Китайский идентификационный номер и имя

Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) and name Generator

To Create valid Chinese Resident ID including name, address Easily and quickly.

Name Chinese Id Card Number Gender Birthday Age Address
台秀英 152722198203295281 female 19820329 40 内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟达拉特旗
和伦 230524198409272317 male 19840927 37 黑龙江省双鸭山市饶河县
裴洁 350103197607311443 female 19760731 46 福建省福州市台江区
郑钟 450481198101258255 male 19810125 41 广西壮族自治区梧州市岑溪市
向晶 420116197203110901 female 19720311 50 湖北省武汉市黄陂区
焦淑珍 371323198912252748 female 19891225 33 山东省临沂市沂水县
边正诚 650204197107232792 male 19710723 51 新疆维吾尔族自治区克拉玛依市白碱滩区
葛志明 330483198305122777 male 19830512 39 浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市
虞桂荣 31010019930324976X female 19930324 29 上海市市辖区
任子安 410181198806082874 male 19880608 34 河南省郑州市巩义市
罗博 632700199410199592 male 19941019 28 青海省玉树藏族自治州
费丽娟 131181198901203789 female 19890120 33 河北省衡水市冀州市
张博涛 610581198909096696 male 19890909 33 陕西省渭南市韩城市
张玉英 653024197301029381 female 19730102 49 新疆维吾尔族自治区克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县
余淑兰 430722197801251888 female 19780125 44 湖南省常德市汉寿县
屠华 152200197611287264 female 19761128 46 内蒙古自治区兴安盟
雷楼 21040419820527149X male 19820527 40 辽宁省抚顺市望花区
阮凤兰 620523199111217404 female 19911121 31 甘肃省天水市甘谷县
伍红梅 610125198207161120 female 19820716 40 陕西省西安市户县
植欢 320123198411210549 female 19841121 38 江苏省南京市六合县
唐佳 622326198207285300 female 19820728 40 甘肃省武威地区天祝藏族自治县
蒙桂花 610324197708163781 female 19770816 45 陕西省宝鸡市扶风县
苑瑞 321284198011233230 male 19801123 42 江苏省泰州市姜堰市
卓淑华 372925198011210504 female 19801121 42 山东省菏泽地区单县
陆鹰 440704197905062597 male 19790506 43 广东省江门市江海区
位志明 372924199308241799 male 19930824 29 山东省菏泽地区成武县
兰建平 452402199709070593 male 19970907 25 广西壮族自治区贺州地区贺州市
丛志强 650202198210022437 male 19821002 40 新疆维吾尔族自治区克拉玛依市独山子区
葛婕 330501199310198085 female 19931019 29 浙江省湖州市市辖区
仲钟 431122197405137539 male 19740513 48 湖南省永州市东安县
连楼 330326199507062276 male 19950706 27 浙江省温州市平阳县
姬正豪 321002197910258554 male 19791025 43 江苏省扬州市广陵区
黄欣 410621198705136299 male 19870513 35 河南省鹤壁市浚县
韩建平 330127198101012712 male 19810101 41 浙江省杭州市淳安县
焦旭 341323197903150811 male 19790315 43 安徽省宿州市灵璧县

All Nationalidno Tools

Advanced tools:

If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.

If you want to generate only chinese id card number by address, birthday or gender, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator.

If you want to generate chinese id card number, name, photo and other details info, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and photo.

What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?

In the PRC, an ID card is mandatory for all citizens who are over 16 years old. The ID number has 18 digits and is in the format RRRRRRYYYYMMDDSSSC, which is the sole and exclusive identification code for the holder (an old ID card only has 15 digits in the format RRRRRRYYMMDDIII). RRRRRR is a standard code for the administrative division where the holder is born (county or a district of a city), YYYYMMDD is the birth date of the holder, and SSS is a sequential code for distinguishing people with identical birthdates and birthplaces. The sequential code is odd for males and even for females. The final character, C, is a checksum value over the first 17 digits. To calculate the checksum, each digit in order is multiplied by a weight in the ordered set [7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2] and summed together. The sum modulus 11 is used as an index into the ordered set [1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2], with the first index being zero. The indexed value is the checksum digit. In 15 digit IDs, III is an identification number created through certain mathematical methods (the last digit might be an English letter, such as X). The ID card is used for residential registration, army enrollment registration, registration of marriage/divorce, going abroad, taking part in national exams, and other social or civil matters.

From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number, to some extent, has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States, and each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime. An exception previously existed, however, in rare instances where the same ID number was accidentally issued to two people prior to the system being digitalised.

1 1 1 2 Y Y Y Y M M D D 8 8 8 X
Address code Date of Birth code Order code Checksum
  • Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijin is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
  • Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
  • The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2.


Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) and photo Generator

To Create valid Chinese Resident ID including name, address and photo of the individual, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image Easily and quickly.

Chinese ID Card Number Obverse side Image Generate

Chinese ID Card Number Reverse side Image Generate

Advanced tools:

If you want to generate chinese id card number and name or other details info, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and name.

