Игра в кальмара 218 номер игрок

When we were kids, we would play just like this, and our moms would call us in for dinner. But no one calls us anymore.

Sang-woo to Seong Gi-hun during his final moments in «One Lucky Day»

Cho Sang-woo (조상우 Jo Sang-u?), also known as Player 218, was a contestant in the 33rd Squid Game in 2020,[2][3] and one of the finalists of the competition.

The childhood best friend[4][5][6] of Seong Gi-hun, Sang-woo was an extremely intelligent and successful businessman who graduated from Seoul National University at the top of his class, and was hailed as a prodigy in Ssangmun-dong. After his graduation, Sang-woo became the leader of an investment team at the securities company, Joy Investments.[2] He illegally siphoned money from his client’s balances, then invested it in derivatives and future options that failed, resulting in a loss of ₩6 billion. He also used his mother’s house and store as collateral for those activities.[7]
After participating in the Squid Game and surviving the first round, Sang-woo took the initiative for conducting a vote among the contestants to end the Squid Game after learning that participants who lose are killed. However, he ultimately decided to continue participating when he learned that the prize money for winning was ₩45.6 billion. After the games were stopped by the majority vote, his heavy debt almost led him to kill himself in his motel room before having being offered the chance to rejoin the Squid Game.[7]

During the games, Sang-woo helped Gi-hun and others in their alliance, particularly befriending Ali Abdul.[8][9] However, to ensure his own survival, he tended to be more ruthless and inconsiderate as the games progressed. Sang-woo resorted to manipulation to win the Marbles game, betraying Ali and leaving him to die.[10] He later murdered Player 017 in the Glass Stepping Stones game, and afterwards Kang Sae-byeok, to keep himself in the games.[11][12]

Sang-woo was one of the two players to make it into the final round of the competition, along with Gi-hun, who by then was his rival. The two faced off in a Squid Game, in which Gi-hun defeated him. Refusing to claim his victory, Gi-hun attempted to end the games prematurely by invoking clause 3 of the consent form, hoping to secure a majority vote to end the game and save his friend’s life. However, Sang-woo decided to commit suicide by stabbing himself in the neck, allowing Gi-hun to be winner of the competition. As a final request before his death, Sang-woo asked Gi-hun to use some of the prize winnings to help his mother.[13]


I’m alive right now because I tried damn hard to stay alive.

Sang-woo arguing with Seong Gi-hun in «Front Man»

Sang-woo’s main trait is his intelligence. He is an extremely bright person and capable of quickly figuring out solutions to problems, even in extremely stressful and life-threatening situations, which is demonstrated when he saved his team during the Tug of War game.[9][14] Sang-woo relies mostly on logic than on emotion to make his decisions. He also has a strong determination to accomplish his goals. However, this also makes him willing to resort to questionable means to ensure his success. Sang-woo is not easily fooled and is capable of manipulating people, a trait he employs to his advantage during the Marbles game of the 33rd Squid Game. Sang-woo is determined to win the competition, as he views it as his final chance to solve his financial issues, and knows fully well that he will have to go to great lengths to win.

Being in heavy debt after failing in his investments caused him to become desperate, especially because his mother’s belongings would be confiscated after he used them as financial collateral in failed investments. As a former student of Seoul National University, his entire neighborhood, including his mother, had high expectations for his future. Because of his immense failure, he is not able to face his mother and tell her the truth. The failure also nearly drives him to commit suicide in his motel restroom after the games were halted due to a majority vote, before being offered another chance to play the Squid Game.[7]

Despite being a rational with a calculated nature, and also apparently fully self-centered and cold-blooded by the end of the competition, he isn’t really cold-hearted.[15][16] Helping his mother is the sole reason he decided to enter the Squid Game in the first place and his entire drive to win the games stems from the fact that he needs the prize money to prevent her from being left destitute by his own mistakes, showing that he genuinely cares about her. Outside the games, he is shown to be polite and friendly, which is seen when he assists Ali Abdul with getting a bus ride home in Seoul.[7] This behavior remains throughout most of the games. Sang-woo acts as a good teammate, being the brains of his and Gi-hun’s group, helping them to make the decisions and plans along with Seong Gi-hun, with the two of them usually operating as co-leaders despite their team not officially having a leader. Sang-woo shows to be willing to help others when his own life is not at risk. He helps Gi-hun during the Red Light, Green Light game by telling him that the doll is a motion sensor.[2] Sang-woo later goes to Gi-hun’s rescue during the Special Round (when Jang Deok-su and his gang are murdering the other contestants) and he saves his friend from the attackers before helping their team to protect Kang Sae-byeok.[9]

On the other hand, Sang-woo plays the Squid Game trying to not become emotionally attached to other players, as he is aware of the high likelihood of them dying, including by facing him during the games. However, he ends up genuinely connecting with Ali Abdul, to the point the he allows his new friend to call him «older brother» ( Hyung?) instead of «sir» (사장님 Sajangnim?).[14] This ultimately causes him to choose Ali as his partner in the Marbles game, believing that the two of them will be a formidable pair against the other players, only for him to find out they will have to face each other, instead of playing together. In the end, Sang-woo takes advantage of their new developed trust to save himself by manipulating Ali and letting him die to win the game. Despite this, Sang-woo is stunned as he hears Ali being shot and the announcer saying that Ali was eliminated, indicating he doesn’t do it without remorse.[10]

The other person Sang-woo has a connection with is Gi-hun. Among the players, Gi-hun is the closest one to him because they known each other since childhood, when they became as close as brothers.[4][5] Besides willingly helping him during the first game and the Special Round, he also shows concern for Gi-hun even when he sees no reason to tell the others his guess about the Sugar Honeycombs game,[17] keeping the advantage solely for himself. He is alarmed when Gi-hun chooses the umbrella, the most difficult option, and is relieved when his friend survives the game.[8][9] He also worries about Gi-hun’s state of mind throughout the games; he looks at him in concern while Gi-hun is visibly feeling remorseful after killing their adversary team in the Tug of War, he later questions if he is okay when Gi-hun seems to have a nightmare during the night.[14] He also tries to comfort Gi-hun about Oh Il-nam’s death, reminding him that Il-nam is someone he only met recently during the games,[11] which might be something Sang-woo is also telling himself about Ali.

As the games progresses and the number eliminated players increases, Sang-woo also becomes increasingly more ruthless to win, disregarding others’ lives. His actions take his kind-hearted friend Gi-hun by surprise. Not being able to understand each other causes animosity between the two of them, resulting in Sang-woo cutting ties with Gi-hun and Sae-byeok and isolating himself before the final game.[12] Later, Sang-woo’s murder of Sae-byeok makes Gi-hun furious, leading the two friends to a mortal confrontation during the Squid Game. Despite caring about Gi-hun, in the final game, Sang-woo is willing even to kill his friend to win, having made it clear that he would do anything to survive and get the prize money. However, upon being beaten, Sang-woo recognizes his defeat. He is touched when Gi-hun attempts to stop the games to save him. Sang-woo ultimately apologizes to Gi-hun before rejecting his offer, instead choosing to kill himself to allow his friend to win and take the prize money.[13] Being aware of Gi-hun’s kindness, he trusts that his friend will help his mother in his place.


