Интерком в телефоне что это такое

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Неутомимый труженик телекома

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На нескольких телекоммуникационных форумах обсуждали вопрос осуществления вызовов с функцией «Интерком», т.е. когда оконечное устройство (voip-телефон или программный телефон) автоматически включаются на «громную связь» без каких-либо манипуляций со стороны вызываемого абонента. Теоретически должны работать все системы, в которых данная функция заявлена, но, как нередко бывает, некоторые устройства (системы) между собой не стыкуются. Я проведу реальный эксперимент на реально работающей системе. В качестве ip-атс используем

Коммуникационную платформу Октелл,

в качестве ip-телефона

Escene US102-YN

Escene US102-YN,

В коммуникационной платформе


в параметрах компонентов сценария

«Переключение на номер»


«Переключение на внешний номер с указанием линии»

Коммуникационная платформа ОктеллКоммуникационная платформа Октелл

существует параметр «Тип вызова», который может принимать значение:

  • Обычный
  • Интерком

Коммуникационная платформа Октелл

Если в качестве абонентского устройства используем

Клиентское приложение Октелл

с подключенной к ПК гарнитурой, то вопросов никаких нет- Интерком работает отлично. Нас интересует, будет ли эта функция работать с внешним устройствами, в качестве которых используем

ip (voip) —  телефон


Для теста я взял ip-телефон

Escene US102-YN

, в инструкции которого заявлена функция



Escene US102

В voip-телефоне на вкладке

«Расширенные настройки-Настройки телефона»


«Автоответ-Фильтровать по»,

ниже на второй строке


выбираем устройство, на которое будет включен «звук», я выбрал


применяем настройки.

Расширенные настройки-Настройки телефона Escene

В Октелле создаем sip-абонента (я опущу процесс создания sip-аккаунта, т.к. это не имеет отношения к текущему эксперименту), параметры аккаунта прописываем в ip- телефоне, проверяем, что ip-телефон зарегистрирован, в этом можно убедиться как в разделе




, так и в разделе

«Состояние телефона»

в настройках voip-телефона.

Первый вызов я сделал с параметром в настройках сценария



вызов- телефонный аппарат звонил, пока не подняли трубку (нажал на кнопку громкой связи).

Два последующих вызова совершил с параметром


в сценарии


— телефонный аппарат сразу же включился на «громкую связь.

Делаем вывод из нашего небольшого эксперимента, что

1. Заявленный функционал «Интерком» в коммуникационной платформе Октелл и ip (voip) телефоне Escene работают

2. Коммуникационная платформа Октелл и ip (voip) телефон Escene совместимы для работы в режиме Интерком

Неутомимый труженик телекома

IntercomСегодня поговорим про приложение Intercom для Android, работающее через Wi-Fi и Bluetooth. Основное его предназначение – это сделать ваш девайс беспроводной рацией для возможности общения сразу между несколькими людьми.


  1. Для чего может быть полезно
  2. Установка
  3. Мобильная Рация для Android: Видео

Для чего может быть полезно

Такая программа может быть интересна в ситуациях, которые мы приведем ниже:

  1. По словам разработчиков, приложение можно успешно использовать байкерам при длительных поездках в колоне. В таком случае все участники колонны, находящиеся в радиусе 50–100 м друг от друга, могут общаться, дополнительно подключив к смартфонам Bluetooth-гарнитуру (для удобства).
  2. При условии использования беспроводной гарнитуры приложение может стать полезным в шумных местах (стройплощадки и т. п.). При этом участники беседы могут комфортно общаться между собой без надобности кричать, если находятся метрах в 50 друг от друга. Никакой абонентской платы с мобильного счета сниматься не будет, потому что для разговора используется только сигнал синезуба.
  3. Те, у кого есть грудные детки, могут превратить два смартфона в радионяню. Нужно лишь активировать приложение на обоих аппаратах, один положить возле малыша, а другой рядом с собой, и всегда быть в курсе активности ребенка.

На этом идеи использования приложения Bluetooth Intercom для Android не заканчиваются: все зависит лишь от вашей фантазии и потребностей. Возможно, вы найдете для себя не предусмотренное разработчиками применение программы.


