Академия амбрелла по номерам персонажи


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Персонаж комиксов.

Слуга и помощник сэра Реджинальда Харгривза и его семьи.

Агнес Рофа

Agnes Rofa


Владелица и официантка в кафе «Пончики у Гридди», возлюбленная Хейзела.




Персонаж сериала.

Владелец зала, где живет Диего во время событий сериала.




Робот-слуга Лютера на Луне.

Бен Харгривз

Ben Hargreeves


Другие имена — Номер Шесть, Ужас.

Мальчик, обладающий способностью призывать и контролировать огромные щупальца из параллельного измерения. Бен умер, но регулярно является Клаусу и иногда помогает ему.

Ваня Харгривз

Vanya Hargreeves


Другие имена — Номер Семь, Белая скрипка.

Убеждена, что у неё нет сверхъестественных способностей, кроме таланта к игре на скрипке. На самом деле она самая могущественная и опасная из своих братьев и сестер и способна превращать звуковые волны в разрушительную силу, однако отец заставил её забыть о своей силе, чтобы уберечь других от опасности.




Другое имя — Мама.

Приёмная мать воспитанников Академии «Амбрелла». Робот, созданный Реджинальдом после того, как Ваня убила нескольких нянь своей силой.

Гюстав Эйфель

Gustave Eiffel


Персонаж комикса.

Проектировщик Эйфилевой башни. Продолжил свою жизнь в качестве робота-зомби.

Джим Хеллерман

Jim Hellerman


Репортер, который освещал ограбление банка — первое публичное появление «Академии Амбрелла».

Диего Харгривз

Diego Hargreeves


Другие имена — Номер Два, Кракен.

Постоянный возмутитель спокойствия, соперничающий с Лютером за лидерство в команде. Обладает способностью изменять траекторию бросаемых предметов (в основном ножей). Был отчислен из полицейской академии, после чего стал борцом с преступностью.




Возлюбленный Клауса, с которым они познакомились во Вьетнаме. Был убит в бою от огнестрельного ранения в грудь, умер на руках у Клауса.

Дэйл Чеддер

Dale Chedder


Полицейский из маленького города, который расследовал драку возле ресторана.

Клаус Харгривз

Klaus Hargreeves


Другие имена — Номер Четыре, Сеанс.

Эксцентричный наркоман, обладает способностью общаться с мертвыми.

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Дочь Патрика и Эллисон. Эллисон применяла свою способность на дочери, когда та не хотела слушаться, и однажды это увидел Патрик. Он подал на развод, а судья отдал ребенка ему. Эллисон заставили ходить на терапию.

Эллисон часто рассказывала дочери о ее дяде Лютере, живущем на Луне. Лютер стал для Клэр героем.


The Handler


Глава Комиссии и бывший работодатель Номера Пять.

Лайла Питтс

Lila Pitts


Девушка, с которой Диего Харгривз познакомился в психиатрической клинике. Они бежали оттуда вместе. Лайла скрывала от Диего, что является приемной дочерью Куратора.

Ланс Бигс

Lance Biggs


Персонаж сериала.

Руководитель в Meritech Prosthetics. Номер пять допрашивает его для получения информации об искусственном глазе.

Леонард Пибоди (Харольд Дженкинс)

Leonard Peabody (Harold Jenkins)


Возлюбленный Вани. Он обнаружил личный дневник Реджинальда Харгривза, из которого узнал о способностях Вани, после чего стал частью её жизни, чтобы изучить её потенциал и манипулировать ей в своих целях. Убит Ваней.

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Детектив полиции и друг «Академии Амбрелла».

Лютер Харгривз

Luther Hargreeves


Другие имена — Номер Один, Космобой.

Лидер среди выпускников Академии «Амбрелла». Обладает невероятной силой и выносливостью. После окончания Академии по заданию отца четыре года жил на Луне.

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Люцифер Кларк

Lucifer Clark


Брал интервью у убийц Номера три.

Номер Пять

Number Five


Другие имена — Номер Пять, Мальчик.

Подросток, обладающий способностью перемещаться во времени и пространстве. После путешествия в будущее он перенесся в постапокалиптический мир и застрял в нём на 45 лет.

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Шимпанзе. Личный ассистент Реджинальда Харгривза.

Реджинальд Харгривз

Reginald Hargreeves


Другое имя — Монокль.

Основатель Академии «Амбрелла», эксцентричный инопланетянин, на Земле ставший миллиардером-затворником и приёмным отцом детей.




Водитель, который однажды ночью встречает Номер пять в «Пончиках Гридди». Позже его убивают Ча Ча и Хейзел, пытаясь добыть информацию.

Тасслин Гурней (Том)

Tusslin Gurney (Tom)


Борец, победивший космического кальмара с планеты Rigel X-9.




Живет в России. Одна из сорока трех женщин, родивших ребенка со сверхъестественными способностями 1 октября 1989 года. Позже отдала ребенка на усыновление сэру Реджинальду. Биологическая мать Вани.

Убийца Волшебников

Murder Magician


Злодей, с которым «Академия Амбрелла» столкнулась в одном из своих ранних приключений.




Коллега и партнёр Ча-Чи, который постепенно разочаровывается в своей жизни агента Комиссии. Любит пончики, часто бывает в кафе.

Хелен Чо

Helen Cho


Первая скрипка в оркестре, в котором играет Ваня.


Cha Cha


Агент Комиссии и безжалостная убийца, которая работает в паре с Хейзелом.

Чак Биман

Chuck Beeman


Персонаж сериала.

Детектив полиции, напарник Юдоры Патч.

Эллисон Харгривз

Allison Hargreeves


Другие имена — Номер Три, Слух.

Знаменитая актриса, обладает способностью изменять реальность с помощью лжи. Ей нужно лишь произнести фразу «До меня дошел слух, что» перед любым заявлением, чтобы всё сказанное сбылось.

Юдора Патч

Eudora Patch


Детектив, бывшая подруга Диего. Была убита Ча-Чей при спасении Клауса.

The following entry is a list of characters from The Umbrella Academy, a comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá, and its television adaptation on Netflix. The adaptation currently consists of three 10-episode seasons, the most recent of which was released on 22 June 2022.[1] The Umbrella Academy features seven super-powered children: Luther Hargreeves, who has superstrength; Diego Hargreeves, who has trajectory manipulation meaning he can control projectiles; Allison Hargreeves, who can influence people to her command with the phrase «I Heard a Rumor», followed by what she wants to happen; Klaus Hargreeves, who can communicate with and summon the dead; Five Hargreeves, who can teleport and time travel; Ben Hargreeves, who can summon monstrous tentacles from his torso; and Vanya Hargreeves (later Viktor Hargreeves in the television adaptation[a]), who can control sound waves. All the orphans were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, and transformed into the superhero team called the Umbrella Academy.


The Umbrella Academy[edit]

Sir Reginald Hargreeves[edit]

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, also known as The Monocle, is an alien disguised as a wealthy entrepreneur and world-renowned scientist. He received the Nobel Prize for his work in the cerebral advancement of the chimpanzee and founded the Umbrella Academy, a group of adopted super-powered children. Sir Reginald is cold-hearted, often mistreating and even experimenting on the children for his personal interests.[4] He refuses to let the children call him father, demanding that they address him by his codename The Monocle instead. When speaking to the children, he refers to them by number, which was assigned to the children in terms of «usefulness», and has nothing to do with their actual destructive capabilities. In the season two episode «743», Reginald, a member of the Majestic 12, reveals himself to be some kind of being from another dimension and kills the 12.[5]

In the television series, Reginald is portrayed by Colm Feore and appears in all three seasons in a main role. Feore joined the series in February 2018.[6][7]

Luther Hargreeves[edit]

Luther Hargreeves, also known as Number One or his superhero alter-ego Spaceboy, is the primary and longest-lasting member of the Umbrella Academy. Luther’s principal powers are super-strength and durability. He is portrayed by Tom Hopper as an adult and Cameron Brodeur as a teenager in the television adaptation.[8]

After a disastrous mission, Sir Reginald Hargreeves performed surgery on Luther, replacing his body with that of a Martian gorilla, hinted to be the same that damaged his original body. The television adaptation differs – Hargreeves injected a gorilla serum into Luther to save his life, turning Luther into a half-gorilla, half-human which gave him hairy legs and wrinkly gray skin on this arms and torso with some hair on them.[9] His body can withstand the vacuum and cold of space as long as he has a helmet on. Using his super strength, he primarily fights hand to hand. After his career with The Umbrella Academy, he moved to the moon and lived at the Annihilation. In the comics, he has been shown to have somewhat of a love interest in Number Three, Allison. In the adaptation, their romance is consummated before and after Allison’s marriage.[10][11] He later marries Sloane Hargreeves from the Sparrow Academy timeline.

The A.V. Club highlighted that in the first season of the television adaptation, Luther immediately jumps on investigating Reginald’s death and supports Number Five in trying to avert the «apocalypse; when it becomes clear that Vanya and her previously unknown powers are to blame, Luther locks her up. This drives Vanya to give in to her destructive abilities and go on a rampage that ends up causing the apocalypse, but by the time moon debris is actually falling on the planet, Luther recognizes how he hurt Vanya and agrees to bring her with as his siblings decide to go back in time and take another swing at saving the world».[12] In the second season, during the 1960s in Dallas, Luther begins to work for Jack Ruby as a club security guard and as an underground fighter.[13][14] In the comics «Dallas» storyline, Luther became morbidly obese as part of his struggle with depression. While Luther overeats in the second season, the television adaptation creators decided to avoid the obesity plot after a similar transformation occurred to Thor in Avengers: Endgame.[15]

Diego Hargreeves[edit]

Diego Hargreeves, also known as Number Two or his superhero alter-ego The Kraken, is the reckless and rebellious member of the group, as described by Reginald Hargreeves. His main ability in the comics allows him to hold his breath indefinitely. He also has a strong talent for knife-throwing (he can change the direction of projectiles in midair; also, though it has not been explored, he may be able to use mild telekinesis) and close-quarter combat. He and Luther have a clear rivalry, and Diego is often unwilling to take orders from Luther. In his teenage years, he was the bassist in the punk rock band the Prime-8s alongside drummer Body (Inspector Lupo’s assistant), and guitarist and lead vocalist Vanya Hargreeves / Number Seven (his adopted sister), whom he has romantic feelings for. He is depicted as left-handed in the short story «Anywhere But Here,» as he is playing the bass left-handed.

In the television adaptation he is portrayed by David Castañeda as an adult and Blake Talabis as a teenager.[16]

Allison Hargreeves[edit]

Allison Hargreeves, also known as Number Three or by her superhero alter-ego The Rumor, is the third member of the Umbrella Academy. Described as narcissistic, she has the ability to manipulate reality by lying, using the phrase «I heard a rumor…» to activate the power. After her career with The Umbrella Academy, she married her boyfriend, Patrick, and had a daughter named Claire. The couple has since divorced, and Patrick has full custody of their daughter, due to Allison using her special ability on Claire. She has a cybernetic left hand as Dr. Terminal devoured her original hand when she was a child. In «Dallas», when she goes to get vocal surgery, her arm is no longer drawn as if it were mechanical, suggesting that it too had been fixed.[17]

In the television adaptation, she is portrayed by Emmy Raver-Lampman as an adult and by Eden Cupid as a teenager.[8][18] In the adaptation, Allison uses her powers to become an extremely successful actress after leaving The Umbrella Academy. She is romantically linked to her adopted brother, Luther Hargreeves. In the comics, their love for each other is unconsummated as Luther sees himself as a monstrosity due to his gorilla body. However, in the television adaptation, the two hook up before and after Allison’s marriage.[10][11] In both the comics and show, Allison uses her ability of suggestion to make her husband Patrick fall in love with her; after they divorce, Allison ends up with limited custody of their child. In the adaptation, Patrick eventually discovers that Allison has used her ability on their daughter Claire which leads to their divorce.[10][11]

During the events of “Apocalypse Suite”, Allison had her throat slit by her sister Vanya (as the White Violin) to prevent Allison from utilizing her power. Saved by Luther, she was able to survive but was told she could never speak again. As a result, she was forced to communicate via a note pad. While she and her family were forced to live in the bunker beneath the academy’s ruins, Allison tortured the slightly amnesiac and disabled Vanya by forcing Vanya to remember and relive her rampage. After her surgery, however, Allison had felt remorse and empathetic towards her sister, and began to support Vanya in physical therapy.

Klaus Hargreeves[edit]

Klaus Hargreeves, also known as Number Four or by his superhero alter-ego The Séance, is the fourth member of the Umbrella Academy. Klaus’s powers are speaking with the dead, channeling the dead so they speak through him, possessing people, broadcasting his consciousness through airwaves (allowing him to communicate through TVs), and telekinesis. In the television adaptation, he also has the power of evocation, making spirits corporeal, capable of being seen by others and interacting with objects around them, and the ability to resurrect himself from death. Of his comic powers, he retains only the ability to speak to the dead in the television adaptation, although he does not require a Ouija board to do so.

He is portrayed by Robert Sheehan and Dante Albidone, as an adult and teenager, respectively, in the television adaptation.[8] He has the words «Hello» and «Goodbye» tattooed on his right and left palms, respectively. It has been theorized by Mr. Pogo that Klaus has been doing drugs since he was a teenager. Klaus continues to communicate with his deceased brother Ben.[19] Refinery29 highlighted that «Ben, from the beyond, tries to keep Klaus on a straight and narrow path, and off of drugs, as best he can. Ben acts as sort of a north star for Klaus, often times pointing him in the right direction when needed».[20]

In the comic book «Dallas», Klaus is seen holding a Vietnamese baby, which he later reveals to be his, to the surprise of Luther. Handing it to an elderly woman before leaving in the elevator, he thanks her for taking care of the baby, to which she responds: «Where you are going is no place for kids. The baby is safer here.» Before leaving in the elevator, Klaus apologizes to the woman, saying, «Really sorry about what happened to its mother.» The conversation was in Vietnamese, implying that he learned it during the three years he ran a strip club named «Spookies». The television adaptation differs – during the first season, Klaus spends ten months as a soldier in 1968 Vietnam after stealing Hazel’s time-travel briefcase.[21] Klaus falls in love with Dave, a fellow soldier, and becomes sober. However, Dave dies in battle before Klaus returns to the present. At the end of the season, all of the siblings are thrown back in time. In the second season, Klaus fails to maintain his sobriety and starts a cult which Ben opposes.[22][23] In 1963, Klaus attempts to convince Dave not to enlist, however, this only pushes Dave to enlist earlier than he had previously.[22][24]

After returning to the present in the comics, Klaus abandoned his family and began working with the Mothers of Agony, a local satanic biker gang who gave him a variety of drugs and utilized his power to speak with the dead to con wealthy buyers. He would later betray this group, however, leading them into a shootout with a rich widow desperate to find her husband’s buried fortune. After locating both the hidden money as well as the biker’s stash of heroin, Klaus returned to the city, only to overdose in an abandoned house. He was saved by the manifested spirit of his long-dead brother, Ben (aka The Horror), who delivered him to a nearby hospital, and warned him of a new threat looming.

