Контрольная работа по английскому номер 1




непрерывного и дистанционного обучения

программное обеспечение информационных

дисциплине «Английский язык»

№ 1





Задание 1

следующие предложения, подчеркните
глаголы-сказуемые и укажите в скобках
их видовременную форму. Письменно
переведите предложения
на русский


1. Unless you are
studying(Present Ind) engineering, you don’t need to become a
computer system architect.

2. Most people
know(Present Perfect) how to formulate a mental picture of a

Computers manipulate(Present Ind) data in many ways.

4. He is typing the
name of the file. Wait(Present Ind)a minute.

5. These programs form
the software that sets up(Present Ind) a computer to do a specific

1. Если
вы изучаете разработку, Вы не должны
стать архитектором компьютерной системы.

Большинство людей знает, как сформулировать
умственную картину компьютера.

Компьютеры управляют данными разными

4. Он
вводит имя файла. Подождите.

5. Эти
программы формируют программное
обеспечение, которое настраивает
компьютер, чтобы сделать определенную

Задание 2

Перепишите следующие предложения,
поставьте глаголы в нужную форму (Past
Simple/Present Perfect). Письменно
переведите предложения
на русский


Sohn von Neumann contributed to the idea of storing data and
instructions in a binary code.

2. Computers moved
into society rapidly and completely.

3. The most common
device used to transfer information from the user to the computer was
the keyboard.

4. Since the 1980s PCs
becomed commodity items.

5. In 1980 IBM set
uped a special team to develop the first IBM PC.

1. Шон
фон Нойман способствовала идее хранить
данные и инструкции в двоичном коде.

Компьютеры движутся в обществе быстро
и успешно.

Наиболее распространенное устройство
которое передавало информацию от
пользователя к компьютеру являлось

4. С
1980-ых PC становятся товарными пунктами.

5. В
1980 IBM настроила специальную команду,
чтобы развить первый ПК IBM-PC.

Задание 3

следующие предложения, подчеркните
глаголы-сказуемые и укажите в скобках
видовременные формы, выражающие будущее
время. Письменно переведите
предложения на
русский язык.


1. We will have(Future
Ind) published the results of the tests in the journal by May.

Our specialists are going(Future Perf) to develop a new type of
software to overcome current system failures.

3. The use of
combination analog devices will continue(Future Ind) to increase.

4. The company
launches(Future Perf) a new pen-based system next month.

5. The developers are
testing and debugging new(Future Ind) software next week.

1. Мы
издадим результаты тестов в журнале к

2. Наши
специалисты собираются развить новый
тип программного обеспечения, чтобы
преодолеть отказы существующей системы.

Использование комбинации analog devices
продолжит увеличиваться.

4. В
следующем месяце компания начинает
новую основанную на ручке систему.

Разработчики проверяют и отлаживают
новое программное обеспечение на
следующей неделе.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Test №1

Variant 1

Choose the appropriate forms of the words to complete the sentences.

The police (have/has) helped us to get home in their car.

The news (was/were) perfect.

What colour (is/are) Helen’s hair?

What (an/-) important information!

The money (have/has) been given to me as a birthday present.

The information (have/has) arrived. But (it is/they are) absolutely useless.

Insert the necessary preposition from the box.

On, off, up, down, over, into

My brother turns…the TV as soon as he comes home.

I’ve told you that the music is too loud and asked you to turn it…

Only in fairy tales mice can be turned …horses.

Can you turn the radio…, dear?

You may turn…the page and read the question again.

Turn…the page, the picture you are looking for is there.

Complete these sentences using passive form of the verbs.

The Internet can (to use) in many ways.

The BBC (to found) in the nineteen twenties.

You can’t get inside. The floors (to wash).

The letter just (to receive).

The new project already (to finish).

Yesterday about 10 o’clock her favourite comedy (to broadcast).

Your letter just (to send).

The information (to give) yesterday in the Evening News.

Test 1

Variant 2

Choose the appropriate forms of the words to complete the sentences.

The situation was becoming dangerous and the police (was/were) called.

I don’t think (this/these) news (is/are) good.

Her hair (is/are) long and beautiful.

(This/these) information (has/have) just arrived.

Where (is/are) the money?

Have you listened to (a/the) news today?

Insert the necessary preposition from the box.

On, off, up, down, over, into

Turn…your washing machine before you leave home.

It’s 11 o’clock, time to turn…the computer and go to bed.

You should teach me to turn…and …the new dishwasher.

When I turn the picture…, I saw the painter’s name on the back.

If you can’t hear the music well, turn it…

Don’t turn the second…: I’m trying to read.

