Вот уже почти 40 лет VIN-код — обязательный элемент автомаркировки, а зашифрованная в нем информация — уникальный идентификатор сродни отпечаткам пальцев. Mafin Media рассказывает, как прочитать любой VIN.
Первая часть кода
VIN состоит из 17 алфавитно-цифровых символов, однако более старые автомобили имеют 16-значный код. Правила составления VIN могут различаться в зависимости от производителя авто, но существует «классический ключ» для чтения идентификационного номера.
Первая группа символов отвечает за происхождение и называется WMI (World Manufacturers Identification) — мировой индекс изготовителя (с 1-го по 3-й символы номера).
VIN начинается с кода географической зоны — это первый символ (буква или цифра). Например, 1, 4 и 5 означают, что авто родом из США, Канады и Мексики. Европейская зона обозначается буквами от S до Z. Индексы России — X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X0, Z7, Z8, Z9 и Z0.
Второй символ (буква или цифра) обозначает страну происхождения. Для лучшей идентификации, конкретная страна определяется по сочетанию первого и второго символа кода:
Южная Америка
AJ-AN Кот-д’Ивуар
BA-BE Ангола
BF-BK Кения
BL-BR Танзания
CA-CE Бенин
CF-CK Мадагаскар
CL-CR Тунис
DA-DE Египет
DF-DK Марокко
DL-DR Замбия
EA-EE Эфиопия
EF-EK Мозамбик
FA-FE Гана
FF-FK Нигерия
JA-JT Япония
KA-KE Шри-Ланка
KF-KK Израиль
KL-KR Южная Корея
LA-L0 Китай
MA-ME Индия
MF-MK Индонезия
ML-MR Таиланд
NF-NK Пакистан
NL-NR Турция
PA-PE Филиппины
PF-PK Сингапур
PL-PR Малайзия
RF-RK Тайвань
RL-RR Вьетнам
RS-R0 Саудовская Аравия
8A-8E Аргентина
8F-8K Чили
8L-8R Эквадор
8S-8W Перу
8X-82 Венесуэла
9A-9E Бразилия
9F-9K Колумбия
9L-9R Парагвай
9S-9W Уругвай
9X-92 Тринидад и Тобаго
93-99 Бразилия
SA-SM Великобритания
SN-ST Германия
SU-SZ Польша
S1-S4 Латвия
TA-TH Швейцария
TJ-TP Чехия
TR-TV Венгрия
TW-T1 Португалия
UH-UM Дания
UN-UT Ирландия
UU-UZ Румыния
U5-U7 Словакия
VA-VE Австрия
VF-VR Франция
VS-VW Испания
VX-V2 Сербия
V3-V5 Хорватия
V6-V0 Эстония
WA-W0 Германия
XA-XE Болгария
XF-XK Греция
XL-XR Нидерланды
XX-X2 Люксембург
X3-X0 Россия
YA-YE Бельгия
YF-YK Финляндия
YL-YR Мальта
YS-YW Швеция
YX-Y2 Норвегия
Y3-Y5 Беларусь
Y6-Y0 Украина
ZA-ZR Италия
ZX-Z2 Словения
Z3-Z5 Литва
Северная Америка
1A-10 США
2A-20 Канада
3A-3W Мексика
3X-37 Коста-Рика
38-30 Каймановы острова
4A-40 США
5A-50 США
6A-6W Австралия
7A-7E Новая Зеландия
За подразделение производителя отвечает третий символ VIN-кода: он может указывать на тип транспортного средства или производственный отдел. Если на третьем месте в коде стоит 9, значит, производитель выпускает меньше 500 автомобилей в год.
Для того чтобы узнать завод-изготовитель, потребуется комбинация всех трех символов первой части VIN.
Вот WMI известных концернов: у «АвтоВАЗа» — XTA, у немецкого BMW — WBA, у японской Honda — JHZ.
* Справочники WMI-кодов есть в открытом доступе.
Следующие шесть символов
Технические характеристики автомобиля хранятся во второй, описательной части VIN — VDS (Vehicle Description Section). Производители сами решают, в каком порядке расставить шесть символов этой группы, рассказывающей об индивидуальных особенностях авто.
Здесь (с 4-го по 9-й символы) может быть информация о типе двигателя, кузова, классе безопасности и модели авто, а также о типе трансмиссии. Если производитель не выносит какие-либо характеристики на VIN, на месте соответствующих символов появляются нули.
Кстати, в комбинациях VIN не используются символы I, O и Q, поскольку их легко спутать с цифрами 1 и 0.
Хотя порядок и количество технических параметров для VIN производитель вправе выбрать сам, 8-й символ зачастую используется для определения типа двигателя, а 9-й — контрольная цифра (у производителей США и Китая и экспортеров авто в Штаты), которая защищает от перебивки номеров.
Третья группа
В этой части VIN — Vehicle Identification Section (VIS) — зашифрованы все отличительные черты автомобиля. Символов в этой секции всего восемь. По стандарту год выпуска автомобиля в VIN обозначается 10-м знаком (буквой или цифрой).
Году выпуска между 1980 и 2000 годом присваивается буква с А — Y. Автомобиль 2000 года будет обозначаться Y. После 2000 года производители стали использовать цифры, а с 2010-го вернулись к буквам.
Последние символы рекомендуется отводить под серийный номер автомобиля, на практике это знаки с 12-го по 17-й.
Подберите самые выгодные условия по ОСАГО
Введите номер авто — данные заполнятся автоматически
или нажмите «Рассчитать», если еще не получили его
Согласно статистике, более 48% россиян, продающих свои авто на вторичном рынке, скрывают реальный год производства машины. Покупатели, не подозревая подвоха, хватаются за голову после покупки – машина оказывается неисправной. Как не угодить на удочку мошенников? Сегодня эту проблему легко решить с помощью сервиса «Автокод».
Зачем нужно знать дату выпуска автомобиля
Продавцы б/у машин завышают год выпуска для того, чтобы более выгодно продать подержанный автомобиль, который принесет хозяину много хлопот из-за большого «возраста». Чтобы избежать неприятностей, сервис «Автокод» предлагает узнать дату выпуска авто по VIN или госномеру. Бесплатный краткий отчет поможет проверить объем и мощность двигателя ТС, категорию и расположение руля.
Полный отчет вместе с возможностью проверить год выпуска авто по вин или госномеру позволит узнать следующие данные:
- участие в дорожных происшествиях;
- наличие обременений;
- реальный пробег ТС;
- работа в таксопарках страны и в каршеринге;
- нахождение в залоге;
- наличие штрафов;
- ремонтные работы;
- история сервисного обслуживания;
- угон и т.д.
Полный отчет сформируется всего за 2 минуты.
Как узнать год выпуска автомобиля по VIN или госномеру
Чтобы проверить год выпуска авто, вам нужно обратиться к поисковой форме в начале статьи. Пробить данные можно как по VIN, так и по госномеру:
- введите государственный номерной знак или вин-код в строку поиска;
- получите краткий отчет;
- для получения полного отчета оплатите 399 рублей.
Как проверить год выпуска у японских авто по номеру кузова
У японских праворульных автомобилей отсутствует ВИН. Узнать год выпуска машины через сервис «Автокод» можно по номеру кузова.
Номер кузова – это код, состоящий из цифровых и буквенных символов. От VIN он отличается количеством символов. В VIN их 17, в номере кузова – 9-12. В VIN зашифрованы данные о производителе, характеристиках авто, в том числе дате производства. Номер кузова хранит информацию о марке и типе кузова и заводском номере ТС.
Номер кузова прописан в ПТС и СТС. На автомобиле он чаще всего находится под капотом. Также он может располагаться на дверях, под водительским сиденьем, на задних стойках или в багажнике.
Чтобы узнать год выпуска авто по номеру кузова, заходим на главную страницу сайта «Автокод». Выбираем над поисковой строкой пункт «Кузов (для японских)», вводим номер кузова и нажимаем кнопку «Проверить авто».
Через несколько секунд сформируется краткий отчет. Рядом с названием автомобиля увидите реальный год выпуска ТС. В данном случае 2000 год.
Для проверки японского авто также можно использовать госномер.
Почему стоит пробить историю автомобиля через «Автокод»
Вся информация, представленная в отчетах, собирается только из официальных источников: ГИБДД, ЕАИСТО, РСА, ФНС, ФТС, ФНП, базы такси, банков, страховых компаний, автодилеров.
Какие еще плюсы проверки через «Автокод»:
- Если у вас нет возможности пробить историю машины заранее, с мобильным приложением вы можете сделать это на сделке.
- Если возникли вопросы, вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки. Сотрудники сервиса помогут решить сложившуюся проблему и объяснят, как по номеру машины узнать год выпуска.
Чтобы не стать «счастливым» обладателем старого авто по цене нового, необходимо проверить машину перед покупкой. Заказав отчет на «Автокоде», вы обезопасите себя от возможных неприятностей и сэкономите собственные средства.
Проверить год выпуска машины прямо сейчас!
«VIN» redirects here. For other uses, see Vin.
VIN visible in the windshield
VIN recorded on a Chinese vehicle license
A vehicle identification number (VIN) (also called a chassis number or frame number) is a unique code, including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds, as defined by the International Organization for Standardization in ISO 3779 (content and structure) and ISO 4030 (location and attachment).[1]
There are vehicle history services in several countries that help potential car owners use VINs to find vehicles that are defective or have been written off.
History of the bodywork number[edit]
VINs were first used in 1954 in the United States.[2] From 1954 to 1981, there was no accepted standard for these numbers, so different manufacturers used different formats.
In 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States standardized the format.[2] It required all on-road vehicles sold to contain a 17-character VIN, which does not include the letters O (o), I (i), and Q (q) (to avoid confusion with numerals 0, 1, and 9).
After the introduction of the ISO norm, the manufacturers which produced vehicles for the American market very quickly adjusted to this standard. The ISO introduced recommendations for applying the VIN standard and its structure, and the bodywork number was also used in Europe. However, the sets of information contained in it were introduced gradually. For example, Volkswagen started to encode bigger chunks of information during 1995-1997, and the control digit during 2009-2015 for selected models from the group. The VIN control digit is also used, although not in all brand-models. In the European vehicles, it can be found e.g. in Audi A1.[3]
There are at least four competing standards used to calculate the VIN.
- FMVSS 115, Part 565: Used in United States and Canada[4]
- ISO 3779: Used in Europe and many other parts of the world
- SAE J853: Very similar to the ISO standard
- ADR 61/2 used in Australia, referring to ISO 3779 and 3780[5]
Modern VINs are based on two related standards, originally issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1979 and 1980: ISO 3779[6] and ISO 3780,[7] respectively. Compatible but different implementations of these ISO standards have been adopted by the European Union and the United States.[8]
The VIN comprises the following sections:
Standard | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
ISO 3779 | World manufacturer identifier | Vehicle descriptor section | Vehicle identifier section | ||||||||||||||
European Union[9] more than 500 vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» | Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle» | ||||||||||||||
European Union[9] 500 or fewer vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | 9 | Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» | Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle» | |||||||||||||
North America more than 2,000 vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | Vehicle attributes | Check digit | Model year | Plant code | Sequential number | |||||||||||
North America 2,000 or fewer vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | 9 | Vehicle attributes | Check digit | Model year | Plant code | Manufacturer identifier | Sequential number |
World manufacturer identifier[edit]
The first three characters uniquely identify the manufacturer of the vehicle using the world manufacturer identifier or WMI code. A manufacturer who builds fewer than 1,000 vehicles per year uses a 9 as the third digit, and the 12th, 13th and 14th position of the VIN for a second part of the identification. Some manufacturers use the third character as a code for a vehicle category (e.g., bus or truck), a division within a manufacturer, or both. For example, within 1G (assigned to General Motors in the United States), 1G1 represents Chevrolet passenger cars; 1G2, Pontiac passenger cars; and 1GC, Chevrolet trucks.
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in the US assigns WMIs to countries and manufacturers.[10]
The first character of the WMI is typically the region in which the manufacturer is located although there are exceptions e.g. the WMI 7SA was assigned to Tesla Inc. in the United States in 2021.[11] In practice, each is assigned to a country of manufacture, although in Europe the country where the continental headquarters is located can assign the WMI to all vehicles produced in that region (Example: Opel/Vauxhall cars whether produced in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom or Poland carry a WMI of W0L because Adam Opel AG is based in Rüsselsheim, Germany).
In the notation below, assume that letters precede numbers and that zero is the last number. For example, 8X–82 denotes the range 8X, 8Y, 8Z, 81, 82, excluding 80.[10]
Country or region codes[edit]
A–H = Africa | J–R = Asia | S–Z = Europe | 1–5, 7F-70 = North America | 6–7E = Oceania | 8–9 = South America |
AA-AH South Africa | J Japan | SA-SM United Kingdom | 1, 4, 5 or 7F-70 United States | 6 Australia | 8A-8E Argentina |
Vehicle descriptor section[edit]
The fourth to ninth positions in the VIN are the vehicle descriptor section or VDS. This is used, according to local regulations, to identify the vehicle type, and may include information on the automobile platform used, the model, and the body style. Each manufacturer has a unique system for using this field. Most manufacturers since the 1980s have used the eighth digit to identify the engine type whenever there is more than one engine choice for the vehicle. Example: for the 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, U is for a 6.0-liter V8 engine, and E is for a 7.0-liter V8.
North American check digits[edit]
One element that is inconsistent is the use of position nine as a check digit, compulsory for vehicles in North America and China, but not Europe.
Vehicle identifier section[edit]
The 10th to 17th positions are used as the vehicle identifier section or VIS. This is used by the manufacturer to identify the individual vehicle in question. This may include information on options installed or engine and transmission choices, but often is a simple sequential number. In North America, the last five digits must be numeric.
Model year encoding[edit]
One consistent element of the VIS is the 10th digit, which is required worldwide to encode the model year of the vehicle. Besides the three letters that are not allowed in the VIN itself (I, O and Q), the letters U and Z and the digit 0 are not used for the model year code. The year code is the model year for the vehicle.
The year 1980 was encoded by some manufacturers, especially General Motors and Chrysler, as «A» (since the 17-digit VIN was not mandatory until 1981, and the «A» or zero was in the manufacturer’s pre-1981 placement in the VIN), yet Ford and AMC still used a zero for 1980. Subsequent years increment through the allowed letters, so that «Y» represents the year 2000. 2001 to 2009 are encoded as the digits 1 to 9, and subsequent years are encoded as «A», «B», «C», etc.
Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | |||||
A | 1980 | L | 1990 | Y | 2000 | A | 2010 | L | 2020 | Y | 2030 | |||||
B | 1981 | M | 1991 | 1 | 2001 | B | 2011 | M | 2021 | 1 | 2031 | |||||
C | 1982 | N | 1992 | 2 | 2002 | C | 2012 | N | 2022 | 2 | 2032 | |||||
D | 1983 | P | 1993 | 3 | 2003 | D | 2013 | P | 2023 | 3 | 2033 | |||||
E | 1984 | R | 1994 | 4 | 2004 | E | 2014 | R | 2024 | 4 | 2034 | |||||
F | 1985 | S | 1995 | 5 | 2005 | F | 2015 | S | 2025 | 5 | 2035 | |||||
G | 1986 | T | 1996 | 6 | 2006 | G | 2016 | T | 2026 | 6 | 2036 | |||||
H | 1987 | V | 1997 | 7 | 2007 | H | 2017 | V | 2027 | 7 | 2037 | |||||
J | 1988 | W | 1998 | 8 | 2008 | J | 2018 | W | 2028 | 8 | 2038 | |||||
K | 1989 | X | 1999 | 9 | 2009 | K | 2019 | X | 2029 | 9 | 2039 |
On April 30, 2008, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration adopted a final rule amending 49 CFR Part 565, «so that the current 17 character vehicle identification number (VIN) system, which has been in place for almost 30 years, can continue in use for at least another 30 years», in the process making several changes to the VIN requirements applicable to all motor vehicles manufactured for sale in the United States. There are three notable changes to the VIN structure that affect VIN deciphering systems:
- The make may only be identified after looking at positions one through three and another position, as determined by the manufacturer in the second section or fourth to eighth segment of the VIN.
- In order to identify the exact year in passenger cars and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of 10,000 or less, one must read position 7 as well as position 10. For passenger cars, and for multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 lb (4,500 kg) or less, if position seven is numeric, the model year in position 10 of the VIN refers to a year in the range 1980–2009.[12][citation needed] If position seven is alphabetic, the model year in position 10 of VIN refers to a year in the range 2010–2039.
- The model year for vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 lb (4,500 kg), as well as buses, motorcycles, trailers and low-speed vehicles, may no longer be identified within a 30-year range. VIN characters 1–8 and 10 that were assigned from 1980 to 2009 can be repeated beginning with the 2010 model year.
Plant code[edit]
Compulsory in North America and China is the use of the 11th character to identify the assembly plant at which the vehicle was built. Each manufacturer has its own set of plant codes.
Production number[edit]
In the United States and China, the 12th to 17th digits are the vehicle’s serial or production number. This is unique to each vehicle, and every manufacturer uses its own sequence.
Check-digit calculation[edit]
A check-digit validation is used for all road vehicles sold in the United States and Canada.
When trying to validate a VIN with a check digit, first either (a) remove the check digit for the purpose of calculation or (b) use a weight of zero (see below) to cancel it out. The original value of the check digit is then compared with the calculated value. If the calculated value is 0–9, the check digit must match the calculated value. If the calculated value is 10, the check digit must be X. If the two values do not match (and there was no error in the calculation), then there is a mistake in the VIN. However, a match does not prove the VIN is correct, because there is still a 1/11 chance that any two distinct VINs have a matching check digit: for example, the valid VINs 5GZCZ43D13S812715 (correct with leading five) and SGZCZ43D13S812715 (incorrect with leading character «S»). The VINs in the Porsche image, WP0ZZZ99ZTS392124, and the GM-T body image, KLATF08Y1VB363636, do not pass the North American check-digit verification.
Transliterating the numbers[edit]
Transliteration consists of removing all of the letters, and replacing them with their appropriate numerical counterparts. These numerical alternatives (based on IBM’s EBCDIC) are in the following chart. I, O, and Q are not allowed in a valid VIN; for this chart, they have been filled in with N/A (not applicable). Numerical digits use their own values.
A: 1 | B: 2 | C: 3 | D: 4 | E: 5 | F: 6 | G: 7 | H: 8 | — |
J: 1 | K: 2 | L: 3 | M: 4 | N: 5 | — | P: 7 | — | R: 9 |
— | S: 2 | T: 3 | U: 4 | V: 5 | W: 6 | X: 7 | Y: 8 | Z: 9 |
S is 2, and not 1. There is no left-alignment linearity.
Weights used in calculation[edit]
The following is the weight factor for each position in the VIN. The 9th position is that of the check digit. It has been substituted with a 0, which will cancel it out in the multiplication step.
Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Weight | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Worked example[edit]
Consider the hypothetical VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788, where the underscore will be the check digit.
VIN | 1 | M | 8 | G | D | M | 9 | A | K | P | 0 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 8 | 8 | |
Value | 1 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 7 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 8 | 8 |
Weight | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Products | 8 | 28 | 48 | 35 | 16 | 12 | 18 | 10 | 0 | 18 | 56 | 0 | 24 | 10 | 28 | 24 | 16 |
- The VIN’s value is calculated from the above transliteration table. This number is used in the rest of the calculation.
- Copy the weights from the weight factor row above.
- The products row is the result of the multiplication of the columns in the Value and Weight rows.
- The products (8, 28, 48, 35 … 24, 16) are all added together to yield a sum, 351.
- Find the remainder after dividing by 11
351 MOD 11 = 10
351 ÷ 11 = 3110⁄11 - The remainder is the check digit. If the remainder is 10, the check digit is X. In this example, the remainder is 10, so the check digit is transliterated as X.
With a check digit of X, the VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788 is written 1M8GDM9AXKP042788.
A VIN with straight-ones (seventeen consecutive 1s) has the nice feature that its check digit 1 matches the calculated value 1. This is because a value of one multiplied by 89 (sum of weights) is 89, and 89 divided by 11 is 8 with remainder 1⁄11; thus 1 is the check digit. This is a way to test a VIN-check algorithm.
VIN scanning[edit]
The VIN is marked in multiple locations; normally in the lower corner of the windshield on the driver’s side, under the bonnet next to latch, at the front end of the vehicle frame, and inside the door pillar on the driver’s side.[13] On newer vehicles VINs may be optically read with barcode scanners or digital cameras, or digitally read via OBD-II.[14] There are smartphone applications that can pass the VIN to websites to decode the VIN.[15]
List of common WMI[edit]
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) assigns the WMI[16] (world manufacturer identifier) to countries and manufacturers. The following list shows a selection of world manufacturer codes.
