and volatility of the organic solvents used in the typical electrolyte. Strategies include aqueous lithium-ion batteries, ceramic solid electrolytes, polymer electrolytes, ionic liquids, and heavily fluorinated systems.[21][22][23][24]


Research on rechargeable Li-ion batteries dates to the 1960s; one of the earliest examples is a CuF
/Li battery developed by NASA in 1965. The breakthrough that produced the earliest form of the modern Li-ion battery was made by British chemist M. Stanley Whittingham in 1974, who first used titanium disulfide (TiS
) as a cathode material, which has a layered structure that can take in lithium ions without significant changes to its crystal structure. Exxon tried to commercialize this battery in the late 1970s, but found the synthesis expensive and complex, as TiS
is sensitive to moisture and releases toxic H
gas on contact with water. More prohibitively, the batteries were also prone to spontaneously catch fire due to the presence of metallic lithium in the cells. For this, and other reasons, Exxon discontinued development of Whittingham’s lithium-titanium disulfide battery.[25]

In 1980 working in separate groups Ned A. Godshall et al.,[26][27][28] and, shortly thereafter, Koichi Mizushima and John B. Goodenough, after testing a range of alternative materials, replaced TiS
with lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO
, or LCO), which has a similar layered structure but offers a higher voltage and is much more stable in air. This material would later be used in the first commercial Li-ion battery, although it did not, on its own, resolve the persistent issue of flammability.[25] The same year, Rachid Yazami demonstrated the reversible electrochemical intercalation of lithium in graphite,[29][30] and invented the lithium graphite electrode (anode).[31][32]

These early attempts to develop rechargeable Li-ion batteries used lithium metal anodes, which were ultimately abandoned due to safety concerns, as lithium metal is unstable and prone to dendrite formation, which can cause short-circuiting. The eventual solution was to use an intercalation anode, similar to that used for the cathode, which prevents the formation of lithium metal during battery charging. A variety of anode materials were studied; in 1987, Akira Yoshino patented what would become the first commercial lithium-ion battery using an anode of «soft carbon» (a charcoal-like material) along with Goodenough’s previously reported LCO cathode and a carbonate ester-based electrolyte. In 1991, using Yoshino’s design, Sony began producing and selling the world’s first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The following year, a joint venture between Toshiba and Asashi Kasei Co. also released their lithium-ion battery.[25]

Significant improvements in energy density were achieved in the 1990s by replacing the soft carbon anode first with hard carbon and later with graphite, a concept originally proposed by Jürgen Otto Besenhard in 1974 but considered unfeasible due to unresolved incompatibilities with the electrolytes then in use.[25][33][34]

In 2012 John B. Goodenough, Rachid Yazami and Akira Yoshino received the 2012 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies for developing the lithium-ion battery; Goodenough, Whittingham, and Yoshino were awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry «for the development of lithium-ion batteries».

In 2010, global lithium-ion battery production capacity was 20 gigawatt-hours.[35] By 2016, it was 28 GWh, with 16.4 GWh in China.[36] Global production capacity was 767 GWh in 2020, with China accounting for 75%.[37] Production in 2021 is estimated by various sources to be between 200 and 600 GWh, and predictions for 2023 range from 400 to 1,100 GWh.[38]


Cylindrical Panasonic 18650 lithium-ion cell before closing.

Lithium-ion battery monitoring electronics (over-charge and deep-discharge protection)

An 18650 size lithium ion cell, with an alkaline AA for scale. 18650 are used for example in notebooks or EVs

Generally, the negative electrode of a conventional lithium-ion cell is graphite made from carbon. The positive electrode is typically a metal oxide. The electrolyte is a lithium salt in an organic solvent.[39] The anode (negative electrode) and cathode (positive electrode) are prevented from shorting by a separator.[40] The anode and cathode are separated from external electronics with a piece of metal called a current collector.[41] The electrochemical roles of the electrodes reverse between anode and cathode, depending on the direction of current flow through the cell.

The most common commercially used anode is graphite, which in its fully lithiated state of LiC6 correlates to a maximal capacity of 1339 C/g (372 mAh/g).[42] The cathode is generally one of three materials: a layered oxide (such as lithium cobalt oxide), a polyanion (such as lithium iron phosphate) or a spinel (such as lithium manganese oxide).[43] More experimental materials include graphene-containing electrodes, although these remain far from commercially viable due to their high cost.[44]

Lithium reacts vigorously with water to form lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen gas. Thus, a non-aqueous electrolyte is typically used, and a sealed container rigidly excludes moisture from the battery pack. The non-aqueous electrolyte is typically a mixture of organic carbonates such as ethylene carbonate and propylene carbonate containing complexes of lithium ions.[45] Ethylene carbonate is essential for making solid electrolyte interphase on the carbon anode, but since it is solid at room temperature, a propylene carbonate solvent is added.

The electrolyte salt is almost always lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF
), which combines good ionic conductivity with chemical and electrochemical stability. Hexafluorophosphate is essential for passivating the aluminum current collector used for the cathode. A titanium tab is ultrasonically welded to the aluminum current collector.
Other salts like lithium perchlorate (LiClO
), lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF
), and lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiC
) are frequently used in research in tab-less coin cells, but are not usable in larger format cells,[46] often because they are not compatible with the aluminum current collector. Copper (with a spot-welded nickel tab) is used as the anode current collector.

Current collector design and surface treatments may take various forms: foil, mesh, foam (dealloyed), etched (wholly or selectively), and coated (with various materials) to improve electrical characteristics.[41]

Depending on materials choices, the voltage, energy density, life, and safety of a lithium-ion cell can change dramatically. Current effort has been exploring the use of novel architectures using nanotechnology to improve performance. Areas of interest include nano-scale electrode materials and alternative electrode structures.[47]

The increasing demand for batteries has led vendors and academics to focus on improving the energy density, operating temperature, safety, durability, charging time, output power, elimination of cobalt requirements,[48][49] and cost of lithium-ion battery technology.


The reactants in the electrochemical reactions in a lithium-ion cell are materials of anode and cathode, both of which are compounds containing lithium atoms. During discharge, an oxidation half-reaction at the anode produces positively charged lithium ions and negatively charged electrons. The oxidation half-reaction may also produce uncharged material that remains at the anode. Lithium ions move through the electrolyte, electrons move through the external circuit, and then they recombine at the cathode (together with the cathode material) in a reduction half-reaction. The electrolyte and external circuit provide conductive media for lithium ions and electrons, respectively, but do not partake in the electrochemical reaction. During discharge, electrons flow from the negative electrode (anode) towards the positive electrode (cathode) through the external circuit. The reactions during discharge lower the chemical potential of the cell, so discharging transfers energy from the cell to wherever the electric current dissipates its energy, mostly in the external circuit. During charging these reactions and transports go in the opposite direction: electrons move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through the external circuit. To charge the cell the external circuit has to provide electric energy. This energy is then stored as chemical energy in the cell (with some loss, e. g. due to coulombic efficiency lower than 1).

Both electrodes allow lithium ions to move in and out of their structures with a process called insertion (intercalation) or extraction (deintercalation), respectively.

As the lithium ions «rock» back and forth between the two electrodes, these batteries are also known as «rocking-chair batteries» or «swing batteries» (a term given by some European industries).[50][51]

The following equations exemplify the chemistry.

The positive electrode (cathode) half-reaction in the lithium-doped cobalt oxide substrate is[52][53]

{displaystyle {ce {CoO2 + Li+ + e- <=> LiCoO2}}}

The negative electrode (anode) half-reaction for the graphite is

{displaystyle {ce {LiC6 <=> C6 + Li+ + e^-}}}

The full reaction (left to right: discharging, right to left: charging) being

{displaystyle {ce {LiC6 + CoO2 <=> C6 + LiCoO2}}}

The overall reaction has its limits. Overdischarging supersaturates lithium cobalt oxide, leading to the production of lithium oxide,[54] possibly by the following irreversible reaction:

{displaystyle {ce {Li+ + e^- + LiCoO2 -> Li2O + CoO}}}

Overcharging up to 5.2 volts leads to the synthesis of cobalt (IV) oxide, as evidenced by x-ray diffraction:[55]

{displaystyle {ce {LiCoO2 -> Li+ + CoO2 + e^-}}}

In a lithium-ion cell, the lithium ions are transported to and from the positive or negative electrodes by oxidizing the transition metal, cobalt (Co), in Li
from Co3+
to Co4+
during charge, and reducing from Co4+
to Co3+
during discharge. The cobalt electrode reaction is only reversible for x < 0.5 (x in mole units), limiting the depth of discharge allowable. This chemistry was used in the Li-ion cells developed by Sony in 1990.[56]

The cell’s energy is equal to the voltage times the charge. Each gram of lithium represents Faraday’s constant/6.941, or 13,901 coulombs. At 3 V, this gives 41.7 kJ per gram of lithium, or 11.6 kWh per kilogram of lithium. This is a bit more than the heat of combustion of gasoline but does not consider the other materials that go into a lithium battery and that make lithium batteries many times heavier per unit of energy.

The cell voltages given in the Electrochemistry section are larger than the potential at which aqueous solutions will electrolyze.

