Advanced tools:
If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.
If you want to generate only chinese id card number by address, birthday or gender, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator.
If you want to generate chinese id card number, name, photo and other details info, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and photo.
What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?
In the PRC, an ID card is mandatory for all citizens who are over 16 years old. The ID number has 18 digits and is in the format RRRRRRYYYYMMDDSSSC, which is the sole and exclusive identification code for the holder (an old ID card only has 15 digits in the format RRRRRRYYMMDDIII). RRRRRR is a standard code for the administrative division where the holder is born (county or a district of a city), YYYYMMDD is the birth date of the holder, and SSS is a sequential code for distinguishing people with identical birthdates and birthplaces. The sequential code is odd for males and even for females. The final character, C, is a checksum value over the first 17 digits. To calculate the checksum, each digit in order is multiplied by a weight in the ordered set [7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2] and summed together. The sum modulus 11 is used as an index into the ordered set [1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2], with the first index being zero. The indexed value is the checksum digit. In 15 digit IDs, III is an identification number created through certain mathematical methods (the last digit might be an English letter, such as X). The ID card is used for residential registration, army enrollment registration, registration of marriage/divorce, going abroad, taking part in national exams, and other social or civil matters.
From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number, to some extent, has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States, and each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime. An exception previously existed, however, in rare instances where the same ID number was accidentally issued to two people prior to the system being digitalised.
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | Y | Y | Y | Y | M | M | D | D | 8 | 8 | 8 | X |
Address code | Date of Birth code | Order code | Checksum |
- Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijin is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
- Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
- Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
- The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2.
Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) and name Generator
To Create valid Chinese Resident ID including name, address Easily and quickly.
Name | Chinese Id Card Number | Gender | Birthday | Age | Address |
台秀英 | 152722198203295281 | female | 19820329 | 40 | 内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟达拉特旗 |
和伦 | 230524198409272317 | male | 19840927 | 37 | 黑龙江省双鸭山市饶河县 |
裴洁 | 350103197607311443 | female | 19760731 | 46 | 福建省福州市台江区 |
郑钟 | 450481198101258255 | male | 19810125 | 41 | 广西壮族自治区梧州市岑溪市 |
向晶 | 420116197203110901 | female | 19720311 | 50 | 湖北省武汉市黄陂区 |
焦淑珍 | 371323198912252748 | female | 19891225 | 33 | 山东省临沂市沂水县 |
边正诚 | 650204197107232792 | male | 19710723 | 51 | 新疆维吾尔族自治区克拉玛依市白碱滩区 |
葛志明 | 330483198305122777 | male | 19830512 | 39 | 浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市 |
虞桂荣 | 31010019930324976X | female | 19930324 | 29 | 上海市市辖区 |
任子安 | 410181198806082874 | male | 19880608 | 34 | 河南省郑州市巩义市 |
罗博 | 632700199410199592 | male | 19941019 | 28 | 青海省玉树藏族自治州 |
费丽娟 | 131181198901203789 | female | 19890120 | 33 | 河北省衡水市冀州市 |
张博涛 | 610581198909096696 | male | 19890909 | 33 | 陕西省渭南市韩城市 |
张玉英 | 653024197301029381 | female | 19730102 | 49 | 新疆维吾尔族自治区克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县 |
余淑兰 | 430722197801251888 | female | 19780125 | 44 | 湖南省常德市汉寿县 |
屠华 | 152200197611287264 | female | 19761128 | 46 | 内蒙古自治区兴安盟 |
雷楼 | 21040419820527149X | male | 19820527 | 40 | 辽宁省抚顺市望花区 |
阮凤兰 | 620523199111217404 | female | 19911121 | 31 | 甘肃省天水市甘谷县 |
伍红梅 | 610125198207161120 | female | 19820716 | 40 | 陕西省西安市户县 |
植欢 | 320123198411210549 | female | 19841121 | 38 | 江苏省南京市六合县 |
唐佳 | 622326198207285300 | female | 19820728 | 40 | 甘肃省武威地区天祝藏族自治县 |
蒙桂花 | 610324197708163781 | female | 19770816 | 45 | 陕西省宝鸡市扶风县 |
苑瑞 | 321284198011233230 | male | 19801123 | 42 | 江苏省泰州市姜堰市 |
卓淑华 | 372925198011210504 | female | 19801121 | 42 | 山东省菏泽地区单县 |
