Дело номер 39 2 часть

Дело №39 2007

Дело №39 (2007)

Case 39

Социальный работник Эмили Дженкинс, с идеалистическими завихрениями в голове, спасает десятилетнюю замученную родителями девочку Лилит Салливан.

Список фильмов, которые по мнению зрителей похожи на фильм Дело №39 (2007): A Wakefield Project, Пайпер Роуз, Сторожка, Дитя крови, Незваный гость, Высота, Капкан, Девушка на фотографиях, Кладбище домашних животных, Grim Woods.

Теги: фильмы типа, наподобие Дело №39 (2007)

Пара отчаянно пытается усыновить ребенка, но когда их мечта сбывается, странные события начинают происходить.

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Молодая женщина Грейс выходит замуж за журналиста Ричарда, и теперь ей предстоит стать мачехой двоим детям. Чему сами Мия и Эйден не очень-то рады: в отличие от влюбчивого отца они ещё не забыли мать, покончившую с собой после развода. К тому же Грейс – дочь основателя секты, 12 лет назад совершившей массовое самоубийство, поэтому дети считают, что отец променял мать на психопатку. Чтобы Мия и Эйден ближе познакомились с Грейс, Ричард отправляет семейство провести пару дней перед Рождеством в отдаленном от цивилизации доме.

Молодая женщина, тяжело переживающая потерю нерожденной дочери, проводит магический ритуал, и девочка появляется в виде призрака. Но воспитание такого ребенка требует соблюдения строгих правил.

Оценка imdb: 4.8 КП: 5.1
Жанр ужасы, фантастика, триллер, детектив
Страна Канада, США
В главных ролях Джессика Лаундес, Джулианна Гуилл, Райан Доноху
Режиссёр Кааре Эндрюс
Длительность 01:30

Действие разворачивается на борту небольшого самолета с четырьмя приятелями-подростками на борту и неопытной девушкой за штурвалом. Из-за механической неисправности джет взмывает на невообразимую высоту, а затем начинает падение сквозь бесконечный туман. Когда ребята восстанавливают управление, оказывается, что по всем расчетам они уже должны были врезаться в землю, но вместо этого продолжают падать в неизвестность. И нечто зловещее, скрывающееся в туманных клубах, жаждет их смерти.

Оценка imdb: 6.1 КП: 6.1
Жанр ужасы, боевик, триллер, приключения
Страна США, Сербия, Канада
В главных ролях Кая Скоделарио, Барри Пеппер, Морфидд Кларк
Режиссёр Александр Ажа
Длительность 01:27
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Когда на Флориду обрушивается мощнейший ураган, Хейли игнорирует приказы об эвакуации, чтобы попытаться встретиться в этом хаосе с пропавшим отцом. Она обнаруживает его тяжелораненым в подвале их дома, где они оказываются в ловушке из-за прибывающей воды. Но это меньшее, чего им стоит бояться…

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Симпатичная девушка Колин из провинциального городка сыта по горло бесперспективной работой и апатичным бойфрендом, когда двое серийных убийц начинают присылать ей фотографии своих обезображенных жертв. Шанс на спасение она видит в модном фотографе-хипстере, который в компании моделей вернулся в родное захолустье в надежде вдохновиться необычными маньяками.

Оценка imdb: 5.7 КП: 5.7
Жанр ужасы, триллер, детектив
Страна США, Канада
В главных ролях Джейсон Кларк, Эми Саймец, Джон Литгоу
Режиссёр Кевин Колш, Деннис Уидмайер
Длительность 01:37
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Семья Луиса Крида переезжает в сельский дом, который, как выясняется, расположен по соседству с мрачным Кладбищем домашних животных. Именно здесь Луис хоронит кошку, любимицу семьи, погибшую под колесами грузовика. Эта смерть влечет за собой череду чудовищных событий, которые доказывают Кридам, что мертвые должны оставаться мертвыми…

Темные фильмы

Фильмы про зиму

Оценка imdb: 2.5 КП: 2.9
Жанр ужасы, триллер
Страна США, Канада
В главных ролях Миша Бартон, Джулианна Мишель, Ребекка Де Морнэй
Режиссёр Мишель Таверна
Длительность 01:22
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В этой квартире всегда рады новым жильцам. Но никто не знает о легенде проклятия, которое здесь обитает. Говорят в апартаментах N1303, живут призраки матери и дочери, погибшие насильственной смертью. Не найдя покоя, духи мертвых жаждят отомстить своим убийцам. Каждый, кто переступает порог комнаты ужаса, становится их заложником. И еще никому не удалось вырваться из плена смерти…

Юный гений случайно изобретает устройство, которое усиливает паранормальную активность. Он использует аппарат в доме своих покойных родителей, и их призраки возвращаются, открыв при этом путь более опасным созданиям.