Liquid electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries consist of lithium salts, such as LiPF
, LiBF
or LiClO
in an organic solvent, such as ethylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, and diethyl carbonate.[57] A liquid electrolyte acts as a conductive pathway for the movement of cations passing from the negative to the positive electrodes during discharge. Typical conductivities of liquid electrolyte at room temperature (20 °C (68 °F)) are in the range of 10 mS/cm, increasing by approximately 30–40% at 40 °C (104 °F) and decreasing slightly at 0 °C (32 °F).[58] The combination of linear and cyclic carbonates (e.g., ethylene carbonate (EC) and dimethyl carbonate (DMC)) offers high conductivity and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)-forming ability. Organic solvents easily decompose on the negative electrodes during charge. When appropriate organic solvents are used as the electrolyte, the solvent decomposes on initial charging and forms a solid layer called the solid electrolyte interphase,[59] which is electrically insulating, yet provides significant ionic conductivity. The interphase prevents further decomposition of the electrolyte after the second charge. For example, ethylene carbonate is decomposed at a relatively high voltage, 0.7 V vs. lithium, and forms a dense and stable interface.[60] Composite electrolytes based on POE (poly(oxyethylene)) provide a relatively stable interface.[61][62] It can be either solid (high molecular weight) and be applied in dry Li-polymer cells, or liquid (low molecular weight) and be applied in regular Li-ion cells. Room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) are another approach to limiting the flammability and volatility of organic electrolytes.[63]

Recent advances in battery technology involve using a solid as the electrolyte material. The most promising of these are ceramics.[64] Solid ceramic electrolytes are mostly lithium metal oxides, which allow lithium-ion transport through the solid more readily due to the intrinsic lithium. The main benefit of solid electrolytes is that there is no risk of leaks, which is a serious safety issue for batteries with liquid electrolytes.[65] Solid ceramic electrolytes can be further broken down into two main categories: ceramic and glassy. Ceramic solid electrolytes are highly ordered compounds with crystal structures that usually have ion transport channels.[66] Common ceramic electrolytes are lithium super ion conductors (LISICON) and perovskites. Glassy solid electrolytes are amorphous atomic structures made up of similar elements to ceramic solid electrolytes but have higher conductivities overall due to higher conductivity at grain boundaries.[67] Both glassy and ceramic electrolytes can be made more ionically conductive by substituting sulfur for oxygen. The larger radius of sulfur and its higher ability to be polarized allow higher conductivity of lithium. This contributes to conductivities of solid electrolytes are nearing parity with their liquid counterparts, with most on the order of 0.1 mS/cm and the best at 10 mS/cm.[68] An efficient and economic way to tune targeted electrolytes properties is by adding a third component in small concentrations, known as an additive.[69] By adding the additive in small amounts, the bulk properties of the electrolyte system will not be affected whilst the targeted property can be significantly improved. The numerous additives that have been tested can be divided into the following three distinct categories: (1) those used for SEI chemistry modifications; (2) those used for enhancing the ion conduction properties; (3) those used for improving the safety of the cell (e.g. prevent overcharging).[citation needed]

Charging and discharging[edit]

During discharge, lithium ions (Li+
) carry the current within the battery cell from the negative to the positive electrode, through the non-aqueous electrolyte and separator diaphragm.[70]

During charging, an external electrical power source (the charging circuit) applies an over-voltage (a higher voltage than the battery produces, of the same polarity), forcing a charging current to flow within each cell from the positive to the negative electrode, i.e., in the reverse direction of a discharge current under normal conditions. The lithium ions then migrate from the positive to the negative electrode, where they become embedded in the porous electrode material in a process known as intercalation.

Energy losses arising from electrical contact resistance at interfaces between electrode layers and at contacts with current collectors can be as high as 20% of the entire energy flow of batteries under typical operating conditions.[71]

The charging procedures for single Li-ion cells, and complete Li-ion batteries, are slightly different:

  • A single Li-ion cell is charged in two stages:[72][73][74][unreliable source?]
  1. Constant current (CC)
  2. Constant voltage (CV)
  • A Li-ion battery (a set of Li-ion cells in series) is charged in three stages:
  1. Constant current
  2. Balance (only required when cell groups become unbalanced during use)
  3. Constant voltage

During the constant current phase, the charger applies a constant current to the battery at a steadily increasing voltage, until the top-of-charge voltage limit per cell is reached.

During the balance phase, the charger/battery reduces the charging current (or cycles the charging on and off to reduce the average current) while the state of charge of individual cells is brought to the same level by a balancing circuit, until the battery is balanced. Balancing typically occurs whenever one or more cells reach their top-of-charge voltage before the other(s), as it is generally inaccurate to do so at other stages of the charge cycle. This is most commonly done by passive balancing, which dissipates excess charge via resistors connected momentarily across the cell(s) to be balanced. Active balancing is less common, more expensive, but more efficient, returning excess energy to other cells (or the entire pack) through the means of a DC-DC converter or other circuitry. Some fast chargers skip this stage. Some chargers accomplish the balance by charging each cell independently. This is often performed by the battery protection circuit/battery management system (BPC or BMS) and not the charger (which typically provides only the bulk charge current, and does not interact with the pack at the cell-group level), e.g., e-bike and hoverboard chargers. In this method, the BPC/BMS will request a lower charge current (such as EV batteries), or will shut-off the charging input (typical in portable electronics) through the use of transistor circuitry while balancing is in effect (to prevent over-charging cells). Balancing most often occurs during the constant voltage stage of charging, switching between charge modes until complete. The pack is usually fully-charged only when balancing is complete, as even a single cell group lower in charge than the rest will limit the entire battery’s usable capacity to that of its own. Balancing can last hours or even days, depending on the magnitude of imbalance in the battery.

During the constant voltage phase, the charger applies a voltage equal to the maximum cell voltage times the number of cells in series to the battery, as the current gradually declines towards 0, until the current is below a set threshold of about 3% of initial constant charge current.

Periodic topping charge about once per 500 hours. Top charging is recommended to be initiated when voltage goes below 4.05 V/cell.[dubious – discuss]

Failure to follow current and voltage limitations can result in an explosion.[75][76]

Charging temperature limits for Li-ion are stricter than the operating limits. Lithium-ion chemistry performs well at elevated temperatures but prolonged exposure to heat reduces battery life. Li‑ion batteries offer good charging performance at cooler temperatures and may even allow «fast-charging» within a temperature range of 5 to 45 °C (41 to 113 °F).[77][better source needed] Charging should be performed within this temperature range. At temperatures from 0 to 5 °C charging is possible, but the charge current should be reduced. During a low-temperature charge, the slight temperature rise above ambient due to the internal cell resistance is beneficial. High temperatures during charging may lead to battery degradation and charging at temperatures above 45 °C will degrade battery performance, whereas at lower temperatures the internal resistance of the battery may increase, resulting in slower charging and thus longer charging times.[77][better source needed] Consumer-grade lithium-ion batteries should not be charged at temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F). Although a battery pack[78] may appear to be charging normally, electroplating of metallic lithium can occur at the negative electrode during a subfreezing charge, and may not be removable even by repeated cycling. Most devices equipped with Li-ion batteries do not allow charging outside of 0–45 °C for safety reasons, except for mobile phones that may allow some degree of charging when they detect an emergency call in progress.[79]

A lithium-ion battery from a laptop computer (176 kJ)

Batteries gradually self-discharge even if not connected and delivering current. Li-ion rechargeable batteries have a self-discharge rate typically stated by manufacturers to be 1.5–2% per month.[80][81]

The rate increases with temperature and state of charge. A 2004 study found that for most cycling conditions self-discharge was primarily time-dependent; however, after several months of stand on open circuit or float charge, state-of-charge dependent losses became significant. The self-discharge rate did not increase monotonically with state-of-charge, but dropped somewhat at intermediate states of charge.[82] Self-discharge rates may increase as batteries age.[83] In 1999, self-discharge per month was measured at 8% at 21 °C, 15% at 40 °C, 31% at 60 °C.[84] By 2007, monthly self-discharge rate was estimated at 2% to 3%,[85] and 2[7]–3% by 2016.[86]

By comparison, the self-discharge rate for NiMH batteries dropped, as of 2017, from up to 30% per month for previously common cells[87] to about 0.08–0.33% per month for low self-discharge NiMH batteries,[88] and is about 10% per month in NiCd batteries.[citation needed]


Cathode materials are generally constructed from LiCoO
or LiMn
. The cobalt-based material develops a pseudo tetrahedral structure that allows for two-dimensional lithium-ion diffusion.[89] The cobalt-based cathodes are ideal due to their high theoretical specific heat capacity, high volumetric capacity, low self-discharge, high discharge voltage, and good cycling performance. Limitations include the high cost of the material, and low thermal stability.[90] The manganese-based materials adopt a cubic crystal lattice system, which allows for three-dimensional lithium-ion diffusion.[89] Manganese cathodes are attractive because manganese is cheaper and because it could theoretically be used to make a more efficient, longer-lasting battery if its limitations could be overcome. Limitations include the tendency for manganese to dissolve into the electrolyte during cycling leading to poor cycling stability for the cathode.[90] Cobalt-based cathodes are the most common, however other materials are being researched with the goal of lowering costs and improving cell life.[91]

As of 2017, LiFePO
is a candidate for large-scale production of lithium-ion batteries such as electric vehicle applications due to its low cost, excellent safety, and high cycle durability. For example, Sony Fortelion batteries have retained 74% of their capacity after 8000 cycles with 100% discharge.[92] A carbon conductive agent is required to overcome its low electrical conductivity.[93]

It is worth mentioning so-called «lithium-rich» cathodes, that can be produced from traditional NCM layered cathode materials upon cycling them to voltages/charges higher than those corresponding to Li:M=1. Under such conditions a new semi-reversible redox transition at a higher voltage with ca. 0.4-0.8 electrons/metal site charge appears. This transition involves non-binding electron orbitals centered mostly on O atoms. Despite significant initial interest, this phenomenon did not result in marketable products because of a fast structural degradation (O2 evolution and lattice rearrangements) of such «lithium-rich» phases.[94]

Positive electrode

Technology Company Target application Benefit
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide
NMC, LiNixMnyCozO2
Imara Corporation, Nissan Motor,[95][96] Microvast Inc., LG Chem,[97] Northvolt[98] Electric vehicles, power tools, grid energy storage good specific energy and specific power density
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminium Oxide
Panasonic,[97] Saft Groupe S.A.[99] Samsung[100] Electric vehicles High specific energy, good life span
Lithium Manganese Oxide
LMO, LiMn2O4
LG Chem,[101] NEC, Samsung,[102] Hitachi,[103] Nissan/AESC,[104] EnerDel[105] Hybrid electric vehicle, cell phone, laptop
Lithium Iron Phosphate
University of Texas/Hydro-Québec,[106] Phostech Lithium Inc., Valence Technology, A123Systems/MIT[107][108] Segway Personal Transporter, power tools, aviation products, automotive hybrid systems, PHEV conversions moderate density (2 A·h outputs 70 amperes) High safety compared to Cobalt / Manganese systems. Operating temperature >60 °C (140 °F)
Lithium Cobalt Oxide
Sony first commercial production[109][56] broad use, laptop High specific energy


Negative electrode materials are traditionally constructed from graphite and other carbon materials, although newer silicon-based materials are being increasingly used (see Nanowire battery). In 2016, 89% of lithium-ion batteries contained graphite (43% artificial and 46% natural), 7% contained amorphous carbon (either soft carbon or hard carbon), 2% contained lithium titanate (LTO) and 2% contained silicon or tin-based materials.[110]

These materials are used because they are abundant, electrically conducting and can intercalate lithium ions to store electrical charge with modest volume expansion (~10%).[111] Graphite is the dominant material because of its low intercalation voltage and excellent performance. Various alternative materials with higher capacities have been proposed, but they usually have higher voltages, which reduces low energy density.[112] Low voltage is the key requirement for anodes; otherwise, the excess capacity is useless in terms of energy density.

