Как читать мангу правильно на телефон

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Манга — это разновидность японского комикса. Чтение манга отличается от чтения комиксов, книг или журналов на русском языке. Чтобы максимально ее понимать, вам нужно научиться читать ее в последовательности справа налево, а потом сверху вниз, а также правильно толковать элементы в панелях и разбираться в эмоциях персонажей.

  1. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 1


    Узнайте о различных видах манги. Существует пять основных видов манги: сэйнэн (ее также называют мужской мангой), дзесэй (известна как женская манга), седзе (манга для девочек), сенэн (манга для мальчиков) и кодомо (детская манга).[1]

  2. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 2


    Исследуйте множество жанров манга. Манга имеет много жанров, охватывающих бесчисленное множество сюжетов и тем. Вот некоторые из наиболее распространенных жанров: боевик, детектив, приключения, романтика, комедия, повседневность, научная фантастика, фэнтези, гендерная интрига, история, гарем и меха.[2]

  3. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 3


    Изучите несколько популярных серий манги. Прежде, чем вы приступите к чтению своей первой манги, выделите время, чтобы изучить выпуски, пользующиеся спросом. К ходовым научно-фантастическим сериям относятся «Призрак в доспехах» и «Акира». Известные фэнтези включают в себя «Жемчуг дракона» и «Покемон: Приключения». «С любовью, Хина» является известной мангой в жанре повседневность, а «Мобильный воин Гандам 0079» является серией, представляющей собой смесь меха и научной фантастики.[3]


  1. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 4


    Выберите мангу, которая соответствует вашим интересам и близка вам по духу. После того, как вы изучили различные виды и жанры манги, а также познакомились с некоторыми популярными сериями, пришло время определиться, какой вид манги вы будете читать. Доверьтесь свой интуиции и отдайте предпочтение тому, что действительно вас будоражит!

  2. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 5


    Начните с первого выпуска. Чаще всего, манга публикуется с продолжением и содержит множество историй. Убедитесь, что начинаете с первой истории и продвигайтесь вперед в хронологическом порядке. Если серия достаточно популярна, ее выпуски могут быть опубликованы в сборнике. Номер выпуска и серия обычно напечатаны на обложке.

  3. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 6


    Положите книгу корешком вправо. Мангу следует читать с повернутым вправо корешком журнала или книги. Когда вы кладете мангу на стол, убедитесь, что концы листов находятся с левой стороны, а корешок расположен с правой. Получается «задом наперед» по сравнению с книгами на русском языке.

  4. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 7


    Начните со стороны, где указано название, имя автора и издание. Важно, чтобы вы начали читать мангу с правильной стороны. На передней обложке обычно указано название вместе с именем автора или авторов. Переверните мангу, если наткнетесь на предупреждение со словами: “Вы читаете задом наперед!”.[4]


  1. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 8


    Читайте панели в последовательности справа налево и сверху в вниз. Как и страницы манги, отдельные панели следует читать справа налево. Начинайте читать каждую страницу с окошка, которое находится в правом верхнем углу страницы. Прочитайте справа налево, а когда дойдете до края страницы, переходите к окошку в правом углу следующего ряда панелей. [5]

    • Если все панели расположены вертикально, начните с самой верхней.
    • Даже если панели не выстроены по четкой линии, придерживайтесь правила справа налево. Начните с самого высокого ряда или столбца и перемещайтесь справа налево к самому низкому ряду или столбцу.
  2. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 9


    Читайте облачка с диалогами справа налево и сверху вниз. Облачка с диалогами, в которых содержится текст разговора между персонажами, также должны читаться в последовательности справа налево. Начните с верхнего правого угла отдельной панели и читайте облачка с диалогами справа налево, а потом сверху вниз.[6]

  3. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 10


    Смотрите на панели с черным фоном как на отсылки к прошлому. Если у панели черный фон, как правило, это указывает на то, что события, показанные в окошке, произошли до того, как история была проиллюстрирована в манге. Черный фон сигнализирует о возврате к более раннему событию или периоду времени.[7]

  4. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 11


    Смотрите на окошки с исчезающим фоном, как на переход из прошлого в настоящее. Страница, где есть панель с черным фоном сверху, потом панель с блеклым оттенком серого, и, наконец, панель с белым фоном, отображает переход во времени из прошлого (черное окошко) к настоящему (белое окошко).[8]