Приложение можно бесплатно загрузить с Google Play.

Все описанные ниже действия нужно проводить на всех устройствах, на которые будете устанавливать Intercom:

  1. Убедитесь, что на девайсе активирован синезуб.
  2. Откройте приложение.

    Запуск программы

  3. Тапните по «Add Device», чтобы выбрать собеседника.

    Add device

  4. Нажмите на пункт «Bluetooth».

    Выберите bluetooth

В списке устройств нажмите на название того, с которым хотите начать общение, и повторите подобные действия для остальных устройств.

Выбор собеседника

После этого первоначальная настройка завершена. Звук между девайсами будет транслироваться автоматически: то есть все, что будет слышать микрофон вашего смартфона, будет передаваться на динамики других устройств, соединённых через эту программу, и наоборот.

Точная настройка

На этом функционал приложения не ограничивается, и, если вам нужно более точно настроить программу под свои потребности, предлагаем ознакомиться с более мелкими установками.

Для того чтобы активировать пункт установок, на главном окне нужно выбрать кнопку в виде ползунка. Она находится в правом верхнем углу рабочей области.

Открыть настройки

В открывшемся окне можно изменить следующие параметры:

  1. «Voice sensibility» – ползунки этой области отвечают за изменение чувствительности микрофона вашего девайса. Можно как увеличить ее, перетащив ползунок правее, так и уменьшить, передвинув его налево.

    Voice sensibility

  2. «Push to Talk» – при активации этого пункта в окне программы появится большая кнопка, передающая звук с микрофона только тогда, когда вы ее нажмете.

    Push to Talk в окне

    Данная функция будет полезна тем, кто не хочет, чтобы абсолютно все сказанное транслировалось всем собеседникам.

    Push to Talk

  3. <«Voice detection sounds» – это фильтр, который может приглушать все посторонние звуки, стараясь улавливать только голос говорящего.

    Voice detection sounds

  4. «Sound effect volume» – отвечает за усиление или уменьшение фильтра, упомянутом в предыдущем пункте.

    Sound effect volume

    Также программа имеет дополнительное меню: для перехода в него нажмите по кнопке «Advanced».


  5. «Recording frequency» – имеет несколько заготовленных значений, отвечающих за качество звука: поэкспериментируйте и выберите для себя оптимальное качество.

    Recording frequency

  6. «Recording buffer» – в некоторых случаях этот пункт может устранить проблемы при записи.

    Recording buffer

  7. «Audio CODEC» – этот блок имеет доступные кодеки записи для вашего устройства. Некоторые из них могут иметь лучшее качество записи, поэтому советуем проверить качество на каждом и остановиться на лучшем.

    Audio CODEC

Вот и все настройки данной программы. Надеемся, рассказанное будет вам полезно. Приятного вам общения.

Мобильная Рация для Android: Видео

«Call button» redirects here. For call buttons provided to patients in a health care setting, see Nurse call button.

A butler uses an intercom on behalf of a lady.

An intercom, also called an intercommunication device, intercommunicator, or interphone, is a stand-alone voice communications system for use within a building or small collection of buildings which functions independently of the public telephone network.[1] Intercoms are generally mounted permanently in buildings and vehicles. Intercoms can incorporate connections to public address loudspeaker systems, walkie talkies, telephones, and other intercom systems. Some intercom systems incorporate control of devices such as signal lights and door latches.

Intercoms are used on a wide variety of properties; from houses that only require one connection between a resident and the property’s entrance to multi-unit apartments that require intercom hardware to be installed in every individual apartment.[1] Some are equipped with video[1] and its wiring (electrical installation) can be connected to the outside with a few pairs (4-6 pairs) while controlling an electric strike. The latest generations are even compatible with computers and some models include TCP/IP compatibility.

Permanent systems[edit]

Current Intercom Control Desk

Traditional intercoms and public address systems are composed entirely of analogue electronics components but many new features and interfacing options can be accomplished with new intercom systems based on digital connections. Video signals can be carried as well as voice. Digital intercom stations can be connected using Cat 5 cable and can even use existing computer networks as a means of interfacing distant parties. Intercom cameras can be used in modern offices and hotels.