Number Five[edit]

The unnamed fifth member of the Umbrella Academy is known only by his given number, Number Five, and by his superhero alter-ego The Boy. Number Five had a name but it was unspoken for so long that all of his siblings, and Five himself, forgot what it was. At the age of 10 (or 13 in the television adaptation), Five disappeared by using his power of time travel to escape into the future. Sir Reginald always warned him that he «could never go back»; it took him 45 years to figure out how to go back in time. He aged normally during his time in the apocalypse, but upon returning to the past he regained the appearance he had the day he traveled forwards. His body is stuck in time and cannot age, as medical examinations prove that there are no signs of cell growth or death. In the television adaptation, his body continues to age normally after reverting to its 13-year-old form, as Five bemoans «going through puberty twice.» Five claims to have read accounts of the academy’s immediate future and their connection to an apocalypse. While trying to go back in time to warn his adoptive brothers and sisters about the apocalypse, he worked with the Temps Aeternalis. He was taught to perform «micro jumps» in time, allowing him to move faster than the eye can see. In the television adaptation, Five has the secondary power of teleportation in addition to time travel and does not have to be taught «micro-jumps». In the comics, he is considered «the perfect assassin,» as he has had the DNA of the best killers in history infused into him. He has a 100% chance of killing if he decides to kill. It is revealed in the Dallas storyline that Five and Spaceboy are twin brothers. He also has a puppy named Mr. Pennycrumb.[25] In season three of the television adaption, Five discovers that a future version of himself is actually the Founder of the Commission. During a fight with the Guardian of Hotel Oblivion, Five loses his left arm, matching his future self. However, his arm is restored after the universe is reset and he loses his powers, suggesting that the Five that founds the Commission is from an alternate timeline.

Number Five / The Boy first appeared in The Umbrella Academy: The Apocalypse Suite #2, following a brief appearance on the final page of the previous issue. In the television series, the character is portrayed by Aidan Gallagher and appears in all three seasons. Jim Watson plays an adult Five and Sean Sullivan portrays an elderly Five. For the effects of Number Five jumping through time and space in the series, Burrell wanted to make the effects look organic, and liquidy, representing how much time and the world bends around him when he jumps, and how quick it should be. For these effects, he used more than 30 frames in the first episodes, however with the progress of the series, this reduced to only 10 frames.[26] To that footage, the team iterated on several kinds of spatial jump effects, all the way from heavy distortion to subtler images. The visual effects team started with some R&D tests. At the end, the final effect, called the «jelly vision», was used to make the series, with Burrell expressing: «as if you’re pushing your hand through a jelly membrane, just for a few seconds, and then it pops. It’s really, really subtle, but you get a little bit of texture, you get a little bit of striations, almost like the universe is bending as he does his spatial jumps.»[27]

Ben Hargreeves[edit]

Ben Hargreeves, also known as Number Six or by his superhero alter-ego The Horror, is the currently deceased sixth member of the Umbrella Academy. Number Six possesses eldritch monsters from other dimensions under his skin (most often appearing as tentacles emerging from his torso). He is deceased from the results of a mission gone wrong.

He is portrayed by Justin H. Min and Ethan Hwang, as an adult and a teenager, respectively, in the television adaptation.[28] There is a memorial statue of him located in front of the academy. Even though he has been dead since before the start of the series, he has been portrayed as a member of The Umbrella Academy, appearing as his statue counterpart, in visions, or with Klaus, through his ability to talk to the dead. He can connect with Klaus physically, lending him his ability for a moment. CBR referred to Ben as a «Jiminy Cricket» type of character as he «reminds Klaus of his moral responsibilities even if the troubled Number Four refuses to listen».[29]

Ben’s spirit manifests during the «Hotel Oblivion» storyline, appearing before his brother Klaus in the hospital after saving him from an overdose. It is shown that the portion of his chest that held the monster’s tentacles is now an empty cavity, and it is hinted by Ben later in the issue that the monster had escaped from its dimension. It is also implied the Hotel Oblivion was not just made to be a supervillain prison, but a trap designed by Hargreeves to contain the beast, with the villains inside meant to be used as bait.

In the first season of the television adaptation, Klaus hides that he is communicating with the deceased Ben.[30] However, during the concert hall battle, «Klaus is able to use his powers to get Ben to manifest in the real world, as basically a superpower ghost. Ben then uses his powers — a giant beast with tentacles coming out of his stomach — to take out the gunmen».[20] This also reveals the ghost Ben to his siblings.[20] In the second season climax, Ben is the only one who can reach Vanya’s subconscious when her power is out of control.[31] Vulture highlighted that «as Vanya relives the horrors of the past, Ben gets through to her — not by imprisoning her, as his siblings once did, but by reassuring her that all those horrible things weren’t her fault. […] It’s enough to get through to Vanya, but it comes with a cost: The effort Ben had to expend to reach Vanya means that, 17 years after his ‘death,’ it’s time for Ben to die for real».[32] In the last episode of the season, a version of Ben from an alternate timeline is introduced where this Ben is a member of the Sparrow Academy. He is known as Number Two and presumably has the same powers and the alter ego Horror.[33]

Vanya Hargreeves / Viktor Hargreeves[edit]

Vanya Hargreeves—later Viktor Hargreeves in the television adaptation[a]—is the seventh member of the Umbrella Academy; they are also known as Number Seven or by their superhero alter-ego The White Violin. In the television adaptation, the character is portrayed by Elliot Page as an adult, and by T. J. McGibbon and Alyssa Gervasi as a teenager and a 4-year-old, respectively.

The most estranged member of the umbrella group, Vanya originally showcases no particular powers other than an interest in music. Vanya is known to have written a book detailing her life with the academy and her decision to leave. According to The Conductor, leader of the Orchestra Verdammten, Vanya is the most powerful member of The Umbrella Academy. In her early childhood, The Monocle suppressed her powers and kept her on medication to maintain this, but her powers were eventually released by The Conductor, driving Vanya mad. She is capable of releasing destructive waves of force using her violin that can be strong enough to cut someone’s throat or destroy an entire building with a single note. After unlocking her powers, she murders the Conductor and travels to the Hargreeves mansion to destroy it, killing Pogo in the process. During the fight with her siblings, Klaus distracts her by pretending to channel Hargreeves, and Number 5 shoots her in the back of the head with Hargreeves’ revolver. Doctors said that she would eventually recover from her injuries, but would never play the violin again. The television adaptation differs – it is Allison who aims the gun at Vanya. At the last minute, she fires the gun next to Vanya’s ear, causing her to lose focus and pass out.

During the «Dallas» comics storyline, Vanya is shown in the care of her siblings in the bunker beneath the mansion’s ruins, partially amnesic and using a wheelchair. She was subject to some abuse by Allison in retaliation for slicing her throat, left bound in front of screens depicting the aftermath of her rampage. At the end of the storyline, Allison has a change of heart and helps her sister recover rather than punishing her. In season 2 of the adaptation, Vanya suffers from amnesia after getting hit by a car upon arrival in 1963 and becomes a live-in nanny for Sissy’s autistic son Harlan.[34][35] When Harlan goes missing, Vanya «uses powers to discover that Harlan actually drowned in a lake and is able to resuscitate him by unknowingly transferring some of her power to him».[36] After this, Vanya enters a romantic lesbian relationship with Sissy which is kept secret from Sissy’s husband.[35][37] Later in the season, Vanya’s memories return via electroshock torture. Vanya returns to the present with the family while Sissy chooses to remain in her time.[36][35] CBR highlighted that comics «Dallas didn’t dive deep into Vanya apart from her and Mother trying to fix her memory after her attack as the White Violin» while the second season’s «entire LGBT relationship and arc of xenophobia is new, as well as [Viktor] being a bomb the FBI triggers».[38]

By the “Hotel Oblivion” storyline in the comics, Vanya has undertaken physical therapy with Allison coaching her. She feels doubtful about her recovery, though, and brushes off Allison’s attempts to support her, possibly out of guilt. Eventually, Mother takes Vanya from the bunker in secret, revealing that there was more to the academy than Hargreeves realized, and introducing her to another team of superpowered siblings seemingly under her leadership.

«It’s, uh, Viktor,» Viktor replies nervously.

«Who’s Viktor?» says a confused Diego.

«I am,» says Viktor, now more confident in himself. «It’s who I’ve always been. Uh, is that an issue for anyone?»

The trio of siblings thinks on this for a half-second, then quickly accepts the news and moves back to arguing about what to do regarding the Sparrows.

Rolling Stone scene recap from the episode «World’s Biggest Ball of Twine»[39]

In March 2022, it was announced that Page would return in the upcoming third season as Viktor Hargreeves; the character transitions during the third season.[2] Gizmodo reported that «the change comes in the wake of Page’s own announcement of their transgender identity, and was very likely done to reflect Page’s own transition».[3] Alan Sepinwall, in a review for Rolling Stone, wrote that «there probably was an operatic and/or science-fiction route the series could have taken to this moment, but it would have required a far more delicate touch than Umbrella Academy typically possesses. By quickly presenting Viktor’s transition as a fact of life, allowing him a brief moment to describe his feelings, and then getting back to silly business as usual, the show takes its star’s transition seriously without getting in the way of its usual narrative or tonal choices».[39] Daniel D’Addario, for Variety, highlighted the «seamless» nature of Viktor’s transition and announcement to his family. D’Addario commented that «at a time when an ongoing backlash against the rights of trans people simply to exist is rolling across this country, a show depicting the coming-out process as a declaration of self that is possible and that can be met with kindness feels like a worthy thing to put out into the world, if given the opportunity. […] (Praise for this series’ approach to Viktor should go to the team behind it and not to Netflix’s leadership, which has made abundantly clear that they’ll air whatever.) […] In addressing this issue, allowing Viktor and Page to move forward, meeting both where they were and allowing them to remain on the team, The Umbrella Academy did a small, good thing at a time when it might be easier not to».[40]


The Conductor[edit]

The Conductor is a villain in The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite who relentlessly pursued Vanya Hargreeves in the hopes of recruiting her to his orchestra for the purpose of ending the world with a song he had written. The Conductor had found the truth about Vanya’s powers and brainwashed her into realising them. After turning down the Conductor’s offers many times, Vanya later agreed to play his song to bring on the apocalypse. While Vanya is playing the song with the orchestra, she kills the Conductor and the rest of the orchestra shortly before using her powers to bring on the apocalypse. Vanya’s powers devastate the moon sending chunks of it flying back to Earth. However, shortly after this, her brother Klaus managed to utilize his telekinesis to support the largest piece of the moon, preventing numerous deaths and averting the future visited by Number Five.[17]

The Conductor appears in a recurring role in the first season of the television series, in which he is portrayed by Peter Outerbridge. In the adaptation, the Conductor has no villainous motive. Instead, the character’s motives are more closely embodied by Leonard Peabody.

Dr. Terminal[edit]

Dr. Terminal is a villain in The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite and The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion. In the past, Terminal was diagnosed with Eisenstein Syndrome, a rare disease that eats a person from the nervous system to the brain. He was given two months to live by doctors, so he created a device that can convert matter into energy that will feed the disease and keep him alive. He then returned to his doctor’s office and devoured the doctors with his device. He was incarcerated and escaped by absorbing a reporter, the cell bars, all the guards, the prison warden, and the carnations near the front gate. He later kidnapped The Rumor and devoured her left arm before being defeated by Spaceboy. He battled the Umbrella Academy time and time again until he was sent to the Hotel Oblivion by The Monocle. He vowed to return and destroy the world. He also left behind the Terminauts to destroy the Umbrella Academy should they ever reform.[17]

Dr. Terminal is briefly mentioned in the television series adaptation.

Hazel and Cha-Cha[edit]

A pair of extremely violent assassins working for the Temps Aeternalis are named Hazel and Cha-Cha. Many in the agency, including Number Five, consider them the most dangerous team in the history of the agency, mainly for their unpredictable methods. They both wear brightly colored cartoon character masks, exhibit maniacal and psychopathic behavior, and have a love of murder and sugary snacks. After the initial failure of the first team to recapture or neutralize Number Five for defecting, they were called in to take him down. To that end, they managed to capture his brother, The Séance, torturing and eventually killing him, as well as acquiring Sir Hargreeves’ secret stockpile of nuclear weapons. They die near the end of the “Dallas” story line when The Séance, after returning from the dead, possesses Cha-Cha, kills Hazel, and then himself (as Cha-Cha).

Hazel and Cha-Cha are portrayed by Cameron Britton and Mary J. Blige, respectively, in the television series. Hazel appears in a main role in the first season and a guest role in the second. He falls in love with a doughnut-store owner named Agnes Rofa and quits the commission. Before the world ends, he time travels to the past to be with Agnes. He appears in the guest role in season 2, where he is killed by Alex, Otto, and Oscar after warning Five of the upcoming apocalypse. Cha-Cha, on the other hand, appears only in the first season and remains loyal to the commission and dies along with everyone else in the apocalypse.[41][42][7]

A. J. Carmichael[edit]

Atlas Jericho «A. J.» Carmichael is a talking goldfish who inhabits a tank atop a human bodysuit. He is the chief authority in charge of the Temps Aeternalis. Carmichael headed the Temps Aeternalis at the time Number Five was inducted into the organization. He oversaw his training as an assassin and his DNA being bonded to that of the most notorious assassins from across history. In The Umbrella Academy: Dallas, Carmichael blackmails Number Five and The Rumor to prevent Five’s past self from stopping the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Unknown to them, the assassination had to be ensured so that Kennedy would never meet Sir Reginald Hargreeves and hand over nuclear missiles to him. These missiles would be detonated by Hazel and Cha-Cha and destroy the world in the Temps Aeternalis’s own attempt to apprehend Number Five. Carmichael explained the scope of their mission’s success after President Kennedy had been assassinated and the Umbrella Academy were returned to the present. Number Five then attacked and killed Carmichael out of revenge for what he had done to him, eating the goldfish alive.

A. J. is portrayed by Robin Atkin Downes in the television series and appears in the second season in a recurring role.

Other characters[edit]

Phinneus Pogo[edit]

Dr. Phinneus Pogo is a talking male chimpanzee associated with The Monocle. When growing up at the academy, Spaceboy considered Mr Pogo to be his best friend. He watched most of the academy grow up and knew all of the children very well. He was also a sympathizer of Vanya’s plight when she is repeatedly told by Sir Reginald that she is not special, as she has no special powers. Despite this, he is murdered by Vanya after her transformation into the White Violin as a test of her power against the academy.[7][43]

Burrell called Weta Digital, who previously worked for the rebooted Planet of the Apes series, to develop the visual effects for the character of Pogo in the television series. Ken Hall provided the motion capture for Pogo using a gray suit to later make additions to his captures to create the CGI of the chimpanzee, with Adam Godley making the facial expressions and voice acting of the character.[44]


Abhijat is Reginald’s bodyguard and assistant. He also serves as the pilot of the Minerva. After the family had drifted apart again following “Dallas”, Abhijat flew the Minerva to Japan, assisting Dr. Zoo, a former associate of Hargreeves, with using the Minerva to explore the mysterious depths of the Afterzone.

