Индекс автомобильных номеров швеции


A plate from 2010 to 2013 (no sticker needed)

A plate from 2019 with format, ABC 12A

In Sweden, vehicle registration plates (Swedish: registreringsskylt) are used for most types of vehicles. They have three letters first, a space and two digits and one digit or letter after (e.g. ABC 123 or ABC 12A). The combination is mostly a random number and has no connection with a geographic location. The last digit is used to show what month the vehicle tax has to be paid, and before 2018 it was also used to show what month the car had to undergo vehicle inspection. Vehicles like police cars, fire trucks, public buses and trolley buses use the same type of plate as normal private cars and cannot be directly distinguished by the plate alone. Military vehicles have special plates. Part of the vehicle data is public and can be retrieved online.[1]

Ordinary plates[edit]

Ordinary plates have black text on a white background. They consist of three letters first, a space, two digits and one more digit or letter. The space was formerly used for a taxation sticker, and on newer plates the space is narrower. Above it a manufacturer code and the vehicle identification number (VIN) are printed and above the last digit the date of plate manufacture is printed. All vehicles must legally carry both a front and a rear plate except for motorcycles, trailers (rear only), tractors and other off-road machinery (front only).

The registration number is tied to the vehicle’s VIN and remains unchanged, even after change of ownership, until the vehicle is scrapped or exported. It is possible to decommission a registered vehicle for any length of time. A decommissioned registered vehicle does not require road tax or a valid insurance. The registration plate remains on the vehicle while decommissioned. Registration numbers of scrapped, exported and de-registered vehicles are put in quarantine before they are re-used with new registered vehicles.

Disallowed letters and combinations[edit]

All letters in the Swedish alphabet are used, except the letters I, Q, V, Å, Ä and Ö. As of 2019 a letter may be used instead of the last number; this character also excludes the letter O so as not to risk confusion with 0 (zero).[2] 91 additional letter combinations are not used since they may be offensive, political or otherwise unsuitable.[3] Examples include: APA (monkey), ARG (angry), DUM (stupid, bad), FAN (devil, damn), FEG (cowardly), FEL (error, wrong), FUL (ugly), GAY, HOT (threat), LAT (lazy), NRP (Nordiska Rikspartiet), OND (evil, cruel), SEX, SUP (snaps), TOA (toilet), UFO, USA, XXL (extra extra large) and many others. MLB (no meaning in Swedish) is reserved for examples, movies, ads and similar, where a real plate connected to a car which might be sold is not desired. English language was not considered when making the list, so for example WTF exists on plates. Until the rules were relaxed somewhat in October 2010, the list included 69 additional exclusions.[3] The Swedish Transport Agency has made this list, which is larger than those in most other countries, to avoid requests to replace issued plate numbers once they are deemed unacceptable, which would cause administrative problems.

Sizes and EU stripe[edit]

Plate Size (mm) Notes
Old ordinary plate (last production date 31 dec 2013) 480×111
EU stripe plate 520×111 EU stripe
«American» plate 300×111 EU stripe
Square MC plate 119×155 EU stripe

Starting in 1994, smaller plates of 30×11 cm were offered for special applications where standard plates would not typically fit, e.g. American domestic market vehicles. These plates are made in a narrower typeface. Up until then large, square plates were used for these applications; however, these were too large height-wise for some American cars, in which case motorcycle plates were issued instead. There is also a self-adhesive plastic ‘plate’ for use on snowmobiles, ATV’s and similar, where the design of the vehicle can make it awkward to fit a real plate.
The blue EU stripe was introduced in 2002 as option. As of 1 January 2014 all new manufactured plates have the EU-stripe, and there are no exceptions for older vehicles. Motorcycle owners have often changed plates since it is often hard to find a place for the oval «S»-sticker otherwise needed abroad.

Flag of Europe.svg



Taxation sticker[edit]

All vehicles except taxis had to use a tax sticker (the sticker on the pictured plate is an interim sticker).

In the middle of the rear plate, a sticker had to be attached to allow driving. This sticker was sent to the owner when the road tax and the liability insurance had been paid and the vehicle had been approved in the inspection. Valid for one year, its colour varied with the year, and the clearly visible month number of expiry could easily be discerned by police. It was introduced in 1973. Since 1 January 2010, the tax sticker was abolished in Sweden, and newer plates have no room for it.

Special plates[edit]

Personal plates[edit]

In addition to the ordinary registration plate of three letters and three digits, personal registration plates are allowed. The personal registration plate works as an alias to the ordinary plate and can have (almost) any text or number combination up to seven characters, if it isn’t used already. It costs 6200 kr (about 590 €) to get personal number for a vehicle. They are valid for ten years and may be moved to another vehicle. The approval sticker was placed to the left, not in the middle. Text too offensive or illegal is not allowed. For instance, the 64SALE number was not allowed, as the number 6 and the word «sex» are homonyms in the Swedish.

In 2019 the application for the plate TRUMP was denied because the authority considered it provocative.[4] A sticker declaring the alias relationship between the ordinary plate and the personal plate must be attached in one of the vehicle’s windows. The above-mentioned limitation on allowed letters (I, Q, V, Å, Ä, Ö) does not apply to personal plates.

Sometimes Swedish personalised plates may run into troubles in foreign countries. In 2018, authorities in Romania confiscated a Swedish plate that’s reads «MUIEPSD», which means «fuck the PSD (Social Democratic Party)», Romania’s then-ruling party, in Romanian, despite Swedish embassy in Bucharest issued a Facebook post that clarifies all-letter Swedish personalised plates are valid throughout the European Union, including Romania.

