Как намекнуть родителям на новый телефон

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Мобильные телефоны становятся лучше с каждым днем, поэтому не удивительно, если некоторое время спустя ваше устройство становится морально устаревшим. Если вам нужен новый телефон, то убедить родителей в такой необходимости – нелегкая задача. Используйте правильный подход и тогда даже самые строгие родители вряд ли смогут вам отказать.

  1. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 1


    Скажите о новом телефоне. Иногда прямые фразы – наиболее короткий путь к решению. Будьте вежливы и выслушайте ответ родителей на слова о том, что вам нужен новый телефон. Если у вас найдутся убедительные встречные аргументы, то родители, вероятнее всего, согласятся с вами. Спросите:

    • «Что мне нужно сделать, чтобы заслужить новый телефон?»
    • «Чем я могу помочь, чтобы получить новый телефон?»
  2. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 2


    Старайтесь найти решение. В процессе разговора сохраняйте спокойствие и не злитесь, услышав отказ. Используйте такую возможность, чтобы показать родителям свою зрелость. Не выказывайте недовольства. Лучше спросить родителей:[1]

    • «Я могу как-нибудь изменить ваше решение?»
    • «Как я могу доказать, что мне действительно нужен новый телефон?»
  3. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 3


    Предложите купить телефон за свои деньги. Ситуация немного усложняется, если вам еще рано работать в силу возраста. Предложите потратить на телефон те деньги, которые вам подарили на день рождения, или попросите поручить вам дополнительные заботы по хозяйству в обмен на небольшое финансовое вознаграждение.[2]

    • Предложите друзьям родителей присматривать за их детьми, если они младше вас.
    • Также можно немного заработать, предлагая соседям некоторые сезонные услуги. Например, можно красить заборы, косить траву или расчищать снег.
  4. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 4


    Ведите себя настойчиво, но не грубо. Если нам чего-то хочется, то все мысли могут быть заняты только одним желанием. Следует понимать, что постоянные просьбы могут раздражать родителей и снижать ваши шансы на успех.[3]
    Вместо того, чтобы повторять один и тот же вопрос, попробуйте зайти с другой стороны и показать ваши недавние усилия. Например, скажите:

    • «Посмотри, как все блестит на кухне. Я решила помочь и вымыть посуду. Думаю, что если я буду чаще помогать по дому, то мы сможем еще раз поговорить о новом телефоне».
    • «Я знал, что вы задерживаетесь на работе, поэтому решил пропылесосить квартиру. Чем еще я могу помочь? Возможно, вы согласитесь купить мне новый телефон, если я буду помогать вам».
  5. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 5


    Придумайте веский аргумент. Родители скорее согласятся купить вам новый телефон, если ваши доводы прозвучат убедительно.[4]
    Все зависит от конкретной ситуации, поэтому самостоятельно найдите уместные аргументы. Примите во внимание следующее:

    • Меры безопасности, например, усовершенствованная система навигации
    • Плохой прием сигнала в старом телефоне
    • Работа, которая позволит вам научиться ответственности и купить новый телефон
    • Ненадежность, например, ваш телефон произвольно выключается, не приходят сообщения


  1. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 6


    Выберите подходящий момент. Если родители заняты, взволнованы или сердятся, то первым же ответом будет отказ. Перед просьбой постарайтесь обеспечить родителям хорошее настроение. Ведите себя вежливо и выполните поручения, о которых вас еще даже не просили. Также можно прибегнуть к таким уловкам:[5]

    • Включите любимую музыку родителей
    • Вспомните приятный момент из прошлого
    • Придумайте занятие, которое доставит родителям удовольствие
  2. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 7


    Говорите в хорошую погоду и после еды. В целом, после еды люди чаще склонны соглашаться с другими, поэтому испробуйте эту тактику при разговоре о новом телефоне.[6]
    Временами на решения может влиять погода. В солнечные дни с ясным небом ваши шансы будут немного выше.[7]

  3. Изображение с названием 3164476 8


    Начните с небольшой просьбы. Родители с большей вероятностью согласятся купить вам новый телефон, если сначала получить их согласие в менее значительных вопросах.[8]
    Если родители скажут, что телефон стоит много денег, то предложите чаще помогать по дому, чтобы немного заработать. Затем предложите внести свою часть суммы за новенький телефон.