If you want to generate only chinese id card number by address, birthday or gender, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator.

If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.

What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?

The identity card contains basic information regarding the individual, such as the following:

Obverse side

  • Full name – in Chinese characters only. Non-Chinese ethnic names and foreign names are transliterated into Chinese. First-generation ID cards contained handwritten names for rare Chinese characters, whilst the second-generation cards exclusively used computer-printed text in a larger font compared to that of the first generation, and do not support rarer characters.
  • Gender – containing one character for either male (男) or female (女).
  • Ethnicity – as officially listed by the People’s Republic of China.
  • Date of birth – listed in the Gregorian calendar format, in YYYY年MM月DD日 Big-endian (ISO 8601) order.
  • Domicile – the individual’s permanent residence as dictated by the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Identification number
  • Photo of the individual

Reverse side

  • Issuing authority — (first-generation cards utilised a stamp; second-generation cards display text only)
  • The limits to validity of the document — (for individuals under 16 years of age: five years; for individuals between 16 and 25 years of age: ten years; for individuals between 26 and 45 years of age: twenty years; for individuals over 46 years of age: long-term)


Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) Generator

To Create valid Chinese Resident ID numbers including checksum digit Easily and quickly.

Resulting Chinese Id Card Number list:

Advanced tools:

If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.

If you want to generate chinese id card number and name or other details info, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and name.

If you want to generate chinese id card number, name, photo and other details info, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and photo.

What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?

In the PRC, an ID card is mandatory for all citizens who are over 16 years old. The ID number has 18 digits and is in the format RRRRRRYYYYMMDDSSSC, which is the sole and exclusive identification code for the holder (an old ID card only has 15 digits in the format RRRRRRYYMMDDIII). RRRRRR is a standard code for the administrative division where the holder is born (county or a district of a city), YYYYMMDD is the birth date of the holder, and SSS is a sequential code for distinguishing people with identical birthdates and birthplaces. The sequential code is odd for males and even for females. The final character, C, is a checksum value over the first 17 digits. To calculate the checksum, each digit in order is multiplied by a weight in the ordered set [7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2] and summed together. The sum modulus 11 is used as an index into the ordered set [1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2], with the first index being zero. The indexed value is the checksum digit. In 15 digit IDs, III is an identification number created through certain mathematical methods (the last digit might be an English letter, such as X). The ID card is used for residential registration, army enrollment registration, registration of marriage/divorce, going abroad, taking part in national exams, and other social or civil matters.

From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number, to some extent, has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States, and each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime. An exception previously existed, however, in rare instances where the same ID number was accidentally issued to two people prior to the system being digitalised.

1 1 1 2 Y Y Y Y M M D D 8 8 8 X
Address code Date of Birth code Order code Checksum
  • Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijin is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
  • Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
  • The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2.


Resident Identity Card
Jumin shenfenzheng.jpg

(above) and obverse (below) of a Resident Identity Card (Second-generation identification card)

Type Identity card
Issued by  China
Purpose Identification
Eligibility Hukou registration required
Cost Registration fee: RMB20,
Replacement for lost or damaged cards: RMB40
Resident Identity Card
Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 居民身份证
Traditional Chinese 居民身份證
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin jūmín shēnfènzhèng
Bopomofo ㄐㄩ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄕㄣ ㄈㄣˋ ㄓㄥˋ
IPA [tɕý mǐn ʂə́n fə̂n ʈʂə̂ŋ]
Romanization ciu min sen ven tsen
Romanization gi24 min11 siin24 fun55 ziin55
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Gēuimàn Sānfánjing
IPA [kɵ́y mɐ̏n sɐ́n fɐ̌n tsēŋ]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ ku-bîn sin-hūn-tsìng
Tibetan name
Tibetan གཞུང་གི་ལག་ཁྱེར་དང་པ་སེའི།
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cuhminz Sonhfwnceng
Uyghur name
Uyghur كىملىك قانۇنى

The Resident Identity Card (Chinese: 居民身份证; pinyin: Jūmín Shēnfènzhèng) is an official identity document for personal identification in the People’s Republic of China. According to the second chapter, tenth clause of the Resident Identity Card Law, residents are required to apply for resident identity cards from the local Public Security Bureau, sub-bureaus or local executive police stations.[1]


First generation Resident Identity Card

Prior to 1984, citizens within the People’s Republic of China were not required to obtain or carry identification in public.[2] On April 6, 1984, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China passed the Identity Card Provisional Bill (中华人民共和国居民身份证试行条例), commencing the process of gradual introduction of personal identification, in the footsteps of many developed countries at the time. The first generation identification cards were single paged cards made of polyester film. Between 1984 and 1991, trials for the new identity card system took place in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. Shan Xiurong (单秀荣), a Chinese Opera performer and soprano from Beijing, was the first person to receive a first-generation identity card in China.[3]

On September 6, 1985, the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress passed the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China, which regulated that all citizens over the age of 16 apply for identification cards.[4] At that point, the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China created a unified authority responsible for the issuing and management of the ID cards. From 2003, it is reported that a total of 1.14 billion ID cards have been created in China,[5] for a total of 960,000,000 holders. However, as a result of technological development and certain techniques made available to the civilian population, the existing cards became relatively easier to counterfeit, opening the increasing threat of false identification.

