Рей (англ. Ray) — один из главных героев аниме и манги «The Promised Neverland».
Из-за высокого уровня интеллекта, Рей являлся одним из трёх экземпляров «Товара Высшего качества», из-за этого основные усилия Изабеллы были направлены на воспитание и контроль его и двух других «премиальных» детей (Эммы и Нормана).
Внешний вид
Концепт арт Рея
Рей — худой мальчик среднего роста с черными волосами, имеет огромную челку, подобная пока культуре эмо, которая закрывает ему половину лица. У него также треугольные лесно-зеленые глаза с заметно небольшими черными радужками.
Он носит стандартную форму для детского дома — белую рубашку и брюки наряду с простой обувью. Номер «81194» татуирован по левой стороне шеи.
Предпочитает книги и тишину шумным играм, из-за чего его прозывают «ходячей энциклопедией». В возрасте 5 лет впервые увидел демона, что и послужило причиной изменения взгляда на мир, т.е. он неистово захотел отомстить демонам.
Является одним из трех умнейших детей в приюте, всегда проходящий экзамены с высокими оценками. Также имеет хорошо развитые стратегические способности, умение предугадывать действия противника. Мыслит более реалистично в отличие от своих друзей.
Способен взглянуть на ситуацию под другим углом и найти преимущества в новых препятствиях.
В личном деле написано, что Рей слишком быстро сдается, т.е. быстро приходит к нужной мысли, но так же быстро ее бросает.
Отсутствие амнезии в детстве позволяло Рею помнить все события, начиная с утроба матери. Он помнил не только саму песню, но и существование демонов и настоящую правду о приюте. Это подтолкнуло Изабеллу согласиться на сделку с ним, включающую в себя его личную безопасность и информацию о внешнем мире. Такие вещи служили не только дополнительной информацией о мире за стенами приюта, но и необходимыми деталями к его конструкции для вывода «жучков» из строя.
С самого начала Рей считал свою жизнь проклятой, из-за чего ни с кем не сближался и много учился, чтобы при отправке осуществить месть — сжечь себя вместе с приютом, дабы лишить свою мать товара высшего качества, тем самым подвергнув ту проблемам. Но в его жизнь входят Эмма и Норман, которые, по его словам, сделали его поистине счастливым. Они были самыми дорогими для него людьми. Из-за чего тот специально подстраивает все так, чтобы они узнали правду, отправившись к воротам, и увидели демонов своими глазами. Тем самым он натолкнул их на мысль о побеге из приюта. Для него было главным спасение этих двоих, но и свой изначальный план он менять не стал, собираясь покончить с собой, устроив пожар в приюте, давая им время убежать.
В то время Эмма настаивала на спасении всех детей, и Норман, на поводу своей влюбленности, поддержал эту идею, из-за чего Рею пришлось согласиться. Они тренировали детей для побега под видом обычных догонялок и прочих игр, также правда о приюте была рассказана еще двоим — Дону и Гильде. Рей был против того, чтобы Норман утаил часть правды от Гильды и Дона, т.к. эта ложная надежда слишком жестока.
Во время всего этого также поднялась проблема о возможном кроте, который сливал всю информацию маме. Под подозрения Рея и Нормана попадают Гильда и Дон. Благодаря эксперименту с помощью спрятанных в разных местах веревок (Дону и Гильде, Норман сказал, что они в ванной на 2-м этаже и под его кроватью, о чем поведал и Рею. На следующий день не оказалось той веревки, что под его кроватью. Но на самом деле Дону и Гильде он сообщил совсем о других местах. А это значило, что только Рей мог взять ее); Норман узнает, что информатором мамы оказался сам Рей. После разоблачения тот сознается, что является шпионом мамы с шести лет, рассказав при этом другу о его сделке с врагом и какую выгоду это им приносит. Рей был тем, кто привел в действие план побега. Именно он взял у Конни игрушку и оставил ее на видном месте, чтобы ее заметили Эмма и Норман и узнали правду, пойдя к воротам. Также он подтвердил, что в любой момент может вывести жучки из строя, так как проводил над ним эксперименты несколько лет.
Рей согласился быть главным козырем в побеге и рассказать Норману все, что известно, но при условии, что тот обманет Эмму, ибо он не станет участвовать в побеге со всеми детьми. Для него они были всего лишь балластом. Впрочем, он был согласен взять Дона и Гильду. Норман согласился. Вообще, Рей планировал им все рассказать, как только они вернутся от ворот, но не ожидал, что они забудут игрушку там и начнут разрабатывать план побега для всех. Из-за этого мама сразу все поняла, и ему пришлось исправлять их ошибки и сдерживать маму. Когда Эмма узнала о нем правду, Рею пришлось притвориться, что она его переубедила, и он готов спасать всех.
За исправный доклад маме о действиях Нормана, Эммы и Кроны, он получил в качестве подарка бинокль – с его помощью, согласно его плану, нужно было осмотреть окрестности за стенами приюта.
Но в день разведки, когда Норман и Эмма должны были осмотреть округу за стенами, оказалось, что Изабелла знала, что Рей — двойной агент. Заперев его в комнате, она побежала в сторону стен, на которую собирались как раз залезть друзья Рея. Сломав ногу Эмме, тем самым обездвижив ее на последующие два месяца, она сообщает, что Нормана заберут уже завтра.
Уговорив того бежать, пока его не отправили на съедение, Эмма и Рей застывают в удивлении, увидев Нормана, возвращающегося обратно в приют. Оказалось, что за стенами находится огромная пропасть, которая и разрушила все планы на побег. Мальчика уводят, после чего Рей впадает в прострацию, откинув все надежды и обратно придя к плану самоубийства в ночь своего дня рождения.
Но Эмма получает прощальное письмо Нормана от Дона и Гильды, в котором мальчик рассказал о плане Рея сжечь самого себя и отдал указания о побеге, что скорее всего состоится ночью как раз перед отправкой Рея, то есть на его двенадцатилетие.
Побег состоится, и Рея удается отговорить от самоубийства. После он признает свое поражение Норману и начинает заботится и о других детях тоже, приняв нравственные принципы Эммы.
Во время побега от дикого демона Рей отделяется от группы остальных детей, чтобы те выиграли время для побега. После чего встречает разумных демонов, которые и разыскивали сбежавших из Благодатного дома. Они убивают дикого демона, чтобы тот не сожрал сбежавший товар высшего качества и начинают охоту на Рея. Мальчик в свою очередь понимает, насколько у него низкие шансы от них сбежать, из-за чего решает пожертвовать собой, побежав в совсем другую сторону от группы Эммы и других детей. После был спасен разумным демоном-веганом, что не питается человечиной (зараженный кровью Мьюзики — «Злокровной девы», что дает демонам способность не деградировать и выживать даже без человеческих мозгов, а именно ДНК).
Просыпается Рей уже в убежище Мьюзики, рядом с Эммой. Пока все остальные дети считают своих спасителей людьми, мальчик догадывается, что они вовсе не те, кем себя выдают, из-за чего открыто спрашивает их о том, зачем двум демонам спасать людей. Те отвечают ему, что они не питаются человечиной и не собираются причинять им вред.
Они сдерживают свое обещание и даже обучают детей выживанию в дикой природе. Тут и раскрывается талант Рея к готовке и стрельбе из лука.
Позже он взламывает код от ручки-голограммы Уильяма Минервы, чтобы найти спрятанное убежище. Они находят вход туда посреди пустоши, дальше от леса и диких демонов, в точке координат, указанных в ручке. В убежище находятся огромные запасы еды и воды, генератор электричества на органическом топливе (био-отходах), чистая одежда и постель, сад для собственного выращивания растительной пищи, большая оружейная и кабинет видеонаблюдения.
Рей — чрезвычайно умный и хитрый стратег. Он очень умный мальчик и единственный, кто может не отставать от интеллекта Нормана и также известен как «Ходячая энциклопедия». Спокойный и дотошный, Рей всегда строит планы на будущее и находит оптимальные решения для вещей. Рей получает знания о внешнем мире из книг, которые он читает, поэтому они выступают в качестве козырной карты для группы во время и после их побега из Благодатного Дома.
Рей также чрезвычайно проницателен, поскольку выясняется, что он много лет назад осознал, что «приют» на самом деле представляет собой ферму, где дети являются домашним скотом, и ему даже не приходилось видеть реальность собственными глазами (как Эмма и Норман), чтобы осознать этот факт. Рей также был первым человеком (возможно, помимо тех, кто работал на демонов), который обнаружил физическую слабость демонов (их средние глаза) и сумел заставить Эмму убить дикого демона, прежде чем он его съел. Таким образом, он демонстрирует свою способность быстро мыслить под давлением в жизненно важной ситуации.
Рей также сообразителен, он впервые понял план Нормана по истреблению демонов, а также понял и проанализировал Семь Стен мира, в который он вошел с Эммой.
В отличие от других, Рей не страдает детской амнезией, поэтому он может вспомнить подробности того, когда он был младенцем, или даже когда он был в утробе матери. Благодаря своим природным способностям Рей смог раскрыть секрет приюта, а также то, что Изабелла была его матерью.
В связи с этим у Рея отличная память, так как он, вспоминая, в каких книгах в архивах упоминаются руины, не только может вспомнить книги, но также, даже не глядя, их точное местоположение на полках.
Физическая сила
Хотя он редко выполняет физические упражнения с другими детьми, Рей продемонстрировал свои хорошие физические способности, поскольку Крона сообщила, что он физически более здоров, чем Норман. Он также обладал большой физической силой и смог ударить ногой в дверь спальни Кроны.
Кулинарные навыки
Мьюзика научила Рея кулинарии, и с тех пор он показал себя отличным и талантливым поваром. Другие ребята хотя бы раз видели, как хорошо он готовит. Когда он и Пепе помогли Мистеру приготовить якисобу для его продуктового ларька, он очень быстро приготовил их.
Повышенная выносливость
Рей доказал, что обладает невероятной выносливостью. Ему, вместе с Эммой, удавалось следовать за Мистером в течение нескольких дней, не сбавляя скорости и не теряя его, когда они последовали за ним до Золотистого пруда. Рей также смог убежать от дикого демона на несколько минут, прежде чем Эмма убила его.
Будучи сиротой Благодатного Дома, Рей вырос с Эммой и был с ней лучшими друзьями с детства. Несмотря на то, что он считал свою жизнь «проклятой», Рей упоминает, что Эмма и Норман значат для него весь мир и что время, которое он провел с ними, действительно сделало его счастливым, а его жизнь стоящей. Для Рея было главным приоритетом увидеть, как Эмма и Норман выбрались живыми во время побега с поля Грейс. В то же время у Рея довольно сложные отношения с Эммой — их личности устроены так, чтобы контрастировать друг с другом; Эмма была веселым, легковерным и общительным человеком, а Рей — более резким и остроумным интровертом. После реализации плана побега оптимизм, идеалы, характер и мнения Эммы регулярно действуют Рею на нервы, так как она сильно контрастирует с ним. Это дошло до того, что Рей попросил Нормана скрыть их истинный план (например, привезти только троих) от Эммы.
Однако, несмотря на их разные идеалы, которые иногда приводят к личным столкновениям, ссорам и разногласиям, эти двое любят друг друга независимо и помогают друг другу, когда один находится в беде. Рей всегда заботится об Эмме, и они не позволяют разногласиям мешать их дружбе, и они всегда могут решать проблемы и не сталкиваются с трудностями при совместной работе. Эмма также поощряет Рея быть более открытым и часто предлагает ему присоединиться к сиротам в таких играх, как игра в салки, и не зарывать голову все время в книгу. Точно так же Рей побуждает Эмму говорить, честно рассказывать людям, что у нее на уме, и не сдерживать свои чувства.
Все еще хочешь умереть, бестолочь!? Хватит тявкать, мы сбегаем!
После того, как Эмма спасла его от попытки самоубийства, и когда Рей видит, что план Эммы и Нормана осуществляется почти безупречно — план, который он когда-то считал невозможным, — он понимает, что сделал ошибку в своем суждении. С этого момента он оказывает Эмме свою поддержку и становится невероятно преданным ей и всей своей семье. В то же время Рей по-прежнему не прочь отругать ее, обличить ее недостатки и ошибки. Он по-прежнему говорит ей, что думает, и по-прежнему напоминает ей о реальности, но теперь он понимает, что она справится с этим, и уверен в своих силах. Рей — тот, кто напоминает Эмме, что ей нужно высказаться и что ее собственные сомнения и неуверенность важны.
С момента побега из Благодатного Дома Рей и Эмма работали вместе и помогали друг другу во всем, а Реем помогал в ее планах. Из-за своего горя, связанного с потерей Нормана, Рей стал чрезвычайно защищать Эмму, так как он тоже не хочет ее терять. Это очевидно, поскольку он глубоко заботится о ней и бросается к ней, когда она в опасности. Например, после того, как Эмма была тяжело ранена в битве с Левисом, Рей попросил Мистера позаботиться о ней, поскольку он не мог сделать это сам, несмотря на то, что он не доверял Мистеру и не любил его.
Рей, Норман и Эмма заснули после ночи игр
Рей без колебаний утешит или успокоит Эмму, когда почувствует, что он ей нужен, а также изо всех сил старается помочь Эмме и замечает ее изменение в поведении. Например, он был единственным, кто почувствовал, что Эмма недовольна планом Нормана по совершению геноцида демонов, и спросил ее об этом. Он правильно оценил ситуацию с ней, учел ее мнение и пытался прийти к соглашению. Хотя Рей признает, что не сочувствует сомнениям Эммы и соглашается с планами Нормана, он все же упоминает, что независимо от того, какой выбор сделает Эмма или какой путь она пойдет, он будет поддерживать и следовать за ней, поскольку полностью доверяет ее мнению. Это показывает, что Рей приобрел гораздо больше уважения к ней как к своему лидеру, и Эмма рада, что он рядом с ней.
Выросшие вместе почти всю жизнь, Рей были лучшими друзьями и братскими фигурами Нормана. Рей считает Нормана и Эмму самыми важными людьми в своей жизни и упоминает, что они значат для него больше, чем кто-либо другой. Он благодарит их за то, что они подарили ему такую счастливую жизнь, несмотря на то, что он считал свою жизнь «проклятой». Он очень предан им обоим, поскольку шесть лет, которые он потратил на разработку плана побега, были ради их выживания. Норман — один из тех, кому Рей поклялся не дать умереть, и Рей делает все, что в его силах, чтобы защитить их, включая продажу себя Изабелле и готовность покончить жизнь самоубийством, чтобы помочь им сбежать.
Рей очень уважает Нормана и высоко ценит его, и в то же время он признает и понимает сильные и слабые стороны Нормана, зная, что он один из самых умных детей в приюте. Норман также глубоко уверен в способностях Рея. Приняв ход к плану побега, два мальчика доверились друг другу. Рей считает, что Норман более логичен и менее безрассуден, чем Эмма, и поэтому больше доверяет ему и полагается на него. Эти двое, однако, имеют противоположные взгляды на различные ситуации, например, когда Рей хотел оставить других, чтобы повысить шансы на их выживание, в то время как Норман, веря в Эмму, хочет помочь найти способ помочь всем сбежать. Кроме того, даже после того, как выяснилось, что Рей был шпионом, Норман послушав Эмму отказался от него отказаться, и они снова смогли разрешить свои разногласия и помочь друг другу.
Рей счастлив что они снова вместе
После того, как Норман был отправлен из Благодатного Дома, Рей был опустошен из-за потери своего лучшего друга. После этого он впал в депрессию и потерял всякую надежду, отказавшись от участия в разработке плана побега вместе с другими сиротами. Во время побега, когда Эмма спасает Рея от попытки самоубийства, она сообщает ему, что Норман смог рассказать об истинных намерениях Рея и очень хотел не дать ему умереть. Норман также передал от него сообщение Эмме, а затем Рею: «Ты можешь умереть где угодно, но это не то место. Я покажу тебе кое-что классное, так что просто закрывайся и приходи». Их план претворяется в жизнь и галлюцинации Нормана говорят ему не сдаваться, это вдохновляет Рея продолжать жить, мечтать о будущем, похожем на надежду, и никогда больше не бросать свою семью.
Когда они воссоединяются два года спустя, Рей плачет и тянет Нормана и Эмму в объятия. Рэй также благодарит Нормана за то, что он косвенно спас его и «показал ему что-то великое» (как во внешнем мире), размышляя над сообщением Нормана во время побега. Доказано, что между ними не возникло разногласий, так как они могут проводить время как обычно и сохранять свою динамику, как в свое время в Благодатном Доме.
