Игры для пары на телефоне

На чтение 6 мин Просмотров 44.5к. Опубликовано 27.08.2021

Каждая минута рядом со второй половинкой дарит радость и тепло. Однако время можно проводить еще и с пользой. В мобильных приложениях для пар вы сможете делиться тайными желаниями, узнавать о любимом человеке что-то новое и просто вместе веселиться. Также с их помощью можно не пропустить важные даты и всегда быть в курсе предстоящих значимых для отношений дней.


  1. Truth or Dare
  2. Desire
  3. Couple Widget — Love Events Countdown 
  4. Never Have I Ever
  5. Love Calendar and Widget
  6. Which Of Us?

Truth or Dare

Правда или действие

Правда или действие

‎Правда или действие? Вечеринки

‎Правда или действие? Вечеринки

Интересное приложение для влюбленных подарит вам массу положительных эмоций. В нем можно сыграть в популярную игру «Правда или действие» с возможностью выбора уровня откровенности. Вам с любимым человеком будут высвечиваться вопросы, но отвечать на них придется исключительно правдиво. Иначе нужно выполнить заданное действие.

Приложение можно использовать на свиданиях. Оно поможет узнать вторую половинку поближе и разнообразить общение. Также подобные игры подталкивают вас расслабиться, открыться друг другу и повышают доверие. Truth or Dare предлагает особый режим для интимной жизни с более откровенными вопросами и задачами для влюбленных парочек.


  • тысячи вопросов с задачами для пары;
  • уровни сложности с настройкой откровенности;
  • возможность создания собственной игры.

Пары могут играть не только самостоятельно. Приложение предлагает режимы для игры большой компанией на вечеринке или даже внутри семейного круга без откровенных и смущающих вопросов или действий.

приложение для веселого времяпрепровождения влюбленных


Desire - игра для пар

Desire - игра для пар

‎Desire - Couples Game

‎Desire - Couples Game

Приложение призвано помочь парам разнообразить отношения и интимную жизнь. Оно одинаково подходит людям с новыми отношениями и тем, кто давно состоит в браке. Desire подтолкнет вас к открытию новых горизонтов и переосмыслению жизни. А отношения с ним освежатся и станут крепче.

В Desire вам нужно выбрать любое из сотен заданий или создать свое и бросить вызов второй половинке. Все они связаны с любовью и страстью. За каждое согласие на выполнение поставленной задачи человек получает баллы. А с их накоплением для пар открываются более горячие испытания. Также приложение предлагает доступ к приватному чату с возможностью отправки фото и секретного общения. Такой функционал крайне полезен парам, находящимся на расстоянии.


  • ежедневные обновления заданий;
  • секретный чат для пары с отправкой фото;
  • приватный дневник с историей событий.

Также вы можете поучаствовать в ежедневной викторине. Телефон задаст один личный вопрос вам и вашему любимому человеку. Когда оба из пары ответят на него, получится сравнить результат.

приложение для пар с различными заданиями

Couple Widget — Love Events Countdown 

Виджет Д-День Любви

Виджет Д-День Любви

‎Виджет Д-День Любви

‎Виджет Д-День Любви

Одно из самых популярных приложений для влюбленной пары. С ним вы будете в курсе важнейшей информации о ваших отношениях. Достаточно указать день, когда вы начали встречаться со своей второй половинкой. После этого система автоматически просчитает основные события и будет уведомлять о датах. А вы не забудете поздравить вашу половинку.

Приложение имеет приятый и удобный интерфейс. Все события отображаются внутри встроенного календаря. Также вы можете просмотреть список ближайших дат с указанием количества оставшихся до них дней. Настраиваемый виджет способен отображать эту информацию в разном формате. А у вас есть возможность выбрать конкретную дату для подсчета оставшихся дней.


  • точный подсчет событий и праздников в отношениях пары;
  • предварительное уведомление о важных датах за несколько дней;
  • широкие возможности кастомизации интерфейса или виджета.