This character is absent in the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

Perseus X[edit]

John Perseus X is the young, spoiled heir to the Perseus Corporation. He returns to buy out all outstanding shares of the company, and name himself CEO and chairman of the board, and immediately orders a drastic change in focus of the company, planning to create his own Televator to break his father out of the Hotel Oblivion, Hargreeves’ interdimensional prison for supervillains. He eventually manages to break in with the help of Hotel escapee Obscuro, only to find his father dead, with his talking atomic robot head, Medusa still active. Medusa convinces Perseus to lead a mass jailbreak of all the supervillains from the hotel, who causes a reign of terror on the city that Medusa convinces Perseus X to fight and be thought of as the city’s new true hero. Perseus however, soon realizes Medusa is as dangerous as the other villains, and actually influences his father to commit suicide, finally lopping off the hand Medusa has attached itself to and allowing Spaceboy to throw it at a massive Dr. Terminal, who is gorging on the city, which ultimately destroys Medusa and Terminal.

Perseus X is absent from the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

Grace Hargreeves[edit]

Grace Hargreeves is a robot designed to be the Umbrella Academy’s mother. She later malfunctions and “dies” after getting a pot of coffee spilled in her by Number Five. The members of the Umbrella Academy try to fix her but in the end they find her machinery to be much too complicated.

In the television adaptation, Grace is portrayed by Jordan Claire Robbins. She emotionally cares for the children, even when they return as adults after Reginald’s death. Diego deactivates her out of mercy as she had been malfunctioning badly. However, Pogo reactivates her shortly after, but she is destroyed permanently during the destruction of the academy. In the second season, a human version of Grace appears in 1963 as Reginald’s love interest, implying that the robot was based on her.[45] In season three, the robot Grace is the Sparrow Academy’s maid in the alternate timeline and comes to worship the kugelblitz as her god. When Grace attacks the two teams, Five snaps her neck which deactivates Grace for good.

St. Zero[edit]

Saint Zero was a world-renowned astronaut and space explorer. Spaceboy’s childhood hero, he flew eight successful missions in total aboard his ship the Valeur before disappearing while on a mission to Mars. In fact, Saint Zero survived, but was hurtled into afterspace and rendered catatonic.

Saint Zero is absent from the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

Dr. Zoo[edit]


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Dr. Zoo is a doctor associated with Reginald.

Dr. Zoo is absent from the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

The Sparrows[edit]

The Sparrows are a group made up of seven powered individuals. They are heavily implied to be among the 43 children born simultaneously to mothers with no previous signs of pregnancy on October 1, 1989. First introduced in Hotel Oblivion, their origins are likely to be explored in the next installment of the comic book series.

They are significantly different in the television adaptation, where in an altered future of the 1963 just changed by the Umbrella Academy members; they are a group of superheroes adopted by Reginald, similar to the Umbrella Academy, and Ben is revealed to be a member of the Sparrows. Their names are Marcus (Number One), Ben (Number Two), Fei (Number Three), Alphonso (Number Four), Sloane (Number Five), Jayme (Number Six), and Christopher (Number Seven).

Marcus Hargreeves / Sparrow Number One[edit]

Marcus is portrayed by Justin Cornwell in the television adaptation. He has increased strength and agility.

Ben Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Two[edit]

An alternative timeline version of Ben, portrayed by Justin H. Min in the television adaptation.

Fei Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Three[edit]

Fei is portrayed by Britne Oldford in the television adaptation. She is blind and has the ability to create ravens under her control that act as her eyes. Oldford is a main cast member for the third season.

Alphonso Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Four[edit]

Alphonso is portrayed by Jake Epstein in the television adaptation. He has the ability to absorb physical attacks and inflict the damage back to his opponents.

Sloane Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Five[edit]

Sloane is portrayed by Genesis Rodriguez in the television adaptation. She has the ability to manipulate gravity and has taken a mutual interest in Luther. Rodriguez is a main cast member for the third season.

Jayme Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Six[edit]

Jayme is portrayed by Cazzie David in the television adaptation.
She has the ability to spit a hallucinogenic venom that incapacitates her opponents.

Christopher Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Seven[edit]

A sentient cube with telekinetic abilities. Christopher also appears in the television adaptation.

Television characters[edit]

The following characters are exclusive to the TV series:

The Handler[edit]

The Handler is an exclusive character to the television series. She is portrayed by Kate Walsh and appears in a recurring role in the first season before being promoted to the main cast for the next. The Handler was a high-ranking member and major influencer of the Temps Commission. She was frequently seen dealing personally with matters concerning Number Five and the apocalypse, despite not being the case leader. The Handler had a clear agenda in her belief that time should not be changed, going to extreme lengths to maintain the timeline and ensure nothing is changed. She is also the adoptive mother of Lila Pitts, having assassinated the girl’s biological parents to take Lila for herself. She takes over the Commission after she has Five assassinate the Board of Directors. The Handler is almost killed at the end of season one after being shot in the head by Hazel, and is actually killed by the Swede at the end of the second season.[46]

Leonard Peabody[edit]

Leonard Peabody, also known as Harold Jenkins, is an exclusive character to the television series based on The Conductor. He is portrayed by John Magaro as an adult, while Jesse Noah Gruman portrays a younger Harold. As a child, he was an admirer of the Umbrella Academy and begged to join, since he was born on the same day as the result of a normal pregnancy, but was rejected and humiliated by Reginald. He later discovers Reginald’s diary, detailing Vanya’s potential, and inserts himself into her life with the goal of manipulating her into discovering her powers and using them against her siblings. After hiring thugs to rough him up in front of Vanya, he loses an eye and the prosthetic eyeball that Five found in the future is revealed to be his after his death. He is killed by Vanya after she discovers his secret.[47]

Lila Pitts[edit]

Lila Pitts is a character exclusive to the television adaptation; she is portrayed by Ritu Arya, while Riya Korah and Anjana Vernuganan portray a teenaged and four-year old version of the character in flashbacks. Lila is introduced as a fellow patient at the mental institution Diego is committed to in 1963. After she and Diego escape the institution, Lila tags along to help Diego stop the apocalypse. However, Five, who doesn’t trust Lila, discovers she is The Handler’s daughter, and that in 1993, The Handler had Five execute Lila’s parents so she could take Lila for herself and raise her. She is one of the 43 children born on October 1, 1989, and has the ability to mirror anyone’s powers.

Raymond Chestnut[edit]

Raymond Chestnut, portrayed by Yusuf Gatewood, is Allison’s second husband in the early 1960s. Raymond is an African-American man fighting for civil rights and appears in a main role in the second season of the series.[48] In the reset universe at the end of season three, he is Allison’s husband in 2019 and raising her daughter Claire with her.

Sissy Cooper[edit]

Sissy Cooper, portrayed by Marin Ireland, is Vanya’s friend and love interest. She is also Carl’s wife and Harlan’s mother. Sissy takes in Vanya after hitting the latter with her car and causing amnesia. She soon begins an affair with Vanya. Sissy appears in the second season of the series in a main role.[48][36][35] In season three, it’s revealed that Sissy died of cancer on October 1, 1989, the same day as the Umbrella and Sparrow Academy kids were born. Harlan’s grief over his mother’s death caused a psychic shockwave that killed the parents of the Umbrella Academy, creating the Sparrow Academy timeline.

Recurring characters[edit]

Introduced in season one[edit]

  • Sheila McCarthy as Agnes Rofa (season 1), Hazel’s nascent love interest, the waitress and baker at (and owner of) Griddy’s Doughnuts. She leaves with Hazel, even though Cha-Cha is threatening her life. Agnes died from cancer sometime before the events of season two sometime in the 1950s or 60s.
  • Ashley Madekwe as Detective Eudora Patch (season 1), Diego’s former romantic partner. Patch is killed by Cha-Cha after finding Klaus in the latter’s Hotel room. Diego is the prime suspect for her murder due to being at the scene of the crime and having his fingerprints all over the body, however his name is cleared when Hazel gives Diego Cha-Cha’s gun.
  • Rainbow Sun Francks as Detective Chuck Beaman (season 1)
  • Matt Biedel as Sgt. Dale Chedder (season 1)
  • Cody Ray Thompson (season 1) as Dave, Klaus’ boyfriend during the Vietnam war. Calem MacDonald portrays a younger Dave in the second season.
  • Patrice Goodman as Dot (season 2; guest seasons 1 and 3), a case manager at the Commission who idolizes Number Five.
  • Ken Hall as Herb (season 2; guest seasons 1 and 3), an analytics specialist at the Commission who idolizes Number Five.

Introduced in season two[edit]

  • Kevin Rankin as Elliott (season 2), a man who assists Number Five, believing he is an alien from Area 51. He is murdered by Axel, Otto, and Oscar.
  • Kris Holden-Ried as Axel (season 2), the leader of a trio of Swedish triplet assassins working for the Commission.
  • John Kapelos as Jack Ruby (season 2), the owner of a nightclub that Luther is involved with and the future murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Stephen Bogaert as Carl Cooper (season 2), Sissy’s husband and Harlan’s father.
  • Raven Dauda as Odessa (season 2), owner of a Black beauty salon in South Dallas who takes in Allison.
  • Dewshane Williams as Miles (season 2), Raymond’s friend and fellow civil rights activist.
  • Jason Bryden as Otto (season 2), one of the triplet assassins. He is killed by Axel after Allison rumors him into doing so.
  • Tom Sinclair as Oscar (season 2), one of the triplet assassins. He is killed in a trap set by the Handler under the guise of Diego.
  • Justin Paul Kelly (season 2; guest season 3) and Callum Keith Rennie (season 3) as Harlan Cooper / Lester Pocket, Sissy and Carl’s son with nonverbal autism who develops a friendship with Vanya. After Vanya saves him from drowning, Harlan gains Vanya’s powers. Rennie portrays the present-day version of the character. [36] In the present day, Harlan is now able to communicate verbally and inadvertently created the Sparrow Academy timeline when he accidentally killed the mothers of the Umbrella Academy in a fit of grief. He is killed by Allison in revenge after she learns the truth.
  • Dov Tiefenbach as Keechie (season 2), a follower of Klaus’s cult.
  • Mouna Traoré as Jill (season 2), a member of Klaus’s cult whom Ben is in love with.

Introduced in season three[edit]

  • Javon «Wanna» Walton as Stanley «Stan» (season 3), Diego and Lila’s supposed twelve-year-old son. It’s later revealed that Stan is actually the son of a friend of Lila’s from 1989 whose help she had enlisted to test if Diego would make a good father, when Lila tells Diego she is pregnant with his child. He is erased from existence by the Kugelblitz.
  • Julian Richings as Chet Rodo (season 3), manager of the Hotel Obsidian.


  1. ^ a b c In the television adaptation, the character changes his name to Viktor Hargreeves during the third season after transitioning.[2][3]
  2. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 T.J. McGibbon plays a teenaged and Alyssa Gervasi a four year old Vanya.
  3. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Cameron Brodeur plays a teenaged Luther.
  4. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Blake Talabis plays a teenaged Diego.
  5. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Eden Cupid plays a teenaged and in season 2 Jordana Blake a four year old Allison.
  6. ^ In seasons 1-3 Dante Albidone plays a teenaged Klaus and in season 3 Oliver Kirton plays a younger version.
  7. ^ In seasons 1-3 Sean Sullivan plays an elderly and in season 1 Jim Watson a middle aged Five.
  8. ^ In season 1 Jesse Noah Gruman plays a teenaged Harold.
  9. ^ Godley provides the voice and facial performance capture, while Ken Hall serves as body-double for the motion capture to play the character on set.
  10. ^ Godley portrays an alternate timeline version of Pogo in the third season.
  11. ^ Feore portrays an alternate timeline version of Reginald in the third season.
  12. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Ethan Hwang plays a teenaged Ben.
  13. ^ Although credited as a main cast member, Min only portrays the alternate-timeline Ben Hargreeves known as Number Two in the second season finale.
  14. ^ In season 2 Raya Korah plays a teenaged and Anjana Vernuganan a four year old Lila.
  15. ^ Voice only.
  16. ^ Robbins portrays the human version of Grace in the second season and an alternate timeline version of Grace in the third.
  17. ^ As young Dave.
  18. ^ Downes provided uncredited voice work.


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  3. ^ a b «Elliot Page Returns to Umbrella Academy as Viktor Hargreeves». Gizmodo. March 30, 2022. Retrieved March 30, 2022.
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  14. ^ «Jack Ruby from «The Umbrella Academy» Season 2 Was Real and Had a Bigger Story After the Season Finale». Seventeen. 2020-08-04. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
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  21. ^ Meslow, Scott (2019-02-16). «The Umbrella Academy Recap: Time Enough at Last». Vulture. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
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  25. ^ The Umbrella Academy: Dallas
  26. ^ Grobar, Matt (June 17, 2019). «How ‘The Umbrella Academy’ VFX Supervisors Everett Burrell & Chris White Brought Talking Chimp To Life For Superhero Series — Exclusive Video». Deadline. Archived from the original on June 26, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
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  37. ^ Arnone, Chris M. (2020-09-02). «8 Major Changes: The Umbrella Academy Comic Vs Show». BOOK RIOT. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
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  39. ^ a b Sepinwall, Alan (2022-06-23). «Here’s How ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Handled Elliot Page’s Transition — and Why It Was the Right Call». Rolling Stone. Retrieved 2022-06-24.
  40. ^ D’Addario, Daniel (2022-06-22). «‘The Umbrella Academy’ Addresses Elliot Page’s Coming Out With Warmth and Emotion (Column)». Variety. Retrieved 2022-06-24.
  41. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (April 2, 2019). «‘Umbrella Academy’ Renewed for Season 2 at Netflix». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on May 27, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
  42. ^ «Why Mary J. Blige wanted to play a time-traveling assassin in ‘The Umbrella Academy’«. EW.com. Archived from the original on December 18, 2019. Retrieved January 22, 2020.
  43. ^ «‘People of Earth’ star Ken Hall on his role in ‘Polar’ and transitioning from comedy to serious roles». meaww.com. Archived from the original on March 8, 2020. Retrieved September 10, 2019.
  44. ^ Mele, Rick (February 20, 2019). «How The Umbrella Academy brought Pogo the monkey butler to life». SYFY WIRE. Archived from the original on June 19, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
  45. ^ White, Abbey (August 1, 2020). «How The Umbrella Academy season 2 explains Grace’s true origins». Looper. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  46. ^ Petski, Denise (May 9, 2018). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: Kate Walsh Set To Recur In Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved May 9, 2018.
  47. ^ Petski, Denise (March 1, 2018). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: John Magaro Cast In Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  48. ^ a b Petski, Denise (September 10, 2019). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: Ritu Arya, Yusuf Gatewood, Marin Ireland Join Season 2 Cast Of Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on September 10, 2019. Retrieved September 10, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
  • The Umbrella Academy: Dallas at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
  • The Umbrella Academy on Myspace
  • Pastorek, Whitney. «Exclusive Peek: Gerard Way’s ‘Umbrella Academy'», Entertainment Weekly. June 25, 2007
  • Khouri, Andy. «EXCLUSIVE First Look: «The Umbrella Academy» #2″. Comic Book Resources. September 21, 2007
  • MCR side projects – The Umbrella Academy

The following entry is a list of characters from The Umbrella Academy, a comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá, and its television adaptation on Netflix. The adaptation currently consists of three 10-episode seasons, the most recent of which was released on 22 June 2022.[1] The Umbrella Academy features seven super-powered children: Luther Hargreeves, who has superstrength; Diego Hargreeves, who has trajectory manipulation meaning he can control projectiles; Allison Hargreeves, who can influence people to her command with the phrase «I Heard a Rumor», followed by what she wants to happen; Klaus Hargreeves, who can communicate with and summon the dead; Five Hargreeves, who can teleport and time travel; Ben Hargreeves, who can summon monstrous tentacles from his torso; and Vanya Hargreeves (later Viktor Hargreeves in the television adaptation[a]), who can control sound waves. All the orphans were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, and transformed into the superhero team called the Umbrella Academy.