WMI | Country | Manufacturer |
Africa[edit] | ||
AAA | South Africa | Audi South Africa made by Volkswagen of South Africa |
AAK | FAW Vehicle Manufacturers SA (PTY) Ltd. | |
AAM | MAN Automotive (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. includes VW Truck & Bus | |
AAV | Volkswagen of South Africa[17] | |
ABJ | Mitsubishi Colt & Triton pickups made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1994-2011 | |
ABJ | Mitsubishi Fuso made by Daimler Trucks & Buses Southern Africa | |
ACV | Isuzu Motors South Africa 2018- | |
AC5 | Hyundai Automotive South Africa (cars) | |
ADD | UD Trucks Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd | |
ADM | General Motors South Africa includes Isuzu through 2018 | |
ADN | Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd | |
ADR | Renault Sandero made by Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd | |
ADX | Tata Automobile Corporation (SA) Ltd. | |
AFA | Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa & Samcor | |
AFB | Mazda BT-50 made by Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa | |
AHH | Hino South Africa | |
AHM | Honda Ballade made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1982-2000 | |
AHT | Toyota South Africa Motors[17] | |
BF9 | Kenya | KIBO Motorcycles |
CL9 | Tunisia | Wallyscar |
DA1 DA4 | Egypt | Arab American Vehicles |
DAA | Fiat Auto Egypt Industrial Co | |
DAB | BMW Egypt SKD | |
DF9 | Morocco | Laraki |
GA1 | Madagascar | Renault /SOMACOA — Société Malgache de Construction Automobile |
Asia[edit] | ||
J81 | Japan | Chevrolet/Geo car made by Isuzu |
J87 | Pontiac/Asüna car made by Isuzu for GM Canada | |
J8B J8C | Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu | |
J8D J8T | GMC commercial trucks made by Isuzu | |
J8Z | Chevrolet pickup truck made by Isuzu | |
JA3 | Mitsubishi car | |
JA4 | Mitsubishi MPV/SUV | |
JA7 | Mitsubishi truck | |
JAA | Isuzu truck | |
JAB | Isuzu car | |
JAC | Isuzu SUV | |
JAE | Acura SLX made by Isuzu | |
JAL | Isuzu commercial trucks & Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu 2016+ & Hino S-series truck made by Isuzu | |
JAM | Isuzu commercial trucks | |
JB3 | Dodge car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JB4 | Dodge MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JB7 | Dodge truck made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JC0 | Ford brand cars made by Mazda | |
JC1 | Fiat 124 Spider made by Mazda | |
JC2 | Ford Courier made by Mazda | |
JD1 | Daihatsu car | |
JD2 | Daihatsu SUV | |
JD4 | Daihatsu truck | |
JDA | Daihatsu | |
JE3 | Eagle car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JE4 | Mitsubishi | |
JF1 | Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries car | |
JF2 | Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries SUV | |
JF3 | Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries truck | |
JF4 | Saab 9-2X made by Subaru | |
JG1 | Chevrolet/Geo car made by Suzuki | |
JG7 | Pontiac/Asuna car made by Suzuki for GM Canada | |
JGC | Chevrolet/Geo SUV made by Suzuki | |
JGT | GMC SUV made by Suzuki for GM Canada | |
JH2 | Honda motorcycle/ATV | |
JH3 | Honda ATV | |
JH4 | Acura car | |
JHA JHB | Hino | |
JHD JHF JHH | Hino | |
JHL | Honda MPV/SUV[17] | |
JHM | Honda car[17] | |
JJ3 | Chrysler car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JK8 | Suzuki QUV620F UTV made by Kawasaki | |
JKA JKB | Kawasaki | |
JKS | Suzuki Marauder 1600/Boulevard M95 motorcycle made by Kawasaki | |
JL5 JL6 | Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp | |
JLF | Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp | |
JLS | Sterling Trucks 360 made by Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp | |
JM0 | Mazda for Oceania export | |
JM1 | Mazda car | |
JM2 | Mazda truck | |
JM3 | Mazda MPV/SUV | |
JM6 | Mazda[17] | |
JM7 | Mazda | |
JMA JMB | Mitsubishi[17] | |
JMF | Mitsubishi | |
JMY | Mitsubishi | |
JMZ | Mazda for Europe export | |
JN | Nissan[17] | |
JN1 | Nissan car & Infiniti car | |
JN3 | Nissan incomplete vehicle | |
JN6 | Nissan truck | |
JN8 | Nissan MPV/SUV & Infiniti SUV | |
JNA | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
JNC | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks | |
JNE | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks truck | |
JNK | Infiniti car | |
JNR | Infiniti SUV | |
JNX | Infiniti incomplete vehicle | |
JP3 | Plymouth car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JP4 | Plymouth MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JP7 | Plymouth truck made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JPC | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks | |
JR2 | Isuzu Oasis made by Honda | |
JS | Suzuki[17] | |
JS1 | Suzuki motorcycle & Kawasaki KLX400S/KLX400SR motorcycle made by Suzuki | |
JS2 | Suzuki car | |
JS3 | Suzuki SUV | |
JSA | Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki | |
JSK | Kawasaki KLX125/KLX125L motorcycle made by Suzuki | |
JSL | Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki | |
JT | Toyota[17] | |
JT2 | Toyota car | |
JT3 | Toyota MPV/SUV | |
JT4 | Toyota truck | |
JT5 | Toyota incomplete vehicle | |
JT6 | Lexus SUV | |
JT8 | Lexus car | |
JTD | Toyota car | |
JTE | Toyota MPV/SUV | |
JTF | Toyota van/truck | |
JTG | Toyota MPV/bus | |
JTH | Lexus car | |
JTJ | Lexus SUV | |
JTK | Toyota car | |
JTL | Toyota SUV | |
JTM | Toyota SUV | |
JTN | Toyota car | |
JW6 | Mitsubishi FUSO division of Mitsubishi Motors (through mid 2003) | |
JY | Yamaha Motor[17] | |
JY3 | Yamaha Motor 3-wheel ATV | |
JY4 | Yamaha Motor 4-wheel ATV | |
JYA | Yamaha Motor motorcycles | |
JYE | Yamaha Motor snowmobile | |
KF3 | Israel | Merkavim |
KF6 | Automotive Industries, Ltd. | |
KF9 004 | Tomcar | |
KLA | South Korea | Daewoo/GM Korea[17] |
KLT KLU | Tata Daewoo | |
KL1 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car | |
KL2 | Daewoo/GM Daewoo Pontiac | |
KL3 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Holden | |
KL4 | GM Korea Buick | |
KL5 | GM Daewoo Suzuki | |
KL6 | GM Daewoo GMC | |
KL7 | Daewoo GM Canada brands: Passport, Asuna (Pre-2000) | |
KL7 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet MPV/SUV (Post-2000) | |
KL8 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car (Spark) | |
KMA | Asia Motors | |
KME | Hyundai commercial truck | |
KMF | Hyundai van & commercial truck & Bering Truck | |
KMH | Hyundai car[17] | |
KMJ | Hyundai bus & minibus | |
KMT | Genesis Motor car | |
KMU | Genesis Motor SUV | |
KMY | Daelim Motor Company, Ltd/DNA Motors Co., Ltd. | |
KM4 | Hyosung Motors/S&T Motors/KR Motors | |
KM8 | Hyundai SUV | |
KNA KNC KNE | Kia car[17] | |
KND | Kia SUV/MPV & Hyundai Entourage | |
KNJ | Ford Festiva & Aspire | |
KNM | Renault Samsung Motors & Nissan Rogue made by Renault Samsung Motors | |
KPA | SsangYong pickup | |
KPB | SsangYong car | |
KPH | Mitsubishi Precis | |
KPT | SsangYong SUV/MPV[17] | |
L1C | China | Hubei Huawei Special-Purpose Automobile |
L2C | Chery Jaguar Land Rover | |
L5Y | Znen Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycle Co. Ltd. | |
L6T | Geely | |
L8A | Jinhua Youngman Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | |
L8Y | Zhejiang Jonway Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | |
L9N | Zhejiang Taotao Vehicles Co., Ltd. | |
LA6 | King Long | |
LA9 LC0 | BYD Auto | |
LAL | Sundiro Honda Motorcycle Co., Ltd. | |
LB1 | Fujian Benz | |
LB2 | Geely motorcycle | |
LB3 | Geely | |
LBB | Qianjiang Motorcycle & Benelli | |
LBE | Beijing Hyundai | |
LBP | Chonqing Jianshe Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. | |
LBV | BMW Brilliance | |
LC0 | BYD Auto Industry Co. Ltd. | |
LC2 | Changzhou Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd. | |
LC6 | Changzhou Haojue Suzuki Motorcycle Co. Ltd. | |
LCE | CF Moto by Chunfeng Holding Group Hangzhou Motorcycles Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | |
LCR | Gonow | |
LDC | Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën | |
LDK | FAW Bus (Dalian) Co., Ltd. | |
LDN | Soueast | |
LDY | Zhongtong Bus | |
LE4 | Beijing Benz & Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automotive Co., Ltd. | |
LEF | JMC | |
LET | Jiangxi Isuzu | |
LF3 | Lifan motorcycle | |
LFB | FAW Jilin | |
LFM | FAW Toyota | |
LFN | FAW Bus (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. | |
LFP | FAW Car | |
LFV | FAW-Volkswagen | |
LGA | Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. trucks | |
LGB | Dongfeng Nissan | |
LGC | Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. buses | |
LGG | Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor | |
LGJ | Dongfeng Fengshen (Aeolus) | |
LGL | Guilin Daewoo | |
LGW | Great Wall (Haval) | |
LGX | BYD Auto | |
LGZ | Guangzhou Denway Bus | |
LH1 | FAW Haima | |
LHG | Guangzhou Honda | |
LJ1 | JAC | |
LJ8 | Zotye Auto | |
LJC | Jincheng Corporation | |
LJD | Dongfeng Yueda Kia | |
LJN | Zhengzhou Nissan | |
LJS | Yaxing Coach | |
LJU | Shanghai Maple Automobile Co. & Kandi | |
LJV | Sinotruk Chengdu Wangpai Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. | |
LJX | JMC Ford | |
LKC | Changhe | |
LKG | Youngman Lotus Automobile Co., Ltd. | |
LKL | Higer Bus | |
LKT | Yunnan Lifan Junma Vehicle Co., Ltd. commercial vehicles | |
LL3 | Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Co. Ltd | |
LL6 | GAC Mitsubishi | |
LL8 | Jiangsu Linhai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. | |
LLC | Loncin Holdings | |
LLN | Qoros | |
LLV | Lifan | |
LM6 | SWM (automobiles) | |
LMG | GAC Trumpchi | |
LNB | BAIC Motor | |
LNP | NAC MG UK Limited & Nanjing Fiat Automobile | |
LNY | Yuejin | |
LPA | Changan PSA (DS Automobiles) | |
LPE | BYD Auto | |
LPS | Polestar | |
LRB | SAIC General Motors Buick | |
LRD | Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive Co., Ltd. Auman trucks | |
LRE | SAIC General Motors Cadillac | |
LRW | Tesla | |
LS5 | Changan Automobile & Changan Suzuki | |
LS7 | JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle | |
LSF | SAIC Maxus & Shanghai Sunwin Bus Corporation | |
LSG | SAIC General Motors Chevrolet | |
LSH | SAIC Maxus | |
LSJ | SAIC MG & SAIC Roewe | |
LSK | SAIC Maxus | |
LSV | SAIC Volkswagen | |
LSY | Brilliance & Jinbei GM | |
LTA | ZX Auto | |
LTN | Soueast built Chrysler & Dodge vehicles | |
LTV | FAW Toyota (Tianjin) | |
LUC | Honda Automobile (China) | |
LUD | Dongfeng Nissan Diesel Motor Co Ltd | |
LUX | Dongfeng Yulon Motor Co. Ltd | |
LVA LVB LVC | Foton Motor | |
LVF | Changhe Suzuki | |
LVG | GAC Toyota | |
LVH | Dongfeng Honda | |
LVM | Chery Commercial Vehicle | |
LVR | Changan Mazda | |
LVS | Changan Ford & Changan Ford Mazda | |
LVV | Chery | |
LVX | Landwind | |
LVY | Volvo Cars Daqing factory | |
LVZ | DFSK Motor | |
LWB | Wuyang Honda Motorcycle (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. | |
LWL | Qingling Isuzu | |
LWV | GAC Fiat Chrysler | |
LXV | Beijing Borgward Automotive Co., Ltd. | |
LXY | Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd. | |
LYB | Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. | |
LYM | Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd. | |
LYV | Volvo Cars Chengdu factory & Luqiao factory | |
LZF | SAIC Iveco Hongyan | |
LZG | Shaanxi Automobile Group Shacman Bus | |
LZK | Sinotruk (CNHTC) Huanghe bus | |
LZS | Zongshen | |
LZU | Guangzhou Isuzu Bus | |
LZW | SAIC GM Wuling | |
LZY | Yutong | |
LZZ | Sinotruk (CNHTC) Howo, Sitrak | |
MA1 | India | Mahindra |
MA3 | Maruti Suzuki India Limited | |
MA6 | General Motors India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MA7 | Hindustan Motors Ltd & Mitsubishi Motors models made by Hindustan Motors & Isuzu models made by Hindustan Motors | |
MAH | Fiat India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd | |
MAJ | Ford India | |
MAK | Honda Cars India | |
MAL | Hyundai Motor India | |
MAN | Eicher Polaris Multix | |
MAT | Tata Motors | |
MB1 | Ashok Leyland Ltd | |
MB8 | Suzuki Motorcycle India Limited | |
MBF | Royal Enfield | |
MBH | Nissan Pixo made by Maruti Suzuki India Limited | |
MBJ | Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd | |
MBK | MAN Trucks India Pvt. Ltd | |
MBL | Hero MotoCorp | |
MBU | Swaraj Vehicles Limited | |
MBV | Premier Automobiles Ltd | |
MBX | Piaggio India Piaggio Ape | |
MBY | Asia Motor Works Ltd | |
MC1 | Force Motors Limited | |
MC2 | Eicher Motors Limited | |
MC4 | Dilip Chhabria Design Pvt Ltd | |
MCA | FCA India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd | |
MCB | General Motors India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MCD | Mahindra Two Wheelers | |
MCG | Atul Auto | |
MCL | International Cars And Motors Ltd | |
MD2 | Bajaj Auto Ltd & KTM and Husqvarna models built by Bajaj | |
MD6 | TVS Motor Company | |
MD7 | LML Ltd including Genuine Scooter Company Stella | |
MDE | Kinetic Engineering Limited | |
MDH | Nissan Motor India Pvt Ltd | |
MDT | Kerala Automobiles Limited | |
ME1 | India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd | |
ME3 | Royal Enfield | |
ME4 | Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India | |
MEC | Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. BharatBenz | |
MEE | Renault India Private Limited | |
MEG | Harley-Davidson India | |
MER | Benelli | |
MET | Piaggio India Vespa | |
MEX | Škoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. 2015 on | |
MYH | Ather Energy | |
MZ7 | MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MZB | Kia India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MZD | Classic Legends Private Limited — Jawa | |
M3G | Isuzu Motors India | |
M6F | UM Lohia Two Wheelers Private Limited | |
MH1 | Indonesia | PT Astra Honda Motor |
MH3 | PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg. | |
MH4 | PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia | |
MHF | PT Toyota Astra Motor | |
MHK | PT Astra Daihatsu Motor including Toyotas made by Astra Daihatsu | |
MHL | PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia | |
MHR | PT Honda Prospect Motor | |
MHY | PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor | |
MJB | GM Indonesia | |
MK2 | Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia | |
MK3 | PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Wuling | |
ML0 | Thailand | Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. |
ML3 | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) | |
ML5 | Kawasaki Motors Enterprise Co. Ltd. (Thailand) | |
MLC | Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. | |
MLE | Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. | |
MLH | Honda motorcycle | |
MLY | Harley-Davidson | |
MM0 MM6 MM7 | Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) | |
MM8 | Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[18] | |
MMA MMB | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[17] | |
MMC MMD | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) | |
MMF | BMW[19] | |
MMH | Tata[20] | |
MMK | Toyota (Toyota Auto Works plant)[21] | |
MMM | Chevrolet[22] | |
MML | MG | |
MMR | Subaru[23] | |
MMS | Suzuki[24] | |
MMT | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[25] | |
MMU | Holden | |
MNA | Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for Australia/New Zealand export | |
MNB | Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[26] for other right-hand drive markets | |
MNC | Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for left-hand drive markets | |
MNK | Hino Motors Manufacturing Thailand Co Ltd | |
MNT | Nissan Motor Thailand | |
MPA | IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand | |
MPB | Ford (FTM plant)[27] | |
MP1 | IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand | |
MP2 | Mazda BT-50 pickup built by Isuzu Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | |
MP5 | Foton[28] | |
MRH | Honda car | |
MR0 | Toyota (Ban Pho and Samrong plant)[29] | |
MR1 | Toyota (Samrong plant) (Fortuner) | |
MR2 | Toyota (Gateway plant)[30] | |
MS0 | Myanmar | SSS MOTORS Myanmar/Kia |
MS3 | Suzuki Myanmar Motor Co.,Ltd. | |
MX3 | Kazakhstan | Hyundai Trans Auto |
N3C | Iran | Kavir motor Company (Yektaz) |
N58 | Kavir motor Comany (EURASIA) | |
NAA | Iran khodro Company | |
NAD | Saipa Diesel | |
NAG | Bahman Industrial Group | |
NAP | Pars Khodro | |
NFB | Pakistan | Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Ltd |
NG3 | Lucky Motor Corporation | |
NLA | Turkey | Honda cars |
NLC | Askam Kamyon Imalat Ve Ticaret A.S. | |
NLH | Hyundai Assan Otomotiv car/SUV | |
NLJ | Hyundai Assan Otomotiv van | |
NLN | Karsan Automotive Industry & Trade | |
NLR | Otokar | |
NMA | MAN Türkiye A.Ş.[17] | |
NMB | Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S. | |
NMC | BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. | |
NMH | Honda motorcycle | |
NMT | Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey | |
NM0 | Ford Otosan | |
NM1 | Oyak-Renault Oto Fab AS | |
NM4 | Tofas (Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS) | |
NNA | Anadolu Isuzu | |
PAB | Philippines | Isuzu Philippines Corporation |
PAD | Honda Cars Philippines | |
PE1 | Ford Motor Company Philippines | |
PE3 | Mazda Philippines made by Ford Motor Company Philippines | |
PL1 | Malaysia | Proton |
PL8 | Hyundai/Inokom | |
PLP | Subaru | |
PLZ | Isuzu Malaysia | |
PMH | Honda car | |
PML | Hicom | |
PM1 | BMW | |
PM2 | Perodua | |
PM9 | Bufori | |
PMK | Honda Boon Siew motorcycle | |
PMN | Modenas | |
PMV | Hong Leong Yamaha Motor Sdn. Bhd. | |
PNA | Naza/Kia/Peugeot | |
PNA | Peugeot | |
PNV | Volvo Cars | |
PN1 PN2 | Toyota | |
PN8 | Nissan | |
PP1 | Mazda | |
PP3 | Hyundai | |
PPP | Suzuki | |
PPV | Volkswagen | |
PR8 | Ford | |
PRA | Sinotruk | |
PRH | Chery | |
LFA | Taiwan | Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd old designation |
LM1 LM4 | Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd old designation | |
LPR | Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. old designation | |
RF3 | Aeon Motor | |
RF5 | Yulon Motor Co Ltd | |
RFB | Kymco | |
RFC | Taiwan Golden Bee | |
RFD | Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd new designation | |
RFG | SYM Motors | |
RFV | PGO Scooters including Genuine Scooter Company models made by PGO | |
RGS | Kawasaki made by Kymco | |
RHA | Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd new designation | |
RK7 | Kawasaki ATV made by Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd (rebadged Suzuki ATV) new designation | |
RKJ | Prince Motors Taiwan | |
RKL | Kuozui Motors (Toyota) | |
RKM | China Motor Corporation | |
RKR | Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. new designation | |
RKT | Honda Taiwan | |
RL0 | Vietnam | Ford Vietnam |
RL4 | Toyota Motor Vietnam | |
RLA | Vina Star Motors Corp. — Mitsubishi | |
RLC | Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co. Ltd. | |
RLE | Isuzu Vietnam Co. | |
RLH | Honda Vietnam Co. Ltd. | |
RLL | VinFast SUV | |
RLM | Mercedes-Benz Vietnam | |
RLV | Vietnam Precision Industrial CO., Ltd. Can-Am DS 70 & DS 90 | |
RP8 | Piaggio Vietnam Co. Ltd. | |
R4N | Hong Kong | Elyx Smart Technology Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. |
Europe[edit] | ||
SA9 | United Kingdom < 500 units | Morgan Motor Company |
SA9 | OX Global | |
SA9 005 | Panther | |
SA9 019 | TVR | |
SA9 039 | Westfield Sportscars | |
SA9 048 | McLaren F1 | |
SA9 050 | Marcos Engineering | |
SA9 130 | MG Sport and Racing | |
SA9 202 | Morgan 3-Wheeler | |
SAA | United Kingdom | Austin |
SAB | Optare | |
SAD | Daimler until April 1987 | |
SAD | Jaguar SUV | |
SAF | ERF | |
SAH | Honda made by Austin Rover Group | |
SAJ | Jaguar car | |
SAL | Land Rover[17] | |
SAM | Morris | |
SAR | Rover & MG Rover Group[17] | |
SAT | Triumph car[17] | |
SAX | Austin Rover Group including Sterling Cars | |
SAY | Norton Motorcycles | |
SAZ | Freight Rover | |
SBB | Leyland Vehicles | |
SBC | Iveco Ford Truck | |
SBJ | Leyland Bus | |
SBL | Leyland Motors & Leyland DAF | |