Приложение будет полезным обоим партнерам. А для исключения доступа посторонних людей вы можете установить числовой пароль на вход.

приложение календарь для влюбленных

Читайте также: Приложения для подготовки к свадьбе — ТОП-5 лучших и полезных

Never Have I Ever

Я никогда не...

Я никогда не...

‎Я никогда НЕ..!

‎Я никогда НЕ..!

Приложение помогает вывести общение на новый уровень и узнать друг о друге намного больше. При этом вы получите массу непередаваемых эмоций. В игре собраны тысячи вопросов с заданиями разного уровня откровенности. Суть игры заключается в необходимости правдиво отвечать о каких-либо действиях. Если человек из пары его делал, то он выпивает выбранный напиток. В противном случае придется выполнить указанное задание. Такие игры помогают парам расслабиться, познакомиться поближе и повысить доверие.

Вы также можете создавать собственные наборы карточек с вопросами. Поэтому получится организовать максимально веселый вечер для вашего партнера с учетом его интересов. А перед стандартной игрой можно выбрать одну из четырех сложностей. Если задачи покажутся чрезмерно трудными или откровенными, то нужно просто снизить уровень до легкого.


  • сотни вопросов с оригинальными задачами;
  • функционал для создания своих карточек;
  • офлайн режим без необходимости подключения к сети.

Приложение позволяет общаться также в крупной компании. Поэтому его можно использовать во время вечеринки или простой встречи с друзьями.

игра "Я никогда не..." с большим количество карточек "острых" вопросов

Love Calendar and Widget

Календарь Любви и Виджет

Календарь Любви и Виджет

‎Календарь и Виджет Любви

‎Календарь и Виджет Любви

Популярное приложение с календарем поможет отследить все предстоящие события для вашей пары. Оно подсчитывает праздничные даты на выбор от дня первого свидания, начала отношений, помолвки или бракосочетания. Также встроенный трекер показывает прошедшее время с момента любого важного события. А темная тема делает приложение удобным при использовании ночью.

Виджет для рабочего стола показывает всю нужную информацию о влюбленных на текущий момент. Его вы можете настроить по внешнему виду или отображаемому событию. Также для влюбленных доступны красочные открытки на многие даты. Вам нужно только выбрать одну и отправить ее второй половинке любым удобным способом.


  • отслеживание событий с уведомлениями;
  • встроенные открытки для поздравлений;
  • удобные виджеты для рабочего стола.

Такой календарь будет полезен всем состоящим в серьезных отношениях людям. С ним вы не пропустите никакой даты и сможете сразу поздравить любимого человека.

приложение которое напомнит о важных днях для влюбленных

Which Of Us?

Кто из нас? Игра для компании,

Кто из нас? Игра для компании,

‎Кто из? Игры для компании

‎Кто из? Игры для компании

Одно из лучших приложений для влюбленной пары. Оно представляет собой веселую игру с вопросами на интересные темы. После запуска участникам демонстрируется короткая фраза, описывающая то или иное действие. Нужно определить, кто из присутствующих больше, чаще или лучше его выполняет. Приложение поможет в поиске ваших общих интересов и сделает вас чуточку ближе.

Влюбленным парам следует выбирать режим «Для взрослых». Именно там находятся наиболее откровенные вопросы. Все они придуманы командой разработчиков. Поэтому эффект от игры будет максимально ярким.


  • поиск общих интересов, тем для общения и веселое времяпрепровождение;
  • отобранные вручную взбудораживающие вопросы;
  • работа без подключения к интернету.

На вопросы отводится ограниченное количество времени. Поэтому каждому в паре придется отвечать быстро и честно.