Оценка imdb: 5.8 КП: 5.9
Жанр ужасы, триллер, драма
Страна США, Канада
В главных ролях Хлоя Грейс Морец, Джулианна Мур, Джуди Грир
Режиссёр Кимберли Пирс
Длительность 01:40
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Невзрачная старшеклассница по имени Кэрри с рождения обладает способностями телекинеза. Давление со стороны фанатично религиозной мамочки и постоянные издевки сверстников лишь способствует развитию ее сверхъестественных способностей. На выпускном одноклассники решают жестоко подшутить над ней, что приводит к фатальным последствиям.

Оценка imdb: 5.8 КП: 4.8
Жанр ужасы, фантастика, триллер
Страна США, Канада, Индонезия
В главных ролях Кэлвин Ридер, Лэйн Хьюз, Эндрю Неннингер
Режиссёр Мэттью Беттинелли, Дэвид Брукнер
Длительность 01:56
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В поисках редкой видеозаписи трое взломщиков пробираются в таинственный особняк. Хозяин ждет их у включенного телевизора и, похоже, не слишком радуется визиту. Он мертв уже несколько дней, а его странное наследие — коллекция старых видеозаписей, покоится неподалеку.Желая отыскать нужную пленку, друзья просматривают весь архив. Каждая запись погружает их в новый кошмар, настолько реальный, будто он происходит у них на глазах. И с каждой минутой где-то совсем рядом пробуждается оно, неведомое и беспощадное ЗЛО.

Оценка imdb: 6 КП: 5.6
Жанр ужасы, боевик, триллер, комедия, драма, криминал
Страна США, Канада
В главных ролях Одесса Янг, Абра, Сьюки Уотерхаус
Режиссёр Сэм Левинсон
Длительность 01:43
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Селфи, эмоджи, снэпчаты и секстинг — вот в чем хороши старшеклассница Лили и три её лучшие подруги. Гормоны бурлят, и девушки живут в мире вечеринок, интрижек, обсуждения парней и модных трендов. Когда неизвестный хакер выкладывает в открытый доступ личные фотографии и переписку мэра их родного города Салема, выясняется, что ярый поборник семейных ценностей любит нетрадиционные развлечения. На пресс-конференции посрамлённый мэр пускает себе пулю в лоб, но на этом безумие в Салеме не заканчивается — неугомонный хакер выставляет напоказ подноготную директора местной школы, а затем и почти всех жителей города.

На отдыхе в Камбодже молодой американец в первого взгляда влюбляется в девушку, которая оказывается тоже из Штатов. Парень ухаживает за ней и добивается взаимности, но с девушкой, кажется, что-то не так.

Оценка imdb: 5.1 КП: 5.2
Жанр ужасы, триллер, детектив
Страна США, Норвегия, Канада
В главных ролях Кэтрин Прескотт, Тайлер Янг, Саманта Логан
Режиссёр Ларс Клевберг
Длительность 01:28
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В руки к нелюдимой старшекласснице Бёрд, работающей в антикварном магазине, попадает винтажный фотоаппарат Polaroid. Девушка тут же делает снимок коллеги, а позже подруга вытаскивает её на вечеринку, где все тоже очень любят фотографироваться. В этот же вечер Бёрд узнаёт, что парень из магазина мёртв, а когда погибает и хозяйка вечеринки, Бёрд начинает догадываться, кто умрёт следующим. Дьявольское устройство убивает любого, кто окажется на фотографии, сделанной с его помощью, и теперь группа подростков должна разрешить загадку проклятия, пока фотоаппарат не прикончил их всех.

Оценка imdb: 4.6 КП: 4.8
Жанр ужасы, триллер
Страна США, Канада
В главных ролях Алексия Фаст, Лин Шэй, Алан Дэйл
Режиссёр Джефф Чан
Длительность 01:27

Грейс, наивная первокурсница-девственница, которая пытается противопоставить свою религиозность культуре кампуса, но несмотря на ее благочестивость, зло захватывает ее тело и погружает ее в хаос..