Many schools and office buildings now use audio / video systems to identify visitors trying to gain access to a locked building and can be interfaced with the building’s access control system.

Besides fixed locations, intercom systems are used on many types of vehicles including trains, watercraft, aircraft and armoured fighting vehicles.

Portable systems[edit]

Portable intercoms are commonly used by special event production crews and professional sports teams. Performing arts venues such as theaters and concert halls often have a combination of permanently mounted and portable intercom elements. Motorsports race tracks often have both portable and permanent intercom stations mounted at critical points around the racecourse for use by race officials and emergency medical technicians.

Basic intercom system terms[edit]

Intercom installers, suppliers, and manufacturers often use the following terms to refer to intercom components.

  • Master station or base station: These units control the whole system. Master stations initiate calls to substations and can be configured to make announcements that are transmitted over the entire intercom system.
  • Substation: Units that initiate calls with a master station, but are not capable of initiating calls with any other stations. Substations are also known as slave units.
  • Door station: Like substations, door stations are only capable of initiating a call to a master station. They are typically weather-proof.
  • Intercom station: A full-featured remote unit that is capable of initiating and receiving party-line conversation, individual conversations, and signalling. May be rack-mounted, wall-mounted or portable.
  • Wall mount station: Fixed-position intercom station with built-in loudspeaker. May have flush-mounted microphone, hand-held push to talk microphone or telephone-style handset.
  • Belt pack: Portable intercom station worn on the belt such as an interruptible feedback (IFB) with an earpiece worn by talent.
  • Handset: Permanent or portable telephone-style connection to an intercom station. Holds both an earpiece and a push to talk microphone.
  • Headset: Portable intercom connection from a belt pack to one or both ears via headphones with integrated microphone on a boom arm. Connects to a belt pack.
  • Paging signal: An audible and/or visual alert at an intercom station, indicating that someone at another station wants to initiate a conversation.
  • Power supply: Used to feed power to all units. Often incorporated into the design of the base station.
  • Telephonic: Intercom systems that utilize a transmitter (talk) and receiver (listen) to communicate, similar to standard telephone systems.
  • Amplified: Intercom systems that utilize a single speaker to transmit and receive communications.
  • Amplifier: An intercom system’s main or central component, responsible for switching or connecting communication paths between master and substations. In addition, amplifiers distribute or switch power to auxiliary connected devices, such as door strikes, to allow entry.

Wiring intercoms[edit]

1980s MirTone intercom system

While every intercom product line is different, most analogue intercom systems have much in common. Voice signals of about a volt or two are carried atop a direct current power rail of 12, 30 or 48 volts which uses a pair of conductors. Signal light indications between stations can be accomplished through the use of additional conductors or can be carried on the main voice pair via tone frequencies sent above or below the speech frequency range. Multiple channels of simultaneous conversations can be carried over additional conductors within a cable or by frequency- or time-division multiplexing in the analogue domain. Multiple channels can easily be carried by packet-switched digital intercom signals.

Portable intercoms are connected primarily using common shielded, twisted pair microphone cabling terminated with 3-pin XLR connectors. Building and vehicle intercoms are connected in a similar manner with shielded cabling often containing more than one twisted pair.

Digital intercoms use Category 5 cable and relay information back and forth in data packets using the Internet protocol architecture.

Two-wire broadcast intercoms[edit]

Sub-station by Bolinder’s Teleradio (1950s)