В ранней юности Рей рассказал Изабелле, что знает истинное предназначение приюта и что он выяснил их семейную связь. С 6-летия Рей работал двойным агентом Изабеллы. На самом деле он все это время планировал сбежать. Несмотря на их биологическую связь, их отношения были чисто «профессиональными», и, хотя они общаются, их отношения остаются напряженными. Также подразумевается, что обе стороны не испытывали особой любви друг к другу, поскольку Рей знает, что Изабелла отправит его и его друзей на смерть. Это заставляет Рея определить лучший способ обмануть Изабеллу и избежать такого исхода. Хотя позже выясняется, что Изабелла искренне любит Рея как своего сына, неизвестно, каким образом Рей смотрит на нее.
Во время их воссоединения Рей снова очень шокирован своей матерью, но не уделяет первоочередного внимания ее присутствию, поскольку жизни его семьи более важны. После того, как Изабелла показала, что была на стороне детей, поскольку она предала Питера Ратри, Рей стал самым известным человеком, который убеждает Изабеллу последовать за детьми в человеческий мир. Несмотря на ее нерешительность, Рей ставит себя на место Изабеллы и упоминает, что, несмотря на ее ошибки, никто больше не будет возмущаться или злиться, поэтому для нее и других взрослых будет нормально пойти с ними. Изабелла тронута и шокирована Реем среди других слов и вспоминает то время, когда она впервые узнала, что Рей — ее сын. Хотя она не понимает, как он мог простить ее за то, что заставила его так много пережить, Изабелла тихо извиняется за все, плача.
Рэй рассматривает Дона как братскую фигуру. Несмотря на то, что поначалу показывается небольшое взаимодействие, они становятся союзниками после того, как Дона привлекают к участию в плане побега. Рей достаточно доверяет ему, чтобы сказать ему правду, ничего не приукрашивая, но при необходимости призывает его к ошибкам. Несмотря на их первоначальные ссоры после того, как Дон узнал правду о Доме и Изабелле, и в той мере, в какой они понимали, что Рей наблюдал, как Конни отправили, ничего не делая, они смогли примириться и помочь друг другу.
Получив возможность работать над своими различиями и научившись работать вместе, Рей и Дон стали намного ближе. Рей поручает Дону много дел и может доверять ему все. Точно так же Рей — единственный, кого, помимо Эммы, Дон считает лидером и очень его уважает. Рей и Дон, продемонстрированные после побега, прекрасно ладят, несмотря на различия в характере, и могут делать все, от шуток до поручения друг другу важных задач и совместного исследования неизведанных областей. Хотя Дон более эмоциональный из двух, кто сильно выражает свое беспокойство по отношению к Рею и Эмме, а Рей более уравновешен, Рей нежно заботится о своем приемном брате и глубоко верит в его способности.
Несмотря на то, что сначала было показано небольшое взаимодействие между Реем и Гильдой, они стали союзниками после того, как Гильда была задействована в плане побега. Рей доверяет Гильде и считает ее более уравновешенной по сравнению с Доном, но при необходимости призывает ее к ошибкам. Несмотря на их первоначальные ссоры после того, как Гильда узнала правду о Доме и Изабелле, они смогли примириться и помочь друг другу.
После побега из Благодатного Дома Рей нашел близкую сестру в лице Гильды. Он очень уважает ее и глубоко верит в ее способности, до такой степени, что Гильда и Дон были единственными людьми, помимо Эммы и Нормана, Рей мог вообразить привнесение в план побега. Он также поддерживает Гильду всякий раз, когда она прямо обвиняет Эмму в том, что она слишком безрассудна. В свою очередь, Гильда заботится и любит Рея как брата и постоянно беспокоится о его благополучии и благополучии Эммы. Она даже пригрозила Мистеру, что взорвет убежище, если он не вернется живыми ни с Эммой, ни с Реем из их путешествия в Голди-Понд.
Хотя их первоначальные взаимодействия несколько редки из-за тихой и независимой натуры Рея, Рей считал Анну (среди других детей) потенциальным бременем для плана побега. Однако без ведома Рея Эмма сообщила Анне о плане Рэя покончить жизнь самоубийством утром в день его рождения. Анна отрезала свои косы, чтобы создать убедительную приманку для Изабеллы, чтобы можно было избежать попытки самоубийства Рея и он мог сбежать вместе с ними. Рей кажется шокированным и довольно тронутым, увидев, что Анна дарит косы, поскольку ее длинные волосы были ее самой узнаваемой особенностью.
Вскоре после побега за стену Рей извиняется за то, что случилось с ее волосами. Анна удивляет его, отвергая любую необходимость извиняться, и вместо этого поздравляет его с днем рождения. Слова Анны среди других факторов были причинами, по которым Рей поклялся защищать свою семью, когда ранее он думал о том, чтобы оставить свою семью. После этого события Рей и Анна подружились, так как можно увидеть, как Анна весело помогает Рею готовить (вместе с Джемаймой) в приюте. Анна также ухаживает за раной Рея, оставленной его поврежденным ухом, в котором Анна выражает облегчение от того, что рана, кажется, зажила должным образом, и Рей благодарит ее за заботу о нем и за ее усилия во время подготовки.
Рей и Мистер не сходились во взглядах с тех пор, как впервые встретились. Их враждебность усиливается, как только Мистер угрожает убить его и Эмму. Во время путешествия к Золотистому Пруду Рей очень подозрительно относится к Мистеру и никогда не теряет бдительности. Однако, поработав вместе над победой над врагами Голди Понд и засвидетельствовав, как Мистер стал для них бесценным союзником, Рей начал относиться к нему ближе, и после их побега из Золотого пруда Рей и Мистер пришли к соглашению и стали более дружелюбными по отношению к друг другу, когда он доверил Мистеру отвезти тяжело раненую Эмму обратно в убежище B06-32.
Рей был одним из немногих детей, с которыми Мистер мог говорить о серьезных вещах, и точно так же Рей мог доверять ему что угодно; демонстрируя глубокое доверие между ними. Также кажется, что Мистер действовал как отец Рея и других детей, игриво похлопывая его по голове и заявляя, что он никогда не позволит Рею взять на себя бремя стрельбы в другого человека. Когда Рей, в другом случае, был готов застрелить Эндрю, он извинился перед Мистером. Позже Рей оплакивает Мистера после того, как он пожертвовал собой во взрыве, чтобы спасти детей.
Интересные факты:
- Родной матерью Рея является Изабелла.
- Рей один из тех немногих людей, не страдающих инфантильной амнезией.
- Является одним из трёх самых умных детей в Благодатном Доме, набирающих высшие баллы за тесты.
- Рей спокойный, любит посидеть в тишине, но так же и хитрый парень с острым умом. Прежде чем начать что-либо делать он сначала оценит ситуацию, а не сразу будет бросаться решать проблемы.
- Несмотря на высокие баллы и хорошие знания, Рей не любит учится и читать книги.
- В специальном выпуске 13 тома в интервью Posuka Demizu и Kaiu Shirai они объяснили, как Рей должен был умереть. Эта идея, однако, была отменена.
- Мини-игра на официальном сайте The Promised Neverland показала две страницы манги для игроков, которые набрали высокие баллы. На страницах было показано, как Изабелла назвала Рея в честь американского певца и автора песен Рэя Чарльза.
- Изабелла также объяснила, как она слушала музыку Рэя Чарльза, которая дала ей идею дать Рею имя музыканта, и как «Рэй» — это унисекс-имя и не имеет особой национальности, что имеет смысл, так как Рэй Чарльз — афроамериканец.
- Рей набрал полный балл во всех ежедневных тестах, за исключением пр.2, он получил 292 из 300.
- Несколько фрагментов информации Рея раскрываются в Twitter Q&A с авторами Кайу Сираи и Посукой Демидзу.
- Одна из любимых вещей Рея — разборка машин. Он любил разбирать такие предметы, как часы, вместе с Норманом, когда они были младше.
- Посука Демидзу считает Рея быстрым персонажем, которого можно создать по сравнению с Норманом и Эммой.
- Мечта Рея, когда он сможет попасть в человеческий мир в будущем, заключается в том, чтобы увидеть знаменитую картину Моны Лизы и церковь Святого Семейства в Барселоне, Испания.
- По словам Кайу Ширая, скорость бега Рея выше Нормана, но уступает Эмме, независимо от того, длинная или короткая беговая дистанция, он легко выиграл бы у Нормана, но проиграл Эмме. Эмма была бы первой, Рей — второй, а Норман — последний.
- Кайу Сирай прокомментировал в томе 5, как Рей в молодом возрасте стремился прочитать все книги в Грейс Филд Хаус, прежде чем ему исполнится 12 лет. Таким образом, в главе 32, 14 января 2046 года, за день до своего 12-летия, книга, которую он имеет, является последней книгой, которую он только что закончил читать.
- Когда Рею было от 4 до 5 лет, он рассказал, что все книги, которые он читал, являются книгами фэнтези, тем самым подразумевая, что фэнтези является его любимым жанром книг, так как они являются первым типом книг, которые он решил прочитать.
- Рей, в отличие от других сирот, не испытывал детской амнезии. Это в значительной степени способствовало его открытию об истине детского дома. Вполне вероятно, что у него гипермнезия — аномально резкое или яркое отпоминание.
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Глава 57
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Том 5, комментарии автора
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Том 1, дополнительная страница
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland. В 2047 году, Рей, по виду, был примерно одного роста с Изабеллой, рост которой, в 2045 году, составлял 170 см (как было указано в её характеристике на дополнительной странице первого тома).
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland. В 2049 году, Рей значительно выше Эммы и примерно такого же роста как и Норман.
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Глава 37
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Глава 108
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Глава 96
- ↑ Манга The Promised Neverland, Глава 131
This article is about the Manga version of Ray. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.
Emma, I’ll live. I’ll live and protect my family. Everyone in this family, just like you. This time, for sure, I vow. No matter what happens, I’ll never abandon them again. So you don’t have to bear this burden all on your own. We’ll create it together… a world where we can live as a family. All of us.— Ray to Emma in «The Promised Forest»
Ray (レイ, Rei?) is one of the deuteragonists of The Promised Neverland alongside with Norman.
Ray is a model student at Grace Field House Plant 3, who consistently gets perfect scores during the daily exams. He is also known for being an avid reader with high intellectual abilities, blunt skepticism, and cunning. Despite his distant disposition, Ray is able to interact well with the orphans and is fiercely loyal and caring to particularly Emma and Norman.
Being one of the smartest children living in Grace Field House Plant 3, Ray is considered to be one of the House’s three «Premium quality goods» next to Norman and Emma.[9]
After successfully escaping Grace Field alongside Emma and thirteen other orphans, Ray now seeks William Minerva, whom he believes can grant him and his family liberty and help them find a safe and peaceful life away from the demons.
Ray was born at Grace Field on January 15, 2034, to Isabella through artificial insemination. He was sent to Plantation 3 a year later in 2035.
Ray did not suffer from childhood amnesia, and such, he remembered his life before he arrived at the orphanage; including being in his mother’s womb, having the transmitter stapled into his ear, the infants being divided into groups of five, and when he was sent to Plantation 3. As Ray grew up, he realized that there were inconsistencies between his own memories and the reality that spread before him in the orphanage, and eventually discovered the true purpose of the orphanage, the tests, the gates surrounding the orphanage, and the numbers on his neck, the transmitter inside their ears when he became literate.[10] With these newfound realizations, Ray started developing nightmares and intense feelings of guilt, pain, and loneliness. He was not able to seek help in anyone and had to watch as his siblings were shipped off, while he and his Mama were the only ones in the orphanage to truly know where they were going. He became depressed and stopped trying to find fake happiness, eventually becoming fed up with his burdens and bringing matters into his own hands. It’s shown that Ray cut open his ear to break the transmitter, alerting Isabella, and setting his deal with her into action. Knowing he would not be able to save everyone was another reason why he was so insistent about only escaping with a certain amount of people.
Due to their close age and probably the fact that they are the top students academically, Ray was exceptionally close to Emma and Norman. He thus mingled with the two often and created warm memories with them; such as talking with a sickly Norman through a tin can alongside Emma,[11] Emma and Norman getting his attention away from reading by making funny faces, and exploring the gate that encircles Grace Field House.[12][2]
On January 15, 2040, on Ray’s sixth birthday, Isabella overheard Ray humming the same song that she had sung to her unborn child when she was pregnant. Ray then went to confirm with Isabella on the truth behind the orphanage and how he might be her biological son, a theory which he had been keeping to himself for some time. After knowing how his theory is indeed true, Ray made a trade with Isabella and became her spy.[13] In exchange for keeping an eye of the orphans from behind, Ray requested Isabella to give him certain gifts in return for being «good» to her. In actuality, Ray’s gifts were actually part of the escape plan of his which he would make use of the gifts to make a certain device which could benefit in the escape. In addition, Ray’s loyalty towards Isabella as her spy was actually all just an act, as this was Ray’s way of benefiting from the enemy.
Ever since this incident, despite having no interest in reading and studying,[3] Ray purposely adopted the habit of reading, as a way to do well academically in Grace Field so he would be the top student in the orphanage (in order words, «premium quality» meat).[9] He sought to read all the books that were available in the Grace Field library before turning twelve.[14] Ray also began working on developing the Transmitter-crippling device, coordinating an escape plan, as well as collecting lighting fuel from Isabella’s gifts in order to use himself as a trump card and distract Isabella the time came, so he could help Emma and Norman to escape.[15]
Ray is a slim boy of average height with somewhat messy short black hair, parted to the right so that the longer, chin-length clumps on his left obscure much of his face. Around the sides, it appears to spike upwards, following the shape of his head, and he also has triangular forest-green eyes with noticeably small black irises.
He wears the standard Grace Field uniform- a plain white long sleeved button-up shirt and white pants along with brown boots. His identification number, «81194», is tattooed across the left side of his neck.
In 2047, Ray stopped wearing the standard uniform when he arrived at the shelter where he found new clothes. He began wearing long, black pants, a black shirt, and a long white-colored coat together with the old brown shoes he wore at the Grace Field House.
At the age of 13, Ray’s hair has gotten messier and he has also grown much taller and is now around the same height as his mother, Isabella, whose height is 170 cm.[16]
Upon arriving at the Paradise Hideout, he begins wearing an untucked white dress shirt, black pants, and a matching black scarf; when Ray and Emma go searching for Him, Ray wears a white coat and backpack over his usual outfit.
After entering the human world, Ray, now 15 years old, has longer hair on the side of his face and is slightly taller. He wears a light scarf, a black jacket and a backpack slung over his shoulders.
Ray appears to be aloof, introverted and snarky; often excluding himself from playing with the other orphans and prefers to read load of books instead.[2] However, he is able to interact well with his fellow siblings and loves them all deeply. Even if there are times when they do not get along, he still deeply cares about their well-being and would go to great lengths to keep them safe. An outspoken person with little patience for inconvenience and silliness (like Emma’s), he frequently loses his temper or is often left dumbfounded when people such as Emma display reckless behavior and intentions, noticeably when he considered Emma as an «airhead» when she intended to rescue every orphan from Grace Field.
Furthermore, he is very blunt and honest, as when Norman is trying to figure out a way to break it to Emma that Ray was the spy all along, Ray abruptly comes out with it before Norman has the chance. In some cases, he considers it a kindness to be blunt, rather than alleviate the truth or give people false hope. He was also motivated by cold logic and reason, and he figures the best plan for success is to take the smallest group possible, even if that group doesn’t include himself. While he worked extremely hard for six years to make sure that Norman and Emma could escape safely, he had to sacrifice a great price, possibly his other siblings that were shipped out.
Ray’s strengths are his cunning, sharp wits, and his manipulative nature. He is also rational, logical, and cynical. He is an academically inclined young boy who excels in the orphanage’s daily tests, also using his intelligence to decipher problems and to come out with solutions. According to Emma, he’s always the best at anything he tries. According to Norman, he is level-headed and precise in everything he does. He also always thinks ahead and finds the most optimal solutions to things.
According to the data Krone obtained, Ray is a person who makes plans too fast and gives up on them just as fast. This was specifically proven when after the plan of saving Norman got foiled, Ray lost hope and excluded himself from helping the others to devise another plan to escape.[17] Ray is also noted to be extremely self-sacrificing and audacious. He was driven to suicide via self-immolation and willingly did so to help aid in the escape. However, he also reveals to Emma that he wasn’t going to go down like cattle and he would die as a selfish human. His little hesitation in throwing his life away stems from his past. Because he has known about the truth about the farms, the outside world, and his very own mother from a young age, Ray began deeming his life as «cursed» and therefore planned to die inside the orphanage. Additionally, after years of watching his siblings walk to their death without doing anything about it, Ray developed extreme guilt and felt like the only way he could atone was by dying himself.