SBM | McLaren Automotive[17] | |
SBS | Scammell | |
SBV | Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Leyland Trucks | |
SB1 | Toyota Manufacturing UK[17] | |
SCA | Rolls-Royce Motor Cars & Rolls-Royce Motors car | |
SCB | Bentley car | |
SCC | Lotus Cars[17] | |
SCE | DeLorean | |
SCF | Aston Martin Lagonda[17] | |
SCG | Triumph Engineering original Triumph Motorcycle company | |
SCK | Ifor Williams Trailers | |
SCR | London Electric Vehicle Company & London Taxi Company & London Taxis International | |
SCV | Volvo Truck & Bus | |
SC6 | INEOS Automotive[17] | |
SDB | Talbot Motor Company | |
SDF | Dodge Trucks — UK 1981-1984 | |
SDG | Renault Trucks Industries 1985-1992 | |
SDK | Caterham Cars | |
SDL | TVR | |
SDP | MG Motor NAC MG UK & MG Motor UK | |
SED | IBC Vehicles (Isuzu Bedford Company) | |
SEG | Dennis Eagle | |
SEY | LDV Group | |
SFA | Ford of Britain | |
SFD | Dennis | |
SFE | Alexander Dennis | |
SFN | Foden | |
SFZ | Tesla Roadster made by Lotus | |
SHH | Honda UK Manufacturing car[17] | |
SHS | Honda UK Manufacturing SUV[17] | |
SJA | Bentley SUV | |
SJK | Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Infiniti | |
SJN | Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Nissan | |
SKA | Vauxhall Motors | |
SKF | Bedford Vehicles | |
SLA | Rolls-Royce Motor Cars SUV | |
SLP | JC Bamford Excavators | |
SLV | Volvo Bus | |
SMT | Triumph Motorcycles Ltd current Triumph Motorcycle company | |
SNE | East Germany | Wartburg |
SNT | Trabant | |
SNZ | MZ Motorrad- und Zweiradwerk | |
SUA | Poland | Sanocka Fabryka Autobusow Sfa / Autosan |
SUD | Wielton | |
SUF | Fabryka Samochodów Małolitrażowych | |
SUJ | Jelcz | |
SUL | FSC Lublin Automotive Factory | |
SUN | FSD [pl] | |
SUP | Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych | |
SUU | Solaris Bus & Coach | |
SZA | Scania Production Slupsk | |
TAM | Switzerland | Mowag |
TAP | Polaris Europe (based in Switzerland) | |
TCC | Micro Compact Car[17] (until 5/99) | |
TEB | Bucher Municipal including Johnston Sweepers of the UK (owned by Bucher Municipal of Switzerland) | |
TK9 SL5 | Czech Republic | SOR Libchavy |
TLJ | Jawa Moto | |
TMA | Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech car[17] | |
TMB | Škoda Auto AS[17] | |
TMC | Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech SUV | |
TMK | Karosa | |
TMP | Škoda Ostrov | |
TMT | Tatra car | |
TNA | Avia/Daewoo Avia | |
TNT TNU | Tatra trucks | |
TRA | Hungary | Ikarus Bus |
TRU | Audi[17] | |
TSM | Suzuki[17] | |
TW1 | Portugal | Toyota Caetano Portugal |
TW3 | Renault Portuguesa SARL | |
TW7 | Mini Moke made by British Leyland & Austin Rover | |
TW8 | General Motors De Portugal Lda | |
TWG | Salvador Caetano | |
TX5 | Mini Moke made by Cagiva | |
TYA | Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp. | |
TYB | Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp. | |
U5Y | Slovakia | Kia Motors Slovakia car[17] |
U6Y | Kia Motors Slovakia SUV | |
ULA | Denmark | ASA-LIFT: Vegetable Technology Specialist (Agricultural Machinery) |
UU1 | Romania | Dacia[17] |
UU2 | Oltcit | |
UU3 | ARO | |
UU5 | Rocar | |
UU6 | Daewoo Romania | |
UU7 | Euro Bus Diamond | |
UU9 | Astra Bus | |
UZT | UTB (Uzina de Tractoare Brașov) | |
VA0 | Austria | ÖAF[17] |
VAG | Steyr-Daimler-Puch Puch G & Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer | |
VAN | Steyr-Daimler-Puch Steyr Trucks | |
VBK | KTM[17] | |
VBK | Husqvarna Motorcycles & Gas Gas under KTM ownership | |
VCF | Fisker Inc. (Fisker Ocean) made by Magna Steyr | |
VF1 | France | Renault[17] & Eagle Medallion made by Renault |
VF2 | Renault Trucks[17] | |
VF3 | Peugeot[17] | |
VF4 | Talbot[17] | |
VF5 | Iveco Unic[17] | |
VF6 | Renault Trucks[17] | |
VF7 | Citroën[17] | |
VF8 | Matra/Talbot/Simca[17] | |
VF9 607 | Mathieu Fayat Group | |
VF9 673 | Venturi Automobiles | |
VF9 795 | Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.[17] | |
VFA | Alpine | |
VG5 | MBK & Yamaha Motor | |
VG6 | Renault Trucks & Mack Trucks medium duty trucks made by Renault Trucks | |
VG7, VG8 | Renault Trucks | |
VGA | Peugeot Motocycles | |
VJ1 | Heuliez Bus | |
VK8 | Venturi Automobiles | |
VL4 | Bluecar | |
VLU | Scania Production Angers | |
VMK | Renault Sport Spider | |
VN1 | Renault SOVAB | |
VNE | Iveco Bus | |
VNK | Toyota Motor Manufacturing France | |
VNV | Nissan | |
VR1 | DS Automobiles | |
VR3 | Peugeot | |
VR7 | Citroën | |
VPS | MLT Automotive | |
VXE | Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall van | |
VXK | Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall car/SUV | |
VS1 | Spain | Pegaso |
VS5 | Renault España | |
VS6 | Ford Espana | |
VS7 | Citroën | |
VS8 | Peugeot | |
VSC | Mercedes-Benz Espana SA (Vitoria) | |
VSE | Santana Motor | |
VSK | Nissan Motor Iberica SA, Nissan passenger car/MPV/van/SUV/pickup & Ford Maverick 1993-1999 | |
VSS | SEAT[17] | |
VSX | Opel Automobile Espana,SA | |
VTD | Montesa Honda Honda Montesa motorcycle models | |
VTH | Derbi | |
VTL | Yamaha Motor España SA & Yamaha Sociedad Española de Motocicletas | |
VTM | Montesa Honda Honda motorcycle models | |
VTR | Gas Gas | |
VTT | Suzuki Motor España Motorcycle | |
VV9 | Tauro Sport Auto | |
VWA | Nissan Vehiculos Industriales SA, Nissan Commercial Vehicles | |
VX1 | Yugoslavia/Serbia | Zastava Automobiles |
V31 | Croatia | Tvornica Autobusa Zagreb (TAZ) |
V39 AB8 | Rimac Automobili | |
WAC | Germany | Audi/Porsche RS 2 Avant |
WAG | Neoplan[17] | |
WAU | Audi car[17] | |
WAP | Alpina[17] | |
WUA | Audi SUV | |
WBA | BMW car[17] | |
WBS | BMW M car[17] | |
WBX | BMW SUV[17] | |
WBY | BMW i car | |
WB1 | BMW Motorrad Motorcycle | |
WB3 | BMW Motorrad Motorcycles made in India | |
WB4 | BMW Motorrad Motorscooters made in China | |
WB5 | BMW i SUV | |
WCD | Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2019 | |
WD0 | Dodge Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2009 | |
WD1 | Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 incomplete vehicle | |
WD2 | Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) | |
WD3 | Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America) | |
WD4 | Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
WD5 | Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) | |
WD6 | Freightliner Unimog truck | |
WD7 | Freightliner Unimog incomplete vehicle | |
WD8 | Dodge Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2009 | |
WDA | Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America) | |
WDB | Mercedes-Benz & Maybach[17] | |
WDC | Mercedes-Benz SUV[17] | |
WDD | Mercedes-Benz car | |
WDF | Mercedes-Benz van (French & Spanish built models — Citan & Vito & X-Class) | |
WDP | Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2019 | |
WDR | Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2019 | |
WDW | Dodge Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2009 | |
WDX | Dodge Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2009 | |
WDY | Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2019 | |
WDZ | Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
WEB | EvoBus Mercedes-Benz buses[17] | |
WEL | e.GO Mobile AG | |
WF0 | Ford of Europe[17] | |
WF1 | Merkur | |
WJM | Iveco/Iveco Magirus | |
WJR | Irmscher[17] | |
WKK | Setra & Karl Kässbohrer Fahrzeugwerke[17] | |
WMA | MAN[17] | |
WME | Smart[17] (from 5/99) | |
WMW | Mini car[17] | |
WMX | Mercedes-AMG used for Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG & Mercedes-AMG GT (not used in North America) | |
WMZ | Mini SUV | |
WNA | Next.e.GO Mobile SE | |
WP0 | Porsche car[17] | |
WP1 | Porsche SUV[17] | |
WS5 | StreetScooter | |
WUA | Audi Sport GmbH & Quattro GmbH car[17] | |
WU1 | Audi Sport GmbH SUV | |
WVG | Volkswagen SUV[17] | |
WVM | Arbeitsgemeinschaft VW-MAN | |
WVP | Viseon Bus | |
WVW | Volkswagen car[17] | |
WV1 | Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17] | |
WV2 | Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17] | |
WZ1 | Toyota Supra Fifth generation | |
W04 | Buick Regal & Buick Cascada | |
W06 | Cadillac Catera | |
W08 | Saturn Astra | |
W09 B09 | Bitter Cars | |
W09 B16 | Brabus | |
W09 D05 | Drögmöller | |
W09 HA8 | HWA AG | |
W09 R06 | Ruf Automobile[17] | |
W0L | Adam Opel AG/Vauxhall[17] & Holden | |
W0S | Opel Special Vehicles[17] | |
W0V | Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall & Holden | |
W1A | Smart | |
W1H | Freightliner Econic | |
W1K | Mercedes-Benz car | |
W1N | Mercedes-Benz SUV | |
W1T | Mercedes-Benz truck | |
W1V | Mercedes-Benz van | |
W1W | Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
W1X | Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America) | |
W1Y | Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America) | |
W1Z | Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
W2W | Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) | |
W2X | Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle | |
W2Y | Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) | |
W2Z | Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
XBB | Bulgaria | Great Wall Motors/Litex Motors AD |
XL9 003 | Netherlands | Autobusfabriek Bova BV |
XL9 320 | VDL Bova | |
XL9 363 | Spyker Cars | |
XLB | Volvo Car B.V./NedCar B.V. (Volvo Cars) | |
XLE | Scania Nederland B.V. | |
XLR | DAF Trucks[17] & Leyland DAF | |
XLV | DAF Bus | |
XMC | NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors | |
XMG | VDL Bus International | |
XNC | NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors (Colt CZC convertible) | |
XNL | VDL Bus & Coach | |
XP7 | Tesla Europe (based in the Netherlands) | |
XTA | Russia | AvtoVAZ[17] |
XTB | AZLK[17] | |
XTF | GolAZ | |
XTH | GAZ | |
XTT | UAZ | |
XTY | LiAZ | |
XU1 | UAZ Special Purpose Vehicles | |
XUF | General Motors Russia | |
XUU | Chevrolet made by Avtotor | |
XW7 | Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia | |
XW8 | Volkswagen Group Rus | |
XWE | Hyundai Motor Company & Kia made by Avtotor | |
X1E | KAvZ | |
X1M | PAZ | |
X4X | BMW made by Avtotor | |
X7L | Renault Russia | |
X8J | IMZ-Ural Ural Motorcycles | |
X96 | GAZ | |
X9F | Ford Motor Company ZAO | |
X9L | GM-AvtoVAZ | |
X9P | Volvo Vostok ZAO Volvo Trucks | |
X9X | Great Wall Motors IMS Avtotrade-12 LLC | |
Z6F | Ford Sollers | |
Z8N | Nissan Manufacturing Rus | |
Z8T | PCMA Rus | |
Z94 | Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Rus | |
Z9M | Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok | |
XWB | Uzbekistán | UzDaewoo GM Uzbekistan Ravon |
Y6D | Ukraine | ZAZ |
Y6J | Bogdan group | |
Y6U | Škoda Auto made by Eurocar | |
Y7B | Bogdan group | |
Y7C | Great Wall Motors KrASZ | |
YAR | Belgium | Toyota Motor Europe (based in Belgium) used for Toyota ProAce & Toyota ProAce City |
YB3 | Volvo Trucks | |
YB6 | Jonckheere | |
YC1 | Honda | |
YE2 | Van Hool[17] | |
YH2 | Finland | Lynx (snowmobile) |
YH4 | Fisker Automotive (Fisker Karma) built by Valmet Automotive | |
YK1 | Saab[17] built by Valmet Automotive | |
YK7 | Sisu Auto | |
YS2 | Sweden | Scania, Södertälje[17] truck |
YS3 | Saab[17] | |
YS4 | Scania, Katrineholm[17] bus | |
YSC | Cadillac BLS built by Saab | |
YT9 007 | Koenigsegg Automotive AB[31] | |
YTN | Saab NEVS | |
YU7 | Husaberg Swedish built models | |
YV1 | Volvo Cars car[17] | |
YV2 | Volvo Trucks[17] | |
YV3 | Volvo Buses[17] | |
YV4 | Volvo Cars SUV | |
YV5 | Volvo Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
YYC | Norway | Think Nordic |
ZA9 A12 | Italy | Lamborghini through mid 2003 |
ZA9 D38 | Cizeta Automobili SRL | |
ZA9 D39 | Bugatti Automobili S.p.A | |
ZA9 F76 | Pagani Automobili S.p.A. | |
ZA9 M09 | Italdesign Automobili Speciali | |
ZA9 M27 | Dallara Stradale | |
ZAA | Autobianchi | |
ZAC | Jeep and Dodge Hornet | |
ZAM | Maserati car[17] | |
ZAP | Piaggio and Vespa and Gilera[32] | |
ZAR | Alfa Romeo car[17] & Nissan Cherry Europe | |
ZAS | Alfa Romeo Alfasud & Sprint through 1989 | |
ZAS | Alfa Romeo SUV 2018- | |
ZBB | Gruppo Bertone | |
ZBN | Benelli | |
ZBW | Rayton-Fissore Magnum | |
ZC2 | Chrysler TC by Maserati | |
ZCF | Iveco[17] | |
ZCG | Cagiva & MV Agusta | |
ZCG | Husqvarna Motorcycles Under MV Agusta ownership | |
ZD0 | Yamaha Motor Italia SpA & Belgarda SpA | |
ZD3 | Betamotor S.p.A. | |
ZD4 | Aprilia | |
ZDC | Honda Italia Industriale S.p.A. | |
ZDM | Ducati Motor Holding | |
ZDT | De Tomaso Modena SpA | |
ZES | Bimota | |
ZF4 | Qvale | |
ZFA | Fiat car[17] Also Fiat Fullback | |
ZFB | Fiat MPV/SUV | |
ZFC | Ram 1200 | |
ZFF | Ferrari[17] | |
ZFM | Fantic Motor | |
ZFR | Pininfarina | |
ZGA | Iveco Bus[17] | |
ZGU | Moto Guzzi | |
ZHU | Husqvarna Motorcycles Under Cagiva ownership | |
ZHW | Lamborghini car[17] from mid 2003 | |
ZJM | Malaguti | |
ZJN | Innocenti | |
ZJT | Italjet | |
ZKH | Husqvarna Motorcycles Srl Under BMW ownership | |
ZK5 | Hyundai Automobili Italia Importazioni | |
ZLA | Lancia[17] | |
ZLM | Moto Morini srl | |
ZLV | Laverda | |
ZN0 | SWM Motorcycles S.r.l. | |
ZN3 | Iveco Defence | |
ZN6 | Maserati SUV | |
ZNN | Energica Motor Company | |
ZPB | Lamborghini SUV | |
ZZ1 | Slovenia | Tomos motorcycle |
North America[edit] | ||
1A4 1A8 | United States | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2009 only |
1AC | American Motors Corporation MPV | |
1AF | American LaFrance truck | |
1AM | American Motors Corporation car & Renault Alliance 1983 only | |
1B3 | Dodge[17] car 1981-2011 | |
1B4 | Dodge MPV/SUV 1981-2002 | |
1B6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002 | |
1B7 | Dodge truck 1981-2002 | |
1B9 133 | Buell Motorcycle Company through mid 1995 | |
1B9 975 | Motus Motorcycles | |
1BA | Blue Bird Corporation bus | |
1BB | Blue Bird Wanderlodge MPV | |
1BD | Blue Bird Corporation incomplete vehicle | |
1C3 | Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011 | |
1C3 | Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012- | |
1C4 | Chrysler brand MPV 1990-2005 | |
1C4 | Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV 2012- | |
1C6 | Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012- | |
1C8 | Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005 | |
1C9 291 | CX Automotive | |
1CM | Checker Motors Corporation | |
1CU | Cushman Haulster (Cushman division of Outboard Marine Corporation) | |
1CY | Crane Carrier Company | |
1D3 | Dodge truck 2002-2009 | |
1D4 | Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2011 only | |
1D7 | Dodge truck 2002-2011 | |
1D8 | Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2009 only | |
1F | Ford[17] | |
1F1 | Ford SUV — limousine (through 2009) | |
1F6 | Ford stripped chassis made by Detroit Chassis LLC | |
1F9 ST2 | Seagrave | |
1FA | Ford car | |
1FB | Ford «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
1FC | Ford stripped chassis made by Ford | |
1FD | Ford incomplete vehicle | |
1FM | Ford MPV/SUV | |
1FT | Ford truck | |
1FU 1FV | Freightliner Trucks | |
1G | General Motors[17] | |
1G0 | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986 | |
1G0 | GMC Rapid Transit Series (RTS) bus 1981-1986 | |
1G0 | Opel car 2007-2017 | |
1G1 | Chevrolet car | |
1G2 | Pontiac car | |
1G3 | Oldsmobile car | |
1G4 | Buick car[33] | |
1G5 | GMC MPV/SUV 1981-1986 | |
1G6 | Cadillac car | |
1G7 | Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada | |
1G8 | Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1981-1986 | |
1G8 | Saturn car 1991-2010 | |
1G9 495 | Google & Waymo | |
1GA | Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
1GB | Chevrolet incomplete vehicles[33] | |
1GC | Chevrolet truck | |
1GD | GMC incomplete vehicles[33] | |
1GE | Cadillac incomplete vehicle | |
1GF | Flxible bus | |
1GG | Isuzu pickup trucks made by GM | |
1GH | Oldsmobile MPV/SUV 1990-2004 | |
1GH | Holden Acadia 2019-2020 | |
1GJ | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987- | |
1GK | GMC MPV/SUV 1987- | |
1GM | Pontiac MPV | |
1GN | Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987- | |
1GT | GMC truck | |
1GY | Cadillac SUV | |
1HA | Chevrolet incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International | |
1HD | Harley-Davidson | |
1HF | Honda motorcycle/ATV/UTV | |
1HG | Honda[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
1HS | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck | |
1HT | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks & Chevrolet Silverado 4500HD, 5500HD, 6500HD incomplete vehicle | |
1HV | IC Bus incomplete bus | |
1J4 | Jeep[17] SUV 1989-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
1J7 | Jeep truck 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
1J8 | Jeep SUV 2002-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
1JC | Jeep SUV 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
1JT | Jeep truck 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
1JU | Marmon Motor Company | |
1L | Lincoln[17] | |
1L1 | Lincoln car — limousine | |
1L9 234 | Laforza | |
1LJ | Lincoln incomplete vehicle | |
1LN | Lincoln car | |
1M0 | John Deere Gator | |
1M1 1M2 | Mack Trucks | |
1M8 | Motor Coach Industries | |
1M9 682 | Mosler Automotive | |
1M9 816 | Proterra Through mid-2019 | |
1MB | Mercedes-Benz Truck Co. | |
1ME | Mercury car[17] | |
1MR | Continental Mark VI & VII 1981-1985 & Continental sedan[17] 1982-1985 | |
1N4 | Nissan car | |
1N6 | Nissan truck | |
1N9 013 | Neoplan USA | |
1N9 393 | Nikola Corporation | |
1NK | Kenworth incomplete vehicle | |
1NP | Peterbilt incomplete vehicle | |
1NX | Toyota car made by NUMMI | |
1P3 | Plymouth car | |
1P4 | Plymouth MPV/SUV | |
1P9 213 | Panoz | |
1S9 098 | Scania AB Scania CN112 bus made in Orange, CT | |
1S9 842 | Saleen S7 | |
1S9 944 | SSC North America | |
1T7 1T8 | Thomas Built Buses | |
1T9 899 | Tomcar USA | |
1TU | Transportation Manufacturing Corporation | |
1UT | Jeep DJ made by AM General | |
1V1 | Volkswagen truck | |
1V2 | Volkswagen SUV | |
1V9 048 | Vector Aeromotive | |
1VH | Orion Bus Industries | |
1VW | Volkswagen car[17] | |
1WU | White truck | |
1WV 1WW | Winnebago Industries | |
1WX 1WY | White incomplete vehicle | |
1XK | Kenworth truck | |
1XM | Renault Alliance/GTA/Encore 1984-1987 | |
1XP | Peterbilt truck | |
1Y1 | Chevrolet/Geo car made by NUMMI | |
1YJ | Rokon International, Inc. | |
1YV | Mazda[17] | |
1Z3 1Z7 | Mitsubishi Raider | |
1Z9 332 | Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles LLC | |
1ZV | Ford made by AutoAlliance International | |
1ZW | Mercury made by AutoAlliance International | |
10R | E-Z-GO | |
10T | Oshkosh Corporation | |
12A | Avanti | |
137 | AM General Hummer & Hummer H1 | |
15G | Gillig bus | |
16X | Vixen 21 motorhome | |
17N | John Deere incomplete vehicle (RV chassis) | |
19U | Acura[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
19V | Acura car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana | |
19X | Honda car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana | |
2A3 | Canada | Imperial |
2A4 2A8 | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2011 only | |
2AY 2AZ | Hino | |
2B1 | Orion Bus Industries | |
2B3 | Dodge[17] car 1981-2011 | |
2B4 | Dodge MPV 1981-2002 | |
2B5 | Dodge «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-2002 | |
2B6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002 | |
2B7 | Dodge truck 1981-2002 | |
2BC | Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1987-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
2BP | Ski-Doo | |
2BV | Can-Am & Bombardier ATV | |
2BW | Can-Am Commander E LSV | |
2BX | Can-Am Spyder | |
2BZ | Can-Am Freedom Trailer for Can-Am Spyder | |
2C1 | Geo/Chevrolet car made by CAMI Automotive | |
2C3 | Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011 | |
2C3 | Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012- | |
2C4 | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2000-2005 | |
2C4 | Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Lancia & VW) 2012- | |
2C7 | Pontiac car made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada | |
2C8 | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2001-2005 | |