On June 1, 2003, the National People’s Congress passed the new Resident Identity Card Law,[1] which expanded the scope of documents issued, and allowed soldiers in the People’s Liberation Army and members of the People’s Armed Police to apply for special identity cards. Individuals under the age of 16 were also permitted to voluntarily apply for an identification card. The law also established the use of newer, second-generation cards, which are machine-readable and more difficult to forge.


The identity card contains basic information regarding the individual, such as the following:

Reverse side
  • Full name – in Chinese characters only. Non-Chinese ethnic names and foreign names are transliterated into Chinese. First-generation ID cards contained handwritten names for rare Chinese characters, whilst the second-generation cards exclusively used computer-printed text in a larger font compared to that of the first generation, and do not support rarer characters.
  • Gender – containing one character for either male (男) or female (女).
  • Ethnicity – as officially listed by the People’s Republic of China.
  • Date of birth – listed in the Gregorian calendar format, in YYYY年MM月DD日 Big-endian (ISO 8601) order.
  • Domicile – the individual’s permanent residence as dictated by the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Identification number
  • Photo of the individual
Obverse side
  • Issuing authority (first-generation cards utilised a stamp; second-generation cards display text only)
  • The limits to validity of the document (for individuals under 16 years of age: five years; for individuals between 16 and 25 years of age: ten years; for individuals between 26 and 45 years of age: twenty years; for individuals over 46 years of age: long-term)

Sample of a second generation card, showing the personal information displayed on both sides.

Information stored in the identity database for second-generation ID cards includes work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status, landlord’s phone number and personal reproductive history.[citation needed] In addition, more detailed personal information can be obtained by viewing hukou information from the card database. Starting on January 1, 2013, Beijing has started trials to include fingerprints in the ID cards, making it more difficult to forge ID cards or for people to use the ID cards of others.

In 1984, discussion over the contents of the identity card became controversial regarding whether to include details such as «marital status» and «occupation»; considering the actual situation of the People’s Republic of China at the time, these details ultimately were not included in the ID card.

The first-generation ID cards contained a black-and-white photograph portrait of the individual; following the introduction of the second-generation cards, all identification portraits are printed in colour. From 1 January 2013 a mandatory switch to the second-generation cards came into force; all first-generation cards became void and unusable. If used, first-generation cards are treated as expired ID cards, and will not be accepted. It is a criminal offense to accept first-generation ID cards if the person who accepts it know that it is a first-generation card.

The dimensions of the second-generation cards are 85.725 mm × 53.975 mm × 0.900 mm, and the identity photo is sized at 358 × 441 pixels (width by height), printed at a resolution of 350dpi on RGB using 24-bit True Color, prepared using JPEG compression techniques in line with the requirements of ISO DIS 10918-1. The final image appears as a 26 mm × 32 mm portrait box in the top-right hand corner.[6]

Additional features in ethnic minority areas[edit]

Within the ethnic minority regions in China, identity cards possess corresponding text in the respective minority language for both first-generation and second-generation cards. For example, cards officially signed and issued in Guangxi all contain accompanying text in Zhuang, as well as Chinese characters. According to the fourth clause of the Resident Identity Card Law, «based on the de facto situation within the organs of self-government within autonomous ethnic regions, the content of the resident identity card can, alongside Chinese characters, be decided to include the text of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy or choice of a local generic text».[7] This law permits resident identity cards within designated ethnic minority regions to have bilingual text, and depending on region, cards may contain accompanying text in Zhuang, Uyghur, Yi, Tibetan, Mongolian or Korean.

Ethnic minority residents represented by the local autonomous region can apply to have an additional ethnic minority language displayed on their identity cards, whilst Han Chinese and other ethnic residents’ cards only have Chinese characters displayed. Ethnic minorities within their representative autonomous regions can have their personal name displayed in both their native language and Chinese characters; for example, within Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a card belonging to a Uyghur may display the cardholder’s name as «纳斯尔丁·阿凡提 (نەسىرىدىن ئەپەندى)» (Effendi Nasreddin), however ethnic Kazakhs and Xibe people living in Xinjiang may only have their names written in Chinese. The following table shows the languages used on identity cards within minority regions:

English Simplified Chinese
(ROM: Pinyin)
Zhuang Tibetan
(ROM: Wylie)
Mongol Uyghur
(ROM: Yi pinyin)
(ROM: McCune–Reischauer)
Name 姓名
SINGQMINGZ རུས་མིང་།
(rus ming)