приложение для компании и парочек с интересными вопросами
Название Android iOS Формат
Truth or Dare + + Игра
Desire + + Игра
Couple Widget + + Календарь
Never Have I Ever + + Игра
Love Calendar and Widget + + Календарь
Which Of Us? + + Игра

Things can be tough when you live away from your partner. You feel lonely every day, but it can be particularly difficult on special days like birthdays and anniversaries. The silver lining is that there are long-distance relationship apps to ease your pain and make things a tad easier. You can now show some affection and appreciation for each other in more tender and meaningful ways with the help of technology. These apps help you feel closer to your partner even if they are not physically near you. Wondering which apps help bridge the gap? Scroll down to check out the 14 incredible apps for your long-distance relationship.

Best 14 Apps For Long-Distance Dating

1. Couple Game

Want to find out how well your bae knows you? This app lets you play couples quizzes that range in topics from hobbies, films, music, romance, favorite foods, holidays, intimacy, and so on. It doesn’t matter whether you are a brand-new couple or you have been together forever, this app will keep you both entertained and help you get to know each other even better.

2. Rabb.it

Available for both Android and iOS, this app takes your video chat dates to an entirely different level. If you are looking for more varied options of spending quality time with your long-distance partner, Rabb.it is the perfect app for you.

If you both want to watch a movie together, all you need to do is download the app on your phone. You can then watch movies or shows together and respond immediately to your partner – as if they are right there with you! It is a perfect option for date night for couples in long-distance relationships and makes the distance between you two lovebirds a little more bearable.

3. Love Nudge

If both of you are obsessed with love languages, this app is just perfect for you guys. It is based on the theory of love languages and aims to take it to the next level by suggesting love goals for you and your partner to achieve. You can also customize the goals to make them more personal.

For example, if your partner gets confused about your love language, you could coax them by sending him a “reminder” to act accordingly. This is so much better than nagging your partner with the regular “Why don’t you compliment me when I am feeling low?” This app makes love fun for you both and enables you to show your adoration for each other in your preferred love languages. The best part is this app is compatible with your Apple Watch.

Stylecraze Says

The Love Nudge was created by marriage counselor Gary Chapman and is based on his book, “The 5 Love Languages – The Secret To Love That Lasts”, published in 1992.

4. Lovedays: D-Day for Couples

This app is available for both Android and iOS. Lovedays is basically a countdown app. However, it does a lot more than just calculate how many days are left until your partner’s birthday, your anniversary, or the next date. It features a counter that reminds you both of important anniversaries.

It also has a widget that lets you check your special day easily – and in an artistic way. It features the Couple Profile, which lets you both put your pictures and names on the main screen. It lets you change your phone’s background or lock screen to a photo showing the countdown. The best part – the pictures and countdowns are extremely cute, and you can make them personal by customizing the colors, font size, and other details.

5. Without

This app is a boon for those in a long-distance relationship. It tries to make the distance between you both more tolerable by providing localized updates. It also lets you view your boo’s photo. You can easily send selfies, messages, and notes using this app.

The cutest part is it provides updates on your partner’s local weather. So, if you know it is going to rain where your boo lives, you can send him a sweet message reminding him to take an umbrella before going out. Without is made specifically for couples. You can add the app to your ‘Today View’ and see your boo’s pic when you pull down the notifications.

6. Honi

For couples interested in spicing up things in their relationship, Honi is a great app. It uses card decks that include fantasies, dares, positions, would you rather questions, tips, and quizzes. This app will not only get you both to open up more but also more comfortable around each other. It also has a feature where you can get your relationship to the next “level” by scoring points in areas like romance, communication, and intimacy.

7. WhenDo

Living in different time zones? WhenDo has got your backs – or hearts! This app shows your loved one’s local time. Of course, you can always just pull up the world clock on your phone, but that won’t be as cute as the WhenDo app. Plus, no hassles of typing things in again and again! You can view your boo’s pic instead of the boring international analog clock.

8. Between

Between is a highly rated, extremely popular app among couples in a long-distance relationship. It works both as a calendar and a messenger. You can use it to store your photos, chat with each other, save important dates like birthdays and anniversaries, and call each other for free. If you upgrade, you can use the app ad-free and explore other cute features as well.