Dealer plates[edit]

2003 series dealer’s plate

Dealer plates have black text on a green background. These plates are used on vehicles without registration, insurance and vehicles which have failed inspection. The dealers have reported their car not to be driven, meaning they don’t have to pay road tax. Cars can be parked for months awaiting sale. The cars can be used for short test drives with one of these licence plates. Unlike normal Swedish license plates, the dealer plate is not tied to any vehicle but to the plate owner. These plates can also be used by car manufacturers to test vehicles. The plate has a sticker indicating if the plate is for cars, trucks or trailers. The plate shows that the owner has a special insurance that covers test drives.


2002 series, diplomatic plate. ML is not a real country, just used for examples, ads etc

Diplomatic plates have black text on a blue background. They consist of two letters, three serial digits and a last letter. The first two letters shows which diplomatic mission the vehicle belongs to (Letters I and Q not used). The letters don’t correspond to any country acronym e.g. American diplomats don’t have US as their first two letters. They’re ordered by the sovereign states’ name in the French language. Thus AA denotes South Africa (i.e. Afrique du Sud). AB denotes Albania (i.e. Albanie) and so forth up until DT. The three digits are just a serial number. The last letter shows what kind of task the diplomat has. The approval sticker was placed last on the right. Just like the personal plates these vehicles have a standard format registration as well, which means a re-registration is not needed if the vehicle changes owner.

Diplomatic mission (country) code

Code Country Notes
AA  South Africa
AB  Albania
AC  Algeria
AD  Germany
AE  Armenia
AF  United States
AG  Angola
AH  Saudi Arabia
AJ  Argentina
AK  Australia
AL  Austria
AM  Bangladesh
AN  Belgium
AO Not in use
AP  Bolivia
AR  Botswana
AS  Brazil
AT  Bulgaria
AU  Canada
AW  Chile
AX  China
AY  Colombia
AZ  South Korea Republic of Korea
BA  North Korea Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
BB Not in use
BC  Cuba
BD  Denmark
BE  Dominican Republic
BF  Egypt
BG  Ecuador
BH  Spain
BJ  Ethiopia
BK  Finland
BL  France
BM  United Kingdom
BN  Greece
BO Not in use
BP  Guatemala
BR Not in use
BS  Hungary
BT  India
BU  Indonesia
BW  Iraq
BX  Iran
BY  Ireland
BZ  Iceland
CA  Israel
CB  Italy
CC  Japan
CD  Kenya
CE  Laos
CF  Lebanon
CG  Libya
CH  Malaysia
CJ  Morocco
CK  Mexico
CL  Mozambique
CM  Nicaragua
CN  Nigeria
CO Not in use
CP  Norway
CR Not in use
CS  Pakistan
CT  Panama
CU  Netherlands
CW  Peru
CX  Philippines
CY  Poland
CZ  Portugal
Diplomatic mission (country) code

Code Country Notes
DA  Romania
DB  Senegal
DC  Somalia
DD  Sri Lanka
DE  Switzerland
DF  Tanzania
DG  Czech Republic
DH  Thailand
DJ  Tunisia
DK  Turkey
DL  Russia
DM  Uruguay
DN  Venezuela
DO Not in use
DP  Vietnam
DR  Serbia
DS  Zambia
DT  Zimbabwe
DU UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
DW World Maritime University
DX Nordic Council
DY  Namibia
DZ  Sudan
EA ESA European Space Agency
EB  European Union
EC  Burundi
ED  Estonia
EE  Latvia
EF  Lithuania
EG  Croatia
EH  Slovenia
EJ  Slovakia
EK  Bosnia and Herzegovina
EL  Eritrea
EM  Ukraine
EN  Cyprus
EO Not in use
EP  Macedonia
ER  Kuwait
ES  Honduras
ET  Rwanda
EU IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
EW Not in use
EX  Cape Verde
EY CBSS Council of the Baltic Sea States
EZ Not in use
FA  Belarus
FB  Congo Republic of the Congo
FC  El Salvador
FD  Syria
FE GIWA Global International Waters Assessment
FF   Vatican City Apostolic Nunciature
FG Not in use
FH GWP Global Water Partnership
FJ  United Arab Emirates
FK  Moldova
FL  Georgia
FM  Azerbaijan
FN  New Zealand
Diplomatic status (last letter) code

Code Diplomatic status Notes
A Ambassador
B Embassy Vehicles owned by the embassy
C Diplomat
D Administrative or technical staff
E Consulate
F Consul
G Consulate staff
H International organisation
I International organisation staff


Taxi plates have black text on a yellow background. Taxis get yellow plates after they are approved. The plates have the same registration as the car had before it was a taxi. Thus if it isn’t used as a taxi anymore, or if the car or the Taximeter fails inspection, the normal plates are put back on and the yellow ones are confiscated. Just like normal plates, taxi plates do not have an approval sticker. Until 1 April 2017, a smaller T indicating «taxi» was printed in the right hand corner (unless it had personal plates, in which case the T was omitted). The T was removed to streamline the manufacturing process, as taxi plates issued after this date solely differ from standard plates by background colour.[5]


2002 series temporary plate

Temporary plates have white text on a red background. Used as a temporary registration for import and export. Like the standard plates, it has three letters and three digits, but with an expiry day and month to the left and year to the right. When an imported vehicle has been approved it will get ordinary white plates with the same registration as previously given on red plates.


A Volvo used by the Swedish armed forces.