Sang-woo with his mother after graduating from Seoul National University.


Born in Ssangmun-dong, Seoul in 1975, Cho Sang-woo is the childhood best friend of Seong Gi-hun, as they developed a very close and brotherly relationship.[4][5] The two of them used to play children’s games together, such as the Squid Game, Sugar Honeycombs, and Red Light, Green Light.

Sang-woo studied Business Administration at Seoul National University, graduating at the top of his class, and became a prodigy in the Ssangmun-dong neighborhood. He later started to work as an investment banker and was the team leader of Team Two at Joy Investments. He eventually siphoned money off from his clients to invest in the stock market and futures. He lost it all, which resulted in a debt of ₩6 billion. Sang-woo also used his mother’s shop and house as financial collateral in these investments.[7]


Sang-woo telling Seong Gi-hun about Young-hee being a motion-sensor during «Red Light, Green Light’.

Sang-woo is hunted by the police because of his debts. To prevent his mother’s possessions from being taken, pay back his clients, and solve his money issues to avoid being sent to prison, Sang-woo accepted the offer to join the 33rd Squid Game.[7]

After being taken to the island where the Squid Games takes place, Sang-woo began to feel skeptical about games, accusing the Guards of tricking and kidnapping him and the other 455 players because they were receiving very little information about the competition. Sang-woo later discovered that his childhood best friend, Seong Gi-hun, was also a participant, as the two reunited just before the first game. Sang-woo hid behind other players during Red Light, Green Light to avoid Young-hee detecting his movements. When he saw Gi-hun struggling, he advised him to do the same, and they both made it through the game.[2]

Sang-woo during the Sugar Honeycombs game.

Following the tragic events of the first game, Sang-woo initially concluded he needed to get out of the game. Remembering about the third clause of the Squid Game, he proposed the guards to let the players vote to terminate the games. However, upon seeing the amount of money accumulated in the piggy bank after the first game, Sang-woo changed his mind and voted yes to continue the games. The game was still stopped after majority voted to get out of the game. Afterwards, he was dropped off in the middle of Seoul with Ali Abdul, the player who saved Gi-hun’s life in the first game. Sang-woo saw Ali’s financial difficulties and offered to help by paying for his bus ride home. Later, he called his mother and told her he was abroad. Just as he was about to commit suicide in his motel bathroom, another invitation from the game crew arrived at his door, and he decided to return to the game.[7] Rejoining the Squid Game, he reconnected with the other players, including Gi-hun, but he felt nervous, knowing that he’d have to compete against all of them at some point. Gi-hun proposed to form a team, which Sang-woo agreed. Their initial team was composed by Gi-hun, Sang-woo, Ali and the elderly participant Oh Il-nam.

After another player, Kang Sae-byeok, had gone off earlier to find out what the second game would be about, Sang-woo approached her and questioned about what she discovered. She told Sang-woo that the crew was melting something in large pots, and it smelt like sugar. Later, upon viewing the shapes on the doors of the playground, Sang-woo guessed the game (Sugar Honeycombs) although he was not completely sure of it, because the circle and the triangle were part of the same shape when he played this game as a child.[17] Instead of notifying his guess to his teammates, he chose to keep it to himself, seeing no reason to guide all the others to the easiest shape.[17] Sang-woo then picked the simplest shape to cut out of the cookie while telling the others to split by choosing different ones. However, he is taken aback by Gi-hun choice’s of the umbrella, which is the most difficult shape to cut if his guess was correct. Sang-woo tries unsuccessfully to warn his friend not to pick that shape.[8] As the game started Sang-woo confirmed his guess was right. When the game ended, Sang-woo is relieved to learn that Gi-hun survived.[9]

Sang-woo with the other members of Seong Gi-hun’s team during the Special Round.

When Jang Deok-su and his gang attacked other players late at night in order to reduce the number of competitors and boost the amount of money, Sang-woo vigorously fought them off and assisted his teammates in defending themselves. Sang-woo later saved the team in the Tug of War game by thinking of a last-second strategy. As they were being dragged and were on the verge of falling to death, he told his team to take three steps forward to knock down their adversaries, allowing him and his teammates to win the game.[9][14] Fearing another attack from Deok-su’s gang, Sang-woo and Gi-hun advised the members of their team to take turns sleeping and keep a lookout at night in case of another riot. Sang-woo and Ali remained up late together, bonding over their shared experiences and telling each other stories.[14]

Sang-woo opted to partner up with Ali the next day during the Marbles game, stating that with a smart and strong individual, they’d be able to beat the other teams. They soon discovered, however, that instead of playing together, the pairs would have to play against each other. Initially, Sang-woo tried a basic guessing game after Ali revealed he had never played marbles before, which was possible as they were allowed to set the rules of the game. To his surprise, Ali had better luck guessing the amount of marbles accurately and came close to beating him.[10]

Betrayal of Ali and downfall

Sang-woo and Ali Abdul during the Marbles game.

Sang-woo felt frantic with only one marble left and realized he was about to lose. He got on his knees and begged Ali to save his family. However, Ali responded that he, too, had a family who needed him alive. With no other option, Sang-woo decided to betray Ali. He lied to him about how they both might have the chance to play together if the time is out and the other pairs don’t have a winner, allowing them both to beat the remaining teams and survive the Marble game. He then convinced Ali to give him his marble pouch and swapped it for one with pebbles. This made him successful in gaining all of his opponent’s marbles without resorting to any violence, thus winning this game. On the way out of the location, Sang-woo hesitated and stopped when he heard Ali call for him. He then heard Ali being shot, before remorsefully leaving the place.[10]

After all the other players were eliminated in the next game, Glass Stepping Stones, Sang-woo, Gi-hun and Sae-byeok were guided by Player 017, who worked as a glass manufacturer. Just as they were running out of time, the lights were turned off, making Player 017 stop as he became unable to guess the final tile they should step on. For wasting too much time, Sang-woo pushed Player 017 off the bridge, allowing him and the others to get to the other side within the time limit.[11] Following this game, Sang-woo and Gi-hun argue over Player 017’s death, with Gi-hun asking Sang-woo if he would have killed him if he was in Player 017’s position. Though Sang-woo didn’t answer, he tore into Gi-hun for being irresponsible and always getting into trouble, to which Gi-hun responded that Sang-woo was no better and has no one to blame but himself for his own dire financial situation. This causes the two friends to fall out with each other. [12]

As one of the finalists of the Squid Game, along with Gi-hun and Sae-byeok, he was gifted a suit and served in a fancy dinner. When they were done eating, he and the others were each given a knife. Still disturbed by Sang-woo’s murder of Player 017, Gi-hun tried to assassinate Sang-woo while he was sleeping, but was stopped by Sae-byeok, who told Gi-hun that he «wasn’t a murderer». However, Gi-hun then started to bang on the doors of the place and call for the guards to help Sae-byeok, who was bleeding to death from the wounds she received in the previous game, resulting in Sang-woo waking up instead. Seeing the other man desperate, Sang-woo realized that Gi-hun might end up giving up the games to save Sae-byeok. This caused Sang-woo to get up from his bed and stabbed Sae-byeok’s neck while Gi-hun still had his back turned.[17] Sang-woo’s murder of Sae-byeok made Gi-hun furious, and he attempted to attack him with his knife but was stopped by the guards.[12]

In the sixth and last game, Squid Game, Sang-woo and Gi-hun would face off. Before doing so, Sang-woo told Gi-hun that killing Sae-byeok was an act of mercy because she was going to die anyway from her initial glass wound. Gi-hun didn’t believe him, so Sang-woo further explained that Gi-hun would have given up on the game to save Sae-byeok, voting with her to terminate the games, which would result in all of them leaving empty-handed.[13]


Gi-hun… my mom… my mom…

Sang-woo’s last words to Seong Gi-hun in «One Lucky Day»

Gi-hun breaks down after Sang-woo’s death.