(oboɣ ner-e)
(xyt hmi)
Gender 性别
(pho mo)
ᠴᠢᠨᠠᠷ ᠤᠨ

(činar-un ilɣal)
(sse hni)
Ethnicity 民族
MINZCUZ མི་རིགས།
(mi rigs)
(co cux)
Date of birth 出生
SENG སྐྱེས་དུས།
(skyes dus)

(törögsen edür)
(yur te)
Year-Month-Day 年月日
(nián yuè rì)
NIENZ NYIED HAUH ལོའི་ཟླ་ ཚེ་ས་ ཉིན།
(lo’i zla, tshe sa, nyin)

(on, sar-a, edür)
يىل ئاي كۈن
(yil, ay, kün)
ꈎ ꆪ ꑍ
(kut, help, nyit)
년 월 일
(nyŏn, wŏl, il)
Domicile 住址
DIEGYOUQ སྡོད་གནས།
(sdod gnas)

(saɣuɣ-a ɣaǰar)
(it dde)
Resident Identity number 公民身份号码
(gōngmín shēnfèn hàomǎ)
GUNGHMINZ SINHFWN HAUMAJ སྤྱི་དམངས་ཐོབ་ཐང་ཨང་རྟགས།
(spyi dmangs thob thang ang rtags)
ᠢᠷᠭᠡᠨ ᠦ
ᠦᠨᠡᠮᠯᠡᠯ ᠦᠨ

(irgen-ü bey-e ǰin ünemlel-ün nomɛr)
كىملىك نومۇرى
(kimlik nomuri)
(go mip gop bo zyp sat sat ma)
(kongmin sinbunjŭng pŏnho)
Issuing authority 签发机关
(qiānfā jīguān)
CIEMFAT GIHGVANH མཆན་སྤྲོད་ལས་ཁུངས།
(mchan sprod las khungs)
ᠭᠠᠷ ᠤᠨ

(ɣar-un üsüg ǰiruču olɣon ögxügsen beigölɣ-a)
تارقاتقان ئورگان
(tarqatqan organ)
(gop bo zyp sat fat dde)
(palgŭp kikwan)
Validity 有效期限
(yǒuxiào qīxiàn)
MIZYAUQ GEIZHANH ནུས་ཐོན་ངུས་ཙོད།
(nus thon ngus tsod)

(xüčün büxüi xüɣüčaɣ-a)
كۈچكە ئىگە مۇددىتى
(küchke ige mudditi)
(ssi hxit te kop)
(yuhyo kihan)

Identity card number[edit]

Obverse side of a second-generation ID card

From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States. Each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime.

1 1 0 1 0 2 Y Y Y Y M M D D 8 8 8 X
Address code Date of Birth code Order code Checksum
  • Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijing is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
  • Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
  • The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2. The checksum is obtained by:
  1. Marking the Identity card number right-to-left a_{1},a_{2},cdots ,a_{18}a_{1} for the parity-check codes;
  2. Weight coefficient calculation W_{i}=2^{i-1} {bmod { }}{11};
i 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Wi 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1
  1. Calculation of S=sum _{i=2}^{18}a_{i}cdot W_{i}
  2. a_{1}=(12-(S {bmod {1}}1)){bmod {1}}1

Usage of identification[edit]

Prior to purchasing tickets at a railway station, individuals must verify their identity by tapping their Resident Identity Card over an RFID reader.

The identity card is the only acceptable legal document used to obtain resident permits or driving licenses, open bank accounts, register for mobile phone numbers, apply for tertiary education and technical college for mainland Chinese citizens, and is one of the acceptable legal documents used to buy train tickets and pass through security checkpoints within domestic terminals at airports in mainland China. Documentation is also required for marriages, household registrations and legal cases.

Recently, there have been more services that require the display of Resident Identity Cards, such as at Internet cafes and certain stores.[8]

Police are required to inspect identification documents where:

  • Criminal suspects need to be identified;
  • To inspect those related to personnel involved in an incident;
  • In the occurrence of a serious security emergency, and there is a requirement to obtain the identity of a person at the scene;
  • If the law requires so during a case.

Anti-counterfeiting measures[edit]

Hidden text of «JMSFZ» found within the texture of the second-generation identity cards.

First generation identity card[edit]

Polyester plastic film, which utilizes an anti-counterfeit laser logo.