1906 series military plate

Military registration plates have yellow digits on a black background. The licences usually consist of four to six digits and may be used for all kinds of vehicles, from ordinary automobiles to tanks. Cars and lorries have plates with the number mounted to the vehicles, while on tanks and terrain vehicles the number is usually painted on the vehicle. The 1906 series format is still used. The register and issuing of plates is done by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration thus completely separate from the civilian counterpart.


1906–1973 series[edit]

1906–1973 series (A = Stockholm)

Until 1973 the plates contained one or two letters and up to five digits. The letters are standardised codes for the counties of Sweden. A second letter (A or B) was used for some counties for which the 5 digits were not enough to cover all vehicles.

The typeface used was not consistent as the vehicle owner bought either a plate or a kit from various dealers, such as petrol stations.

Opposite to many other countries, there were no special codes for police, post or other national services apart from the military. One tradition was that the official vehicle of the county governor had the number 1 after the county code, however «A 1» belonged to the king.

These plates were not used after 1974. All vehicles had to replace the plates. There are no historic plates in Sweden and historic cars have to use modern (post-1973) plates. All vehicles over 30 years old and not being used as a commercial vehicle are regarded as «veteran» by the road authority, becoming tax-exempt and only needing to pass vehicle inspection every second year. These vehicles use ordinary plates and approval stickers.

Map of Sweden with county codes from 1998, after the merger of some counties.


  • A, AA, AB – City of Stockholm
  • B, BA, BB – Stockholms län
  • C – Uppsala län
  • D – Södermanlands län
  • E, EA – Östergötlands län
  • F, FA – Jönköpings län
  • G – Kronobergs län
  • H – Kalmar län
  • I – Gotlands län
  • K – Blekinge län
  • L, LA – Kristianstads län (today part of Skåne län)
  • M, MA, MB – Malmöhus län (today part of Skåne län)
  • N – Hallands län
  • O, OA, OB – Göteborgs och Bohus län (today part of Västra Götalands län)
  • P, PA – Älvsborgs län (today part of Västra Götalands län)
  • R – Skaraborgs län (today part of Västra Götalands län)
  • S, SA – Värmlands län
  • T, TA – Örebro län
  • U, UA – Västmanlands län
  • W, WA – Kopparbergs län (today Dalarnas län)
  • X, XA – Gävleborgs län
  • Y – Västernorrlands län
  • Z – Jämtlands län
  • AC – Västerbottens län
  • BD – Norrbottens län
  • no letter – military vehicles; still in use

After 1973[edit]

After 1973 the format changed to three letters followed by three digits. The typeface was custom made to increase readability, and the plates were made in embossed sheet steel. In January 1984 the plates were changed to plastic with reflective tape on them, still embossed. This caused problems since the tape would wear off and decrease the readability of the plate. In January 1994 a new plate was introduced that was made from a solid piece of plastic, with a customised Helvetica typeface. The issue of these plates was halted quickly when Photoblocker spray paint became popular and on 1 January 2002 they were replaced with embossed aluminium plates clad in 3M reflective film.

Post 2018[edit]

In 2015 Transportstyrelsen, the organisation responsible for the Swedish car registry submitted a proposal to the Swedish government on how to adapt the registration number system to avoid running out of registration numbers sometime during 2019. The necessary legal adjustments were made on 16 February 2017 to allow the last character to be either a letter or a digit.[6] The first registration plates using the new format were issued on 16 January 2019.[7] As before, the letters I, Q, V, Å, Ä, Ö are not in use, and the letter O is also not used for the last character.[2]


  1. ^ biluppgifter.se
  2. ^ a b «Nu kommer de nya registreringsnumren» [The new license plates are coming] (in Swedish). Transportstyrelsen. 2019-01-16. Archived from the original on 2019-02-20.
  3. ^ a b «Registreringsskyltar» [Registration plates] (PDF) (in Swedish). Transportstyrelsen. 2010-10-19. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-25.
  4. ^ Trump inget för svenska bilplåtar
  5. ^ «Inte längre några T på taxiskyltar». www.transportstyrelsen.se (in Swedish). Retrieved 2017-12-13.
  6. ^ Beslutat – nya registreringsnummer införs under 2019 2017-02-17
  7. ^ Nya registreringsskyltar på gång 6 january 2019

External links[edit]

  • Media related to License plates of Sweden at Wikimedia Commons
  • Swedish Transport Agency


A plate from 2010 to 2013 (no sticker needed)

A plate from 2019 with format, ABC 12A

In Sweden, vehicle registration plates (Swedish: registreringsskylt) are used for most types of vehicles. They have three letters first, a space and two digits and one digit or letter after (e.g. ABC 123 or ABC 12A). The combination is mostly a random number and has no connection with a geographic location. The last digit is used to show what month the vehicle tax has to be paid, and before 2018 it was also used to show what month the car had to undergo vehicle inspection. Vehicles like police cars, fire trucks, public buses and trolley buses use the same type of plate as normal private cars and cannot be directly distinguished by the plate alone. Military vehicles have special plates. Part of the vehicle data is public and can be retrieved online.[1]

Ordinary plates[edit]

Ordinary plates have black text on a white background. They consist of three letters first, a space, two digits and one more digit or letter. The space was formerly used for a taxation sticker, and on newer plates the space is narrower. Above it a manufacturer code and the vehicle identification number (VIN) are printed and above the last digit the date of plate manufacture is printed. All vehicles must legally carry both a front and a rear plate except for motorcycles, trailers (rear only), tractors and other off-road machinery (front only).