  1. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 12


    Воспринимайте облачко-вздох как проявление облегчения или раздражения у персонажа. Часто герои манги будут иллюстрироваться с пустым диалоговым облачком около рта или под ним. Это указывает на то, что персонаж вздыхает, и может быть интерпретировано как облегчение или раздражение.[9]

  2. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 13


    Истолковывайте линии, проходящие через лицевую часть персонажа, как румянец. Румянец у героев манги часто изображается при помощи линий, нарисованных на носу и щеках. Интерпретируйте эти выражения как демонстрацию смущения, восторга или даже романтических чувств к другому персонажу.[10]

  3. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 14


    Воспринимайте кровотечение из носа как похоть, а не травму. Когда персонаж манги появляется на странице с кровотечением из носа, это обычно означает, что у него есть похотливые мысли о другом персонаже, или что он похотливо смотрит на другого героя, как правило, на красивую женщину.[11]

  4. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 15


    Истолковывайте капли пота как смущение. Иногда возле головы персонажа может появиться капля пота. Это обычно указывает на то, что персонаж смущен или чувствует себя крайне неудобно в данной ситуации. Чаще всего, это не так серьезно, как смущение, изображаемое румянцем.[12]

  5. Изображение с названием Read Manga Step 16


    Воспринимайте тени на лице и темное свечение как гнев, раздражение или депрессию. Если персонаж манги появляется в панели с фиолетовой, серой или черной массой или тенью, плавающей на заднем фоне, это обычно указывает на негативную энергию, окружающую героя.[13]


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Manga is a style of Japanese comic. Reading manga is different than reading a comic, book, or magazine in English. Learning to read manga in a right to left and then up to down sequence, correctly interpreting panel elements, and exploring characters’ emotions by familiarizing yourself with some common emotional iconography will help you get the most from your manga.

Things You Should Know

  • Discover new manga genres and popular series, like shojo, shonen, Ghost in the Shell, and Love Hina.
  • Read manga panels from right to left and top to bottom. For dialogue boxes within specific panels, move in the same direction.
  • Follow characters’ changing emotions. Sigh bubbles are for exasperation, vertical cheek lines are blushing, and sweat drops are embarrassment.
  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 1


    Learn about the different types of manga. There are five major types of manga. Seinen is also referred to as men’s manga. Women’s manga is known as josei. Shojo is girls’ manga, while shonen is boys’ manga. And children’s manga is called kodomo.[1]

  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 2


    Explore the many genres of manga. Manga has many genres, covering numerous topics and themes. Some of the most common manga genres include action, mystery, adventure, romance, comedy, slice of life, science fiction, fantasy, gender bender, historical, harem, and mecha.[2]


  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 3


    Learn about some popular manga series. Before you get started on reading your first manga, take some time to explore popular series. Some popular science fiction series include Ghost in the Shell and Akira. Well-known fantasy series include Dragon Ball and Pokemon Adventures. Love Hina is a popular slice of life manga series, and Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 is a series that is a mix of mecha and science fiction.[3]

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  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 4


    Select manga that suits your interests and personality. After you explore the different types and genres of manga and familiarize yourself with some popular series, it’s time to make a decision about what type of manga you’ll be reading. Go with your gut and choose something that really excites you!

  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 5


    Begin with the first manga in the series. More often than not, manga are serialized and contain many stories. Make sure you start with the first story and work your way through the series chronologically. If a series is popular enough, its episodes might be published together in a collected volume. The issue and series are usually printed on the cover.

  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 6


    Lay the book down with the spine on the right side. Manga should be read with the magazine or book spine on the right. As you lay the manga down on a table, make sure the leaf ends are on the left and the spine is positioned to the right. This is «backwards» compared to English books.

  4. Image titled Read Manga Step 7


    Start on the side with the title, author’s name, and edition. It’s important that you begin reading manga on the correct side. The front cover will usually contain the title of the manga along with the name of the author or authors. Flip the manga over if you come across a warning that says, “You’re reading the wrong way!”

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  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 8


    Read panels from right to left and in an up to down sequence. Like the pages of manga, individual panels should be read in a right to left sequence. Start reading each page by beginning with the panel that is in the upper right hand corner of the page. Read right to left and when you reach the edge of the page, go to the panel in the far-right of the following row of panels.[4]

    • If the panels are all arranged vertically, begin with the topmost panel.
    • Even if the panels don’t line up perfectly, stick to the right to left rule. Begin with the highest row or column and make your way — right to left — to the lowest row or column.
  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 9


    Read dialog balloons from right to left and up to down. Dialog balloons, which contain conversational text between characters, should also be read in a right to left sequence. Begin in the upper right hand corner of the individual panel and read the dialog balloons from right to left, and then up to down.