Second generation identity card[edit]

Second-generation identity cards contain a non-contact IC chip card, a directional holographic «Great Wall» image, an anti-counterfeiting film made of green multi-layer polyester (PETG) composite material, optical variable optical storage containing the text «中国CHINA» situated on the card, and a microfilm string generating the letters «JMSFZ» (initials for the Pinyin of «Jumin Shenfenzheng»), and a «Great Wall» logo revealed by ultraviolet light.[6]

Security and criticism[edit]

Unlike the biometric identity cards in EU countries which comply with ICAO standards, the second-generation ID card imposes older technologies similar to MIFARE used on public transportation systems, which, unlike its ICAO-compliant counterparts, lacks the proper encryption of personal data such as BAC control, thus making the information stored on the chip openly accessible to any ID card readers at a near enough distance. Strangely, the document’s validity period is not recorded on the IC chip, therefore one can only tell the validity of the document by physically examining the dates printed on the back of the card.[9] Also, because identity cards lacks a different numbering scheme from the citizen’s identity number for Chinese nationals, there’s currently no way to deregister a lost ID card completely even when the loss of the identity card is reported to the police.[10] The above characteristics have made identity cards vulnerable to identification theft.[9]

See also[edit]

  • Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card
  • Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Residents
  • Taiwanese identity card
  • Indian identity card
  • Hong Kong identity card
  • Macau identity card
  • Singaporean identity card
  • Identity document


  1. ^ a b 中华人民共和国居民身份证法 – www.gov.cn
  2. ^ 1984年4月6日 居民身份证制度施行
  3. ^ «改革开放30年专题第48期:居民身份证». 《新京报》. Archived from the original on 2011-07-18. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  4. ^ 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例(失效)【1985-09-06】
  5. ^ 关于《中华人民共和国公民身份证法(草案)》的说明 – news.sina.com
  6. ^ a b 第二代居民身份证的防伪特征
  7. ^ 中华人民共和国居民身份证法·第一章·第四条·第二款项: «民族自治地方的自治机关根据本地区的实际情况,对居民身份证用汉字登记的内容,可以决定同时使用实行区域自治的民族的文字或者选用一种当地通用的文字。». See original text at Wikisource.
  8. ^ 男子借身份证上网吧被拘3日
  9. ^ a b 倾听·转型中国:丢了身份证,安全咋保障
  10. ^ 关注二代身份证缺陷:法律惩治尚无法治本

External links[edit]

Chinese Wikisource has original text related to this article:

  • (in Chinese) PRC Resident Identity Card law
  • (in Chinese) Identity law issues – XINHUA
  • (in Chinese) History of identification
  • (in Chinese) Concerns regarding second-generation cards
  • (in Chinese) Mobile phones, identity cards and individual positioning
Resident Identity Card
Jumin shenfenzheng.jpg

(above) and obverse (below) of a Resident Identity Card (Second-generation identification card)

Type Identity card
Issued by  China
Purpose Identification
Eligibility Hukou registration required
Cost Registration fee: RMB20,
Replacement for lost or damaged cards: RMB40
Resident Identity Card
Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 居民身份证
Traditional Chinese 居民身份證
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin jūmín shēnfènzhèng
Bopomofo ㄐㄩ ㄇㄧㄣˊ ㄕㄣ ㄈㄣˋ ㄓㄥˋ
IPA [tɕý mǐn ʂə́n fə̂n ʈʂə̂ŋ]
Romanization ciu min sen ven tsen
Romanization gi24 min11 siin24 fun55 ziin55
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization Gēuimàn Sānfánjing
IPA [kɵ́y mɐ̏n sɐ́n fɐ̌n tsēŋ]
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ ku-bîn sin-hūn-tsìng
Tibetan name
Tibetan གཞུང་གི་ལག་ཁྱེར་དང་པ་སེའི།
Zhuang name
Zhuang Cuhminz Sonhfwnceng
Uyghur name
Uyghur كىملىك قانۇنى

The Resident Identity Card (Chinese: 居民身份证; pinyin: Jūmín Shēnfènzhèng) is an official identity document for personal identification in the People’s Republic of China. According to the second chapter, tenth clause of the Resident Identity Card Law, residents are required to apply for resident identity cards from the local Public Security Bureau, sub-bureaus or local executive police stations.[1]


First generation Resident Identity Card

Prior to 1984, citizens within the People’s Republic of China were not required to obtain or carry identification in public.[2] On April 6, 1984, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China passed the Identity Card Provisional Bill (中华人民共和国居民身份证试行条例), commencing the process of gradual introduction of personal identification, in the footsteps of many developed countries at the time. The first generation identification cards were single paged cards made of polyester film. Between 1984 and 1991, trials for the new identity card system took place in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. Shan Xiurong (单秀荣), a Chinese Opera performer and soprano from Beijing, was the first person to receive a first-generation identity card in China.[3]

On September 6, 1985, the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress passed the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China, which regulated that all citizens over the age of 16 apply for identification cards.[4] At that point, the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China created a unified authority responsible for the issuing and management of the ID cards. From 2003, it is reported that a total of 1.14 billion ID cards have been created in China,[5] for a total of 960,000,000 holders. However, as a result of technological development and certain techniques made available to the civilian population, the existing cards became relatively easier to counterfeit, opening the increasing threat of false identification.

On June 1, 2003, the National People’s Congress passed the new Resident Identity Card Law,[1] which expanded the scope of documents issued, and allowed soldiers in the People’s Liberation Army and members of the People’s Armed Police to apply for special identity cards. Individuals under the age of 16 were also permitted to voluntarily apply for an identification card. The law also established the use of newer, second-generation cards, which are machine-readable and more difficult to forge.