Intercom systems are widely used in TV stations and outside broadcast vehicles such as those seen at sporting events or entertainment venues. There are essentially two different types of intercoms used in the television world: two-wire party line or four-wire matrix systems. In the beginning, TV stations would simply build their own communication systems using old phone equipment. However, today there are several manufacturers offering off-the-shelf systems. From the late 1970s until the mid-90s, the two-wire party line-type systems were the most popular, primarily due to the technology that was available at the time. The two-channel variety used a 32-volt impedance-generating central power supply to drive external stations or belt packs. This type of format allowed the two channels to operate in standard microphone cable, a feature highly desired by the broadcasters. These systems were very robust and simple to design, maintain and operate but had limited capacity and flexibility as they were usually hardwired. A typical user on the system could not choose whom to talk to. He would communicate with the same person or group of people until the system was manually reconfigured to allow communication with a different group of people. Two-wire routers or source assignment panels were then implemented to allow quick re-routing. This reconfiguration was usually handled at a central location, but because voltage is used on the circuit to power the external user stations as well as communicate, there would usually be a pop when the channels were switched. So while one could change the system on-the-fly, it was usually not desirable to do so in the middle of a production, as the popping noise would distract the rest of the television crew.

Four-wire broadcast intercoms[edit]

A modern four-wire intercom system capable of 272 sources and destinations manufactured by Telex Communications Inc.

In the mid-90s four-wire technology started gaining more prominence due to the technology getting cheaper and smaller. Four-wire circuit technology had been around for quite some time but was very expensive to implement. It usually required a large footprint in the physical television studio, thus was only used at very large television stations or television networks.

Wireless intercoms[edit]

For installations where it is not desirable or possible to run wires to support an intercom system, wireless intercom systems are available. There are two major benefits of a wireless intercom system over the traditional wired intercom. The first is that installation is much easier since no wires have to be run between intercom units. The second is that you can easily move the units at any time. With that convenience and ease of installation comes a risk of interference from other wireless and electrical devices. Nearby wireless devices such as cordless telephones, wireless data networks, and remote audio speakers, as well as structural features in your building, can all interfere. Electrical devices such as motors, lighting fixtures and transformers can cause noise. There may be concerns about privacy since conversations may be picked up on a scanner, baby monitor, cordless phone, or a similar device on the same frequency. Encrypted wireless intercoms can reduce or eliminate privacy risks, while placement, installation, construction, grounding and shielding methods can reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of external interference. The United States and Canada have several frequency ranges for wireless intercom systems and other wireless products. They are 49 MHz, FM band (200–270 kHz), 494–608 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, and MURS (150 MHz). IP Intercoms are now appearing that connect a Master to an IP Substation elsewhere on the Internet, via an Ethernet port. Wireless intercoms can also run over a mesh network that allows near-instant communication throughout a house.

Power line communication units that send signal over house wiring have been referred to as «wireless» intercoms. Though they are technically wired intercoms, they are based on existing wiring and thus require no additional wires.

Loudaphone brand intercom station aboard RMS Queen Mary. The Loudaphone was specified for noisy environments such as aboard trains and trams and within a ship’s engine room

Telephone intercoms[edit]

Some telephones include intercom functions that enable paging and conversation between instruments of similar make and model. Examples include Panasonic model KX-TS3282W(/B), AT&T models 945 and 974, and TMC model ET4300.

A single device can add intercom functionality to multiple standard telephones on a common phone line, even of different makes and models. Installation effort is minimal, and is not vulnerable to the radio interference and security issues of wireless systems. The Add-A-Com Whole House Intercom for Standard Telephone Systems is such a device. Intercom paging is accomplished by sounding a distinctive ring from all telephones after any phone is taken briefly off hook. After paging, any number of phones may converse. The device temporarily disconnects the external phone line during intercom use, and reconnects when all phones are again on hook. During intercom use, an external call’s ringing signal can be heard in the earpiece.

Many key telephone systems for office use provide access to multiple outside lines plus an intercom, where the latter appeared as if it were one of the individually-selectable lines. The Western Electric Model 207 and Model 6A intercoms were designed for integration into such key system multiline installations, providing one or two simultaneous intercom calls respectively.

See also[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Intercoms.

  • Bticino
  • Courtesy phone
  • Door phone
  • Fermax
  • Public address system
  • Speaking tube
  • Video door phone


  1. ^ a b c Lange, Kim (2017-02-08). «Intercom systems — how do they work?». Medium. Retrieved 2022-07-27.

External links[edit]

  • List of mobile video intercoms

«Call button» redirects here. For call buttons provided to patients in a health care setting, see Nurse call button.