However, after the escape succeeds, Ray comes around to see that even a dream-like future can be achieved. This culminates in his change of mindset, and he admits to Emma that he’s glad to see their siblings safe when he had previously thought bringing them would be a burden. He swears to keep on living, atone for his mistakes, and protect his family and becomes fiercely protective and loyal to them. As opposed to his relatively pessimistic mindset prior to the escape, Ray became more optimistic and is now not scared to hope for a dream-like future where no one dies. Being surrounded by his family, no longer having to keep secrets from them, and being accepted by them, is the first time Ray is starting to heal, and he also resolves not to do things on his own anymore.[9][18]
Although Ray retains his sarcastic and cunning personality, he emphasizes the importance of what other people think regarding different situations, especially what Emma thinks, because he goes to Emma herself in order to find it. After reuniting with Norman who has become much more distant from him and Emma, he now believes that the best way to solve things is to talk things out as friends, and despite everything Ray still feels the connection of the family between the three of them.
Even after he became softer and kinder to everyone around him, he’s still one of the few kids who has no qualms about killing human threats. Furthermore, when Gillian wants to go back to save Yugo and Lucas on the off-chance they’re still alive, he refuses, knowing that if they did die, then doing so would only make their sacrifice in vain.
Throughout most of his childhood, Ray was almost always seen studying or reading a book alone rather than playing with his siblings. After discovering the secret of the «orphanage», Ray set out to read every book in Grace Field House’s library before his 12th birthday. On the eve of his 12th birthday just after he finishes the last book he had not read, Ray reveals to Emma that he never actually had any interest in reading or studying and only endured it to increase his test score so that when he became a «Premium quality good» he could light himself on fire and thus deprive the demons of a «Premium quality meal» in an act of vengeance. Ray’s real interests and hobbies include learning the mechanism of things, cooking, art, and photography.[19]
Introduction Arc
Taking a litany of tests, eating scrumptious homemade food, and having a good time – Ray went through the same routine every day in Grace Field House, an orphanage where he lived since the day he was born. Under the loving parental care of Isabella and the companionship of Emma, Norman and the other orphans, Ray spent a pleasant childhood in Grace Field.
When the day came for Conny to be sent off to foster parents, Ray and the other orphans bade farewell to the young girl. Sometime after Conny left with Isabella, Emma found Conny’s beloved stuffed toy on a tabletop in the house, Ray remarked how Conny might not have traveled far from Grace Field, and thus advised Emma to return the toy back to Conny.
Sometime later, Ray was loitering through the orphanage’s hallway and noticed the saddened Emma and Norman returning, he questioned the two, and stared at them as they did not answer him.[2]
During the next few days, Emma and Norman remained silent and secretive about Conny’s death and the existence of demons. Ray noticed their suspicious behavior, as he one day followed the two to the orphanage’s forest and demanded their odd behavior for the past few days. After the two let the cat out of the bag, Ray expressed how he also suspects Isabella and the orphanage. When Emma wanted to save every single orphan, it greatly bothered Ray as he viewed her goal to be impossible to achieve. Nonetheless, he joined the two and help in figuring out a way to escape from Grace Field. The three learned and gathered every piece of possible information about the outside world and to aid in their eventual escape which they could get.
Isabella eventually got Krone appointed as Grace Field’s second caretaker (as the orphans’ «Sister»), an additional obstacle for Ray, Emma, and Norman to deal with. Krone tried to get in the way of the trio, much to their dismay.
Jailbreak Arc
Ray, Emma, and Norman eventually recruited Don and Gilda into the team as additional help and told them about the secrets behind Grace Field, Isabella, and the existence of Demons. Along the way, the five-faced obstacles and issues whilst working together, such as the interference of Isabella and Krone, suspicions of Gilda being on the enemies’ side, and Don’s unhappiness towards the limited trust Ray, Norman and Emma had on him and Gilda, whom they did not tell the entirety of their plan and motives to. The trio starts suspecting that there might be a traitor amongst the children, possibly Don or Gilda, who are working for Isabella, and Norman lays a trap to determine who the informant is by telling them the location of their ropes and that night.
The following night, Norman inspects the rope locations with Ray, and by the process of elimination, accuses Ray of being the traitor. Although hesitant at first, Ray eventually confesses that he has been the spy who worked for Isabella behind his friends’ back. When Norman questioned his motive, Ray explained how he already knew about the orphanage’s secrets a long time ago, and how him serving his mother as her spy is all pre-planning for him and his friends’ escape. Following a lengthy discussion about loyalty, Ray eventually agrees to side with Norman, but on one condition: they must give up the intention of saving everyone, but without telling Emma. Later, Ray reveals his duplicity to Emma, but she believes in his promise to still aid the escape.
Isabella eventually cut ties with Ray and no longer have him as her spy, when Ray desperately tried to persuade her, telling her how he is still capable of being her spy, Isabella explained how she would be ceasing his friends from escaping without his help, and thus locked the latter inside an empty room, preventing him from saving Emma and the rest. As Ray struggled to free himself and save Emma and Norman before it was too late, Isabella already managed to foil their escape plan by herself by fracturing Emma’s leg and prepared Norman to be shipped out.
Isabella’s success in rendering their plan useless greatly affected Ray, as he struggled to think of solutions to prevent Norman from getting shipped out as well as aiding in Emma’s fractured leg. Nevertheless, his solutions were rendered useless, as Norman was unable to escape due to how outside the walls lies a steep cliff which made his escape impossible.
Norman was soon shipped out. The team and the plan began to fall apart, as Ray became depressed over the failure of the plan and the loss of his friend. Hence, Ray gave up and excluded himself from Emma, Don and Gilda and no longer aid in their escape.
As two months pass, Ray and Emma withdraw into themselves and were depressed over Norman’s shipment. The night before Ray is to be shipped out, he sits alone in the dining hall, saying goodbye to the House. When Ray asks Emma if she has really given up, she smiles and reveals she has never given up the idea of escape. Ray proposes they set the house on fire that night as a distraction. After Emma agrees, Ray reveals that he plans to set himself alight, to distract Isabella and deny the demons their feast. As the clock chimes midnight, the now twelve-year-old Ray starts the fire.
As it spreads, the children evacuate and Emma severs her ear so she cannot be tracked. Isabella tries to extinguish the fire and save Ray, who she thinks is engulfed in flames, but the children had wrapped meat and hair in his clothes as a decoy. Months earlier, Norman told Emma of Ray’s plan to burn himself and prepared a counter-plan for her, which meant that they were already prepared to escape. When Ray is saved, he is seen being visibly shaken by Emma’s interference of his suicide plan, but before he is able to say anything more, Emma slaps him and forces him to go escape with her, refusing to let him die. Emma then tells Ray that she’ll take out his tracker from his ear.
The children reach the boundary and prepare to scale the wall, but Ray notices the younger ones are not with them. As the children reach and climb the boundary wall, Ray is told by Emma that the children under the age of four are going to be stay behind, hoping to be freed before being harvested, and the only one knowing the truth is Phil.
The children cross the cliff by using ropes and coat hangers as zip lines, Jemima starts crying because she is afraid of crossing. Ray tells her he will go with her and they cross together. As they safely arrive at the other side, Ray hugs Jemima close and mentions to himself that he has «lost» to Norman, will now live for and protect his family, and discard his previous ideas of dying. As everyone successfully escapes, the escapees are able to see their first sunrise outside the farm.
Promised Forest Arc
After escaping from the farm, Ray and his family are being chased by farm demons who wish to bring them back to the farms, or just kill them right on spot. When they take a break and Emma is panicking, Ray comically scolds her to take a break. He also apologizes to her for not being a part of the escape plan from the start, but Emma says it doesn’t matter as she is happy if he is happy and alive. Ray then tells Emma how he also apologized to Anna, who had cut her hair in order to save him. He continues that he couldn’t believe that he was ready to leave his siblings behind, but now vows to protect every single one of them forever. Not wanting Emma to shoulder all the burden by herself, Ray tells Emma that they’ll find a place where they all can live peacefully together.[9]
Going through dangerous forests together with his family in the outside world, the demon pursuers are eventually able to catch up with the children. Ray says he’ll handle it and urges Emma to take the other children to find a safe place. When things are looking dire for both Ray and Emma’s group, they are saved by Mujika and Sonju. Although they were initially antagonized and suspicious of them due to them being demons, they warm up the two demons. Sonju explains about the outside world, The «Promise» and other critical information. Ray also learns how to cook from Mujika, and becomes quite a good cook. After receiving their hospitality and sure they are able to continue to their journey, Ray and his group bids farewell to Sonju and Mujika.
Search For Minerva Arc
After some wandering, Ray and the other children reached Shelter B06-32 and took refuge in it. The children met Mister, who they mistook for William Minerva. Ray and Emma wanted to find more information about Minerva and therefore urged Mister to follow them to Goldy Pond. Although when they reach the area, Emma is taken to Goldy Pond without Ray and Mister. Ray tries his best to find and help Emma, but Mister is hesitant and discouraged to do so.
Goldy Pond Battle Arc
Ray and the others by Emma’s side as she wakes up from her coma.
Ray and Mister are eventually able to make their way into Goldy Pond. They join the fight against the Poachers, alongside Emma and the Goldy Pond Resistance. They all defeat Leuvis and the other Poachers together, and successfully destroy Goldy Pond.
Since Emma was gravely injured from the fight, Ray begged Mister to bring her to the shelter as fast as possible, so she could get treatment. Ray reveals that he will take a longer path with the other children, in order to avoid wild demons in the forest. After Emma wakes up from her 4-week-long coma, Ray and the whole group are by her side.
Cuvitidala Arc
Ray and his group infiltrated into a demon village in disguise after their search for the Golden Waters and the temple. As they walked past a group of demons in the village’s market, one of the demons noticed Don’s feet and informed the others. Before the demons could notice, Ray and the group rushed to the exit of the village and traveled to a forest nearby, as they saved themselves from getting caught. Afterward, Ray and the group returned to the shelter, reuniting with Mister, Lucas and the other orphans.[4]
King of Paradise Arc
Ray, Emma and the rest of the children arrive at the Paradise Hideout after escaping from the shelter. There, they are reunited with Norman.
Seven Walls Arc
Ray and Emma go to find the Seven Walls in order to reforge The Promise with . Though, Ray is sent home by Him since he was not «qualified» to enter the Seven Walls.
Imperial Capital Battle Arc
After Emma successfully reforged The Promise by herself, Ray accompanies her to the Royal Capital to stop Norman to follow through with his extermination plan.
Return to Grace Field Arc
Ray and his team make their way to Grace Field House to save his family and friends who were kidnapped by Peter Ratri.
Human World Arc
Upon arriving in the Human World, Ray is seen to be visibly worried and shocked about Emma’s disappearance. Ray, along with the other children, agrees to search for Emma so they can reunite with her again.[20] Over the two years spent in the Human World, Ray began attending school. During spring 2049, he finally reunites with Emma.[21] In the special epilogue chapter Dreams Come True, Ray became a vice CEO and lived out his dream of seeing the Sagrada Familia.[22]
Ray is an extremely intelligent and cunning strategist. He made mistakes on tests around the beginning, but after a few years, he got a perfect score almost every day; and for the last few years, he has always got a perfect score.[16] Ray is a highly intelligent boy and is the only one who can keep up with Norman’s intelligence and is also known as «The Walking Encyclopedia». Quiet and meticulous, Ray always plans for the future and finds optimal solutions for things. Ray gains knowledge of the outside world from the books that he reads hence act as a trump card for the group during and after their escape from the Grace Field House.
Ray is also extremely perceptive, as it is revealed that he realized years ago that the «orphanage» is, in fact, a farm, with the children as livestock, without ever having to actually see the reality with his own eyes (like Emma and Norman) in order to realize this fact. Ray was also the first human (possibly aside from those working for the demons) to discover the demons’ physical weakness (their middle eyes) and managed to get Emma to slay a wild demon before it ate him. Hence showing his capability in quick-thinking under pressure in a life-and-death situation.
Ray is also quick-witted, he understood Norman’s plan to exterminate demons for the first time and he also understood and analyzed the Seven Walls of the world that he entered with Emma.
Unlike others, Ray does not suffer from infantile amnesia, so he can remember details from when he was an infant, or even when he was in his mother’s womb. Thanks to his natural ability, Ray was able to discover the secret of the orphanage and also that Isabella was his mother.
In connection to this, Ray has a great memory, as he when recalling which books in the archives mention ruins, he’s not only able to remember the books but also, without even looking, their exact location on the shelves.
Physical Strength
Although he rarely performs physical activities with other children, Ray has demonstrated his good physical abilities, as Krone has reported that he is more Physically fit than Norman. He also has great physical strength and was able to hit the door of the Krone bedroom with a kick.
Culinary Skills
Ray and Pepe cooking Yakisoba.
Ray was taught about cooking by Mujika, and ever since, he has shown to be an excellent and talented cook. He’s seen cooking the most often out of the Grace Field kids, and the other kids are seen at least once gushing over how good his cooking is. When he and Pepe helped Mister to make Yakisoba for his food stand, he was extremely fast at cooking them.[23]
Enhanced Stamina
Ray has proven himself to possess incredible stamina. He, together with Emma managed to follow Mister for days without slowing down or losing track of him when they followed him to Goldy Pond.[24] Ray was also able to outrun a wild demon for several minutes before Emma killed it.[25]
Being orphans at Grace Field House Plant 3, Ray grew up with Emma and has been best friends with her ever since they were toddlers. Despite deeming his life as «cursed», Ray mentions that Emma and Norman mean the world to him and that the time he spent with them truly made him happy and his life worthwhile.[26] For Ray, seeing Emma and Norman make it out alive regarding the Grace Field Escape, was a top priority. At the same time, Ray has a rather complex relationship with Emma— as their personalities are arranged to contrast with each other’s; with Emma being a jovial, gullible, and sociable person— and Ray as more of an edgy and sharp-witted introvert. After setting motion to the escape plan, Emma’s optimism, ideals, nature, and opinions regularly get on Ray’s nerves since they contrast so heavily to his own. This went to such a point that Ray asked Norman to hide their true plan (as in only bringing the three of them) from Emma.
However, despite their different ideals which occasionally lead to personality clashes, bickering, and disagreements, the two love each other regardless and help each other when one is in distress. Ray is always looking out for Emma, and they do not let their differences get in the way of their friendship, and they are always able to work things out and face no difficulties working together. Emma also encourages Ray to be more open and out-going, and frequently invites him to join the orphans in games such as a game of tag, and not have his head buried in a book all the time. Likewise, Ray encourages Emma to speak up, honestly tell people what’s on her mind, and not to bottle up her feelings.
After Emma saved him from his suicide attempt and when Ray sees Emma and Norman’s plan come to fruition almost flawlessly— the plan he once deemed impossible— he realizes he’s made an error in judgment. From that point on, he lends Emma his support and becomes incredibly loyal to her and his whole family. At the same time, Ray is still not above scolding her, calling her out on her shortcomings and mistakes. He still tells her what he thinks and still reminds her of reality, but now he understands she can handle it and is confident in her abilities. Ray is the one who reminds Emma that she needs to speak up and that her own doubts and insecurities are important.
Upon finding out Ray is alive, Emma tearfully embraces him.
Ever since their escape from Grace Field House, Ray and Emma have been working together and helping each other out in everything, and Ray has been been an aid in her plans. Due to his grief in losing Norman, Ray has become extremely protective of Emma since he doesn’t want to lose her either. This is apparent as he cares for her deeply and rushes to her side whenever she is in danger. For instance, after Emma was gravely wounded from her fight with Leuvis, Ray asked Mister to take care of her since he could not do it himself, despite him not trusting or particularly liking Mister.
You make your choice. I will be by your side. Whatever path you take, I trust your judgment. After all, defying the impossible is what you do best!
— Ray’s supportive attitude towards Emma.[27]
Ray will not hesitate to comfort or reassure Emma when he senses that she needs him to, and he also goes out of his way to help Emma and notices her change in behavior.[28] For example, he was the only one who sensed that Emma was not pleased with Norman’s plan of committing genocide on the demons and inquired her about it. He assessed the situation properly with her, considered her opinions, and tried to come to an agreement.[29][27] Although Ray admits that he doesn’t empathize with Emma’s doubt and agrees with Norman’s plans, he still mentions that no matter what choice Emma makes or which path she walks, he will support and follow her since he completely trusts her judgment. This shows that Ray has gained much more respect for her as their leader, and Emma is grateful to have him by her side.