  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 10


    Read black panel backgrounds as a flashback. When a manga panel has a background that is black, it is usually indicating that the events illustrated in the panel happened prior to the story being depicted in the manga. Black backgrounds signal a flashback to an earlier event or time period.

  4. Image titled Read Manga Step 11


    Read fading panel backgrounds as a transition from the past to the present. A page that contains a panel with a black background at the top, then panels with fading shades of gray, and finally a panel with a white background is depicting a time shift from the past (black panel) to the present (white panel).

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  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 12


    Read a sigh bubble as an expression of relief or a character’s exasperation. Oftentimes manga characters will be illustrated with an empty dialogue bubble at or below their mouth. This indicates that character is sighing, and can be interpreted as either relief or exasperation.

  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 13


    Interpret lines across a character’s facial area as blushing. Manga characters are often depicted as blushing with lines sketched across the nose and cheeks. Interpret these expressions as illustrations of a character being embarrassed, overjoyed, or even having romantic feelings toward another character.

  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 14


    Read a nose bleed as lust, not injury. When a manga character appears on page with a nosebleed, this usually means they are having lustful thoughts about another character or are gazing lustfully at another character, usually a beautiful woman.[5]

  4. Image titled Read Manga Step 15


    Interpret a sweat drop as embarrassment. Sometimes a sweat drop may appear near a character’s head. This usually indicates the character is embarrassed or feeling extremely uncomfortable in a given situation. This is usually less severe than the embarrassment depicted by blushing.[6]

  5. Image titled Read Manga Step 16


    Read facial shadows and dark auras as anger, irritability, or depression. When a manga character appears in a panel with a purple, gray, or black blob or shadow floating in the background, this is usually indicative of the negative energy surrounding the character.

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  • Question

    Do I read manga on the internet from right to left?

    Community Answer

    You read it right to left, or else you’ll miss some important scenes in the conversation and then get really confused.

  • Question

    Is there any way I can get it the American way on paper?

    Community Answer

    Yes, but not for all manga. Some are flipped to fit the «American way,» but most times, the backgrounds are flipped and it doesn’t look right.

  • Question

    Do I read it right to left on an iPad/iPhone on the manga app?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Manga apps I’ve seen are often scanlations of Japanese manga and translated.

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Article SummaryX

To read Manga, lay the book down with the spine to the right, opposite of how English books are read. To read the dialogue panels, move from right to left and in an up to down sequence. However, if you come across a panel with a black background, interpret it as a flashback. Also, if you encounter a panel with a fading background, read the scene as a transition from the past to the present. For tips on how to read characters’ emotions, keep reading!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 893,565 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Frankie Smith

    Frankie Smith

    Mar 17, 2017

    «I was new to reading manga and having a really hard time understanding the storyline, because I wasn’t reading the…» more

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Manga is a style of Japanese comic. Reading manga is different than reading a comic, book, or magazine in English. Learning to read manga in a right to left and then up to down sequence, correctly interpreting panel elements, and exploring characters’ emotions by familiarizing yourself with some common emotional iconography will help you get the most from your manga.

Things You Should Know

  • Discover new manga genres and popular series, like shojo, shonen, Ghost in the Shell, and Love Hina.
  • Read manga panels from right to left and top to bottom. For dialogue boxes within specific panels, move in the same direction.
  • Follow characters’ changing emotions. Sigh bubbles are for exasperation, vertical cheek lines are blushing, and sweat drops are embarrassment.
  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 1


    Learn about the different types of manga. There are five major types of manga. Seinen is also referred to as men’s manga. Women’s manga is known as josei. Shojo is girls’ manga, while shonen is boys’ manga. And children’s manga is called kodomo.[1]

  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 2


    Explore the many genres of manga. Manga has many genres, covering numerous topics and themes. Some of the most common manga genres include action, mystery, adventure, romance, comedy, slice of life, science fiction, fantasy, gender bender, historical, harem, and mecha.[2]


  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 3


    Learn about some popular manga series. Before you get started on reading your first manga, take some time to explore popular series. Some popular science fiction series include Ghost in the Shell and Akira. Well-known fantasy series include Dragon Ball and Pokemon Adventures. Love Hina is a popular slice of life manga series, and Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 is a series that is a mix of mecha and science fiction.[3]

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  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 4


    Select manga that suits your interests and personality. After you explore the different types and genres of manga and familiarize yourself with some popular series, it’s time to make a decision about what type of manga you’ll be reading. Go with your gut and choose something that really excites you!