Sang-woo and Gi-hun initially play the game according to the rules, but it soon degraded into a brutal and ugly fistfight. Both players fought dirty, using every possible advantage they could get, with Sang-woo even nearly strangling Gi-hun with his suit jacket. Ultimately, Gi-hun gained the upper hand. But despite all that Sang-woo did to hurt him, Gi-hun couldn’t bring himself to murder his childhood best friend. Instead, Gi-hun invoked the agreement’s third clause to end the game in order to save Sang-woo’s life, even with this meaning to give up on the prize money, resulting in they both returning to their miserable lives.[13]

As Gi-hun reached out and asked Sang-woo to come home with him. Moved by his friend’s action, Sang-woo tearfully recalled when they played together as kids. Although Sang-woo initially reached to take Gi-hun’s hand, considering to accept the offer, he ultimately apologized and refused it. Instead, Sang-woo chose to let Gi-hun be the winner of the games by committing suicide, stabbing himself in the neck with a knife. In his last moments, Sang-woo urged Gi-hun to help his mother. Although they had become enemies by the end of the games, Gi-hun was heartbroken at Sang-woo’s decision to end his life. Gi-hun broke down and cried while holding his dead friend in his arms and was emotionally scarred long after the games were over.[13]

One year after Sang-woo’s death, Gi-hun eventually fulfilled his friend’s wish by giving his mother a share of the prize money and entrusting her with Sae-byeok’s brother, Kang Cheol.[13]

Behind the scenes

Cho Sang-woo was portrayed by actor Park Hae-soo. The younger version of Sang-woo was portrayed by actor Park Si-won.


  • He, Seong Gi-hun and Hwang In-ho are the only characters that appeared in all nine episodes.
  • Hwang Dong-hyuk stated that he perceives Sang-woo and Gi-hun as fraternal twins, and part of the casting of the two characters was to make them look like they are because he wanted them to emulate this relationship. Dong-hyuk explains that fraternal twins are very close in childhood, but look different despite coming from the same mother, and they usually go on different paths in life.[5][4]
    • In an interview, Lee Jung-jae stated that they are not biologically related, but still close as if they were.[6]


Cho Sang-woo’s appearances

Episode One Episode Two Episode Three Episode Four Episode Five Episode Six Episode Seven Episode Eight Episode Nine


Sang-woo: She was going to die anyway. I just ended her pain quickly.
Gi-hun: Don’t give me that bullshit. She was alive, and could’ve been saved.
Sang-woo: That’s why I killed her. Because I know how you are. Because you would’ve given everything up just to save her.
Gi-hun: Was that it? Were you afraid I’d give up?
Sang-woo: That’s right! Because if you two gave up, it would’ve been all over! I’d have to leave here without a penny!
Gi-hun: If it hadn’t been for her, I would’ve killed you with this knife. You… will never leave here with that money.

Sang-woo and Gi-hun’s final conversation before their fight in «One Lucky Day»

Gi-hun: Let’s go… Let’s go home.
Sang-woo: Gi-hun… I’m sorry…
Gi-hun: Sang-woo! Sang-woo…
Sang-woo: Gi-hun…
Gi-hun: No, Sang-woo. Don’t talk. Sang-woo…
Sang-woo: My mom… my mom…
Gi-hun: No. Don’t. Sang-woo, no… Sang-woo…

Sang-woo’s final moments and dying words to Gi-hun in «One Lucky Day»


Young Sang-woo

Gi-hun and Sang-woo playing EP1

Sang-woo and Gi-hun playing EP1

Sang-woo invokes the third clause of the game

Gi-hun & Sang-woo EP2

Sad Sang-woo EP2

Sang-woo suicide attempt

Sang-woo questioning Sae-byeok

Gi-hun and Sang-woo's team EP5

Mi-nyeo asking Sang-woo to be her partner EP6

Cho Sang-woo last dinner scene

218 456 fight

Gi-hun and Sang-woo starting to fight in the Final Round

Gi-hun asks Sang-woo to come home with him


  1. In Korea, 1 year is added to the person’s age after birth, so if he is 46 in the 33rd Squid Game (according to «Red Light, Green Light«), he was born in 1975.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Red Light, Green Light
  3. The overall competition is confirmed to be called Squid Game, and the 2020 game is confirmed the 33rd annual game, by the archived files Hwang Jun-ho reads in the episode «A Fair World».
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ Cast and Director Talk About Bringing the Korean Survival Show to Life
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Lee Jung Jae And Park Hae Soo Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin In “Squid Game”
  6. 6.0 6.1 Squid Game: Keyword Interview with Lee Jung-jae
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Hell
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Man with the Umbrella
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Stick to the Team
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Gganbu
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 VIPS
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Front Man
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 One Lucky Day
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 A Fair World
  15. The Squid Game Cast React To Their Own Show | Netflix
  16. Squid Game: Hwang Dong-hyuk and Bong Joon-ho in Conversation | Netflix
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Squid Game Cast Review the Biggest Betrayals in Season One | Vanity Fair

When we were kids, we would play just like this, and our moms would call us in for dinner. But no one calls us anymore.

Sang-woo to Seong Gi-hun during his final moments in «One Lucky Day»

Cho Sang-woo (조상우 Jo Sang-u?), also known as Player 218, was a contestant in the 33rd Squid Game in 2020,[2][3] and one of the finalists of the competition.