陆鹰 | 440704197905062597 | male | 19790506 | 43 | 广东省江门市江海区 |
位志明 | 372924199308241799 | male | 19930824 | 29 | 山东省菏泽地区成武县 |
兰建平 | 452402199709070593 | male | 19970907 | 25 | 广西壮族自治区贺州地区贺州市 |
丛志强 | 650202198210022437 | male | 19821002 | 40 | 新疆维吾尔族自治区克拉玛依市独山子区 |
葛婕 | 330501199310198085 | female | 19931019 | 29 | 浙江省湖州市市辖区 |
仲钟 | 431122197405137539 | male | 19740513 | 48 | 湖南省永州市东安县 |
连楼 | 330326199507062276 | male | 19950706 | 27 | 浙江省温州市平阳县 |
姬正豪 | 321002197910258554 | male | 19791025 | 43 | 江苏省扬州市广陵区 |
黄欣 | 410621198705136299 | male | 19870513 | 35 | 河南省鹤壁市浚县 |
韩建平 | 330127198101012712 | male | 19810101 | 41 | 浙江省杭州市淳安县 |
焦旭 | 341323197903150811 | male | 19790315 | 43 | 安徽省宿州市灵璧县 |
All Nationalidno Tools
Advanced tools:
If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.
If you want to generate only chinese id card number by address, birthday or gender, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator.
If you want to generate chinese id card number, name, photo and other details info, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and photo.
What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?
In the PRC, an ID card is mandatory for all citizens who are over 16 years old. The ID number has 18 digits and is in the format RRRRRRYYYYMMDDSSSC, which is the sole and exclusive identification code for the holder (an old ID card only has 15 digits in the format RRRRRRYYMMDDIII). RRRRRR is a standard code for the administrative division where the holder is born (county or a district of a city), YYYYMMDD is the birth date of the holder, and SSS is a sequential code for distinguishing people with identical birthdates and birthplaces. The sequential code is odd for males and even for females. The final character, C, is a checksum value over the first 17 digits. To calculate the checksum, each digit in order is multiplied by a weight in the ordered set [7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2] and summed together. The sum modulus 11 is used as an index into the ordered set [1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2], with the first index being zero. The indexed value is the checksum digit. In 15 digit IDs, III is an identification number created through certain mathematical methods (the last digit might be an English letter, such as X). The ID card is used for residential registration, army enrollment registration, registration of marriage/divorce, going abroad, taking part in national exams, and other social or civil matters.
From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number, to some extent, has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States, and each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime. An exception previously existed, however, in rare instances where the same ID number was accidentally issued to two people prior to the system being digitalised.
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | Y | Y | Y | Y | M | M | D | D | 8 | 8 | 8 | X | ||
Address code | Date of Birth code | Order code | Checksum |
- Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijin is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
- Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
- Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
- The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2.
Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) and photo Generator
To Create valid Chinese Resident ID including name, address and photo of the individual, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image Easily and quickly.
Chinese ID Card Number Obverse side Image Generate
Chinese ID Card Number Reverse side Image Generate
Advanced tools:
If you want to generate chinese id card number and name or other details info, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and name.
If you want to generate only chinese id card number by address, birthday or gender, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator.
If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.
What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?
The identity card contains basic information regarding the individual, such as the following:
Obverse side
- Full name – in Chinese characters only. Non-Chinese ethnic names and foreign names are transliterated into Chinese. First-generation ID cards contained handwritten names for rare Chinese characters, whilst the second-generation cards exclusively used computer-printed text in a larger font compared to that of the first generation, and do not support rarer characters.