The identity card contains basic information regarding the individual, such as the following:

Reverse side
  • Full name – in Chinese characters only. Non-Chinese ethnic names and foreign names are transliterated into Chinese. First-generation ID cards contained handwritten names for rare Chinese characters, whilst the second-generation cards exclusively used computer-printed text in a larger font compared to that of the first generation, and do not support rarer characters.
  • Gender – containing one character for either male (男) or female (女).
  • Ethnicity – as officially listed by the People’s Republic of China.
  • Date of birth – listed in the Gregorian calendar format, in YYYY年MM月DD日 Big-endian (ISO 8601) order.
  • Domicile – the individual’s permanent residence as dictated by the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Identification number
  • Photo of the individual
Obverse side
  • Issuing authority (first-generation cards utilised a stamp; second-generation cards display text only)
  • The limits to validity of the document (for individuals under 16 years of age: five years; for individuals between 16 and 25 years of age: ten years; for individuals between 26 and 45 years of age: twenty years; for individuals over 46 years of age: long-term)

Sample of a second generation card, showing the personal information displayed on both sides.

Information stored in the identity database for second-generation ID cards includes work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status, landlord’s phone number and personal reproductive history.[citation needed] In addition, more detailed personal information can be obtained by viewing hukou information from the card database. Starting on January 1, 2013, Beijing has started trials to include fingerprints in the ID cards, making it more difficult to forge ID cards or for people to use the ID cards of others.

In 1984, discussion over the contents of the identity card became controversial regarding whether to include details such as «marital status» and «occupation»; considering the actual situation of the People’s Republic of China at the time, these details ultimately were not included in the ID card.

The first-generation ID cards contained a black-and-white photograph portrait of the individual; following the introduction of the second-generation cards, all identification portraits are printed in colour. From 1 January 2013 a mandatory switch to the second-generation cards came into force; all first-generation cards became void and unusable. If used, first-generation cards are treated as expired ID cards, and will not be accepted. It is a criminal offense to accept first-generation ID cards if the person who accepts it know that it is a first-generation card.

The dimensions of the second-generation cards are 85.725 mm × 53.975 mm × 0.900 mm, and the identity photo is sized at 358 × 441 pixels (width by height), printed at a resolution of 350dpi on RGB using 24-bit True Color, prepared using JPEG compression techniques in line with the requirements of ISO DIS 10918-1. The final image appears as a 26 mm × 32 mm portrait box in the top-right hand corner.[6]

Additional features in ethnic minority areas[edit]

Within the ethnic minority regions in China, identity cards possess corresponding text in the respective minority language for both first-generation and second-generation cards. For example, cards officially signed and issued in Guangxi all contain accompanying text in Zhuang, as well as Chinese characters. According to the fourth clause of the Resident Identity Card Law, «based on the de facto situation within the organs of self-government within autonomous ethnic regions, the content of the resident identity card can, alongside Chinese characters, be decided to include the text of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy or choice of a local generic text».[7] This law permits resident identity cards within designated ethnic minority regions to have bilingual text, and depending on region, cards may contain accompanying text in Zhuang, Uyghur, Yi, Tibetan, Mongolian or Korean.

Ethnic minority residents represented by the local autonomous region can apply to have an additional ethnic minority language displayed on their identity cards, whilst Han Chinese and other ethnic residents’ cards only have Chinese characters displayed. Ethnic minorities within their representative autonomous regions can have their personal name displayed in both their native language and Chinese characters; for example, within Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a card belonging to a Uyghur may display the cardholder’s name as «纳斯尔丁·阿凡提 (نەسىرىدىن ئەپەندى)» (Effendi Nasreddin), however ethnic Kazakhs and Xibe people living in Xinjiang may only have their names written in Chinese. The following table shows the languages used on identity cards within minority regions:

English Simplified Chinese
(ROM: Pinyin)
Zhuang Tibetan
(ROM: Wylie)
Mongol Uyghur
(ROM: Yi pinyin)
(ROM: McCune–Reischauer)
Name 姓名
SINGQMINGZ རུས་མིང་།
(rus ming)

(oboɣ ner-e)
(xyt hmi)
Gender 性别
(pho mo)
ᠴᠢᠨᠠᠷ ᠤᠨ

(činar-un ilɣal)
(sse hni)
Ethnicity 民族
MINZCUZ མི་རིགས།
(mi rigs)
(co cux)
Date of birth 出生
SENG སྐྱེས་དུས།
(skyes dus)

(törögsen edür)
(yur te)
Year-Month-Day 年月日
(nián yuè rì)
NIENZ NYIED HAUH ལོའི་ཟླ་ ཚེ་ས་ ཉིན།
(lo’i zla, tshe sa, nyin)