The childhood best friend[4][5][6] of Seong Gi-hun, Sang-woo was an extremely intelligent and successful businessman who graduated from Seoul National University at the top of his class, and was hailed as a prodigy in Ssangmun-dong. After his graduation, Sang-woo became the leader of an investment team at the securities company, Joy Investments.[2] He illegally siphoned money from his client’s balances, then invested it in derivatives and future options that failed, resulting in a loss of ₩6 billion. He also used his mother’s house and store as collateral for those activities.[7]
After participating in the Squid Game and surviving the first round, Sang-woo took the initiative for conducting a vote among the contestants to end the Squid Game after learning that participants who lose are killed. However, he ultimately decided to continue participating when he learned that the prize money for winning was ₩45.6 billion. After the games were stopped by the majority vote, his heavy debt almost led him to kill himself in his motel room before having being offered the chance to rejoin the Squid Game.[7]

During the games, Sang-woo helped Gi-hun and others in their alliance, particularly befriending Ali Abdul.[8][9] However, to ensure his own survival, he tended to be more ruthless and inconsiderate as the games progressed. Sang-woo resorted to manipulation to win the Marbles game, betraying Ali and leaving him to die.[10] He later murdered Player 017 in the Glass Stepping Stones game, and afterwards Kang Sae-byeok, to keep himself in the games.[11][12]

Sang-woo was one of the two players to make it into the final round of the competition, along with Gi-hun, who by then was his rival. The two faced off in a Squid Game, in which Gi-hun defeated him. Refusing to claim his victory, Gi-hun attempted to end the games prematurely by invoking clause 3 of the consent form, hoping to secure a majority vote to end the game and save his friend’s life. However, Sang-woo decided to commit suicide by stabbing himself in the neck, allowing Gi-hun to be winner of the competition. As a final request before his death, Sang-woo asked Gi-hun to use some of the prize winnings to help his mother.[13]


I’m alive right now because I tried damn hard to stay alive.

Sang-woo arguing with Seong Gi-hun in «Front Man»

Sang-woo’s main trait is his intelligence. He is an extremely bright person and capable of quickly figuring out solutions to problems, even in extremely stressful and life-threatening situations, which is demonstrated when he saved his team during the Tug of War game.[9][14] Sang-woo relies mostly on logic than on emotion to make his decisions. He also has a strong determination to accomplish his goals. However, this also makes him willing to resort to questionable means to ensure his success. Sang-woo is not easily fooled and is capable of manipulating people, a trait he employs to his advantage during the Marbles game of the 33rd Squid Game. Sang-woo is determined to win the competition, as he views it as his final chance to solve his financial issues, and knows fully well that he will have to go to great lengths to win.

Being in heavy debt after failing in his investments caused him to become desperate, especially because his mother’s belongings would be confiscated after he used them as financial collateral in failed investments. As a former student of Seoul National University, his entire neighborhood, including his mother, had high expectations for his future. Because of his immense failure, he is not able to face his mother and tell her the truth. The failure also nearly drives him to commit suicide in his motel restroom after the games were halted due to a majority vote, before being offered another chance to play the Squid Game.[7]

Despite being a rational with a calculated nature, and also apparently fully self-centered and cold-blooded by the end of the competition, he isn’t really cold-hearted.[15][16] Helping his mother is the sole reason he decided to enter the Squid Game in the first place and his entire drive to win the games stems from the fact that he needs the prize money to prevent her from being left destitute by his own mistakes, showing that he genuinely cares about her. Outside the games, he is shown to be polite and friendly, which is seen when he assists Ali Abdul with getting a bus ride home in Seoul.[7] This behavior remains throughout most of the games. Sang-woo acts as a good teammate, being the brains of his and Gi-hun’s group, helping them to make the decisions and plans along with Seong Gi-hun, with the two of them usually operating as co-leaders despite their team not officially having a leader. Sang-woo shows to be willing to help others when his own life is not at risk. He helps Gi-hun during the Red Light, Green Light game by telling him that the doll is a motion sensor.[2] Sang-woo later goes to Gi-hun’s rescue during the Special Round (when Jang Deok-su and his gang are murdering the other contestants) and he saves his friend from the attackers before helping their team to protect Kang Sae-byeok.[9]

On the other hand, Sang-woo plays the Squid Game trying to not become emotionally attached to other players, as he is aware of the high likelihood of them dying, including by facing him during the games. However, he ends up genuinely connecting with Ali Abdul, to the point the he allows his new friend to call him «older brother» ( Hyung?) instead of «sir» (사장님 Sajangnim?).[14] This ultimately causes him to choose Ali as his partner in the Marbles game, believing that the two of them will be a formidable pair against the other players, only for him to find out they will have to face each other, instead of playing together. In the end, Sang-woo takes advantage of their new developed trust to save himself by manipulating Ali and letting him die to win the game. Despite this, Sang-woo is stunned as he hears Ali being shot and the announcer saying that Ali was eliminated, indicating he doesn’t do it without remorse.[10]

The other person Sang-woo has a connection with is Gi-hun. Among the players, Gi-hun is the closest one to him because they known each other since childhood, when they became as close as brothers.[4][5] Besides willingly helping him during the first game and the Special Round, he also shows concern for Gi-hun even when he sees no reason to tell the others his guess about the Sugar Honeycombs game,[17] keeping the advantage solely for himself. He is alarmed when Gi-hun chooses the umbrella, the most difficult option, and is relieved when his friend survives the game.[8][9] He also worries about Gi-hun’s state of mind throughout the games; he looks at him in concern while Gi-hun is visibly feeling remorseful after killing their adversary team in the Tug of War, he later questions if he is okay when Gi-hun seems to have a nightmare during the night.[14] He also tries to comfort Gi-hun about Oh Il-nam’s death, reminding him that Il-nam is someone he only met recently during the games,[11] which might be something Sang-woo is also telling himself about Ali.

As the games progresses and the number eliminated players increases, Sang-woo also becomes increasingly more ruthless to win, disregarding others’ lives. His actions take his kind-hearted friend Gi-hun by surprise. Not being able to understand each other causes animosity between the two of them, resulting in Sang-woo cutting ties with Gi-hun and Sae-byeok and isolating himself before the final game.[12] Later, Sang-woo’s murder of Sae-byeok makes Gi-hun furious, leading the two friends to a mortal confrontation during the Squid Game. Despite caring about Gi-hun, in the final game, Sang-woo is willing even to kill his friend to win, having made it clear that he would do anything to survive and get the prize money. However, upon being beaten, Sang-woo recognizes his defeat. He is touched when Gi-hun attempts to stop the games to save him. Sang-woo ultimately apologizes to Gi-hun before rejecting his offer, instead choosing to kill himself to allow his friend to win and take the prize money.[13] Being aware of Gi-hun’s kindness, he trusts that his friend will help his mother in his place.


Sang-woo with his mother after graduating from Seoul National University.


Born in Ssangmun-dong, Seoul in 1975, Cho Sang-woo is the childhood best friend of Seong Gi-hun, as they developed a very close and brotherly relationship.[4][5] The two of them used to play children’s games together, such as the Squid Game, Sugar Honeycombs, and Red Light, Green Light.

Sang-woo studied Business Administration at Seoul National University, graduating at the top of his class, and became a prodigy in the Ssangmun-dong neighborhood. He later started to work as an investment banker and was the team leader of Team Two at Joy Investments. He eventually siphoned money off from his clients to invest in the stock market and futures. He lost it all, which resulted in a debt of ₩6 billion. Sang-woo also used his mother’s shop and house as financial collateral in these investments.[7]


Sang-woo telling Seong Gi-hun about Young-hee being a motion-sensor during «Red Light, Green Light’.