9. Gottman Card Decks

If you are looking for something that will help you deepen your relationship, there are few apps as popular as the Gottman. Developed by The Gottman Institute, this app uses research-based questions and activities to develop your relationship further. This free app allows you to access 14 card decks containing more than 1,000 flashcards. It offers cute ideas for date night and features Salsa cards that help you improve your intimacy. The app is easy to use and a great favorite of most couples.

Fun Fact

The Gottman card deck was developed by Drs Julie and John Gottman and is based on the “The Sound Relationship House Theory.” The theory states that a solid relationship is like a solid house with great floors and a good foundation.

10. Nujj

Available for both Android and iOS, the Nujj app lets you stay connected with your partner like no other! It makes the distance between both of you a little more tolerable and lets you both “feel” one another. This app lets you send your boo ‘nudges’ or ‘pokes’ by shaking the phone. It is that simple!

When you shake your cellphone, your partner’s phone will start vibrating as well. Nujj app lets your partner know that you are thinking of them in the cutest way possible. But that’s not all! This app also offers other cool features. You can send photos, audio, and messages, add a timeline, set a reminder for special dates, and send your location using this app. No matter how far you may be, you will be able to remind your significant other about any task they need to complete.

11. Rave

Rave not only lets you binge-watch Netflix together but also watch videos on YouTube. You can use this app to listen to music or roam on Reddit while messaging back and forth in real-time. It will be almost like they are right there with you! You can use the RaveDJ feature to create your own music mashups and upload your videos to Google Drive and Dropbox for movie nights. You can even create a song for your bae using this super cool app! Rave is available for both Android and iOS.

12. iPassion

Available for both Android and iOS, iPassion is a regular trivia game – but with a twist! All the questions are intimate and, sometimes, downright dirty! It provides a great prelude to a hot video chat date.

For obvious reasons, it is hard to get hot and heavy when in a long-distance relationship. But don’t lose hope! This is the next best thing to do. It also lets your partner discover your likes and dislikes and vice versa. You can also take it a step further by customizing the quizzes. iPassion is easy to play and a great option for date nights.

13. MyLove

One of the best long-distance relationship apps, MyLove is a very easy-to-use and fun app. It lets you know exactly how long you and boo have been courting – it actually counts in seconds! You can see the days, weeks, and months on your screen.

When the distance is breaking your heart, it’s nice to see the timer and remind yourself how far you both have come. This app is available for both Android and iOS. You can customize this app with a picture of you both. You can also enable push notifications, so it can remind you of special dates.

14. Gyft

A WhatsApp message or video chat never gets old, but sometimes, you may feel like showing some TLC to your partner. Gyft is a great app for showering your loved one with simple luxuries. It lets you send gift cards from a wide variety of restaurants, stores, and websites to your bae. Is your boo having a tough day? Send him a Starbucks gift card, so he can enjoy some hot and comforting coffee. It is like treating your significant other from miles away. The app is a great way to show you care about him – and it is so easy to use as well! However, it is available just for iOS currently.

One cannot stress enough the importance of constant and even obsessive communication between a couple in a long-distance relationship. You have no other way of feeling close to your partner than engaging in conversations, virtual games, or other online activities. In such cases, various long-distance relationship apps can come to your rescue to keep the spark alive and make you feel connected to your partner. For instance, apps like Love Nudge, Honi, and iPassion help you feel closer to them through various games, reminder options, or messaging features. Moreover, apps like Rabb.it helps you watch videos and movies together, making them perfect for a virtual date night.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do couples do in long-distance relationships?

Since the physical distance acts as a barrier, a healthy emotional connection and communication system has to be built by the couple. Relationship apps and online couple games are a good way for couples to stay connected in a lighthearted manner. You can also have video call dates.

Why do long-distance relationships fail?