The Umbrella Academy[edit]

Sir Reginald Hargreeves[edit]

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, also known as The Monocle, is an alien disguised as a wealthy entrepreneur and world-renowned scientist. He received the Nobel Prize for his work in the cerebral advancement of the chimpanzee and founded the Umbrella Academy, a group of adopted super-powered children. Sir Reginald is cold-hearted, often mistreating and even experimenting on the children for his personal interests.[4] He refuses to let the children call him father, demanding that they address him by his codename The Monocle instead. When speaking to the children, he refers to them by number, which was assigned to the children in terms of «usefulness», and has nothing to do with their actual destructive capabilities. In the season two episode «743», Reginald, a member of the Majestic 12, reveals himself to be some kind of being from another dimension and kills the 12.[5]

In the television series, Reginald is portrayed by Colm Feore and appears in all three seasons in a main role. Feore joined the series in February 2018.[6][7]

Luther Hargreeves[edit]

Luther Hargreeves, also known as Number One or his superhero alter-ego Spaceboy, is the primary and longest-lasting member of the Umbrella Academy. Luther’s principal powers are super-strength and durability. He is portrayed by Tom Hopper as an adult and Cameron Brodeur as a teenager in the television adaptation.[8]

After a disastrous mission, Sir Reginald Hargreeves performed surgery on Luther, replacing his body with that of a Martian gorilla, hinted to be the same that damaged his original body. The television adaptation differs – Hargreeves injected a gorilla serum into Luther to save his life, turning Luther into a half-gorilla, half-human which gave him hairy legs and wrinkly gray skin on this arms and torso with some hair on them.[9] His body can withstand the vacuum and cold of space as long as he has a helmet on. Using his super strength, he primarily fights hand to hand. After his career with The Umbrella Academy, he moved to the moon and lived at the Annihilation. In the comics, he has been shown to have somewhat of a love interest in Number Three, Allison. In the adaptation, their romance is consummated before and after Allison’s marriage.[10][11] He later marries Sloane Hargreeves from the Sparrow Academy timeline.

The A.V. Club highlighted that in the first season of the television adaptation, Luther immediately jumps on investigating Reginald’s death and supports Number Five in trying to avert the «apocalypse; when it becomes clear that Vanya and her previously unknown powers are to blame, Luther locks her up. This drives Vanya to give in to her destructive abilities and go on a rampage that ends up causing the apocalypse, but by the time moon debris is actually falling on the planet, Luther recognizes how he hurt Vanya and agrees to bring her with as his siblings decide to go back in time and take another swing at saving the world».[12] In the second season, during the 1960s in Dallas, Luther begins to work for Jack Ruby as a club security guard and as an underground fighter.[13][14] In the comics «Dallas» storyline, Luther became morbidly obese as part of his struggle with depression. While Luther overeats in the second season, the television adaptation creators decided to avoid the obesity plot after a similar transformation occurred to Thor in Avengers: Endgame.[15]

Diego Hargreeves[edit]

Diego Hargreeves, also known as Number Two or his superhero alter-ego The Kraken, is the reckless and rebellious member of the group, as described by Reginald Hargreeves. His main ability in the comics allows him to hold his breath indefinitely. He also has a strong talent for knife-throwing (he can change the direction of projectiles in midair; also, though it has not been explored, he may be able to use mild telekinesis) and close-quarter combat. He and Luther have a clear rivalry, and Diego is often unwilling to take orders from Luther. In his teenage years, he was the bassist in the punk rock band the Prime-8s alongside drummer Body (Inspector Lupo’s assistant), and guitarist and lead vocalist Vanya Hargreeves / Number Seven (his adopted sister), whom he has romantic feelings for. He is depicted as left-handed in the short story «Anywhere But Here,» as he is playing the bass left-handed.

In the television adaptation he is portrayed by David Castañeda as an adult and Blake Talabis as a teenager.[16]

Allison Hargreeves[edit]

Allison Hargreeves, also known as Number Three or by her superhero alter-ego The Rumor, is the third member of the Umbrella Academy. Described as narcissistic, she has the ability to manipulate reality by lying, using the phrase «I heard a rumor…» to activate the power. After her career with The Umbrella Academy, she married her boyfriend, Patrick, and had a daughter named Claire. The couple has since divorced, and Patrick has full custody of their daughter, due to Allison using her special ability on Claire. She has a cybernetic left hand as Dr. Terminal devoured her original hand when she was a child. In «Dallas», when she goes to get vocal surgery, her arm is no longer drawn as if it were mechanical, suggesting that it too had been fixed.[17]

In the television adaptation, she is portrayed by Emmy Raver-Lampman as an adult and by Eden Cupid as a teenager.[8][18] In the adaptation, Allison uses her powers to become an extremely successful actress after leaving The Umbrella Academy. She is romantically linked to her adopted brother, Luther Hargreeves. In the comics, their love for each other is unconsummated as Luther sees himself as a monstrosity due to his gorilla body. However, in the television adaptation, the two hook up before and after Allison’s marriage.[10][11] In both the comics and show, Allison uses her ability of suggestion to make her husband Patrick fall in love with her; after they divorce, Allison ends up with limited custody of their child. In the adaptation, Patrick eventually discovers that Allison has used her ability on their daughter Claire which leads to their divorce.[10][11]

During the events of “Apocalypse Suite”, Allison had her throat slit by her sister Vanya (as the White Violin) to prevent Allison from utilizing her power. Saved by Luther, she was able to survive but was told she could never speak again. As a result, she was forced to communicate via a note pad. While she and her family were forced to live in the bunker beneath the academy’s ruins, Allison tortured the slightly amnesiac and disabled Vanya by forcing Vanya to remember and relive her rampage. After her surgery, however, Allison had felt remorse and empathetic towards her sister, and began to support Vanya in physical therapy.

Klaus Hargreeves[edit]

Klaus Hargreeves, also known as Number Four or by his superhero alter-ego The Séance, is the fourth member of the Umbrella Academy. Klaus’s powers are speaking with the dead, channeling the dead so they speak through him, possessing people, broadcasting his consciousness through airwaves (allowing him to communicate through TVs), and telekinesis. In the television adaptation, he also has the power of evocation, making spirits corporeal, capable of being seen by others and interacting with objects around them, and the ability to resurrect himself from death. Of his comic powers, he retains only the ability to speak to the dead in the television adaptation, although he does not require a Ouija board to do so.

He is portrayed by Robert Sheehan and Dante Albidone, as an adult and teenager, respectively, in the television adaptation.[8] He has the words «Hello» and «Goodbye» tattooed on his right and left palms, respectively. It has been theorized by Mr. Pogo that Klaus has been doing drugs since he was a teenager. Klaus continues to communicate with his deceased brother Ben.[19] Refinery29 highlighted that «Ben, from the beyond, tries to keep Klaus on a straight and narrow path, and off of drugs, as best he can. Ben acts as sort of a north star for Klaus, often times pointing him in the right direction when needed».[20]

In the comic book «Dallas», Klaus is seen holding a Vietnamese baby, which he later reveals to be his, to the surprise of Luther. Handing it to an elderly woman before leaving in the elevator, he thanks her for taking care of the baby, to which she responds: «Where you are going is no place for kids. The baby is safer here.» Before leaving in the elevator, Klaus apologizes to the woman, saying, «Really sorry about what happened to its mother.» The conversation was in Vietnamese, implying that he learned it during the three years he ran a strip club named «Spookies». The television adaptation differs – during the first season, Klaus spends ten months as a soldier in 1968 Vietnam after stealing Hazel’s time-travel briefcase.[21] Klaus falls in love with Dave, a fellow soldier, and becomes sober. However, Dave dies in battle before Klaus returns to the present. At the end of the season, all of the siblings are thrown back in time. In the second season, Klaus fails to maintain his sobriety and starts a cult which Ben opposes.[22][23] In 1963, Klaus attempts to convince Dave not to enlist, however, this only pushes Dave to enlist earlier than he had previously.[22][24]

After returning to the present in the comics, Klaus abandoned his family and began working with the Mothers of Agony, a local satanic biker gang who gave him a variety of drugs and utilized his power to speak with the dead to con wealthy buyers. He would later betray this group, however, leading them into a shootout with a rich widow desperate to find her husband’s buried fortune. After locating both the hidden money as well as the biker’s stash of heroin, Klaus returned to the city, only to overdose in an abandoned house. He was saved by the manifested spirit of his long-dead brother, Ben (aka The Horror), who delivered him to a nearby hospital, and warned him of a new threat looming.

Number Five[edit]

The unnamed fifth member of the Umbrella Academy is known only by his given number, Number Five, and by his superhero alter-ego The Boy. Number Five had a name but it was unspoken for so long that all of his siblings, and Five himself, forgot what it was. At the age of 10 (or 13 in the television adaptation), Five disappeared by using his power of time travel to escape into the future. Sir Reginald always warned him that he «could never go back»; it took him 45 years to figure out how to go back in time. He aged normally during his time in the apocalypse, but upon returning to the past he regained the appearance he had the day he traveled forwards. His body is stuck in time and cannot age, as medical examinations prove that there are no signs of cell growth or death. In the television adaptation, his body continues to age normally after reverting to its 13-year-old form, as Five bemoans «going through puberty twice.» Five claims to have read accounts of the academy’s immediate future and their connection to an apocalypse. While trying to go back in time to warn his adoptive brothers and sisters about the apocalypse, he worked with the Temps Aeternalis. He was taught to perform «micro jumps» in time, allowing him to move faster than the eye can see. In the television adaptation, Five has the secondary power of teleportation in addition to time travel and does not have to be taught «micro-jumps». In the comics, he is considered «the perfect assassin,» as he has had the DNA of the best killers in history infused into him. He has a 100% chance of killing if he decides to kill. It is revealed in the Dallas storyline that Five and Spaceboy are twin brothers. He also has a puppy named Mr. Pennycrumb.[25] In season three of the television adaption, Five discovers that a future version of himself is actually the Founder of the Commission. During a fight with the Guardian of Hotel Oblivion, Five loses his left arm, matching his future self. However, his arm is restored after the universe is reset and he loses his powers, suggesting that the Five that founds the Commission is from an alternate timeline.

Number Five / The Boy first appeared in The Umbrella Academy: The Apocalypse Suite #2, following a brief appearance on the final page of the previous issue. In the television series, the character is portrayed by Aidan Gallagher and appears in all three seasons. Jim Watson plays an adult Five and Sean Sullivan portrays an elderly Five. For the effects of Number Five jumping through time and space in the series, Burrell wanted to make the effects look organic, and liquidy, representing how much time and the world bends around him when he jumps, and how quick it should be. For these effects, he used more than 30 frames in the first episodes, however with the progress of the series, this reduced to only 10 frames.[26] To that footage, the team iterated on several kinds of spatial jump effects, all the way from heavy distortion to subtler images. The visual effects team started with some R&D tests. At the end, the final effect, called the «jelly vision», was used to make the series, with Burrell expressing: «as if you’re pushing your hand through a jelly membrane, just for a few seconds, and then it pops. It’s really, really subtle, but you get a little bit of texture, you get a little bit of striations, almost like the universe is bending as he does his spatial jumps.»[27]

Ben Hargreeves[edit]

Ben Hargreeves, also known as Number Six or by his superhero alter-ego The Horror, is the currently deceased sixth member of the Umbrella Academy. Number Six possesses eldritch monsters from other dimensions under his skin (most often appearing as tentacles emerging from his torso). He is deceased from the results of a mission gone wrong.

He is portrayed by Justin H. Min and Ethan Hwang, as an adult and a teenager, respectively, in the television adaptation.[28] There is a memorial statue of him located in front of the academy. Even though he has been dead since before the start of the series, he has been portrayed as a member of The Umbrella Academy, appearing as his statue counterpart, in visions, or with Klaus, through his ability to talk to the dead. He can connect with Klaus physically, lending him his ability for a moment. CBR referred to Ben as a «Jiminy Cricket» type of character as he «reminds Klaus of his moral responsibilities even if the troubled Number Four refuses to listen».[29]

Ben’s spirit manifests during the «Hotel Oblivion» storyline, appearing before his brother Klaus in the hospital after saving him from an overdose. It is shown that the portion of his chest that held the monster’s tentacles is now an empty cavity, and it is hinted by Ben later in the issue that the monster had escaped from its dimension. It is also implied the Hotel Oblivion was not just made to be a supervillain prison, but a trap designed by Hargreeves to contain the beast, with the villains inside meant to be used as bait.

In the first season of the television adaptation, Klaus hides that he is communicating with the deceased Ben.[30] However, during the concert hall battle, «Klaus is able to use his powers to get Ben to manifest in the real world, as basically a superpower ghost. Ben then uses his powers — a giant beast with tentacles coming out of his stomach — to take out the gunmen».[20] This also reveals the ghost Ben to his siblings.[20] In the second season climax, Ben is the only one who can reach Vanya’s subconscious when her power is out of control.[31] Vulture highlighted that «as Vanya relives the horrors of the past, Ben gets through to her — not by imprisoning her, as his siblings once did, but by reassuring her that all those horrible things weren’t her fault. […] It’s enough to get through to Vanya, but it comes with a cost: The effort Ben had to expend to reach Vanya means that, 17 years after his ‘death,’ it’s time for Ben to die for real».[32] In the last episode of the season, a version of Ben from an alternate timeline is introduced where this Ben is a member of the Sparrow Academy. He is known as Number Two and presumably has the same powers and the alter ego Horror.[33]

Vanya Hargreeves / Viktor Hargreeves[edit]

Vanya Hargreeves—later Viktor Hargreeves in the television adaptation[a]—is the seventh member of the Umbrella Academy; they are also known as Number Seven or by their superhero alter-ego The White Violin. In the television adaptation, the character is portrayed by Elliot Page as an adult, and by T. J. McGibbon and Alyssa Gervasi as a teenager and a 4-year-old, respectively.

The most estranged member of the umbrella group, Vanya originally showcases no particular powers other than an interest in music. Vanya is known to have written a book detailing her life with the academy and her decision to leave. According to The Conductor, leader of the Orchestra Verdammten, Vanya is the most powerful member of The Umbrella Academy. In her early childhood, The Monocle suppressed her powers and kept her on medication to maintain this, but her powers were eventually released by The Conductor, driving Vanya mad. She is capable of releasing destructive waves of force using her violin that can be strong enough to cut someone’s throat or destroy an entire building with a single note. After unlocking her powers, she murders the Conductor and travels to the Hargreeves mansion to destroy it, killing Pogo in the process. During the fight with her siblings, Klaus distracts her by pretending to channel Hargreeves, and Number 5 shoots her in the back of the head with Hargreeves’ revolver. Doctors said that she would eventually recover from her injuries, but would never play the violin again. The television adaptation differs – it is Allison who aims the gun at Vanya. At the last minute, she fires the gun next to Vanya’s ear, causing her to lose focus and pass out.