  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 5


    Begin with the first manga in the series. More often than not, manga are serialized and contain many stories. Make sure you start with the first story and work your way through the series chronologically. If a series is popular enough, its episodes might be published together in a collected volume. The issue and series are usually printed on the cover.

  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 6


    Lay the book down with the spine on the right side. Manga should be read with the magazine or book spine on the right. As you lay the manga down on a table, make sure the leaf ends are on the left and the spine is positioned to the right. This is «backwards» compared to English books.

  4. Image titled Read Manga Step 7


    Start on the side with the title, author’s name, and edition. It’s important that you begin reading manga on the correct side. The front cover will usually contain the title of the manga along with the name of the author or authors. Flip the manga over if you come across a warning that says, “You’re reading the wrong way!”

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  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 8


    Read panels from right to left and in an up to down sequence. Like the pages of manga, individual panels should be read in a right to left sequence. Start reading each page by beginning with the panel that is in the upper right hand corner of the page. Read right to left and when you reach the edge of the page, go to the panel in the far-right of the following row of panels.[4]

    • If the panels are all arranged vertically, begin with the topmost panel.
    • Even if the panels don’t line up perfectly, stick to the right to left rule. Begin with the highest row or column and make your way — right to left — to the lowest row or column.
  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 9


    Read dialog balloons from right to left and up to down. Dialog balloons, which contain conversational text between characters, should also be read in a right to left sequence. Begin in the upper right hand corner of the individual panel and read the dialog balloons from right to left, and then up to down.

  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 10


    Read black panel backgrounds as a flashback. When a manga panel has a background that is black, it is usually indicating that the events illustrated in the panel happened prior to the story being depicted in the manga. Black backgrounds signal a flashback to an earlier event or time period.

  4. Image titled Read Manga Step 11


    Read fading panel backgrounds as a transition from the past to the present. A page that contains a panel with a black background at the top, then panels with fading shades of gray, and finally a panel with a white background is depicting a time shift from the past (black panel) to the present (white panel).

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  1. Image titled Read Manga Step 12


    Read a sigh bubble as an expression of relief or a character’s exasperation. Oftentimes manga characters will be illustrated with an empty dialogue bubble at or below their mouth. This indicates that character is sighing, and can be interpreted as either relief or exasperation.

  2. Image titled Read Manga Step 13


    Interpret lines across a character’s facial area as blushing. Manga characters are often depicted as blushing with lines sketched across the nose and cheeks. Interpret these expressions as illustrations of a character being embarrassed, overjoyed, or even having romantic feelings toward another character.

  3. Image titled Read Manga Step 14


    Read a nose bleed as lust, not injury. When a manga character appears on page with a nosebleed, this usually means they are having lustful thoughts about another character or are gazing lustfully at another character, usually a beautiful woman.[5]

  4. Image titled Read Manga Step 15


    Interpret a sweat drop as embarrassment. Sometimes a sweat drop may appear near a character’s head. This usually indicates the character is embarrassed or feeling extremely uncomfortable in a given situation. This is usually less severe than the embarrassment depicted by blushing.[6]

  5. Image titled Read Manga Step 16


    Read facial shadows and dark auras as anger, irritability, or depression. When a manga character appears in a panel with a purple, gray, or black blob or shadow floating in the background, this is usually indicative of the negative energy surrounding the character.

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  • Question

    Do I read manga on the internet from right to left?

    Community Answer

    You read it right to left, or else you’ll miss some important scenes in the conversation and then get really confused.

  • Question

    Is there any way I can get it the American way on paper?

    Community Answer

    Yes, but not for all manga. Some are flipped to fit the «American way,» but most times, the backgrounds are flipped and it doesn’t look right.

  • Question

    Do I read it right to left on an iPad/iPhone on the manga app?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Manga apps I’ve seen are often scanlations of Japanese manga and translated.

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Article SummaryX

To read Manga, lay the book down with the spine to the right, opposite of how English books are read. To read the dialogue panels, move from right to left and in an up to down sequence. However, if you come across a panel with a black background, interpret it as a flashback. Also, if you encounter a panel with a fading background, read the scene as a transition from the past to the present. For tips on how to read characters’ emotions, keep reading!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 893,565 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Frankie Smith

    Frankie Smith

    Mar 17, 2017

    «I was new to reading manga and having a really hard time understanding the storyline, because I wasn’t reading the…» more

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