Negative electrode

Technology Density Durability Company Target application Comments
Graphite Weight: 260 Wh/kg Tesla The dominant negative electrode material used in lithium ion batteries, limited to a capacity of 372 mAh/g.[42] Low cost and good energy density. Graphite anodes can accommodate one lithium atom for every six carbon atoms. Charging rate is governed by the shape of the long, thin graphene sheets. While charging, the lithium ions must travel to the outer edges of the graphene sheet before coming to rest (intercalating) between the sheets. The circuitous route takes so long that they encounter congestion around those edges.[113]
Lithium Titanate
LTO, Li4Ti5O12
Toshiba, Altairnano Automotive (Phoenix Motorcars), electrical grid (PJM Interconnection Regional Transmission Organization control area,[114] United States Department of Defense[115]), bus (Proterra) Improved output, charging time, durability (safety, operating temperature −50–70 °C (−58–158 °F)).[116]
Hard Carbon Energ2[117] Home electronics Greater storage capacity.
Tin/Cobalt Alloy Sony Consumer electronics (Sony Nexelion battery) Larger capacity than a cell with graphite (3.5 Ah 18650-type cell).
Silicon/Carbon Volumetric: 730 Wh/L
Weight: 450 Wh/kg
Amprius[118] Smartphones, providing 5000 mAh capacity Uses < 10% with Silicon nanowires combined with graphite and binders. Energy density: ~74 mAh/g.

Another approach used carbon-coated 15 nm thick crystal silicon flakes. The tested half-cell achieved 1200 mAh/g over 800 cycles.[119]

As graphite is limited to a maximum capacity of 372 mAh/g[42] much research has been dedicated to the development of materials that exhibit higher theoretical capacities, and overcoming the technical challenges that presently encumber their implementation. The extensive 2007 Review Article by Kasavajjula et al.[120]
summarizes early research on silicon-based anodes for lithium-ion secondary cells. In particular, Hong Li et al.[121] showed in 2000 that the electrochemical insertion of lithium ions in silicon nanoparticles and silicon nanowires leads to the formation of an amorphous Li-Si alloy. The same year, Bo Gao and his doctoral advisor, Professor Otto Zhou described the cycling of electrochemical cells with anodes comprising silicon nanowires, with a reversible capacity ranging from at least approximately 900 to 1500 mAh/g.[122]

To improve stability of the lithium anode, several approaches of installing a protective layer have been suggested.[123] Silicon is beginning to be looked at as an anode material because it can accommodate significantly more lithium ions, storing up to 10 times the electric charge, however this alloying between lithium and silicon results in significant volume expansion (ca. 400%),[111] which causes catastrophic failure for the cell.[124] Silicon has been used as an anode material but the insertion and extraction of {displaystyle {ce {scriptstyle Li+}}} can create cracks in the material. These cracks expose the Si surface to an electrolyte, causing decomposition and the formation of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on the new Si surface (crumpled graphene encapsulated Si nanoparticles). This SEI will continue to grow thicker, deplete the available {displaystyle {ce {scriptstyle Li+}}}, and degrade the capacity and cycling stability of the anode.


Electrolyte alternatives have also played a significant role, for example the lithium polymer battery. Polymer electrolytes are promising for minimizing the dendrite formation of lithium. Polymers are supposed to prevent short circuits and maintain conductivity.[123]

The ions in the electrolyte diffuse because there are small changes in the electrolyte concentration. Linear diffusion is only considered here. The change in concentration c, as a function of time t and distance x, is

{displaystyle {frac {partial c}{partial t}}={frac {D}{varepsilon }}{frac {partial ^{2}c}{partial x^{2}}}.}

In this equation, D is the diffusion coefficient for the lithium ion. It has a value of 7.5×10−10 m2/s in the LiPF
electrolyte. The value for ε, the porosity of the electrolyte, is 0.724.[125]



Li-ion cells (as distinct from entire batteries) are available in various shapes, which can generally be divided into four groups:[126]

  • Small cylindrical (solid body without terminals, such as those used in most e-bikes and most electric vehicle battery and older laptop batteries); there a several standard lithium-ion cylinder sizes.
  • Large cylindrical (solid body with large threaded terminals)
  • Flat or pouch (soft, flat body, such as those used in cell phones and newer laptops; these are lithium-ion polymer batteries.[127]
  • Rigid plastic case with large threaded terminals (such as electric vehicle traction packs)

Cells with a cylindrical shape are made in a characteristic «swiss roll» manner (known as a «jelly roll» in the US), which means it is a single long «sandwich» of the positive electrode, separator, negative electrode, and separator rolled into a single spool. The shape of the jelly roll in cylindrical cells can be approximated by an Archimedean spiral. One advantage of cylindrical cells compared to cells with stacked electrodes is the faster production speed. One disadvantage of cylindrical cells can be a large radial temperature gradient inside the cells developing at high discharge currents.

The absence of a case gives pouch cells the highest gravimetric energy density; however, for many practical applications they still require an external means of containment to prevent expansion when their state of charge (SOC) level is high,[128] and for general structural stability of the battery pack of which they are part. Both rigid plastic and pouch-style cells are sometimes referred to as prismatic cells due to their rectangular shapes.[129] Battery technology analyst Mark Ellis of Munro & Associates sees three basic Li-ion battery types used in modern (~2020) electric vehicle batteries at scale: cylindrical cells (e.g., Tesla), prismatic pouch (e.g., from LG), and prismatic can cells (e.g., from LG, Samsung, Panasonic, and others). Each form factor has characteristic advantages and disadvantages for EV use.[12]

Since 2011, several research groups have announced demonstrations of lithium-ion flow batteries that suspend the cathode or anode material in an aqueous or organic solution.[130][131]

In 2014, Panasonic created the smallest Li-ion cell. It is pin shaped. It has a diameter of 3.5mm and a weight of 0.6g.[132] A coin cell form factor resembling that of ordinary lithium batteries is available since as early as 2006 for LiCoO2 cells, usually designated with a «LiR» prefix.[133][134]


A battery (also called a battery pack) consists of multiple connected lithium-ion cells. Battery packs for large consumer electronics like laptop computers also contain temperature sensors, voltage regulator circuits, voltage taps, and charge-state monitors. These components minimize safety risks like overheating and short circuiting.[135] To power larger devices, such as electric cars, connecting many small batteries in a parallel circuit is more effective[136] and more efficient than connecting a single large battery.[137][better source needed]


The vast majority of commercial Li-ion batteries are used in consumer electronics and electric vehicles.[138] Such devices include:

  • Portable devices: these include mobile phones and smartphones, laptops and tablets, digital cameras and camcorders, electronic cigarettes, handheld game consoles and torches (flashlights).
  • Power tools: Li-ion batteries are used in tools such as cordless drills, sanders, saws, and a variety of garden equipment including whipper-snippers and hedge trimmers.[139]
  • Electric vehicles: electric vehicle batteries are used in electric cars,[140] hybrid vehicles, electric motorcycles and scooters, electric bicycles, personal transporters and advanced electric wheelchairs. Also radio-controlled models, model aircraft, aircraft,[141][142][143] and the Mars Curiosity rover.

More niche uses include backup power in telecommunications applications.[144] Lithium-ion batteries are also frequently discussed as a potential option for grid energy storage,[145] although they are not yet cost-competitive at scale.[146]


Specific energy density 100 to 250 W·h/kg (360 to 900 kJ/kg)[147]
Volumetric energy density 250 to 680 W·h/L (900 to 2230 J/cm3)[2][148]
Specific power density 300 to 1500 W/kg (at 20 seconds and 285 W·h/L)[1][failed verification]

Because lithium-ion batteries can have a variety of positive and negative electrode materials, the energy density and voltage vary accordingly.

The open-circuit voltage is higher than in aqueous batteries (such as lead–acid, nickel–metal hydride and nickel-cadmium).[149][failed verification] Internal resistance increases with both cycling and age,[150] although this depends strongly on the voltage and temperature the batteries are stored at.[151] Rising internal resistance causes the voltage at the terminals to drop under load, which reduces the maximum current draw. Eventually, increasing resistance will leave the battery in a state such that it can no longer support the normal discharge currents requested of it without unacceptable voltage drop or overheating.

