Макет подставки для телефона
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Органайзер с совой, вечный календарь
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Карандашница «Геометрия»
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Органайзер на стол
Удачно сэкономит ваше рабочее пространство.
Карандашница «Грут»
Очень милая карандашница в виде персонажа Грута.
Органайзер «Лучшему учителю»
Отличный органайзер на рабочий стол в подарок учителю.
Подставка для телефона макет
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Органайзер для телефонов
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Линейка «Треугольник»
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Школьная линейка
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Карандашница «Сова»
Для любителей совушек!
Органайзеры на стол
Отличное решение для вашего рабочего стола!
Органайзер под монитор
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Карандашница школьнику
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Органайзер на стол под отвертки
Любой мужчина будет в восторге!
Закладки для книг
Красивые и необычные закладки для книг. Скачивайте макет совершенно бесплатно.
Резная карандашница
Отличная карандашница для рабочего стола. Скачать макет можно бесплатно.
Карандашница «Телефонная будка»
Интересная идея карандашницы для вашего рабочего стола.
Модульный органайзер для хранения
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Круглый органайзер
Органайзер для всяких мелких штучек, что вечно теряются на столе.
Introduction: Laser Cut Phone Stand
I made a Laser cut phone stand based off of the 90s Pittsburgh Penguins logo
Step 1: The Stand Itself
Hello everyone this is my best shot at a cool hockey based cell phone stand that is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy s4 and the iPhone 5 and many other smartphones with a few dimension tweaks here and there. I made the stand based off of the look of the Pittsburgh Penguins logo from the 1990s
Step 2: How It Works
The logo acts as a stand in variable manners as many parts of the piece can act as a stand. For example you can use the tip to stand the phone horizontally or use the flat of the piece to stand the phone up vertically.
Step 3: Making the Stand
I drew up the stand on the Inventor program and drew it as accurately as I could to the logo. If you want a Penguins logo then this is a good starting point, and this also works as a template for other NHL team logos. Basically all you have to do is draw up your favorite team’s logo and tweak the dimensions so it fits your phone
1 Person Made This Project!
Introduction: Laser Cut Phone Stand
I made a Laser cut phone stand based off of the 90s Pittsburgh Penguins logo
Step 1: The Stand Itself
Hello everyone this is my best shot at a cool hockey based cell phone stand that is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy s4 and the iPhone 5 and many other smartphones with a few dimension tweaks here and there. I made the stand based off of the look of the Pittsburgh Penguins logo from the 1990s
Step 2: How It Works
The logo acts as a stand in variable manners as many parts of the piece can act as a stand. For example you can use the tip to stand the phone horizontally or use the flat of the piece to stand the phone up vertically.
Step 3: Making the Stand
I drew up the stand on the Inventor program and drew it as accurately as I could to the logo. If you want a Penguins logo then this is a good starting point, and this also works as a template for other NHL team logos. Basically all you have to do is draw up your favorite team’s logo and tweak the dimensions so it fits your phone
1 Person Made This Project!