Sang-woo is hunted by the police because of his debts. To prevent his mother’s possessions from being taken, pay back his clients, and solve his money issues to avoid being sent to prison, Sang-woo accepted the offer to join the 33rd Squid Game.[7]

After being taken to the island where the Squid Games takes place, Sang-woo began to feel skeptical about games, accusing the Guards of tricking and kidnapping him and the other 455 players because they were receiving very little information about the competition. Sang-woo later discovered that his childhood best friend, Seong Gi-hun, was also a participant, as the two reunited just before the first game. Sang-woo hid behind other players during Red Light, Green Light to avoid Young-hee detecting his movements. When he saw Gi-hun struggling, he advised him to do the same, and they both made it through the game.[2]

Sang-woo during the Sugar Honeycombs game.

Following the tragic events of the first game, Sang-woo initially concluded he needed to get out of the game. Remembering about the third clause of the Squid Game, he proposed the guards to let the players vote to terminate the games. However, upon seeing the amount of money accumulated in the piggy bank after the first game, Sang-woo changed his mind and voted yes to continue the games. The game was still stopped after majority voted to get out of the game. Afterwards, he was dropped off in the middle of Seoul with Ali Abdul, the player who saved Gi-hun’s life in the first game. Sang-woo saw Ali’s financial difficulties and offered to help by paying for his bus ride home. Later, he called his mother and told her he was abroad. Just as he was about to commit suicide in his motel bathroom, another invitation from the game crew arrived at his door, and he decided to return to the game.[7] Rejoining the Squid Game, he reconnected with the other players, including Gi-hun, but he felt nervous, knowing that he’d have to compete against all of them at some point. Gi-hun proposed to form a team, which Sang-woo agreed. Their initial team was composed by Gi-hun, Sang-woo, Ali and the elderly participant Oh Il-nam.

After another player, Kang Sae-byeok, had gone off earlier to find out what the second game would be about, Sang-woo approached her and questioned about what she discovered. She told Sang-woo that the crew was melting something in large pots, and it smelt like sugar. Later, upon viewing the shapes on the doors of the playground, Sang-woo guessed the game (Sugar Honeycombs) although he was not completely sure of it, because the circle and the triangle were part of the same shape when he played this game as a child.[17] Instead of notifying his guess to his teammates, he chose to keep it to himself, seeing no reason to guide all the others to the easiest shape.[17] Sang-woo then picked the simplest shape to cut out of the cookie while telling the others to split by choosing different ones. However, he is taken aback by Gi-hun choice’s of the umbrella, which is the most difficult shape to cut if his guess was correct. Sang-woo tries unsuccessfully to warn his friend not to pick that shape.[8] As the game started Sang-woo confirmed his guess was right. When the game ended, Sang-woo is relieved to learn that Gi-hun survived.[9]

Sang-woo with the other members of Seong Gi-hun’s team during the Special Round.

When Jang Deok-su and his gang attacked other players late at night in order to reduce the number of competitors and boost the amount of money, Sang-woo vigorously fought them off and assisted his teammates in defending themselves. Sang-woo later saved the team in the Tug of War game by thinking of a last-second strategy. As they were being dragged and were on the verge of falling to death, he told his team to take three steps forward to knock down their adversaries, allowing him and his teammates to win the game.[9][14] Fearing another attack from Deok-su’s gang, Sang-woo and Gi-hun advised the members of their team to take turns sleeping and keep a lookout at night in case of another riot. Sang-woo and Ali remained up late together, bonding over their shared experiences and telling each other stories.[14]

Sang-woo opted to partner up with Ali the next day during the Marbles game, stating that with a smart and strong individual, they’d be able to beat the other teams. They soon discovered, however, that instead of playing together, the pairs would have to play against each other. Initially, Sang-woo tried a basic guessing game after Ali revealed he had never played marbles before, which was possible as they were allowed to set the rules of the game. To his surprise, Ali had better luck guessing the amount of marbles accurately and came close to beating him.[10]

Betrayal of Ali and downfall

Sang-woo and Ali Abdul during the Marbles game.

Sang-woo felt frantic with only one marble left and realized he was about to lose. He got on his knees and begged Ali to save his family. However, Ali responded that he, too, had a family who needed him alive. With no other option, Sang-woo decided to betray Ali. He lied to him about how they both might have the chance to play together if the time is out and the other pairs don’t have a winner, allowing them both to beat the remaining teams and survive the Marble game. He then convinced Ali to give him his marble pouch and swapped it for one with pebbles. This made him successful in gaining all of his opponent’s marbles without resorting to any violence, thus winning this game. On the way out of the location, Sang-woo hesitated and stopped when he heard Ali call for him. He then heard Ali being shot, before remorsefully leaving the place.[10]

After all the other players were eliminated in the next game, Glass Stepping Stones, Sang-woo, Gi-hun and Sae-byeok were guided by Player 017, who worked as a glass manufacturer. Just as they were running out of time, the lights were turned off, making Player 017 stop as he became unable to guess the final tile they should step on. For wasting too much time, Sang-woo pushed Player 017 off the bridge, allowing him and the others to get to the other side within the time limit.[11] Following this game, Sang-woo and Gi-hun argue over Player 017’s death, with Gi-hun asking Sang-woo if he would have killed him if he was in Player 017’s position. Though Sang-woo didn’t answer, he tore into Gi-hun for being irresponsible and always getting into trouble, to which Gi-hun responded that Sang-woo was no better and has no one to blame but himself for his own dire financial situation. This causes the two friends to fall out with each other. [12]

As one of the finalists of the Squid Game, along with Gi-hun and Sae-byeok, he was gifted a suit and served in a fancy dinner. When they were done eating, he and the others were each given a knife. Still disturbed by Sang-woo’s murder of Player 017, Gi-hun tried to assassinate Sang-woo while he was sleeping, but was stopped by Sae-byeok, who told Gi-hun that he «wasn’t a murderer». However, Gi-hun then started to bang on the doors of the place and call for the guards to help Sae-byeok, who was bleeding to death from the wounds she received in the previous game, resulting in Sang-woo waking up instead. Seeing the other man desperate, Sang-woo realized that Gi-hun might end up giving up the games to save Sae-byeok. This caused Sang-woo to get up from his bed and stabbed Sae-byeok’s neck while Gi-hun still had his back turned.[17] Sang-woo’s murder of Sae-byeok made Gi-hun furious, and he attempted to attack him with his knife but was stopped by the guards.[12]

In the sixth and last game, Squid Game, Sang-woo and Gi-hun would face off. Before doing so, Sang-woo told Gi-hun that killing Sae-byeok was an act of mercy because she was going to die anyway from her initial glass wound. Gi-hun didn’t believe him, so Sang-woo further explained that Gi-hun would have given up on the game to save Sae-byeok, voting with her to terminate the games, which would result in all of them leaving empty-handed.[13]


Gi-hun… my mom… my mom…

Sang-woo’s last words to Seong Gi-hun in «One Lucky Day»

Gi-hun breaks down after Sang-woo’s death.