  4. Изображение с названием 3164476 9


    Заключите сделку. Если родители согласятся купить вам новый телефон взамен на помощь по хозяйству или с другим условием, то выполняйте свою часть сделки без лишних напоминаний. Так вы покажете родителям, что относитесь к уговору серьезно, поэтому они не смогут отказаться от своего обещания.[9]

  5. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 10


    Дождитесь праздника или дня рождения. Если родители не желают тратиться на телефон, тогда лучше дождаться особого случая и попросить новый телефон в качестве подарка. Говорите прямо, что хотели бы получить новый телефон, а не игрушки или другие бесполезные подарки.[10]

  6. Изображение с названием Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 11


    Подытожьте слова родителей. Внимательно слушайте встречные аргументы, а когда придет ваш черед говорить, повторите услышанное своими словами. Проявите внимательность и уважение к словам родителей, чтобы повысить свои шансы на новый телефон.[11]
    Используйте следующий пример:

    • Вы: если я правильно понял, то вы считаете, что покупать новый телефон нет смысла, так как я неаккуратно обращался со старым телефоном. Я понимаю ваше беспокойство, но хочу сказать следующее…



  • Обязательно сдерживайте все обещания, которые даете родителям. Любое несдержанное слово покажет, что вы не заслуживаете поощрения.


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Cell phones are constantly improving, and it’s likely that your new phone isn’t as good as it used to be. If you are in need of a new phone, you might have a difficult task ahead of you convincing your parents that it’s worth it. But even with the strictest of parents, by using a few proven techniques, you can improve your chances of getting the new phone you rightfully deserve.

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 1


    Talk about getting a new phone. Sometimes, starting the conversation can lead you to a solution. Be polite when you tell your parents that you are interested in getting a new phone, and really listen to what they have to say. If you can respond to your parents reasons and excuses for not getting you a new phone in a convincing way, they’ll be more likely to shell out for your brand new mobile device. You might ask:

    • «What can I do to earn a new phone?»
    • «Are there any other chores I can help with to prove I’m ready for a new phone?»
  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 2


    Work to find solutions. Stay calm throughout your talk with your parents about your phone situation and keep your cool if you hear a «no» in response. This is an opportunity for you to show your maturity and to earn points with your parents. Instead of getting upset or frustrated, ask your parents:

    • «What can I do to change your mind?»
    • «What can I do to prove to you that I need a new phone?»


  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 3


    Offer to put your own money toward your new phone. This can be tricky, especially if you’re too young to work. If you have birthday money saved up, you can offer to put that toward getting a new phone, or you can offer to do more housework in exchange for an allowance.[1]

    • Offer your services as a babysitter to friends and family who have children that are younger than you who need supervision.
    • You might be able to earn money around your neighborhood doing seasonal chores, like mowing lawns in summer or shoveling snow in winter.
  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 4


    Be persistent without being rude. When you want something badly, sometimes it’s all you can think about. However, asking again and again can irritate your parents, making them less willing to get you a phone.[2]
    Instead of asking the same question repeatedly, ask in a roundabout way that highlights your recent effort. You might say, for example:

    • «How does the kitchen look? I’ve been trying to help out by doing dishes. I thought that maybe if I helped out around the house more, we could talk again about getting me a new phone.»
    • «I know you’ve been busy with work lately, so I vacuumed the house for you. Is there anything else I can help with? I was thinking that if I contributed more, I might be able to get a new phone.»
  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 5


    Build a convincing argument. Your parents will be more likely to buy you a new phone if they agree with your reasoning. Your reasoning will be influenced by your personal situation, so you’ll have to decide which arguments will work best for you. Some you might want to consider include:[3]

    • A cell phone can be used to call them or emergency services if you are in trouble.[4]
    • A cell phone can help with logistics if you need to be picked up from somewhere.
    • Safety features, like improved GPS
    • Poor reception due to an outdated model
    • Earning money to buy your own phone will teach you responsibility
    • Unreliability, like your phone turning on and off randomly or messages arriving late to your phone
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 6


    Choose your moment wisely. Times when your parents are busy, flustered, or angry are likely to result in a «no» to your phone request. Choose a good time to talk to them. Make sure they are relaxed rather than busy or stressed out.[5]
    Encourage a good mood in your parents before you ask, by being extra polite and doing any chores you might have before they ask. To improve your chances of a yes before you ask for your new phone, you also might:[6]

    • Turn on your parents’ favorite music
    • Talk about an experience where you both had fun
    • Do an activity your parents find enjoyable
  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 7


    Ask in good weather and after meals. Generally speaking, people are more agreeable after they eat, and this might put your parents in a more favorable mood when you ask for your new phone.[7]
    Weather can also make your parents more or less agreeable. Sunny days with clear skies will improve your odds of getting the phone you desire.[8]