The registration number is tied to the vehicle’s VIN and remains unchanged, even after change of ownership, until the vehicle is scrapped or exported. It is possible to decommission a registered vehicle for any length of time. A decommissioned registered vehicle does not require road tax or a valid insurance. The registration plate remains on the vehicle while decommissioned. Registration numbers of scrapped, exported and de-registered vehicles are put in quarantine before they are re-used with new registered vehicles.

Disallowed letters and combinations[edit]

All letters in the Swedish alphabet are used, except the letters I, Q, V, Å, Ä and Ö. As of 2019 a letter may be used instead of the last number; this character also excludes the letter O so as not to risk confusion with 0 (zero).[2] 91 additional letter combinations are not used since they may be offensive, political or otherwise unsuitable.[3] Examples include: APA (monkey), ARG (angry), DUM (stupid, bad), FAN (devil, damn), FEG (cowardly), FEL (error, wrong), FUL (ugly), GAY, HOT (threat), LAT (lazy), NRP (Nordiska Rikspartiet), OND (evil, cruel), SEX, SUP (snaps), TOA (toilet), UFO, USA, XXL (extra extra large) and many others. MLB (no meaning in Swedish) is reserved for examples, movies, ads and similar, where a real plate connected to a car which might be sold is not desired. English language was not considered when making the list, so for example WTF exists on plates. Until the rules were relaxed somewhat in October 2010, the list included 69 additional exclusions.[3] The Swedish Transport Agency has made this list, which is larger than those in most other countries, to avoid requests to replace issued plate numbers once they are deemed unacceptable, which would cause administrative problems.

Sizes and EU stripe[edit]

Plate Size (mm) Notes
Old ordinary plate (last production date 31 dec 2013) 480×111
EU stripe plate 520×111 EU stripe
«American» plate 300×111 EU stripe
Square MC plate 119×155 EU stripe

Starting in 1994, smaller plates of 30×11 cm were offered for special applications where standard plates would not typically fit, e.g. American domestic market vehicles. These plates are made in a narrower typeface. Up until then large, square plates were used for these applications; however, these were too large height-wise for some American cars, in which case motorcycle plates were issued instead. There is also a self-adhesive plastic ‘plate’ for use on snowmobiles, ATV’s and similar, where the design of the vehicle can make it awkward to fit a real plate.
The blue EU stripe was introduced in 2002 as option. As of 1 January 2014 all new manufactured plates have the EU-stripe, and there are no exceptions for older vehicles. Motorcycle owners have often changed plates since it is often hard to find a place for the oval «S»-sticker otherwise needed abroad.

Flag of Europe.svg



Taxation sticker[edit]

All vehicles except taxis had to use a tax sticker (the sticker on the pictured plate is an interim sticker).

In the middle of the rear plate, a sticker had to be attached to allow driving. This sticker was sent to the owner when the road tax and the liability insurance had been paid and the vehicle had been approved in the inspection. Valid for one year, its colour varied with the year, and the clearly visible month number of expiry could easily be discerned by police. It was introduced in 1973. Since 1 January 2010, the tax sticker was abolished in Sweden, and newer plates have no room for it.

Special plates[edit]

Personal plates[edit]

In addition to the ordinary registration plate of three letters and three digits, personal registration plates are allowed. The personal registration plate works as an alias to the ordinary plate and can have (almost) any text or number combination up to seven characters, if it isn’t used already. It costs 6200 kr (about 590 €) to get personal number for a vehicle. They are valid for ten years and may be moved to another vehicle. The approval sticker was placed to the left, not in the middle. Text too offensive or illegal is not allowed. For instance, the 64SALE number was not allowed, as the number 6 and the word «sex» are homonyms in the Swedish.

In 2019 the application for the plate TRUMP was denied because the authority considered it provocative.[4] A sticker declaring the alias relationship between the ordinary plate and the personal plate must be attached in one of the vehicle’s windows. The above-mentioned limitation on allowed letters (I, Q, V, Å, Ä, Ö) does not apply to personal plates.

Sometimes Swedish personalised plates may run into troubles in foreign countries. In 2018, authorities in Romania confiscated a Swedish plate that’s reads «MUIEPSD», which means «fuck the PSD (Social Democratic Party)», Romania’s then-ruling party, in Romanian, despite Swedish embassy in Bucharest issued a Facebook post that clarifies all-letter Swedish personalised plates are valid throughout the European Union, including Romania.

Dealer plates[edit]

2003 series dealer’s plate

Dealer plates have black text on a green background. These plates are used on vehicles without registration, insurance and vehicles which have failed inspection. The dealers have reported their car not to be driven, meaning they don’t have to pay road tax. Cars can be parked for months awaiting sale. The cars can be used for short test drives with one of these licence plates. Unlike normal Swedish license plates, the dealer plate is not tied to any vehicle but to the plate owner. These plates can also be used by car manufacturers to test vehicles. The plate has a sticker indicating if the plate is for cars, trucks or trailers. The plate shows that the owner has a special insurance that covers test drives.


2002 series, diplomatic plate. ML is not a real country, just used for examples, ads etc

Diplomatic plates have black text on a blue background. They consist of two letters, three serial digits and a last letter. The first two letters shows which diplomatic mission the vehicle belongs to (Letters I and Q not used). The letters don’t correspond to any country acronym e.g. American diplomats don’t have US as their first two letters. They’re ordered by the sovereign states’ name in the French language. Thus AA denotes South Africa (i.e. Afrique du Sud). AB denotes Albania (i.e. Albanie) and so forth up until DT. The three digits are just a serial number. The last letter shows what kind of task the diplomat has. The approval sticker was placed last on the right. Just like the personal plates these vehicles have a standard format registration as well, which means a re-registration is not needed if the vehicle changes owner.