Complete these sentences using passive form of the verbs.

The BBC (to know) as the best non-commercial television and radio system.

In the future new stations (to build) in Russia.

A new bridge (to build) across the river now.

The problem already (to discuss).

Brenda just (to serve) the dinner.

Political problems often (to discuss) on television.

A new site of our school (to create) now.

Some money can (to save) by using less water, gas and electricity.

Кузнецова Наталия Анатольевна , учитель английского языка МОАУ НОШ № 75,

Progress Check (Unit 1) 3 класс

  1. Прочитай, что слоненок Томас написал о себе. Восстанови его рассказ, вставив слова:

together, go, live, have, sing, smart

Hi! My name is Thomas.

I ………in the forest. I…….to Green School. I……..got a lot of friends .

We go to school ………….. .

I can ……. and read. I think I am ……….. .

  1. Выпиши слова, где буква а читается как [а:]:

cake, has, snake, park, lazy, can, farm, brave, hat, angry, dark, fat, take, sad, name, cat, smart, black, thank, Kate, Ann, bag.


  1. В какой строчке дни недели записаны в правильной последовательности?

a) Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

b) Sunday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

c) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

  1. Выбери названия продуктов в соответствии с картинкой.

  1. tomato, corn, apple, potato, cabbage, orange

  2. tomato, potato, apple, cabbage, orange, corn

  3. tomato, potato, corn, cabbage, orange, apple

5.Расставь фразы так, чтобы получился разговор.

— Would you like some tea?

  • Y es, I do.

  • Good. Take your tea.

  • Do you like tea?

  • Y es, please.

  • Thank you.

6.Отгадай загадку. Обведи правильный ответ.

Mary has got a pet. It isn’t big. It isn’t brave. It is black. It can run. It can’t fly and swim. It doesn’t like meat. It doesn’t like milk. It likes carrot and cabbage.

a)a black dog

b)a black rabbit

c)a black cat

7.Замени выделенные слова на : they, she, he, it, we, they.

  1. Martin has got a red book. ______________

  2. Mary likes sweets and cakes. ______________

  3. Tom and Tim are good friends. ______________

  4. My friends and I can run and jump. ______________

  5. Tom has got a stick. The stick is big.______________

  6. Alice and Marry swim on Monday. ______________

Spotlight 6 Test 1 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку в 6 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.

Spotlight 6 Test 1A Module 1 ОТВЕТЫ


       A Write as in the example.
1 alarm clock    2 watch     3 skateboard     4 computer       5 football

       В Write the nationalities.
6 Japan — Japanese
7 Britain — British
8 Poland — Polish
9 Brazil — Brazilian
10 Spain — Spanish

   C Fill in the correct word.
SHAPE UP FITNESS CLUB Name: Ann Surname: Simpson
11)……………………….. : 15, Silver Street (• Address)
12)………………………. : SH3 6WM (• Postcode)
13)………………………. : number: 030 67438970 (• Phone)
14)………………………. : number: 554 (• Membership)

      D Complete the sentences with the correct word.
15 Mike’s hair is short and ………. (• wavy)
16 Paris is the………city of France. (• capital)
17 Peter has got two sisters. They are …….. (• twins)
18 His father is a………-aged man. (• middle)
19 My grandparents are in their …………..  sixties. (• late)
20 Susan is tall and ……… ….. with long, dark hair. (• slim)
21 Milan is in the………….. of Italy. (• north)
22 In Africa there are a lot of …………… (• deserts)
23 “What…………..is he?” “He’s Canadian.” (• nationality)
24 Have you got a …………. licence? (• driving)


 E Underline the correct item.
25 Their/Theirs house is very modern.
26 Meg has got a new flat. Her/Our flat is spacious.
27 Is Ben yours/your brother?
28 Are these books her/hers?
29 This camera isn’t mine/my.
30 This little puppy isn’t our/ours.
31 Tom and Sarah are my/mine friends.
32 What is his/hers address?
33 What’s yours/her phone number?
34 Is this football his/her?

 F Choose the correct item.
35 Is this …… card?        A Janes’   В Jane’s
36 Whose camera is this? It’s ……         A hers    В her
37 These are …….. books.         A Kate’s   В Kates
38 Peter is……….son.            A Mike’s and Sue’s   В Mike and Sue’s
39 This skateboard isn’t mine. It’s my………….   A cousin’s   В cousins

Everyday English

G Choose the correct response.
40 How can I help you? G)  I’d like to join the club, please.
41 How do you spell that? C)  J-O-N-S-O-N.
42 What’s your postcode? B)  NM3 4WS
43 I’d like to introduce you to Mary. A)  Pleased to meet you.
44 Here’s your card. E) Thank you very much.
45 Hi there, Sam.   D)  Oh, hi! How are you?