2C9 145 | Campagna Motors | |
2CC | American Motors Corporation MPV | |
2CG | Asüna/Pontiac SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada | |
2CK | GMC Tracker SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada 1990-1991 only | |
2CK | Pontiac Torrent SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2006-2009 only | |
2CM | American Motors Corporation car | |
2CN | Geo/Chevrolet SUV made by CAMI Automotive 1990-2011 only | |
2CT | GMC Terrain SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2010-2011 only | |
2D4 | Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only | |
2D6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003 | |
2D7 | Dodge truck 2003 | |
2D8 | Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only | |
2DG | Ontario Drive & Gear | |
2E3 | Eagle car 1989-1997 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
2E4 | Lancia MPV | |
2F | Ford[17] | |
2FA | Ford car | |
2FM | Ford MPV/SUV | |
2FT | Ford truck | |
2FU 2FV | Freightliner Trucks | |
2FW | Sterling Trucks truck | |
2FY | New Flyer | |
2FZ | Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
2Gx | General Motors[17] | |
2G0 | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986 | |
2G1 | Chevrolet | |
2G2 | Pontiac | |
2G3 | Oldsmobile car | |
2G4 | Buick | |
2G5 | GMC MPV 1981-1986 | |
2G6 | Cadillac | |
2G7 | Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada | |
2G8 | Chevrolet MPV 1981-1986 | |
2G9 | Gnome Homes | |
2GA | Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
2GB | Chevrolet incomplete vehicles | |
2GC | Chevrolet truck | |
2GD | GMC incomplete vehicles | |
2GE | Cadillac incomplete vehicle | |
2GH | GMC GM New Look bus & GM Classic series bus | |
2GJ | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987- | |
2GK | GMC MPV/SUV 1987- | |
2GN | Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987- | |
2GT | GMC truck | |
2HG | Honda car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HH | Acura car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HJ | Honda truck made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HK | Honda MPV/SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HM | Hyundai | |
2HN | Acura SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HS | International Trucks truck | |
2HT | International Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
2J4 | Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
2L1 | Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limo | |
2L9 | Les Contenants Durabac | |
2LJ | Lincoln incomplete vehicle — hearse | |
2LM | Lincoln SUV | |
2LN | Lincoln car[17] | |
2M1 2M2 | Mack Trucks | |
2ME | Mercury car[17] | |
2MG | Motor Coach Industries (Produced from Sept. 1, 2008 on) | |
2MR | Mercury MPV | |
2NK | Kenworth incomplete vehicle | |
2NP | Peterbilt incomplete vehicle | |
2NV | Nova Bus | |
2P3 | Plymouth car | |
2P4 | Plymouth MPV 1981-2000 | |
2P5 | Plymouth «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1983 | |
2P9 001 | Prevost 1981-1995 | |
2PC | Prevost 1996- | |
2S2 | Suzuki car made by CAMI Automotive | |
2S3 | Suzuki SUV made by CAMI Automotive | |
2T1 | Toyota car | |
2T2 | Lexus SUV | |
2T3 | Toyota SUV | |
2V4 2V8 | Volkswagen Routan | |
2WK | Western Star Trucks truck | |
2WL 2WM | Western Star Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
2XK | Kenworth truck | |
2XM | Eagle Premier 1988 only (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
2XP | Peterbilt truck | |
3A4 3A8 | Mexico | Chrysler brand MPV 2006-2010 only |
3AK 3AL | Freightliner Trucks | |
3B3 | Dodge car 1981-2011 | |
3B4 | Dodge SUV 1986-1993 | |
3B6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002 | |
3B7 | Dodge truck 1981-2002 | |
3BJ | Western Star 3700 truck made by DINA S.A. | |
3BK | Kenworth incomplete vehicle | |
3BM | Motor Coach Industries bus made by DINA S.A. | |
3BP | Peterbilt incomplete vehicle | |
3C3 | Chrysler brand car 1981-2011 | |
3C3 | Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Fiat) 2012- | |
3C4 | Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005 | |
3C4 | Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Fiat) 2012- | |
3C6 | Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012- | |
3C7 | Chrysler Group (all brands) incomplete vehicle 2012- | |
3C8 | Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005 | |
3CE | Volvo Buses de Mexico | |
3CZ | Honda SUV | |
3D2 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 2007-2009 | |
3D3 | Dodge truck 2006-2009 | |
3D4 | Dodge SUV 2009-2011 | |
3D6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003-2011 | |
3D7 | Dodge truck 2002-2011 | |
3E4 | Fiat SUV | |
3F | Ford | |
3F6 | Sterling Bullet | |
3FA | Ford car | |
3FC | Ford stripped chassis made by Ford & IMMSA | |
3FM | Ford MPV/SUV | |
3FN 3FR | Ford F-650/F-750 made by Blue Diamond Truck Co. | |
3FT | Ford truck | |
3G | General Motors[17] | |
3G0 | Saab 9-4X 2011 | |
3G0 | Holden Equinox 2018-2020 | |
3G1 | Chevrolet car | |
3G2 | Pontiac car | |
3G4 | Buick car | |
3G5 | Buick SUV | |
3G7 | Pontiac SUV | |
3GC | Chevrolet truck | |
3GK | GMC SUV | |
3GM | Holden Suburban | |
3GN | Chevrolet SUV | |
3GS | Saturn SUV | |
3GT | GMC truck | |
3GY | Cadillac SUV | |
3H1 | Honda motorcycle/UTV | |
3H3 | Hyundai de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. for Hyundai Translead (truck trailers) | |
3HA | International Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
3HC | International Trucks truck | |
3HG | Honda car[17] | |
3HS | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck | |
3HT | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
3JB | Can-Am ATV/UTV & Can-Am Ryker | |
3KP | Kia/Hyundai car[17] | |
3LN | Lincoln car | |
3MD | Mazda car | |
3ME | Mercury car | |
3MV | Mazda SUV | |
3MW | BMW | |
3MY | Toyota car made by Mazda de Mexico Vehicle Operation | |
3MZ | Mazda car | |
3N1 | Nissan[17] car | |
3N6 | Nissan truck & Chevrolet City Express | |
3N8 | Nissan MPV | |
3NE | Polaris Inc. ATV | |
3NS | Polaris Inc. UTV | |
3P3 | Plymouth car | |
3PC | Infiniti SUV made by COMPAS | |
3TM | Toyota truck made by TMMBC | |
3TY | Toyota truck made by TMMGT | |
3VV | Volkswagen SUV | |
3VW | Volkswagen car[17] | |
3WK | Kenworth truck | |
3WP | Peterbilt truck | |
4A3 | United States | Mitsubishi Motors car |
4A4 | Mitsubishi Motors SUV | |
4B3 | Dodge car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory | |
4B9 038 | BYD Coach & Bus LLC | |
4C3 | Chrysler car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory | |
4C9 561 | Czinger | |
4CD | Oshkosh Chassis Division incomplete vehicle (RV chassis) | |
4DR | IC Bus | |
4E3 | Eagle car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory | |
4F2 | Mazda[17] SUV made by Ford | |
4F4 | Mazda truck made by Ford | |
4G1 | Chevrolet Cavalier convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture | |
4G2 | Pontiac Sunfire convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture | |
4G3 | Toyota Cavalier made by GM | |
4G5 | General Motors EV1 | |
4GD | WhiteGMC Brigadier 1988-1989 made by GM | |
4GD | Opel Sintra | |
4GL | Buick incomplete vehicle | |
4GT | Isuzu incomplete vehicle built by GM | |
4JG | Mercedes-Benz SUV[17] | |
4KB | Chevrolet W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only) | |
4KD | GMC W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only) | |
4KL | Isuzu commercial truck built by GM | |
4M2 | Mercury MPV/SUV | |
4ML | Oshkosh Trailer Division | |
4MZ | Buell Motorcycle Company | |
4N2 | Nissan Quest made by Ford | |
4NU | Isuzu Ascender made by GM | |
4P1 | Pierce Manufacturing | |
4P3 | Plymouth car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory 1990-1994 | |
4P3 | Mitsubishi Motors SUV made by Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America 2013-2015 for export only | |
4RK | Nova Bus & Prevost made by Nova Bus (US) Inc. | |
4S1 | Isuzu truck made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive | |
4S2 | Isuzu SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive | |
4S3 | Subaru car[17] | |
4S4 | Subaru SUV/MPV[17] | |
4S6 | Honda SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive | |
4S7 | Spartan Motors incomplete vehicle | |
4S9 197 | Smith Electric Vehicles US Corp. | |
4S9 419 | Spartan Motors truck | |
4S9 454 | Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus car | |
4S9 542 | Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG Boot (M.P.V.) | |
4S9 559 | Spartan Fire, LLC truck (formerly Spartan ER) | |
4S9 560 | Spartan Fire, LLC incomplete vehicle (formerly Spartan ER) | |
4T1 | Toyota[17] car made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky | |
4T3 | Toyota MPV/SUV made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky | |
4T4 | Toyota car made by Subaru of Indiana Automotive | |
4TA | Toyota truck made by NUMMI | |
4UF | Arctic Cat | |
4US | BMW car[17] | |
4UZ | Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation & gas-powered Mitsubishi Fuso trucks assembled by Freightliner Custom Chassis & Thomas Built Buses FS-65 & Saf-T-Liner C2 | |
4V1 | WhiteGMC truck | |
4V2 | WhiteGMC incomplete vehicle | |
4V4 | Volvo Trucks North America truck | |
4V5 | Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle | |
4VA 4VG | Volvo Trucks North America truck | |
4VE 4VH 4VM | Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle | |
4VZ | Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group incomplete vehicle — bare chassis only | |
4XA | Polaris Inc. | |
4Z3 | American LaFrance truck | |
43C | Consulier | |
46G | Gillig incomplete vehicle | |
478 | Honda ATV | |
480 | Sterling Trucks truck | |
49H | Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
5AS | GEM | |
5B4 | Workhorse Custom Chassis, LLC incomplete vehicle (RV chassis) | |
5BZ | Nissan «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
5CD | Indian Motorcycle Company of America Gilroy, CA | |
5CX | Shelby Series 1 | |
5DF | Thomas Dennis Company LLC | |
5EH | Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle | |
5FN | Honda[17] MPV/SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5FP | Honda truck made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5FR | Acura[17] SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5FY | New Flyer | |
5G8 | Holden Volt | |
5GA | Buick MPV/SUV | |
5GD | Daewoo G2X | |
5GN | Hummer H3T | |
5GR | Hummer H2 | |
5GT | Hummer H3 | |
5GZ | Saturn MPV/SUV | |
5HD | Harley-Davidson for export markets | |
5J6 | Honda[17] SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
5J8 | Acura SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
5KB | Honda[17] car made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5KJ 5KK | Western Star Trucks truck | |
5L1 | Lincoln SUV (2004-2009) | |
5LD | Ford & Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limousine (2010-2014) | |
5LM | Lincoln SUV | |
5LT | Lincoln truck | |
5MZ | Buell Motorcycle Company for export markets | |
5N1 | Nissan & Infiniti SUV | |
5N3 | Infiniti SUV | |
5NM | Hyundai SUV | |
5NP | Hyundai car | |
5NT | Hyundai truck | |
5PV | Hino incomplete vehicle | |
5S3 | Saab 9-7X | |
5SA | Suzuki ATV | |
5SX | American LaFrance incomplete vehicle (Condor) | |
5TB | Toyota[17] truck made by TMMI | |
5TD | Toyota MPV/SUV made by TMMI | |
5TE | Toyota truck made by NUMMI | |
5TF | Toyota truck made by TMMTX | |
5UM | BMW M car[17] | |
5UX | BMW SUV | |
5VC | Autocar incomplete vehicle | |
5VP | Victory Motorcycles | |
5WE | IC Bus incomplete vehicle | |
5XX | Kia car | |
5XY | Kia/Hyundai SUV | |
5Y2 | Pontiac Vibe made by NUMMI | |
5Y4 | Yamaha Motor Company ATV, UTV | |
5YA | Indian Motorcycle Company Kings Mountain, NC | |
5YF | Toyota car made by TMMMS | |
5YJ | Tesla[17] | |
5YM | BMW M SUV | |
5Z6 | Suzuki truck made by Nissan | |
50E | Lucid Motors | |
50G | Karma Automotive | |
516 | Autocar truck | |
51R | Brammo Motorcycles | |
523 | VPG | |
52C | GEM subsidiary of Polaris Inc. | |
538 | Zero Motorcycles | |
53G | Coda Automotive | |
53T | Think North America in Elkhart, IN | |
546 | EBR | |
54C | Winnebago Industries trailer | |
54D | Isuzu & Chevrolet commercial trucks built by Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group | |
55S | Mercedes-Benz car[17] | |
56K | Indian Motorcycle International, LLC Polaris subsidiary | |
57W | Mobility Ventures | |
57X | Polaris Slingshot | |
58A | Lexus car made by TMMK | |
Oceania[edit] | ||
6F1 | Australia | Ford[17] |
6F2 | Iveco Trucks Australia Ltd. | |
6F4 | Nissan Motor Australia | |
6F5 | Kenworth Australia | |
6FM | Mack Trucks Australia | |
6FP | Ford | |
6G | General Motors | |
6G1 | Holden & Chevrolet | |
6G2 | Pontiac | |
6G3 | Chevrolet | |
6H | Holden | |
6MM | Mitsubishi[17] | |
6MP | Mercury Capri | |
6T1 | Toyota | |
6T9 | Trailer | |
6U9 | Low Volume (Grey) Import Vehicles which don’t have 17 Digit VIN. Uses NON ISO VIN with «Filler 0’s between WMI & Non Iso VIN — I.e Japanese VIN PV35-400635 would become 6U90000PV35400637 see note below | |
7A1 | New Zealand | Mitsubishi |
7A3 | Honda | |
7A4 | Toyota | |
7A5 | Ford | |
7A7 | Nissan New Zealand | |
7A8 | NZ Transport Agency (pre-2009) | |
7AT | NZ Transport Agency (post-2009) | |
North America[edit] | ||
7FA | United States | Honda SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana |
7FC | Rivian truck | |
7GZ | GMC incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International | |
7H4 | Hino truck | |
7JR | Volvo Cars car | |
7JZ | Proterra From mid-2019 on | |
7KG | Vanderhall Motor Works | |
7MM | Mazda SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture) | |
7MU | Toyota SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture) | |
7NA | Navistar Defense | |
7NY | Lordstown Motors | |
7PD | Rivian SUV | |
7RZ | Electric Last Mile Solutions | |
7SA | Tesla SUV 2022+ | |
7SV | Toyota SUV made by TMMTX | |
7SX | Global Electric Motorcars | |
7Z0 | Zoox | |
South America[edit] | ||
8AC | Argentina | Mercedes Benz vans (for South America) |
8AD | Peugeot | |
8AE | Peugeot van | |
8AF | Ford Motor Argentina[17] | |
8AG | General Motors de Argentina Chevrolet | |
8AJ | Toyota Argentina | |
8AN | Nissan | |
8AP | Fiat | |
8AT | Iveco | |
8AW | Volkswagen Argentina | |
8A1 | Renault Argentina | |
8A3 | Scania Argentina | |
8BB | Agrale Argentina S.A | |
8BC | Citroën | |
8BN | Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America) | |
8BR | Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
8BT | Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
8BU | Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America) | |
8CH | Honda motorcycle | |
8C3 | Honda car/SUV | |
8G1 | Chile | Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Renault |
8GD | Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Peugeot | |
8GG | General Motors Chile Ltda. | |
8L4 | Ecuador | Great Wall Motors made by Ciudad del Auto Ciauto Cia. Ltda. |
8LB | General Motors OBB | |
8LF | Maresa (Mazda) | |
8LG | Aymesa (Hyundai Motor & Kia) | |
8XD | Venezuela | Ford Motor Venezuela |
8XJ | Mack de Venezuela C.A. | |
8XV | Iveco Venezuela C.A. | |
8Z1 | General Motors Venezolana C.A. | |
829 | Bolivia | Quantum Motors |
9AM | Brazil | Massari (?) |
9BD | Fiat Automóveis | |
9BF | Ford Brasil | |
9BG | General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet | |
9BH | Hyundai Motor Brasil | |
9BM | Mercedes-Benz car & SUV & commercial truck | |
9BN | Mafersa | |
9BR | Toyota | |
9BS | Scania Brazil | |
9BV | Volvo Trucks | |
9BW | Volkswagen do Brasil[17] | |
9BY | Agrale S.A. | |
9C2 | Honda Motorcycles[17] | |
9C6 | Yamaha Motor[17] | |
9CD | Suzuki (motorcycles) assembled by J. Toledo Motos do Brasil | |
9DW | Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Volkswagen do Brasil | |
932 | Harley-Davidson | |
935 | Citroën | |
936 | Peugeot | |
937 | Dodge | |
93C | General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet SUV (Mexico) | |
93H | Honda car/SUV | |
93K | Volvo Trucks | |
93P | Volare | |
93S | Navistar International | |
93U | Audi 1999-2006 | |
93V | Navistar International | |
93W | Fiat Ducato made by Iveco 2000-2016 | |
93X | Souza Ramos — Mitsubishi Motors / Suzuki Jimny | |
93Y | Renault do Brasil | |
93Z | Iveco | |
94D | Nissan | |
94G | Indabra | |
94M | HVR-Busscar | |
94N | RWM Brazil | |
94T | Troller Veículos Especiais | |
953 | VW Truck & Bus / MAN Truck & Bus | |
95P | CAOA / Hyundai & CAOA Chery | |
95V | Dafra Motos (motorscooters from SYM) & Ducati, KTM, & MV Agusta assembled by Dafra | |
95V | BMW motorcycles assembled by Dafra Motos 2009-2016 | |
95Z | Buell Motorcycle Company assembled by Harley-Davidson Brazil | |
96P | Kawasaki | |
97N | Triumph Motorcycles Ltd | |
988 | Jeep and Fiat (made at the Goiana plant) | |
98M | BMW car/SUV | |
98R | Chery | |
99A | Audi 2016- | |
99J | Jaguar Land Rover | |
99K | Haojue & Kymco assembled by JTZ Indústria e Comércio de Motos | |
99L | BYD | |
99Z | BMW Motorrad Motorcycle assembled by BMW 2017- | |
9FB | Colombia | Sofasa (Renault) |
9FC | Compañía Colombiana Automotriz S.A. (Mazda) | |
9GC | GM Colmotores S.A. (Chevrolet) | |
9UJ | Uruguay | Chery assembled by Chery Socma S.A. |
9UK | Lifan | |
9UW | Kia made by Nordex S.A. | |
9V7 | Citroen made by Nordex S.A. | |
9V8 | Peugeot made by Nordex S.A. |
Note: Vehicles to be registered in Australia without a 17 character VIN[34]
See also[edit]
- Builder’s plate
- Danish bicycle VIN-system
- Engine number
- Name plate
- Serial number
- VIN etching
- RPO Code
- VIN cloning
- ^ «Vehicle Control by VIN Code». ISO 3779. Retrieved 2021-10-12.
- ^ a b «Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs)». National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Retrieved 2021-02-10.
- ^ AUTODNA. «VIN number — autoDNA». www.autodna.com. Retrieved 2022-09-08.
- ^ «eCFR – Code of Federal Regulations – Title 49: Transportation – PART 565—VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS». www.ecfr.gov. Retrieved 2013-04-09.
- ^ «ComLaw Legislative Instruments – Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 61/02 – Vehicle Marking) 2005 (ADR 61/02)». Comlaw.gov.au. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
- ^ ISO 3779:2009 Road vehicles—Vehicle identification number (VIN)—Content and structure
- ^ ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles—World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code
- ^ «United States Federal VIN Requirements (Title 49, Chapter V, Part 565)». Access.gpo.gov. Archived from the original on 2010-05-27. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
- ^ a b «Directive 76/114/EEC — Automotive — Enterprise and Industry». European Commission. Archived from the original on 2013-09-30. Retrieved 2013-07-08.
- ^ a b «ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles – World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code». ISO. 2009-10-05. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
- ^ «NHTSA VIN decoder».
- ^ «49 CFR § 565.15 — Content requirements». Legal Information Institute. US: Cornell University. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
- ^ Miller, Tim (2019-04-27). «VIN Numbers: What Are They And What Do They Tell You?». Garatos. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
- ^ Miller, Tim (2021-10-16). «On-Board Diagnostics: From The History To Its Practical Applications In Our Life». OBD Advisor. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
- ^ Pocket-lint (2021-06-10). «10 of the best VIN decoders to lookup VIN numbers for free». www.pocket-lint.com. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
- ^ «World Manufacturer Identifier». NSAI. November 23, 2021.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed «List of manufacturers of motor vehicles and their trailers — numerical — SV 3.2» (PDF). Germany: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. 2018-01-15. Retrieved 2019-01-08.