Growing up together for almost their entire lives, Ray has been best friends and brotherly figures with Norman. Ray views Norman and Emma as the most important people in his life and mentions that they matter more to him than anybody else. He thanks them for giving him such a happy life despite deeming his life as «cursed».[26] He is very devoted to both of them, as the six years he spent in strategizing the escape plan was for the sake of their survival. Norman is one of the people that Ray swore not to let die, and Ray does anything in his power to protect them, including selling himself off to Isabella and being ready to commit suicide to help them escape.
Ray respects Norman greatly and holds him in high regard, and at the same time, he acknowledges and understands Norman’s strengths and weaknesses – knowing how he is one of the smartest children in the orphanage. Norman, as well, is deeply confident in Ray’s abilities. After setting motion to the escape plan, the two boys put their trust in one another. Ray believes Norman to be more logical and less reckless as opposed to Emma and hence trusts and relies on him more. The two, however, do have opposing views on various situations, like when Ray wanted to leave the others behind to heighten the chance of their survival, while Norman, believing in Emma, wants to help find a way to help everyone escape. Additionally, even after finding out Ray was the spy, Norman refused to give up on him and the two were once again able to work on their differences and help each other out.
Ray sees an illusion of Norman on top of the wall during the escape.
After Norman was shipped out from Grace Field, Ray was devastated over the loss of his best friend. Following this, he became depressed and lost all hope to the degree of giving up and excluding himself from devising the escape plan with the other orphans. During the escape, when Emma saves Ray from his attempted suicide, she informs him that Norman was able to tell Ray’s true intentions and was keen to not let him die. Norman also passed on a message from him to Emma, and then to Ray: «you can die anywhere, but this isn’t the place. I’ll show you something cool, so just shut and come.»[30] After witnessing their plan come to fruition and hallucinating Norman telling him to not give up, it inspires Ray to keep living, dream for a hope-like future, and never abandon his family ever again.[18]
When they are reunited two years later, Ray breaks down in tears and pulls Norman and Emma into a hug. Ray also thanks Norman for indirectly saving him and «showing him something great» (as in the outside world), reflecting on Norman’s message during the escape.[31] It is proven that they were no rift created between them, as they are able to spend time as usual and keep their dynamic like their time at Grace Field.[32]
Ray agrees with Norman’s plan with exterminating the demons, but he does have some suspicions about it. When Emma voices her opinion in wishing to avoid killing the demons and instead wanting to reforge The Promise, Ray follows Emma through her plan instead; partly because he wants to support Emma, but mostly because he doesn’t want Norman to sacrifice himself and bear all of his burdens by himself, just as he did in Grace Field. Ray is still determined to protect Norman no matter what despite their differing standpoints and ideals, showcasing how dear Norman is to Ray.
Even after Norman carried out his genocide plan, Ray still wanted to pursue a future where Norman didn’t have to suffer, no matter what it would result in. Ray also sympathizes with him and reassures him that he is not alone anymore. Both Ray and Emma mentions that they want to walk alongside Norman, facing the painful and scary things and living on together. After a while, Norman is able to accept Ray and Emma’s support and the three reconciles, vowing to never let anyone out of them to bear their burdens alone.[33]
What will you do now? Kill me? Mama, I want to make a trade with you.
— Ray asked Isabella to be her spy.[10]
In his early youth, Ray revealed to Isabella that he knew the orphanage’s true purpose and that he had figured out their familial connection.[13] Ever since his 6th birthday, Ray worked as a double-agent for Isabella. In reality, he had been planning to escape this whole time. Despite their biological connection, their relationship was purely «professional», and while they mutually converse, their relationship remains tense. It is also implied that both sides felt little love towards each other, as Ray knows Isabella will proceed with sending him and his friends to their deaths. This leads Ray to determine the best way to deceive Isabella, and avoid this outcome. Although it is later revealed that Isabella does genuinely love Ray as her son, it is unknown in which way Ray views her.
During their reunion, Ray is very shocked to his mother again yet does not prioritize her presence as the lives of his family are more important.[34] After Isabella revealed herself to be on the children’s side as she had betrayed Peter Ratri though, Ray is the most prominent person who convinces Isabella to follow the children to the human world. Despite her hesitancy, Ray puts himself in Isabella’s shoes and mentions that despite her mistakes, no one would not resent or hold grudges anymore, so it would be fine for her and other adults to go with them. Isabella is touched and shocked by Ray among other’s words and thinks back to the time when she first found out that Ray is her son. Although she doesn’t understand how he could forgive her for putting him through so much, Isabella silently apologizes for everything as she weeps.[35]
Ray views Don as a brotherly-figure. Despite little interaction being shown at first, they become allies after Don is recruited into the escape plan. Ray trusts him enough to tell him the truth without sugarcoating anything, yet calls him out on his mistakes when needed. Despite their initial fall-outs after Don was exposed to the truth of the House and Isabella, and to extent realizing that Ray had watched Conny be shipped off without doing anything, they were able to reconcile and help each other out.
After being able to work on their differences and learning to work together, Ray and Don became much closer. Ray entrusts many tasks to Don and is able to confide anything to him. Likewise, Ray is the only one who, aside from Emma, that Don views as a leader, and he respects him greatly. Demonstrated from after their escape, Ray and Don get along very well despite their differences in personality, being able to do everything from joking around, entrusting important tasks to one another, and exploring unknown areas together. Although Don is the more emotional one out of the two who shows his worry towards Ray and Emma strongly, and Ray is more level-headed, Ray cares for his foster brother dearly and has deep faith in his abilities.
Despite little interaction between Ray and Gilda being shown at first, they become allies after Gilda is recruited into the escape plan. Ray trusts Gilda and sees her as more level-headed compared to Don, yet calls her out on her mistakes when needed. Despite their initial fall-outs after Gilda was exposed to the truth of the House and Isabella, they were able to reconcile and help each other out.
After the escape from Grace Field, Ray found a close sister-figure in Gilda. He respects her greatly and has deep faith in her abilities, to the point where Gilda and Don were the only people, besides Emma and Norman, Ray could’ve imagined bringing into the escape plan. He also supports Gilda whenever she sets Emma straight for being too reckless.[36] In return, Gilda cares and loves Ray as a brother deeply, and is constantly worried about his and Emma’s well-being. She even threatened Mister that she would blow up the shelter if he returned with neither Emma or Ray of them alive from their journey to Goldy Pond.[37]
During the escape from Grace Field, Ray comforted and helped Jemima cross the cliff when the girl was scared of doing so. Thereafter, Ray hugged Jemima close and proclaimed to himself how he had lost to Norman and now wanted to protect his family when he had previously thought about leaving them behind.[18] Following this, Ray and Jemima formed a notably strong and close sibling-like bond, and Jemima has gained a deep attachment to Ray. She cares about him deeply and is always worried and concerned about his well-being; for example, she ran into his arms and hugged him when she thought how Ray previously was in grave danger.[36] Ray, in turn, cares for Jemima just as much and views her as a younger sister who he wants to protect, which is specifically seen when he immediately embraced Jemima upon learning that their shelter had been ambushed.[38]
While their initial interactions are somewhat scarce due to Ray’s quiet and independent nature, Ray considered Anna (among with the other children) a potential burden to the escape plan. Unbeknownst to Ray, however, Emma made Anna aware of Ray’s plan to commit suicide the morning of his birthday. Anna cut off her braids to help create a convincing decoy for Isabella, so that Ray’s suicide attempt could be avoided and he could escape along with them. Ray seems shocked and rather touched to see Emma presenting Anna’s braids, as her long hair was her most identifiable feature.
Shortly after escaping beyond the wall, Ray apologizes for what happened to her hair. Anna surprises him by dismissing any need for him to apologize, and instead wishes him a happy birthday. Anna’s words amongst other factors were the reasons to why Ray swore to protect his family when he previously thought about leaving his family behind.[9] Following this event, Ray and Anna develop a friendship, as Anna can be seen cheerfully helping Ray cook (along with Jemima) in the shelter. Anna also tends Ray’s wound left behind by his injured ear, in which Anna expresses relief that the wound seems to have healed properly, and Ray thanks her for taking care of him and for her efforts during the preparations.[37]
Ray and Mister did not see eye to eye ever since they first met. Their animosity deepens as soon as Mister threatens to kill him and Emma. During the journey to Goldy Pond, Ray is very suspicious of Mister and never lets his guard down around him. However, after working together in defeating the enemies of Goldy Pond and witnessing how Mister had become an invaluable ally to them, Ray started to warm up to him, and after their escape from Goldy Pond, Ray and Mister came to terms and were friendlier towards each other, shown when he trusted Mister to take a severely injured Emma back to the B06-32 shelter.
Ray was one of the few children whom Mister could talk about serious matters with, and likewise, Ray could confide anything to him; showcasing a deep trust between them. It also appears as if Mister acted as a father figure to Ray and the other children, playfully patting him on the head and stating that he would never let Ray take the burden of shooting another human. When Ray, on another instance, was ready to shoot Andrew, he apologized to Mister. Later, Ray is seen mourning Mister after he sacrificed himself in the explosion to save the children.
- In the special edition of Volume 13, in an interview with Posuka Demizu and Kaiu Shirai, the two explained how Ray was supposed to die. The idea, however, was scrapped.[39]
- Ray’s favorite food is asparagus.[16]
- Kaiu Shirai revealed Ray, Emma, and Norman’s birthdays in Volume 5, though he stated how Ray’s birthday is on 15 January, he later stated how Ray’s birthday is actually on another date.
- A mini-game in The Promised Neverland official site revealed two manga pages for players who achieved high scores. The pages showed how Isabella named Ray after the American singer-songwriter Ray Charles.
- Isabella furthermore explained how she was listening to Ray Charles’ music which gave her the idea of giving Ray the musician’s name, and how «Ray» is a unisex name and is of no particular nationality, which makes sense since Ray Charles is an African-American.
- Ray has achieved a full score in all daily tests, except the ave.2, he has got a 292 out of 300.[2]
- Several pieces of information of Ray are revealed in a Twitter Q&A with authors Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu.
- One of Ray’s favorite things to do is disassembling machines. He liked to take items such as clocks apart together with Norman when they were younger.[40]
- Posuka Demizu considers Ray to be a fast character to create as compared to Norman and Emma.[41]
- Ray’s dream, when he can get into the Human World in future, is to see the famous Mona Lisa painting and the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona, Spain.[42]
- According to Kaiu Shirai, Ray’s running speed is superior to Norman but inferior to Emma, regardless of whether the running distance is long or short, he would easily win against Norman but lose to Emma. Emma would be first, Ray would be second and Norman would be last.[43]
- Several pieces of information of Ray are revealed in Volume 13 Special Edition’s Q&A.
- Ray was supposed to die.
- When asked which character Shirai is like the most, Shirai answered Ray, explaining how the way he tends to get desperate and throw in the towel is a lot like the slightly crazy side of Ray.
- A translated conversation between Demizu and Shirai talking about several proposals they did for Ray, which were scrapped:
- Demizu: I submitted several proposals for Ray, but for some reason, the one that got noticed was something I’d drawn in an offhanded way, as a doodle.
- Shirai: There was a sort of scribbled proposal with a note that said something like “If we hid one of Ray’s eyes, I bet he’d be popular,” and both the editor and I said, “This is wonderful!”.
- Demizu: The proposal where his eye was hidden was a casual sketch; I’d thought it might give him a sort of shadowy air and make him look cool, and I very nearly scrapped it. I’d assumed that, as with their clothes, their hairstyles would be restricted for hygienic reasons. But when Shirai-sensei saw it, the response I got was that impossible one…
- Shirai: If it’s Ray, it’s okay! That was definitely the coolest option.
- Demizu: Yeah! But thanks to that, he is popular, too.
- Shirai: You’re right; a lot of people say they like Ray, which is great. At first, there were lots of other, more wholesome-looking Rays. (laughs) Like a sports club senpai, for example; all sorts.
- Demizu: The type that says, “In accordance with regulations, I trim my bangs properly!”.
- Shirai and Demizu commented on how the character design for Ray was going to be like:
- Shirai: It was about the black hair and dark eyes.
- Demizu: There was something vague about wanting him to match Isabella. Oh, that’s right. Other than that, what he has in common with Isabella are his eyelids and eyebrows, I guess… So I could emphasize a sharpness that would make you wonder if he would become more like her as he grew up. But I couldn’t spoil that, so I made the balance between Emma, Norman, and Ray first priority.
- Kaiu Shirai’s commented in Volume 5 how Ray at a young age aimed to read all the books in Grace Field House before he turns 12. Hence in Chapter 32, 14 January 2046, one day right before his 12th birthday, the book he has is the final book he just finished reading.
- When Ray was around 4 to 5 years old, he revealed how all the books he had read are fantasy books, thus implying how fantasy is his favorite genre of books as they are the first type of books he chose to read.[44]
- Ray, unlike the other orphans, didn’t experience childhood amnesia. This contributed greatly to his discovery about the truth of the orphanage. It is likely that he has hypermnesia- abnormally sharp or vivid recall.
- Ray originally had a tendency to scold Emma by hitting her head when she said something silly. Eventually, he is seen patting Emma’s, Phil’s, and other of his younger sibling’s heads, suggesting that it has become a form of affection.
- The following are Ray’s rankings in some of The Promised Neverland’s official popularity polls.
- Announced in Chapter 75, Ray is in 3rd place in the Color Illustration Character Poll which was held on The Promised Neverland’s official LINE account.
- In Shounen Jump’s popularity poll results released in May 2018 in Chapter 88 of the Manga, Ray is in 3rd place.
- In commemoration of the manga’s 2nd Anniversary, in Shounen Jump’s 2nd popularity poll results released in September 2018 in Chapter 102, Ray is in 3rd place with a total of 4651 votes.
- One year, Ray received a pocket-watch for his birthday.[16]
- When asked who wins more at chess — Norman or Ray, Shirai responded, «Until the night of October 17, 2045, the winning count was almost a tie.»[16]
- According to Shirai, if Emma and Norman had not been there, Ray possibly would have accepted the fate of being shipped out.[16]
- Ray had been planning and preparing for the escape since he was six years old, but he did not come up with the idea of lighting himself on fire and burning the house down until he was around seven years old.[16]
- Old French rey, roy ‘king’. Occasionally this was used as a personal name. English: nickname for a timid person, from Middle English ray ‘female roe deer’ or northern Middle English ray ‘roebuck’. English: variant of Rye (1 and 2).
See Also
- Interview with The Promised Neverland editor and author
Other Wikis
- Ray on VS Battles Wiki. (Manga spoilers ahead)
- ↑ Volume 5 Authors’ Notes
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 1
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 ‘The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 32
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 102
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 181
- ↑ Volume 1 extra page
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 38
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 28
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Volume 2 Christmas Omake
- ↑ Volume 2 Offscene 6
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 37
- ↑ Volume 4 Authors’ Notes
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 34
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 31, pages 4-5
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 36
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 179
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 181
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Dreams Come True
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 97 Omake, page 24
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 63, page 9
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 62, page 11 to 13
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 93, page 1
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 123, pages 16-17
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 121, page 7
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 122, pages 11-14
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 33, page 16
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 119
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 121
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 153, pages 15-19
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 166
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 174
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 48, page 17
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 59
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 103, page 20
- ↑ Interview with Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu (Japanese)
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Questionnaire #2
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Questionnaire #1
- ↑ The Promised Neverland 100th Chapter Commemoration Questionnaire #8
- ↑ Twitter Interview Question 16
- ↑ A Letter from Norman: Chapter 1, page 26
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[v · e · ?] The Promised Neverland Characters | |||||||||||||||||||||
Main Characters: | Emma • Norman • Ray | ||||||||||||||||||||
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This article is about the Manga version of Ray. For alternate pages referred to by this name, please click any of the icons above.
Emma, I’ll live. I’ll live and protect my family. Everyone in this family, just like you. This time, for sure, I vow. No matter what happens, I’ll never abandon them again. So you don’t have to bear this burden all on your own. We’ll create it together… a world where we can live as a family. All of us.— Ray to Emma in «The Promised Forest»
Ray (レイ, Rei?) is one of the deuteragonists of The Promised Neverland alongside with Norman.
Ray is a model student at Grace Field House Plant 3, who consistently gets perfect scores during the daily exams. He is also known for being an avid reader with high intellectual abilities, blunt skepticism, and cunning. Despite his distant disposition, Ray is able to interact well with the orphans and is fiercely loyal and caring to particularly Emma and Norman.
Being one of the smartest children living in Grace Field House Plant 3, Ray is considered to be one of the House’s three «Premium quality goods» next to Norman and Emma.[9]
After successfully escaping Grace Field alongside Emma and thirteen other orphans, Ray now seeks William Minerva, whom he believes can grant him and his family liberty and help them find a safe and peaceful life away from the demons.
Ray was born at Grace Field on January 15, 2034, to Isabella through artificial insemination. He was sent to Plantation 3 a year later in 2035.