Diplomatic mission (country) code

Code Country Notes
AA  South Africa
AB  Albania
AC  Algeria
AD  Germany
AE  Armenia
AF  United States
AG  Angola
AH  Saudi Arabia
AJ  Argentina
AK  Australia
AL  Austria
AM  Bangladesh
AN  Belgium
AO Not in use
AP  Bolivia
AR  Botswana
AS  Brazil
AT  Bulgaria
AU  Canada
AW  Chile
AX  China
AY  Colombia
AZ  South Korea Republic of Korea
BA  North Korea Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
BB Not in use
BC  Cuba
BD  Denmark
BE  Dominican Republic
BF  Egypt
BG  Ecuador
BH  Spain
BJ  Ethiopia
BK  Finland
BL  France
BM  United Kingdom
BN  Greece
BO Not in use
BP  Guatemala
BR Not in use
BS  Hungary
BT  India
BU  Indonesia
BW  Iraq
BX  Iran
BY  Ireland
BZ  Iceland
CA  Israel
CB  Italy
CC  Japan
CD  Kenya
CE  Laos
CF  Lebanon
CG  Libya
CH  Malaysia
CJ  Morocco
CK  Mexico
CL  Mozambique
CM  Nicaragua
CN  Nigeria
CO Not in use
CP  Norway
CR Not in use
CS  Pakistan
CT  Panama
CU  Netherlands
CW  Peru
CX  Philippines
CY  Poland
CZ  Portugal
Diplomatic mission (country) code

Code Country Notes
DA  Romania
DB  Senegal
DC  Somalia
DD  Sri Lanka
DE  Switzerland
DF  Tanzania
DG  Czech Republic
DH  Thailand
DJ  Tunisia
DK  Turkey
DL  Russia
DM  Uruguay
DN  Venezuela
DO Not in use
DP  Vietnam
DR  Serbia
DS  Zambia
DT  Zimbabwe
DU UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
DW World Maritime University
DX Nordic Council
DY  Namibia
DZ  Sudan
EA ESA European Space Agency
EB  European Union
EC  Burundi
ED  Estonia
EE  Latvia
EF  Lithuania
EG  Croatia
EH  Slovenia
EJ  Slovakia
EK  Bosnia and Herzegovina
EL  Eritrea
EM  Ukraine
EN  Cyprus
EO Not in use
EP  Macedonia
ER  Kuwait
ES  Honduras
ET  Rwanda
EU IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
EW Not in use
EX  Cape Verde
EY CBSS Council of the Baltic Sea States
EZ Not in use
FA  Belarus
FB  Congo Republic of the Congo
FC  El Salvador
FD  Syria
FE GIWA Global International Waters Assessment
FF   Vatican City Apostolic Nunciature
FG Not in use
FH GWP Global Water Partnership
FJ  United Arab Emirates
FK  Moldova
FL  Georgia
FM  Azerbaijan
FN  New Zealand
Diplomatic status (last letter) code

Code Diplomatic status Notes
A Ambassador
B Embassy Vehicles owned by the embassy
C Diplomat
D Administrative or technical staff
E Consulate
F Consul
G Consulate staff
H International organisation
I International organisation staff


Taxi plates have black text on a yellow background. Taxis get yellow plates after they are approved. The plates have the same registration as the car had before it was a taxi. Thus if it isn’t used as a taxi anymore, or if the car or the Taximeter fails inspection, the normal plates are put back on and the yellow ones are confiscated. Just like normal plates, taxi plates do not have an approval sticker. Until 1 April 2017, a smaller T indicating «taxi» was printed in the right hand corner (unless it had personal plates, in which case the T was omitted). The T was removed to streamline the manufacturing process, as taxi plates issued after this date solely differ from standard plates by background colour.[5]


2002 series temporary plate

Temporary plates have white text on a red background. Used as a temporary registration for import and export. Like the standard plates, it has three letters and three digits, but with an expiry day and month to the left and year to the right. When an imported vehicle has been approved it will get ordinary white plates with the same registration as previously given on red plates.


A Volvo used by the Swedish armed forces.

1906 series military plate

Military registration plates have yellow digits on a black background. The licences usually consist of four to six digits and may be used for all kinds of vehicles, from ordinary automobiles to tanks. Cars and lorries have plates with the number mounted to the vehicles, while on tanks and terrain vehicles the number is usually painted on the vehicle. The 1906 series format is still used. The register and issuing of plates is done by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration thus completely separate from the civilian counterpart.


1906–1973 series[edit]

1906–1973 series (A = Stockholm)

Until 1973 the plates contained one or two letters and up to five digits. The letters are standardised codes for the counties of Sweden. A second letter (A or B) was used for some counties for which the 5 digits were not enough to cover all vehicles.

The typeface used was not consistent as the vehicle owner bought either a plate or a kit from various dealers, such as petrol stations.

Opposite to many other countries, there were no special codes for police, post or other national services apart from the military. One tradition was that the official vehicle of the county governor had the number 1 after the county code, however «A 1» belonged to the king.

These plates were not used after 1974. All vehicles had to replace the plates. There are no historic plates in Sweden and historic cars have to use modern (post-1973) plates. All vehicles over 30 years old and not being used as a commercial vehicle are regarded as «veteran» by the road authority, becoming tax-exempt and only needing to pass vehicle inspection every second year. These vehicles use ordinary plates and approval stickers.

Map of Sweden with county codes from 1998, after the merger of some counties.