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/cc4463140bb246a89a2c4daefcd5e75e[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/093082806ad44a8fa85aa1be049fac6c[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7d35eaf890b845f4aaa13b1974c8a598[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/ce90d22945fb422598d4bc419a324dca[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/bad2975e9abb403b8cbe8b167afd93d1[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7549929fdb2f4328b1ba3844b6a97146[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/58c7a77bd33e49a6a6be0103dda35f20[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/fba3638129224e87993e0aa700c75af8[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/31c0027f349c47a8a36c315bcd970477[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/65710f4c794e44388ea4d6519e6b1fe6[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/ba1b29ef16734c76b289b99eceb24e6e[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/5abe5eff4d4a47d2883cd7a604124bfb[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/47ae10d50bf448659c59b970cf710442[bare URL image file]
- ^ «Re: VIN Information pursuant to 49 CFR 565.7 KOENIGSEGG» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2008-03-14. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
- ^ «Modern Vespa : VIN Decoding». modernvespa.com. Retrieved 2019-10-08.
- ^ a b c «Revision to General Motors’ Vehicle Identification Number decoding for 2016 Model Year» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2015-01-12. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
- ^ «Importing vehicles without a 17 character VIN». NEVDIS. 10 June 2022.
External links[edit]
- ISO 3779:2009
- FMVSS 115, Part 565
«VIN» redirects here. For other uses, see Vin.
VIN visible in the windshield
VIN recorded on a Chinese vehicle license
A vehicle identification number (VIN) (also called a chassis number or frame number) is a unique code, including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds, as defined by the International Organization for Standardization in ISO 3779 (content and structure) and ISO 4030 (location and attachment).[1]
There are vehicle history services in several countries that help potential car owners use VINs to find vehicles that are defective or have been written off.
History of the bodywork number[edit]
VINs were first used in 1954 in the United States.[2] From 1954 to 1981, there was no accepted standard for these numbers, so different manufacturers used different formats.
In 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States standardized the format.[2] It required all on-road vehicles sold to contain a 17-character VIN, which does not include the letters O (o), I (i), and Q (q) (to avoid confusion with numerals 0, 1, and 9).
After the introduction of the ISO norm, the manufacturers which produced vehicles for the American market very quickly adjusted to this standard. The ISO introduced recommendations for applying the VIN standard and its structure, and the bodywork number was also used in Europe. However, the sets of information contained in it were introduced gradually. For example, Volkswagen started to encode bigger chunks of information during 1995-1997, and the control digit during 2009-2015 for selected models from the group. The VIN control digit is also used, although not in all brand-models. In the European vehicles, it can be found e.g. in Audi A1.[3]
There are at least four competing standards used to calculate the VIN.
- FMVSS 115, Part 565: Used in United States and Canada[4]
- ISO 3779: Used in Europe and many other parts of the world
- SAE J853: Very similar to the ISO standard
- ADR 61/2 used in Australia, referring to ISO 3779 and 3780[5]
Modern VINs are based on two related standards, originally issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1979 and 1980: ISO 3779[6] and ISO 3780,[7] respectively. Compatible but different implementations of these ISO standards have been adopted by the European Union and the United States.[8]
The VIN comprises the following sections:
Standard | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
ISO 3779 | World manufacturer identifier | Vehicle descriptor section | Vehicle identifier section | ||||||||||||||
European Union[9] more than 500 vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» | Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle» | ||||||||||||||
European Union[9] 500 or fewer vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | 9 | Indication of «the general characteristics of the vehicle» | Indication that provides «clear identification of a particular vehicle» | |||||||||||||
North America more than 2,000 vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | Vehicle attributes | Check digit | Model year | Plant code | Sequential number | |||||||||||
North America 2,000 or fewer vehicles/year | World manufacturer identifier | 9 | Vehicle attributes | Check digit | Model year | Plant code | Manufacturer identifier | Sequential number |
World manufacturer identifier[edit]
The first three characters uniquely identify the manufacturer of the vehicle using the world manufacturer identifier or WMI code. A manufacturer who builds fewer than 1,000 vehicles per year uses a 9 as the third digit, and the 12th, 13th and 14th position of the VIN for a second part of the identification. Some manufacturers use the third character as a code for a vehicle category (e.g., bus or truck), a division within a manufacturer, or both. For example, within 1G (assigned to General Motors in the United States), 1G1 represents Chevrolet passenger cars; 1G2, Pontiac passenger cars; and 1GC, Chevrolet trucks.
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in the US assigns WMIs to countries and manufacturers.[10]
The first character of the WMI is typically the region in which the manufacturer is located although there are exceptions e.g. the WMI 7SA was assigned to Tesla Inc. in the United States in 2021.[11] In practice, each is assigned to a country of manufacture, although in Europe the country where the continental headquarters is located can assign the WMI to all vehicles produced in that region (Example: Opel/Vauxhall cars whether produced in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom or Poland carry a WMI of W0L because Adam Opel AG is based in Rüsselsheim, Germany).
In the notation below, assume that letters precede numbers and that zero is the last number. For example, 8X–82 denotes the range 8X, 8Y, 8Z, 81, 82, excluding 80.[10]
Country or region codes[edit]
A–H = Africa | J–R = Asia | S–Z = Europe | 1–5, 7F-70 = North America | 6–7E = Oceania | 8–9 = South America |
AA-AH South Africa | J Japan | SA-SM United Kingdom | 1, 4, 5 or 7F-70 United States | 6 Australia | 8A-8E Argentina |
Vehicle descriptor section[edit]
The fourth to ninth positions in the VIN are the vehicle descriptor section or VDS. This is used, according to local regulations, to identify the vehicle type, and may include information on the automobile platform used, the model, and the body style. Each manufacturer has a unique system for using this field. Most manufacturers since the 1980s have used the eighth digit to identify the engine type whenever there is more than one engine choice for the vehicle. Example: for the 2007 Chevrolet Corvette, U is for a 6.0-liter V8 engine, and E is for a 7.0-liter V8.
North American check digits[edit]
One element that is inconsistent is the use of position nine as a check digit, compulsory for vehicles in North America and China, but not Europe.
Vehicle identifier section[edit]
The 10th to 17th positions are used as the vehicle identifier section or VIS. This is used by the manufacturer to identify the individual vehicle in question. This may include information on options installed or engine and transmission choices, but often is a simple sequential number. In North America, the last five digits must be numeric.
Model year encoding[edit]
One consistent element of the VIS is the 10th digit, which is required worldwide to encode the model year of the vehicle. Besides the three letters that are not allowed in the VIN itself (I, O and Q), the letters U and Z and the digit 0 are not used for the model year code. The year code is the model year for the vehicle.
The year 1980 was encoded by some manufacturers, especially General Motors and Chrysler, as «A» (since the 17-digit VIN was not mandatory until 1981, and the «A» or zero was in the manufacturer’s pre-1981 placement in the VIN), yet Ford and AMC still used a zero for 1980. Subsequent years increment through the allowed letters, so that «Y» represents the year 2000. 2001 to 2009 are encoded as the digits 1 to 9, and subsequent years are encoded as «A», «B», «C», etc.
Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | |||||
A | 1980 | L | 1990 | Y | 2000 | A | 2010 | L | 2020 | Y | 2030 | |||||
B | 1981 | M | 1991 | 1 | 2001 | B | 2011 | M | 2021 | 1 | 2031 | |||||
C | 1982 | N | 1992 | 2 | 2002 | C | 2012 | N | 2022 | 2 | 2032 | |||||
D | 1983 | P | 1993 | 3 | 2003 | D | 2013 | P | 2023 | 3 | 2033 | |||||
E | 1984 | R | 1994 | 4 | 2004 | E | 2014 | R | 2024 | 4 | 2034 | |||||
F | 1985 | S | 1995 | 5 | 2005 | F | 2015 | S | 2025 | 5 | 2035 | |||||
G | 1986 | T | 1996 | 6 | 2006 | G | 2016 | T | 2026 | 6 | 2036 | |||||
H | 1987 | V | 1997 | 7 | 2007 | H | 2017 | V | 2027 | 7 | 2037 | |||||
J | 1988 | W | 1998 | 8 | 2008 | J | 2018 | W | 2028 | 8 | 2038 | |||||
K | 1989 | X | 1999 | 9 | 2009 | K | 2019 | X | 2029 | 9 | 2039 |
On April 30, 2008, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration adopted a final rule amending 49 CFR Part 565, «so that the current 17 character vehicle identification number (VIN) system, which has been in place for almost 30 years, can continue in use for at least another 30 years», in the process making several changes to the VIN requirements applicable to all motor vehicles manufactured for sale in the United States. There are three notable changes to the VIN structure that affect VIN deciphering systems:
- The make may only be identified after looking at positions one through three and another position, as determined by the manufacturer in the second section or fourth to eighth segment of the VIN.
- In order to identify the exact year in passenger cars and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a GVWR of 10,000 or less, one must read position 7 as well as position 10. For passenger cars, and for multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 lb (4,500 kg) or less, if position seven is numeric, the model year in position 10 of the VIN refers to a year in the range 1980–2009.[12][citation needed] If position seven is alphabetic, the model year in position 10 of VIN refers to a year in the range 2010–2039.
- The model year for vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 lb (4,500 kg), as well as buses, motorcycles, trailers and low-speed vehicles, may no longer be identified within a 30-year range. VIN characters 1–8 and 10 that were assigned from 1980 to 2009 can be repeated beginning with the 2010 model year.
Plant code[edit]
Compulsory in North America and China is the use of the 11th character to identify the assembly plant at which the vehicle was built. Each manufacturer has its own set of plant codes.
Production number[edit]
In the United States and China, the 12th to 17th digits are the vehicle’s serial or production number. This is unique to each vehicle, and every manufacturer uses its own sequence.
Check-digit calculation[edit]
A check-digit validation is used for all road vehicles sold in the United States and Canada.
When trying to validate a VIN with a check digit, first either (a) remove the check digit for the purpose of calculation or (b) use a weight of zero (see below) to cancel it out. The original value of the check digit is then compared with the calculated value. If the calculated value is 0–9, the check digit must match the calculated value. If the calculated value is 10, the check digit must be X. If the two values do not match (and there was no error in the calculation), then there is a mistake in the VIN. However, a match does not prove the VIN is correct, because there is still a 1/11 chance that any two distinct VINs have a matching check digit: for example, the valid VINs 5GZCZ43D13S812715 (correct with leading five) and SGZCZ43D13S812715 (incorrect with leading character «S»). The VINs in the Porsche image, WP0ZZZ99ZTS392124, and the GM-T body image, KLATF08Y1VB363636, do not pass the North American check-digit verification.
Transliterating the numbers[edit]
Transliteration consists of removing all of the letters, and replacing them with their appropriate numerical counterparts. These numerical alternatives (based on IBM’s EBCDIC) are in the following chart. I, O, and Q are not allowed in a valid VIN; for this chart, they have been filled in with N/A (not applicable). Numerical digits use their own values.
A: 1 | B: 2 | C: 3 | D: 4 | E: 5 | F: 6 | G: 7 | H: 8 | — |
J: 1 | K: 2 | L: 3 | M: 4 | N: 5 | — | P: 7 | — | R: 9 |
— | S: 2 | T: 3 | U: 4 | V: 5 | W: 6 | X: 7 | Y: 8 | Z: 9 |
S is 2, and not 1. There is no left-alignment linearity.
Weights used in calculation[edit]
The following is the weight factor for each position in the VIN. The 9th position is that of the check digit. It has been substituted with a 0, which will cancel it out in the multiplication step.
Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
Weight | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Worked example[edit]
Consider the hypothetical VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788, where the underscore will be the check digit.
VIN | 1 | M | 8 | G | D | M | 9 | A | K | P | 0 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 8 | 8 | |
Value | 1 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 7 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 8 | 8 |
Weight | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Products | 8 | 28 | 48 | 35 | 16 | 12 | 18 | 10 | 0 | 18 | 56 | 0 | 24 | 10 | 28 | 24 | 16 |
- The VIN’s value is calculated from the above transliteration table. This number is used in the rest of the calculation.
- Copy the weights from the weight factor row above.
- The products row is the result of the multiplication of the columns in the Value and Weight rows.
- The products (8, 28, 48, 35 … 24, 16) are all added together to yield a sum, 351.
- Find the remainder after dividing by 11
351 MOD 11 = 10
351 ÷ 11 = 3110⁄11 - The remainder is the check digit. If the remainder is 10, the check digit is X. In this example, the remainder is 10, so the check digit is transliterated as X.
With a check digit of X, the VIN 1M8GDM9A_KP042788 is written 1M8GDM9AXKP042788.
A VIN with straight-ones (seventeen consecutive 1s) has the nice feature that its check digit 1 matches the calculated value 1. This is because a value of one multiplied by 89 (sum of weights) is 89, and 89 divided by 11 is 8 with remainder 1⁄11; thus 1 is the check digit. This is a way to test a VIN-check algorithm.
VIN scanning[edit]
The VIN is marked in multiple locations; normally in the lower corner of the windshield on the driver’s side, under the bonnet next to latch, at the front end of the vehicle frame, and inside the door pillar on the driver’s side.[13] On newer vehicles VINs may be optically read with barcode scanners or digital cameras, or digitally read via OBD-II.[14] There are smartphone applications that can pass the VIN to websites to decode the VIN.[15]
List of common WMI[edit]
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) assigns the WMI[16] (world manufacturer identifier) to countries and manufacturers. The following list shows a selection of world manufacturer codes.
WMI | Country | Manufacturer |
Africa[edit] | ||
AAA | South Africa | Audi South Africa made by Volkswagen of South Africa |
AAK | FAW Vehicle Manufacturers SA (PTY) Ltd. | |
AAM | MAN Automotive (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. includes VW Truck & Bus | |
AAV | Volkswagen of South Africa[17] | |
ABJ | Mitsubishi Colt & Triton pickups made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1994-2011 | |
ABJ | Mitsubishi Fuso made by Daimler Trucks & Buses Southern Africa | |
ACV | Isuzu Motors South Africa 2018- | |
AC5 | Hyundai Automotive South Africa (cars) | |
ADD | UD Trucks Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd | |
ADM | General Motors South Africa includes Isuzu through 2018 | |
ADN | Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd | |
ADR | Renault Sandero made by Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd | |
ADX | Tata Automobile Corporation (SA) Ltd. | |
AFA | Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa & Samcor | |
AFB | Mazda BT-50 made by Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa | |
AHH | Hino South Africa | |
AHM | Honda Ballade made by Mercedes-Benz South Africa 1982-2000 | |
AHT | Toyota South Africa Motors[17] | |
BF9 | Kenya | KIBO Motorcycles |
CL9 | Tunisia | Wallyscar |
DA1 DA4 | Egypt | Arab American Vehicles |
DAA | Fiat Auto Egypt Industrial Co | |
DAB | BMW Egypt SKD | |
DF9 | Morocco | Laraki |
GA1 | Madagascar | Renault /SOMACOA — Société Malgache de Construction Automobile |
Asia[edit] | ||
J81 | Japan | Chevrolet/Geo car made by Isuzu |
J87 | Pontiac/Asüna car made by Isuzu for GM Canada | |
J8B J8C | Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu | |
J8D J8T | GMC commercial trucks made by Isuzu | |
J8Z | Chevrolet pickup truck made by Isuzu | |
JA3 | Mitsubishi car | |
JA4 | Mitsubishi MPV/SUV | |
JA7 | Mitsubishi truck | |
JAA | Isuzu truck | |
JAB | Isuzu car | |
JAC | Isuzu SUV | |
JAE | Acura SLX made by Isuzu | |
JAL | Isuzu commercial trucks & Chevrolet commercial trucks made by Isuzu 2016+ & Hino S-series truck made by Isuzu | |
JAM | Isuzu commercial trucks | |
JB3 | Dodge car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JB4 | Dodge MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JB7 | Dodge truck made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JC0 | Ford brand cars made by Mazda | |
JC1 | Fiat 124 Spider made by Mazda | |
JC2 | Ford Courier made by Mazda | |
JD1 | Daihatsu car | |
JD2 | Daihatsu SUV | |
JD4 | Daihatsu truck | |
JDA | Daihatsu | |
JE3 | Eagle car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JE4 | Mitsubishi | |
JF1 | Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries car | |
JF2 | Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries SUV | |
JF3 | Subaru — Fuji Heavy Industries truck | |
JF4 | Saab 9-2X made by Subaru | |
JG1 | Chevrolet/Geo car made by Suzuki | |
JG7 | Pontiac/Asuna car made by Suzuki for GM Canada | |
JGC | Chevrolet/Geo SUV made by Suzuki | |
JGT | GMC SUV made by Suzuki for GM Canada | |
JH2 | Honda motorcycle/ATV | |
JH3 | Honda ATV | |
JH4 | Acura car | |
JHA JHB | Hino | |
JHD JHF JHH | Hino | |
JHL | Honda MPV/SUV[17] | |
JHM | Honda car[17] | |
JJ3 | Chrysler car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JK8 | Suzuki QUV620F UTV made by Kawasaki | |
JKA JKB | Kawasaki | |
JKS | Suzuki Marauder 1600/Boulevard M95 motorcycle made by Kawasaki | |
JL5 JL6 | Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp | |
JLF | Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp | |
JLS | Sterling Trucks 360 made by Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corp | |
JM0 | Mazda for Oceania export | |
JM1 | Mazda car | |
JM2 | Mazda truck | |
JM3 | Mazda MPV/SUV | |
JM6 | Mazda[17] | |
JM7 | Mazda | |
JMA JMB | Mitsubishi[17] | |
JMF | Mitsubishi | |
JMY | Mitsubishi | |
JMZ | Mazda for Europe export | |
JN | Nissan[17] | |
JN1 | Nissan car & Infiniti car | |
JN3 | Nissan incomplete vehicle | |
JN6 | Nissan truck | |
JN8 | Nissan MPV/SUV & Infiniti SUV | |