Sang-woo and Gi-hun initially play the game according to the rules, but it soon degraded into a brutal and ugly fistfight. Both players fought dirty, using every possible advantage they could get, with Sang-woo even nearly strangling Gi-hun with his suit jacket. Ultimately, Gi-hun gained the upper hand. But despite all that Sang-woo did to hurt him, Gi-hun couldn’t bring himself to murder his childhood best friend. Instead, Gi-hun invoked the agreement’s third clause to end the game in order to save Sang-woo’s life, even with this meaning to give up on the prize money, resulting in they both returning to their miserable lives.[13]

As Gi-hun reached out and asked Sang-woo to come home with him. Moved by his friend’s action, Sang-woo tearfully recalled when they played together as kids. Although Sang-woo initially reached to take Gi-hun’s hand, considering to accept the offer, he ultimately apologized and refused it. Instead, Sang-woo chose to let Gi-hun be the winner of the games by committing suicide, stabbing himself in the neck with a knife. In his last moments, Sang-woo urged Gi-hun to help his mother. Although they had become enemies by the end of the games, Gi-hun was heartbroken at Sang-woo’s decision to end his life. Gi-hun broke down and cried while holding his dead friend in his arms and was emotionally scarred long after the games were over.[13]

One year after Sang-woo’s death, Gi-hun eventually fulfilled his friend’s wish by giving his mother a share of the prize money and entrusting her with Sae-byeok’s brother, Kang Cheol.[13]

Behind the scenes

Cho Sang-woo was portrayed by actor Park Hae-soo. The younger version of Sang-woo was portrayed by actor Park Si-won.


  • He, Seong Gi-hun and Hwang In-ho are the only characters that appeared in all nine episodes.
  • Hwang Dong-hyuk stated that he perceives Sang-woo and Gi-hun as fraternal twins, and part of the casting of the two characters was to make them look like they are because he wanted them to emulate this relationship. Dong-hyuk explains that fraternal twins are very close in childhood, but look different despite coming from the same mother, and they usually go on different paths in life.[5][4]
    • In an interview, Lee Jung-jae stated that they are not biologically related, but still close as if they were.[6]


Cho Sang-woo’s appearances

Episode One Episode Two Episode Three Episode Four Episode Five Episode Six Episode Seven Episode Eight Episode Nine


Sang-woo: She was going to die anyway. I just ended her pain quickly.
Gi-hun: Don’t give me that bullshit. She was alive, and could’ve been saved.
Sang-woo: That’s why I killed her. Because I know how you are. Because you would’ve given everything up just to save her.
Gi-hun: Was that it? Were you afraid I’d give up?
Sang-woo: That’s right! Because if you two gave up, it would’ve been all over! I’d have to leave here without a penny!
Gi-hun: If it hadn’t been for her, I would’ve killed you with this knife. You… will never leave here with that money.

Sang-woo and Gi-hun’s final conversation before their fight in «One Lucky Day»

Gi-hun: Let’s go… Let’s go home.
Sang-woo: Gi-hun… I’m sorry…
Gi-hun: Sang-woo! Sang-woo…
Sang-woo: Gi-hun…
Gi-hun: No, Sang-woo. Don’t talk. Sang-woo…
Sang-woo: My mom… my mom…
Gi-hun: No. Don’t. Sang-woo, no… Sang-woo…

Sang-woo’s final moments and dying words to Gi-hun in «One Lucky Day»


Young Sang-woo

Gi-hun and Sang-woo playing EP1

Sang-woo and Gi-hun playing EP1

Sang-woo invokes the third clause of the game

Gi-hun & Sang-woo EP2

Sad Sang-woo EP2

Sang-woo suicide attempt

Sang-woo questioning Sae-byeok

Gi-hun and Sang-woo's team EP5

Mi-nyeo asking Sang-woo to be her partner EP6

Cho Sang-woo last dinner scene

218 456 fight

Gi-hun and Sang-woo starting to fight in the Final Round

Gi-hun asks Sang-woo to come home with him


  1. In Korea, 1 year is added to the person’s age after birth, so if he is 46 in the 33rd Squid Game (according to «Red Light, Green Light«), he was born in 1975.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Red Light, Green Light
  3. The overall competition is confirmed to be called Squid Game, and the 2020 game is confirmed the 33rd annual game, by the archived files Hwang Jun-ho reads in the episode «A Fair World».
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ Cast and Director Talk About Bringing the Korean Survival Show to Life
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Lee Jung Jae And Park Hae Soo Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin In “Squid Game”
  6. 6.0 6.1 Squid Game: Keyword Interview with Lee Jung-jae
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Hell
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Man with the Umbrella
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Stick to the Team
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Gganbu
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 VIPS
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Front Man
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 One Lucky Day
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 A Fair World
  15. The Squid Game Cast React To Their Own Show | Netflix
  16. Squid Game: Hwang Dong-hyuk and Bong Joon-ho in Conversation | Netflix
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Squid Game Cast Review the Biggest Betrayals in Season One | Vanity Fair

«Игра в кальмара» от Netflix, режиссера Дон Хёк Хван, рассказывает о 456 людях, принявших участие в серии смертоносных игр в надежде выиграть 40 миллионов долларов. Один фактор, который, кажется, их связывает, — это то, что все они имеют долги. Чо Сан-ву (Пак Хэ Су) или № 218 вырос вместе с главным героем Сон Ги Хуном или № 456, который на несколько лет старше его.

В юности Сан-Ву был выдающимся учеником, гордостью своего района. После окончания Сеульского национального университета Сан Ву стал руководителем инвестиционной группы по ценным бумагам. Однако без ведома своей матери и остальной части своего сообщества он перекачивал деньги у своих клиентов и инвестировал их в деривативы и фьючерсные опционы. Но его затея провалилась, и теперь его преследуют власти. Он соглашается сыграть в игру «Кальмар», потому что он в таком же отчаянии, как и любой другой участник. Если вам интересно, умирает ли Сан-ву в «Игре в кальмара», то далее в статье вы найдете ответы и подробности истории.

Умирает ли номер 218 (Сан-ву) в сериале Игра в кальмара?

Да, номер 218 — Сан-ву умирает в «Игре в кальмара». Во время последнего раунда Ги-хун отказывается позволить ему умереть и призывает к голосованию, чтобы они оба могли выйти из игры живыми. Но Сан-ву берет нож и вонзает его себе в горло, умирает на руках Ги-хуна. В начале игры, несмотря на то, что он стал свидетелем того, насколько это жестоко и смертельно опасно, Сан-Ву голосует за то, чтобы не покидать игру.

Однако вариант «Выйти» в конечном итоге набирает большинство голосов, и игроков отпускают. Снаружи ситуация настолько мрачная, как он думал. Полиция все еще ищет его. И он не может подать заявление о банкротстве, потому что он использовал собственность своей матери в качестве финансового залога, занимая деньги.

Как и у большинства игроков, у Сан-ву нет другого выбора, кроме как вернуться в игру. Помимо Ги-хуна, сюжетная история Санг-ву связана с Абдулом Али (Анупам Трипати), иммигрантом из Пакистана, который приехал в Южную Корею в поисках работы. Во время раунда «Сахарные соты» Сан-Ву выясняет, в чем будет заключаться задача, заметив, что их привели в обстановку, похожую на парки из их детства. Однако он показывает свою безжалостность, когда не делится этой информацией с Ги-хуном.