Оценка imdb: 4.1 КП: 4.1
Жанр ужасы, триллер, приключения
Страна Канада, Германия, США
В главных ролях Энтони Иллот, Крис Джарвис, Акилла Золл
Режиссёр Валерий Милев
Длительность 01:30
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В поисках внезапного и таинственного наследства, Дэнни и его друзья оказываются в Хобб Спрингс, на заброшенном курорте в горах Западной Вирджинии. Вскоре Дэнни узнает, что его родственники, которых он никогда не знал, вели довольно странный образ жизни, основывающийся на каннибализме. Дэнни придется выбирать между друзьями и родственниками.

Оценка imdb: 6.2 КП: 5.7
Жанр ужасы, боевик, триллер, драма, приключения, детектив
Страна Канада, США
В главных ролях Дерек Ли, Клифф Проуз, Майкл Гилл
Режиссёр Дерек Ли, Клифф Проуз
Длительность 01:26

Лучшие друзья Клифф и Дерек в поисках приключений отправляются в кругосветное путешествие. Но дело принимает иной оборот, когда после встречи с незнакомкой одного из друзей поражает таинственный недуг…

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1988 год, штат Индиана. Пока в СМИ твердят о серии ритуальных убийств, прокатившейся по всей Америке, а популярный проповедник — о тлетворном влиянии хеви-метала на молодёжь, три подружки приезжают на концерт тяжёлой музыки. Там девушки знакомятся с тремя парнями, и вот уже весёлая компания отправляется в загородный дом устроить отвязную вечеринку. Но события принимают неожиданный поворот.

Сборник короткометражек от режиссёров фильмов ужасов. Зомби, демоны, призраки, злобные косметологи — всё в одном флаконе. Готовы ли вы пройти через весь этот кошмар?

Оценка imdb: 5.1 КП: 4.4
Жанр ужасы, триллер
Страна США, Великобритания, Канада
В главных ролях Шери Мун Зомби, Брюс Дэвисон, Джеффри Дэниэл Филлипс
Режиссёр Роб Зомби
Длительность 01:37

Блондинка Хейди — крутая диск-жокейка провинциальной радиостанции, вместе с двумя друзьями они составляют команду Big H Radio. Хейди получает странную посылку — деревянную коробку с виниловой пластинкой, «подарок от Властелинов». Она решает, что это неизвестная ей прежде рок-группа таким образом обращает на себя внимание. Но когда пластинка начинает играть, Хейди испытывает шок, связанный с подавленными воспоминаниями. Однако никто больше ничего подобного не переживает и песня, названная «Властелины Салема», становится хитом. Позднее приходит еще одна посылка от Властелинов, содержащая плакаты, аудио и три бесплатных пригласительных билета на некую вечеринку в Салеме. Хейди и ее друзьям предстоит узнать, что это будет вовсе не рок-концерт: самые настоящие властелины ведьмовского города Салем вернулись и жаждут крови.

Case 39
Case 39 poster.jpg

Theatrical film poster

Directed by Christian Alvart
Written by Ray Wright
Produced by Lisa Bruce
Steve Golin
Alix Madigan
Kevin Misher
  • Renée Zellweger
  • Jodelle Ferland
  • Ian McShane
  • Bradley Cooper
Cinematography Hagen Bodanski
Edited by Mark Goldblatt
Music by Michl Britsch


Paramount Vantage
Misher Films
Anonymous Content

Distributed by Paramount Pictures

Release dates

  • August 13, 2009 (New Zealand)
  • November 5, 2009 (Australia)
  • October 1, 2010 (United States)

Running time

109 minutes
Countries United States
Language English
Budget $26 million[1]
Box office $28.2 million[2]

Case 39 is a 2009 American supernatural horror film directed by Christian Alvart, and starring Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Bradley Cooper and Ian McShane.


Emily Jenkins (Renée Zellweger) is a social worker living in Oregon who is assigned to investigate the family of Lillith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland), a troubled ten-year-old whose school grades have declined due to an emotional rift with her parents, Edward and Margaret Sullivan (Callum Keith Rennie and Kerry O’Malley). Emily suspects that the parents have been abusing Lillith for her lack of obedience and begins to investigate the family further, questioning Lillith about her parents and planning a visit at the family’s home. When Lillith is interviewed by Emily’s boss and is too intimidated to answer his questions honestly, Emily visits Lillith at her school and gives the girl her home phone number, telling her to call if she is being hurt or needs help.