During the «Dallas» comics storyline, Vanya is shown in the care of her siblings in the bunker beneath the mansion’s ruins, partially amnesic and using a wheelchair. She was subject to some abuse by Allison in retaliation for slicing her throat, left bound in front of screens depicting the aftermath of her rampage. At the end of the storyline, Allison has a change of heart and helps her sister recover rather than punishing her. In season 2 of the adaptation, Vanya suffers from amnesia after getting hit by a car upon arrival in 1963 and becomes a live-in nanny for Sissy’s autistic son Harlan.[34][35] When Harlan goes missing, Vanya «uses powers to discover that Harlan actually drowned in a lake and is able to resuscitate him by unknowingly transferring some of her power to him».[36] After this, Vanya enters a romantic lesbian relationship with Sissy which is kept secret from Sissy’s husband.[35][37] Later in the season, Vanya’s memories return via electroshock torture. Vanya returns to the present with the family while Sissy chooses to remain in her time.[36][35] CBR highlighted that comics «Dallas didn’t dive deep into Vanya apart from her and Mother trying to fix her memory after her attack as the White Violin» while the second season’s «entire LGBT relationship and arc of xenophobia is new, as well as [Viktor] being a bomb the FBI triggers».[38]

By the “Hotel Oblivion” storyline in the comics, Vanya has undertaken physical therapy with Allison coaching her. She feels doubtful about her recovery, though, and brushes off Allison’s attempts to support her, possibly out of guilt. Eventually, Mother takes Vanya from the bunker in secret, revealing that there was more to the academy than Hargreeves realized, and introducing her to another team of superpowered siblings seemingly under her leadership.

«It’s, uh, Viktor,» Viktor replies nervously.

«Who’s Viktor?» says a confused Diego.

«I am,» says Viktor, now more confident in himself. «It’s who I’ve always been. Uh, is that an issue for anyone?»

The trio of siblings thinks on this for a half-second, then quickly accepts the news and moves back to arguing about what to do regarding the Sparrows.

Rolling Stone scene recap from the episode «World’s Biggest Ball of Twine»[39]

In March 2022, it was announced that Page would return in the upcoming third season as Viktor Hargreeves; the character transitions during the third season.[2] Gizmodo reported that «the change comes in the wake of Page’s own announcement of their transgender identity, and was very likely done to reflect Page’s own transition».[3] Alan Sepinwall, in a review for Rolling Stone, wrote that «there probably was an operatic and/or science-fiction route the series could have taken to this moment, but it would have required a far more delicate touch than Umbrella Academy typically possesses. By quickly presenting Viktor’s transition as a fact of life, allowing him a brief moment to describe his feelings, and then getting back to silly business as usual, the show takes its star’s transition seriously without getting in the way of its usual narrative or tonal choices».[39] Daniel D’Addario, for Variety, highlighted the «seamless» nature of Viktor’s transition and announcement to his family. D’Addario commented that «at a time when an ongoing backlash against the rights of trans people simply to exist is rolling across this country, a show depicting the coming-out process as a declaration of self that is possible and that can be met with kindness feels like a worthy thing to put out into the world, if given the opportunity. […] (Praise for this series’ approach to Viktor should go to the team behind it and not to Netflix’s leadership, which has made abundantly clear that they’ll air whatever.) […] In addressing this issue, allowing Viktor and Page to move forward, meeting both where they were and allowing them to remain on the team, The Umbrella Academy did a small, good thing at a time when it might be easier not to».[40]


The Conductor[edit]

The Conductor is a villain in The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite who relentlessly pursued Vanya Hargreeves in the hopes of recruiting her to his orchestra for the purpose of ending the world with a song he had written. The Conductor had found the truth about Vanya’s powers and brainwashed her into realising them. After turning down the Conductor’s offers many times, Vanya later agreed to play his song to bring on the apocalypse. While Vanya is playing the song with the orchestra, she kills the Conductor and the rest of the orchestra shortly before using her powers to bring on the apocalypse. Vanya’s powers devastate the moon sending chunks of it flying back to Earth. However, shortly after this, her brother Klaus managed to utilize his telekinesis to support the largest piece of the moon, preventing numerous deaths and averting the future visited by Number Five.[17]

The Conductor appears in a recurring role in the first season of the television series, in which he is portrayed by Peter Outerbridge. In the adaptation, the Conductor has no villainous motive. Instead, the character’s motives are more closely embodied by Leonard Peabody.

Dr. Terminal[edit]

Dr. Terminal is a villain in The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite and The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion. In the past, Terminal was diagnosed with Eisenstein Syndrome, a rare disease that eats a person from the nervous system to the brain. He was given two months to live by doctors, so he created a device that can convert matter into energy that will feed the disease and keep him alive. He then returned to his doctor’s office and devoured the doctors with his device. He was incarcerated and escaped by absorbing a reporter, the cell bars, all the guards, the prison warden, and the carnations near the front gate. He later kidnapped The Rumor and devoured her left arm before being defeated by Spaceboy. He battled the Umbrella Academy time and time again until he was sent to the Hotel Oblivion by The Monocle. He vowed to return and destroy the world. He also left behind the Terminauts to destroy the Umbrella Academy should they ever reform.[17]

Dr. Terminal is briefly mentioned in the television series adaptation.

Hazel and Cha-Cha[edit]

A pair of extremely violent assassins working for the Temps Aeternalis are named Hazel and Cha-Cha. Many in the agency, including Number Five, consider them the most dangerous team in the history of the agency, mainly for their unpredictable methods. They both wear brightly colored cartoon character masks, exhibit maniacal and psychopathic behavior, and have a love of murder and sugary snacks. After the initial failure of the first team to recapture or neutralize Number Five for defecting, they were called in to take him down. To that end, they managed to capture his brother, The Séance, torturing and eventually killing him, as well as acquiring Sir Hargreeves’ secret stockpile of nuclear weapons. They die near the end of the “Dallas” story line when The Séance, after returning from the dead, possesses Cha-Cha, kills Hazel, and then himself (as Cha-Cha).

Hazel and Cha-Cha are portrayed by Cameron Britton and Mary J. Blige, respectively, in the television series. Hazel appears in a main role in the first season and a guest role in the second. He falls in love with a doughnut-store owner named Agnes Rofa and quits the commission. Before the world ends, he time travels to the past to be with Agnes. He appears in the guest role in season 2, where he is killed by Alex, Otto, and Oscar after warning Five of the upcoming apocalypse. Cha-Cha, on the other hand, appears only in the first season and remains loyal to the commission and dies along with everyone else in the apocalypse.[41][42][7]

A. J. Carmichael[edit]

Atlas Jericho «A. J.» Carmichael is a talking goldfish who inhabits a tank atop a human bodysuit. He is the chief authority in charge of the Temps Aeternalis. Carmichael headed the Temps Aeternalis at the time Number Five was inducted into the organization. He oversaw his training as an assassin and his DNA being bonded to that of the most notorious assassins from across history. In The Umbrella Academy: Dallas, Carmichael blackmails Number Five and The Rumor to prevent Five’s past self from stopping the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Unknown to them, the assassination had to be ensured so that Kennedy would never meet Sir Reginald Hargreeves and hand over nuclear missiles to him. These missiles would be detonated by Hazel and Cha-Cha and destroy the world in the Temps Aeternalis’s own attempt to apprehend Number Five. Carmichael explained the scope of their mission’s success after President Kennedy had been assassinated and the Umbrella Academy were returned to the present. Number Five then attacked and killed Carmichael out of revenge for what he had done to him, eating the goldfish alive.

A. J. is portrayed by Robin Atkin Downes in the television series and appears in the second season in a recurring role.

Other characters[edit]

Phinneus Pogo[edit]

Dr. Phinneus Pogo is a talking male chimpanzee associated with The Monocle. When growing up at the academy, Spaceboy considered Mr Pogo to be his best friend. He watched most of the academy grow up and knew all of the children very well. He was also a sympathizer of Vanya’s plight when she is repeatedly told by Sir Reginald that she is not special, as she has no special powers. Despite this, he is murdered by Vanya after her transformation into the White Violin as a test of her power against the academy.[7][43]

Burrell called Weta Digital, who previously worked for the rebooted Planet of the Apes series, to develop the visual effects for the character of Pogo in the television series. Ken Hall provided the motion capture for Pogo using a gray suit to later make additions to his captures to create the CGI of the chimpanzee, with Adam Godley making the facial expressions and voice acting of the character.[44]


Abhijat is Reginald’s bodyguard and assistant. He also serves as the pilot of the Minerva. After the family had drifted apart again following “Dallas”, Abhijat flew the Minerva to Japan, assisting Dr. Zoo, a former associate of Hargreeves, with using the Minerva to explore the mysterious depths of the Afterzone.

This character is absent in the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

Perseus X[edit]

John Perseus X is the young, spoiled heir to the Perseus Corporation. He returns to buy out all outstanding shares of the company, and name himself CEO and chairman of the board, and immediately orders a drastic change in focus of the company, planning to create his own Televator to break his father out of the Hotel Oblivion, Hargreeves’ interdimensional prison for supervillains. He eventually manages to break in with the help of Hotel escapee Obscuro, only to find his father dead, with his talking atomic robot head, Medusa still active. Medusa convinces Perseus to lead a mass jailbreak of all the supervillains from the hotel, who causes a reign of terror on the city that Medusa convinces Perseus X to fight and be thought of as the city’s new true hero. Perseus however, soon realizes Medusa is as dangerous as the other villains, and actually influences his father to commit suicide, finally lopping off the hand Medusa has attached itself to and allowing Spaceboy to throw it at a massive Dr. Terminal, who is gorging on the city, which ultimately destroys Medusa and Terminal.

Perseus X is absent from the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

Grace Hargreeves[edit]

Grace Hargreeves is a robot designed to be the Umbrella Academy’s mother. She later malfunctions and “dies” after getting a pot of coffee spilled in her by Number Five. The members of the Umbrella Academy try to fix her but in the end they find her machinery to be much too complicated.

In the television adaptation, Grace is portrayed by Jordan Claire Robbins. She emotionally cares for the children, even when they return as adults after Reginald’s death. Diego deactivates her out of mercy as she had been malfunctioning badly. However, Pogo reactivates her shortly after, but she is destroyed permanently during the destruction of the academy. In the second season, a human version of Grace appears in 1963 as Reginald’s love interest, implying that the robot was based on her.[45] In season three, the robot Grace is the Sparrow Academy’s maid in the alternate timeline and comes to worship the kugelblitz as her god. When Grace attacks the two teams, Five snaps her neck which deactivates Grace for good.

St. Zero[edit]

Saint Zero was a world-renowned astronaut and space explorer. Spaceboy’s childhood hero, he flew eight successful missions in total aboard his ship the Valeur before disappearing while on a mission to Mars. In fact, Saint Zero survived, but was hurtled into afterspace and rendered catatonic.

Saint Zero is absent from the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

Dr. Zoo[edit]


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Dr. Zoo is a doctor associated with Reginald.

Dr. Zoo is absent from the television adaptation of the series, though has the possibility to appear in future seasons.

The Sparrows[edit]

The Sparrows are a group made up of seven powered individuals. They are heavily implied to be among the 43 children born simultaneously to mothers with no previous signs of pregnancy on October 1, 1989. First introduced in Hotel Oblivion, their origins are likely to be explored in the next installment of the comic book series.

They are significantly different in the television adaptation, where in an altered future of the 1963 just changed by the Umbrella Academy members; they are a group of superheroes adopted by Reginald, similar to the Umbrella Academy, and Ben is revealed to be a member of the Sparrows. Their names are Marcus (Number One), Ben (Number Two), Fei (Number Three), Alphonso (Number Four), Sloane (Number Five), Jayme (Number Six), and Christopher (Number Seven).

Marcus Hargreeves / Sparrow Number One[edit]

Marcus is portrayed by Justin Cornwell in the television adaptation. He has increased strength and agility.

Ben Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Two[edit]

An alternative timeline version of Ben, portrayed by Justin H. Min in the television adaptation.

Fei Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Three[edit]

Fei is portrayed by Britne Oldford in the television adaptation. She is blind and has the ability to create ravens under her control that act as her eyes. Oldford is a main cast member for the third season.

Alphonso Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Four[edit]

Alphonso is portrayed by Jake Epstein in the television adaptation. He has the ability to absorb physical attacks and inflict the damage back to his opponents.

Sloane Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Five[edit]

Sloane is portrayed by Genesis Rodriguez in the television adaptation. She has the ability to manipulate gravity and has taken a mutual interest in Luther. Rodriguez is a main cast member for the third season.

Jayme Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Six[edit]

Jayme is portrayed by Cazzie David in the television adaptation.
She has the ability to spit a hallucinogenic venom that incapacitates her opponents.

Christopher Hargreeves / Sparrow Number Seven[edit]

A sentient cube with telekinetic abilities. Christopher also appears in the television adaptation.

Television characters[edit]

The following characters are exclusive to the TV series:

The Handler[edit]

The Handler is an exclusive character to the television series. She is portrayed by Kate Walsh and appears in a recurring role in the first season before being promoted to the main cast for the next. The Handler was a high-ranking member and major influencer of the Temps Commission. She was frequently seen dealing personally with matters concerning Number Five and the apocalypse, despite not being the case leader. The Handler had a clear agenda in her belief that time should not be changed, going to extreme lengths to maintain the timeline and ensure nothing is changed. She is also the adoptive mother of Lila Pitts, having assassinated the girl’s biological parents to take Lila for herself. She takes over the Commission after she has Five assassinate the Board of Directors. The Handler is almost killed at the end of season one after being shot in the head by Hazel, and is actually killed by the Swede at the end of the second season.[46]

Leonard Peabody[edit]

Leonard Peabody, also known as Harold Jenkins, is an exclusive character to the television series based on The Conductor. He is portrayed by John Magaro as an adult, while Jesse Noah Gruman portrays a younger Harold. As a child, he was an admirer of the Umbrella Academy and begged to join, since he was born on the same day as the result of a normal pregnancy, but was rejected and humiliated by Reginald. He later discovers Reginald’s diary, detailing Vanya’s potential, and inserts himself into her life with the goal of manipulating her into discovering her powers and using them against her siblings. After hiring thugs to rough him up in front of Vanya, he loses an eye and the prosthetic eyeball that Five found in the future is revealed to be his after his death. He is killed by Vanya after she discovers his secret.[47]

Lila Pitts[edit]

Lila Pitts is a character exclusive to the television adaptation; she is portrayed by Ritu Arya, while Riya Korah and Anjana Vernuganan portray a teenaged and four-year old version of the character in flashbacks. Lila is introduced as a fellow patient at the mental institution Diego is committed to in 1963. After she and Diego escape the institution, Lila tags along to help Diego stop the apocalypse. However, Five, who doesn’t trust Lila, discovers she is The Handler’s daughter, and that in 1993, The Handler had Five execute Lila’s parents so she could take Lila for herself and raise her. She is one of the 43 children born on October 1, 1989, and has the ability to mirror anyone’s powers.