JNA | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
JNC | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks | |
JNE | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks truck | |
JNK | Infiniti car | |
JNR | Infiniti SUV | |
JNX | Infiniti incomplete vehicle | |
JP3 | Plymouth car made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JP4 | Plymouth MPV/SUV made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JP7 | Plymouth truck made by Mitsubishi Motors | |
JPC | Nissan Diesel/UD Trucks | |
JR2 | Isuzu Oasis made by Honda | |
JS | Suzuki[17] | |
JS1 | Suzuki motorcycle & Kawasaki KLX400S/KLX400SR motorcycle made by Suzuki | |
JS2 | Suzuki car | |
JS3 | Suzuki SUV | |
JSA | Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki | |
JSK | Kawasaki KLX125/KLX125L motorcycle made by Suzuki | |
JSL | Kawasaki KFX400 ATV made by Suzuki | |
JT | Toyota[17] | |
JT2 | Toyota car | |
JT3 | Toyota MPV/SUV | |
JT4 | Toyota truck | |
JT5 | Toyota incomplete vehicle | |
JT6 | Lexus SUV | |
JT8 | Lexus car | |
JTD | Toyota car | |
JTE | Toyota MPV/SUV | |
JTF | Toyota van/truck | |
JTG | Toyota MPV/bus | |
JTH | Lexus car | |
JTJ | Lexus SUV | |
JTK | Toyota car | |
JTL | Toyota SUV | |
JTM | Toyota SUV | |
JTN | Toyota car | |
JW6 | Mitsubishi FUSO division of Mitsubishi Motors (through mid 2003) | |
JY | Yamaha Motor[17] | |
JY3 | Yamaha Motor 3-wheel ATV | |
JY4 | Yamaha Motor 4-wheel ATV | |
JYA | Yamaha Motor motorcycles | |
JYE | Yamaha Motor snowmobile | |
KF3 | Israel | Merkavim |
KF6 | Automotive Industries, Ltd. | |
KF9 004 | Tomcar | |
KLA | South Korea | Daewoo/GM Korea[17] |
KLT KLU | Tata Daewoo | |
KL1 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car | |
KL2 | Daewoo/GM Daewoo Pontiac | |
KL3 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Holden | |
KL4 | GM Korea Buick | |
KL5 | GM Daewoo Suzuki | |
KL6 | GM Daewoo GMC | |
KL7 | Daewoo GM Canada brands: Passport, Asuna (Pre-2000) | |
KL7 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet MPV/SUV (Post-2000) | |
KL8 | GM Daewoo/GM Korea Chevrolet car (Spark) | |
KMA | Asia Motors | |
KME | Hyundai commercial truck | |
KMF | Hyundai van & commercial truck & Bering Truck | |
KMH | Hyundai car[17] | |
KMJ | Hyundai bus & minibus | |
KMT | Genesis Motor car | |
KMU | Genesis Motor SUV | |
KMY | Daelim Motor Company, Ltd/DNA Motors Co., Ltd. | |
KM4 | Hyosung Motors/S&T Motors/KR Motors | |
KM8 | Hyundai SUV | |
KNA KNC KNE | Kia car[17] | |
KND | Kia SUV/MPV & Hyundai Entourage | |
KNJ | Ford Festiva & Aspire | |
KNM | Renault Samsung Motors & Nissan Rogue made by Renault Samsung Motors | |
KPA | SsangYong pickup | |
KPB | SsangYong car | |
KPH | Mitsubishi Precis | |
KPT | SsangYong SUV/MPV[17] | |
L1C | China | Hubei Huawei Special-Purpose Automobile |
L2C | Chery Jaguar Land Rover | |
L5Y | Znen Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycle Co. Ltd. | |
L6T | Geely | |
L8A | Jinhua Youngman Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | |
L8Y | Zhejiang Jonway Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | |
L9N | Zhejiang Taotao Vehicles Co., Ltd. | |
LA6 | King Long | |
LA9 LC0 | BYD Auto | |
LAL | Sundiro Honda Motorcycle Co., Ltd. | |
LB1 | Fujian Benz | |
LB2 | Geely motorcycle | |
LB3 | Geely | |
LBB | Qianjiang Motorcycle & Benelli | |
LBE | Beijing Hyundai | |
LBP | Chonqing Jianshe Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. | |
LBV | BMW Brilliance | |
LC0 | BYD Auto Industry Co. Ltd. | |
LC2 | Changzhou Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd. | |
LC6 | Changzhou Haojue Suzuki Motorcycle Co. Ltd. | |
LCE | CF Moto by Chunfeng Holding Group Hangzhou Motorcycles Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | |
LCR | Gonow | |
LDC | Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën | |
LDK | FAW Bus (Dalian) Co., Ltd. | |
LDN | Soueast | |
LDY | Zhongtong Bus | |
LE4 | Beijing Benz & Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automotive Co., Ltd. | |
LEF | JMC | |
LET | Jiangxi Isuzu | |
LF3 | Lifan motorcycle | |
LFB | FAW Jilin | |
LFM | FAW Toyota | |
LFN | FAW Bus (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. | |
LFP | FAW Car | |
LFV | FAW-Volkswagen | |
LGA | Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. trucks | |
LGB | Dongfeng Nissan | |
LGC | Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. buses | |
LGG | Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor | |
LGJ | Dongfeng Fengshen (Aeolus) | |
LGL | Guilin Daewoo | |
LGW | Great Wall (Haval) | |
LGX | BYD Auto | |
LGZ | Guangzhou Denway Bus | |
LH1 | FAW Haima | |
LHG | Guangzhou Honda | |
LJ1 | JAC | |
LJ8 | Zotye Auto | |
LJC | Jincheng Corporation | |
LJD | Dongfeng Yueda Kia | |
LJN | Zhengzhou Nissan | |
LJS | Yaxing Coach | |
LJU | Shanghai Maple Automobile Co. & Kandi | |
LJV | Sinotruk Chengdu Wangpai Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. | |
LJX | JMC Ford | |
LKC | Changhe | |
LKG | Youngman Lotus Automobile Co., Ltd. | |
LKL | Higer Bus | |
LKT | Yunnan Lifan Junma Vehicle Co., Ltd. commercial vehicles | |
LL3 | Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Co. Ltd | |
LL6 | GAC Mitsubishi | |
LL8 | Jiangsu Linhai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. | |
LLC | Loncin Holdings | |
LLN | Qoros | |
LLV | Lifan | |
LM6 | SWM (automobiles) | |
LMG | GAC Trumpchi | |
LNB | BAIC Motor | |
LNP | NAC MG UK Limited & Nanjing Fiat Automobile | |
LNY | Yuejin | |
LPA | Changan PSA (DS Automobiles) | |
LPE | BYD Auto | |
LPS | Polestar | |
LRB | SAIC General Motors Buick | |
LRD | Beijing Foton Daimler Automotive Co., Ltd. Auman trucks | |
LRE | SAIC General Motors Cadillac | |
LRW | Tesla | |
LS5 | Changan Automobile & Changan Suzuki | |
LS7 | JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle | |
LSF | SAIC Maxus & Shanghai Sunwin Bus Corporation | |
LSG | SAIC General Motors Chevrolet | |
LSH | SAIC Maxus | |
LSJ | SAIC MG & SAIC Roewe | |
LSK | SAIC Maxus | |
LSV | SAIC Volkswagen | |
LSY | Brilliance & Jinbei GM | |
LTA | ZX Auto | |
LTN | Soueast built Chrysler & Dodge vehicles | |
LTV | FAW Toyota (Tianjin) | |
LUC | Honda Automobile (China) | |
LUD | Dongfeng Nissan Diesel Motor Co Ltd | |
LUX | Dongfeng Yulon Motor Co. Ltd | |
LVA LVB LVC | Foton Motor | |
LVF | Changhe Suzuki | |
LVG | GAC Toyota | |
LVH | Dongfeng Honda | |
LVM | Chery Commercial Vehicle | |
LVR | Changan Mazda | |
LVS | Changan Ford & Changan Ford Mazda | |
LVV | Chery | |
LVX | Landwind | |
LVY | Volvo Cars Daqing factory | |
LVZ | DFSK Motor | |
LWB | Wuyang Honda Motorcycle (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. | |
LWL | Qingling Isuzu | |
LWV | GAC Fiat Chrysler | |
LXV | Beijing Borgward Automotive Co., Ltd. | |
LXY | Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd. | |
LYB | Weichai (Yangzhou) Yaxing Automobile Co., Ltd. | |
LYM | Zhuzhou Jianshe Yamaha Motorcycle Co., Ltd. | |
LYV | Volvo Cars Chengdu factory & Luqiao factory | |
LZF | SAIC Iveco Hongyan | |
LZG | Shaanxi Automobile Group Shacman Bus | |
LZK | Sinotruk (CNHTC) Huanghe bus | |
LZS | Zongshen | |
LZU | Guangzhou Isuzu Bus | |
LZW | SAIC GM Wuling | |
LZY | Yutong | |
LZZ | Sinotruk (CNHTC) Howo, Sitrak | |
MA1 | India | Mahindra |
MA3 | Maruti Suzuki India Limited | |
MA6 | General Motors India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MA7 | Hindustan Motors Ltd & Mitsubishi Motors models made by Hindustan Motors & Isuzu models made by Hindustan Motors | |
MAH | Fiat India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd | |
MAJ | Ford India | |
MAK | Honda Cars India | |
MAL | Hyundai Motor India | |
MAN | Eicher Polaris Multix | |
MAT | Tata Motors | |
MB1 | Ashok Leyland Ltd | |
MB8 | Suzuki Motorcycle India Limited | |
MBF | Royal Enfield | |
MBH | Nissan Pixo made by Maruti Suzuki India Limited | |
MBJ | Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd | |
MBK | MAN Trucks India Pvt. Ltd | |
MBL | Hero MotoCorp | |
MBU | Swaraj Vehicles Limited | |
MBV | Premier Automobiles Ltd | |
MBX | Piaggio India Piaggio Ape | |
MBY | Asia Motor Works Ltd | |
MC1 | Force Motors Limited | |
MC2 | Eicher Motors Limited | |
MC4 | Dilip Chhabria Design Pvt Ltd | |
MCA | FCA India Automobiles Pvt. Ltd | |
MCB | General Motors India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MCD | Mahindra Two Wheelers | |
MCG | Atul Auto | |
MCL | International Cars And Motors Ltd | |
MD2 | Bajaj Auto Ltd & KTM and Husqvarna models built by Bajaj | |
MD6 | TVS Motor Company | |
MD7 | LML Ltd including Genuine Scooter Company Stella | |
MDE | Kinetic Engineering Limited | |
MDH | Nissan Motor India Pvt Ltd | |
MDT | Kerala Automobiles Limited | |
ME1 | India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd | |
ME3 | Royal Enfield | |
ME4 | Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India | |
MEC | Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. BharatBenz | |
MEE | Renault India Private Limited | |
MEG | Harley-Davidson India | |
MER | Benelli | |
MET | Piaggio India Vespa | |
MEX | Škoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. 2015 on | |
MYH | Ather Energy | |
MZ7 | MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MZB | Kia India Pvt. Ltd. | |
MZD | Classic Legends Private Limited — Jawa | |
M3G | Isuzu Motors India | |
M6F | UM Lohia Two Wheelers Private Limited | |
MH1 | Indonesia | PT Astra Honda Motor |
MH3 | PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg. | |
MH4 | PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia | |
MHF | PT Toyota Astra Motor | |
MHK | PT Astra Daihatsu Motor including Toyotas made by Astra Daihatsu | |
MHL | PT Mercedes Benz Indonesia | |
MHR | PT Honda Prospect Motor | |
MHY | PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor | |
MJB | GM Indonesia | |
MK2 | Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia | |
MK3 | PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Wuling | |
ML0 | Thailand | Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. |
ML3 | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) | |
ML5 | Kawasaki Motors Enterprise Co. Ltd. (Thailand) | |
MLC | Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. | |
MLE | Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. | |
MLH | Honda motorcycle | |
MLY | Harley-Davidson | |
MM0 MM6 MM7 | Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) | |
MM8 | Mazda (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[18] | |
MMA MMB | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[17] | |
MMC MMD | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) | |
MMF | BMW[19] | |
MMH | Tata[20] | |
MMK | Toyota (Toyota Auto Works plant)[21] | |
MMM | Chevrolet[22] | |
MML | MG | |
MMR | Subaru[23] | |
MMS | Suzuki[24] | |
MMT | Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand)[25] | |
MMU | Holden | |
MNA | Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for Australia/New Zealand export | |
MNB | Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant)[26] for other right-hand drive markets | |
MNC | Ford (Ford-Mazda AAT plant) for left-hand drive markets | |
MNK | Hino Motors Manufacturing Thailand Co Ltd | |
MNT | Nissan Motor Thailand | |
MPA | IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand | |
MPB | Ford (FTM plant)[27] | |
MP1 | IMCT Isuzu Motors Company Thailand | |
MP2 | Mazda BT-50 pickup built by Isuzu Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | |
MP5 | Foton[28] | |
MRH | Honda car | |
MR0 | Toyota (Ban Pho and Samrong plant)[29] | |
MR1 | Toyota (Samrong plant) (Fortuner) | |
MR2 | Toyota (Gateway plant)[30] | |
MS0 | Myanmar | SSS MOTORS Myanmar/Kia |
MS3 | Suzuki Myanmar Motor Co.,Ltd. | |
MX3 | Kazakhstan | Hyundai Trans Auto |
N3C | Iran | Kavir motor Company (Yektaz) |
N58 | Kavir motor Comany (EURASIA) | |
NAA | Iran khodro Company | |
NAD | Saipa Diesel | |
NAG | Bahman Industrial Group | |
NAP | Pars Khodro | |
NFB | Pakistan | Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan Ltd |
NG3 | Lucky Motor Corporation | |
NLA | Turkey | Honda cars |
NLC | Askam Kamyon Imalat Ve Ticaret A.S. | |
NLH | Hyundai Assan Otomotiv car/SUV | |
NLJ | Hyundai Assan Otomotiv van | |
NLN | Karsan Automotive Industry & Trade | |
NLR | Otokar | |
NMA | MAN Türkiye A.Ş.[17] | |
NMB | Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S. | |
NMC | BMC Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. | |
NMH | Honda motorcycle | |
NMT | Toyota Motor Manufacturing Turkey | |
NM0 | Ford Otosan | |
NM1 | Oyak-Renault Oto Fab AS | |
NM4 | Tofas (Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS) | |
NNA | Anadolu Isuzu | |
PAB | Philippines | Isuzu Philippines Corporation |
PAD | Honda Cars Philippines | |
PE1 | Ford Motor Company Philippines | |
PE3 | Mazda Philippines made by Ford Motor Company Philippines | |
PL1 | Malaysia | Proton |
PL8 | Hyundai/Inokom | |
PLP | Subaru | |
PLZ | Isuzu Malaysia | |
PMH | Honda car | |
PML | Hicom | |
PM1 | BMW | |
PM2 | Perodua | |
PM9 | Bufori | |
PMK | Honda Boon Siew motorcycle | |
PMN | Modenas | |
PMV | Hong Leong Yamaha Motor Sdn. Bhd. | |
PNA | Naza/Kia/Peugeot | |
PNA | Peugeot | |
PNV | Volvo Cars | |
PN1 PN2 | Toyota | |
PN8 | Nissan | |
PP1 | Mazda | |
PP3 | Hyundai | |
PPP | Suzuki | |
PPV | Volkswagen | |
PR8 | Ford | |
PRA | Sinotruk | |
PRH | Chery | |
LFA | Taiwan | Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd old designation |
LM1 LM4 | Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd old designation | |
LPR | Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. old designation | |
RF3 | Aeon Motor | |
RF5 | Yulon Motor Co Ltd | |
RFB | Kymco | |
RFC | Taiwan Golden Bee | |
RFD | Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd new designation | |
RFG | SYM Motors | |
RFV | PGO Scooters including Genuine Scooter Company models made by PGO | |
RGS | Kawasaki made by Kymco | |
RHA | Ford Lio Ho Motor Co Ltd new designation | |
RK7 | Kawasaki ATV made by Tai Ling Motor Co Ltd (rebadged Suzuki ATV) new designation | |
RKJ | Prince Motors Taiwan | |
RKL | Kuozui Motors (Toyota) | |
RKM | China Motor Corporation | |
RKR | Yamaha Motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. new designation | |
RKT | Honda Taiwan | |
RL0 | Vietnam | Ford Vietnam |
RL4 | Toyota Motor Vietnam | |
RLA | Vina Star Motors Corp. — Mitsubishi | |
RLC | Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co. Ltd. | |
RLE | Isuzu Vietnam Co. | |
RLH | Honda Vietnam Co. Ltd. | |
RLL | VinFast SUV | |
RLM | Mercedes-Benz Vietnam | |
RLV | Vietnam Precision Industrial CO., Ltd. Can-Am DS 70 & DS 90 | |
RP8 | Piaggio Vietnam Co. Ltd. | |
R4N | Hong Kong | Elyx Smart Technology Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. |
Europe[edit] | ||
SA9 | United Kingdom < 500 units | Morgan Motor Company |
SA9 | OX Global | |
SA9 005 | Panther | |
SA9 019 | TVR | |
SA9 039 | Westfield Sportscars | |
SA9 048 | McLaren F1 | |
SA9 050 | Marcos Engineering | |
SA9 130 | MG Sport and Racing | |
SA9 202 | Morgan 3-Wheeler | |
SAA | United Kingdom | Austin |
SAB | Optare | |
SAD | Daimler until April 1987 | |
SAD | Jaguar SUV | |
SAF | ERF | |
SAH | Honda made by Austin Rover Group | |
SAJ | Jaguar car | |
SAL | Land Rover[17] | |
SAM | Morris | |
SAR | Rover & MG Rover Group[17] | |
SAT | Triumph car[17] | |
SAX | Austin Rover Group including Sterling Cars | |
SAY | Norton Motorcycles | |
SAZ | Freight Rover | |
SBB | Leyland Vehicles | |
SBC | Iveco Ford Truck | |
SBJ | Leyland Bus | |
SBL | Leyland Motors & Leyland DAF | |
SBM | McLaren Automotive[17] | |
SBS | Scammell | |
SBV | Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Leyland Trucks | |
SB1 | Toyota Manufacturing UK[17] | |
SCA | Rolls-Royce Motor Cars & Rolls-Royce Motors car | |
SCB | Bentley car | |
SCC | Lotus Cars[17] | |
SCE | DeLorean | |
SCF | Aston Martin Lagonda[17] | |
SCG | Triumph Engineering original Triumph Motorcycle company | |
SCK | Ifor Williams Trailers | |
SCR | London Electric Vehicle Company & London Taxi Company & London Taxis International | |
SCV | Volvo Truck & Bus | |
SC6 | INEOS Automotive[17] | |
SDB | Talbot Motor Company | |
SDF | Dodge Trucks — UK 1981-1984 | |
SDG | Renault Trucks Industries 1985-1992 | |
SDK | Caterham Cars | |
SDL | TVR | |
SDP | MG Motor NAC MG UK & MG Motor UK | |
SED | IBC Vehicles (Isuzu Bedford Company) | |
SEG | Dennis Eagle | |
SEY | LDV Group | |
SFA | Ford of Britain | |
SFD | Dennis | |
SFE | Alexander Dennis | |
SFN | Foden | |
SFZ | Tesla Roadster made by Lotus | |
SHH | Honda UK Manufacturing car[17] | |
SHS | Honda UK Manufacturing SUV[17] | |
SJA | Bentley SUV | |
SJK | Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Infiniti | |
SJN | Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK[17] Nissan | |
SKA | Vauxhall Motors | |
SKF | Bedford Vehicles | |
SLA | Rolls-Royce Motor Cars SUV | |
SLP | JC Bamford Excavators | |
SLV | Volvo Bus | |
SMT | Triumph Motorcycles Ltd current Triumph Motorcycle company | |
SNE | East Germany | Wartburg |
SNT | Trabant | |
SNZ | MZ Motorrad- und Zweiradwerk | |
SUA | Poland | Sanocka Fabryka Autobusow Sfa / Autosan |
SUD | Wielton | |
SUF | Fabryka Samochodów Małolitrażowych | |
SUJ | Jelcz | |
SUL | FSC Lublin Automotive Factory | |
SUN | FSD [pl] | |
SUP | Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych | |
SUU | Solaris Bus & Coach | |
SZA | Scania Production Slupsk | |
TAM | Switzerland | Mowag |
TAP | Polaris Europe (based in Switzerland) | |
TCC | Micro Compact Car[17] (until 5/99) | |
TEB | Bucher Municipal including Johnston Sweepers of the UK (owned by Bucher Municipal of Switzerland) | |
TK9 SL5 | Czech Republic | SOR Libchavy |
TLJ | Jawa Moto | |
TMA | Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech car[17] | |
TMB | Škoda Auto AS[17] | |
TMC | Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech SUV | |
TMK | Karosa | |
TMP | Škoda Ostrov | |
TMT | Tatra car | |
TNA | Avia/Daewoo Avia | |
TNT TNU | Tatra trucks | |
TRA | Hungary | Ikarus Bus |
TRU | Audi[17] | |
TSM | Suzuki[17] | |
TW1 | Portugal | Toyota Caetano Portugal |
TW3 | Renault Portuguesa SARL | |
TW7 | Mini Moke made by British Leyland & Austin Rover | |
TW8 | General Motors De Portugal Lda | |
TWG | Salvador Caetano | |
TX5 | Mini Moke made by Cagiva | |
TYA | Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp. | |
TYB | Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp. | |
U5Y | Slovakia | Kia Motors Slovakia car[17] |
U6Y | Kia Motors Slovakia SUV | |
ULA | Denmark | ASA-LIFT: Vegetable Technology Specialist (Agricultural Machinery) |
UU1 | Romania | Dacia[17] |
UU2 | Oltcit | |
UU3 | ARO | |
UU5 | Rocar | |
UU6 | Daewoo Romania | |
UU7 | Euro Bus Diamond | |
UU9 | Astra Bus | |
UZT | UTB (Uzina de Tractoare Brașov) | |
VA0 | Austria | ÖAF[17] |
VAG | Steyr-Daimler-Puch Puch G & Steyr-Puch Pinzgauer | |
VAN | Steyr-Daimler-Puch Steyr Trucks | |
VBK | KTM[17] | |
VBK | Husqvarna Motorcycles & Gas Gas under KTM ownership | |
VCF | Fisker Inc. (Fisker Ocean) made by Magna Steyr | |
VF1 | France | Renault[17] & Eagle Medallion made by Renault |
VF2 | Renault Trucks[17] | |
VF3 | Peugeot[17] | |
VF4 | Talbot[17] | |
VF5 | Iveco Unic[17] | |
VF6 | Renault Trucks[17] | |
VF7 | Citroën[17] | |
VF8 | Matra/Talbot/Simca[17] | |
VF9 607 | Mathieu Fayat Group | |
VF9 673 | Venturi Automobiles | |
VF9 795 | Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.[17] | |
VFA | Alpine | |
VG5 | MBK & Yamaha Motor | |
VG6 | Renault Trucks & Mack Trucks medium duty trucks made by Renault Trucks | |
VG7, VG8 | Renault Trucks | |
VGA | Peugeot Motocycles | |
VJ1 | Heuliez Bus | |
VK8 | Venturi Automobiles | |
VL4 | Bluecar | |
VLU | Scania Production Angers | |
VMK | Renault Sport Spider | |
VN1 | Renault SOVAB | |
VNE | Iveco Bus | |
VNK | Toyota Motor Manufacturing France | |
VNV | Nissan | |
VR1 | DS Automobiles | |
VR3 | Peugeot | |
VR7 | Citroën | |
VPS | MLT Automotive | |