    H Read the text and underline the correct word.
 Hi, Matt! How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Jill and Daniel. My dad is tall with short, wavy hair. He’s in his mid forties. My mum is short and slim. Her hair is long and straight. She’s in her late thirties. My sister Phoebe is seven years old. She has got long, fair hair and a small mouth. My brother Michael is eight years old. He has got short, dark hair and big blue eyes. He has also got a big nose.
Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if you can.
Bye for now,  David

46 There are five/four people in David’s family.
47 Daniel/Michael is David’s dad.
48 Phoebe/Jill is David’s mum.
49 Michael has short/long, dark hair.
50 David’s mum is short and slim/fat.
51 Phoebe is 7/8 years old.
52 Michael has got a big/small nose.


      I Listen and for questions 53-57 tick the correct box.
53 Who is Simon’s aunt?    b
54 Where is Miguel from?    c
55 Where does Will live?    c
56 What is Sam’s last name?    a
57 What nationality is Hans?    b

Spotlight 6 Test 1B Module 1 ОТВЕТЫ


A Write as in the example.    1 watch    2 football    3 computer    4 skateboard    5 alarm clock

      В Write the nationalities.
6 Spain – Spanish.   7 Poland – Polish.   8 Britain – British.    9 Japan – Japanese.   10 Brazil – Brazilian.

      C Fill in the correct word.
SHAPE UP FITNESS CLUB.  Name: Robert. Surname: Smith
11) ………………..: 15, Copper Street (• Address)
12) ………………..: SW5 1MN (• Postcode)
13) ………………..number: 030 73498754 (• Phone)
14) ………………..number: 743 (• Membership)

     D Complete the sentences with the correct word.
15 Has Bill got a ……..licence? (• driving)
16 My grandparents are in their ……………  fifties. (• late)
17 Madrid is the ………. city of Spain. (• capital)
18 Paul has got two brothers. They are ……… (• twins)
19 Her father is a……… aged man. (• middle)
20 Milan is in the ……………..of Italy. (• north)
21 Lisa is tall and ………….with long, dark hair. (• slim)
22 “What ………… is she?” “She’s French.” (• nationality)
23 In Africa there are a lot of …………. (• deserts)
24 Sally’s hair is short and ………… (• wavy)


        E Underline the correct item.
25 Mark has got a new flat. His/Our flat is spacious.
26 Is Ruth yours/your sister?
27 This camera isn’t mine/my.
28 This little puppy isn’t our/ours.
29 Tina and Susan are my/mine friends.
30 What’s yours/her phone number?
31 Is this skateboard his/her?
32 Their/Theirs house is very modern.
33 Are these books her/hers?
34 What is his/hers address?

        F Choose the correct item.
35 Whose camera is this? It’s……….       A her    В hers
36 Mike is……….son.      A Peter’s and Sue’s     В Peter and Sue’s
37 This football isn’t mine. It’s my…….        A cousin’s      В cousins
38 Is this……….. card?       A Roses’      В Rose’s
39 These are ………..pencils.       A Emily’s      В Emilys

Everyday English

       G Choose the correct response.
40 I’d like to introduce you to Harry. C) Pleased to meet you.
41 What’s your postcode?    D) WM3 5GH.
42 How do you spell that?    E A-D-A-M-S.
43 How can I help you?     G) I’d like to join the club, please.
44 Hi there, David.     В) Oh, hi! How are you?
45 Here’s your card.    A) Thank you very much


H Read the text and underline the correct word.
 Hi, John! How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Emily and Peter. My dad is tall with short, straight hair. He’s in his mid forties. My mum is tail and slim. Her hair is short and curly. She’s in her late thirties. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long, dark hair and a small nose. My brother Mark is nine years old. He has got short, fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.
Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if you can.
Bye for now, Daniel

46 There are four/five people in Daniel’s family.
47 Peter/Mark is Daniel’s dad.
48 Emily is Daniel’s mum/sister.
49 Mark has short/long, fair hair.
50 Daniel’s mum is tall and slim/fat.
51 Karen is 8/9 years old.
52 Mark has big, green/blue eyes.


     I Listen and for questions 53-57 tick the correct box.
53 Who is Simon’s aunt?    b
54 Where is Miguel from?    c
55 Where does Will live?    c
56 What is Sam’s last name?    a
57 What nationality is Hans?    b

Spotlight 6 Test 1 Module 1 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку в 6 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

Вернуться к списку контрольных работ Spotlight 6 Test booklet Ответы.

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