Raymond Chestnut[edit]

Raymond Chestnut, portrayed by Yusuf Gatewood, is Allison’s second husband in the early 1960s. Raymond is an African-American man fighting for civil rights and appears in a main role in the second season of the series.[48] In the reset universe at the end of season three, he is Allison’s husband in 2019 and raising her daughter Claire with her.

Sissy Cooper[edit]

Sissy Cooper, portrayed by Marin Ireland, is Vanya’s friend and love interest. She is also Carl’s wife and Harlan’s mother. Sissy takes in Vanya after hitting the latter with her car and causing amnesia. She soon begins an affair with Vanya. Sissy appears in the second season of the series in a main role.[48][36][35] In season three, it’s revealed that Sissy died of cancer on October 1, 1989, the same day as the Umbrella and Sparrow Academy kids were born. Harlan’s grief over his mother’s death caused a psychic shockwave that killed the parents of the Umbrella Academy, creating the Sparrow Academy timeline.

Recurring characters[edit]

Introduced in season one[edit]

  • Sheila McCarthy as Agnes Rofa (season 1), Hazel’s nascent love interest, the waitress and baker at (and owner of) Griddy’s Doughnuts. She leaves with Hazel, even though Cha-Cha is threatening her life. Agnes died from cancer sometime before the events of season two sometime in the 1950s or 60s.
  • Ashley Madekwe as Detective Eudora Patch (season 1), Diego’s former romantic partner. Patch is killed by Cha-Cha after finding Klaus in the latter’s Hotel room. Diego is the prime suspect for her murder due to being at the scene of the crime and having his fingerprints all over the body, however his name is cleared when Hazel gives Diego Cha-Cha’s gun.
  • Rainbow Sun Francks as Detective Chuck Beaman (season 1)
  • Matt Biedel as Sgt. Dale Chedder (season 1)
  • Cody Ray Thompson (season 1) as Dave, Klaus’ boyfriend during the Vietnam war. Calem MacDonald portrays a younger Dave in the second season.
  • Patrice Goodman as Dot (season 2; guest seasons 1 and 3), a case manager at the Commission who idolizes Number Five.
  • Ken Hall as Herb (season 2; guest seasons 1 and 3), an analytics specialist at the Commission who idolizes Number Five.

Introduced in season two[edit]

  • Kevin Rankin as Elliott (season 2), a man who assists Number Five, believing he is an alien from Area 51. He is murdered by Axel, Otto, and Oscar.
  • Kris Holden-Ried as Axel (season 2), the leader of a trio of Swedish triplet assassins working for the Commission.
  • John Kapelos as Jack Ruby (season 2), the owner of a nightclub that Luther is involved with and the future murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Stephen Bogaert as Carl Cooper (season 2), Sissy’s husband and Harlan’s father.
  • Raven Dauda as Odessa (season 2), owner of a Black beauty salon in South Dallas who takes in Allison.
  • Dewshane Williams as Miles (season 2), Raymond’s friend and fellow civil rights activist.
  • Jason Bryden as Otto (season 2), one of the triplet assassins. He is killed by Axel after Allison rumors him into doing so.
  • Tom Sinclair as Oscar (season 2), one of the triplet assassins. He is killed in a trap set by the Handler under the guise of Diego.
  • Justin Paul Kelly (season 2; guest season 3) and Callum Keith Rennie (season 3) as Harlan Cooper / Lester Pocket, Sissy and Carl’s son with nonverbal autism who develops a friendship with Vanya. After Vanya saves him from drowning, Harlan gains Vanya’s powers. Rennie portrays the present-day version of the character. [36] In the present day, Harlan is now able to communicate verbally and inadvertently created the Sparrow Academy timeline when he accidentally killed the mothers of the Umbrella Academy in a fit of grief. He is killed by Allison in revenge after she learns the truth.
  • Dov Tiefenbach as Keechie (season 2), a follower of Klaus’s cult.
  • Mouna Traoré as Jill (season 2), a member of Klaus’s cult whom Ben is in love with.

Introduced in season three[edit]

  • Javon «Wanna» Walton as Stanley «Stan» (season 3), Diego and Lila’s supposed twelve-year-old son. It’s later revealed that Stan is actually the son of a friend of Lila’s from 1989 whose help she had enlisted to test if Diego would make a good father, when Lila tells Diego she is pregnant with his child. He is erased from existence by the Kugelblitz.
  • Julian Richings as Chet Rodo (season 3), manager of the Hotel Obsidian.


  1. ^ a b c In the television adaptation, the character changes his name to Viktor Hargreeves during the third season after transitioning.[2][3]
  2. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 T.J. McGibbon plays a teenaged and Alyssa Gervasi a four year old Vanya.
  3. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Cameron Brodeur plays a teenaged Luther.
  4. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Blake Talabis plays a teenaged Diego.
  5. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Eden Cupid plays a teenaged and in season 2 Jordana Blake a four year old Allison.
  6. ^ In seasons 1-3 Dante Albidone plays a teenaged Klaus and in season 3 Oliver Kirton plays a younger version.
  7. ^ In seasons 1-3 Sean Sullivan plays an elderly and in season 1 Jim Watson a middle aged Five.
  8. ^ In season 1 Jesse Noah Gruman plays a teenaged Harold.
  9. ^ Godley provides the voice and facial performance capture, while Ken Hall serves as body-double for the motion capture to play the character on set.
  10. ^ Godley portrays an alternate timeline version of Pogo in the third season.
  11. ^ Feore portrays an alternate timeline version of Reginald in the third season.
  12. ^ In seasons 1 and 2 Ethan Hwang plays a teenaged Ben.
  13. ^ Although credited as a main cast member, Min only portrays the alternate-timeline Ben Hargreeves known as Number Two in the second season finale.
  14. ^ In season 2 Raya Korah plays a teenaged and Anjana Vernuganan a four year old Lila.
  15. ^ Voice only.
  16. ^ Robbins portrays the human version of Grace in the second season and an alternate timeline version of Grace in the third.
  17. ^ As young Dave.
  18. ^ Downes provided uncredited voice work.


  1. ^ Delgado, Sara; McNab, Kaitlyn (March 30, 2022). «Elliot Page’s «Umbrella Academy» Character Will Come Out as Trans in S3″. Teen Vogue. Retrieved March 30, 2022.
  2. ^ a b Maas, Jennifer (March 29, 2022). «Elliot Page’s ‘Umbrella Academy’ Character to Come Out as Transgender in Season 3 as Viktor Hargreeves». Variety. Retrieved March 30, 2022.
  3. ^ a b «Elliot Page Returns to Umbrella Academy as Viktor Hargreeves». Gizmodo. March 30, 2022. Retrieved March 30, 2022.
  4. ^ «Umbrella Academy: Everything We Know About Reginald Hargreeves’ Origins». ScreenRant. 2020-08-09. Retrieved 2021-06-22.
  5. ^ Dibdin, Emma (2020-08-10). «What Exactly Is Sir Reginald Hargreeves In ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 2?». ELLE. Retrieved 2021-06-22.
  6. ^ «Umbrella Academy: Colm Feore and More Join Cast». ComingSoon.net. February 16, 2018. Retrieved September 20, 2020.
  7. ^ a b c Andreeva, Nellie (February 16, 2018). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: Cameron Britton, Colm Feore, Adam Godley & Ashley Madekwe Join Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved February 16, 2018.
  8. ^ a b c Otterson, Joe (November 30, 2017). «‘Umbrella Academy’ Netflix Series Rounds Out Cast With ‘Game of Thrones’ Alum, ‘Hamilton’ Star». Variety. Archived from the original on March 27, 2019. Retrieved November 30, 2017.
  9. ^ «What Happened To Luther In ‘The Umbrella Academy’? His Father Couldn’t Stop Monkeying Around With Science». Bustle. February 19, 2019. Retrieved March 31, 2022.
  10. ^ a b c «Umbrella Academy’s Allison: 5 Things The Show Changed From The Comics (5 They Kept The Same)». CBR. 2020-09-11. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  11. ^ a b c «The Umbrella Academy: 10 Things Only Comic Fans Know About Allison». ScreenRant. 2021-04-17. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  12. ^ «A guide to The Umbrella Academy season 1, ahead of season 2». The A.V. Club. July 24, 2020. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  13. ^ «In The Umbrella Academy Season 2, Luther Has a Rocky Moment». CBR. 2020-08-02. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  14. ^ «Jack Ruby from «The Umbrella Academy» Season 2 Was Real and Had a Bigger Story After the Season Finale». Seventeen. 2020-08-04. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  15. ^ «Umbrella Academy Avoided Luther Comics Storyline Due to Endgame’s Fat Thor». ScreenRant. 2020-08-03. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  16. ^ Dwilson, Stephanie Dube (February 19, 2019). «Number 2 on ‘The Umbrella Academy’: What Is Diego’s Power?». Heavy.com. Archived from the original on April 2, 2019. Retrieved February 24, 2019.
  17. ^ a b c The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite
  18. ^ Gelt, Jessica (August 10, 2017). «From chorus girl to leading lady: Emmy Raver-Lampman, the Cinderella of ‘Hamilton’«. Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved February 15, 2019.
  19. ^ «The Umbrella Academy’s stars on Klaus and Ben’s unique brotherly bond». The A.V. Club. July 30, 2020. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  20. ^ a b c Paige, Rachel (February 20, 2019). «Wait, What Is Actually Going On With Ben On «Umbrella Academy»?». www.refinery29.com. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  21. ^ Meslow, Scott (2019-02-16). «The Umbrella Academy Recap: Time Enough at Last». Vulture. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  22. ^ a b «Umbrella Academy Season 2 Is Secretly About Klaus Overcoming His Trauma». ScreenRant. 2022-01-01. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  23. ^ «The Umbrella Academy: Klaus’ Cult Explained (What They Believe)». ScreenRant. 2020-08-21. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  24. ^ «Exclusive: «The Umbrella Academy» Star Robert Sheehan On What’s in Store for Klaus in Season 3″. Seventeen. 2020-08-13. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  25. ^ The Umbrella Academy: Dallas
  26. ^ Grobar, Matt (June 17, 2019). «How ‘The Umbrella Academy’ VFX Supervisors Everett Burrell & Chris White Brought Talking Chimp To Life For Superhero Series — Exclusive Video». Deadline. Archived from the original on June 26, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
  27. ^ «Super Misfits: The VFX of THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY». VFX Voice Magazine. May 30, 2019. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
  28. ^ «Justin H. Min on Instagram: «Season 2: Ben is back. And he’s back with a promotion. He’s officially a series regular. – I know I joke around here quite a bit, but I…»«. Instagram. Archived from the original on January 23, 2020. Retrieved July 12, 2019.
  29. ^ «Umbrella Academy’s Ben: 5 Things The Show Changed From The Comics (& 5 They Kept The Same)». CBR. 2020-09-15. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  30. ^ «Umbrella Academy: Why Klaus Never Tells His Siblings He Can See Ben». ScreenRant. 2021-02-28. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  31. ^ «How Did «The Umbrella Academy»‘s Ben / Number Six Die?». Seventeen. 2020-08-04. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  32. ^ Meslow, Scott (2020-08-02). «The Umbrella Academy Recap: The Ghost With the Most». Vulture. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  33. ^ Gemmill, Allie (January 11, 2021). «‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3 Reveals The Sparrow Academy Cast & Characters». Collider. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  34. ^ «Umbrella Academy’s Vanya: 5 Things The Show Changed From The Comics (& 5 They Kept The Same)». CBR. 2020-08-24. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  35. ^ a b c d «It’s Time for The Umbrella Academy to Truly Reckon with Vanya’s Trauma». Den of Geek. 2020-08-05. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  36. ^ a b c d «Everything About Vanya and Sissy’s Relationship in «The Umbrella Academy» Season 2″. Seventeen. 2020-08-07. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  37. ^ Arnone, Chris M. (2020-09-02). «8 Major Changes: The Umbrella Academy Comic Vs Show». BOOK RIOT. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  38. ^ «How The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Differs From the Comics». CBR. 2020-08-13. Retrieved 2022-03-30.
  39. ^ a b Sepinwall, Alan (2022-06-23). «Here’s How ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Handled Elliot Page’s Transition — and Why It Was the Right Call». Rolling Stone. Retrieved 2022-06-24.
  40. ^ D’Addario, Daniel (2022-06-22). «‘The Umbrella Academy’ Addresses Elliot Page’s Coming Out With Warmth and Emotion (Column)». Variety. Retrieved 2022-06-24.
  41. ^ Goldberg, Lesley (April 2, 2019). «‘Umbrella Academy’ Renewed for Season 2 at Netflix». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on May 27, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
  42. ^ «Why Mary J. Blige wanted to play a time-traveling assassin in ‘The Umbrella Academy’«. EW.com. Archived from the original on December 18, 2019. Retrieved January 22, 2020.
  43. ^ «‘People of Earth’ star Ken Hall on his role in ‘Polar’ and transitioning from comedy to serious roles». meaww.com. Archived from the original on March 8, 2020. Retrieved September 10, 2019.
  44. ^ Mele, Rick (February 20, 2019). «How The Umbrella Academy brought Pogo the monkey butler to life». SYFY WIRE. Archived from the original on June 19, 2020. Retrieved May 26, 2020.
  45. ^ White, Abbey (August 1, 2020). «How The Umbrella Academy season 2 explains Grace’s true origins». Looper. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  46. ^ Petski, Denise (May 9, 2018). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: Kate Walsh Set To Recur In Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved May 9, 2018.
  47. ^ Petski, Denise (March 1, 2018). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: John Magaro Cast In Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on July 1, 2020. Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  48. ^ a b Petski, Denise (September 10, 2019). «‘The Umbrella Academy’: Ritu Arya, Yusuf Gatewood, Marin Ireland Join Season 2 Cast Of Netflix Series». Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on September 10, 2019. Retrieved September 10, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
  • The Umbrella Academy: Dallas at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
  • The Umbrella Academy on Myspace
  • Pastorek, Whitney. «Exclusive Peek: Gerard Way’s ‘Umbrella Academy'», Entertainment Weekly. June 25, 2007
  • Khouri, Andy. «EXCLUSIVE First Look: «The Umbrella Academy» #2″. Comic Book Resources. September 21, 2007
  • MCR side projects – The Umbrella Academy

Следующая запись представляет собой список персонажей из Академии Амбрелла, сериал комиксов, созданный и написанный Джерардом Уэй и иллюстрированный Габриэлем Ба, и его телеадаптация.


