Как на немецком написать номер телефона

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Перевод «Номер телефона» на немецкий


Номер телефона матери у вас есть?

Не помню, чтоб давал тебе свой номер телефона.

Ich erinnere mich nicht, Ihnen meine Telefonnummer gegeben zu haben.

Регистраторша не захотела дать мне его номер телефона.

Die Sprechstundenhilfe weigerte sich, mir seine Nummer zu geben.

Полное имя Карлы и номер телефона.

Carlas vollen Namen und ihre Nummer, bitte.

Попросила его назвать мой номер телефона.

Можно попросить у вас номер телефона?

Просто, это её домашний номер телефона

Ich meine, es ist ihre private Telefonnummer, aber…

Ну… у меня есть его номер телефона.

Она написала свой номер телефона, черт возьми.

Legen Sie ihn zurück! Sie hat ihre Nummer aufgeschrieben.

Мы проверили имя, адрес и номер телефона.

Ты должна дать моему другу свой номер телефона.

А нас салфетке был его номер телефона.

Мне не нужен твой номер телефона, письма или открытки.

Ich will nicht deine Telefonnummer. Briefe. Postkarten.

Было бы очень кстати иметь твой номер телефона.

Für so etwas brauch ich deine Nummer.

Я так и не смог дать тебе свой номер телефона на прошлой вечеринке.

Ich hatte keine Gelegenheit dir meine Nummer zu geben während der Party.

Надо было спросить у него его номер телефона.

Schande das ich nicht nach seiner Nummer gefragt habe.

Аннет… и у меня есть её номер телефона.

Я тут записала вам его номер телефона.

Hier, das ist seine Nummer.

Не работает как номер телефона, слишком короткий для номера социального страхования.

Funktioniert nicht als Telefonnummer, zu kurz für eine Sozialversicherungsnummer.

Жозефина, у тебя есть мой номер телефона.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Номер телефона

Результатов: 497. Точных совпадений: 497. Затраченное время: 52 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The easiest, least fail-likely and safest way to pass on a phone number in speaking is to go digit by digit. Typically, the entire area code will be given at once, and then two or three digits given at a time; between each group the speaking party typically waits until the receiving party confirms by mhm or ja. (Unfortunately, one cannot easily identify area codes by number of digits as in the US. Very large cities have two digits, smaller but important ones three and small places four, always without the leading zero. Mobile numbers often have three, but sometimes four.)

Null, acht, acht, zwo, eins, – neun, drei, null, – zwo, fünf, null.

Note that to prevent confusion, the digit 2 is often given as zwo rather than zwei.
There is no rule stating that the number should be given exactly in that way and not in groups of two (neun, drei, – null, zwo, – fünf, null). However, in exactly this case I am used to the number being given like this, because it is a radio station’s number they frequently relay in this way on air.

Some people also use groups of two and turn those into two-digit numbers. In that case, the same number would be given as:

Null, achtundachtzig, einundzwanzig, – dreiundneunzig, null zwo, fünfzig.

Note that 02 becomes null zwo rather than just zwo (or zwei. The two are replaceable). The area code’s leading zero is always given as a separate zero. In case the number of digits is odd, one digit is chosen seemingly at random and given as a single one. So the area code of Weilheim in Oberbayern can be given as one of the following:

Null, achtundachtzig, eins.
Null, acht, einundachtzig.

Some people go even further and include hundreds (i.e. groups of three) into their counting. But I would argue that that is the rarest case nowadays.

Null, achthunderteinundachtzig.

The problem with counting hundreds is that you can never be entirely certain whether the above is 0881, 080081 or 0810081 (achthunderteinundachtzig, achthundert einundachtzig and acht hundert einundachtzig, respectively).
My cousin was once told to relay a phone number from upstairs (where her father said it to her) downstairs to me. There were three people and we arrived at three different phone numbers due to the difficulty of keeping track with three-digit numbers. So avoid those if you can.

The easiest, least fail-likely and safest way to pass on a phone number in speaking is to go digit by digit. Typically, the entire area code will be given at once, and then two or three digits given at a time; between each group the speaking party typically waits until the receiving party confirms by mhm or ja. (Unfortunately, one cannot easily identify area codes by number of digits as in the US. Very large cities have two digits, smaller but important ones three and small places four, always without the leading zero. Mobile numbers often have three, but sometimes four.)

Null, acht, acht, zwo, eins, – neun, drei, null, – zwo, fünf, null.

Note that to prevent confusion, the digit 2 is often given as zwo rather than zwei.
There is no rule stating that the number should be given exactly in that way and not in groups of two (neun, drei, – null, zwo, – fünf, null). However, in exactly this case I am used to the number being given like this, because it is a radio station’s number they frequently relay in this way on air.

Some people also use groups of two and turn those into two-digit numbers. In that case, the same number would be given as:

Null, achtundachtzig, einundzwanzig, – dreiundneunzig, null zwo, fünfzig.

Note that 02 becomes null zwo rather than just zwo (or zwei. The two are replaceable). The area code’s leading zero is always given as a separate zero. In case the number of digits is odd, one digit is chosen seemingly at random and given as a single one. So the area code of Weilheim in Oberbayern can be given as one of the following:

Null, achtundachtzig, eins.
Null, acht, einundachtzig.

Some people go even further and include hundreds (i.e. groups of three) into their counting. But I would argue that that is the rarest case nowadays.

Null, achthunderteinundachtzig.

The problem with counting hundreds is that you can never be entirely certain whether the above is 0881, 080081 or 0810081 (achthunderteinundachtzig, achthundert einundachtzig and acht hundert einundachtzig, respectively).
My cousin was once told to relay a phone number from upstairs (where her father said it to her) downstairs to me. There were three people and we arrived at three different phone numbers due to the difficulty of keeping track with three-digit numbers. So avoid those if you can.

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