Batteries with a lithium iron phosphate positive and graphite negative electrodes have a nominal open-circuit voltage of 3.2 V and a typical charging voltage of 3.6 V. Lithium nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) oxide positives with graphite negatives have a 3.7 V nominal voltage with a 4.2 V maximum while charging. The charging procedure is performed at constant voltage with current-limiting circuitry (i.e., charging with constant current until a voltage of 4.2 V is reached in the cell and continuing with a constant voltage applied until the current drops close to zero). Typically, the charge is terminated at 3% of the initial charge current. In the past, lithium-ion batteries could not be fast-charged and needed at least two hours to fully charge. Current-generation cells can be fully charged in 45 minutes or less. In 2015 researchers demonstrated a small 600 mAh capacity battery charged to 68 percent capacity in two minutes and a 3,000 mAh battery charged to 48 percent capacity in five minutes. The latter battery has an energy density of 620 W·h/L. The device employed heteroatoms bonded to graphite molecules in the anode.[152]

Performance of manufactured batteries has improved over time. For example, from 1991 to 2005 the energy capacity per price of lithium ion batteries improved more than ten-fold, from 0.3 W·h per dollar to over 3 W·h per dollar.[153] In the period from 2011 to 2017, progress has averaged 7.5% annually.[154]
Overall, between 1991 and 2018, prices for all types of lithium-ion cells (in dollars per kWh) fell approximately 97%.[155] Over the same time period, energy density more than tripled.[155]
Efforts to increase energy density contributed significantly to cost reduction.[156]

Differently sized cells with similar chemistry can also have different energy densities. The 21700 cell has 50% more energy than the 18650 cell, and the bigger size reduces heat transfer to its surroundings.[148]


Life of a lithium-ion battery is typically defined as the number of full charge-discharge cycles to reach a failure threshold in terms of capacity loss or impedance rise. Manufacturers’ datasheet typically uses the word «cycle life» to specify lifespan in terms of the number of cycles to reach 80% of the rated battery capacity.[157] Simple storing lithium-ion batteries in the charged state also reduces their capacity (the amount of cyclable Li+) and increases the cell resistance (primarily due to the continuous growth of the solid electrolyte interface on the anode. Calendar life is used to represent the whole life cycle of battery involving both the cycle and inactive storage operations. Battery cycle life is affected by many different stress factors including temperature, discharge current, charge current, and state of charge ranges (depth of discharge).[158][159] Batteries are not fully charged and discharged in real applications such as smartphones, laptops and electric cars and hence defining battery life via full discharge cycles can be misleading. To avoid this confusion, researchers sometimes use cumulative discharge[158] defined as the total amount of charge (Ah) delivered by the battery during its entire life or equivalent full cycles,[159] which represents the summation of the partial cycles as fractions of a full charge-discharge cycle. Battery degradation during storage is affected by temperature and battery state of charge (SOC) and a combination of full charge (100% SOC) and high temperature (usually > 50 °C) can result in sharp capacity drop and gas generation.[160] Multiplying the battery cumulative discharge by the rated nominal Voltage gives the total energy delivered over the life of the battery. From this one can calculate the cost per kWh of the energy (including the cost of charging).

Over their lifespan batteries degrade gradually leading to reduced capacity (and, in some cases, lower operating cell voltage) due to a variety of chemical and mechanical changes to the electrodes.[161]

Several degradation processes occur in lithium-ion batteries, some during cycling, some during storage, and some all the time:[162][163][161] Degradation is strongly temperature-dependent: degradation at room temperature is minimal but increases for batteries stored or used in hot or cold environments.[164] High charge levels also hasten capacity loss.[165] Some of the most prominent mechanisms include:[166]

(1) Reduction of the organic carbonate electrolyte at the anode, which results in the growth of Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI), where Li+ ions get irreversibly trapped, i.e. loss of lithium inventory. This shows as increased ohmic impedance and reduced Ah charge. At constant temperature the SEI film thickness (and therefore, the SEI resistance and the lost in cyclable Li+) increases as a square root of the time spent in the charged state. The number of cycles is not a useful metrics in characterizing this main degradation pathway. Under high temperatures or in the presence of a mechanical damage the electrolyte reduction can proceed explosively.

(2) Lithium metal plating also results in the loss of lithium inventory (cyclable Ah charge), as well as internal short-circuiting and ignition of a battery. Once Li plating commences during cycling, it results in larger slopes of capacity loss per cycle and resistance increase per cycle.

(3) Loss of the (negative or positive) electroactive materials due to dissolution (e.g. of Mn(3+) species), cracking, exfoliation, detachment or even simple regular volume change during cycling. It shows up as both charge and power fade (increased resistance). Both positive and negative electrode materials are subject to fracturing due to the volumetric strain of repeated (de)lithiation cycles.

(4) Structural degradation of cathode materials, such as Li+/Ni2+ cation mixing in nickel-rich materials. This manifests as “electrode saturation», loss of cyclable Ah charge and as a «voltage fade».

(5) Other material degradations. Negative copper current collector is particularly prone to corrosion/dissolution at low cell voltages. PVDF binder also degrades, causing the detachment of the electroactive materials, and the loss of cyclable Ah charge.

Overview of the correlation between operational stress factors (the causes for degradation), the corresponding aging mechanisms, aging mode, and their effect on Lithium-ion batteries aging.

These are shown in the figure on the right. A change from one main degradation mechanism to another appears as a knee (slope change) in the capacity vs. cycle number plot.[166]

A more detailed description of some of these mechanisms is provided below:
(1) The negative (anode) SEI layer, a passivation coating formed by electrolyte (such as ethylenecarbonate) reduction products, is essential for providing Li+ ion conduction, while preventing electron transfer (and, thus, further solvent reduction). Under typical operating conditions, the negative SEI layer reaches a fixed thickness after the first few charges (formation cycles), allowing the device to operate for years. However, at elevated temperatures or due to mechanical detachment of the negative SEI, this exothermic electrolyte reduction can proceed violently and lead to an explosion via several reactions.[162] Lithium-ion batteries are prone to capacity fading over hundreds[167] to thousands of cycles. Formation of the SEI consumes lithium ions, reducing the overall charge and discharge efficiency of the electrode material.[168] as a decomposition product, various SEI-forming additives can be added to the electrolyte to promote the formation of a more stable SEI that remains selective for lithium ions to pass through while blocking electrons.[169] Cycling cells at high temperature or at fast rates can promote the degradation of Li-ion batteries due in part to the degradation of the SEI or lithium plating.[170] Charging Li-ion batteries beyond 80% can drastically accelerate battery degradation.[171][172][173][174][175]

Depending on the electrolyte and additives,[176] common components of the SEI layer that forms on the anode include a mixture of lithium oxide, lithium fluoride and semicarbonates (e.g., lithium alkyl carbonates). At elevated temperatures, alkyl carbonates in the electrolyte decompose into insoluble species such as Li
 that increases the film thickness. This increases cell impedance and reduces cycling capacity.[164] Gases formed by electrolyte decomposition can increase the cell’s internal pressure and are a potential safety issue in demanding environments such as mobile devices.[162] Below 25 °C, plating of metallic Lithium on the anodes and subsequent reaction with the electrolyte is leading to loss of cyclable Lithium.[164] Extended storage can trigger an incremental increase in film thickness and capacity loss.[162] Charging at greater than 4.2 V can initiate Li+ plating on the anode, producing irreversible capacity loss.

Electrolyte degradation mechanisms include hydrolysis and thermal decomposition.[162] At concentrations as low as 10 ppm, water begins catalyzing a host of degradation products that can affect the electrolyte, anode and cathode.[162] LiPF
participates in an equilibrium reaction with LiF and PF
. Under typical conditions, the equilibrium lies far to the left. However the presence of water generates substantial LiF, an insoluble, electrically insulating product. LiF binds to the anode surface, increasing film thickness.[162] LiPF
hydrolysis yields PF
, a strong Lewis acid that reacts with electron-rich species, such as water. PF
reacts with water to form hydrofluoric acid (HF) and phosphorus oxyfluoride. Phosphorus oxyfluoride in turn reacts to form additional HF and difluorohydroxy phosphoric acid. HF converts the rigid SEI film into a fragile one. On the cathode, the carbonate solvent can then diffuse onto the cathode oxide over time, releasing heat and potentially causing thermal runaway.[162] Decomposition of electrolyte salts and interactions between the salts and solvent start at as low as 70 °C. Significant decomposition occurs at higher temperatures. At 85 °C transesterification products, such as dimethyl-2,5-dioxahexane carboxylate (DMDOHC) are formed from EC reacting with DMC.[162]

Batteries generate heat when being charged or discharged, especially at high currents. Large battery packs, such as those used in electric vehicles, are generally equipped with thermal management systems that maintain a temperature between 15 °C (59 °F) and 35 °C (95 °F).[177] Pouch and cylindrical cell temperatures depend linearly on the discharge current.[178] Poor internal ventilation may increase temperatures. For large batteries consisting of multiple cells, non-uniform temperatures can lead to non-uniform and accelerated degradation.[179] In contrast, the calendar life of LiFePO
cells is not affected by high charge states.[180][181]

Positive SEI layer in lithium-ion batteries is much less understood than the negative SEI. It is believed to have a low-ionic conductivity and shows up as an increased interfacial resistance of the cathode during cycling and calendar aging.[162]<ref[163]/>[161]

(2) The randomness of the metallic lithium embedded in the anode during intercalation results in dendrites formation. Over time the dendrites can accumulate and pierce the separator, causing a short circuit leading to heat, fire or explosion. This process is referred to as thermal runaway.[162] Lithium plating is the most serious concern, when Li-ion batteries are charged at cold temperatures.

(3) Certain manganese containing cathodes can degrade by the Hunter degradation mechanism resulting in manganese dissolution and reduction on the anode.[162] By the Hunter mechanism for LiMn
, hydrofluoric acid catalyzes the loss of manganese through disproportionation of a surface trivalent manganese to form a tetravalent manganese and a soluble divalent manganese:[162]

2Mn3+ → Mn2++ Mn4+

Material loss of the spinel results in capacity fade. Temperatures as low as 50 °C initiate Mn2+ deposition on the anode as metallic manganese with the same effects as lithium and copper plating.[164] Cycling over the theoretical max and min voltage plateaus destroys the crystal lattice via Jahn-Teller distortion, which occurs when Mn4+ is reduced to Mn3+ during discharge.[162] Storage of a battery charged to greater than 3.6 V initiates electrolyte oxidation by the cathode and induces SEI layer formation on the cathode. As with the anode, excessive SEI formation forms an insulator resulting in capacity fade and uneven current distribution.[162] Storage at less than 2 V results in the slow degradation of LiCoO
and LiMn
cathodes, the release of oxygen and irreversible capacity loss.[162]

(4) Cation mixing is the main reason for the capacity decline of the Ni-rich cathode materials. As the Ni content in the NCM layered material increases the capacity will increase, which is the result of two-electron of Ni2+/Ni4+ redox reaction (please note, that Mn remains electrochemically inactive in the 4+ state) but, increasing the Ni content results in a significant degree of mixing of Ni2+ and Li+ cations due to the closeness of their ionic radius (Li+ =0.076 nm and Ni2+ =0.069 nm). During charge/discharge cycling, the Li+ in the cathode cannot be easily be extracted and the existence of Ni2+ in the Li layer blocks the diffusion of Li+, resulting in both capacity loss and increased ohmic resistance.[182]

(5) Discharging below 2 V can also result in the dissolution of the copper anode current collector and, thus, in catastrophic internal short-circuiting on recharge.