Her suspicion is later confirmed when Lillith calls Emily in the middle of the night, informing her that her parents are coming to kill her. With the help of Detective Mike Barron (Ian McShane), Emily intercepts and captures Edward and Margaret before they can incinerate Lillith by trapping her in their home oven and baking her alive.

Lillith is originally going to be sent to the children’s home, but she begs Emily to look after her instead, and with the agreement of the board, Emily is assigned to take care of Lillith until a suitable foster family comes along. Two weeks after Lillith moves in with Emily, a boy named Diego (Alexander Conti), another one of Emily’s cases, brutally murders his parents in the middle of the night, and Detective Barron informs Emily that somebody phoned Diego the night before the crime, and that the call originated from her home.

As she is suspected of involvement in the incident, Lillith undergoes a psychiatric evaluation by Emily’s best friend, Douglas J. Ames (Bradley Cooper). However, during the session, Lillith asks Douglas what his fears are and begins to subtly threaten him by turning the questions around and beginning to evaluate him. Douglas conveys his discomfort to Emily and says that he will call a specialist in the morning to help with Lillith’s evaluation. During the night Douglas receives a strange phone call at his home. A mass of hornets, which Douglas had previously told Lillith that he was afraid of, begin to fly out of his body, and he grows hysterical and kills himself.

After speaking to Diego and attending Douglas’ funeral Emily becomes more suspicious of Lillith than her parents, and visits the asylum where Edward and Margaret are being kept under custody for their attempted murder of Lillith. Margaret is hysterical and unable to see visitors but Edward reveals to her that Lillith is far from human and is actually a succubus-like demon who feeds on emotion, and is capable of causing deadly hallucinations based on her victims’ fears. Their attempt to kill her had been an attempt to save themselves and others, and that she is now feeding off of Emily’s kindness and goodness and that Lillith will bleed her dry before moving on to her next victim.

Edward also informs Emily that the only way to kill Lillith is to get her to sleep, which she rarely does. Shortly after Emily leaves the asylum, Margaret hallucinates that she is on fire while inside a large oven, while Edward is stabbed in the eye after attacking a fellow inmate who spoke to him in the voice of Lillith. After Detective Barron receives a strange phone call in his home from Lillith he arms himself to help Emily. However, as he is on his way to Emily, Lillith makes him hallucinate that he is being attacked by dogs and he fatally shoots himself in the head with his shotgun.

After realizing that her closest colleagues have been eliminated and that the rest of her cases will be next, Emily serves Lillith tea spiked with a sedative pills and waits for her to fall asleep. While Lillith is asleep, Emily douses her home in gasoline and sets it ablaze, hoping to kill Lillith. However, Lillith, upon discovering Emily’s plot, escapes unharmed.

A police officer offers to escort Emily and Lillith to a temporary place to sleep but as Emily is following the police cars, she suddenly takes a different route. She drives recklessly and at a high speed to scare Lillith but the girl forces Emily to relive her childhood memory of her mother-(who was killed in a car accident when Emily was a child) driving fast in a rainstorm and a truck overturning in their path. Emily fights the memory, telling herself that it is not real and the image fades, leaving Lillith herself confused that her illusions no longer scare Emily.

Emily crashes through a gate and drives the car off a pier into a lake. As the car sinks, Emily struggles to lock Lillith (now in full demon form) in the trunk by folding the rear seats back against her and drowning her. Emily exits the car and swims away but Lillith grabs her leg through a hole in the car’s tail light section. Eventually Emily breaks free and Lillith lets go as the car continues to sink. Emily climbs back ashore and watches the water to assure she is really gone. The film ends with Emily smiling, relieved to finally be rid of Lillith.

Alternate ending[edit]

On the DVD as a deleted scene in the Special Features section, Emily careens through the harbor gate and drives the car off the pier into the bay just as in the theatrical ending. The car sinks to the bottom and fills with water. Suddenly, a man swims down to the car, opens Lillith’s door, and carries her to the surface, leaving Emily behind. Emily tries unsuccessfully to open her door but begins to pass out. Then the man reappears and frees her too. As an ambulance carries Emily away, a news broadcast details the event, and Margaret Sullivan can be seen watching it. In the final scenes, Emily can be seen in handcuffs, frantically pleading with her lawyer to tell her where Lillith is. However, her lawyer refuses to answer, and instead orders for her to be shipped off to the asylum for schizophrenia. Meanwhile, Lillith arrives at the home of her new foster family.


