Korean Air Cargo tracking packages and shipments
Keep track of Korean Air Cargo parcels and shipments with our free service!
All you need to do to track your parcel, is to enter the tracking number,
and then the service will keep track of your parcel’s location in real time.
How do I track my Korean Air Cargo parcel with 100Parcels.com?
- Find out the tracking number of your parcel;
- Enter the tracking number of your parcel in the field at the top of the page;
- Wait until the service checks the parcel data, it will not take long;
- View the search results and share them with your friends via social networking;
- If you enter your email address, we can notify you automatically of changes to the status of your parcel.
Korean Air Cargo — information about carrier
Korean Air Co., Ltd. operating as Korean Air, is the largest airline and flag carrier of South Korea based on fleet size, international flights and global locations. Korean Air was developed on March 1, 1969, after the Hanjin Group acquired government-owned Korean Air Lines.
Korean Air’s international guest division and associated subsidiary freight division together serve 126 cities in 44 countries, while its domestic department serves 13 locations. Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 serves as Korean Air’s global center. The bulk of Korean Air’s pilots, ground staff, and flight attendants are based in Seoul.
Korean Air cargo organisation began in 1971 with the Seoul-LA path, the very first trans-pacific network in Korea. Ever since, we have broadened our organisation through the intro of B747-400F cargo airplane and devoted freight terminals overseas, such as New York and Tokyo airport.
From 2004 to 2009, Korean Air Cargo was ranked No. 1 in the global freight transportation classification announced by IATA.
Korean Air Cargo — Parcel tracking statuses
Booked. Flight KE8314 |
Arrived. Flight KE8867 |
Transhipment Accepted |
Booked. Flight KE0924 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0628 |
Freight on Hand |
Consignee Notified. Flight KE8867 |
Booked. Flight KE8867 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE8314 |
Arrived. Flight KE8252 |
Booked. Flight KE0262 |
Departed. Flight KE0529 |
Booked. Flight KE0503 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0924 |
Booked. Flight KE0557 |
Booked. Flight KE9576 |
Arrived. Flight KE0252 |
Arrived. Flight KE0552 |
Departed. Flight KE8867 |
Cargo Delivered |
Booked. Flight KE0252 |
Booked. Flight KE8909 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0543 |
Cargo Delivered. Flight KE0543 |
Arrived. Flight KE0081 |
Departed. Flight KE0924 |
Departed. Flight KE0081 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0529 |
Booked. Flight KE0529 |
Departed. Flight KE0628 |
Booked. Flight 5X0385 |
Booked. Flight KE4633B |
Booked. Flight KE9509 |
Booked. Flight KE8252 |
Transhipment Accepted. Flight KEundefined |
Departed. Flight KE0543 |
Arrived. Flight KE0529 |
Booked. Flight KE0081 |
Booked. Flight KE0907 |
Arrived. Flight KE0557 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0252 |
Arrived. Flight KE0628 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0557 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE8252 |
Departed. Flight KE0252 |
Departed. Flight KE8252 |
Booked. Flight KE4769 |
Departed. Flight KE0557 |
Booked. Flight KE0537 |
Arrived. Flight KE8314 |
Booked. Flight KE0543 |
Departed. Flight KE4769 |
Consignee Notified |
Received |
Consignee Notified. Flight KE0529 |
Booked. Flight KE0552 |
Arrived. Flight KE0924 |
Arrived. Flight KE0543 |
Departed. Flight KE0552 |
Arrived at Terminal. Flight KE0552 |
Booked. Flight KEundefined |
Departed. Flight KE8314 |
How to Track and Trace Korean Air Cargo Status
It’s very easy for you to know your Korean Air Cargo Tracking status through our online tracker system. All you need is Korean Air Cargo awb tracking number.
Enter Korean Air Cargo Tracking number / Air waybill No / AWB No in below online tracker system and click track button to track and trace your shipment status information instantly.
Usually Korean Air Cargo tracking number consists 11 digits. For Example. 123-12345678 . In above Tracking number, First three digits are carrier code, next seven digits is serial number and last is check digit. ( This may differ depending on your service )
By Korean Air Cargo online tracker system, you can track your Freight, Cargo, Airlines, Airways, Shipment, Air Cargo, Container delivery status details instantly at all time 24*7.
It supports both Domestic and International Korean Air Cargo. You can track multiple AWBs by entering them in the space provided above and clicking on the ‘Track’ button.( seperate tracking numbers by comma ). Please Contact us, If you need any help about Korean Air Cargo Tracking.
Other Airline Cargos You may Want ( Click on it to Track status )
In official website, You can Check Live Korean Air Cargo flights status, scheduled flights, flights arrival and departure times, available flights, Baggage Tracking etc..
If you know any other cargo that providing tracking but not available here, Please Contact us. We will add it as soon as possible.
Searches: ke cargo tracking, korean airlines cargo tracking, korean airlines air cargo tracking, 180 cargo tracking
Type your Korean Air Cargo tracking number below, get live delivery information with our express tracking system.
For over 40 years, Korean Air Cargo has been renowned for its high quality service. Since 2004, Korean Air has been ranked as the world #1 cargo carrier for six years in terms of International Freight Ton-Km on IATA statistics report. As of March 2012, Korean Air Cargo operates 26 freighters and 118 passenger flights flying to 39 countries and 106 cities.
Korean Air Cargo Tracking Help
- If you have problem with our express tracking system, please track your package directly on the Korean Air Cargo website.
- If you get no tracking information from Korean Air Cargo official website, you’d better contact them.
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Help Center of Korean Air Cargo Tracking
If you have problem with our Korean Air Cargo Tracking system, submit your problem here, we will help you as soon as possible.
Declare: We can NOT contact carrier or others on your behalf, we can only help you track your package with your Korean Air Cargo tracking number on official tracking system.