In this fast-paced world, a physical connection and reassurance is very important in a relationship. They let you connect mentally and emotionally to your partner. However in LDRs, it is difficult to have a physical connection with your partner. And you may not always be there for them due to time and schedule differences. People in LDRs must be emotionally secure and willing to put in the extra mile for their relationships to thrive.

Is space healthy in a long-distance relationship?

Space is always healthy in any relationship. In relationships, the concept of space isn’t just physical, but also mental. Of course, there is a lot of physical space in an LDR already, but with that comes a big responsibility of being able to trust your partner. Constantly trying to get in contact, and not letting the partner have their space to sort their stuff out, will only work against the relationship.

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Things can be tough when you live away from your partner. You feel lonely every day, but it can be particularly difficult on special days like birthdays and anniversaries. The silver lining is that there are long-distance relationship apps to ease your pain and make things a tad easier. You can now show some affection and appreciation for each other in more tender and meaningful ways with the help of technology. These apps help you feel closer to your partner even if they are not physically near you. Wondering which apps help bridge the gap? Scroll down to check out the 14 incredible apps for your long-distance relationship.

Best 14 Apps For Long-Distance Dating

1. Couple Game

Want to find out how well your bae knows you? This app lets you play couples quizzes that range in topics from hobbies, films, music, romance, favorite foods, holidays, intimacy, and so on. It doesn’t matter whether you are a brand-new couple or you have been together forever, this app will keep you both entertained and help you get to know each other even better.

2. Rabb.it

Available for both Android and iOS, this app takes your video chat dates to an entirely different level. If you are looking for more varied options of spending quality time with your long-distance partner, Rabb.it is the perfect app for you.

If you both want to watch a movie together, all you need to do is download the app on your phone. You can then watch movies or shows together and respond immediately to your partner – as if they are right there with you! It is a perfect option for date night for couples in long-distance relationships and makes the distance between you two lovebirds a little more bearable.

3. Love Nudge

If both of you are obsessed with love languages, this app is just perfect for you guys. It is based on the theory of love languages and aims to take it to the next level by suggesting love goals for you and your partner to achieve. You can also customize the goals to make them more personal.

For example, if your partner gets confused about your love language, you could coax them by sending him a “reminder” to act accordingly. This is so much better than nagging your partner with the regular “Why don’t you compliment me when I am feeling low?” This app makes love fun for you both and enables you to show your adoration for each other in your preferred love languages. The best part is this app is compatible with your Apple Watch.

Stylecraze Says

The Love Nudge was created by marriage counselor Gary Chapman and is based on his book, “The 5 Love Languages – The Secret To Love That Lasts”, published in 1992.

4. Lovedays: D-Day for Couples

This app is available for both Android and iOS. Lovedays is basically a countdown app. However, it does a lot more than just calculate how many days are left until your partner’s birthday, your anniversary, or the next date. It features a counter that reminds you both of important anniversaries.

It also has a widget that lets you check your special day easily – and in an artistic way. It features the Couple Profile, which lets you both put your pictures and names on the main screen. It lets you change your phone’s background or lock screen to a photo showing the countdown. The best part – the pictures and countdowns are extremely cute, and you can make them personal by customizing the colors, font size, and other details.

5. Without

This app is a boon for those in a long-distance relationship. It tries to make the distance between you both more tolerable by providing localized updates. It also lets you view your boo’s photo. You can easily send selfies, messages, and notes using this app.

The cutest part is it provides updates on your partner’s local weather. So, if you know it is going to rain where your boo lives, you can send him a sweet message reminding him to take an umbrella before going out. Without is made specifically for couples. You can add the app to your ‘Today View’ and see your boo’s pic when you pull down the notifications.

6. Honi

For couples interested in spicing up things in their relationship, Honi is a great app. It uses card decks that include fantasies, dares, positions, would you rather questions, tips, and quizzes. This app will not only get you both to open up more but also more comfortable around each other. It also has a feature where you can get your relationship to the next “level” by scoring points in areas like romance, communication, and intimacy.