The IEEE standard 1188–1996 recommends replacing Lithium-ion batteries in an electric vehicle, when their charge capacity drops to 80% of the nominal value.[183] In what follows, we shall use the 20% capacity loss as a comparison point between different studies. We shall note, nevertheless, that the linear model of degradation (the constant % of charge loss per cycle or per calendar time) is not always applicable, and that a “knee point”, observed as a change of the slope, and related to the change of the main degradation mechanism, is often observed.[184]

Most studies of lithium-ion battery aging have been done at elevated (50-60 °C) temperatures in order to complete the experiments sooner. Under these storage conditions, fully charged nickel-cobalt-aluminum and lithium-iron phosphate cells loose ca. 20% of their cyclable charge in 1-2 year. It is believed, that the aforementioned anode aging is the most important degradation pathways in these cases. On the other hand, manganese-based cathodes show a (ca. 20-50%) faster degradation under these conditions, probably due to the additional mechanism of Mn ion dissolution.[163] At 25 °C the degradation of lithium-ion batteries seems to follow the same pathway(s) as the degradation at 50 °C, but with half the speed.<ref[163] In other words, based on the limited extrapolated experimental data, lithium-ion batteries are expected to lose irreversibly ca. 20% of their cyclable charge in 3–5 years or 1000-2000 cycles at 25 °C.[166] Lithium-ion batteries with titanate anodes do not suffer from SEI growth, and last longer (>5000 cycles) than graphite anodes. However, in complete cells other degradation mechanisms (i.e. the dissolution of Mn3+ and the Ni3+/Li+ place exchange, decomposition of PVDF binder and particle detachment) show up after 1000–2000 days, and the use titanate anode does not improve full cell durability in practice.


Fire hazard[edit]

Lithium-ion batteries can be a safety hazard since they contain a flammable electrolyte and may become pressurized if they become damaged. A battery cell charged too quickly could cause a short circuit, leading to explosions and fires.[185] A Li-ion battery fire can be started due to (1) thermal abuse, e.g. poor cooling or external fire, (2) electrical abuse, e.g. overcharge or external short circuit, (3) mechanical abuse, e.g. penetration or crash, or (4) internal short circuit, e.g. due to manufacturing flaws or aging.[186][187] Because of these risks, testing standards are more stringent than those for acid-electrolyte batteries, requiring both a broader range of test conditions and additional battery-specific tests, and there are shipping limitations imposed by safety regulators.[75][188][189] There have been battery-related recalls by some companies, including the 2016 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall for battery fires.[190][191]

Lithium-ion batteries have a flammable liquid electrolyte.[192] A faulty battery can cause a serious fire.[185] Faulty chargers can affect the safety of the battery because they can destroy the battery’s protection circuit. While charging at temperatures below 0 °C, the negative electrode of the cells gets plated with pure lithium, which can compromise the safety of the whole pack.

Short-circuiting a battery will cause the cell to overheat and possibly to catch fire.[193] Smoke from thermal runaway in a Li-ion battery is both flammable and toxic.[194] The fire energy content (electrical + chemical) of cobalt-oxide cells is about 100 to 150 kJ/(A·h), most of it chemical.[73][unreliable source?][195]

Around 2010, large lithium-ion batteries were introduced in place of other chemistries to power systems on some aircraft; as of January 2014, there had been at least four serious lithium-ion battery fires, or smoke, on the Boeing 787 passenger aircraft, introduced in 2011, which did not cause crashes but had the potential to do so.[196][197] UPS Airlines Flight 6 crashed in Dubai after its payload of batteries spontaneously ignited.

To reduce fire hazards, research projects are intended to develop non-flammable electrolytes.

Damaging and overloading[edit]

If a lithium-ion battery is damaged, crushed, or is subjected to a higher electrical load without having overcharge protection, then problems may arise. External short circuit can trigger a battery explosion.[198]

If overheated or overcharged, Li-ion batteries may suffer thermal runaway and cell rupture.[199][200] In extreme cases this can lead to leakage, explosion or fire. To reduce these risks, many lithium-ion cells (and battery packs) contain fail-safe circuitry that disconnects the battery when its voltage is outside the safe range of 3–4.2 V per cell,[56][87] or when overcharged or discharged. Lithium battery packs, whether constructed by a vendor or the end-user, without effective battery management circuits are susceptible to these issues. Poorly designed or implemented battery management circuits also may cause problems; it is difficult to be certain that any particular battery management circuitry is properly implemented.

Voltage limits[edit]

Lithium-ion cells are susceptible to stress by voltage ranges outside of safe ones between 2.5 and 3.65/4.1/4.2 or 4.35V (depending on the components of the cell). Exceeding this voltage range results in premature aging and in safety risks due to the reactive components in the cells.[201] When stored for long periods the small current draw of the protection circuitry may drain the battery below its shutoff voltage; normal chargers may then be useless since the battery management system (BMS) may retain a record of this battery (or charger) «failure». Many types of lithium-ion cells cannot be charged safely below 0 °C,[202] as this can result in plating of lithium on the anode of the cell, which may cause complications such as internal short-circuit paths.[citation needed]

Other safety features are required[by whom?] in each cell:[56]

  • Shut-down separator (for overheating)
  • Tear-away tab (for internal pressure relief)
  • Vent (pressure relief in case of severe outgassing)
  • Thermal interrupt (overcurrent/overcharging/environmental exposure)

These features are required because the negative electrode produces heat during use, while the positive electrode may produce oxygen. However, these additional devices occupy space inside the cells, add points of failure, and may irreversibly disable the cell when activated. Further, these features increase costs compared to nickel metal hydride batteries, which require only a hydrogen/oxygen recombination device and a back-up pressure valve.[87] Contaminants inside the cells can defeat these safety devices. Also, these features can not be applied to all kinds of cells, e.g., prismatic high current cells cannot be equipped with a vent or thermal interrupt. High current cells must not produce excessive heat or oxygen, lest there be a failure, possibly violent. Instead, they must be equipped with internal thermal fuses which act before the anode and cathode reach their thermal limits.[citation needed]

Replacing the lithium cobalt oxide positive electrode material in lithium-ion batteries with a lithium metal phosphate such as lithium iron phosphate (LFP) improves cycle counts, shelf life and safety, but lowers capacity. As of 2006, these safer lithium-ion batteries were mainly used in electric cars and other large-capacity battery applications, where safety is critical.[203]


  • In October 2004, Kyocera Wireless recalled approximately 1 million mobile phone batteries to identify counterfeits.[204]
  • In December 2005, Dell recalled approximately 22,000 laptop computer batteries, and 4.1 million in August 2006.[205]
  • In 2006, approximately 10 million Sony batteries used in Dell, Sony, Apple, Lenovo, Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, Fujitsu and Sharp laptops were recalled. The batteries were found to be susceptible to internal contamination by metal particles during manufacture. Under some circumstances, these particles could pierce the separator, causing a dangerous short circuit.[206]
  • In March 2007, computer manufacturer Lenovo recalled approximately 205,000 batteries at risk of explosion.
  • In August 2007, mobile phone manufacturer Nokia recalled over 46 million batteries at risk of overheating and exploding.[207] One such incident occurred in the Philippines involving a Nokia N91, which used the BL-5C battery.[208]
  • In September 2016, Samsung recalled approximately 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 phones after 35 confirmed fires.[191] The recall was due to a manufacturing design fault in Samsung’s batteries which caused internal positive and negative poles to touch.[209]

Transport restrictions[edit]

Transport Class 9A:Lithium batteries

IATA estimates that over a billion lithium metal and lithium-ion cells are flown each year.[195] Some kinds of lithium batteries may be prohibited aboard aircraft because of the fire hazard.[210][211] Some postal administrations restrict air shipping (including EMS) of lithium and lithium-ion batteries, either separately or installed in equipment.

Environmental impact[edit]

Extraction of lithium, nickel, and cobalt, manufacture of solvents, and mining byproducts present significant environmental and health hazards.[212][213][214]
Lithium extraction can be fatal to aquatic life due to water pollution.[215] It is known to cause surface water contamination, drinking water contamination, respiratory problems, ecosystem degradation and landscape damage.[212] It also leads to unsustainable water consumption in arid regions (1.9 million liters per ton of lithium).[212] Massive byproduct generation of lithium extraction also presents unsolved problems, such as large amounts of magnesium and lime waste.[216]

Lithium mining takes place in North and South America, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and China.[217]

Cobalt for Li-ion batteries is largely mined in the Congo (see also Mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Manufacturing a kg of Li-ion battery takes about 67 megajoule (MJ) of energy.[218][219] The global warming potential of lithium-ion batteries manufacturing strongly depends on the energy source used in mining and manufacturing operations, and is difficult to estimate, but one 2019 study estimated 73 kg CO2e/kWh.[220] Effective recycling can reduce the carbon footprint of the production significantly.[221]

Solid waste and recycling[edit]

Li-ion battery elements including iron, copper, nickel and cobalt are considered safe for incinerators and landfills.[222][citation needed] These metals can be recycled,[223][224] usually by burning away the other materials,[225] but mining generally remains cheaper than recycling;[226] recycling may cost $3/kg,[227] and in 2019 less than 5% of lithium ion batteries were being recycled.[228] Since 2018, the recycling yield was increased significantly, and recovering lithium, manganese, aluminum, the organic solvents of the electrolyte, and graphite is possible at industrial scales.[229] The most expensive metal involved in the construction of the cell is cobalt. Lithium is less expensive than other metals used and is rarely recycled,[225] but recycling could prevent a future shortage.[223]