    • Keep in mind that this won’t always be the case. Your mom or dad could still have a bad day even if it’s sunny out and you just had lunch.
  3. Image titled 3164476 8


    Get your foot in the door with a small request. Your parents will be more likely to agree to your request for a new phone if you get them to first agree to a few small, related requests.[9]

    • For example, ask your parents to eat out, or another small request that they will probably say yes to, before asking them for a new phone.
  4. Image titled 3164476 9


    Make a deal with your parents. If your parents are open to you doing extra work around the house or some other task to earn your phone, stay on top of your extra chores without being asked. This will show your parents that you are taking your agreement seriously, which will result in your parents taking it seriously as well.[10]

    • It may take a while before you get your phone. Don’t expect you to get your phone after just a week of doing chores; it may take longer than that.
    • Don’t worry if you slip up once or twice. As long as you show your parents that you are trying your hardest, they may give you some slack.
  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 10


    Wait for a holiday or birthday. While your parents might normally be unwilling to pay the cost of a new phone, a special day, like a gift-giving holiday, can be the ideal excuse to splurge on a present. During this time, be clear with your parents. Let them know that you’d rather have a phone than toys or gifts you might not use.[11]

    • Don’t make up a holiday or use a holiday that you don’t celebrate. For example, if your family doesn’t celebrate Hanukkah, then don’t ask for a Hanukkah gift.
    • Give your parents time to purchase the gift. Don’t ask the day just before your birthday. Give your parents a month or so.
  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 11


    Summarize what your parents say. Listen to what your parents have to say carefully, and then when it’s your turn to speak, put what they said in your own words. By showing that you hear and respect what they are saying, you will improve your chances of getting your new phone.[12]
    For example, you might say:

    • «So if I’m hearing you right, Mom, you don’t think a new phone is worth the cost and you’re worried that I’ll drop it like my last phone. I hear what you’re saying, but I have some ideas…»
  7. Advertisement

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  • It helps to research and see if a lot of your peers have phones. Parents often make decisions based on what your peers are doing.


  • Be sure you stay true to any promises you make your parents. Your parents might interpret broken promises as a sign you’re not ready for a new phone.



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Article SummaryX

Convincing your parents to get you a new phone can be difficult, but you can improve your chances by having a good argument and being flexible. Before you ask your parents, think about why you need a new phone and base your reasoning around points your parents will agree with. For example, a new phone will have better reception, which will help you stay in contact with them when you’re out. Once you have a solid reason to have a new phone, find a time when your parents are in a good mood and start the conversation. As you talk, be open to ideas, like doing small chores or jobs to offset the cost or having the phone be considered your birthday gift for the year. Make sure you hold yourself to any promises you make, as they can easily take your new phone away. For more help, like how to be persistent without being rude, read on!

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    «My parents bought me an iPhone 11 for my birthday!»

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Cell phones are constantly improving, and it’s likely that your new phone isn’t as good as it used to be. If you are in need of a new phone, you might have a difficult task ahead of you convincing your parents that it’s worth it. But even with the strictest of parents, by using a few proven techniques, you can improve your chances of getting the new phone you rightfully deserve.

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 1


    Talk about getting a new phone. Sometimes, starting the conversation can lead you to a solution. Be polite when you tell your parents that you are interested in getting a new phone, and really listen to what they have to say. If you can respond to your parents reasons and excuses for not getting you a new phone in a convincing way, they’ll be more likely to shell out for your brand new mobile device. You might ask:

    • «What can I do to earn a new phone?»
    • «Are there any other chores I can help with to prove I’m ready for a new phone?»
  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 2


    Work to find solutions. Stay calm throughout your talk with your parents about your phone situation and keep your cool if you hear a «no» in response. This is an opportunity for you to show your maturity and to earn points with your parents. Instead of getting upset or frustrated, ask your parents:

    • «What can I do to change your mind?»
    • «What can I do to prove to you that I need a new phone?»


  3. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 3


    Offer to put your own money toward your new phone. This can be tricky, especially if you’re too young to work. If you have birthday money saved up, you can offer to put that toward getting a new phone, or you can offer to do more housework in exchange for an allowance.[1]

    • Offer your services as a babysitter to friends and family who have children that are younger than you who need supervision.
    • You might be able to earn money around your neighborhood doing seasonal chores, like mowing lawns in summer or shoveling snow in winter.
  4. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 4


    Be persistent without being rude. When you want something badly, sometimes it’s all you can think about. However, asking again and again can irritate your parents, making them less willing to get you a phone.[2]
    Instead of asking the same question repeatedly, ask in a roundabout way that highlights your recent effort. You might say, for example:

    • «How does the kitchen look? I’ve been trying to help out by doing dishes. I thought that maybe if I helped out around the house more, we could talk again about getting me a new phone.»
    • «I know you’ve been busy with work lately, so I vacuumed the house for you. Is there anything else I can help with? I was thinking that if I contributed more, I might be able to get a new phone.»
  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 5


    Build a convincing argument. Your parents will be more likely to buy you a new phone if they agree with your reasoning. Your reasoning will be influenced by your personal situation, so you’ll have to decide which arguments will work best for you. Some you might want to consider include:[3]

    • A cell phone can be used to call them or emergency services if you are in trouble.[4]
    • A cell phone can help with logistics if you need to be picked up from somewhere.
    • Safety features, like improved GPS
    • Poor reception due to an outdated model
    • Earning money to buy your own phone will teach you responsibility
    • Unreliability, like your phone turning on and off randomly or messages arriving late to your phone
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 6


    Choose your moment wisely. Times when your parents are busy, flustered, or angry are likely to result in a «no» to your phone request. Choose a good time to talk to them. Make sure they are relaxed rather than busy or stressed out.[5]
    Encourage a good mood in your parents before you ask, by being extra polite and doing any chores you might have before they ask. To improve your chances of a yes before you ask for your new phone, you also might:[6]

    • Turn on your parents’ favorite music
    • Talk about an experience where you both had fun
    • Do an activity your parents find enjoyable
  2. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 7


    Ask in good weather and after meals. Generally speaking, people are more agreeable after they eat, and this might put your parents in a more favorable mood when you ask for your new phone.[7]
    Weather can also make your parents more or less agreeable. Sunny days with clear skies will improve your odds of getting the phone you desire.[8]

    • Keep in mind that this won’t always be the case. Your mom or dad could still have a bad day even if it’s sunny out and you just had lunch.
  3. Image titled 3164476 8


    Get your foot in the door with a small request. Your parents will be more likely to agree to your request for a new phone if you get them to first agree to a few small, related requests.[9]

    • For example, ask your parents to eat out, or another small request that they will probably say yes to, before asking them for a new phone.
  4. Image titled 3164476 9


    Make a deal with your parents. If your parents are open to you doing extra work around the house or some other task to earn your phone, stay on top of your extra chores without being asked. This will show your parents that you are taking your agreement seriously, which will result in your parents taking it seriously as well.[10]

    • It may take a while before you get your phone. Don’t expect you to get your phone after just a week of doing chores; it may take longer than that.
    • Don’t worry if you slip up once or twice. As long as you show your parents that you are trying your hardest, they may give you some slack.
  5. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 10


    Wait for a holiday or birthday. While your parents might normally be unwilling to pay the cost of a new phone, a special day, like a gift-giving holiday, can be the ideal excuse to splurge on a present. During this time, be clear with your parents. Let them know that you’d rather have a phone than toys or gifts you might not use.[11]

    • Don’t make up a holiday or use a holiday that you don’t celebrate. For example, if your family doesn’t celebrate Hanukkah, then don’t ask for a Hanukkah gift.
    • Give your parents time to purchase the gift. Don’t ask the day just before your birthday. Give your parents a month or so.
  6. Image titled Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 11


    Summarize what your parents say. Listen to what your parents have to say carefully, and then when it’s your turn to speak, put what they said in your own words. By showing that you hear and respect what they are saying, you will improve your chances of getting your new phone.[12]
    For example, you might say:

    • «So if I’m hearing you right, Mom, you don’t think a new phone is worth the cost and you’re worried that I’ll drop it like my last phone. I hear what you’re saying, but I have some ideas…»
  7. Advertisement

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  • It helps to research and see if a lot of your peers have phones. Parents often make decisions based on what your peers are doing.


  • Be sure you stay true to any promises you make your parents. Your parents might interpret broken promises as a sign you’re not ready for a new phone.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

Convincing your parents to get you a new phone can be difficult, but you can improve your chances by having a good argument and being flexible. Before you ask your parents, think about why you need a new phone and base your reasoning around points your parents will agree with. For example, a new phone will have better reception, which will help you stay in contact with them when you’re out. Once you have a solid reason to have a new phone, find a time when your parents are in a good mood and start the conversation. As you talk, be open to ideas, like doing small chores or jobs to offset the cost or having the phone be considered your birthday gift for the year. Make sure you hold yourself to any promises you make, as they can easily take your new phone away. For more help, like how to be persistent without being rude, read on!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 408,170 times.

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  • Desi

    «My parents bought me an iPhone 11 for my birthday!»

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