- Gender – containing one character for either male (男) or female (女).
- Ethnicity – as officially listed by the People’s Republic of China.
- Date of birth – listed in the Gregorian calendar format, in YYYY年MM月DD日 Big-endian (ISO 8601) order.
- Domicile – the individual’s permanent residence as dictated by the Identity Card Bill of the People’s Republic of China.
- Identification number
- Photo of the individual
Reverse side
- Issuing authority — (first-generation cards utilised a stamp; second-generation cards display text only)
- The limits to validity of the document — (for individuals under 16 years of age: five years; for individuals between 16 and 25 years of age: ten years; for individuals between 26 and 45 years of age: twenty years; for individuals over 46 years of age: long-term)
Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) Generator
To Create valid Chinese Resident ID numbers including checksum digit Easily and quickly.
Resulting Chinese Id Card Number list:
Advanced tools:
If you want to validate chinese id card number, here is a chinese id card number validator.
If you want to generate chinese id card number and name or other details info, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and name.
If you want to generate chinese id card number, name, photo and other details info, finally generate Obverse and Reverse side image, here is an advanced chinese id card number generator and photo.
What is Chinese Id Card Number or Resident Identity Card?
In the PRC, an ID card is mandatory for all citizens who are over 16 years old. The ID number has 18 digits and is in the format RRRRRRYYYYMMDDSSSC, which is the sole and exclusive identification code for the holder (an old ID card only has 15 digits in the format RRRRRRYYMMDDIII). RRRRRR is a standard code for the administrative division where the holder is born (county or a district of a city), YYYYMMDD is the birth date of the holder, and SSS is a sequential code for distinguishing people with identical birthdates and birthplaces. The sequential code is odd for males and even for females. The final character, C, is a checksum value over the first 17 digits. To calculate the checksum, each digit in order is multiplied by a weight in the ordered set [7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2] and summed together. The sum modulus 11 is used as an index into the ordered set [1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2], with the first index being zero. The indexed value is the checksum digit. In 15 digit IDs, III is an identification number created through certain mathematical methods (the last digit might be an English letter, such as X). The ID card is used for residential registration, army enrollment registration, registration of marriage/divorce, going abroad, taking part in national exams, and other social or civil matters.
From October 1, 1999, the PRC State Council approved the establishment of a citizen identification number system, and currently consists of an 18-digit code. This number, to some extent, has a function similar to that of the social security number in the United States, and each citizen has a unique number that remains unchanged for their entire lifetime. An exception previously existed, however, in rare instances where the same ID number was accidentally issued to two people prior to the system being digitalised.
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | Y | Y | Y | Y | M | M | D | D | 8 | 8 | 8 | X | ||
Address code | Date of Birth code | Order code | Checksum |
- Address code refers to the resident’s location, where administrative divisions (including cities, banners, and districts) have their own specific codes. (For example, the code for Xicheng District in Beijin is 110102.) Change of address does not modify this code however, which means that the code therefore reflects one’s birthplace or the location of one’s first-time card issuance (in the case where people are born before the resident identity card system was introduced).
- Date of Birth in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
- Order code is the code used to disambiguate people with the same date of birth and address code. Men are assigned to odd numbers, women assigned to even numbers.
- The Checksum is the final digit, which confirms the validity of the ID number from the first 17 digits, utilizing ISO 7064:1983, MOD 11-2.
➊ Выберите номер телефона Китай из списка ниже.
➌ Нажмите «Прочитать полученное SMS» и подождите получения SMS.
20 доступных Китай онлайн номеров. Новый номер был добавлен 35 минут назад.
Это временные номера телефонов Китай или также называемые Китай фейковые номера. Они доступны только в течение короткого периода времени и после утилизируются. Некоторые номера телефонов Китай действуют несколько месяцев, другие — всего несколько дней.
Не рекомендуем использовать одноразовые номера Китай для важных текстовых сообщений, например пароли, личные сообщения друзьям, для подтверждения телефона на веб-сайтах где есть важная или конфиденциальная информация. Сообщения из временных номеров Китай может просматривать любой посетитель сайта потому что это публичные номера телефонов и предоставляются они бесплатно.