A butler uses an intercom on behalf of a lady.

An intercom, also called an intercommunication device, intercommunicator, or interphone, is a stand-alone voice communications system for use within a building or small collection of buildings which functions independently of the public telephone network.[1] Intercoms are generally mounted permanently in buildings and vehicles. Intercoms can incorporate connections to public address loudspeaker systems, walkie talkies, telephones, and other intercom systems. Some intercom systems incorporate control of devices such as signal lights and door latches.

Intercoms are used on a wide variety of properties; from houses that only require one connection between a resident and the property’s entrance to multi-unit apartments that require intercom hardware to be installed in every individual apartment.[1] Some are equipped with video[1] and its wiring (electrical installation) can be connected to the outside with a few pairs (4-6 pairs) while controlling an electric strike. The latest generations are even compatible with computers and some models include TCP/IP compatibility.

Permanent systems[edit]

Current Intercom Control Desk

Traditional intercoms and public address systems are composed entirely of analogue electronics components but many new features and interfacing options can be accomplished with new intercom systems based on digital connections. Video signals can be carried as well as voice. Digital intercom stations can be connected using Cat 5 cable and can even use existing computer networks as a means of interfacing distant parties. Intercom cameras can be used in modern offices and hotels.

Many schools and office buildings now use audio / video systems to identify visitors trying to gain access to a locked building and can be interfaced with the building’s access control system.

Besides fixed locations, intercom systems are used on many types of vehicles including trains, watercraft, aircraft and armoured fighting vehicles.

Portable systems[edit]

Portable intercoms are commonly used by special event production crews and professional sports teams. Performing arts venues such as theaters and concert halls often have a combination of permanently mounted and portable intercom elements. Motorsports race tracks often have both portable and permanent intercom stations mounted at critical points around the racecourse for use by race officials and emergency medical technicians.

Basic intercom system terms[edit]

Intercom installers, suppliers, and manufacturers often use the following terms to refer to intercom components.

  • Master station or base station: These units control the whole system. Master stations initiate calls to substations and can be configured to make announcements that are transmitted over the entire intercom system.
  • Substation: Units that initiate calls with a master station, but are not capable of initiating calls with any other stations. Substations are also known as slave units.
  • Door station: Like substations, door stations are only capable of initiating a call to a master station. They are typically weather-proof.
  • Intercom station: A full-featured remote unit that is capable of initiating and receiving party-line conversation, individual conversations, and signalling. May be rack-mounted, wall-mounted or portable.
  • Wall mount station: Fixed-position intercom station with built-in loudspeaker. May have flush-mounted microphone, hand-held push to talk microphone or telephone-style handset.
  • Belt pack: Portable intercom station worn on the belt such as an interruptible feedback (IFB) with an earpiece worn by talent.
  • Handset: Permanent or portable telephone-style connection to an intercom station. Holds both an earpiece and a push to talk microphone.
  • Headset: Portable intercom connection from a belt pack to one or both ears via headphones with integrated microphone on a boom arm. Connects to a belt pack.
  • Paging signal: An audible and/or visual alert at an intercom station, indicating that someone at another station wants to initiate a conversation.
  • Power supply: Used to feed power to all units. Often incorporated into the design of the base station.
  • Telephonic: Intercom systems that utilize a transmitter (talk) and receiver (listen) to communicate, similar to standard telephone systems.
  • Amplified: Intercom systems that utilize a single speaker to transmit and receive communications.
  • Amplifier: An intercom system’s main or central component, responsible for switching or connecting communication paths between master and substations. In addition, amplifiers distribute or switch power to auxiliary connected devices, such as door strikes, to allow entry.

Wiring intercoms[edit]

1980s MirTone intercom system

While every intercom product line is different, most analogue intercom systems have much in common. Voice signals of about a volt or two are carried atop a direct current power rail of 12, 30 or 48 volts which uses a pair of conductors. Signal light indications between stations can be accomplished through the use of additional conductors or can be carried on the main voice pair via tone frequencies sent above or below the speech frequency range. Multiple channels of simultaneous conversations can be carried over additional conductors within a cable or by frequency- or time-division multiplexing in the analogue domain. Multiple channels can easily be carried by packet-switched digital intercom signals.