Ray did not suffer from childhood amnesia, and such, he remembered his life before he arrived at the orphanage; including being in his mother’s womb, having the transmitter stapled into his ear, the infants being divided into groups of five, and when he was sent to Plantation 3. As Ray grew up, he realized that there were inconsistencies between his own memories and the reality that spread before him in the orphanage, and eventually discovered the true purpose of the orphanage, the tests, the gates surrounding the orphanage, and the numbers on his neck, the transmitter inside their ears when he became literate.[10] With these newfound realizations, Ray started developing nightmares and intense feelings of guilt, pain, and loneliness. He was not able to seek help in anyone and had to watch as his siblings were shipped off, while he and his Mama were the only ones in the orphanage to truly know where they were going. He became depressed and stopped trying to find fake happiness, eventually becoming fed up with his burdens and bringing matters into his own hands. It’s shown that Ray cut open his ear to break the transmitter, alerting Isabella, and setting his deal with her into action. Knowing he would not be able to save everyone was another reason why he was so insistent about only escaping with a certain amount of people.
Due to their close age and probably the fact that they are the top students academically, Ray was exceptionally close to Emma and Norman. He thus mingled with the two often and created warm memories with them; such as talking with a sickly Norman through a tin can alongside Emma,[11] Emma and Norman getting his attention away from reading by making funny faces, and exploring the gate that encircles Grace Field House.[12][2]
On January 15, 2040, on Ray’s sixth birthday, Isabella overheard Ray humming the same song that she had sung to her unborn child when she was pregnant. Ray then went to confirm with Isabella on the truth behind the orphanage and how he might be her biological son, a theory which he had been keeping to himself for some time. After knowing how his theory is indeed true, Ray made a trade with Isabella and became her spy.[13] In exchange for keeping an eye of the orphans from behind, Ray requested Isabella to give him certain gifts in return for being «good» to her. In actuality, Ray’s gifts were actually part of the escape plan of his which he would make use of the gifts to make a certain device which could benefit in the escape. In addition, Ray’s loyalty towards Isabella as her spy was actually all just an act, as this was Ray’s way of benefiting from the enemy.
Ever since this incident, despite having no interest in reading and studying,[3] Ray purposely adopted the habit of reading, as a way to do well academically in Grace Field so he would be the top student in the orphanage (in order words, «premium quality» meat).[9] He sought to read all the books that were available in the Grace Field library before turning twelve.[14] Ray also began working on developing the Transmitter-crippling device, coordinating an escape plan, as well as collecting lighting fuel from Isabella’s gifts in order to use himself as a trump card and distract Isabella the time came, so he could help Emma and Norman to escape.[15]
Ray is a slim boy of average height with somewhat messy short black hair, parted to the right so that the longer, chin-length clumps on his left obscure much of his face. Around the sides, it appears to spike upwards, following the shape of his head, and he also has triangular forest-green eyes with noticeably small black irises.
He wears the standard Grace Field uniform- a plain white long sleeved button-up shirt and white pants along with brown boots. His identification number, «81194», is tattooed across the left side of his neck.
In 2047, Ray stopped wearing the standard uniform when he arrived at the shelter where he found new clothes. He began wearing long, black pants, a black shirt, and a long white-colored coat together with the old brown shoes he wore at the Grace Field House.
At the age of 13, Ray’s hair has gotten messier and he has also grown much taller and is now around the same height as his mother, Isabella, whose height is 170 cm.[16]
Upon arriving at the Paradise Hideout, he begins wearing an untucked white dress shirt, black pants, and a matching black scarf; when Ray and Emma go searching for Him, Ray wears a white coat and backpack over his usual outfit.
After entering the human world, Ray, now 15 years old, has longer hair on the side of his face and is slightly taller. He wears a light scarf, a black jacket and a backpack slung over his shoulders.
Ray appears to be aloof, introverted and snarky; often excluding himself from playing with the other orphans and prefers to read load of books instead.[2] However, he is able to interact well with his fellow siblings and loves them all deeply. Even if there are times when they do not get along, he still deeply cares about their well-being and would go to great lengths to keep them safe. An outspoken person with little patience for inconvenience and silliness (like Emma’s), he frequently loses his temper or is often left dumbfounded when people such as Emma display reckless behavior and intentions, noticeably when he considered Emma as an «airhead» when she intended to rescue every orphan from Grace Field.
Furthermore, he is very blunt and honest, as when Norman is trying to figure out a way to break it to Emma that Ray was the spy all along, Ray abruptly comes out with it before Norman has the chance. In some cases, he considers it a kindness to be blunt, rather than alleviate the truth or give people false hope. He was also motivated by cold logic and reason, and he figures the best plan for success is to take the smallest group possible, even if that group doesn’t include himself. While he worked extremely hard for six years to make sure that Norman and Emma could escape safely, he had to sacrifice a great price, possibly his other siblings that were shipped out.
Ray’s strengths are his cunning, sharp wits, and his manipulative nature. He is also rational, logical, and cynical. He is an academically inclined young boy who excels in the orphanage’s daily tests, also using his intelligence to decipher problems and to come out with solutions. According to Emma, he’s always the best at anything he tries. According to Norman, he is level-headed and precise in everything he does. He also always thinks ahead and finds the most optimal solutions to things.
According to the data Krone obtained, Ray is a person who makes plans too fast and gives up on them just as fast. This was specifically proven when after the plan of saving Norman got foiled, Ray lost hope and excluded himself from helping the others to devise another plan to escape.[17] Ray is also noted to be extremely self-sacrificing and audacious. He was driven to suicide via self-immolation and willingly did so to help aid in the escape. However, he also reveals to Emma that he wasn’t going to go down like cattle and he would die as a selfish human. His little hesitation in throwing his life away stems from his past. Because he has known about the truth about the farms, the outside world, and his very own mother from a young age, Ray began deeming his life as «cursed» and therefore planned to die inside the orphanage. Additionally, after years of watching his siblings walk to their death without doing anything about it, Ray developed extreme guilt and felt like the only way he could atone was by dying himself.
However, after the escape succeeds, Ray comes around to see that even a dream-like future can be achieved. This culminates in his change of mindset, and he admits to Emma that he’s glad to see their siblings safe when he had previously thought bringing them would be a burden. He swears to keep on living, atone for his mistakes, and protect his family and becomes fiercely protective and loyal to them. As opposed to his relatively pessimistic mindset prior to the escape, Ray became more optimistic and is now not scared to hope for a dream-like future where no one dies. Being surrounded by his family, no longer having to keep secrets from them, and being accepted by them, is the first time Ray is starting to heal, and he also resolves not to do things on his own anymore.[9][18]
Although Ray retains his sarcastic and cunning personality, he emphasizes the importance of what other people think regarding different situations, especially what Emma thinks, because he goes to Emma herself in order to find it. After reuniting with Norman who has become much more distant from him and Emma, he now believes that the best way to solve things is to talk things out as friends, and despite everything Ray still feels the connection of the family between the three of them.
Even after he became softer and kinder to everyone around him, he’s still one of the few kids who has no qualms about killing human threats. Furthermore, when Gillian wants to go back to save Yugo and Lucas on the off-chance they’re still alive, he refuses, knowing that if they did die, then doing so would only make their sacrifice in vain.
Throughout most of his childhood, Ray was almost always seen studying or reading a book alone rather than playing with his siblings. After discovering the secret of the «orphanage», Ray set out to read every book in Grace Field House’s library before his 12th birthday. On the eve of his 12th birthday just after he finishes the last book he had not read, Ray reveals to Emma that he never actually had any interest in reading or studying and only endured it to increase his test score so that when he became a «Premium quality good» he could light himself on fire and thus deprive the demons of a «Premium quality meal» in an act of vengeance. Ray’s real interests and hobbies include learning the mechanism of things, cooking, art, and photography.[19]
Introduction Arc
Taking a litany of tests, eating scrumptious homemade food, and having a good time – Ray went through the same routine every day in Grace Field House, an orphanage where he lived since the day he was born. Under the loving parental care of Isabella and the companionship of Emma, Norman and the other orphans, Ray spent a pleasant childhood in Grace Field.
When the day came for Conny to be sent off to foster parents, Ray and the other orphans bade farewell to the young girl. Sometime after Conny left with Isabella, Emma found Conny’s beloved stuffed toy on a tabletop in the house, Ray remarked how Conny might not have traveled far from Grace Field, and thus advised Emma to return the toy back to Conny.
Sometime later, Ray was loitering through the orphanage’s hallway and noticed the saddened Emma and Norman returning, he questioned the two, and stared at them as they did not answer him.[2]
During the next few days, Emma and Norman remained silent and secretive about Conny’s death and the existence of demons. Ray noticed their suspicious behavior, as he one day followed the two to the orphanage’s forest and demanded their odd behavior for the past few days. After the two let the cat out of the bag, Ray expressed how he also suspects Isabella and the orphanage. When Emma wanted to save every single orphan, it greatly bothered Ray as he viewed her goal to be impossible to achieve. Nonetheless, he joined the two and help in figuring out a way to escape from Grace Field. The three learned and gathered every piece of possible information about the outside world and to aid in their eventual escape which they could get.
Isabella eventually got Krone appointed as Grace Field’s second caretaker (as the orphans’ «Sister»), an additional obstacle for Ray, Emma, and Norman to deal with. Krone tried to get in the way of the trio, much to their dismay.
Jailbreak Arc
Ray, Emma, and Norman eventually recruited Don and Gilda into the team as additional help and told them about the secrets behind Grace Field, Isabella, and the existence of Demons. Along the way, the five-faced obstacles and issues whilst working together, such as the interference of Isabella and Krone, suspicions of Gilda being on the enemies’ side, and Don’s unhappiness towards the limited trust Ray, Norman and Emma had on him and Gilda, whom they did not tell the entirety of their plan and motives to. The trio starts suspecting that there might be a traitor amongst the children, possibly Don or Gilda, who are working for Isabella, and Norman lays a trap to determine who the informant is by telling them the location of their ropes and that night.
The following night, Norman inspects the rope locations with Ray, and by the process of elimination, accuses Ray of being the traitor. Although hesitant at first, Ray eventually confesses that he has been the spy who worked for Isabella behind his friends’ back. When Norman questioned his motive, Ray explained how he already knew about the orphanage’s secrets a long time ago, and how him serving his mother as her spy is all pre-planning for him and his friends’ escape. Following a lengthy discussion about loyalty, Ray eventually agrees to side with Norman, but on one condition: they must give up the intention of saving everyone, but without telling Emma. Later, Ray reveals his duplicity to Emma, but she believes in his promise to still aid the escape.
Isabella eventually cut ties with Ray and no longer have him as her spy, when Ray desperately tried to persuade her, telling her how he is still capable of being her spy, Isabella explained how she would be ceasing his friends from escaping without his help, and thus locked the latter inside an empty room, preventing him from saving Emma and the rest. As Ray struggled to free himself and save Emma and Norman before it was too late, Isabella already managed to foil their escape plan by herself by fracturing Emma’s leg and prepared Norman to be shipped out.
Isabella’s success in rendering their plan useless greatly affected Ray, as he struggled to think of solutions to prevent Norman from getting shipped out as well as aiding in Emma’s fractured leg. Nevertheless, his solutions were rendered useless, as Norman was unable to escape due to how outside the walls lies a steep cliff which made his escape impossible.
Norman was soon shipped out. The team and the plan began to fall apart, as Ray became depressed over the failure of the plan and the loss of his friend. Hence, Ray gave up and excluded himself from Emma, Don and Gilda and no longer aid in their escape.
As two months pass, Ray and Emma withdraw into themselves and were depressed over Norman’s shipment. The night before Ray is to be shipped out, he sits alone in the dining hall, saying goodbye to the House. When Ray asks Emma if she has really given up, she smiles and reveals she has never given up the idea of escape. Ray proposes they set the house on fire that night as a distraction. After Emma agrees, Ray reveals that he plans to set himself alight, to distract Isabella and deny the demons their feast. As the clock chimes midnight, the now twelve-year-old Ray starts the fire.
As it spreads, the children evacuate and Emma severs her ear so she cannot be tracked. Isabella tries to extinguish the fire and save Ray, who she thinks is engulfed in flames, but the children had wrapped meat and hair in his clothes as a decoy. Months earlier, Norman told Emma of Ray’s plan to burn himself and prepared a counter-plan for her, which meant that they were already prepared to escape. When Ray is saved, he is seen being visibly shaken by Emma’s interference of his suicide plan, but before he is able to say anything more, Emma slaps him and forces him to go escape with her, refusing to let him die. Emma then tells Ray that she’ll take out his tracker from his ear.
The children reach the boundary and prepare to scale the wall, but Ray notices the younger ones are not with them. As the children reach and climb the boundary wall, Ray is told by Emma that the children under the age of four are going to be stay behind, hoping to be freed before being harvested, and the only one knowing the truth is Phil.
The children cross the cliff by using ropes and coat hangers as zip lines, Jemima starts crying because she is afraid of crossing. Ray tells her he will go with her and they cross together. As they safely arrive at the other side, Ray hugs Jemima close and mentions to himself that he has «lost» to Norman, will now live for and protect his family, and discard his previous ideas of dying. As everyone successfully escapes, the escapees are able to see their first sunrise outside the farm.
Promised Forest Arc
After escaping from the farm, Ray and his family are being chased by farm demons who wish to bring them back to the farms, or just kill them right on spot. When they take a break and Emma is panicking, Ray comically scolds her to take a break. He also apologizes to her for not being a part of the escape plan from the start, but Emma says it doesn’t matter as she is happy if he is happy and alive. Ray then tells Emma how he also apologized to Anna, who had cut her hair in order to save him. He continues that he couldn’t believe that he was ready to leave his siblings behind, but now vows to protect every single one of them forever. Not wanting Emma to shoulder all the burden by herself, Ray tells Emma that they’ll find a place where they all can live peacefully together.[9]
Going through dangerous forests together with his family in the outside world, the demon pursuers are eventually able to catch up with the children. Ray says he’ll handle it and urges Emma to take the other children to find a safe place. When things are looking dire for both Ray and Emma’s group, they are saved by Mujika and Sonju. Although they were initially antagonized and suspicious of them due to them being demons, they warm up the two demons. Sonju explains about the outside world, The «Promise» and other critical information. Ray also learns how to cook from Mujika, and becomes quite a good cook. After receiving their hospitality and sure they are able to continue to their journey, Ray and his group bids farewell to Sonju and Mujika.
Search For Minerva Arc
After some wandering, Ray and the other children reached Shelter B06-32 and took refuge in it. The children met Mister, who they mistook for William Minerva. Ray and Emma wanted to find more information about Minerva and therefore urged Mister to follow them to Goldy Pond. Although when they reach the area, Emma is taken to Goldy Pond without Ray and Mister. Ray tries his best to find and help Emma, but Mister is hesitant and discouraged to do so.
Goldy Pond Battle Arc
Ray and the others by Emma’s side as she wakes up from her coma.
Ray and Mister are eventually able to make their way into Goldy Pond. They join the fight against the Poachers, alongside Emma and the Goldy Pond Resistance. They all defeat Leuvis and the other Poachers together, and successfully destroy Goldy Pond.
Since Emma was gravely injured from the fight, Ray begged Mister to bring her to the shelter as fast as possible, so she could get treatment. Ray reveals that he will take a longer path with the other children, in order to avoid wild demons in the forest. After Emma wakes up from her 4-week-long coma, Ray and the whole group are by her side.
Cuvitidala Arc
Ray and his group infiltrated into a demon village in disguise after their search for the Golden Waters and the temple. As they walked past a group of demons in the village’s market, one of the demons noticed Don’s feet and informed the others. Before the demons could notice, Ray and the group rushed to the exit of the village and traveled to a forest nearby, as they saved themselves from getting caught. Afterward, Ray and the group returned to the shelter, reuniting with Mister, Lucas and the other orphans.[4]
King of Paradise Arc
Ray, Emma and the rest of the children arrive at the Paradise Hideout after escaping from the shelter. There, they are reunited with Norman.
Seven Walls Arc
Ray and Emma go to find the Seven Walls in order to reforge The Promise with . Though, Ray is sent home by Him since he was not «qualified» to enter the Seven Walls.
Imperial Capital Battle Arc
After Emma successfully reforged The Promise by herself, Ray accompanies her to the Royal Capital to stop Norman to follow through with his extermination plan.
Return to Grace Field Arc
Ray and his team make their way to Grace Field House to save his family and friends who were kidnapped by Peter Ratri.