(on, sar-a, edür)
يىل ئاي كۈن
(yil, ay, kün)
ꈎ ꆪ ꑍ
(kut, help, nyit)
년 월 일
(nyŏn, wŏl, il)
Domicile 住址
DIEGYOUQ སྡོད་གནས།
(sdod gnas)

(saɣuɣ-a ɣaǰar)
(it dde)
Resident Identity number 公民身份号码
(gōngmín shēnfèn hàomǎ)
GUNGHMINZ SINHFWN HAUMAJ སྤྱི་དམངས་ཐོབ་ཐང་ཨང་རྟགས།
(spyi dmangs thob thang ang rtags)
ᠢᠷᠭᠡᠨ ᠦ
ᠦᠨᠡᠮᠯᠡᠯ ᠦᠨ

(irgen-ü bey-e ǰin ünemlel-ün nomɛr)
كىملىك نومۇرى
(kimlik nomuri)
(go mip gop bo zyp sat sat ma)
(kongmin sinbunjŭng pŏnho)
Issuing authority 签发机关
(qiānfā jīguān)
CIEMFAT GIHGVANH མཆན་སྤྲོད་ལས་ཁུངས།
(mchan sprod las khungs)
ᠭᠠᠷ ᠤᠨ

(ɣar-un üsüg ǰiruču olɣon ögxügsen beigölɣ-a)
تارقاتقان ئورگان
(tarqatqan organ)
(gop bo zyp sat fat dde)
(palgŭp kikwan)
Validity 有效期限
(yǒuxiào qīxiàn)
MIZYAUQ GEIZHANH ནུས་ཐོན་ངུས་ཙོད།
(nus thon ngus tsod)

(xüčün büxüi xüɣüčaɣ-a)
كۈچكە ئىگە مۇددىتى
(küchke ige mudditi)
(ssi hxit te kop)
(yuhyo kihan)

Identity card number[edit]

Obverse side of a second-generation ID card

From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States. Each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime.

1 1 0 1 0 2 Y Y Y Y M M D D 8 8 8 X
Address code Date of Birth code Order code Checksum
  • Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijing is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
  • Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
  • The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2. The checksum is obtained by:
  1. Marking the Identity card number right-to-left a_{1},a_{2},cdots ,a_{18}a_{1} for the parity-check codes;
  2. Weight coefficient calculation W_{i}=2^{i-1} {bmod { }}{11};
i 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Wi 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1
  1. Calculation of S=sum _{i=2}^{18}a_{i}cdot W_{i}
  2. a_{1}=(12-(S {bmod {1}}1)){bmod {1}}1

Usage of identification[edit]

Prior to purchasing tickets at a railway station, individuals must verify their identity by tapping their Resident Identity Card over an RFID reader.

The identity card is the only acceptable legal document used to obtain resident permits or driving licenses, open bank accounts, register for mobile phone numbers, apply for tertiary education and technical college for mainland Chinese citizens, and is one of the acceptable legal documents used to buy train tickets and pass through security checkpoints within domestic terminals at airports in mainland China. Documentation is also required for marriages, household registrations and legal cases.

Recently, there have been more services that require the display of Resident Identity Cards, such as at Internet cafes and certain stores.[8]

Police are required to inspect identification documents where:

  • Criminal suspects need to be identified;
  • To inspect those related to personnel involved in an incident;
  • In the occurrence of a serious security emergency, and there is a requirement to obtain the identity of a person at the scene;
  • If the law requires so during a case.

Anti-counterfeiting measures[edit]

Hidden text of «JMSFZ» found within the texture of the second-generation identity cards.

First generation identity card[edit]

Polyester plastic film, which utilizes an anti-counterfeit laser logo.

Second generation identity card[edit]

Second-generation identity cards contain a non-contact IC chip card, a directional holographic «Great Wall» image, an anti-counterfeiting film made of green multi-layer polyester (PETG) composite material, optical variable optical storage containing the text «中国CHINA» situated on the card, and a microfilm string generating the letters «JMSFZ» (initials for the Pinyin of «Jumin Shenfenzheng»), and a «Great Wall» logo revealed by ultraviolet light.[6]

Security and criticism[edit]

Unlike the biometric identity cards in EU countries which comply with ICAO standards, the second-generation ID card imposes older technologies similar to MIFARE used on public transportation systems, which, unlike its ICAO-compliant counterparts, lacks the proper encryption of personal data such as BAC control, thus making the information stored on the chip openly accessible to any ID card readers at a near enough distance. Strangely, the document’s validity period is not recorded on the IC chip, therefore one can only tell the validity of the document by physically examining the dates printed on the back of the card.[9] Also, because identity cards lacks a different numbering scheme from the citizen’s identity number for Chinese nationals, there’s currently no way to deregister a lost ID card completely even when the loss of the identity card is reported to the police.[10] The above characteristics have made identity cards vulnerable to identification theft.[9]

See also[edit]

  • Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card
  • Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Residents
  • Taiwanese identity card
  • Indian identity card
  • Hong Kong identity card
  • Macau identity card
  • Singaporean identity card
  • Identity document