  • A, AA, AB – City of Stockholm
  • B, BA, BB – Stockholms län
  • C – Uppsala län
  • D – Södermanlands län
  • E, EA – Östergötlands län
  • F, FA – Jönköpings län
  • G – Kronobergs län
  • H – Kalmar län
  • I – Gotlands län
  • K – Blekinge län
  • L, LA – Kristianstads län (today part of Skåne län)
  • M, MA, MB – Malmöhus län (today part of Skåne län)
  • N – Hallands län
  • O, OA, OB – Göteborgs och Bohus län (today part of Västra Götalands län)
  • P, PA – Älvsborgs län (today part of Västra Götalands län)
  • R – Skaraborgs län (today part of Västra Götalands län)
  • S, SA – Värmlands län
  • T, TA – Örebro län
  • U, UA – Västmanlands län
  • W, WA – Kopparbergs län (today Dalarnas län)
  • X, XA – Gävleborgs län
  • Y – Västernorrlands län
  • Z – Jämtlands län
  • AC – Västerbottens län
  • BD – Norrbottens län
  • no letter – military vehicles; still in use

After 1973[edit]

After 1973 the format changed to three letters followed by three digits. The typeface was custom made to increase readability, and the plates were made in embossed sheet steel. In January 1984 the plates were changed to plastic with reflective tape on them, still embossed. This caused problems since the tape would wear off and decrease the readability of the plate. In January 1994 a new plate was introduced that was made from a solid piece of plastic, with a customised Helvetica typeface. The issue of these plates was halted quickly when Photoblocker spray paint became popular and on 1 January 2002 they were replaced with embossed aluminium plates clad in 3M reflective film.

Post 2018[edit]

In 2015 Transportstyrelsen, the organisation responsible for the Swedish car registry submitted a proposal to the Swedish government on how to adapt the registration number system to avoid running out of registration numbers sometime during 2019. The necessary legal adjustments were made on 16 February 2017 to allow the last character to be either a letter or a digit.[6] The first registration plates using the new format were issued on 16 January 2019.[7] As before, the letters I, Q, V, Å, Ä, Ö are not in use, and the letter O is also not used for the last character.[2]


  1. ^ biluppgifter.se
  2. ^ a b «Nu kommer de nya registreringsnumren» [The new license plates are coming] (in Swedish). Transportstyrelsen. 2019-01-16. Archived from the original on 2019-02-20.
  3. ^ a b «Registreringsskyltar» [Registration plates] (PDF) (in Swedish). Transportstyrelsen. 2010-10-19. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-25.
  4. ^ Trump inget för svenska bilplåtar
  5. ^ «Inte längre några T på taxiskyltar». www.transportstyrelsen.se (in Swedish). Retrieved 2017-12-13.
  6. ^ Beslutat – nya registreringsnummer införs under 2019 2017-02-17
  7. ^ Nya registreringsskyltar på gång 6 january 2019

External links[edit]

  • Media related to License plates of Sweden at Wikimedia Commons
  • Swedish Transport Agency

Автомобильные номерные знаки Швеции Рики Номерной знак с 2010 по 2013 год (наклейки не требуются) Номерной знак из 2019

Регистрационные знаки Швеции (Registreringsskylt на шведском языке) используются для большинства типов транспортных средств в Швеции. У них сначала три буквы, пробел, две цифры и одна цифра или буква после (например, ABC 123 или ABC 12A). Комбинация в основном представляет собой случайное число и не имеет никакого отношения к географическому положению. Последняя цифра используется, чтобы показать, в каком месяце должен быть уплачен транспортный налог, а до 2018 года она также использовалась, чтобы показать, в каком месяце автомобиль должен был пройти техосмотр. В транспортных средствах, таких как полицейские машины, пожарные машины, общественные автобусы и троллейбусы, используется тот же тип табличек, что и в обычных частных автомобилях, и их нельзя напрямую отличить по одной только табличке. На военной технике есть специальные таблички. Часть данных о транспортном средстве является общедоступной и может быть найдена онлайн.


  • 1 Обычные таблички
    • 1.1 Запрещенные буквы и комбинации
    • 1.2 Размеры и полоса ЕС
    • 1.3 Налоговая наклейка
  • 2 Специальные таблички
    • 2.1 Персональные таблички
    • 2.2 Таблички дилеров
    • 2.3 Дипломатические номера
    • 2.4 Такси
    • 2.5 Временные
    • 2.6 Военные
  • 3 История
    • 3.1 Серия 1906-1973 годов
      • 3.1.1 Коды
    • 3.2 Пост 1973
    • 3.3 Пост 2018
  • 4 Ссылки
  • 5 Внешние ссылки

Обычные таблички

Обычные таблички имеют черный текст на белом фоне. Они состоят сначала из трех букв, пробела, двух цифр и еще одной цифры или буквы. Место раньше использовалось для налоговой наклейки, а на более новых табличках пространство уже. Над ним напечатаны код производителя и идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN), а над последней цифрой напечатана дата изготовления таблички. Все транспортные средства должны иметь как переднюю, так и заднюю пластины, за исключением мотоциклов, прицепов (только сзади), тракторов и другой внедорожной техники (только спереди).

Регистрационный номер привязан к VIN транспортного средства и остается неизменным даже после смены владельца, пока транспортное средство не будет списано или экспортировано. Зарегистрированный автомобиль можно снять с эксплуатации на любой срок. Зарегистрированный автомобиль, списанный с эксплуатации, не требует дорожного налога или действующей страховки. Номерной знак остается на автомобиле после вывода из эксплуатации. Регистрационные номера списанных, вывезенных и снятых с учета транспортных средств помещаются на карантин перед их повторным использованием с новыми зарегистрированными транспортными средствами.