Human World Arc
Upon arriving in the Human World, Ray is seen to be visibly worried and shocked about Emma’s disappearance. Ray, along with the other children, agrees to search for Emma so they can reunite with her again.[20] Over the two years spent in the Human World, Ray began attending school. During spring 2049, he finally reunites with Emma.[21] In the special epilogue chapter Dreams Come True, Ray became a vice CEO and lived out his dream of seeing the Sagrada Familia.[22]
Ray is an extremely intelligent and cunning strategist. He made mistakes on tests around the beginning, but after a few years, he got a perfect score almost every day; and for the last few years, he has always got a perfect score.[16] Ray is a highly intelligent boy and is the only one who can keep up with Norman’s intelligence and is also known as «The Walking Encyclopedia». Quiet and meticulous, Ray always plans for the future and finds optimal solutions for things. Ray gains knowledge of the outside world from the books that he reads hence act as a trump card for the group during and after their escape from the Grace Field House.
Ray is also extremely perceptive, as it is revealed that he realized years ago that the «orphanage» is, in fact, a farm, with the children as livestock, without ever having to actually see the reality with his own eyes (like Emma and Norman) in order to realize this fact. Ray was also the first human (possibly aside from those working for the demons) to discover the demons’ physical weakness (their middle eyes) and managed to get Emma to slay a wild demon before it ate him. Hence showing his capability in quick-thinking under pressure in a life-and-death situation.
Ray is also quick-witted, he understood Norman’s plan to exterminate demons for the first time and he also understood and analyzed the Seven Walls of the world that he entered with Emma.
Unlike others, Ray does not suffer from infantile amnesia, so he can remember details from when he was an infant, or even when he was in his mother’s womb. Thanks to his natural ability, Ray was able to discover the secret of the orphanage and also that Isabella was his mother.
In connection to this, Ray has a great memory, as he when recalling which books in the archives mention ruins, he’s not only able to remember the books but also, without even looking, their exact location on the shelves.
Physical Strength
Although he rarely performs physical activities with other children, Ray has demonstrated his good physical abilities, as Krone has reported that he is more Physically fit than Norman. He also has great physical strength and was able to hit the door of the Krone bedroom with a kick.
Culinary Skills
Ray and Pepe cooking Yakisoba.
Ray was taught about cooking by Mujika, and ever since, he has shown to be an excellent and talented cook. He’s seen cooking the most often out of the Grace Field kids, and the other kids are seen at least once gushing over how good his cooking is. When he and Pepe helped Mister to make Yakisoba for his food stand, he was extremely fast at cooking them.[23]
Enhanced Stamina
Ray has proven himself to possess incredible stamina. He, together with Emma managed to follow Mister for days without slowing down or losing track of him when they followed him to Goldy Pond.[24] Ray was also able to outrun a wild demon for several minutes before Emma killed it.[25]
Being orphans at Grace Field House Plant 3, Ray grew up with Emma and has been best friends with her ever since they were toddlers. Despite deeming his life as «cursed», Ray mentions that Emma and Norman mean the world to him and that the time he spent with them truly made him happy and his life worthwhile.[26] For Ray, seeing Emma and Norman make it out alive regarding the Grace Field Escape, was a top priority. At the same time, Ray has a rather complex relationship with Emma— as their personalities are arranged to contrast with each other’s; with Emma being a jovial, gullible, and sociable person— and Ray as more of an edgy and sharp-witted introvert. After setting motion to the escape plan, Emma’s optimism, ideals, nature, and opinions regularly get on Ray’s nerves since they contrast so heavily to his own. This went to such a point that Ray asked Norman to hide their true plan (as in only bringing the three of them) from Emma.
However, despite their different ideals which occasionally lead to personality clashes, bickering, and disagreements, the two love each other regardless and help each other when one is in distress. Ray is always looking out for Emma, and they do not let their differences get in the way of their friendship, and they are always able to work things out and face no difficulties working together. Emma also encourages Ray to be more open and out-going, and frequently invites him to join the orphans in games such as a game of tag, and not have his head buried in a book all the time. Likewise, Ray encourages Emma to speak up, honestly tell people what’s on her mind, and not to bottle up her feelings.
After Emma saved him from his suicide attempt and when Ray sees Emma and Norman’s plan come to fruition almost flawlessly— the plan he once deemed impossible— he realizes he’s made an error in judgment. From that point on, he lends Emma his support and becomes incredibly loyal to her and his whole family. At the same time, Ray is still not above scolding her, calling her out on her shortcomings and mistakes. He still tells her what he thinks and still reminds her of reality, but now he understands she can handle it and is confident in her abilities. Ray is the one who reminds Emma that she needs to speak up and that her own doubts and insecurities are important.
Upon finding out Ray is alive, Emma tearfully embraces him.
Ever since their escape from Grace Field House, Ray and Emma have been working together and helping each other out in everything, and Ray has been been an aid in her plans. Due to his grief in losing Norman, Ray has become extremely protective of Emma since he doesn’t want to lose her either. This is apparent as he cares for her deeply and rushes to her side whenever she is in danger. For instance, after Emma was gravely wounded from her fight with Leuvis, Ray asked Mister to take care of her since he could not do it himself, despite him not trusting or particularly liking Mister.
You make your choice. I will be by your side. Whatever path you take, I trust your judgment. After all, defying the impossible is what you do best!
— Ray’s supportive attitude towards Emma.[27]
Ray will not hesitate to comfort or reassure Emma when he senses that she needs him to, and he also goes out of his way to help Emma and notices her change in behavior.[28] For example, he was the only one who sensed that Emma was not pleased with Norman’s plan of committing genocide on the demons and inquired her about it. He assessed the situation properly with her, considered her opinions, and tried to come to an agreement.[29][27] Although Ray admits that he doesn’t empathize with Emma’s doubt and agrees with Norman’s plans, he still mentions that no matter what choice Emma makes or which path she walks, he will support and follow her since he completely trusts her judgment. This shows that Ray has gained much more respect for her as their leader, and Emma is grateful to have him by her side.
Growing up together for almost their entire lives, Ray has been best friends and brotherly figures with Norman. Ray views Norman and Emma as the most important people in his life and mentions that they matter more to him than anybody else. He thanks them for giving him such a happy life despite deeming his life as «cursed».[26] He is very devoted to both of them, as the six years he spent in strategizing the escape plan was for the sake of their survival. Norman is one of the people that Ray swore not to let die, and Ray does anything in his power to protect them, including selling himself off to Isabella and being ready to commit suicide to help them escape.
Ray respects Norman greatly and holds him in high regard, and at the same time, he acknowledges and understands Norman’s strengths and weaknesses – knowing how he is one of the smartest children in the orphanage. Norman, as well, is deeply confident in Ray’s abilities. After setting motion to the escape plan, the two boys put their trust in one another. Ray believes Norman to be more logical and less reckless as opposed to Emma and hence trusts and relies on him more. The two, however, do have opposing views on various situations, like when Ray wanted to leave the others behind to heighten the chance of their survival, while Norman, believing in Emma, wants to help find a way to help everyone escape. Additionally, even after finding out Ray was the spy, Norman refused to give up on him and the two were once again able to work on their differences and help each other out.
Ray sees an illusion of Norman on top of the wall during the escape.
After Norman was shipped out from Grace Field, Ray was devastated over the loss of his best friend. Following this, he became depressed and lost all hope to the degree of giving up and excluding himself from devising the escape plan with the other orphans. During the escape, when Emma saves Ray from his attempted suicide, she informs him that Norman was able to tell Ray’s true intentions and was keen to not let him die. Norman also passed on a message from him to Emma, and then to Ray: «you can die anywhere, but this isn’t the place. I’ll show you something cool, so just shut and come.»[30] After witnessing their plan come to fruition and hallucinating Norman telling him to not give up, it inspires Ray to keep living, dream for a hope-like future, and never abandon his family ever again.[18]
When they are reunited two years later, Ray breaks down in tears and pulls Norman and Emma into a hug. Ray also thanks Norman for indirectly saving him and «showing him something great» (as in the outside world), reflecting on Norman’s message during the escape.[31] It is proven that they were no rift created between them, as they are able to spend time as usual and keep their dynamic like their time at Grace Field.[32]
Ray agrees with Norman’s plan with exterminating the demons, but he does have some suspicions about it. When Emma voices her opinion in wishing to avoid killing the demons and instead wanting to reforge The Promise, Ray follows Emma through her plan instead; partly because he wants to support Emma, but mostly because he doesn’t want Norman to sacrifice himself and bear all of his burdens by himself, just as he did in Grace Field. Ray is still determined to protect Norman no matter what despite their differing standpoints and ideals, showcasing how dear Norman is to Ray.
Even after Norman carried out his genocide plan, Ray still wanted to pursue a future where Norman didn’t have to suffer, no matter what it would result in. Ray also sympathizes with him and reassures him that he is not alone anymore. Both Ray and Emma mentions that they want to walk alongside Norman, facing the painful and scary things and living on together. After a while, Norman is able to accept Ray and Emma’s support and the three reconciles, vowing to never let anyone out of them to bear their burdens alone.[33]
What will you do now? Kill me? Mama, I want to make a trade with you.
— Ray asked Isabella to be her spy.[10]
In his early youth, Ray revealed to Isabella that he knew the orphanage’s true purpose and that he had figured out their familial connection.[13] Ever since his 6th birthday, Ray worked as a double-agent for Isabella. In reality, he had been planning to escape this whole time. Despite their biological connection, their relationship was purely «professional», and while they mutually converse, their relationship remains tense. It is also implied that both sides felt little love towards each other, as Ray knows Isabella will proceed with sending him and his friends to their deaths. This leads Ray to determine the best way to deceive Isabella, and avoid this outcome. Although it is later revealed that Isabella does genuinely love Ray as her son, it is unknown in which way Ray views her.
During their reunion, Ray is very shocked to his mother again yet does not prioritize her presence as the lives of his family are more important.[34] After Isabella revealed herself to be on the children’s side as she had betrayed Peter Ratri though, Ray is the most prominent person who convinces Isabella to follow the children to the human world. Despite her hesitancy, Ray puts himself in Isabella’s shoes and mentions that despite her mistakes, no one would not resent or hold grudges anymore, so it would be fine for her and other adults to go with them. Isabella is touched and shocked by Ray among other’s words and thinks back to the time when she first found out that Ray is her son. Although she doesn’t understand how he could forgive her for putting him through so much, Isabella silently apologizes for everything as she weeps.[35]
Ray views Don as a brotherly-figure. Despite little interaction being shown at first, they become allies after Don is recruited into the escape plan. Ray trusts him enough to tell him the truth without sugarcoating anything, yet calls him out on his mistakes when needed. Despite their initial fall-outs after Don was exposed to the truth of the House and Isabella, and to extent realizing that Ray had watched Conny be shipped off without doing anything, they were able to reconcile and help each other out.
After being able to work on their differences and learning to work together, Ray and Don became much closer. Ray entrusts many tasks to Don and is able to confide anything to him. Likewise, Ray is the only one who, aside from Emma, that Don views as a leader, and he respects him greatly. Demonstrated from after their escape, Ray and Don get along very well despite their differences in personality, being able to do everything from joking around, entrusting important tasks to one another, and exploring unknown areas together. Although Don is the more emotional one out of the two who shows his worry towards Ray and Emma strongly, and Ray is more level-headed, Ray cares for his foster brother dearly and has deep faith in his abilities.
Despite little interaction between Ray and Gilda being shown at first, they become allies after Gilda is recruited into the escape plan. Ray trusts Gilda and sees her as more level-headed compared to Don, yet calls her out on her mistakes when needed. Despite their initial fall-outs after Gilda was exposed to the truth of the House and Isabella, they were able to reconcile and help each other out.
After the escape from Grace Field, Ray found a close sister-figure in Gilda. He respects her greatly and has deep faith in her abilities, to the point where Gilda and Don were the only people, besides Emma and Norman, Ray could’ve imagined bringing into the escape plan. He also supports Gilda whenever she sets Emma straight for being too reckless.[36] In return, Gilda cares and loves Ray as a brother deeply, and is constantly worried about his and Emma’s well-being. She even threatened Mister that she would blow up the shelter if he returned with neither Emma or Ray of them alive from their journey to Goldy Pond.[37]
During the escape from Grace Field, Ray comforted and helped Jemima cross the cliff when the girl was scared of doing so. Thereafter, Ray hugged Jemima close and proclaimed to himself how he had lost to Norman and now wanted to protect his family when he had previously thought about leaving them behind.[18] Following this, Ray and Jemima formed a notably strong and close sibling-like bond, and Jemima has gained a deep attachment to Ray. She cares about him deeply and is always worried and concerned about his well-being; for example, she ran into his arms and hugged him when she thought how Ray previously was in grave danger.[36] Ray, in turn, cares for Jemima just as much and views her as a younger sister who he wants to protect, which is specifically seen when he immediately embraced Jemima upon learning that their shelter had been ambushed.[38]
While their initial interactions are somewhat scarce due to Ray’s quiet and independent nature, Ray considered Anna (among with the other children) a potential burden to the escape plan. Unbeknownst to Ray, however, Emma made Anna aware of Ray’s plan to commit suicide the morning of his birthday. Anna cut off her braids to help create a convincing decoy for Isabella, so that Ray’s suicide attempt could be avoided and he could escape along with them. Ray seems shocked and rather touched to see Emma presenting Anna’s braids, as her long hair was her most identifiable feature.
Shortly after escaping beyond the wall, Ray apologizes for what happened to her hair. Anna surprises him by dismissing any need for him to apologize, and instead wishes him a happy birthday. Anna’s words amongst other factors were the reasons to why Ray swore to protect his family when he previously thought about leaving his family behind.[9] Following this event, Ray and Anna develop a friendship, as Anna can be seen cheerfully helping Ray cook (along with Jemima) in the shelter. Anna also tends Ray’s wound left behind by his injured ear, in which Anna expresses relief that the wound seems to have healed properly, and Ray thanks her for taking care of him and for her efforts during the preparations.[37]
Ray and Mister did not see eye to eye ever since they first met. Their animosity deepens as soon as Mister threatens to kill him and Emma. During the journey to Goldy Pond, Ray is very suspicious of Mister and never lets his guard down around him. However, after working together in defeating the enemies of Goldy Pond and witnessing how Mister had become an invaluable ally to them, Ray started to warm up to him, and after their escape from Goldy Pond, Ray and Mister came to terms and were friendlier towards each other, shown when he trusted Mister to take a severely injured Emma back to the B06-32 shelter.
Ray was one of the few children whom Mister could talk about serious matters with, and likewise, Ray could confide anything to him; showcasing a deep trust between them. It also appears as if Mister acted as a father figure to Ray and the other children, playfully patting him on the head and stating that he would never let Ray take the burden of shooting another human. When Ray, on another instance, was ready to shoot Andrew, he apologized to Mister. Later, Ray is seen mourning Mister after he sacrificed himself in the explosion to save the children.
- In the special edition of Volume 13, in an interview with Posuka Demizu and Kaiu Shirai, the two explained how Ray was supposed to die. The idea, however, was scrapped.[39]
- Ray’s favorite food is asparagus.[16]
- Kaiu Shirai revealed Ray, Emma, and Norman’s birthdays in Volume 5, though he stated how Ray’s birthday is on 15 January, he later stated how Ray’s birthday is actually on another date.
- A mini-game in The Promised Neverland official site revealed two manga pages for players who achieved high scores. The pages showed how Isabella named Ray after the American singer-songwriter Ray Charles.
- Isabella furthermore explained how she was listening to Ray Charles’ music which gave her the idea of giving Ray the musician’s name, and how «Ray» is a unisex name and is of no particular nationality, which makes sense since Ray Charles is an African-American.
- Ray has achieved a full score in all daily tests, except the ave.2, he has got a 292 out of 300.[2]
- Several pieces of information of Ray are revealed in a Twitter Q&A with authors Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu.
- One of Ray’s favorite things to do is disassembling machines. He liked to take items such as clocks apart together with Norman when they were younger.[40]
- Posuka Demizu considers Ray to be a fast character to create as compared to Norman and Emma.[41]
- Ray’s dream, when he can get into the Human World in future, is to see the famous Mona Lisa painting and the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona, Spain.[42]
- According to Kaiu Shirai, Ray’s running speed is superior to Norman but inferior to Emma, regardless of whether the running distance is long or short, he would easily win against Norman but lose to Emma. Emma would be first, Ray would be second and Norman would be last.[43]
- Several pieces of information of Ray are revealed in Volume 13 Special Edition’s Q&A.
- Ray was supposed to die.
- When asked which character Shirai is like the most, Shirai answered Ray, explaining how the way he tends to get desperate and throw in the towel is a lot like the slightly crazy side of Ray.