Accumulation of battery waste presents technical challenges and health hazards.[230] Since the environmental impact of electric cars is heavily affected by the production of lithium-ion batteries, the development of efficient ways to repurpose waste is crucial.[228] Recycling is a multi-step process, starting with the storage of batteries before disposal, followed by manual testing, disassembling, and finally the chemical separation of battery components. Re-use of the battery is preferred over complete recycling as there is less embodied energy in the process. As these batteries are a lot more reactive than classical vehicle waste like tire rubber, there are significant risks to stockpiling used batteries.[231]

Pyrometallurgical recovery[edit]

The pyrometallurgical method uses a high-temperature furnace to reduce the components of the metal oxides in the battery to an alloy of Co, Cu, Fe, and Ni. This is the most common and commercially established method of recycling and can be combined with other similar batteries to increase smelting efficiency and improve thermodynamics. The metal current collectors aid the smelting process, allowing whole cells or modules to be melted at once.[232] The product of this method is a collection of metallic alloy, slag, and gas. At high temperatures, the polymers used to hold the battery cells together burn off and the metal alloy can be separated through a hydrometallurgical process into its separate components. The slag can be further refined or used in the cement industry. The process is relatively risk-free and the exothermic reaction from polymer combustion reduces the required input energy. However, in the process, the plastics, electrolytes, and lithium salts will be lost.[233]

Hydrometallurgical metals reclamation[edit]

This method involves the use of aqueous solutions to remove the desired metals from the cathode. The most common reagent is sulfuric acid.[234] Factors that affect the leaching rate include the concentration of the acid, time, temperature, solid-to-liquid-ratio, and reducing agent.[235] It is experimentally proven that H2O2 acts as a reducing agent to speed up the rate of leaching through the reaction:[citation needed]

2LiCoO2(s) + 3H2SO4 + H2O2 → 2CoSO4(aq) + Li2SO4 + 4H2O + O2

Once leached, the metals can be extracted through precipitation reactions controlled by changing the pH level of the solution. Cobalt, the most expensive metal, can then be recovered in the form of sulfate, oxalate, hydroxide, or carbonate. [75] More recently recycling methods experiment with the direct reproduction of the cathode from the leached metals. In these procedures, concentrations of the various leached metals are premeasured to match the target cathode and then the cathodes are directly synthesized.[236]

The main issues with this method, however, is that a large volume of solvent is required and the high cost of neutralization. Although it’s easy to shred up the battery, mixing the cathode and anode at the beginning complicates the process, so they will also need to be separated. Unfortunately, the current design of batteries makes the process extremely complex and it is difficult to separate the metals in a closed-loop battery system. Shredding and dissolving may occur at different locations.[237]

Direct recycling[edit]

Direct recycling is the removal of the cathode or anode from the electrode, reconditioned, and then reused in a new battery. Mixed metal-oxides can be added to the new electrode with very little change to the crystal morphology. The process generally involves the addition of new lithium to replenish the loss of lithium in the cathode due to degradation from cycling. Cathode strips are obtained from the dismantled batteries, then soaked in NMP, and undergo sonication to remove excess deposits. It is treated hydrothermally with a solution containing LiOH/Li2SO4 before annealing.[238]

This method is extremely cost-effective for noncobalt-based batteries as the raw materials do not make up the bulk of the cost. Direct recycling avoids the time-consuming and expensive purification steps, which is great for low-cost cathodes such as LiMn2O4 and LiFePO4. For these cheaper cathodes, most of the cost, embedded energy, and carbon footprint is associated with the manufacturing rather than the raw material.[239] It is experimentally shown that direct recycling can reproduce similar properties to pristine graphite.

The drawback of the method lies in the condition of the retired battery. In the case where the battery is relatively healthy, direct recycling can cheaply restore its properties. However, for batteries where the state of charge is low, direct recycling may not be worth the investment. The process must also be tailored to the specific cathode composition, and therefore the process must be configured to one type of battery at a time.[240] Lastly, in a time with rapidly developing battery technology, the design of a battery today may no longer be desirable a decade from now, rendering direct recycling ineffective.

Human rights impact[edit]

Extraction of raw materials for lithium ion batteries may present dangers to local people, especially land-based indigenous populations.

Cobalt sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo is often mined by workers using hand tools with few safety precautions, resulting in frequent injuries and deaths.[241] Pollution from these mines has exposed people to toxic chemicals that health officials believe to cause birth defects and breathing difficulties.[242] Human rights activists have alleged, and investigative journalism reported confirmation,[243][244] that child labor is used in these mines.[245][246]

A study of relationships between lithium extraction companies and indigenous peoples in Argentina indicated that the state may not have protected indigenous peoples’ right to free prior and informed consent, and that extraction companies generally controlled community access to information and set the terms for discussion of the projects and benefit sharing.[247]

Development of the Thacker Pass lithium mine in Nevada, USA has met with protests and lawsuits from several indigenous tribes who have said they were not provided free prior and informed consent and that the project threatens cultural and sacred sites.[248] Links between resource extraction and missing and murdered indigenous women have also prompted local communities to express concerns that the project will create risks to indigenous women.[249] Protestors have been occupying the site of the proposed mine since January, 2021.[250][251]


Researchers are actively working to improve the power density, safety, cycle durability (battery life), recharge time, cost, flexibility, and other characteristics, as well as research methods and uses, of these batteries.

See also[edit]

  • Borate oxalate
  • Comparison of commercial battery types
  • European Battery Alliance
  • Nanowire battery
  • Solid-state battery
  • Thin-film lithium-ion battery
  • Blade battery
  • Flow battery
  • VRLA battery


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  • Andrea, Davide (2010). Battery Management Systems for Large Lithium-Ion Battery Packs. Artech House. p. 234. ISBN 978-1608071043. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  • Winter, M; Brodd, RJ (2004). «What Are Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Supercapacitors?». Chemical Reviews. 104 (10): 4245–4269. doi:10.1021/cr020730k. PMID 15669155.

External links[edit]

  • Lithium-ion Battery at the Encyclopædia Britannica.
  • List of World’s Largest Lithium-ion Battery Factories (2020).
  • Energy Storage Safety at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
  • New More Efficient Lithium-ion Batteries The New York Times. September 2021.
  • NREL Innovation Improves Safety of Electric Vehicle Batteries, NREL, October 2015.
  • Degradation Mechanisms and Lifetime Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries, NREL, July 2015.
  • Impact of Temperature Extremes on Large Format Li-ion Batteries for Vehicle Applications, NREL, March 2013.

За последний десяток лет литий-ионные аккумуляторы из дорогостоящей экзотики перешли в разряд самых распространенных источников автономного питания. Неудивительно, что они стали популярными и в руках самодельщиков, в том числе и начинающих. Иногда от технических решений в их творениях волосы становятся дыбом – ведь особенностью аккумуляторов данного типа является их повышенная опасность, в первую очередь – пожарная. Мой рассказ о том, как правильно «готовить» эту «рыбу фугу», чтобы никто не сгорел и не взорвался.

Предыдущая статья на «взрывную» тему здесь.

Принцип работы литий-ионнного аккумулятора.

Химические источники тока на основе лития получили распространение уже давно. Литиевые батарейки уже в конце XX века прочно укрепились в часах, калькуляторах, материнских платах компьютеров, пультах дистанционного управления. По принципу действия они мало чем отличаются от марганец-цинковых элементов, за тем исключением, что литий заменяет собой цинк, а вместо водного раствора щелочи или хлористого аммония – электролит на основе неводных растворителей, таких как пропиленкарбонат или хлористый тионил, в котором растворена литиевая соль, диссоциирующая с образованием иона лития, который и переносит ток в таком электролите. Но замена цинка на литий привела к тому, что напряжение возросло с полутора до трех вольт, а энергоемкость увеличилась в несколько раз. При этом химически инертный органический электролит и высокая степень герметичности конструкции свели саморазряд практически на нет — отдавая микроамперные токи, такая батарейка может работать десятилетиями.

Знаете, почему нельзя заряжать обычные батарейки? Казалось бы, при протекании тока в зарядном направлении, на электродах будут идти процессы «в обратном порядке»: на отрицательном электроде будет осаждаться цинк, а на положительном – активная масса, бывшая когда-то двуокисью марганца и отдавшая свой кислород, будет снова окисляться, вновь превращаясь в свежую MnO2. Но все портит то, что одновременно с этими процессами разлагается и вода в электролите. Выделяющиеся газы раздувают корпус батарейки и  выдавливают электролит наружу с печальными последствиями для аппаратуры.

В литиевом элементе нет воды. Пропиленкарбонат, служащий растворителем, не подвержен электролизу, поэтому такой элемент можно зарядить без побочных реакций. Однако, такой литиевый аккумулятор  «не взлетел». Вернее, он как раз взлетал – на воздух. Литий никак не хотел ложиться на свой анод аккуратным тонким слоем, а кристаллизовался в виде игольчатых кристаллов – дендритов. Точно такие же дендриты, к слову, образуются и при попытке зарядить марганец-цинковую батарейку, но именно в литиевом аккумуляторе они приводили к катастрофе. Рано или поздно такой дендрит перекрывал промежуток между анодом и катодом и вызывал короткое замыкание. Протекающий ток разогревал и катодную массу, из которой выделялся кислород, и литий, который в этом кислороде воспламенялся, и сепаратор, который просто прекращал свое существование, после чего литий, электролит и катодная масса – горючее и окислитель – превращались в адскую смесь. Как рассказывал мне один знакомый, причастный к этим экспериментам изобретатель – военные, для которых они пытались эти аккумуляторы создать, потеряли всякий интерес к ним, как к источникам тока, но регулярные мощные взрывы, сопровождающиеся ослепительным красным (от лития) пламенем, их восхищали и каждый раз военные интересовались, нельзя ли куда-то применить эту взрывчатку.