Игра в кальмара 2

Во время раунда перетягивания каната Сан-ву является частью той же команды, что и Али, Ги Хун, О Иль-нам и Кан Саэ-пёк. Он тот, кто придумывает план, который поможет команде выиграть раунд. В раунде с шарами он выбирает Али своим партнером, полагая, что они должны работать вместе, чтобы выиграть раунд. Когда выясняется, что они должны соревноваться друг с другом, Сан-ву предает Али. Когда он видит, что Али выигрывает игру, он убеждает его, что есть способ, которым они оба могут выжить в раунде. Когда Али уходит, чтобы следовать его инструкциям, он относит шарики администратору, чтобы объявить себя победителем.

Во время раунда «Стеклянные ступеньки» даже Ги-хун разочаровывается в своих действиях. Это еще больше усиливается, когда Сан-ву убивает Кан Саэ-пёк. Однако, несмотря на все это, Ги Хун не может заставить себя убить Сан-ву в финальном раунде. Они знают друг друга с детства, и он видит мать Сан-ву каждый день. Но Сан-Ву понял, что если он согласится проголосовать и выйдет из игры с Ги-хуном, для него ничего не изменится.

067 Игра в кальмара

Сан-Ву жертвует собой, чтобы Ги-хун получил деньги. На последних вздохах он просит своего старого друга позаботиться о его матери. И Ги-хун в конце концов так и поступил. Он оставляет половину своего выигрыша матери Сан Ву, утверждая, что это деньги, которые он должен Сан Ву. Ги-хун также оставляет с ней брата Саэ-пёк Челя, надеясь, что они помогут друг другу пережить свое горе.

«Игра в кальмара» – дорама, ворвавшаяся во все Топ-листы сериалов. Ее популярность зашкаливает и не оставляет шансов пройти мимо. Дорама заставляет задуматься и поискать скрытые пасхалки, чем провоцирует множество обсуждений. Однако помимо сюжета, имена игроков обладают скрытым смыслом, завязанном на сюжете самой «Игры».


  1. Имена и номера героев
  2. Игрок 001: старик О Иль-Нам (актер О Ён Су)
  3. Игрок 199: Абдул Али (актер Анупам Трипати)
  4. Игрок 067: Кан Сэ Бёк (актриса Чон Хоён)
  5. Игрок 218: Чхо Сан Ву (актер Пак Хэ Су)
  6. Игрок 456: Сон Ки Хун (актер Ли Джон Джэ)
  7. Игрок 212: Хан Ми Нё (актриса Ким Чжу Рён)
  8. Игрок 101: Чан Док Су (актер Хо Сон Тхэ)
  9. Игрок 240: Чжи Ен (актриса Ли Ю Ми)
  10. Полицейский Хван Чун Хо (актер Ви Ха Джун)
  11. Ведущий Хван Ин Хо (актер Ли Бён Хон)
  12. Вербовщик (актер Кон Ю)
  13. Игрок 278: приспешник (актер Квак Ча-хён)
  14. Игрок 017: стеклодув (актер Ли Сан Хи)
  15. Игрок 062: учитель математики (актер Ли Ду-сок)
  16. Игрок 069: муж (актер Ким Юн Тхэ)
  17. Игрок 070: жена (актриса Ли Джи Ха)
  18. Игрок 244: пастор (актер Ким Щи-хён)
  19. Игрок 276: помощник с канатом (актер Крис Чан)
  20. Кан Чхоль: братишка (актер Пак Си Ван)
  21. Игрок 111: Пён Ки или врач (актер Ю Сон Чжу)
  22. Сон Ка Ён: дочь (актриса Чо А Ин)
  23. Маски животных VIP персон
  24. Сова
  25. Медведь
  26. Тигр
  27. Лев
  28. Олень
  29. Буйвол
  30. Орел

Имена и номера героев

Персонажи Игры незаурядны. Им приходится решать интересные и сложные задачи, проявляя свои истинные черты характера. Однако предположить возможную судьбу персонажа может помочь его имя. Ведь в оригинале имена обладают скрытым смыслом. Итак, значения имен самых значимых персонажей рассмотрены ниже.

Игрок 001: старик О Иль-Нам (актер О Ён Су)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж игрок 001

Умиляющий своей непосредственностью с самого начала пожилой игрок изрядно удивил под конец Игры. А его имя Иль Нам переводится как «первый человек», так что, как говорится, «думайте сами, решайте сами».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер О Ён Су

Игрок 199: Абдул Али (актер Анупам Трипати)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж игрок 199

Самоотверженный игрок 199 ввязывается в Игру из-за благих намерений. Будучи иммигрантом, Али вынужден рискнуть ради благополучия своей семьи. Дословный перевод имени «Раб Высшего», что как нельзя лучше отображает характер героя.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Анупам Трипати

Игрок 067: Кан Сэ Бёк (актриса Чон Хоён)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж игрок 067

Необычная красота игрока 067 цепляет взгляд с первых кадров. Девушка обладает незаурядными внешними данными, чем привлекает других персонажей. По ходу Игры, №067 не раз получает россыпь комплиментов. И не зря, ведь ее имя переводится как «рассвет». А восход солнца – зрелище восхитительное, как и сама актриса.

Интересный факт, роль Кан Сэ Бёк стала дебютом в карьере Чон Хоён, ведь до этого актриса работала только моделью!

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актриса Чон Хоён

Игрок 218: Чхо Сан Ву (актер Пак Хэ Су)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж Игрок 218

Успешный и самый вероломный участник Игры. Персонаж добился успеха в жизни, и это обозначено в самом имени. Сан Ву в дословном переводе обозначает «работающий человек». И действительно, Сан Ву успешно строил свою карьеру и был хорошо обеспечен. Но несмотря на это, потерпел неудачу во всех смыслах.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Пак Хэ Су

Игрок 456: Сон Ки Хун (актер Ли Джон Джэ)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж игрок 456

Эволюция игрока 456 потрясает и заставляет неусыпно следить за Игрой. Из недалекого водителя он развивается в настоящего героя. Потеря всех самых близких людей сделали из него несгибаемого игрока. Интересно, что его имя обозначает «мудрый поступок», да и сам номер «456» считается числом ангелов.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Ли Джон Джэ

Игрок 212: Хан Ми Нё (актриса Ким Чжу Рён)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж игрок 212

Игрок 212 одна из самых противоречивых на экране Игры. Ее поступки можно рассмотреть с разных сторон: как намерение помочь или отомстить. В противовес сложному характеру, имя «Ми Нё» буквально обозначает «красивая девушка».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актриса Ким Чжу Рён

Игрок 101: Чан Док Су (актер Хо Сон Тхэ)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж Игрок 101