Благодаря нашему сервису, предоставляющему бесплатные номера Китай для приема СМС, любой желающий сможет зарегистрироваться на интересующем его ресурсе без необходимости указывать свой реальный телефон Китай, тем самым полностью застраховавшись от назойливых рекламщиков.
Телефон для приема смс (Китай) бесплатно отлично подойдет для тех случаев, когда вы единожды принимаете сообщение от того или иного адресата и в будущем не планируете возвращаться к нему (или, по крайней мере, четко понимаете, что этот временный номер Китай может исчезнуть из списка доступных). К примеру, один из самых очевидных вариантов использования – быстрые регистрации на тех или иных проектах, не связанных с хранением вашей личной информации и денежных средств. Это может быть форум, сайт или блог, ресурс с информационными рассылками бесплатного типа, социальная сеть.
Есть ли какие-либо лимиты на пользование бесплатными услугами? – нет, виртуальный номер Китай бесплатно для смс может принимать неограниченное количество сообщений, плюс пользователь в любой момент имеет возможность сменить один телефон на другой, если тот вдруг перестал соответствовать его нуждам. К примеру, когда виртуальный прием смс Китай невозможен по причине уже произведенной регистрации, сделанной через сервис другим пользователем.
- Home
- China Address Generator
Full Name | 罗 学文 |
Trans FirstName | Xuewen |
Trans Surname | Luo |
Gender | male |
Title | 先生 |
Birthday | 1970/1/27 |
Social Security Number (National ID) | 530381197001277972 |
Street | 新车公路2号上海家天下A65 |
Trans Address | Xin Che Gong Lu 2hao Shang Hai Jia Tian Xia A62 |
City | 市区-松江区 (Trans:City Area — SongJiang District) |
State/Province/Oblast | 上海市 (Trans:Shanghai ) |
Zip Code/Post Code | 101612 |
Phone Number | 13013782024 |
Temporary mail | This is a real email address, click here to receive mails. |
Credit Card Type | VisaCredit Card Generator |
Credit Card Number | 4485429407654703 |
CVV2/CVV | 713 |
Expires |
Industry | Construction and Extraction Occupations |
Employment Status | Studies |
Monthly Salary | $5,200 |
Company | 上海浦净实业有限公司 |
Company Size | 1-10 |
Occupation(Job Title) | 公使 |
MORE | |
Height | 5′ 8″ (172cm) |
Weight | 192.7lb (87.6kg) |
Username | elouiseUsername Generator |
Password | EiW3iemue4Password Generator |
Security Question | What is your cat’s name? |
Security Answer | krish |
Browser User Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko |
System | Windows 8.1 |
GUID | bd7e8680-ab39-4b83-bc1a-6f74807e6811 |
Basic Information
People’s Republic of China | |
Capital | Beijing 39°55′N 116°23′E |
Largest city | Shanghai |
Official languages | Standard Chinese |
Official script | Simplified Chinese |
Ethnic groups |
Area | |
• Total | 9,596,961 km2 (3,705,407 sq mi) (3rd/4th) |
• Water (%) | 2.8 |
Population | |
• 2020 census | 1,411,778,724 (1st) |
• Density | 145/km2 (375.5/sq mi) (83rd) |
GDP (PPP) | 2021 estimate |
• Total | $26.66 trillion (1st) |
• Per capita | $18,931 (70th) |
GDP (nominal) | 2021 estimate |
• Total | $16.64 trillion (2nd) |
• Per capita | $11,819 (56th) |
Gini (2018) | 46.7 high |
HDI (2019) | 0.761 high · 85th |
Currency | Renminbi (元 / ¥) (CNY) |
Time zone | UTC+8 (China Standard Time) |
Date format |
Driving side | right (mainland);
Calling code | +86 (mainland);
ISO 3166 code | CN |
Internet TLD |
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