В этом направлении работали и за рубежом, и кое-чего даже добились, применяя механически более прочные керамические сепараторы, особые методы заряда, специальные добавки в электролит. Но все равно опасность дендритообразования сохранялась – слишком опасным был такой аккумулятор для его практического применения, если превышал размеры и емкость крохотной часовой батарейки-таблетки.

Прорыв принесли два открытия. Первое – это обнаружение способности некоторых сложных оксидов и сульфидов, содержащих литий, отдавать и поглощать обратно ионы лития на катоде. Второе – способность соединений слоистой структуры (графит, дисульфид молибдена) обратимо поглощать в межслоевое пространство значительные количества лития (вплоть до соединения состава LiC6), захватывая его атомы немедленно после разрядки ионов Li+ на аноде и предотвращая его выделение в металлической форме, а значит, предотвращая образование дендритов. За эти открытия и изобретение литий-ионного аккумулятора в прошлом году была присуждена Нобелевская премия. Ее лауреаты – М.С. Уиттингем, первооткрыватель явления интеркаляции лития в дисульфиды титана и молибдена, впервые предложивший использовать это явление в аккумуляторах, Дж. Гуденаф, исследовавший обратимость поглощения и выделения ионов лития кобальтитом лития на катоде, и собственно, изобретатель литий-ионного аккумулятора Акира Ёсино.

Принцип работы литий-ионного аккумулятора Акиры Ёсино, изобретенного им в 1991 году, состоит в следующем. Однозарядные катионы лития – это практически единственный ион, переносящий ток в органическом неводном электролите. Противоионом является громоздкая и малоподвижная молекулярная «конструкция», обладающая отрицательным зарядом.

Ион Li+ при зарядке аккумулятора разряжается на поверхности графитового анода, превращаясь в нейтральный атом лития. Этот атом немедленно вступает поглощается графитом, проникая между слоями его кристаллической решетки. Образуется графитид лития – так называемый интеркалят или соединение внедрения. По своим химическим свойствам это сильный и активный восстановитель.

Одновременно с этим, кобальтит лития на катоде поставляет в раствор ионы лития, а сам при этом, теряя литий, все больше по составу приближается к двуокиси кобальта, в результате чего становясь сильным и активным окислителем.

Разность электрохимических потенциалов между этими окислителем и восстановителем равна ЭДС литий-ионного аккумулятора.

При разряде происходят обратные процессы. Литий, покидая межслоевое пространство на аноде, отдает во внешнюю цепь электрон и приобретает заряд, становясь катионом, а графитид лития – просто графитом. На катоде эти катионы возвращается в вакансии кристаллической решетки кобальтита лития, который теряет свои окислительные свойства, принимая электрон во внешнюю цепь.

Из-за отсутствия побочных процессов данная электрохимическая система обладает весьма высокой степенью обратимости и по этой причине характеризуется прекрасным КПД.

Литий-полимерные аккумуляторы не являются, как многие думают, каким-то отдельным видом аккумуляторов. В них вместо жидкого электролита используется гелеобразный на полимерной основе, а все электрохимические процессы в них ничем не отличаются. Отсутствие (вернее, минимальное количество) жидкого электролита позволяет придавать им практически любую форму и вместо прочного металлического корпуса помещать их в корпуса из полимерной пленки в виде запаянного пакетика, что помимо прочего повышает плотность хранения энергии.

Существуют также разновидности литий-ионных аккумуляторов с различными электрохимическими системами, такие, как литий-железофосфатные и литий-титанатные. Принцип действия у них тот же самый, но иные материалы катодной массы и, соответственно, другие напряжения. Удельная емкость этих аккумуляторов ниже, чем у классической кобальтовой литий-ионной системы, но они превосходят их по сроку службы, способности отдавать ток при низких температурах и, по утверждению производителей – по безопасности.

Собственно, безопасность – едва ли не основная «беда» литий-ионных аккумуляторов.

Скрытая угроза

Увы, «укротив» литий, Акира Ёсино не сделал этого огненного льва безобидным мышонком. Да и как можно ожидать полной безопасности от устройства, в котором, повторюсь, сильный и активный окислитель соседствует с столь же сильным и активным восстановителем и разделяют их лишь несколько десятков микрон пористой полимерной пленки-сепаратора? Стоит этой пленке где-нибудь прохудиться, допустив короткое замыкание, лавинообразный процесс саморазогрева и саморазрушения уже не остановить. Содержимое аккумулятора превращается во взрывчатую смесь горючего и окислителя. И эту смесь уже подожгли.

То, что литий-ионные аккумуляторы обычно не взрываются, обусловлено множеством предосторожностей, которые соблюдаются при их эксплуатации. Соблюдаются не силами пользователя – за этим следят автоматические электронные устройства. Там, где применяется литий-ионный аккумулятор, нет места простейшим зарядным устройствам из мира «свинца» и «никель-кадмия». Зарядное устройство обязано быть «умным». Процесс заряда литий-ионного аккумулятора многостадийный, требует строгого выдерживания параметров и должен быть вовремя завершен, и перекладывать ответственность за это на пользователя категорически недопустимо, так как его забывчивость в таком случае может привести к пожару или взрыву.

Дело в том, что отсутствие побочных процессов в литий-ионном аккумуляторе не абсолютно. Для того, чтобы их не было, нужно не выйти за определенную «безопасную» территорию. Так, при напряжении выше 4,2..4,5 В или при слишком большом токе заряда графит уже не успевает «впитать» литий, и он образует металлическую фазу. То же происходит, если графит теряет активную поверхность, что происходит, например, из-за переразряда. Как только на поверхности появляется металл, он начинает образовывать дендриты и… можно вызывать пожарных. Наконец, перенапряжение может вызвать электролиз компонентов электролита (в том числе и неконтролируемых примесей) и выделение газов, давление которых может нарушить герметичность аккумулятора, что также чревато пожаром – соединение внедрения лития в графит самовоспламеняется на воздухе.

Опасна и перегрузка при разряде. Перегрев разрядным током может вызвать вскипание или термическое разложение электролита, выделение кислорода из катодной активной массы, повреждение сепаратора. Результат тот же: КЗ и пожар. К тому же эффекту приведет и механическое повреждение аккумулятора.

Является «правилом хорошего тона» не полагаться на надежность зарядного устройства. В абсолютном большинстве промышленно выпускающихся устройств (за исключением «маргинальных» случаев вроде электронных сигарет и авиамоделей), содержащих литий-ионные аккумуляторы, независимо от контроллера, на который возложены функции заряда, имеется еще один контроллер, выполняющий функции защиты. В простейшем своем варианте (например, на микросхеме DW01A, являющейся основой плат защиты почти всех китайских аккумуляторов), он отключает аккумулятор при перезаряде (превышении допустимого напряжения), переразряде, слишком большом зарядном и разрядном токе, перегреве. В более сложных случаях к этим базовым функциям добавляется балансировка батареи (если она состоит из нескольких элементов, соединенных последовательно), контроль за ее «здоровьем», подсчет ампер-часов при заряде и разряде (что позволяет определить оставшийся процент заряда гораздо точнее, чем при простом измерении напряжения) и другие функции. Данный контроллер – его называют Battery management system (BMS) или просто «платой защиты», как правило, является неотделимой частью аккумуляторной батареи, находясь с ней в одном корпусе и будучи наглухо припаянным к его выводам.

Есть еще третья ступень защиты. Это механическое устройство, разрывающее цепь при повышении давления или температуры внутри «банки» аккумулятора. К сожалению, оно – не панацея, так как во многих случаях нагрев и газовыделение начинаются уже после того, как возгорание батареи уже нельзя остановить.   

Кстати, типичная цифра, характерная для LiIon – 250 Вт*ч/кг или 0,9 МДж/кг.  Это всего вчетверо меньше запаса энергии в таких ВВ, как тротил. В мощном ноутбуке «тротиловый эквивалент» аккумулятора может быть сравним с ручной гранатой. Так что с литий-ионными аккумуляторами шутки плохи. Их взрыв вполне может привести  к смерти и увечьям многих людей.

Видео и фотографии взрывов и возгораний литий-ионных аккумуляторов в сети можно найти много. Надеюсь, они убедят вас, что все более чем серьезно.

Заряжаем и разряжаем правильно

А теперь разберемся с тем, как правильно заряжать эти опасные литий-ионные аккумуляторы, чтобы они не были так опасны.

Общепринятым, рекомендуемым всеми производителями литий-ионных аккумуляторов, является алгоритм CC-CV. Это означает, что начинается заряд стабилизированным током, а при достижении определенного напряжения далее оно стабилизируется на этом уровне. Этот метод близок к методу заряда свинцовых аккумуляторов, отличаясь от него лишь режимом.

Для большинства стандартных литий-ионных аккумуляторов напряжение перехода от стадии CC к стадии CV при комнатной температуре – 4,20 В. Некоторые старые аккумуляторы с анодом на основе каменноугольного кокса следует заряжать лишь до 4,10 В, тогда как в последнее время все чаще встречаются «высоковольтные» аккумуляторы, которые допускают заряд до 4,35 и даже 4,45 В. Небольшое превышение этого напряжения вызывает резкое сокращение срока службы, а более значительное превышение приводит к возгораниям и взрывам. Требуемая точность установки порогового напряжения для стандартных аккумуляторов составляет ±50 мВ, а у «высоковольтных» тем выше, чем выше напряжение, вплоть до ±5 мВ при пороговом напряжении 4,45 В. Разумеется, пониженное напряжение приводит лишь к снижению доступной емкости, а вот повышение напряжения недопустимо ни при каких случаях.

Стандартным током заряда считается 0,5С и большинство аккумуляторов без ущерба позволяют заряжать их током до 1С, а некоторые допускают и более высокие токи при условии недопущения перегрева. С здесь – ток в амперах, численно равный емкости в ампер-часах. Но таким током нельзя заряжать глубоко разряженные аккумуляторы, напряжение на клеммах которых снизилось ниже 2,9-3,0 В. В этом случае необходима стадия предварительной зарядки (precharge) – аккумулятор заряжается током 0,05-0,1С, пока напряжение не достигнет трех вольт. А вот слишком глубоко разряженные аккумуляторы заряжать нельзя вообще. Зарядное устройство должно не допускать зарядки аккумулятора, если напряжение на его клеммах снизилось ниже 2,5 В. При таком глубоком разряде аккумулятор обычно сильно теряет в емкости, но это еще полбеды: его заряд сопряжен с опасностью металлизации лития и возгорания. Кстати, «высоковольтные» аккумуляторы более чувствительны к глубокому разряду, и не следует допускать их разряда ниже 2,75 В. 