Запрещенные буквы и комбинации

Используются все буквы шведского алфавита, кроме букв I, Q, V, Å, Ä и Ö. С 2019 года вместо последней цифры можно использовать букву; этот символ также исключает букву O, чтобы не путать с 0 (нулем). 91 дополнительная буквенная комбинация не используется, так как они могут быть оскорбительными, политическими или иным образом неподходящими. Примеры: APA (обезьяна ), ARG (злой), DUM (глупый, плохой), FAN (дьявол, черт), FEG (трусливый), FEL (ошибка, неправильный), FUL (уродливый), GAY, HOT (угроза), LAT (ленивый), NRP (Nordiska Rikspartiet ), OND (злой, жестокий), SEX, SUP (щелкает ), TOA (туалет), UFO, USA, XXL (очень-очень большой) и многие другие. MLB (не имеет значения по-шведски) зарезервирован для примеров, фильмов, рекламы и тому подобного, где реальный номер, связанный с автомобилем, который может быть продан, нежелателен. До тех пор, пока в октябре 2010 года правила не были несколько смягчены, список включал 69 дополнительных исключений. Шведское транспортное агентство составило этот список, который больше, чем в большинстве других стран, чтобы избежать запросов на замену выданных государственных номеров, если они будут сочтены неприемлемыми, что может вызвать административные проблемы.

Размеры и полоса ЕС

Пластина Размер (мм) Примечания
Старая обычная пластина (дата последнего производства 31 декабря 2013 г.) 480 × 111
нашивка ЕС 520 × 111 полоса ЕС
«американская» табличка 300 × 111 ЕС полоса
Квадратная пластина MC 119×155 полоса ЕС

Начиная с 1994 года, пластины меньшего размера 30 × 11 см предлагались для специальных применений, где стандартные пластины обычно не подходили, например Автомобили для внутреннего рынка США. Эти тарелки выполнены в более узком шрифте. До этого для этих целей использовались большие квадратные пластины; однако они были слишком большими по высоте для некоторых американских автомобилей, и в этом случае вместо них были выпущены номера мотоциклов. Также имеется самоклеящаяся пластиковая пластина для использования на снегоходах , ATV и т.п., где конструкция транспортного средства может затруднить установку настоящей пластины. Синяя полоса EU была введена в 2002 году в качестве опции. С 1 января 2014 года все новые выпускаемые пластины имеют полосу ЕС, и для старых автомобилей нет исключений. Владельцы мотоциклов часто меняют таблички, так как часто бывает трудно найти место для овальной S-наклейки, которая в противном случае необходима за границей.

Флаг Европы.svg S EDI 10B

Налоговая наклейка

Все транспортные средства, кроме такси, должны были использовать налоговую наклейку (наклейка на изображенной пластине является временной наклейкой).

В середине задней пластины должна быть наклейка, позволяющая вождение. Эта наклейка была отправлена ​​владельцу после уплаты дорожного налога и страхования гражданской ответственности, а также после утверждения транспортного средства в техосмотре. Действительна в течение одного года, ее цвет менялся в зависимости от года, а четко видимый номер месяца истечения срока действия мог легко различаться полицией. Он был введен в 1973 году. С 1 января 2010 года налоговая наклейка была отменена в Швеции, и на новых табличках для нее нет места.

Специальные номера

Персональные номера

В дополнение к обычным трехбуквенным и трехзначным номерным знакам разрешены личные номерные знаки. Персональный номерной знак работает как псевдоним обычного номера и может содержать (почти) любой текст или комбинацию цифр до семи символов, если они еще не используются. Получение личного номера автомобиля стоит 6200 крон (около 590 евро). Они действительны в течение десяти лет и могут быть перенесены на другой автомобиль. Наклейка одобрения была размещена слева, а не посередине. Слишком оскорбительный или незаконный текст не допускается. Например, число 64SALE было запрещено, поскольку число 6 и слово «пол» являются омонимами в шведском. В 2019 году заявка на табличку ТРАМП была отклонена, поскольку власти посчитали ее провокационной. Наклейка, объявляющая о родстве псевдонима между обычным номером и персональным номером, должна быть прикреплена в одном из окон транспортного средства. Вышеупомянутое ограничение на разрешенные буквы (I, Q, V, Å, Ä, Ö) не распространяется на личные номера.

Таблички дилера

Таблички дилера серии 2003

Таблички дилера имеют черный текст на зеленом фоне. Эти номера используются на транспортных средствах без регистрации, страховки и на транспортных средствах, не прошедших техосмотр. Дилеры заявили, что на их машине запрещено водить машину, то есть им не нужно платить дорожный налог. Машины можно припарковать на месяцы в ожидании продажи. Автомобили можно использовать для коротких тест-драйвов с одним из этих номерных знаков. В отличие от обычных шведских номерных знаков, дилерский номер привязан не к какому-либо транспортному средству, а к владельцу номера. Эти таблички также могут использоваться производителями автомобилей для тестирования автомобилей. На табличке есть наклейка, указывающая, предназначена ли табличка для автомобилей, грузовиков или прицепов. Табличка показывает, что у владельца есть специальная страховка, покрывающая тест-драйв.


серии 2002 г., дипломатический номер. ML — это не настоящая страна, просто используется для примеров, рекламы и т. Д.