  • Renée Zellweger as Emily Jenkins
  • Jodelle Ferland as Lillith «Lily» Sullivan
  • Ian McShane as Detective Mike Barron
  • Bradley Cooper as Dr. Douglas J. Ames
  • Callum Keith Rennie as Edward Sullivan
  • Kerry O’Malley as Margaret Sullivan
  • Adrian Lester as Wayne
  • Georgia Craig as Denise
  • Cynthia Stevenson as Nancy
  • Alexander Conti as Diego


On October 31, 2006, a fire started on the film’s set in Vancouver. None of the cast were on the set at the time and nobody was seriously injured, though the set and studio were destroyed.[3] The film was shot in Vancouver in late 2006 and was released theatrically in the UK, other European, and in Latin American countries on August 13, 2009. The film was initially scheduled for U.S. release in August 2008, but was delayed twice before its final release date on October 1, 2010.


Box office[edit]

Case 39 was released to New Zealand cinemas on August 13, 2009 and in its opening weekend ranked #12, with NZ$35,056.[4] It averaged a low NZ$1,845 at the 19 cinemas it was released. The film opened at a small wide release in Australia, being shown on 85 screens, and ranked #12 in its opening weekend, with a screen average of AU$2,077 and a gross of AU$176,526. Negative local reviews and its poor opening were followed by a 70% second weekend decrease. The film grossed a total of AU$332,956. It had a total of US$14,926,149 from its international run ahead of its U.S. release.[5]

In its debut weekend in the United States, the film opened at #7, with an estimated US$5,350,000 in 2,211 theaters, averaging US$2,420 per cinema.[6]

Critical response[edit]

Case 39 received mostly negative reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 21% approval rating based on 76 reviews, with an average rating of 4/10. The critics consensus states, «Director Christian Alvert has a certain stylish flair, but it’s wasted on Case 39′s frightless, unoriginal plot.»[7] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 25 out of 100, based on 15 critics, indicating «generally unfavorable reviews.»[8]

Gareth Jones of Dread Central gave the film 2 out of 5 «knives,» saying, «I’m sure it will do decent business among the undemanding weekend-horror crowd and Zellweger fans when it eventually sees the light of day. Nobody else need apply.»[9] Margaret Pomeranz of the Australian version of At the Movies gave the film one out of 5 stars, calling it «one of the least scary, dumbest movies I’ve seen in a long time.» Her co-host David Stratton gave it 1½ out of 5, commenting that «once it sort of kicks into the plot – once it really gets down to the nitty gritty, like so many horror films it just becomes really ridiculous and silly.»[10]

See also[edit]

  • List of ghost films


  1. ^ Fritz, Ben (September 30, 2010). «Movie projector: ‘Social Network’ looks strong; ‘Let Me In’ and ‘Case 39’ will struggle». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 30, 2010.
  2. ^ «Case 39 (2010)». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  3. ^ Robert Matas (2006-11-02). «Special-effects fire destroys movie set». The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved 2008-04-07.
  4. ^ Box Office Mojo — Case 39 New Zealand Box Office
  5. ^ Case 39 (2010) — Box Office Mojo
  6. ^ «‘Social Network’ No Wallflower in Its Debut». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  7. ^ «Case 39». Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved November 13, 2022.
  8. ^ metacritic.com
  9. ^ Dread Central — Case 39 Review
  10. ^ «At the Movies (Australia): Case 39». Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on 2016-05-11. Retrieved 2010-02-09.

External links[edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Case 39 at IMDb
  • Case 39 at AllMovie
  • Case 39 at Box Office Mojo
  • Case 39 at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Case 39 full production notes
Case 39
Case 39 poster.jpg

Theatrical film poster

Directed by Christian Alvart
Written by Ray Wright
Produced by Lisa Bruce
Steve Golin
Alix Madigan
Kevin Misher
  • Renée Zellweger
  • Jodelle Ferland
  • Ian McShane
  • Bradley Cooper
Cinematography Hagen Bodanski
Edited by Mark Goldblatt
Music by Michl Britsch


Paramount Vantage
Misher Films
Anonymous Content

Distributed by Paramount Pictures

Release dates

  • August 13, 2009 (New Zealand)
  • November 5, 2009 (Australia)
  • October 1, 2010 (United States)

Running time

109 minutes
Countries United States
Language English
Budget $26 million[1]
Box office $28.2 million[2]

Case 39 is a 2009 American supernatural horror film directed by Christian Alvart, and starring Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Bradley Cooper and Ian McShane.