Невыносимый, на грани отвращения персонаж 101 следует исключительно своим целям. Чан Док Су вполне способен победить в номинации «Самый неприятный игрок». Однако, с его именем не все так просто. Док Су в переводе обозначает «мораль», но с ней у разбойника отношения сложные. Вполне возможно, что по ходу Игры сама судьба игрока 101 станет моралью для остальных.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Хо Сон Тхэ

В официальном аккаунте Netflix в Корее компания делится уникальными кадрами со съемок дорамы:

Игрок 240: Чжи Ен (актриса Ли Ю Ми)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж игрок 240

Не лезущая за словом в карман Чжи Ен, совершила самый смелый поступок. Она пожертвовала собой ради Сэ Бёк, ибо та больше нуждалась в средствах. Игрока 240 бесконечно жалко, но значение имени намекает, что иначе и быть не могло. В перевод Чжи Ен обозначает «мудрая красавица», и так оно и случилось.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актриса Ли Ю Ми

Полицейский Хван Чун Хо (актер Ви Ха Джун)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж Полицейский

Очаровавший всех полицейский Хван Чун Хо обладает невероятной скрытностью. Его ловкость, ум и храбрость помогли ему внедрится на остров и стать одним из охранников. В переводе имя Чун Хо обозначает «одаренный и славный».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Ви ха Джун

Ведущий Хван Ин Хо (актер Ли Бён Хон)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж Ведущий

Черная маска ведущего скрывает брата Полицейского. Узнав в «шпионе» своего брата, он уговаривает присоединиться и не выдавать секреты Игры. Однако, сойтись во мнении братьям не удается. Несмотря на это, имя Ведущего – Ин Хо – обозначает «добро» и «человечность». Такой перевод дает пищу для ума над возможным развитием 2 сезона дорамы.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Ли Бён Хон

Вербовщик (актер Кон Ю)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Персонаж Вербовщик

Задачей Вербовщика в Игре является набор людей, которым по стечению обстоятельств необходима невероятно большая сумма денег. Интересно, что именно у исполнителя этой роли имя собрано из фамилий матери(Ю) и отца (Кон).

Игрок 278: приспешник (актер Квак Ча-хён)

Неоднозначная роль приспешника главаря Док Су досталась актеру Квак Ча-хён. Имя персонажа так и не раскрывается по ходу Игры, но способность героя менять свою сторону действительно соответствует «приспешнической» роли.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 278

Игрок 017: стеклодув (актер Ли Сан Хи)

Стеклодув с многолетним стажем работы на заводе по производству стеклянных изделий появляется лишь под конец Игры и несет одну из ведущих в эпизоде ролей. Его настоящее имя не раскрыто, да и экранного времени у героя не много. Забавно, но «Сан» по-корейски «длительный», что противоречит настоящему времени персонажа.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 017

Игрок 062: учитель математики (актер Ли Ду-сок)

Учитель математики задействован всего лишь в одном эпизоде. Он предпринимает отчаянную попытку пройти испытание, высчитав его шансы в уме. Забавно, но именно часть имени актера переводится как «голова».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 062

Игрок 069: муж (актер Ким Юн Тхэ)

Персонаж появляется на экране всегда в тандеме с игроком 070. И это понятно, ведь они супруги. Имена супругов не разглашаются, но зато часть имени актера в переводе означает «уверенный» и «отзывчивый». Так он и поступает по отношению к жене.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 069

Игрок 070: жена (актриса Ли Джи Ха)

Супруга игрока 069 появляется в кадре неразрывно только вместе с ним. Согласно толкованию, имя актрисы расшифровывается как «отзывчивая и проницательная». В предпоследнем испытании именно она дала шанс супругу пройти дальше.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 070

Игрок 244: пастор (актер Ким Щи-хён)

Пастор в Игре всегда объяснял поступки при помощи священного Писания и обращался к Всевышнему за подмогой. Имя персонажа так и осталось в тайне, однако часть имени актера означает официальное обращение к мужчинам, особенно к служителям церкви.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок №244

Игрок 276: помощник с канатом (актер Крис Чан)

Роль этого персонажа немногочисленна, экранного времени выделено крайне мало. Интересный факт, может быть и была скрытая задумка сценаристов выбрать на роль неожиданного помощника актера, чье имя означает «данный Богом».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 276

Кан Чхоль: братишка (актер Пак Си Ван)

Вариации перевода имени молодого персонажа Кан Чхоль отлично характеризуют персонажа. Его имя означает «яркий», «чистый» и «мудрый». И действительно, он мудро рассуждает в беседе с сестрой и обладает чистым разумом и помыслами.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Кан Чхоль

Игрок 111: Пён Ки или врач (актер Ю Сон Чжу)

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Игрок 111

Этого персонажа чаще всего называли прозвищем «врач». И правда, до Игры Пён Ки был хорошим хирургом. Собственно и имя героя в переводе значит «яркий» и «мудрый».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Актер Ю Сон Чжу

Сон Ка Ён: дочь (актриса Чо А Ин)

Дочь главного героя – умная и деликатная девочка. И правда, с отцом она ведет себя осмотрительно и сдержано. Имя этой героини действительно имеет значение «доброжелательная» и «мудрая».

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Сон Ка Ён

VIP персоны в Игре обладают несчетным богатством. Им скучно и безрадостно живется, из-за чего и создается место, где они могут поиграть чужими жизнями. Ношение масок позволяет сохранить их анонимность. Золотистые маски изображают головы животных.

Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

VIP персоны в золотых масках


Олицетворяющая опустошение и несчастье сова, воистину соответствует экранному герою. Неся угрозу окружающим, сова не испытывает страха. Демоническое значение отлично подходит VIP персоне.


Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Медведь в корейской культуре выступает в роли предка рода. Согласно мифам, белый медведь считается магическим защитником. А черный является символом смелости и воли. Желтый или золотой цвет же указывает на наличие власти. Таким властным и представлен персонаж в маске медведя.


Тигр является ключевым персонажем корейских мифов и легенд. Особые качества, которыми люди наделяют это существо, складываются в противоречивый образ. Дословно «тигр» обозначает «защиту». И это усиливает неоднозначность образа. «Тигры» сильны духом, ловкие, но хитрые и внушающие страх существа. И именно это и показано в Игре.


Мистический знак льва означает могущество и успешность. Наличие царской силы и власти придает двоякий смысл. Будучи «царем зверей», лев по полной наслаждается своим положением.


Олень считается посредником между землей и небом, посланником божеств. Грация и духовность ассоциируются с древом жизни, чей образ заключен в разветвленных оленьих рогах. Однако в Игре Олень далеко не праведник…


Имена и номера героев в сериале Игра в кальмара (2021)

Буйвол или бык в корейской культуре является одним из животных, чьим именем обозначена часть неба. Что ж, в Игре Золотой Буйвол «звездой» и является.


Орел и символ власти неразлучные понятия. Являясь хищным созданием, Орел не против полакомиться «свежим мясом», наблюдая за Игрой.

Расскажите, какое впечатление у Вас оставила «Игра в кальмара»? За судьбой какого персонажа особенно волнительно было наблюдать?

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  • Игра в кальмара 096 номер
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  • Игра в кальмара 064 номер