  • 1 Обзор
  • 2 Академия Амбрелла
    • 2.1 Монокль (сэр Реджинальд Харгривз)
    • 2.2 Номер один / Спейсбой (Лютер Харгривз)
    • 2.3 Номер два / Кракен (Диего Харгривз)
    • 2.4 Номер Три / Слух (Эллисон Харгривз)
    • 2.5 Номер Четыре / Сеанс (Клаус Харгривз)
    • 2.6 Номер Пять / Мальчик (Пять Харгривз)
    • 2.7 Номер Шесть / Ужас (Бен Харгривз)
    • 2.8 Номер семь / Белая скрипка (Ваня Харгривз)
  • 3 Антагониста
    • 3.1 Дирижер
    • 3.2 Доктор Терминал
    • 3.3 Хейзел и Ча-Ча
    • 3.4 AJ Кармайкл
    • 3.5 The Handler
    • 3.6 Леонард Пибоди / Гарольд Дженкинс
  • 4 Другие персонажи
    • 4.1 Пого
    • 4.2 Абхиджат
    • 4.3 Персей X
    • 4.4 Грейс
    • 4.5 Сент-Зеро
    • 4.6 Доктор Зоо
    • 4.7 Воробьи
  • 5 Источники
  • 6 Внешние ссылки


Академия Амбрелла

Монокль (сэр Реджинальд Харгривз)

Инопланетянин, замаскированный под богатого предпринимателя и всемирно известного ученого. Он получил Нобелевскую премию за свою работу по развитию мозга шимпанзе и основал Академию Амбрелла, группу усыновленных сверхмощных детей. Сэр Реджинальд бессердечный, часто плохо обращается с детьми и даже экспериментирует с ними в своих личных интересах. Он отказывается позволить детям называть его отцом, требуя вместо этого обращаться к нему по его кодовому имени Монокль. Говоря с детьми, он обращается к ним по номеру, который был присвоен детям с точки зрения «полезности», и не имеет ничего общего с их действительными разрушительными способностями.

Number One / Spaceboy (Лютер Харгривз)

Основные силы Лютера — суперсила и долговечность. После катастрофической миссии сэр Реджинальд Харгривз ввел Лютеру сыворотку гориллы, чтобы спасти его жизнь, превратив Лютера в полугориллу, получеловека. Его тело может выдерживать вакуум и холод космоса, пока на нем есть шлем. Он всегда может драться кулаком, используя свою суперсилу. После карьеры в Академии Амбрелла он переехал на Луну и жил в Аннигиляции. Было показано, что у него есть что-то вроде любовного интереса к # 3, The Rumor. У Лютера также коричневое чувство юмора.

Номер два / Кракен (Диего Харгривз)

Безрассудный и мятежный член группы, описанный Реджинальдом Харгривзом. У него также есть сильный талант к метанию ножей (потому что он может изменять направление снарядов в воздухе) и ближнему бою. У него и Лютера явное соперничество, и Диего часто не желает подчиняться приказам Лютера. В подростковом возрасте он был басистом в панк-рок группе Prime-8s вместе с барабанщиком Боди (помощник инспектора Лупо) и гитаристом и ведущим вокалистом Ваней Харгривз / номер семь (его приемная сестра), которая он испытывает романтические чувства к. В рассказе «Anywhere But Here» он изображен левшой, поскольку играет на басу левой рукой. В адаптации Netflix он тайно любит свою бывшую девушку, детектив Юдору Патч.

Номер три / Слухи (Эллисон Харгривс)

Описанная как нарциссическая, она обладает способностью манипулировать реальностью, лгая, используя фразу «Я слышал слух… «, чтобы активировать силу. После карьеры в Академии Амбрелла она вышла замуж за своего парня Патрика и родила дочь по имени Клэр. С тех пор пара развелась, и Патрик полностью опекает их дочь из-за того, что Эллисон использовала свои особые способности на Клэр. У нее кибернетическая левая рука, потому что доктор Терминал пожрал ее первоначальную руку, когда она была ребенком. В «Далласе», когда она идет на речевую операцию, ее рука больше не нарисована, как если бы она была механической, что предполагает, что она тоже была исправлена. В адаптации Netflix Эллисон использует свои способности, чтобы стать чрезвычайно успешной актрисой после ухода из Академии Амбрелла. Она романтически связана со своим приемным братом Лютером Харгривзом. Их любовь друг к другу неуместна, поскольку Spaceboy считает себя чудовищем из-за своего тела гориллы.

Во время событий «Апокалипсиса» сестра Ваня (в роли Белой скрипки) перерезала Эллисон горло, чтобы не дать ей использовать свою силу. Спасенная Лютером, она смогла выжить, но ей сказали, что она больше никогда не сможет говорить. В результате ей пришлось общаться с помощью блокнота. Пока она и ее семья были вынуждены жить в бункере под развалинами Академии, Эллисон пытала слегка амнезию и инвалида Ваню, заставляя ее вспомнить и пережить свое буйство. Однако после операции Эллисон почувствовала раскаяние и сочувствие по отношению к своей сестре и начала поддерживать ее с помощью физиотерапии.

Номер Четыре / Сеанс (Клаус Харгривс)

Силы Сеанса разговаривают с мертвыми, направляют мертвых так, чтобы они говорили через него, овладевая людьми, транслируя его сознание по радиоволнам (позволяя ему общаться через телевизоры) и телекинез. В адаптации Netflix у него также есть сила воскрешения ; делает духов телесными, способными быть видимыми другими и взаимодействовать с окружающими их предметами. Из своих комических способностей он сохраняет только способность разговаривать с мертвыми в адаптации Netflix, хотя для этого ему не нужна доска для спиритических сеансов. На правой и левой ладонях у него вытатуированы слова «Привет» и «До свидания» соответственно. Г-н Пого выдвинул гипотезу о том, что Клаус употребляет наркотики с подросткового возраста. В комиксе «Даллас» Клаус изображен с вьетнамским младенцем, который, как он позже выясняет, принадлежит ему, к удивлению Лютера. Вручая его пожилой женщине перед тем, как уйти в лифт, он благодарит ее за заботу о ребенке, на что она отвечает: «Туда, куда вы идете, не место для детей. Перед тем как уйти в лифте, Клаус извиняется перед женщиной, говоря: «Очень сожалею о том, что случилось с его матерью». Разговор велся на вьетнамском языке, подразумевая, что он узнал его в течение трех лет, когда руководил стриптиз-клубом под названием «Spookies».

Вернувшись в настоящее, Клаус бросил свою семью и начал работать с Матерями агонии, местной бандой сатанинских байкеров, которые давали ему различные наркотики и использовали его силу, чтобы поговорить с мертвыми, чтобы убедить богатых покупателей. Однако позже он предал эту группу, ведя их в перестрелку с богатой вдовой, отчаявшейся найти похороненное состояние своего мужа. Обнаружив спрятанные деньги и тайник с героином байкера, Клаус вернулся в город, но в заброшенном доме совершил передозировку. Он был спасен проявленным духом его давно умершего брата Бена (он же Ужас), который доставил его в ближайшую больницу и предупредил о надвигающейся новой угрозе.

Номер Пять / Мальчик (Пять Харгривов)

У Номер Пять было имя, но оно не произносилось так долго, что все его братья и сестры и сам Пятый забыли, что это было. В возрасте 10 лет (или 13 в адаптации Netflix) Пятый исчез, воспользовавшись своей способностью путешествовать во времени, чтобы сбежать в будущее. Сэр Реджинальд всегда предупреждал его, что он «никогда не сможет вернуться»; ему потребовалось 45 лет, чтобы понять, как вернуться в прошлое. Во время апокалипсиса он обычно стареет, но, вернувшись в прошлое, он снова обрел тот вид, который был в тот день, когда путешествовал вперед. Его тело застряло во времени и не может стареть, поскольку медицинские обследования доказывают, что нет никаких признаков роста или смерти клеток. В адаптации Netflix его тело продолжает нормально стареть после возвращения к своей 13-летней форме, поскольку Пятерка оплакивает «половое созревание дважды».

Пятеро утверждают, что читали отчеты о ближайшем будущем Академии и их связи с апокалипсисом. Пытаясь вернуться в прошлое, чтобы предупредить своих приемных братьев и сестер об апокалипсисе, он работал с Temps Aeternalis. Его учили выполнять «микропрыжки» во времени, что позволяло ему двигаться быстрее, чем может видеть глаз. В адаптации Netflix Пятерка имеет дополнительную силу телепортации в дополнение к путешествиям во времени и не нуждается в обучении «микропрыжкам». В комиксах он считается «идеальным убийцей», так как в него встроили ДНК лучших убийц в истории. У него есть 100% шанс убить, если он решит убить. В сюжетной линии Далласа показано, что Пятерка и Spaceboy — братья-близнецы. У него также есть щенок по имени мистер Пенникрамб.

Номер Пять / Мальчик впервые появился в The Umbrella Academy: The Apocalypse Suite # 2 после краткого появления на последней странице предыдущего выпуска.

Число Шесть / Ужас (Бен Харгривз)

Число Шесть обладает монстрами из других измерений под кожей (чаще всего проявляющимися в виде щупалец, выходящих из его туловища). Он умер в результате неудачной миссии. Перед Академией установлена ​​его мемориальная статуя. Несмотря на то, что он был мертв еще до начала сериала, он изображался как член Академии Амбрелла, появляющийся как его копия статуи в видениях или с Клаусом, благодаря его способности разговаривать с мертвыми. Он может соединиться с Клаусом физически, на мгновение наделяя его своими способностями.

Дух Бена проявляется во время сюжетной линии «Hotel Oblivion», он появляется перед своим братом Клаусом в больнице после того, как спас его от передозировки. Показано, что часть его груди, которая удерживала щупальца монстра, теперь представляет собой пустую полость, и Бен намекнул позже в выпуске, что монстр сбежал из своего измерения. Также подразумевается, что отель Oblivion был создан не только как тюрьма для суперзлодеев, но и как ловушка, созданная Харгривзом для сдерживания зверя, а злодеи внутри должны использоваться в качестве приманки.

Номер семь / Белая скрипка (Ваня Харгривз)

Самый отчужденный член зонтичной группы, Ваня изначально не демонстрирует никаких особых способностей, кроме интереса к музыке. Ваня, как известно, написал книгу, в которой подробно описал свою жизнь в Академии и ее решение уйти. По словам дирижера, лидера оркестра Verdammten, Ваня — самый влиятельный член Академии Амбрелла. В раннем детстве Монокль подавлял ее способности и держал ее на лекарствах, чтобы поддерживать это, но в конечном итоге ее силы были высвобождены Дирижером, сводя Ваню с ума. Она способна испускать разрушительные волны силы, используя свою скрипку, которая может быть достаточно сильной, чтобы перерезать кому-нибудь горло или разрушить целое здание с помощью одной ноты. После раскрытия своих способностей она убивает Кондуктора и отправляется в особняк Харгривса, чтобы уничтожить его, убивая Пого в процессе. Во время драки с братьями и сестрами, отвлеченная Клаусом, притворяющимся каналом Харгривза, номер 5 выстрелил ей в затылок из револьвера Харгривза. Однако в шоу Netflix номер 3 нарочно стреляет в ее голову, и Ваня теряет фокус на звуке ее скрипки, и она теряет сознание. Врачи отметили, что она рано или поздно оправится от травм, но никогда больше не будет играть на скрипке.

В «Далласе» Ваня показан под присмотром своих братьев и сестер в бункере под руинами особняка, частично амнезированный и прикованный к инвалидной коляске. Она подверглась жестокому обращению со стороны Эллисон в отместку за то, что перерезала ей горло, оставленная связанной перед экранами, изображающими последствия ее буйства. В конце сюжетной линии Эллисон меняет свое мнение и помогает сестре выздороветь, а не наказывает ее.

В отеле «Обливион» Ваня прошел курс физиотерапии под руководством Эллисон. Однако она сомневается в своем выздоровлении и отвергает попытки Эллисон поддержать ее, возможно, из-за чувства вины. В конце концов, Мать тайно забирает Ваню из бункера, показывая, что Академия — это нечто большее, чем предполагал Харгривз, и знакомит ее с другой командой сверхмощных братьев и сестер, по-видимому, под ее руководством.



Дирижер — злодей в Академии Амбрелла: Апокалипсис, который неустанно преследовал Ваню Харгривз в надежде завербовать ее своему оркестру с целью покончить с миром написанной им песней. Дирижер узнал правду о силах Вани и промыл ей мозги, заставив ее реализовать их. Много раз отвергая предложения дирижера, Ваня позже согласился сыграть его песню, чтобы вызвать апокалипсис. Пока Ваня исполняет песню с оркестром, она убивает дирижера и остальную часть оркестра незадолго до того, как использовать свои силы, чтобы вызвать апокалипсис. Силы Вани опустошают Луну, отправляя ее куски обратно на Землю. Однако вскоре после этого ее брат Номер Пять открывает портал вокруг братьев и сестер, потенциально спасая их от лунного астероида.

Доктор Терминал

Dr. Терминал — злодей в The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite. В прошлом у Терминала диагностировали синдром Эйзенштейна, редкое заболевание, которое поражает человека от нервной системы до мозга. Доктора дали ему два месяца жизни, поэтому он создал устройство, которое может преобразовывать материю в энергию, которая питает болезнь и поддерживает его жизнь. Затем он вернулся в кабинет своего врача и поглотил врачей своим устройством. Он был заключен в тюрьму и сбежал, поглотив репортера, решетку камеры, всех охранников, тюремного надзирателя и гвоздики у главных ворот. Позже он похитил Слух и съел ее левую руку, прежде чем был побежден Космонавтом. Он снова и снова сражался с Академией Амбрелла, пока Монокль не отправил его в Отель Обливион. Он поклялся вернуться и уничтожить мир. Он также оставил Терминаутов, чтобы уничтожить Академию Амбрелла, если они когда-нибудь реформируются.

Хейзел и Ча-Ча

Пара чрезвычайно жестоких убийц, работающих на Temps Aeternalis. Многие в агентстве, в том числе Номер Пять, считают их самой опасной командой в истории агентства, в основном из-за их непредсказуемых методов. Они оба носят яркие маски мультяшных персонажей, демонстрируют маниакальное и психопатическое поведение и обожают убийства и сладкие закуски. После того, как первая команда не смогла отбить или нейтрализовать номер 5 за дезертирство, их вызвали, чтобы убить его. С этой целью им удалось захватить его брата Сеанса, подвергнуть пыткам и в конечном итоге убить его, а также получить секретные запасы ядерного оружия сэра Харгривза. Они умирают ближе к концу сюжетной линии «Даллас», когда Сеанс, после возвращения из мертвых, овладевает Ча-Ча, убивает Хейзел, а затем и себя (как Ча-Ча).

А.Дж. Кармайкл

Атлас Иерихон «А.Дж.» Кармайкл, или Кармайкл, — говорящая золотая рыбка, обитающая в резервуаре на крыше человеческого боди. Он главный авторитет, отвечающий за Temps Aeternalis. Кармайкл возглавлял Temps Aeternalis в то время, когда Номер Пять был принят в организацию. Он наблюдал за своим обучением как убийца, и его ДНК была связана с ДНК самых известных убийц со всей истории.

В «Академии Амбрелла: Даллас» Кармайкл шантажирует Номер Пять и Слухи, чтобы помешать прошлому «Я» Пятого остановить убийство президента Джона Ф. Кеннеди в 1963 году. Без их ведома, убийство должно было быть обеспечено, чтобы Кеннеди никогда не встретит сэра Реджинальда Харгривза и не передаст ему ядерные ракеты. Эти ракеты будут взорваны Хейзел и Ча-Ча и уничтожат мир в собственной попытке Temps Aeternalis задержать Номер Пять. Кармайкл объяснил масштабы успеха их миссии после того, как президент Кеннеди был убит и Академия Амбрелла вернулась в настоящее время. Затем Номер Пять напал и убил Кармайкла из мести за то, что он сделал с ним, съев золотую рыбку заживо.