Emily Jenkins (Renée Zellweger) is a social worker living in Oregon who is assigned to investigate the family of Lillith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland), a troubled ten-year-old whose school grades have declined due to an emotional rift with her parents, Edward and Margaret Sullivan (Callum Keith Rennie and Kerry O’Malley). Emily suspects that the parents have been abusing Lillith for her lack of obedience and begins to investigate the family further, questioning Lillith about her parents and planning a visit at the family’s home. When Lillith is interviewed by Emily’s boss and is too intimidated to answer his questions honestly, Emily visits Lillith at her school and gives the girl her home phone number, telling her to call if she is being hurt or needs help.

Her suspicion is later confirmed when Lillith calls Emily in the middle of the night, informing her that her parents are coming to kill her. With the help of Detective Mike Barron (Ian McShane), Emily intercepts and captures Edward and Margaret before they can incinerate Lillith by trapping her in their home oven and baking her alive.

Lillith is originally going to be sent to the children’s home, but she begs Emily to look after her instead, and with the agreement of the board, Emily is assigned to take care of Lillith until a suitable foster family comes along. Two weeks after Lillith moves in with Emily, a boy named Diego (Alexander Conti), another one of Emily’s cases, brutally murders his parents in the middle of the night, and Detective Barron informs Emily that somebody phoned Diego the night before the crime, and that the call originated from her home.

As she is suspected of involvement in the incident, Lillith undergoes a psychiatric evaluation by Emily’s best friend, Douglas J. Ames (Bradley Cooper). However, during the session, Lillith asks Douglas what his fears are and begins to subtly threaten him by turning the questions around and beginning to evaluate him. Douglas conveys his discomfort to Emily and says that he will call a specialist in the morning to help with Lillith’s evaluation. During the night Douglas receives a strange phone call at his home. A mass of hornets, which Douglas had previously told Lillith that he was afraid of, begin to fly out of his body, and he grows hysterical and kills himself.

After speaking to Diego and attending Douglas’ funeral Emily becomes more suspicious of Lillith than her parents, and visits the asylum where Edward and Margaret are being kept under custody for their attempted murder of Lillith. Margaret is hysterical and unable to see visitors but Edward reveals to her that Lillith is far from human and is actually a succubus-like demon who feeds on emotion, and is capable of causing deadly hallucinations based on her victims’ fears. Their attempt to kill her had been an attempt to save themselves and others, and that she is now feeding off of Emily’s kindness and goodness and that Lillith will bleed her dry before moving on to her next victim.

Edward also informs Emily that the only way to kill Lillith is to get her to sleep, which she rarely does. Shortly after Emily leaves the asylum, Margaret hallucinates that she is on fire while inside a large oven, while Edward is stabbed in the eye after attacking a fellow inmate who spoke to him in the voice of Lillith. After Detective Barron receives a strange phone call in his home from Lillith he arms himself to help Emily. However, as he is on his way to Emily, Lillith makes him hallucinate that he is being attacked by dogs and he fatally shoots himself in the head with his shotgun.

After realizing that her closest colleagues have been eliminated and that the rest of her cases will be next, Emily serves Lillith tea spiked with a sedative pills and waits for her to fall asleep. While Lillith is asleep, Emily douses her home in gasoline and sets it ablaze, hoping to kill Lillith. However, Lillith, upon discovering Emily’s plot, escapes unharmed.

A police officer offers to escort Emily and Lillith to a temporary place to sleep but as Emily is following the police cars, she suddenly takes a different route. She drives recklessly and at a high speed to scare Lillith but the girl forces Emily to relive her childhood memory of her mother-(who was killed in a car accident when Emily was a child) driving fast in a rainstorm and a truck overturning in their path. Emily fights the memory, telling herself that it is not real and the image fades, leaving Lillith herself confused that her illusions no longer scare Emily.

Emily crashes through a gate and drives the car off a pier into a lake. As the car sinks, Emily struggles to lock Lillith (now in full demon form) in the trunk by folding the rear seats back against her and drowning her. Emily exits the car and swims away but Lillith grabs her leg through a hole in the car’s tail light section. Eventually Emily breaks free and Lillith lets go as the car continues to sink. Emily climbs back ashore and watches the water to assure she is really gone. The film ends with Emily smiling, relieved to finally be rid of Lillith.