7. WhenDo

Living in different time zones? WhenDo has got your backs – or hearts! This app shows your loved one’s local time. Of course, you can always just pull up the world clock on your phone, but that won’t be as cute as the WhenDo app. Plus, no hassles of typing things in again and again! You can view your boo’s pic instead of the boring international analog clock.

8. Between

Between is a highly rated, extremely popular app among couples in a long-distance relationship. It works both as a calendar and a messenger. You can use it to store your photos, chat with each other, save important dates like birthdays and anniversaries, and call each other for free. If you upgrade, you can use the app ad-free and explore other cute features as well.

9. Gottman Card Decks

If you are looking for something that will help you deepen your relationship, there are few apps as popular as the Gottman. Developed by The Gottman Institute, this app uses research-based questions and activities to develop your relationship further. This free app allows you to access 14 card decks containing more than 1,000 flashcards. It offers cute ideas for date night and features Salsa cards that help you improve your intimacy. The app is easy to use and a great favorite of most couples.

Fun Fact

The Gottman card deck was developed by Drs Julie and John Gottman and is based on the “The Sound Relationship House Theory.” The theory states that a solid relationship is like a solid house with great floors and a good foundation.

10. Nujj

Available for both Android and iOS, the Nujj app lets you stay connected with your partner like no other! It makes the distance between both of you a little more tolerable and lets you both “feel” one another. This app lets you send your boo ‘nudges’ or ‘pokes’ by shaking the phone. It is that simple!

When you shake your cellphone, your partner’s phone will start vibrating as well. Nujj app lets your partner know that you are thinking of them in the cutest way possible. But that’s not all! This app also offers other cool features. You can send photos, audio, and messages, add a timeline, set a reminder for special dates, and send your location using this app. No matter how far you may be, you will be able to remind your significant other about any task they need to complete.

11. Rave

Rave not only lets you binge-watch Netflix together but also watch videos on YouTube. You can use this app to listen to music or roam on Reddit while messaging back and forth in real-time. It will be almost like they are right there with you! You can use the RaveDJ feature to create your own music mashups and upload your videos to Google Drive and Dropbox for movie nights. You can even create a song for your bae using this super cool app! Rave is available for both Android and iOS.

12. iPassion

Available for both Android and iOS, iPassion is a regular trivia game – but with a twist! All the questions are intimate and, sometimes, downright dirty! It provides a great prelude to a hot video chat date.

For obvious reasons, it is hard to get hot and heavy when in a long-distance relationship. But don’t lose hope! This is the next best thing to do. It also lets your partner discover your likes and dislikes and vice versa. You can also take it a step further by customizing the quizzes. iPassion is easy to play and a great option for date nights.

13. MyLove

One of the best long-distance relationship apps, MyLove is a very easy-to-use and fun app. It lets you know exactly how long you and boo have been courting – it actually counts in seconds! You can see the days, weeks, and months on your screen.

When the distance is breaking your heart, it’s nice to see the timer and remind yourself how far you both have come. This app is available for both Android and iOS. You can customize this app with a picture of you both. You can also enable push notifications, so it can remind you of special dates.

14. Gyft

A WhatsApp message or video chat never gets old, but sometimes, you may feel like showing some TLC to your partner. Gyft is a great app for showering your loved one with simple luxuries. It lets you send gift cards from a wide variety of restaurants, stores, and websites to your bae. Is your boo having a tough day? Send him a Starbucks gift card, so he can enjoy some hot and comforting coffee. It is like treating your significant other from miles away. The app is a great way to show you care about him – and it is so easy to use as well! However, it is available just for iOS currently.

One cannot stress enough the importance of constant and even obsessive communication between a couple in a long-distance relationship. You have no other way of feeling close to your partner than engaging in conversations, virtual games, or other online activities. In such cases, various long-distance relationship apps can come to your rescue to keep the spark alive and make you feel connected to your partner. For instance, apps like Love Nudge, Honi, and iPassion help you feel closer to them through various games, reminder options, or messaging features. Moreover, apps like Rabb.it helps you watch videos and movies together, making them perfect for a virtual date night.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do couples do in long-distance relationships?