На стадии CV ток снижается по экспоненте. На этой стадии аккумулятор не должен оставаться до бесконечности. Заряд должен быть автоматически прекращен после снижения тока до 0,05-0,1С.

Такой многоступенчатый алгоритм зарядки предпочтительно реализовывать на специализированных микросхемах-контроллерах. Таких контроллеров в настоящее время выпускается множество, как самостоятельных (типичные примеры — всем известные LTC4054-4,2, TP4056, TP5000 и т.п.), так и встроенных в многофункциональные контроллеры питания, включающие несколько отключаемых линейных и импульсных преобразователей напряжения, наподобие применяемой во многих мобильных устройствах микросхемы RK819.

Плохой, очень плохой практикой является применение для этой цели обычных интегральных линейных и импульсных стабилизаторов, а в особенности — популярных и продаваемых именно как «платы для зарядки Li-Ion» модулей с Aliexpress на LM2596, XL4015 и т.п. Именно так нередко делают, переделывая шуруповерты на литиевые аккумуляторы, не учитывая опасности того, что со временем установленное на выходе напряжение может «уйти» из-за невысокого качества подстроечных резисторов на этих китайских платах. Если движок этого резистора потеряет контакт с резистивным элементом, на выходе попросту окажется входное напряжение. И это не говоря о том, что без внешних схемных решений такой «контроллер» не отключит аккумулятор по окончании заряда и не обеспечит предзаряд сильно разряженного аккумулятора малым током. В любом случае, проектируя и собирая зарядное устройство для литий-ионных аккумуляторах, следует думать о надежности. Неисправность здесь может обойтись очень дорого, иногда — в человеческую жизнь.

Другое крайне неудачное решение, встречающееся в практике самодельщиков и даже «у китайцев» — заряжать аккумулятор, снабженный платой защиты, до ее срабатывания. Во-первых, BMS отключает аккумулятор уже при превышении напряжения. Во-вторых при такой зарядке, без стадии CV используется только часть емкости. Парадокс: батарея одновременно пере- и недозаряжается.

Как крайний случай, можно заряжать литий-ионные аккумуляторы током 0,1С до достижения 4,10..4,15 В с последующей отсечкой. Но, по некоторым данным, предположительно, такой режим плохо сказывается на токоотдаче и сроке службы аккумуляторов.

Литий-ионные аккумуляторы очень плохо переносят не только перезаряд, но и переразряд. Напряжение 2,5 В на «банку» и ниже фатально — такой аккумулятор уже опасно заряжать. А области между 2,5 и 3 В, которая хоть и формально является допустимой, следует по возможности избегать, так как это отрицательно сказывается на сроке службы. В устройстве, питаемом от литий-ионных аккумуляторов, следует предусмотреть принудительное отключение при снижении напряжения до 3 В. Кстати, подавляющее большинство смартфонов отключаются уже при напряжении 3,35..3,4 В, так как в их контроллерах питания применяются только понижающие преобразователи напряжения, и при более низком напряжении невозможно формирование напряжения 3,3 В. Поэтому все советы «ставить телефон на зарядку, не дожидаясь отключения, так как это очень вредно для батареи» не соответствуют действительности. Такое высокое напряжение отсечки, разумеется, немного уменьшает полезную емкость, и вместе с тем немного продлевает срок службы аккумулятора.


Процесс заряда осложняется, если мы имеем дело с батареей из последовательно соединенных элементов. Дело в том, что двух одинаковых аккумуляторов не бывает. Если емкость одного из них будет чуть больше, а другого – чуть меньше, напряжение на последнем будет расти быстрее, чем на первом. В таком случае, если мы будем заряжать батарею до 8,40 В, этот аккумулятор окажется в итоге немного перезаряженным. Со временем эти небольшие перезаряды приведут к более быстрому износу, а значит, напряжение на этом аккумуляторе будет завышаться с каждым разом все сильнее. Возникает «снежный ком» нарастающей разбалансировки батареи, который может закончиться взрывом.

Чтобы этого не допустить, необходимо контролировать напряжение не только всей батареи, но и каждого элемента в отдельности, не допуская превышения напряжений каждого из них. Обычно применяются те или иные схемы балансировки, шунтирующие «опережающие» элементы во время заряда, когда те достигают максимального напряжения. Это так называемые пассивные схемы балансировки. Очевидно, при их работе часть энергии рассеивается в виде тепла, что существенно снижает КПД зарядки и ухудшает тепловые условия внутри аккумуляторной сборки. Более эффективными и лучше использующими емкость являются методы активной балансировки, обеспечивающие перекачку энергии с клемм уже зарядившейся «банки» к еще недозаряженным.

На рисунке — простейшая схема балансировки батареи из двух элементов на двух компараторах (https://power-e.ru/hit/sistemy-balansa/). Обычно же такие системы выполняются на специализированных микросхемах, таких, как LTC3300-1 и включаются в состав BMS, оставаясь подключенными к аккумуляторной батарее всегда. Такие контроллеры обладают широким набором функций, включающих не только балансировку, но и мониторинг состояния батареи в течение их срока службы.

Активная балансировочная схема на LTC3300-1 (Рыкованов А. Системы баланса Li-ion аккумуляторных батарей // Силовая электроника. 2009.№1

Активная балансировочная схема на LTC3300-1 (Рыкованов А. Системы баланса Li-ion аккумуляторных батарей // Силовая электроника. 2009.№1

В настоящее время распространение получили интеллектуальные системы балансировки, лучше использующие емкость аккумуляторов за счет компромиссного распределения зарядного тока, которое определяется реальными емкостями каждого из элементов, измеренными в предыдущих циклах.

Как обращаться, хранить, куда девать остатки

Исходя из вышесказанного, обращаться с литий-ионными аккумуляторами следует с осторожностью. Опасность возгорания и взрыва возникает при неправильном заряде, коротком замыкании и механических повреждениях. Последнее особенно актуально для литий-полимерных аккумуляторов, лишенных прочного защитного корпуса. Случайно или намеренно проколов или разорвав пленку, защищающую аккумулятор, вы можете уже через 10-15 секунд получить у себя в руках ослепительный красный огонь. Это же может случиться при изгибе и сдавливании аккумулятора, а в особенности, если каким-либо инструментом проткнуть его насквозь. Такое случается при попытках извлечь аккумулятор, приклеенный на двусторонний скотч, из мобильного телефона для его замены на новый. Риск снижается при извлечении разряженного аккумулятора, поэтому это следует сделать перед началом работы. По этой же причине, а также по причине того, что при замыкании он может выдать десятки, если не сотни ампер тока, хранить такие аккумуляторы следует надежно и аккуратно упакованными, а не в куче радиохлама.

Вообще перед хранением эти аккумуляторы следует довести до уровня заряда 30-50%. Хранить их следует при комнатной температуре. А то некоторые «специалисты» утверждают, что их нужно держать в холодильнике. Не нужно. А вот старые, убитые и особенно вздувшиеся аккумуляторы хранить ни в коем случае нельзя, от них нужно избавиться как можно скорее, так как они непредсказуемы и могут в любой момент стать причиной пожара.

Вопрос «куда утилизировать» достаточно сложен. Учитывая экологическую опасность лития (по ПДК близок к свинцу), их должны утилизировать специальные организации, но у нас в стране я таких организаций, работающих с частными лицами, не знаю. Не следует выбрасывать их в мусор и в особенности в контейнеры для батареек. Пожалуй, идеальный вариант — некий закрывающийся ящик с песком на открытом воздухе, содержимое которого забирали бы специальные службы…

Нельзя (и если очень хочется, то тоже нельзя!) пытаться паять аккумуляторы. Только точечная сварка! Исключение — литий-полимерные со специально удлиненными выводами под пайку и цилиндрические аккумуляторы с заранее приваренными ленточными ламелями. Даже небольшой перегрев может привести и к разгерметизации с последующим самовоспламенением, и к расплавлению сепаратора и внутреннему КЗ.

Всякие шаманства типа «подтолкнуть аккумулятор» или «разблокировать контроллер» — это риск того, что у вас в руках, в кармане или в постели окажется огненный шар. Помните, что если контроллер аккумулятора заблокировался, это не потому что жадный до денег производитель хочет, чтобы вы купили новый. Это потому что производителю неохота оплачивать ущерб, нанесенный загоревшимися аккумуляторами.

Собрав зарядное устройство (неважно — как самостоятельное изделие или в составе какой-либо конструкции), нужно провести первый цикл заряда, подключив вместе с аккумулятором вольтметр и миллиамперметр, и убедившись, что оно работает корректно. Причем обратите внимание на точность измерений: максимально допустимое отклонение напряжения от номинальных 4,2 В не превышает 1,2%, а погрешность распространенных недорогих мультиметров разрядностью 3,5 цифр при измерении этого напряжения на пределе 20 В достигает 1%.

Собирая батарею из нескольких аккумуляторов, нужно подбирать максимально близкие (в пределах 1-3%) по емкости элементы при последовательном соединении, и по внутреннему сопротивлению — при параллельном. Перед соединением элементов параллельно нужно уравнять их по напряжению. Элементы для батареи должны быть строго из одной партии.

Нельзя ремонтировать батарею путем замены одного элемента на новый. Разбалансировка при этом практически гарантирована. А чем грозит разбалансировка, вы уже знаете (подсказка — пожаром и взрывом).

Плавкий предохранитель — это то, что должно быть в цепи любого литий-ионного аккумулятора.

И еще раз — будьте внимательны и осторожны.

  • Литиевые аккумуляторы для телефонов
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  • Литех усинск телефон график работы
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