Alternate ending[edit]

On the DVD as a deleted scene in the Special Features section, Emily careens through the harbor gate and drives the car off the pier into the bay just as in the theatrical ending. The car sinks to the bottom and fills with water. Suddenly, a man swims down to the car, opens Lillith’s door, and carries her to the surface, leaving Emily behind. Emily tries unsuccessfully to open her door but begins to pass out. Then the man reappears and frees her too. As an ambulance carries Emily away, a news broadcast details the event, and Margaret Sullivan can be seen watching it. In the final scenes, Emily can be seen in handcuffs, frantically pleading with her lawyer to tell her where Lillith is. However, her lawyer refuses to answer, and instead orders for her to be shipped off to the asylum for schizophrenia. Meanwhile, Lillith arrives at the home of her new foster family.


  • Renée Zellweger as Emily Jenkins
  • Jodelle Ferland as Lillith «Lily» Sullivan
  • Ian McShane as Detective Mike Barron
  • Bradley Cooper as Dr. Douglas J. Ames
  • Callum Keith Rennie as Edward Sullivan
  • Kerry O’Malley as Margaret Sullivan
  • Adrian Lester as Wayne
  • Georgia Craig as Denise
  • Cynthia Stevenson as Nancy
  • Alexander Conti as Diego


On October 31, 2006, a fire started on the film’s set in Vancouver. None of the cast were on the set at the time and nobody was seriously injured, though the set and studio were destroyed.[3] The film was shot in Vancouver in late 2006 and was released theatrically in the UK, other European, and in Latin American countries on August 13, 2009. The film was initially scheduled for U.S. release in August 2008, but was delayed twice before its final release date on October 1, 2010.


Box office[edit]

Case 39 was released to New Zealand cinemas on August 13, 2009 and in its opening weekend ranked #12, with NZ$35,056.[4] It averaged a low NZ$1,845 at the 19 cinemas it was released. The film opened at a small wide release in Australia, being shown on 85 screens, and ranked #12 in its opening weekend, with a screen average of AU$2,077 and a gross of AU$176,526. Negative local reviews and its poor opening were followed by a 70% second weekend decrease. The film grossed a total of AU$332,956. It had a total of US$14,926,149 from its international run ahead of its U.S. release.[5]

In its debut weekend in the United States, the film opened at #7, with an estimated US$5,350,000 in 2,211 theaters, averaging US$2,420 per cinema.[6]

Critical response[edit]

Case 39 received mostly negative reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 21% approval rating based on 76 reviews, with an average rating of 4/10. The critics consensus states, «Director Christian Alvert has a certain stylish flair, but it’s wasted on Case 39′s frightless, unoriginal plot.»[7] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 25 out of 100, based on 15 critics, indicating «generally unfavorable reviews.»[8]

Gareth Jones of Dread Central gave the film 2 out of 5 «knives,» saying, «I’m sure it will do decent business among the undemanding weekend-horror crowd and Zellweger fans when it eventually sees the light of day. Nobody else need apply.»[9] Margaret Pomeranz of the Australian version of At the Movies gave the film one out of 5 stars, calling it «one of the least scary, dumbest movies I’ve seen in a long time.» Her co-host David Stratton gave it 1½ out of 5, commenting that «once it sort of kicks into the plot – once it really gets down to the nitty gritty, like so many horror films it just becomes really ridiculous and silly.»[10]

See also[edit]

  • List of ghost films


  1. ^ Fritz, Ben (September 30, 2010). «Movie projector: ‘Social Network’ looks strong; ‘Let Me In’ and ‘Case 39’ will struggle». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 30, 2010.
  2. ^ «Case 39 (2010)». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  3. ^ Robert Matas (2006-11-02). «Special-effects fire destroys movie set». The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved 2008-04-07.
  4. ^ Box Office Mojo — Case 39 New Zealand Box Office
  5. ^ Case 39 (2010) — Box Office Mojo
  6. ^ «‘Social Network’ No Wallflower in Its Debut». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved October 3, 2010.
  7. ^ «Case 39». Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved November 13, 2022.
  8. ^ metacritic.com
  9. ^ Dread Central — Case 39 Review
  10. ^ «At the Movies (Australia): Case 39». Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on 2016-05-11. Retrieved 2010-02-09.

External links[edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Case 39 at IMDb
  • Case 39 at AllMovie
  • Case 39 at Box Office Mojo
  • Case 39 at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Case 39 full production notes

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