Portable intercoms are connected primarily using common shielded, twisted pair microphone cabling terminated with 3-pin XLR connectors. Building and vehicle intercoms are connected in a similar manner with shielded cabling often containing more than one twisted pair.

Digital intercoms use Category 5 cable and relay information back and forth in data packets using the Internet protocol architecture.

Two-wire broadcast intercoms[edit]

Sub-station by Bolinder’s Teleradio (1950s)

Intercom systems are widely used in TV stations and outside broadcast vehicles such as those seen at sporting events or entertainment venues. There are essentially two different types of intercoms used in the television world: two-wire party line or four-wire matrix systems. In the beginning, TV stations would simply build their own communication systems using old phone equipment. However, today there are several manufacturers offering off-the-shelf systems. From the late 1970s until the mid-90s, the two-wire party line-type systems were the most popular, primarily due to the technology that was available at the time. The two-channel variety used a 32-volt impedance-generating central power supply to drive external stations or belt packs. This type of format allowed the two channels to operate in standard microphone cable, a feature highly desired by the broadcasters. These systems were very robust and simple to design, maintain and operate but had limited capacity and flexibility as they were usually hardwired. A typical user on the system could not choose whom to talk to. He would communicate with the same person or group of people until the system was manually reconfigured to allow communication with a different group of people. Two-wire routers or source assignment panels were then implemented to allow quick re-routing. This reconfiguration was usually handled at a central location, but because voltage is used on the circuit to power the external user stations as well as communicate, there would usually be a pop when the channels were switched. So while one could change the system on-the-fly, it was usually not desirable to do so in the middle of a production, as the popping noise would distract the rest of the television crew.

Four-wire broadcast intercoms[edit]

A modern four-wire intercom system capable of 272 sources and destinations manufactured by Telex Communications Inc.

In the mid-90s four-wire technology started gaining more prominence due to the technology getting cheaper and smaller. Four-wire circuit technology had been around for quite some time but was very expensive to implement. It usually required a large footprint in the physical television studio, thus was only used at very large television stations or television networks.

Wireless intercoms[edit]

For installations where it is not desirable or possible to run wires to support an intercom system, wireless intercom systems are available. There are two major benefits of a wireless intercom system over the traditional wired intercom. The first is that installation is much easier since no wires have to be run between intercom units. The second is that you can easily move the units at any time. With that convenience and ease of installation comes a risk of interference from other wireless and electrical devices. Nearby wireless devices such as cordless telephones, wireless data networks, and remote audio speakers, as well as structural features in your building, can all interfere. Electrical devices such as motors, lighting fixtures and transformers can cause noise. There may be concerns about privacy since conversations may be picked up on a scanner, baby monitor, cordless phone, or a similar device on the same frequency. Encrypted wireless intercoms can reduce or eliminate privacy risks, while placement, installation, construction, grounding and shielding methods can reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of external interference. The United States and Canada have several frequency ranges for wireless intercom systems and other wireless products. They are 49 MHz, FM band (200–270 kHz), 494–608 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz, and MURS (150 MHz). IP Intercoms are now appearing that connect a Master to an IP Substation elsewhere on the Internet, via an Ethernet port. Wireless intercoms can also run over a mesh network that allows near-instant communication throughout a house.

Power line communication units that send signal over house wiring have been referred to as «wireless» intercoms. Though they are technically wired intercoms, they are based on existing wiring and thus require no additional wires.

Loudaphone brand intercom station aboard RMS Queen Mary. The Loudaphone was specified for noisy environments such as aboard trains and trams and within a ship’s engine room

Telephone intercoms[edit]

Some telephones include intercom functions that enable paging and conversation between instruments of similar make and model. Examples include Panasonic model KX-TS3282W(/B), AT&T models 945 and 974, and TMC model ET4300.