Обработчик — эксклюзивный персонаж телесериала. Ее изображает Кейт Уолш. Хэндлер был высокопоставленным членом и влиятельным лицом Комиссии Temps. Ее часто видели лично занимающейся вопросами, касающимися Номер пять и апокалипсиса, несмотря на то, что она не была руководителем дела. Куратор имела четкую повестку дня, в ее убеждении, что время нельзя менять, делая все возможное, чтобы сохранить график и гарантировать, что ничего не изменится. Она также является приемной матерью Лилы Питтс, у которой есть способность копировать способности каждого члена Академии Амбрелла. Неизвестно, являются ли мимикрические способности Лилы тем преимуществом, которое видно в сериале.

Леонард Пибоди / Гарольд Дженкинс

Леонард Пибоди / Гарольд Дженкинс — эксклюзивный персонаж телесериала , основанного на Дирижере. Джон Магаро изображает его взрослым, в то время как Джесси Ноа Груман изображает более молодого Гарольда. В детстве он был поклонником Академии Амбрелла и умолял присоединиться к ней, так как родился в тот же день в результате нормальной беременности, но был отвергнут и унижен Реджинальдом. Позже он обнаруживает дневник Реджинальда, в котором подробно описывается потенциал Вани, и погружается в ее жизнь с целью манипулировать ею, раскрывая ее способности и используя их против своих братьев и сестер.

Другие персонажи


Доктор. Финнеус Пого — говорящий шимпанзе-самец, связанный с Моноклем. Когда мальчик-космонавт рос в Академии, он считал г-на Пого своим лучшим другом. Он наблюдал, как растет большая часть академии, и очень хорошо знал всех детей. Он также сочувствовал тяжелому положению Вани, когда сэр Реджинальд неоднократно повторял ей, что она не особенная, поскольку у нее нет особых способностей. Несмотря на это, его убил Ваня после того, как она превратилась в Белую скрипку, как испытание ее силы против Академии.


Телохранитель и помощник Монокля. Он также является пилотом Минервы. После того, как семья снова разошлась после «Далласа», Абхиджат отправил Минерву в Японию, помогая доктору Зоо, бывшему соратнику Харгривса, использовать Минерву для исследования таинственных глубин Загробной зоны. Этот персонаж отсутствует в адаптации сериала Netflix.

Персей X

Иоанн Персей Десятый — молодой избалованный наследник корпорации Персей. Он возвращается, чтобы выкупить все выпущенные в обращение акции компании, и называет себя генеральным директором и председателем совета директоров, и немедленно приказывает кардинально изменить фокус компании, планируя создать свой собственный Televator, чтобы вырвать своего отца из Hotel Oblivion. Межпространственная тюрьма Харгривса для суперзлодеев. В конце концов ему удается ворваться с помощью сбежавшего из отеля Обскуро, только чтобы найти своего отца мертвым, с его говорящей головой атомного робота, Медуза все еще активна. Медуза убеждает Персея возглавить массовый побег из тюрьмы всех суперзлодеев из Отеля, который наводит ужас на город, и Медуза убеждает Персея X сражаться и считаться новым настоящим героем города. Однако Персей вскоре понимает, что Медуза так же опасна, как и другие злодеи, и фактически побуждает своего отца совершить самоубийство, в конце концов, отрубив руку, к которой Медуза приложила себя, и позволив космическому мальчику бросить ее в массивного доктора Терминала, который пожирает город, который в конечном итоге уничтожает Медузу и Терминал.


Грейс — робот, созданный, чтобы быть матерью Академии Амбрелла. Позже она выходит из строя и «умирает» после того, как Номер Пять пролил на нее кофейник. Члены Академии Амбрелла пытаются исправить ее, но в конце концов находят ее оборудование слишком сложным. В адаптации Netflix Грейс эмоционально заботится о детях, даже когда они возвращаются взрослыми. Диего убивает ее из-за того, что она плохо работала.

Св. Зеро

Святой Зеро был всемирно известным астронавтом и исследователем космоса. Герой детства Spaceboy, он выполнил в общей сложности восемь успешных миссий на своем корабле Valeur, прежде чем исчез во время миссии на Марс. Фактически, Святой Зеро выжил, но был отброшен в космическое пространство и впал в кататоническое состояние.

Доктор. Зоопарк

Врач, связанный с Моноклем.


Воробьи — это группа, состоящая из семи сильных личностей. Были раскрыты только имена двоих: женщина по имени Карла, которая изображена с целительными способностями; и парящий зеленый куб, предположительно по имени Кристофер, способности которого не были раскрыты. Подразумевается, что они входят в число 43 детей, рожденных одновременно от матерей, не имеющих признаков беременности 1 октября 1989 года. Впервые они были представлены в Hotel Oblivion, их происхождение, вероятно, будет исследовано в следующей части серии комиксов.


Внешние ссылки

  • The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite в Comic Book DB (заархивировано из оригинала )
  • The Umbrella Academy: Dallas в Comic Book DB (архив из оригинала )
  • The Umbrella Academy на Myspace
  • Пасторек, Уитни. «Эксклюзивный взгляд:« Академия Амбреллы »Джерарда Уэя», Entertainment Weekly. 25 июня 2007 г.
  • Кхури, Энди. «ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНЫЙ первый взгляд:« Академия Амбрелла »№2». Комикс Книжные ресурсы. 21 сентября 2007 г.
  • Дополнительные проекты MCR — The Umbrella Academy


1 октября 1989 года в разных частях мира одновременно появилось на свет 43 ребенка, обладающих суперспособностями. Семь из них были усыновлены эксцентричным миллиардером Харгривзом, который создал для них «Академию Амбрелла». Реджинальд присвоил каждому ребенку номер и давайте познакомимся с каждым из них.


Номер Один / Лютер Харгривз

Лидер отряда супердетей. Получил прозвище «Космобой», потому что стал самым молодым космонавтом. Однажды отправился в космическое путешествие на Марс, но был ранен и его голову прикрепили к телу обезьяны. После операции Лютер обрел недюжинную физическую силу и обезьяньи рефлексы.

Номер Два / Диего Харгривз

У Диего с детства не сложились отношения с отцом из-за его строгости. Номер Два покинул семью и записался в полицейскую академию, но его выгнали. Тем не менее, Диего решил бороться с преступностью, став уличным супергероем, решая проблемы не всегда законными методами.

После смерти Харгривза парень вернулся в Академию и стал помогать своим братьям и сестрам бороться со злом. Хотя в оригинальной серии комиксов Диего мог задерживать дыхание, в сериале этой способностью обладает Клаус. Зато Номер Два искусно метает ножи и может менять траекторию их полета.

«Академия Амбрелла»

Номер Три / Эллисон Харгривз

Эллисон – знаменитая актриса, способная изменять события. Ей достаточно сказать слова: «До меня дошел слух…» и события становились реальными. Еще при жизни основателя Академии он заставил Номер Три применить свою способность на Ваню, когда ее сверхсила стала опасной. Таким образом девочка забыла о своей способности.

После смерти Харгривза Эллисон вернулась в Академию, она была рада видеть всех своих братьев и сестер. Особенно Лютера, с которым в юности у них было романтическое влечение. Девушка продолжила сражаться вместе с другими членами «Амбреллы». У нее осталась дочь, которую она часто навещала.

Номер Четыре / Клаус Харгривз

Клаус эксцентричный наркоман, который только и делает, что развлекается, много курит и пьет. Его способность – призывать мертвых и говорить с ними, он также может делать их видимыми для других людей. Клаус боится своей способности и старается использовать ее по-минимуму, отказывая каждому, кто просит вызвать духа без необходимости. Номер Четыре также может надолго задерживать дыхание.

Номер Пять

Еще будучи подростком, Номер Пять сбежал от Реджинальда Харгривза посредством своей способности – перемещения во времени. Прыгнув несколько раз, парень очутился в будущем, там он узнал, что наступил апокалипсис. В руинах города Номер Пять нашел всех членов Академии, которые были мертвы.

Мальчик не скоро вернулся в настоящее и рассказал братьям и сестрам, что через восемь дней случится апокалипсис. Другие члены Академии выслушали его и принялись делать все, чтобы конца света не произошло.

Номер Шесть / Бен Харгривз

Бен умеет призывать из параллельного измерения огромные щупальца и контролировать их. Во время одной из миссий «Амбреллы» Номер Шесть умер, но Клаус регулярно призывает его для помощи членам Академии.

Номер Семь / Ваня Харгривз

У Вани нет никаких признаков суперспособностей, и на первый взгляд она кажется обычным подростком, но это не так. В детстве Реджинальд посчитал, что сила Вани слишком разрушительная и может навредить самой девочке. Харгривз попросил Эллисон внушить Ване, что она обычный ребенок без способностей.

Номер Семь – самая сильная из всех детей Реджинальда. Она может преобразовывать звуковые волны в энергию и разрушать этим все вокруг. Именно Ваня развернула апокалипсис, когда прочитала дневник Харгривза и узнала настоящую правду о своей жизни.

Обладающие экстраординарными способностями братья и сестры Харгривз, родились в один день в результате «непорочного» зачатия. Младенцы попали в дом к сэру Реджинальду, считавшему, что в совокупности силы приемышей спасут Землю. Дети Академии Амбрелла тренировались, применяли знания на практике – все это показано в сериале. Порассуждаем – как работают силы братьев и сестер. По номерам рассчитайсь: ранжируем их от слабейших к мощнейшим.


«Геркулес» с телом гориллы считал себя «старшим», защитником братьев и сестер, лидером группы. Однако номер 1 в этом случае не означает лучший. Парень он, конечно, высокий и крепкий, способен стену кулаком пробить. Как говорится, сила есть, ума не надо. Сверхчеловеческая мощь, которая усилилась после сыворотки отца, не дает преимущества перед прочей родней.

Лютер – Томас Хоппер

Неуязвимым Лютера не назовешь. Если его ранят или побьют, он будет так же, как остальные, истекать кровью, страдать от боли, травм, ушибов. Так что по сравнению с остальными ребятами Академии Амбрелла он слаб. К тому же эмоционально не стабилен. Ему важна оценка отца. Он мягок из-за чувств к сестре.


А вот и предмет воздыханий Космобоя. Эллисон посчастливилось родиться с силой умственной манипуляции людьми. Когда девушка говорит «кодовую» фразу «До меня дошел слух…», собеседник попадает под ее влияние. Загипнотизирован, готов исполнить любую, даже безумную, просьбу-команду Номера Третьего. Ей удалось даже Ваню в детстве убедить – в том, что девочка бесполезна для команды.

Номер Третий, Эллисон

Но когда скрипачка ранила сестру, сила перестала работать. Повредились голосовые связки. А без голоса, какие могут быть приказы. Собственную силу актриса использовала для продвижения к Олимпу славы, убеждая режиссеров утвердить ее на роль. Когда же Эллисон осмелилась манипулировать сознанием дочки, брак дал трещину и рухнул. Крах семьи заставил манипуляторшу с оглядкой использовать дар. Вот почему она так нерешительно и редко использует свои сверхъестественные силы – говорит заветные слова.


Номера Первый и Второй постоянно меряются силами, доказывая один другому, насколько он круче. Мы поставили Диего выше вечного соперника. Потому что менять траекторию объектов, которые он бросает, полезное качество. В первом сезоне зрители наблюдали, как мастерски парень мечет ножи.

Диего в первом сезоне

Во второй главе, события которой происходили в Далласе, несостоявшийся полицейский продемонстрировал, что умеет перенаправлять пули. Это весомое преимущество перед сестрами и братьями. Но не самое мощное.


Казавшийся наиболее беспомощным, легкомысленным и забавным, Номер Четвертый развил силы к финалу 1 и началу 2 сезонов. Поначалу аудитория решила, что общаться с умершими – увлекательный бесполезный аттракцион. Тем более, медиум заглушал дар при помощи наркотиков и алкоголя: назойливое «жужжание» в голове утомляет.

Клаус – Роберт Шиэн

Однако присутствие рядом призрака Бена слегка дисциплинировало тусовщика. Постепенно эта парочка освоила невероятный прием: когда умерший брат вселялся в Клауса. Мало того, позже Четверке помогала армия мертвецов. А это дорогого стоит.


Прозванный в комиксе «Ужасом», Бен, действительно, заставлял врагов бежать без оглядки. Помните сцену в банке, когда он в одиночку справился с грабителями, выпустив из портала в животе щупальца монстров. Несмотря на то, что Номер 6 мертв, перед наступлением Апокалипсиса он проявлял силы с помощью Клауса.

Номер Шестой, Бен

Во время «путешествия» в Даллас покойный умудрился влюбиться в девушку Джилл, члена секты. Подобно герою Патрика Суэйзи из триллера «Привидение», Бен завладевал телом брата. Перед тем, как уйти на Небеса, дух мертвеца помог Ване контролировать силы и избежать нового Армагеддона.

Номер Пятый

Фантастические скачки этого мальчишки в пространстве и времени невероятны. Поэтому мы поставили его на вторую строку «пьедестала». Забраться в запертый дом за секунду – пожалуйста. Перепрыгнуть из центра города на окраину – моментально. Даже то, что герой заключен в тело мальчишки-подростка, не мешает ему воевать с антагонистами. Неслучайно Куратор называла подчиненного лучшим наемным убийцей Комиссии.

Номер Пятый в пончиковой

Еще более удивительны прыжки во времени. Опробовав этот новый прием, Пятерка попал в выжженную пустошь – постапокалиптический мир. А потом стал одержим мыслью предотвратить гибель планеты. Эта навязчивая идея – его Ахиллесова пята. Увлекшись расследованием, мальчик чуть не потерял связь с реальностью.


Член семьи Харгривзов, которого считали бессильным и бесполезным, Ваня – самый могущественный, опасный, неконтролируемый в команде. Отец понял, что тренировки не помогут. Девочка не в состоянии унять энергетический вихрь, вырывающийся из тщедушного тельца. Сэр Реджинальд принял решение держать дочь под лекарствами-транквилизаторами. Чтобы девчушка не пыталась применять силы, родитель прибег к помощи внушения Эллисон.

Ваня в детстве и взрослая

После знакомства Вани с самозванцем Леонардом выяснилось, что музыкантша способна манипулировать звуковыми волнами, преобразуя их в энергию и разрушительную мощь. Телекинез и левитация – грозная сила в руках такой героини. Эмоции, воспоминания об определенных звуках влияют на способности скрипачки. Часто ярость выходит из-под контроля. Что привело к Апокалипсису. Мало того, разрушительница, носящая в комиксе прозвище «Белая Скрипка», непреднамеренно поделилась даром с сыном подруги, Харланом, – когда делала мальчику искусственное дыхание.

Бонус: Лайла

Сюрпризом для героев стала сила приемной дочери Куратора. Познакомившись с Диего в психушке, Лайла последовала за ним – не без умысла. Лишь позже главные персонажи узнали, что новая знакомая обладает «зеркальными» способностями. То есть, совершает прыжки в пространстве при стычке с Пятым, отражает силы Вани, столкнувшись с ней.

Дочь Куратора Лайла Питтс

Хотя одновременно все эти умения применить нельзя, «мимикрический» дар Лайлы дает ей преимущества перед командой. Перед стартом главы 3 сериала дочка убитой злодейки убежала в другую временную шкалу. Держим кулачки за то, чтобы она присоединилась к Амбрелле, а не переметнулась к Воробьям.

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