VXE | Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall van | |
VXK | Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall car/SUV | |
VS1 | Spain | Pegaso |
VS5 | Renault España | |
VS6 | Ford Espana | |
VS7 | Citroën | |
VS8 | Peugeot | |
VSC | Mercedes-Benz Espana SA (Vitoria) | |
VSE | Santana Motor | |
VSK | Nissan Motor Iberica SA, Nissan passenger car/MPV/van/SUV/pickup & Ford Maverick 1993-1999 | |
VSS | SEAT[17] | |
VSX | Opel Automobile Espana,SA | |
VTD | Montesa Honda Honda Montesa motorcycle models | |
VTH | Derbi | |
VTL | Yamaha Motor España SA & Yamaha Sociedad Española de Motocicletas | |
VTM | Montesa Honda Honda motorcycle models | |
VTR | Gas Gas | |
VTT | Suzuki Motor España Motorcycle | |
VV9 | Tauro Sport Auto | |
VWA | Nissan Vehiculos Industriales SA, Nissan Commercial Vehicles | |
VX1 | Yugoslavia/Serbia | Zastava Automobiles |
V31 | Croatia | Tvornica Autobusa Zagreb (TAZ) |
V39 AB8 | Rimac Automobili | |
WAC | Germany | Audi/Porsche RS 2 Avant |
WAG | Neoplan[17] | |
WAU | Audi car[17] | |
WAP | Alpina[17] | |
WUA | Audi SUV | |
WBA | BMW car[17] | |
WBS | BMW M car[17] | |
WBX | BMW SUV[17] | |
WBY | BMW i car | |
WB1 | BMW Motorrad Motorcycle | |
WB3 | BMW Motorrad Motorcycles made in India | |
WB4 | BMW Motorrad Motorscooters made in China | |
WB5 | BMW i SUV | |
WCD | Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2019 | |
WD0 | Dodge Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2009 | |
WD1 | Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 incomplete vehicle | |
WD2 | Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) | |
WD3 | Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America) | |
WD4 | Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
WD5 | Freightliner Sprinter 2002 & Sprinter (Dodge or Freightliner) 2003-2005 MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) | |
WD6 | Freightliner Unimog truck | |
WD7 | Freightliner Unimog incomplete vehicle | |
WD8 | Dodge Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2009 | |
WDA | Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America) | |
WDB | Mercedes-Benz & Maybach[17] | |
WDC | Mercedes-Benz SUV[17] | |
WDD | Mercedes-Benz car | |
WDF | Mercedes-Benz van (French & Spanish built models — Citan & Vito & X-Class) | |
WDP | Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2019 | |
WDR | Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) 2005-2019 | |
WDW | Dodge Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 2008-2009 | |
WDX | Dodge Sprinter incomplete vehicle 2005-2009 | |
WDY | Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) 2005-2019 | |
WDZ | Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
WEB | EvoBus Mercedes-Benz buses[17] | |
WEL | e.GO Mobile AG | |
WF0 | Ford of Europe[17] | |
WF1 | Merkur | |
WJM | Iveco/Iveco Magirus | |
WJR | Irmscher[17] | |
WKK | Setra & Karl Kässbohrer Fahrzeugwerke[17] | |
WMA | MAN[17] | |
WME | Smart[17] (from 5/99) | |
WMW | Mini car[17] | |
WMX | Mercedes-AMG used for Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG & Mercedes-AMG GT (not used in North America) | |
WMZ | Mini SUV | |
WNA | Next.e.GO Mobile SE | |
WP0 | Porsche car[17] | |
WP1 | Porsche SUV[17] | |
WS5 | StreetScooter | |
WUA | Audi Sport GmbH & Quattro GmbH car[17] | |
WU1 | Audi Sport GmbH SUV | |
WVG | Volkswagen SUV[17] | |
WVM | Arbeitsgemeinschaft VW-MAN | |
WVP | Viseon Bus | |
WVW | Volkswagen car[17] | |
WV1 | Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17] | |
WV2 | Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles[17] | |
WZ1 | Toyota Supra Fifth generation | |
W04 | Buick Regal & Buick Cascada | |
W06 | Cadillac Catera | |
W08 | Saturn Astra | |
W09 B09 | Bitter Cars | |
W09 B16 | Brabus | |
W09 D05 | Drögmöller | |
W09 HA8 | HWA AG | |
W09 R06 | Ruf Automobile[17] | |
W0L | Adam Opel AG/Vauxhall[17] & Holden | |
W0S | Opel Special Vehicles[17] | |
W0V | Opel Automobile Gmbh/Vauxhall & Holden | |
W1A | Smart | |
W1H | Freightliner Econic | |
W1K | Mercedes-Benz car | |
W1N | Mercedes-Benz SUV | |
W1T | Mercedes-Benz truck | |
W1V | Mercedes-Benz van | |
W1W | Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
W1X | Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America) | |
W1Y | Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America) | |
W1Z | Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
W2W | Freightliner Sprinter MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) | |
W2X | Freightliner Sprinter incomplete vehicle | |
W2Y | Freightliner Sprinter truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) | |
W2Z | Freightliner Sprinter «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
XBB | Bulgaria | Great Wall Motors/Litex Motors AD |
XL9 003 | Netherlands | Autobusfabriek Bova BV |
XL9 320 | VDL Bova | |
XL9 363 | Spyker Cars | |
XLB | Volvo Car B.V./NedCar B.V. (Volvo Cars) | |
XLE | Scania Nederland B.V. | |
XLR | DAF Trucks[17] & Leyland DAF | |
XLV | DAF Bus | |
XMC | NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors | |
XMG | VDL Bus International | |
XNC | NedCar B.V. Mitsubishi Motors (Colt CZC convertible) | |
XNL | VDL Bus & Coach | |
XP7 | Tesla Europe (based in the Netherlands) | |
XTA | Russia | AvtoVAZ[17] |
XTB | AZLK[17] | |
XTF | GolAZ | |
XTH | GAZ | |
XTT | UAZ | |
XTY | LiAZ | |
XU1 | UAZ Special Purpose Vehicles | |
XUF | General Motors Russia | |
XUU | Chevrolet made by Avtotor | |
XW7 | Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia | |
XW8 | Volkswagen Group Rus | |
XWE | Hyundai Motor Company & Kia made by Avtotor | |
X1E | KAvZ | |
X1M | PAZ | |
X4X | BMW made by Avtotor | |
X7L | Renault Russia | |
X8J | IMZ-Ural Ural Motorcycles | |
X96 | GAZ | |
X9F | Ford Motor Company ZAO | |
X9L | GM-AvtoVAZ | |
X9P | Volvo Vostok ZAO Volvo Trucks | |
X9X | Great Wall Motors IMS Avtotrade-12 LLC | |
Z6F | Ford Sollers | |
Z8N | Nissan Manufacturing Rus | |
Z8T | PCMA Rus | |
Z94 | Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Rus | |
Z9M | Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok | |
XWB | Uzbekistán | UzDaewoo GM Uzbekistan Ravon |
Y6D | Ukraine | ZAZ |
Y6J | Bogdan group | |
Y6U | Škoda Auto made by Eurocar | |
Y7B | Bogdan group | |
Y7C | Great Wall Motors KrASZ | |
YAR | Belgium | Toyota Motor Europe (based in Belgium) used for Toyota ProAce & Toyota ProAce City |
YB3 | Volvo Trucks | |
YB6 | Jonckheere | |
YC1 | Honda | |
YE2 | Van Hool[17] | |
YH2 | Finland | Lynx (snowmobile) |
YH4 | Fisker Automotive (Fisker Karma) built by Valmet Automotive | |
YK1 | Saab[17] built by Valmet Automotive | |
YK7 | Sisu Auto | |
YS2 | Sweden | Scania, Södertälje[17] truck |
YS3 | Saab[17] | |
YS4 | Scania, Katrineholm[17] bus | |
YSC | Cadillac BLS built by Saab | |
YT9 007 | Koenigsegg Automotive AB[31] | |
YTN | Saab NEVS | |
YU7 | Husaberg Swedish built models | |
YV1 | Volvo Cars car[17] | |
YV2 | Volvo Trucks[17] | |
YV3 | Volvo Buses[17] | |
YV4 | Volvo Cars SUV | |
YV5 | Volvo Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
YYC | Norway | Think Nordic |
ZA9 A12 | Italy | Lamborghini through mid 2003 |
ZA9 D38 | Cizeta Automobili SRL | |
ZA9 D39 | Bugatti Automobili S.p.A | |
ZA9 F76 | Pagani Automobili S.p.A. | |
ZA9 M09 | Italdesign Automobili Speciali | |
ZA9 M27 | Dallara Stradale | |
ZAA | Autobianchi | |
ZAC | Jeep and Dodge Hornet | |
ZAM | Maserati car[17] | |
ZAP | Piaggio and Vespa and Gilera[32] | |
ZAR | Alfa Romeo car[17] & Nissan Cherry Europe | |
ZAS | Alfa Romeo Alfasud & Sprint through 1989 | |
ZAS | Alfa Romeo SUV 2018- | |
ZBB | Gruppo Bertone | |
ZBN | Benelli | |
ZBW | Rayton-Fissore Magnum | |
ZC2 | Chrysler TC by Maserati | |
ZCF | Iveco[17] | |
ZCG | Cagiva & MV Agusta | |
ZCG | Husqvarna Motorcycles Under MV Agusta ownership | |
ZD0 | Yamaha Motor Italia SpA & Belgarda SpA | |
ZD3 | Betamotor S.p.A. | |
ZD4 | Aprilia | |
ZDC | Honda Italia Industriale S.p.A. | |
ZDM | Ducati Motor Holding | |
ZDT | De Tomaso Modena SpA | |
ZES | Bimota | |
ZF4 | Qvale | |
ZFA | Fiat car[17] Also Fiat Fullback | |
ZFB | Fiat MPV/SUV | |
ZFC | Ram 1200 | |
ZFF | Ferrari[17] | |
ZFM | Fantic Motor | |
ZFR | Pininfarina | |
ZGA | Iveco Bus[17] | |
ZGU | Moto Guzzi | |
ZHU | Husqvarna Motorcycles Under Cagiva ownership | |
ZHW | Lamborghini car[17] from mid 2003 | |
ZJM | Malaguti | |
ZJN | Innocenti | |
ZJT | Italjet | |
ZKH | Husqvarna Motorcycles Srl Under BMW ownership | |
ZK5 | Hyundai Automobili Italia Importazioni | |
ZLA | Lancia[17] | |
ZLM | Moto Morini srl | |
ZLV | Laverda | |
ZN0 | SWM Motorcycles S.r.l. | |
ZN3 | Iveco Defence | |
ZN6 | Maserati SUV | |
ZNN | Energica Motor Company | |
ZPB | Lamborghini SUV | |
ZZ1 | Slovenia | Tomos motorcycle |
North America[edit] | ||
1A4 1A8 | United States | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2009 only |
1AC | American Motors Corporation MPV | |
1AF | American LaFrance truck | |
1AM | American Motors Corporation car & Renault Alliance 1983 only | |
1B3 | Dodge[17] car 1981-2011 | |
1B4 | Dodge MPV/SUV 1981-2002 | |
1B6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002 | |
1B7 | Dodge truck 1981-2002 | |
1B9 133 | Buell Motorcycle Company through mid 1995 | |
1B9 975 | Motus Motorcycles | |
1BA | Blue Bird Corporation bus | |
1BB | Blue Bird Wanderlodge MPV | |
1BD | Blue Bird Corporation incomplete vehicle | |
1C3 | Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011 | |
1C3 | Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012- | |
1C4 | Chrysler brand MPV 1990-2005 | |
1C4 | Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV 2012- | |
1C6 | Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012- | |
1C8 | Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005 | |
1C9 291 | CX Automotive | |
1CM | Checker Motors Corporation | |
1CU | Cushman Haulster (Cushman division of Outboard Marine Corporation) | |
1CY | Crane Carrier Company | |
1D3 | Dodge truck 2002-2009 | |
1D4 | Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2011 only | |
1D7 | Dodge truck 2002-2011 | |
1D8 | Dodge MPV/SUV 2003-2009 only | |
1F | Ford[17] | |
1F1 | Ford SUV — limousine (through 2009) | |
1F6 | Ford stripped chassis made by Detroit Chassis LLC | |
1F9 ST2 | Seagrave | |
1FA | Ford car | |
1FB | Ford «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
1FC | Ford stripped chassis made by Ford | |
1FD | Ford incomplete vehicle | |
1FM | Ford MPV/SUV | |
1FT | Ford truck | |
1FU 1FV | Freightliner Trucks | |
1G | General Motors[17] | |
1G0 | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986 | |
1G0 | GMC Rapid Transit Series (RTS) bus 1981-1986 | |
1G0 | Opel car 2007-2017 | |
1G1 | Chevrolet car | |
1G2 | Pontiac car | |
1G3 | Oldsmobile car | |
1G4 | Buick car[33] | |
1G5 | GMC MPV/SUV 1981-1986 | |
1G6 | Cadillac car | |
1G7 | Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada | |
1G8 | Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1981-1986 | |
1G8 | Saturn car 1991-2010 | |
1G9 495 | Google & Waymo | |
1GA | Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
1GB | Chevrolet incomplete vehicles[33] | |
1GC | Chevrolet truck | |
1GD | GMC incomplete vehicles[33] | |
1GE | Cadillac incomplete vehicle | |
1GF | Flxible bus | |
1GG | Isuzu pickup trucks made by GM | |
1GH | Oldsmobile MPV/SUV 1990-2004 | |
1GH | Holden Acadia 2019-2020 | |
1GJ | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987- | |
1GK | GMC MPV/SUV 1987- | |
1GM | Pontiac MPV | |
1GN | Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987- | |
1GT | GMC truck | |
1GY | Cadillac SUV | |
1HA | Chevrolet incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International | |
1HD | Harley-Davidson | |
1HF | Honda motorcycle/ATV/UTV | |
1HG | Honda[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
1HS | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck | |
1HT | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks & Chevrolet Silverado 4500HD, 5500HD, 6500HD incomplete vehicle | |
1HV | IC Bus incomplete bus | |
1J4 | Jeep[17] SUV 1989-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
1J7 | Jeep truck 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
1J8 | Jeep SUV 2002-2011 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
1JC | Jeep SUV 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
1JT | Jeep truck 1981-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
1JU | Marmon Motor Company | |
1L | Lincoln[17] | |
1L1 | Lincoln car — limousine | |
1L9 234 | Laforza | |
1LJ | Lincoln incomplete vehicle | |
1LN | Lincoln car | |
1M0 | John Deere Gator | |
1M1 1M2 | Mack Trucks | |
1M8 | Motor Coach Industries | |
1M9 682 | Mosler Automotive | |
1M9 816 | Proterra Through mid-2019 | |
1MB | Mercedes-Benz Truck Co. | |
1ME | Mercury car[17] | |
1MR | Continental Mark VI & VII 1981-1985 & Continental sedan[17] 1982-1985 | |
1N4 | Nissan car | |
1N6 | Nissan truck | |
1N9 013 | Neoplan USA | |
1N9 393 | Nikola Corporation | |
1NK | Kenworth incomplete vehicle | |
1NP | Peterbilt incomplete vehicle | |
1NX | Toyota car made by NUMMI | |
1P3 | Plymouth car | |
1P4 | Plymouth MPV/SUV | |
1P9 213 | Panoz | |
1S9 098 | Scania AB Scania CN112 bus made in Orange, CT | |
1S9 842 | Saleen S7 | |
1S9 944 | SSC North America | |
1T7 1T8 | Thomas Built Buses | |
1T9 899 | Tomcar USA | |
1TU | Transportation Manufacturing Corporation | |
1UT | Jeep DJ made by AM General | |
1V1 | Volkswagen truck | |
1V2 | Volkswagen SUV | |
1V9 048 | Vector Aeromotive | |
1VH | Orion Bus Industries | |
1VW | Volkswagen car[17] | |
1WU | White truck | |
1WV 1WW | Winnebago Industries | |
1WX 1WY | White incomplete vehicle | |
1XK | Kenworth truck | |
1XM | Renault Alliance/GTA/Encore 1984-1987 | |
1XP | Peterbilt truck | |
1Y1 | Chevrolet/Geo car made by NUMMI | |
1YJ | Rokon International, Inc. | |
1YV | Mazda[17] | |
1Z3 1Z7 | Mitsubishi Raider | |
1Z9 332 | Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles LLC | |
1ZV | Ford made by AutoAlliance International | |
1ZW | Mercury made by AutoAlliance International | |
10R | E-Z-GO | |
10T | Oshkosh Corporation | |
12A | Avanti | |
137 | AM General Hummer & Hummer H1 | |
15G | Gillig bus | |
16X | Vixen 21 motorhome | |
17N | John Deere incomplete vehicle (RV chassis) | |
19U | Acura[17] car made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
19V | Acura car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana | |
19X | Honda car made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana | |
2A3 | Canada | Imperial |
2A4 2A8 | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2006-2011 only | |
2AY 2AZ | Hino | |
2B1 | Orion Bus Industries | |
2B3 | Dodge[17] car 1981-2011 | |
2B4 | Dodge MPV 1981-2002 | |
2B5 | Dodge «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-2002 | |
2B6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002 | |
2B7 | Dodge truck 1981-2002 | |
2BC | Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1987-1988 (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
2BP | Ski-Doo | |
2BV | Can-Am & Bombardier ATV | |
2BW | Can-Am Commander E LSV | |
2BX | Can-Am Spyder | |
2BZ | Can-Am Freedom Trailer for Can-Am Spyder | |
2C1 | Geo/Chevrolet car made by CAMI Automotive | |
2C3 | Chrysler brand[17] car 1981-2011 | |
2C3 | Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Lancia) 2012- | |
2C4 | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2000-2005 | |
2C4 | Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Lancia & VW) 2012- | |
2C7 | Pontiac car made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada | |
2C8 | Chrysler brand MPV/SUV 2001-2005 | |
2C9 145 | Campagna Motors | |
2CC | American Motors Corporation MPV | |
2CG | Asüna/Pontiac SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada | |
2CK | GMC Tracker SUV made by CAMI Automotive only sold by GM Canada 1990-1991 only | |
2CK | Pontiac Torrent SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2006-2009 only | |
2CM | American Motors Corporation car | |
2CN | Geo/Chevrolet SUV made by CAMI Automotive 1990-2011 only | |
2CT | GMC Terrain SUV made by CAMI Automotive 2010-2011 only | |
2D4 | Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only | |
2D6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003 | |
2D7 | Dodge truck 2003 | |
2D8 | Dodge MPV 2003-2011 only | |
2DG | Ontario Drive & Gear | |
2E3 | Eagle car 1989-1997 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
2E4 | Lancia MPV | |
2F | Ford[17] | |
2FA | Ford car | |
2FM | Ford MPV/SUV | |
2FT | Ford truck | |
2FU 2FV | Freightliner Trucks | |
2FW | Sterling Trucks truck | |
2FY | New Flyer | |
2FZ | Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
2Gx | General Motors[17] | |
2G0 | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1986 | |
2G1 | Chevrolet | |
2G2 | Pontiac | |
2G3 | Oldsmobile car | |
2G4 | Buick | |
2G5 | GMC MPV 1981-1986 | |
2G6 | Cadillac | |
2G7 | Pontiac car only sold by GM Canada | |
2G8 | Chevrolet MPV 1981-1986 | |
2G9 | Gnome Homes | |
2GA | Chevrolet «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
2GB | Chevrolet incomplete vehicles | |
2GC | Chevrolet truck | |
2GD | GMC incomplete vehicles | |
2GE | Cadillac incomplete vehicle | |
2GH | GMC GM New Look bus & GM Classic series bus | |
2GJ | GMC «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1987- | |
2GK | GMC MPV/SUV 1987- | |
2GN | Chevrolet MPV/SUV 1987- | |
2GT | GMC truck | |
2HG | Honda car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HH | Acura car made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HJ | Honda truck made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HK | Honda MPV/SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HM | Hyundai | |
2HN | Acura SUV made by Honda of Canada Manufacturing | |
2HS | International Trucks truck | |
2HT | International Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
2J4 | Jeep Wrangler (YJ) 1989-1992 (using Chrysler-style VIN structure) | |
2L1 | Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limo | |
2L9 | Les Contenants Durabac | |
2LJ | Lincoln incomplete vehicle — hearse | |
2LM | Lincoln SUV | |
2LN | Lincoln car[17] | |
2M1 2M2 | Mack Trucks | |
2ME | Mercury car[17] | |
2MG | Motor Coach Industries (Produced from Sept. 1, 2008 on) | |
2MR | Mercury MPV | |
2NK | Kenworth incomplete vehicle | |
2NP | Peterbilt incomplete vehicle | |
2NV | Nova Bus | |
2P3 | Plymouth car | |
2P4 | Plymouth MPV 1981-2000 | |
2P5 | Plymouth «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) 1981-1983 | |
2P9 001 | Prevost 1981-1995 | |
2PC | Prevost 1996- | |
2S2 | Suzuki car made by CAMI Automotive | |
2S3 | Suzuki SUV made by CAMI Automotive | |
2T1 | Toyota car | |
2T2 | Lexus SUV | |
2T3 | Toyota SUV | |
2V4 2V8 | Volkswagen Routan | |
2WK | Western Star Trucks truck | |
2WL 2WM | Western Star Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
2XK | Kenworth truck | |
2XM | Eagle Premier 1988 only (using AMC-style VIN structure) | |
2XP | Peterbilt truck | |
3A4 3A8 | Mexico | Chrysler brand MPV 2006-2010 only |
3AK 3AL | Freightliner Trucks | |
3B3 | Dodge car 1981-2011 | |
3B4 | Dodge SUV 1986-1993 | |
3B6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 1981-2002 | |
3B7 | Dodge truck 1981-2002 | |
3BJ | Western Star 3700 truck made by DINA S.A. | |
3BK | Kenworth incomplete vehicle | |
3BM | Motor Coach Industries bus made by DINA S.A. | |
3BP | Peterbilt incomplete vehicle | |
3C3 | Chrysler brand car 1981-2011 | |
3C3 | Chrysler Group (all brands) car (including Fiat) 2012- | |
3C4 | Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005 | |
3C4 | Chrysler Group (all brands) MPV (including Fiat) 2012- | |
3C6 | Chrysler Group (all brands) truck 2012- | |
3C7 | Chrysler Group (all brands) incomplete vehicle 2012- | |
3C8 | Chrysler brand MPV 2001-2005 | |
3CE | Volvo Buses de Mexico | |
3CZ | Honda SUV | |
3D2 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 2007-2009 | |