A single device can add intercom functionality to multiple standard telephones on a common phone line, even of different makes and models. Installation effort is minimal, and is not vulnerable to the radio interference and security issues of wireless systems. The Add-A-Com Whole House Intercom for Standard Telephone Systems is such a device. Intercom paging is accomplished by sounding a distinctive ring from all telephones after any phone is taken briefly off hook. After paging, any number of phones may converse. The device temporarily disconnects the external phone line during intercom use, and reconnects when all phones are again on hook. During intercom use, an external call’s ringing signal can be heard in the earpiece.

Many key telephone systems for office use provide access to multiple outside lines plus an intercom, where the latter appeared as if it were one of the individually-selectable lines. The Western Electric Model 207 and Model 6A intercoms were designed for integration into such key system multiline installations, providing one or two simultaneous intercom calls respectively.

See also[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Intercoms.

  • Bticino
  • Courtesy phone
  • Door phone
  • Fermax
  • Public address system
  • Speaking tube
  • Video door phone


  1. ^ a b c Lange, Kim (2017-02-08). «Intercom systems — how do they work?». Medium. Retrieved 2022-07-27.

External links[edit]

  • List of mobile video intercoms

На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 24.2к. Опубликовано 26.05.2021

Интернет по праву можно назвать одной из самых полезной вещей, придуманной человечеством. Если раньше людям из прошлых столетий приходилось тратить немало времени на то, чтобы найти необходимую информацию в книгах, то современному человеку достаточно лишь ввести соответствующий вопрос в поисковой системе, и он сразу же получит ответ.

Однако не всегда интернет-технологии используются во благо. Например, интернет позволяет мошенникам и хакерам разрабатывать все более новые мошеннические схемы для получения личной выгоды, из-за чего страдает множество людей по всему миру, которые стали жертвами мошенников. Причем далеко не всегда даже самый опытный пользователь интернета способен разгадать мошенническую схему, например, с использованием sms-сообщений.

Вид мошенничества с кодами подтверждения стал особенно часто использоваться хакерами для взлома аккаунтов обычных людей. Многие жалуются, что им приходят сообщения с кодом подтверждения от разных сервисов, например, от InterCom, хотя они никогда не были зарегистрированы на данном ресурсе. Ниже в статье рассказываем, что это за сайт такой, и что делать, если вы получили подобного рода SMS-сообщение.

InterCom: что это такое

InterCom – это сайт иностранной компании, которая занимается IT-разработками, тем не менее именно этот ресурс чаще всего используется российским мошенниками. Стоит сразу уточнить, что его владельцы никак не связаны с действиями хакеров, так как те действуют от имени владельцев сайта без их согласия.
В чем заключается мошенническая схема

Мошенническая схема заключается в следующем:

Хакеры находят потенциальную жертву, чьи аккаунты в социальных сетях необходимо взломать. Обычно жертва находится по номеру телефона, так как мошенникам не принципиально взламывать кого-то конкретно, а аккаунты в социальных сетях нужны для их дальнейшей продажи на сторонних сервисах.

На мобильный номер телефона жертвы начинают совершать SMS-атаки с кодами подтверждения от совершенно разных сервисов посредством использования определенной программы, так называемой sms-бомбером.

Таким образом на телефон приходят сотни SMS. Это делается для того, чтобы “сбить с толку” внимание жертвы, пока ее аккаунты в социальных сетях активно пытаются взломать. Все дело в том, что человек вряд ли увидит сообщение с кодом подтверждения от определенного сайта, на котором у него зарегистрирован аккаунт, когда подобного рода сообщения приходят сотнями.

Учетные записи взламываются через сторонние программы.

InterCom – это всего лишь один из сервисов, на который ссылаются хакеры, чтобы “ослепить” потенциальную жертву массой SMS.

Что делать

Если вы стали жертвой sms-бомберов, то, во-первых, обратитесь к оператору сотовой связи и опишите свою проблему. Во-вторых, постарайтесь заблокировать все номера, с которых приходят коды, так как зачастую используются одни и те же сервисы. Обычно бомбинг длится около суток.

  • Интериор окна элиста телефон
  • Интериор металл элиста телефон
  • Интерзет техническая поддержка телефон
  • Интересный факт про телефон
  • Интересный факт о телефоне