Since the physical distance acts as a barrier, a healthy emotional connection and communication system has to be built by the couple. Relationship apps and online couple games are a good way for couples to stay connected in a lighthearted manner. You can also have video call dates.

Why do long-distance relationships fail?

In this fast-paced world, a physical connection and reassurance is very important in a relationship. They let you connect mentally and emotionally to your partner. However in LDRs, it is difficult to have a physical connection with your partner. And you may not always be there for them due to time and schedule differences. People in LDRs must be emotionally secure and willing to put in the extra mile for their relationships to thrive.

Is space healthy in a long-distance relationship?

Space is always healthy in any relationship. In relationships, the concept of space isn’t just physical, but also mental. Of course, there is a lot of physical space in an LDR already, but with that comes a big responsibility of being able to trust your partner. Constantly trying to get in contact, and not letting the partner have their space to sort their stuff out, will only work against the relationship.

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7 мобильных приложений для влюблённых

приложения для влюблённых

Let’s Touch

Платформа: iOS, Android
Цена: бесплатно
Возрастные ограничения: 18+
Оценка 4+

Такая маленькая игровая площадка для двух влюбленных, разделенных расстоянием. Запускаете приложение, соединяетесь с партнером и водите пальцами по экрану. Если ваши пальцы пересекутся, приложение просигнализирует об этом вибрацией. Ещё в Let’s Touch можно совместно слушать музыку, рисовать и лепить на фоточках стикеры, но главное, конечно, это возможность удаленно дотронуться до пальцев любимого человека. Ух!

приложения для влюблённых


Платформа: iOS, Android
Цена: бесплатно
Возрастные ограничения: 18+
Оценка 4+

У Avocado есть две очень крутые фишки — отправка сердцебиения и поцелуйчиков. В первом случае вы прижимаете смартфон к груди, он каким-то невероятным образом записывает ритм сердечной мышцы и отправляет вашей второй половинке. Во втором — вы целуете экран с фотографией, фронтальная камера фиксирует этот момент, и ваш любимый человек получает отпечаток поцелуя на свое фото. В остальном приложение Avocado представляет собой обычный органайзер двух влюбленных с селфи и календарем, а также умеет работать с умными часами, передавая тапы на расстоянии.

приложения для влюблённых

Touch Room

Цена: бесплатно
Возрастные ограничения: 18+
Оценка 4+

Чатик для тех, кто чувствует кончиками пальцев. Здесь нет ничего, кроме прикосновений: вы создаете «комнату» (room), кидаете на нее ссылку своему другу или подружке через любой мессенджер, тот переходит по ней и видит только экранчик с вашим пальцем. А вы соответственно видите его отпечаток у себя на телефоне. Если вы совместите пальцы — аппараты завибрируют. Никакой другой функциональности приложение не содержит. Хотя многие склонны считать, что именно это и делает Touch Room романтичным.

приложения для влюблённых


Платформа: Android
Цена: бесплатно
Возрастные ограничения: 18+
Оценка 4+

В отличие от других эппов подборки приложение Intimate создано специально для тех, кто вынужден длительно практиковать любовь на расстоянии. Это двусторонний чат, в котором только вы и ваша вторая половинка ведете историю своих отношений. Для этого в приложении есть календарь важных событий, фотоальбом, рисовалка. И, конечно, функция finger kiss — поцелуйчики пальцами на пустом экране. Важная часть Intimate — приватность. Никто и никогда не может получить доступ к вашим сообщениям и фоткам. Никто. Только вы.

Еще 3 интересных приложения:

Hey Tell — обмен краткими голосовыми сообщениями с любимыми

Couple — ещё один отличный коммуникатор двух влюбленных

Between — это архив вашей любви: фотки, даты, карты с путешествиями

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