Дипломатические номера имеют черный текст на синем фоне. Они состоят из двух букв, трех последовательных цифр и последней буквы. Первые две буквы показывают, к какому дипломатическому представительству принадлежит машина (буквы I и Q не используются). Буквы не соответствуют аббревиатуре страны, например У американских дипломатов в качестве первых двух букв нет США. Они упорядочены по названию суверенных государств на французском языке. Таким образом, AA обозначает Южную Африку (то есть Afrique du Sud). AB обозначает Албанию (то есть Албанию) и так далее до DT. Три цифры — это просто серийный номер. Последнее письмо показывает, какая задача у дипломата. Наклейка с одобрением была размещена последней справа. Как и личные номера, эти автомобили имеют регистрацию стандартного формата, что означает, что перерегистрация не требуется, если автомобиль меняет владельца.

Код дипломатической миссии (страны)

Код Страна Примечания
AA Южная Африка
AB Албания
AC Алжир
AD Германия
AE Армения
AG Ангола
AH Саудовская Аравия
AJ Аргентина
AK Австралия
AL Австрия
AM Бангладеш
AN Бельгия
AO Не используется
AP Боливия
AR Ботсвана
AS Бразилия
AT Болгария
AU Канада
AW Чили
AX Китай
AY Колумбия
AZ Южная Корея Республика Корея
BA Северная Корея Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика
BB Не используется
BC Куба
BD Дания
BE Доминиканская Республика
BF Египет
BG Эквадор
BJ Эфиопия
BK Финляндия
BL Франция
BM Соединенное Королевство
BN Греция
BO Нет используется
BP Гватемала
BR Не используется
BS Венгрия
BT Индия
BU Индонезия
BW Ирак
BX Иран
BY Ирландия
BZ Исландия
CA Израиль
CB Италия
CC Япония
CD Кения
CE Лаос
CF Ливан
CG Ливия
CH Малайзия
CJ Марокко
CK Мексика
CL Мозамбик
CM Никарагуа
CN Нигерия
CO Не используется
CP Норвегия
CR Не используется
CS Пакистан
CT Панама
CU Нидерланды
CW Перу
CX Филиппины
CY Польша
CZ Португалия
Код дипломатической миссии (страны)

Код Страна Примечания
DA Румыния
DB Сенегал
DC Сомали
DD Шри Ланка
DE Швейцария
DF Танзания
DG Чехия
DH Таиланд
DJ Тунис
DK Турция
DL Россия
DM Уругвай
DN Венесуэла
DO Не используется
DP Вьетнам
DR Сербия
DS Замбия
DT Зимбабве
DU УВКБ ООН Управление Верховного комиссара ООН по делам бе женцев
DW Всемирный морской университет
DX Северный совет Värmlands län

  • T, TA — Örebro län
  • U, UA — Västmanlands län
  • W, WA — Kopparbergs län (сегодня Dalarnas län )
  • X, XA — Gävleborgs län
  • Y — Västernorrlands län
  • Z — Jämtlands län
  • AC — Västerbottens län
  • BD — Norrbottens län
  • без буквы — военные машины; все еще используется
  • после 1973 года

    После 1973 года формат изменился на три буквы, за которыми следуют три цифры. Гарнитура была сделана на заказ для повышения читаемости, а пластины были изготовлены из тисненой листовой стали. В январе 1984 года пластины были заменены пластиковыми с нанесением на них световозвращающей ленты, все еще тисненной. Это вызвало проблемы, так как лента изнашивалась и ухудшала читаемость пластины. В январе 1994 года была представлена ​​новая пластина, сделанная из цельного куска пластика, с индивидуальным шрифтом Helvetica. Выпуск этих пластин был быстро прекращен, когда стала популярной аэрозольная краска Photoblocker, и 1 января 2002 года они были заменены рельефными алюминиевыми пластинами, покрытыми светоотражающей пленкой 3M.

    Post 2018

    В 2015 году компания Transportstyrelsen, ответственная за регистрацию автомобилей Швеции, представила правительству Швеции предложение о том, как адаптировать систему регистрационных номеров, чтобы избежать исчерпания регистрационных номеров 2019. 16 февраля 2017 года были внесены необходимые правовые изменения, чтобы последний символ мог быть либо буквой, либо цифрой. Первые регистрационные знаки с использованием нового формата были выпущены 16 января 2019 года. Как и раньше, буквы I, Q, V, Å, Ä, Ö не используются, и буква O также не используется для последнего символа.


    1. ^biluppgifter.se
    2. ^ «Nu kommer de nya registreringsnumren» [Приходят новые номерные знаки] (на шведском языке). Transportstyrelsen. 2019-01-16. Архивировано из оригинала 20.02.2019.
    3. ^ «Registreringsskyltar» [Регистрационные знаки] (PDF) (на шведском языке). Transportstyrelsen. 2010-10-19. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) от 25 апреля 2012 г.
    4. ^Trump inget for svenska bilplåtar
    5. ^»Inte längre några T på taxiskyltar». www.transportstyrelsen.se (на шведском языке). Проверено 13 декабря 2017 г.
    6. ^Beslutat — nya registreringsnummer införs under 2019 17 февраля 2017
    7. ^Nya registreringsskyltar på gång 6 января 2019 г.

    Внешние ссылки

    • СМИ, связанные с Номерные знаки Швеции на Wikimedia Commons
    • Шведское транспортное агентство

    Последняя правка сделана 2021-06-18 08:10:06

    Содержание доступно по лицензии CC BY-SA 3.0 (если не указано иное).

  • Инжир кафе оренбург телефон
  • Инженерная академия рудн телефон
  • Индекс автомобильных номеров чехии
  • Инжир вологда ресторан телефон
  • Инженер сервис воронеж телефон