- A translated conversation between Demizu and Shirai talking about several proposals they did for Ray, which were scrapped:
- Demizu: I submitted several proposals for Ray, but for some reason, the one that got noticed was something I’d drawn in an offhanded way, as a doodle.
- Shirai: There was a sort of scribbled proposal with a note that said something like “If we hid one of Ray’s eyes, I bet he’d be popular,” and both the editor and I said, “This is wonderful!”.
- Demizu: The proposal where his eye was hidden was a casual sketch; I’d thought it might give him a sort of shadowy air and make him look cool, and I very nearly scrapped it. I’d assumed that, as with their clothes, their hairstyles would be restricted for hygienic reasons. But when Shirai-sensei saw it, the response I got was that impossible one…
- Shirai: If it’s Ray, it’s okay! That was definitely the coolest option.
- Demizu: Yeah! But thanks to that, he is popular, too.
- Shirai: You’re right; a lot of people say they like Ray, which is great. At first, there were lots of other, more wholesome-looking Rays. (laughs) Like a sports club senpai, for example; all sorts.
- Demizu: The type that says, “In accordance with regulations, I trim my bangs properly!”.
- Shirai and Demizu commented on how the character design for Ray was going to be like:
- Shirai: It was about the black hair and dark eyes.
- Demizu: There was something vague about wanting him to match Isabella. Oh, that’s right. Other than that, what he has in common with Isabella are his eyelids and eyebrows, I guess… So I could emphasize a sharpness that would make you wonder if he would become more like her as he grew up. But I couldn’t spoil that, so I made the balance between Emma, Norman, and Ray first priority.
- Kaiu Shirai’s commented in Volume 5 how Ray at a young age aimed to read all the books in Grace Field House before he turns 12. Hence in Chapter 32, 14 January 2046, one day right before his 12th birthday, the book he has is the final book he just finished reading.
- When Ray was around 4 to 5 years old, he revealed how all the books he had read are fantasy books, thus implying how fantasy is his favorite genre of books as they are the first type of books he chose to read.[44]
- Ray, unlike the other orphans, didn’t experience childhood amnesia. This contributed greatly to his discovery about the truth of the orphanage. It is likely that he has hypermnesia- abnormally sharp or vivid recall.
- Ray originally had a tendency to scold Emma by hitting her head when she said something silly. Eventually, he is seen patting Emma’s, Phil’s, and other of his younger sibling’s heads, suggesting that it has become a form of affection.
- The following are Ray’s rankings in some of The Promised Neverland’s official popularity polls.
- Announced in Chapter 75, Ray is in 3rd place in the Color Illustration Character Poll which was held on The Promised Neverland’s official LINE account.
- In Shounen Jump’s popularity poll results released in May 2018 in Chapter 88 of the Manga, Ray is in 3rd place.
- In commemoration of the manga’s 2nd Anniversary, in Shounen Jump’s 2nd popularity poll results released in September 2018 in Chapter 102, Ray is in 3rd place with a total of 4651 votes.
- One year, Ray received a pocket-watch for his birthday.[16]
- When asked who wins more at chess — Norman or Ray, Shirai responded, «Until the night of October 17, 2045, the winning count was almost a tie.»[16]
- According to Shirai, if Emma and Norman had not been there, Ray possibly would have accepted the fate of being shipped out.[16]
- Ray had been planning and preparing for the escape since he was six years old, but he did not come up with the idea of lighting himself on fire and burning the house down until he was around seven years old.[16]
- Old French rey, roy ‘king’. Occasionally this was used as a personal name. English: nickname for a timid person, from Middle English ray ‘female roe deer’ or northern Middle English ray ‘roebuck’. English: variant of Rye (1 and 2).
See Also
- Interview with The Promised Neverland editor and author
Other Wikis
- Ray on VS Battles Wiki. (Manga spoilers ahead)
- ↑ Volume 5 Authors’ Notes
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 1
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 ‘The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 32
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 102
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 181
- ↑ Volume 1 extra page
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 38
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 28
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Volume 2 Christmas Omake
- ↑ Volume 2 Offscene 6
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 37
- ↑ Volume 4 Authors’ Notes
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 34
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 31, pages 4-5
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 36
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Fanbook
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 179
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 181
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Dreams Come True
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 97 Omake, page 24
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 63, page 9
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 62, page 11 to 13
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 93, page 1
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 123, pages 16-17
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 121, page 7
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 122, pages 11-14
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 33, page 16
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 119
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 121
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 153, pages 15-19
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 166
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 174
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 48, page 17
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 59
- ↑ The Promised Neverland manga: Chapter 103, page 20
- ↑ Interview with Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu (Japanese)
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Questionnaire #2
- ↑ The Promised Neverland Questionnaire #1
- ↑ The Promised Neverland 100th Chapter Commemoration Questionnaire #8
- ↑ Twitter Interview Question 16
- ↑ A Letter from Norman: Chapter 1, page 26
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Дата Рождения.
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Худой мальчик с немного расстрепанными чëрными волосами, имеет чëлку которые закрывает половину лица с левой стороны. Его глаза лесно-зелëные, с заметными чëрными радужками. Его форма одежда не отличается от формы одежды других детей: белая рубашка, такого же цвета штаны(у девочек юбка) и коричневые ботинки. На левой стороне шеи виднеется номер — 81194.
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Связи с другими персонажами.
Мать — Изабелла
Отец — ???
В аниме не упоминается отец Рея.
Норман, Эмма, Гильда, Дон, †Конни† и другие Беглецы Б. дома (1 сезон)
+ Мьюзика, Сон-джу, †Мистер Юго†, †Лукас†, Найдзуку, Изабелла (2 сезон)
Изабелла (1 сезон)
Демоны (1 и 2 сезоны)
!!! Примечание. Если чьё то имя окружено с двух сторон «†», то персонаж является мëртвым!!!
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Мелкая ОСебе.
!!! Спойлеры !!!
Рей родился в Благодатном доме #3 15 января в 2034 году. Из-за того что в детстве было отсутствие амнезии, тот помнил всë ещë с утробы матери. Это повлияло на то, что он знает милодию, которые напевала Изабелла, а так же он знает про демонов и Секрет приюта. Поэтому матери пришлось заключить с ним сделку.
Хоть он и заключил сделку с мамой, для того что бы остаться по дольше в приюте, тот всë ровно понимал то что его отправят на закуску демонам, поэтому стал разрабатывать план. В 5-6 лет он начал свою работу над его мести.
Рей пытался не заводить дружеских отношений, поэтому всегда отказывался от игр и пытался побыть один. Но в его жизнь одиночную жизнь врываются Норман и Эмма. Они стали теми, кого брюнет любил больше всего на свете. Поэтому тот специально положил плюшевого зайца Конни на видное место, что бы те обратили внимание, ушли к воротам и узнали секрет приюта. Всë было по его плану, ведь Норман и Эмма пришли без зайца и довольно напуганными. Всë шло так, как Рей хотел. Теперь они готовили план побега вместе, все Троя.
План был практически готов, но Эмма хотела освободить всех детей, а Рей на прочь отказывался от этой идеи. Норман из за любви к Эмме поддержал еë идею, поэтому брюнету пришлось согласится. Хотя для него, для его плана мести это бы не помешало. План Рея заключался в том, что бы на свой 12 день рождение сжечь приют и сгореть до тла с ним, лишив его матери — Высококачественного продукта. А так, пока Изабелла будет разбираться пожаром, рыжая и белобрысый смогут сбежать….
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Если вы хотите те узнать по больше о персонаже прочтите Мангу, посмотрите Аниме или же загляните в Википедию.
Аниме: https://animego.org/anime/obeschannyy-neverlend-760
Википедия: https://yakusokunoneverland.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%B9
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–Извините то что статья получилась маленькой. Сложно описывать персонажа без подготовленного макета.
Рэй (Обещанный Неверленд) — Ray (The Promised Neverland)
Рэй — главный герой японского фэнтезийного триллера-манги 2016 года Обещанный Неверленд и его одноименной адаптации аниме-сериала 2019 года.
Рэй узнал секрет приюта и с юных лет начал придумывать способ, как позволить двум своим лучшим друзьям Эмме и Норману сбежать из приюта .
Его озвучивает Мария Исэ в японской версии аниме и Лаура Шталь в английской версии.
У Рэя темно-зеленые глаза и черные волосы. Его опознают по идентификационному номеру 81194 на шее.
Он носит стандартную форму для сирот Грейс Филд Хаус: белую рубашку и белые брюки.
В манге, поскольку аниме отклонялось от исходного исходного материала, он стал выше после побега (до 5 футов 7 дюймов).
Помимо его авеню 2292 на тесте, он набирает в среднем 300 (самый высокий балл) на экзаменах Grace Field House. Он отстранен и предпочитает читать книги, чем играть со своими братьями и сестрами. Он много раз хранит их в безопасности, даже если спорит с ними. Рэй откровенен и почти не проявляет терпения. Он показал себя слишком прямолинейным, прямо сказав Эмме, что шпионит в пользу Изабеллы.
Согласно информации, которую получила Крон, одна из бывших опекунов Грейс Филд, Рэй быстро строит планы, но так же быстро отказывается от них.
Он очень самоотверженный, так как планировал поджечь себя, чтобы убедиться, что Эмме, Дону, Джильде и остальным удалось сбежать из Дома. Увидев, как их смотритель ведет своих братьев и сестер к их смерти, он почувствовал крайнюю вину, думая, что самоубийство было единственным способом искупления.
Однако, увидев, насколько его братья и сестры подготовились к побегу, он еще больше любит свою семью и говорит, что рад видеть их в безопасности. Он больше не хранит секретов и начинает лечиться от травмы.
Он единственный биологический ребенок их воспитателя, «мамы» Изабеллы, он не испытал детской амнезии, что подтверждает его подозрения о существовании демонов и истинной природе дома позже, когда ему было 6 лет.
Рэй был одним из многих детей, выросших в приюте, который тайно служил фермой для выращивания мяса. Воспитатель приюта вырастил у детей здоровый активный мозг, а затем представил их демонам , которые поглотили детей.
Рэй становится шпионом Изабеллы в обмен на товары и обещание, что он, Эмма и Норман смогут жить своей жизнью в полной мере, пообещав использовать оставшиеся 6 лет своей жизни, чтобы разработать план, который приведет к тому, что двое его лучших друзей узнают об этом. правда сами.
После противостояния Нормана он становится козырной картой детей, так же как Изабелла предает его. Хотя изначально он не желал принимать нереалистичную цель Эммы сбежать с каждым ребенком, он клянется никогда не отказываться от них после того, как их побег увенчается успехом.
- Его японская актриса озвучивания Мария Исэ, которая также озвучила Киллуа Золдик в « Охотнике х Охотник» , Леви МакГардена в «Хвосте феи» , Бонни в « Покемонах» и « Вылечить лимонад» в « Да!». Красивое лекарство 5 .
- Его английская актриса озвучивания, Лаура Шталь, которая также озвучила Хау в Pokémon Masters , Камиллу Хомби в Miraculous New York , Скарлетту Гато в Shopkins , Ируму Судзуки в Welcome to Demon School! Ирума-кун и Леонардо Б. Харвей в Fate / Extra .
Рэй о ключевом визуале первого сезона аниме-адаптации.
Рэй на заднем плане второго ключевого образа второго сезона аниме.
Внешние ссылки
- Рэй в вики- сайте The Promised Neverland .
Не за горами 2-й сезон Обещанного Неверленда, так что давайте вернемся к нашему пониманию Персонажи Обещанного Неверленда (TPN), разбив одного из популярных персонажей серии — Рэя!
Во-первых, вы поверите, когда я скажу вам, что Рэя даже не было в списке моих любимых персонажей, когда я впервые попал в сериал? Это правда!
Фактически, он даже не стал моим главным персонажем, пока я дважды не перечитал первую часть сериала!
Это заняло некоторое время, но я наконец понял Психологическая точка зрения Рэя и причины его действий во время побега из побега из тюрьмы!
Дисклеймер: В этом блоге будут рассмотрены основные спойлеры из манги и первого сезона аниме.
Рэй — биологический сын Изабеллы, рожденный в результате искусственного оплодотворения. Это раскрывается в 12 серии аниме и 37 главе манги.
Вы можете подумать: «Как это вообще произошло, когда для Изабеллы (главного антагониста сериала) нет подходящего партнера?» Или вы можете подумать: «Это жанр фэнтези, всякое бывает».
Что ж, вот в чем суть: искусственное оплодотворение кратко показано в 31 главе манги, но исключено в 12 серии аниме.
Это реалистичный метод, который человечество также использует для воспроизводства людей. Можно даже сказать, что существа из TPN (демоны) узнали об этой искусственной репродуктивной технике от людей.
Кто такой Рэй?
Многие фанатики TPN знают, что сериал удивляет зрителей своими поворотами и поворотами сюжета!
Посмотрев серию 4, Я был в шоке, что уронил пульт посреди ночи во время просмотра шоу!
Когда в аниме было показано, что Рэй — шпион среди осиротевших скотоводов!
Чтобы вникнуть в его образ мыслей, Ниже я перечислил несколько увлекательных черт Рэя. Неудивительно, что он такой любимый персонаж среди фанатиков TPN!
- Рэй отлично работает с машинами — Во время его противостояния с Норманом мангака и аниматоры позволяют языку тела Рэя говорить за себя, особенно с помощью его жестов.
Если вы заметили, руки Рэя грубее и крупнее, чем у Нормана и Эммы.
Его больные руки рассказывают историю ребенка, который постоянно экспериментировал со старыми игрушечными моделями, чтобы создать электронное устройство, которое сводит на нет передатчики ушей для детей крупного рогатого скота.
- Рэй реалист — Он самый целеустремленный и прагматичный ребенок среди троицы. Как тактический мыслитель, Рэй подходит к проблемам рационально, даже если это требует 6 лет планирования и подготовки!
- Рэй предпочитает работать в одиночестве — Поскольку его часто видят работающим в одиночестве, Эмма и Норман воспринимают его как одиночку, несущую все его бремя.
Одиночная черта Рэя могла быть связана с его 6-летним секретным шпионским заданием для Изабеллы; это даже вылилось в суицидальные наклонности, такие как поджоги и самосожжение!
Кстати, Кайу Шираи (автор) написал черновик TPN, в котором говорится:Рэй должен был умереть».
- Луч — это «козырная карта» — Рэй предложил себя как «самый сильный козырь» планов Нормана и Эммы. Обладая превосходными навыками ведения переговоров и обширными знаниями Рэя, Норман не мог сказать «нет» сделкам Рэя.
- Рэй легко сдается — По словам сестры Кроне, сдача — одна из слабостей Рэя. Это черта, которую Рэй разделяет с Изабеллой, которая также отказалась от попыток побега, когда она была ребенком.
- Рэй очень защищает — Рэй разозлился на Дона, когда тот от гнева ударил Нормана кулаком. Это показывает, что Рэй очень дорожит Норманом и Эммой до такой степени, что он жертвует жизнями других детей-скотин только для того, чтобы спасти своих лучших друзей.
- Двойники Рэя в фэндоме:
- Саске Учиха из Наруто — Рэй получил прозвище «крайний лорд Саске Учиха» фанатами Наруто из-за его эмо-челки. Оба они излучают темную ауру и пытаются скрыть свою заботливую натуру.
- Ю Исигами из Кагуя-сама: Love is War — Рэй похож на тихого технически подкованного «Ю Исигами». У обоих есть практический подход к работе с гаджетами.
- Тецуро Куроо из Haikyuu !! — Рэй также застенчив и замкнут, как «Тецуро Куроо» (по прозвищу «Голова петуха»).
- Гию Томиока из Demon Slayer — Рэй похож на фехтовальщика из колонн, Гию Томиока, потому что его находчивость позволяет ему оказывать поддержку за кулисами.
Знаете ли вы, как появился дизайн эмо-персонажей Рэя? Посука Демидзу (художник) только что закончил несколько набросков для дизайна персонажей Рэя.
Когда она передала рисунки Кайу Шираи (автору) и г-ну Сугуру Сугите (редактору), ни один из этих рисунков не привлек их внимания.
Когда они заметили рисунок, который быстро нарисовали сбоку, родился наш любимый Рэй! На рисунке изображен темноволосый мальчик, чья эмо-челка закрывает левый глаз. Довольно круто, правда?
Если вы хотите узнать черновики материалов до и после сериализации, с нетерпением ждем выхода официального фанбука и артбука от создателей TPN!
Here's a preview on what's to come in The Promised Neverland's artbook and fanbook! pic.twitter.com/He5ZKKF2O3
— The Promised Neverland (@TPNManga) July 26, 2020
Эпизоды 4-5 и главы 13-14 демонстрируют некоторые из знаковых разговоров в Арке побега, потому что аудитория понимала истинные мотивы Рэя.