3D3 | Dodge truck 2006-2009 | |
3D4 | Dodge SUV 2009-2011 | |
3D6 | Dodge incomplete vehicle 2003-2011 | |
3D7 | Dodge truck 2002-2011 | |
3E4 | Fiat SUV | |
3F | Ford | |
3F6 | Sterling Bullet | |
3FA | Ford car | |
3FC | Ford stripped chassis made by Ford & IMMSA | |
3FM | Ford MPV/SUV | |
3FN 3FR | Ford F-650/F-750 made by Blue Diamond Truck Co. | |
3FT | Ford truck | |
3G | General Motors[17] | |
3G0 | Saab 9-4X 2011 | |
3G0 | Holden Equinox 2018-2020 | |
3G1 | Chevrolet car | |
3G2 | Pontiac car | |
3G4 | Buick car | |
3G5 | Buick SUV | |
3G7 | Pontiac SUV | |
3GC | Chevrolet truck | |
3GK | GMC SUV | |
3GM | Holden Suburban | |
3GN | Chevrolet SUV | |
3GS | Saturn SUV | |
3GT | GMC truck | |
3GY | Cadillac SUV | |
3H1 | Honda motorcycle/UTV | |
3H3 | Hyundai de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. for Hyundai Translead (truck trailers) | |
3HA | International Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
3HC | International Trucks truck | |
3HG | Honda car[17] | |
3HS | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks truck | |
3HT | International Trucks & Caterpillar Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
3JB | Can-Am ATV/UTV & Can-Am Ryker | |
3KP | Kia/Hyundai car[17] | |
3LN | Lincoln car | |
3MD | Mazda car | |
3ME | Mercury car | |
3MV | Mazda SUV | |
3MW | BMW | |
3MY | Toyota car made by Mazda de Mexico Vehicle Operation | |
3MZ | Mazda car | |
3N1 | Nissan[17] car | |
3N6 | Nissan truck & Chevrolet City Express | |
3N8 | Nissan MPV | |
3NE | Polaris Inc. ATV | |
3NS | Polaris Inc. UTV | |
3P3 | Plymouth car | |
3PC | Infiniti SUV made by COMPAS | |
3TM | Toyota truck made by TMMBC | |
3TY | Toyota truck made by TMMGT | |
3VV | Volkswagen SUV | |
3VW | Volkswagen car[17] | |
3WK | Kenworth truck | |
3WP | Peterbilt truck | |
4A3 | United States | Mitsubishi Motors car |
4A4 | Mitsubishi Motors SUV | |
4B3 | Dodge car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory | |
4B9 038 | BYD Coach & Bus LLC | |
4C3 | Chrysler car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory | |
4C9 561 | Czinger | |
4CD | Oshkosh Chassis Division incomplete vehicle (RV chassis) | |
4DR | IC Bus | |
4E3 | Eagle car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory | |
4F2 | Mazda[17] SUV made by Ford | |
4F4 | Mazda truck made by Ford | |
4G1 | Chevrolet Cavalier convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture | |
4G2 | Pontiac Sunfire convertible made by Genasys L.C. — a GM/ASC joint venture | |
4G3 | Toyota Cavalier made by GM | |
4G5 | General Motors EV1 | |
4GD | WhiteGMC Brigadier 1988-1989 made by GM | |
4GD | Opel Sintra | |
4GL | Buick incomplete vehicle | |
4GT | Isuzu incomplete vehicle built by GM | |
4JG | Mercedes-Benz SUV[17] | |
4KB | Chevrolet W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only) | |
4KD | GMC W-Series incomplete vehicle (gas engine only) | |
4KL | Isuzu commercial truck built by GM | |
4M2 | Mercury MPV/SUV | |
4ML | Oshkosh Trailer Division | |
4MZ | Buell Motorcycle Company | |
4N2 | Nissan Quest made by Ford | |
4NU | Isuzu Ascender made by GM | |
4P1 | Pierce Manufacturing | |
4P3 | Plymouth car made by Diamond-Star Motors factory 1990-1994 | |
4P3 | Mitsubishi Motors SUV made by Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America 2013-2015 for export only | |
4RK | Nova Bus & Prevost made by Nova Bus (US) Inc. | |
4S1 | Isuzu truck made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive | |
4S2 | Isuzu SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive | |
4S3 | Subaru car[17] | |
4S4 | Subaru SUV/MPV[17] | |
4S6 | Honda SUV made by Subaru Isuzu Automotive | |
4S7 | Spartan Motors incomplete vehicle | |
4S9 197 | Smith Electric Vehicles US Corp. | |
4S9 419 | Spartan Motors truck | |
4S9 454 | Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus car | |
4S9 542 | Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG Boot (M.P.V.) | |
4S9 559 | Spartan Fire, LLC truck (formerly Spartan ER) | |
4S9 560 | Spartan Fire, LLC incomplete vehicle (formerly Spartan ER) | |
4T1 | Toyota[17] car made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky | |
4T3 | Toyota MPV/SUV made by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky | |
4T4 | Toyota car made by Subaru of Indiana Automotive | |
4TA | Toyota truck made by NUMMI | |
4UF | Arctic Cat | |
4US | BMW car[17] | |
4UZ | Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation & gas-powered Mitsubishi Fuso trucks assembled by Freightliner Custom Chassis & Thomas Built Buses FS-65 & Saf-T-Liner C2 | |
4V1 | WhiteGMC truck | |
4V2 | WhiteGMC incomplete vehicle | |
4V4 | Volvo Trucks North America truck | |
4V5 | Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle | |
4VA 4VG | Volvo Trucks North America truck | |
4VE 4VH 4VM | Volvo Trucks North America incomplete vehicle | |
4VZ | Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group incomplete vehicle — bare chassis only | |
4XA | Polaris Inc. | |
4Z3 | American LaFrance truck | |
43C | Consulier | |
46G | Gillig incomplete vehicle | |
478 | Honda ATV | |
480 | Sterling Trucks truck | |
49H | Sterling Trucks incomplete vehicle | |
5AS | GEM | |
5B4 | Workhorse Custom Chassis, LLC incomplete vehicle (RV chassis) | |
5BZ | Nissan «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) | |
5CD | Indian Motorcycle Company of America Gilroy, CA | |
5CX | Shelby Series 1 | |
5DF | Thomas Dennis Company LLC | |
5EH | Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle | |
5FN | Honda[17] MPV/SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5FP | Honda truck made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5FR | Acura[17] SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5FY | New Flyer | |
5G8 | Holden Volt | |
5GA | Buick MPV/SUV | |
5GD | Daewoo G2X | |
5GN | Hummer H3T | |
5GR | Hummer H2 | |
5GT | Hummer H3 | |
5GZ | Saturn MPV/SUV | |
5HD | Harley-Davidson for export markets | |
5J6 | Honda[17] SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
5J8 | Acura SUV made by Honda of America Mfg. in Ohio | |
5KB | Honda[17] car made by Honda Manufacturing of Alabama | |
5KJ 5KK | Western Star Trucks truck | |
5L1 | Lincoln SUV (2004-2009) | |
5LD | Ford & Lincoln incomplete vehicle — limousine (2010-2014) | |
5LM | Lincoln SUV | |
5LT | Lincoln truck | |
5MZ | Buell Motorcycle Company for export markets | |
5N1 | Nissan & Infiniti SUV | |
5N3 | Infiniti SUV | |
5NM | Hyundai SUV | |
5NP | Hyundai car | |
5NT | Hyundai truck | |
5PV | Hino incomplete vehicle | |
5S3 | Saab 9-7X | |
5SA | Suzuki ATV | |
5SX | American LaFrance incomplete vehicle (Condor) | |
5TB | Toyota[17] truck made by TMMI | |
5TD | Toyota MPV/SUV made by TMMI | |
5TE | Toyota truck made by NUMMI | |
5TF | Toyota truck made by TMMTX | |
5UM | BMW M car[17] | |
5UX | BMW SUV | |
5VC | Autocar incomplete vehicle | |
5VP | Victory Motorcycles | |
5WE | IC Bus incomplete vehicle | |
5XX | Kia car | |
5XY | Kia/Hyundai SUV | |
5Y2 | Pontiac Vibe made by NUMMI | |
5Y4 | Yamaha Motor Company ATV, UTV | |
5YA | Indian Motorcycle Company Kings Mountain, NC | |
5YF | Toyota car made by TMMMS | |
5YJ | Tesla[17] | |
5YM | BMW M SUV | |
5Z6 | Suzuki truck made by Nissan | |
50E | Lucid Motors | |
50G | Karma Automotive | |
516 | Autocar truck | |
51R | Brammo Motorcycles | |
523 | VPG | |
52C | GEM subsidiary of Polaris Inc. | |
538 | Zero Motorcycles | |
53G | Coda Automotive | |
53T | Think North America in Elkhart, IN | |
546 | EBR | |
54C | Winnebago Industries trailer | |
54D | Isuzu & Chevrolet commercial trucks built by Spartan Motors/The Shyft Group | |
55S | Mercedes-Benz car[17] | |
56K | Indian Motorcycle International, LLC Polaris subsidiary | |
57W | Mobility Ventures | |
57X | Polaris Slingshot | |
58A | Lexus car made by TMMK | |
Oceania[edit] | ||
6F1 | Australia | Ford[17] |
6F2 | Iveco Trucks Australia Ltd. | |
6F4 | Nissan Motor Australia | |
6F5 | Kenworth Australia | |
6FM | Mack Trucks Australia | |
6FP | Ford | |
6G | General Motors | |
6G1 | Holden & Chevrolet | |
6G2 | Pontiac | |
6G3 | Chevrolet | |
6H | Holden | |
6MM | Mitsubishi[17] | |
6MP | Mercury Capri | |
6T1 | Toyota | |
6T9 | Trailer | |
6U9 | Low Volume (Grey) Import Vehicles which don’t have 17 Digit VIN. Uses NON ISO VIN with «Filler 0’s between WMI & Non Iso VIN — I.e Japanese VIN PV35-400635 would become 6U90000PV35400637 see note below | |
7A1 | New Zealand | Mitsubishi |
7A3 | Honda | |
7A4 | Toyota | |
7A5 | Ford | |
7A7 | Nissan New Zealand | |
7A8 | NZ Transport Agency (pre-2009) | |
7AT | NZ Transport Agency (post-2009) | |
North America[edit] | ||
7FA | United States | Honda SUV made by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana |
7FC | Rivian truck | |
7GZ | GMC incomplete vehicles made by Navistar International | |
7H4 | Hino truck | |
7JR | Volvo Cars car | |
7JZ | Proterra From mid-2019 on | |
7KG | Vanderhall Motor Works | |
7MM | Mazda SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture) | |
7MU | Toyota SUV made by MTMUS (Mazda-Toyota Joint Venture) | |
7NA | Navistar Defense | |
7NY | Lordstown Motors | |
7PD | Rivian SUV | |
7RZ | Electric Last Mile Solutions | |
7SA | Tesla SUV 2022+ | |
7SV | Toyota SUV made by TMMTX | |
7SX | Global Electric Motorcars | |
7Z0 | Zoox | |
South America[edit] | ||
8AC | Argentina | Mercedes Benz vans (for South America) |
8AD | Peugeot | |
8AE | Peugeot van | |
8AF | Ford Motor Argentina[17] | |
8AG | General Motors de Argentina Chevrolet | |
8AJ | Toyota Argentina | |
8AN | Nissan | |
8AP | Fiat | |
8AT | Iveco | |
8AW | Volkswagen Argentina | |
8A1 | Renault Argentina | |
8A3 | Scania Argentina | |
8BB | Agrale Argentina S.A | |
8BC | Citroën | |
8BN | Mercedes-Benz incomplete vehicle (North America) | |
8BR | Mercedes-Benz «bus» (van with more than 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
8BT | Mercedes-Benz MPV (van with 2 or 3 rows of seats) (North America) | |
8BU | Mercedes-Benz truck (cargo van with 1 row of seats) (North America) | |
8CH | Honda motorcycle | |
8C3 | Honda car/SUV | |
8G1 | Chile | Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Renault |
8GD | Automotores Franco Chilena S.A Peugeot | |
8GG | General Motors Chile Ltda. | |
8L4 | Ecuador | Great Wall Motors made by Ciudad del Auto Ciauto Cia. Ltda. |
8LB | General Motors OBB | |
8LF | Maresa (Mazda) | |
8LG | Aymesa (Hyundai Motor & Kia) | |
8XD | Venezuela | Ford Motor Venezuela |
8XJ | Mack de Venezuela C.A. | |
8XV | Iveco Venezuela C.A. | |
8Z1 | General Motors Venezolana C.A. | |
829 | Bolivia | Quantum Motors |
9AM | Brazil | Massari (?) |
9BD | Fiat Automóveis | |
9BF | Ford Brasil | |
9BG | General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet | |
9BH | Hyundai Motor Brasil | |
9BM | Mercedes-Benz car & SUV & commercial truck | |
9BN | Mafersa | |
9BR | Toyota | |
9BS | Scania Brazil | |
9BV | Volvo Trucks | |
9BW | Volkswagen do Brasil[17] | |
9BY | Agrale S.A. | |
9C2 | Honda Motorcycles[17] | |
9C6 | Yamaha Motor[17] | |
9CD | Suzuki (motorcycles) assembled by J. Toledo Motos do Brasil | |
9DW | Kenworth & Peterbilt trucks made by Volkswagen do Brasil | |
932 | Harley-Davidson | |
935 | Citroën | |
936 | Peugeot | |
937 | Dodge | |
93C | General Motors do Brasil Chevrolet SUV (Mexico) | |
93H | Honda car/SUV | |
93K | Volvo Trucks | |
93P | Volare | |
93S | Navistar International | |
93U | Audi 1999-2006 | |
93V | Navistar International | |
93W | Fiat Ducato made by Iveco 2000-2016 | |
93X | Souza Ramos — Mitsubishi Motors / Suzuki Jimny | |
93Y | Renault do Brasil | |
93Z | Iveco | |
94D | Nissan | |
94G | Indabra | |
94M | HVR-Busscar | |
94N | RWM Brazil | |
94T | Troller Veículos Especiais | |
953 | VW Truck & Bus / MAN Truck & Bus | |
95P | CAOA / Hyundai & CAOA Chery | |
95V | Dafra Motos (motorscooters from SYM) & Ducati, KTM, & MV Agusta assembled by Dafra | |
95V | BMW motorcycles assembled by Dafra Motos 2009-2016 | |
95Z | Buell Motorcycle Company assembled by Harley-Davidson Brazil | |
96P | Kawasaki | |
97N | Triumph Motorcycles Ltd | |
988 | Jeep and Fiat (made at the Goiana plant) | |
98M | BMW car/SUV | |
98R | Chery | |
99A | Audi 2016- | |
99J | Jaguar Land Rover | |
99K | Haojue & Kymco assembled by JTZ Indústria e Comércio de Motos | |
99L | BYD | |
99Z | BMW Motorrad Motorcycle assembled by BMW 2017- | |
9FB | Colombia | Sofasa (Renault) |
9FC | Compañía Colombiana Automotriz S.A. (Mazda) | |
9GC | GM Colmotores S.A. (Chevrolet) | |
9UJ | Uruguay | Chery assembled by Chery Socma S.A. |
9UK | Lifan | |
9UW | Kia made by Nordex S.A. | |
9V7 | Citroen made by Nordex S.A. | |
9V8 | Peugeot made by Nordex S.A. |
Note: Vehicles to be registered in Australia without a 17 character VIN[34]
See also[edit]
- Builder’s plate
- Danish bicycle VIN-system
- Engine number
- Name plate
- Serial number
- VIN etching
- RPO Code
- VIN cloning
- ^ «Vehicle Control by VIN Code». ISO 3779. Retrieved 2021-10-12.
- ^ a b «Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs)». National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Retrieved 2021-02-10.
- ^ AUTODNA. «VIN number — autoDNA». www.autodna.com. Retrieved 2022-09-08.
- ^ «eCFR – Code of Federal Regulations – Title 49: Transportation – PART 565—VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS». www.ecfr.gov. Retrieved 2013-04-09.
- ^ «ComLaw Legislative Instruments – Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 61/02 – Vehicle Marking) 2005 (ADR 61/02)». Comlaw.gov.au. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
- ^ ISO 3779:2009 Road vehicles—Vehicle identification number (VIN)—Content and structure
- ^ ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles—World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code
- ^ «United States Federal VIN Requirements (Title 49, Chapter V, Part 565)». Access.gpo.gov. Archived from the original on 2010-05-27. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
- ^ a b «Directive 76/114/EEC — Automotive — Enterprise and Industry». European Commission. Archived from the original on 2013-09-30. Retrieved 2013-07-08.
- ^ a b «ISO 3780:2009 Road vehicles – World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code». ISO. 2009-10-05. Retrieved 2010-09-27.
- ^ «NHTSA VIN decoder».
- ^ «49 CFR § 565.15 — Content requirements». Legal Information Institute. US: Cornell University. Retrieved 2021-06-04.
- ^ Miller, Tim (2019-04-27). «VIN Numbers: What Are They And What Do They Tell You?». Garatos. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
- ^ Miller, Tim (2021-10-16). «On-Board Diagnostics: From The History To Its Practical Applications In Our Life». OBD Advisor. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
- ^ Pocket-lint (2021-06-10). «10 of the best VIN decoders to lookup VIN numbers for free». www.pocket-lint.com. Retrieved 2021-11-23.
- ^ «World Manufacturer Identifier». NSAI. November 23, 2021.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed «List of manufacturers of motor vehicles and their trailers — numerical — SV 3.2» (PDF). Germany: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. 2018-01-15. Retrieved 2019-01-08.
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/cc4463140bb246a89a2c4daefcd5e75e[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/093082806ad44a8fa85aa1be049fac6c[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7d35eaf890b845f4aaa13b1974c8a598[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/ce90d22945fb422598d4bc419a324dca[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/bad2975e9abb403b8cbe8b167afd93d1[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/7549929fdb2f4328b1ba3844b6a97146[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/58c7a77bd33e49a6a6be0103dda35f20[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/fba3638129224e87993e0aa700c75af8[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/31c0027f349c47a8a36c315bcd970477[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/65710f4c794e44388ea4d6519e6b1fe6[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4CT/ba1b29ef16734c76b289b99eceb24e6e[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/5abe5eff4d4a47d2883cd7a604124bfb[bare URL image file]
- ^ http://www.car.go.th//api/render/tagImageEcoA4grayCT/47ae10d50bf448659c59b970cf710442[bare URL image file]
- ^ «Re: VIN Information pursuant to 49 CFR 565.7 KOENIGSEGG» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2008-03-14. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
- ^ «Modern Vespa : VIN Decoding». modernvespa.com. Retrieved 2019-10-08.
- ^ a b c «Revision to General Motors’ Vehicle Identification Number decoding for 2016 Model Year» (PDF). US: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2015-01-12. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
- ^ «Importing vehicles without a 17 character VIN». NEVDIS. 10 June 2022.
External links[edit]
- ISO 3779:2009
- FMVSS 115, Part 565
Оглавление раздела о VIN кодах автомобилей
Согласно требований стандарта в VIN год выпуска обозначается 10-ым знаком. Не все производители это соблюдают — в явном виде год выпуска в VIN на европейском рынке не указывается на автомобилях BMW, HONDA, MAZDA, Mercedes-Benz, NISSAN, Toyota. [Но модели этих производителей, выпущенные для североамериканского рынка обязательно содержат модельный год в 10-ом символе VIN] Европейское отделение компании Ford год выпуска указывает в 11-ой позиции, а в 12-ой месяц выпуска (11 и 12 символы стандарт рекомендует отводить под серийный номер автомобиля).
Т.к. стандарт первоначально разрабатывался американской ассоциацией инженеров (SAE), то они заложили туда традиции американских производителей: на летних автосалонах представлялись модели следующего года выпуска, которые сразу после автосалона поступали в продажу Поэтому стандарт рекомендует начинает следующий модельный год выпуска с 1 июля текущего года. Положительных моментов от этого два: покупатель в салоне имеет дополнительный признак «свежести» текущей модели; продавцы к Новому Году уже практически не имеют на складе «прошлогодних» автомобилей. Т.к. сейчас американские производители отошли от традиции ежегодного обновления модельного ряда, то первый пункт уже особого значения не имеет.
Поэтому в общем случае зная календарный год и модельный год выпуска автомобиля можно определить его возраст с точностью до полугодия. Этой рекомендации придерживаются большинство производителей, но есть и исключения:
— АО «АвтоВАЗ» периодически «играется» с введением следующего модельного года под давлением российского министерства по налогам и сборам;
— ЗАО «ЗАЗ» на автомобили собственного пр-ва может начать ставить следующий модельный год в период от 1 октября до 31 декабря;
— китайские производители, похоже, следующий модельный год в VIN ставят начиная с фактического начала календарного года.
Год выпуска | Обозначение | Год выпуска | Обозначение | Год выпуска | Обозначение |
1971 | 1 | 1991 | M | 2011 | B |
1972 | 2 | 1992 | N | 2012 | C |
1973 | 3 | 1993 | P | 2013 | D |
1974 | 4 | 1994 | R | 2014 | E |
1975 | 5 | 1995 | S | 2015 | F |
1976 | 6 | 1996 | T | 2016 | G |
1977 | 7 | 1997 | V | 2017 | H |
1978 | 8 | 1998 | W | 2018 | J |
1979 | 9 | 1999 | X | 2019 | K |
1980 | A | 2000 | Y | 2020 | L |
1981 | B | 2001 | 1 | 2021 | M |
1982 | C | 2002 | 2 | 2022 | N |
1983 | D | 2003 | 3 | 2023 | P |
1984 | E | 2004 | 4 | 2024 | R |
1985 | F | 2005 | 5 | 2025 | S |
1986 | G | 2006 | 6 | 2026 | T |
1987 | H | 2007 | 7 | 2027 | V |
1988 | J | 2008 | 8 | 2028 | W |
1989 | K | 2009 | 9 | 2029 | X |
1990 | L | 2010 | A | 2030 | Y |
Как видно из таблицы обозначение года выпуска повторяется с периодичностью раз в 30 лет. Этого вполне достаточно, т.к. весь остальной VIN все равно будет отличаться — по сути дела только в СНГ некоторые модели могут продержаться на конвейере сопоставимые с этим периодом сроки
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