  1. ^ a b 中华人民共和国居民身份证法 – www.gov.cn
  2. ^ 1984年4月6日 居民身份证制度施行
  3. ^ «改革开放30年专题第48期:居民身份证». 《新京报》. Archived from the original on 2011-07-18. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  4. ^ 中华人民共和国居民身份证条例(失效)【1985-09-06】
  5. ^ 关于《中华人民共和国公民身份证法(草案)》的说明 – news.sina.com
  6. ^ a b 第二代居民身份证的防伪特征
  7. ^ 中华人民共和国居民身份证法·第一章·第四条·第二款项: «民族自治地方的自治机关根据本地区的实际情况,对居民身份证用汉字登记的内容,可以决定同时使用实行区域自治的民族的文字或者选用一种当地通用的文字。». See original text at Wikisource.
  8. ^ 男子借身份证上网吧被拘3日
  9. ^ a b 倾听·转型中国:丢了身份证,安全咋保障
  10. ^ 关注二代身份证缺陷:法律惩治尚无法治本

External links[edit]

Chinese Wikisource has original text related to this article:

  • (in Chinese) PRC Resident Identity Card law
  • (in Chinese) Identity law issues – XINHUA
  • (in Chinese) History of identification
  • (in Chinese) Concerns regarding second-generation cards
  • (in Chinese) Mobile phones, identity cards and individual positioning

Создано: 09.02.2019 09:17

China ID CardЗачастую для удостоверения своей личности или полномочий граждане Китая используют скан или фотографию China ID card. Это универсальный документ, известный также как «удостоверение личности резидента», есть у всех граждан Китая. Карта, размером с обычную кредитку, поведает нам много интересного о её обладателе. При заключении сделки, вы можете сверить данные из ID карты с именем, указанным в бизнес-лицензии, и понять, имеет ли право данный представитель действовать без доверенности.

Рассмотрим лицевую сторону. Две строки иероглифов крупного размера означают «Китайская Народная Республика», а также «Удостоверение личности резидента».

Также на лицевой стороне указано название органа, выдавшего удостоверение и срок действия. Как и в России, срок действия документа, удостоверяющего личность, зависит от возраста. В 46 выдаётся «долгосрочное» удостоверение, срок действия которого не ограничен.

Переходим к задней стороне. Здесь, в правой части, расположено цветное фото владельца. Первая строчка текста содержит фамилию и имя гражданина. В Китае фамилия пишется первой и обычно состоит из одного иероглифа.

China id infoСледом указывается пол, который может быть мужским (男) или женским (女). В этой же строке указана этническую принадлежность гражданина. Несмотря на то, что в Китае проживает более 56 этнических групп, более чем в 90% случаев в этой графе будет значиться «Хань». Третья строчка содержит дату рождения в формате Год-Месяц-День.

В четвёртой графе указывается адрес регистрации. Зачастую он не совпадает с адресом проживания, так как многие граждане Китая в поисках работы далеко уезжают от родных мест.

Заключительная строка — это уникальный идентификационный номер. Этот номер присваивается при рождении и сопровождает человека на всём протяжении жизни, вне зависимости от смены документов. Более того, это не просто 18 случайных цифр. Зная, как расшифровывается код, вы получаете много сведений о человеке: его возраст, пол и место рождения с точностью до административного округа.

Как расшифровывается номер China ID card

Первый шесть цифр — это адресный код. Его также можно разделить на:

  • провинцию (первые две цифры),
  • город (вторые две),
  • район или округ (последние две).

Для того, чтобы по адресному коду найти конкретный район, можно воспользоваться специальными таблицами или онлайн сервисом (ссылка в конце статьи). Если человек меняет адрес регистрации, адресный код в его идентификационном номере не меняется.

Следующие восемь цифр это дата рождения: год, месяц и день.

Ещё три цифры — индивидуальный код, который служит, чтобы отличать между собой всех людей, родившихся в один день в одном районе или округе. Эти цифры тоже не случайны. Четный код присваивается женщинам, а нечётный — мужчинам. Возможно есть и другие закономерности, но нам они пока неизвестны.

Оставшаяся цифра — это контрольная сумма. Она служит для проверки номера, защиты от ошибок при указании, а также от фальсификации данных.

Вот несколько сайтов, которые проверяют достоверность кодов и выдают информацию по ним.

http://www.cfguide.com/TOOL/ID_card_locator.asp? — на английском

http://qq.ip138.com/idsearch/ — на китайском

Этот сайт по введённым данным генерирует валидный код ID Card — https://code-complete.com/chinaid/

Поэтому, к сожалению, не любому коду можно верить. Если у вас есть сомнения в подлинности сведений, предоставляемых китайским контрагентом — закажите у нас проверку, воспользовавшись формой в правой части экрана, и мы предоставим вам точные и актуальный сведения.

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  • Китайский аккумулятор на телефон