Это эпизоды, в которых сначала произошли сцены противостояния между Норманом и Рэем, а затем последовала встреча Рэя и Изабеллы.
Здесь создатели установили поразительное сходство между Рэем и его мамой — от их угольно-черных волос до их проницательного взгляда.
В начале сериала Г-н Шираи сообщил об этих чертах г-же Демизу, которая подарила Изабелле и Рэю густые черные волосы и притягательные глаза.
Хотя эти физические атрибуты уделяют им много внимания, разительная разница между ними заключается в их глазах.

Художник дал Изабелле мягкие глаза, дополняющие ее материнскую ауру; но у Рея были наклонные черные зрачки за его преступное поведение.
Мягкость в глазах Изабеллы обманчива, потому что она изначально злая, но у Рэя в глазах ошеломленный и сонный взгляд. В более поздних томах манги его даже прозвали «Сонным циклопом»!
Сначала Рэй выглядит расслабленным чуваком, но вскоре зрители поняли, что дизайн его персонажа усиливает его «маскировку». Если таковые имеются, его эмо-челка добавит изюминки его и без того загадочной личности!
В эпизоде 1 (или главе 1) зрители думали, что Рэй просто социально неуклюжий, молчаливый тип, потому что он поглощен своим собственным маленьким миром, когда он читает книгу под деревом.
Во 2-м эпизоде (или 4-й главе манги) зрители поняли, что эти книги не являются чем-то интересным для обычных 11-летних детей в наше время.
Как оказалось, книга Рэя обсуждает историю и технологии (в частности, «Машиностроение и история человечества» Алекса Михайлова)!
Он даже читает книгу о «Сельском хозяйстве» и использует в манге сложные термины, такие как «предложение», «спрос» и «оптимальное решение». — термины, которые студенты-экономисты часто слышат в школе.
В наши дни мы часто слышим, как дети жалуются, что не хотят учиться, но не Рэй (смеется)! Он заставил себя учиться и является отличным бомбардиром ежедневных экзаменов Грейс Филд Хаус.
Помимо изучения сложных логических предметов, я уже упоминал, что Рэй отлично разбирается в машинах.
По факту, » ShonenJump.com на сайте добавлен раздел вопросов и ответов от создателей TPN по этому поводу.
Г-н Шираи заявил, что хобби Рэя и Нормана основано на его детстве — он обычно разбирал часы во время игр.
Итак, в четвертом томе он добавил сцену из воспоминаний, в которой Рэй и Норман разбирают и собирают музыкальную шкатулку (Эмма не могла их имитировать. LOL!)
Норману нравится Эмма в «Обетованном Неверленде»?
Он предает Эмму и Нормана?
С таким прозвищем, как «крайний лорд Саске», фанаты действительно воспринимают Рэя как мрачную и резкую личность, несмотря на его тихое и тихое поведение.
Как я уже сказал выше, он и Изабелла похожи: они предпочитают выжить и жить дольше в своих антиутопических мирах, даже если это означает отказ от свободы.
Рэй манипулирует, хитер и контролирует, как и Изабелла. Изабелла принесла в жертву своих собратьев (осиротевших детей крупного рогатого скота), чтобы остаться в живых в мире демонов.
То же самое и с Рэем: он прибегал к жертвенным методам, чтобы продвигаться к своим целям!
Это подводит нас к вопросу, предал ли Рэй Эмму и Нормана. Самый быстрый способ ответить на это: «Нет, Рэй не предает своих лучших друзей».
Фактически, он помогает им в их планах побега. И, мягко говоря, он хочет, чтобы Норман и Эмма дожили до 12 лет, возраста, в котором забирают скотин, независимо от их результатов тестов.
Однако Рэй хитрый, и его метод помощи требует определенных условий.
Другими словами, Рэй поможет им сбежать с плантации №3 Грейс Филд-хаус, только если Норман согласится обмануть или обмануть Эмму, чтобы она привела всех 38 детей из плана побега.
Правда о Рэе Якусоку но Неверленд
Вдобавок он поставил фуражку из пяти человек, которых нужно было взять с собой. Эмма, Норман, Дон, Джильда и сам Рэй должны быть только теми, кто участвует в великом побеге, в то время как остальные 33 ребенка остаются в приюте.
Он также пояснил Норману, что он не враг и не союзник. Зрители думают, что Рэй ставит свои личные цели выше дружбы Нормана и Эммы.
Он не настоящий друг, потому что усложняет жизнь своим лучшим друзьям.
Но на самом деле есть люди, которые думают и действуют как Рэй — они склоняются в сторону, которая приносит им наибольшую пользу. Вот каков Рэй.
Он предложил себя как козырную карту Норману, заявив, что готов передать ложную информацию Изабелле, если это будет необходимо. Но он будет делать это только тогда, когда обстоятельства складываются в его пользу или если условия благоприятствуют его планам.
Норман сделал вид, что согласен на сделку Рэя. Но, обнаружив нерешительность Нормана, Рэй пригрозил Норману.
Несмотря на то, что Рэй не закончил говорить свою угрозу, положив левую руку на правое плечо Нормана, он уже испугал последнего, который мог только претенциозно улыбнуться своему другу.
Как и все здесь, я жалуюсь всякий раз, когда появляются клиффхэнгеры в аниме!
Клиффхэнгеры так меня раздражают, что к концу 5-го эпизода я наконец сдался и схватил мангу. Именно тогда я впервые прочитал TPN.
Я читал Арку побег из тюрьмы до 5 утра! Мне очень хотелось дочитать эту великолепную арку за одну ночь, и я это сделал! Я также заплакал на следующее утро, осознав, насколько мастерски повествование TPN’s Escape Arc.
В заключение скажу, что мистер Шираи просто гений, который любит контролировать вещи за кулисами, не забывая при этом дурачить нас (свою основную аудиторию). Мисс Демизу тоже прекрасно рисует!

Прочитав их новый одноразовый снимок, Фотограф духов: Сабуро Коно, я не могу не сравнить схожие черты персонажей в одноразовом и TPN!
Это просто говорит о том, что я все еще с нетерпением жду их следующей работы, даже если манга TPN будет завершена!
О Обетованном Неверленде
Созданный Кайу Шираи, этот сериал дебютировал в манге Weekly Shonen Jump в 2016 году. По лицензии VIZ Media на англоязычный выпуск, этот сериал приобрел огромную популярность, было продано 4.2 миллиона копий за короткий период.
Действие происходит в 2045 году. Эмма, 11-летняя сирота, живущая в Грейс Филд-хаусе, представляет собой отдельный приют для нее и еще 37 сирот.
Сиротам предоставляется полная свобода, за исключением выхода за пределы территории или ворот, которые соединяют дом с внешним миром.
Однажды ночью Эмма узнает правду о приюте и его связях с демонами.
Решив вырваться из Грейс Филд-хаус, Норман и Эмма присоединяются к Рэю, чтобы найти способ сбежать вместе со своими другими братьями и сестрами.
Иногда мы включаем ссылки на розничные интернет-магазины и / или интернет-кампании. Если вы нажмете на один из них и сделаете покупку, мы можем получить небольшую комиссию. Для дополнительной информации, иди сюда.
Делайте маленькие дела с большой любовью — Happy Sharing
Эмма, Изабелла, Норман, луч, Обетованная Неверленд -
Время поста
11: 30 утра
Обещанныйневерленд Истории
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°Обещанный неверленд реакции°от Иркутсуку
Реакции аниме обещанный неверленд.
Тут будет Т/И и + Моя ос.
Реакции всех персонажев.
Приятного чтения😁💓
- эмма
- сигна
- animegirl
ещё +22
Мини истории||Норрей||от look it’s da bee
Просто маленькие истории вырванные из контекста
надеюсь вам понравится)
- рей
- norrey
- норрей
ещё +7
обещанный неверленд/реакция от Картофан
Реакцию пишу первый раз:)
- эмма
- гильда
- грейсфилд
ещё +7
⸙ 𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 ❪ ᵛᵃʳⁱᵒᵘˢ ᵃⁿ…от ·˚ ༘┊͙𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐤𝐚 𝐪𝐰𝐪 ! «
» ₍🕊₎ ..⃗. ꒰ now playing: pity party — melanie martinez ꒱
࿔₊• список аниме в реакциях (список будет пополняться):
𝟏. Обещанный Неверленд (1)
𝟐. Доктор Стоун
- докторстоун
- эмма
- реакции
ещё +6
Картинки яой 🌜🌝🌚🌛от Маньяк суецыдник
Законченные истории
- моягеройскаяакадемия
- волейбол
- башнябога
ещё +22
ЗАМОРОЖЕНО { Реакции } Обещанный Н…от Marcus POP
Реакции по аниме Обещанный Неверленд. В реакции Норман не влюблен в Эмму, всё же есть те кто кроме Рея влюблены и в Нормана, поэтому тем кто он символизирует, добро пожа…
- обещанныйневерленд
- норэмма
- драблы
ещё +15
Эмма, а кто… тебе нравится..? от Ramenchik
Тут пейринг — ‘Рей/Эмма’ на данный момент Эмме 17,Рею- 17
Они учатся в одной школе и классе, с момента побега с фабрики прошло 5 лет, они попали в мир людей, Норман же о…
Законченные истории
- эмма
- обещанныйневерленд
- романтика
ещё +3
|•|обещанный неверленд|•| от SonaVIP
тут будут разные рекации, мини истории с персонажами и ЛюБоВнЫе похождения 😈…
- рей
- норман
- обещанныйневерленд
ещё +1
Зачем ты поставил эту чёртову метк…от Qiqi_Legend
Я заметила, что фанфиков с этим шипом очень мало. Поэтому я решила написать его.
Законченные истории
- эмма
- норман
- обещанныйневерленд
ещё +1
Шифтинг|Скрипты|Методы|Анимеот Deiruft
Здесь я собираю информацию найденную мной про шифтинг.
Некотурую информацию я беру откуда-то и указываю источник или автора.
Некоторую информацию я пишу сама, основываяс…
- сон
- обещанныйневерленд
- метод
ещё +15
Это мой первый тест, поэтому, пожалуйста, не судите строго.
Здесь могут присутствовать грамматические и пунктуационные ошибочка.
Так же, вы можете наткнулся на спойлеры.
В тесте 9 концовок, я старалась описать всё по-литературному, и придать каждому персонажу уникальную историю. Некоторых (точнее, 3) персонаже я рисовала сама, поэтому не скупитесь на классы.
Приятного прочтения 👋
Вопрос 1.
Сознание начало потихоньку возвращаться к тебе. В ушах назойливый звон, перекрывающий любые мысли и размышления. Потому, когда ты открыла свои глаза, увидя пространство разделённое на день и ночь, ты не смогла придать этому логическое объяснение. А когда перед тобой возник небольшого роста демон, одетый в королевскую одежду с капюшоном, ты отшатнулась, падая на ночную гладь. Его единственный глаз без стеснения разглядывал тебя с ног до головы. Ты сглотнула ком застывший в горле, и прежде чем что либо произнести, маленький демон сказал: — Здравствуй. Не пугайся меня, я $₽¶£€, Глава Демонов, и ты находишься в Семи стенах. Ты здесь, потому что я хочу получить интересную историю, и почувствовал, что ты пойдёшь на роль моей главной героини. Какой же она будет?
— Стеснительной, тихой, необщительной, но с особо близкими друзьями ведёт себя как зажигалочка.
— Хочу, чтобы она была отважной, стойкой, жертвенной, бескорыстной альтуристкой.
— Хочу видеть её загадочной, ехидной, дипломатичной, задумчивой и изящной.
— Пусть будет гордой, независимой, хлоднокровной и величественой.
— По началу будет доброй, любящей и заботливой, но один случай из её жизни навсегда изменит её. Теперь, она мстительная, целеустремленная, ради своей цели может пройтись по головам.
— Я хочу быть милой оптимисткой, заботливой, слегка плаксивой из-за своей тяжёлой судьбы.
— Я мечтаю быть боевой, отважной, сильной в моральном и физическом плане, стойкой.
— Я вижу её бодрой, великодушной, будет любить соперничество.
— Хм… думаю, расчётливой, авторитетной и безжалостной.
Вопрос 2.
— Какого возраста будет героиня нашей истории?
— Она будет ребёнком. (9-10)
— Она будет подростком. (11-16)
— Она будет взрослой. (25-28)
— Она будет старше. (987-2000)
Вопрос 3.
— Отличный выбор. Но, знаешь, было бы неплохо составить примерный образ нашей героини.
— Чёрные волосы чуть выше плеч, фиолетовые глаза, на которых виднелись очки, стандартная форма.
— Синие волосы заплетённые в стиле хан, голубые глаза, смуглая кожа, форма сестры/мамы.
— Короткие, белые волосы с одной длинной прядью, красные глаза, стандартная форма.
— Тёмно-малиновые волосы заплетённые в два спиральновидных хвоста, зелёные глаза, белая рубашка и чёрная длинная юбка.
— Средние чёрные волосы, заплетённые в стиле хан, с белыми прядями, чёлка, перекрывающая один глаз, голубые глаза, форма Мамы/Сестры.
— Пшеничные волосы чуть ниже локтя, синие глаза, стандартная форма, поверх которой синяя накидка.
— Короткие, распущенные каштановые волосы заплетённые в хвост, голубые глаза, бежевое пальто и чёрные штаны.
— Длинные, слегка небрежные распущенные волосы цвета морской волны, зеленоватого цвета кожа, синяя кофточка с чёрными рукавами, поверх которой виднелась небольшая голубоватая накидка чуть ниже груди, мини-чёрный-корсет на талию и синяя юбка.
— Два хвоста пепельноватого цвета, кожа болотного цвета, чёрный смокинг накинутым на голубую рубашку и чёрнын штаны.
Вопрос 4.
— Превосходно. Но тебе не кажется, что тут чего-то не хватает?
— Она будет носить фиолетовый шарф, скрывающий её номер.
— У неё будут 2 спицы в волосах.
— У неё будет повязка на глазу.
— У неё всегда будет с собой нож.
— У неё будет шрам.
— У неё будет красный бант на голове.
— У неё за спиной всегда будет оружие в виде автомата.
— У неё будет маска на лице.
— У неё будет красный браслет.
Вопрос 5.
— Будет ли у её истории какая-либо отличительная черта?
— Ей пришлось бросить свою семью.
— Она будет спасать детей с ферм.
— У неё с детства будет особеность, которую она всей душой будет ненавидеть.
— Обещание разрушало всю её жизнь.
— Ей пришлось пересмотреть свои взгляды на мир.
— Она с детства росла в ужасных условиях.
— Она напротяжении 13 лет страдала в одиночестве, ни смотря на то, что была не одна.
— Она получила злокровную кровь.
— Её отца убили, после чего она оказалась в детском доме пообещав отомстить.
Вопрос 6.
— Звучит интригующе. Но в эту историю следует добавить страсти! Нашей Джульетте нужен Ромео, согласна?
— Хочу, чтобы им был Норман.
— Мне симпатичен Рэй.
— Хочу Сонжу.
— Юго будет идеальным вариантом.
— Не хочу состоять в отношениях..
Вопрос 7.
— Хороший выбор. Скажи, кем бы ты была в этой истории?
— Воспитанником Благодатного дома.
— Сестрой.
— Мамой.
— Одной из Ратри.
— Демоном.
— Беглецом Славного колокола.
— Испытуемой Лямбды.
Вопрос 8.
— Интересно, что из этого получится.. А как же наша героиня узнала о секрете о фермах?
— Ей рассказали Эмма и Норман.
— Ей рассказал Рэй.
— Она с друзьями как-то раз подглядели, после чего задумали побег.
— Узнала только после отправки.
— Она жила в обществе демонов.
— Ей поведал старший брат.
Вопрос 9.
— Я достаточно узнал для создания образа нашей главной героини. Думаю…
…её номером будет 60194
…её номером будет 49584
…её номером будет 66194
…её номером будет 46325
…у неё на груди будет печать Лямбды.
…её номером будет ATR3M8
…у неё не будет номера.
Вопрос 10.
— А зовут её..
Вопрос 11.
— Вот так дитя. Ты очнёшься в совершенно новом мире. Удачи. — Он коснулся твоего лба, и ты упала в объятия ночи. Последее, что ты увидела, это:
..счастливая жизнь со своей семьёй.
..победа, ценной жизни.
..покой, в объятиях человека, который все эти годы был рядом.
..разрушенное обещание, уничтожевшее твою жизнь.
..проигрыш, несмотря на стремление к победе.
..побег из особой фермы, новая жизнь за пределами стен.
..счастливая жизнь с любимым на том свете.
..становление рыцерем Музики.
..хороший ужин.